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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/20 in all areas

  1. I feel we should all be considerate to what we expected in the first place. This game is barely on version 0.2.2 and ver 1.0 will be out next year. Because this is a game preview it is meant for us to help aid the dev team in getting it completed. We should give them constructive feedback rather than complain about something we expected wouldn't be 100%. Don't give up on the team they are working hard to fix any bugs we inform them about. Let's just keep reporting what we see.
    4 points
  2. Biden should only debate Trump if they both agree to stop taking their meds for a week so we get the full view of how some dementia addled old men act when they aren't hopped up on pills.
    3 points
  3. I kinda thought the next expansion might bring the Boron back, but I guess not Still, it will be cool to have Terrans back, they had some of the coolest looking ships in X3.
    3 points
  4. Beerquakes for the win. If you've gotta die, a beerquake is how I wanna do it!
    3 points
  5. Essentially its a living, evolving world. Devs had stated to expect slight changes to the yard at every update
    2 points
  6. Well... "keeping your oath" applies to nobles as well as peasants. If a nobleman breaks his oath to protect his peasants: "Nobody expected the woedican inquisition - with a few skaenite henchmen!"
    2 points
  7. Hey @BruceVC, I wanted to answer you quickly because, heaven knows, I'll forget if I don't. lol I don't want to make this about me. I will say that it's ironic that people have accused, say, Captain Corcoran of being you. lol I don't know if you're an alt or not. You've always been friendly to me, Bruce. I even tried to sound more British once and you saw through that. What can I say? I'm a weird guy. :rueful grin: I find it interesting to discuss politics here, but it's also frustrating in that sometime people think I'm pushing a position when I'm making an argument. Don't get me wrong. I have convictions and I'll follow them. I'm voting for Trump. When it came time for Hillary, I didn't think she was any better of a human being, although with different foibles. So, why would I vote for someone with a different policy position? Because I doubt his character? I doubted hers! I never had personal animosity, I just thought she was crooked as a dog's hind leg. It's different now. I know people say that Biden is a Trojan horse for socialism. I think socialism would be disastrous, but that's a policy position and I would simply be against it. I wouldn't view it as existential. Biden won't usher in socialism. He will usher in chaos. I'm not saying that all people who will vote for Biden are lefty extremists who want to punish political foes, try to get them fired from their jobs, silence their voices, and take away their freedoms. Yeah, I know... "no one is saying that!" Well, at least some of Biden's supporters are explicitly saying that, and not just the tiny fringe. ...And it's not even as if the leftists who support this wave of destruction will benefit. As predicted and already happening, the movement will eat its own. Bezos, for crying out loud, has people protesting and bringing a mock guillotine to his house. How many business with "Black Lives Matter" posted have been pillaged and burned? So, yeah, I have a position. Never pretended otherwise. However, when I talk about polling and whatnot, folks treat that as if it's a larger argument for a position, but it's not. I think it was either Grom or Hurlshot who took me to task for making observations about the 2016 polls. Fair enough, but I'm not a poll denier. I think they've become a kind of tool to push voting blocks one way or another, but legitimate pollsters can't be blindly partisan in what they publish because people won't trust them at all if they're *always* wrong. It's just hard to get a good read much of the time and it becomes harder when folks are scared to answer honestly. Trump has the same problem Obama had in that they can't really influence a ticket much if they're not personally on it. Here is a statement of fact: people like me are an extremely small portion of the Trump coalition, but he simply cannot win without us. I'm not personally going to budge, but the left needs to push out their own crazy-assed base and then pick off as many people like me who hate the guy. I'm going to try to get as many fence sitters as I can to realize that this is the line now. If we can't get back to a semblance of normalcy, and Biden does *not* represent that, then we better have our people in office when we finally shed the last pretense. Trump's foibles are largely personal and unseemly, but, for all his bluster, he really follows more or less regular policy. Yeah, there are irregularities, but he's pretty much just a loud-mouth. His aids manage to stop him from acting out his worst inclinations. Biden, by all counts, is a nice enough guy, but the forces behind him... oh Lord, the forces behind him! Anyhow, I thought it would be rude not to respond to a heartfelt post, but I think I want to read this thread. I actually find it more entertaining to read a lot of them time than play in it. :wry grin:
    2 points
  8. The X games are indeed the timesinkiest timesinks that ever timesinked. Brutal learning curve too. 100% worth it IMHO. Fleet battles are the best. @Hurlshot Invest in upgraded space suit thrusters and MK2 docking computer ASAP. Thank me later.
    2 points
  9. I wish Early Access would use some other acronym. As soon as I see letters EA close to any game, which I am rooting for, my bloodpressure rises and a cold feeling flows through my spine for a few seconds, before my brain manages to recognize the real meaning behind it
    2 points
  10. you might want to consult the bottom part of my guide for the specific mechanics about how faith & conviction work: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/227477-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire/faqs/76599/paladin the tl;dr is that you need to get both your two favored dispositions up to at least three to max it out, you can't get away with just one disposition. neutrals don't help and are essentially just "safe" options for RP purposes. negative dispositions hurt you one for one against positive dispositions, though a total "negative score" isn't as bad as one might think because of how badly the designers messed up inversion math for this. however, unlike poe1 where you could take a talent to reset your negative dispositions, there's no such option in deadfire so you need to be more careful. FYI, i'm not sure if you meant this, but you seem to indicate that it was possible to max out faith and conviction in poe1 with just a single disposition - this is not true. You needed at least 5 total favored disposition scores to do that, and you could only get as high as 4 in any given score. you might be confusing it with the effect of faith and conviction on hired adventurers, which didn't benefit/suffer from disposition at all (but they are affected by disposition in deadfire, so you have to be careful to only hire compatible paladins and priests. this doesn't apply to obsidian-created NPCs). FYI I also have a pillars of eternity 1 guide that goes into this a lot more: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/687020-pillars-of-eternity/faqs/72035 (it's older, so it's in text and you have to do a search for "Faith and Conviction" to find the details) final note - "favored" dispositions doesn't mean "only correct" dispositions. There's no problem for RP purposes in picking a neutral option - your deity or order doesn't mind. They only mind if you pick a disfavored reputation.
    2 points
  11. Ok, I finally bit on X:4. I bought the whole shebang, so it better be good.
    2 points
  12. Not as far fetched as you'd think... https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/The-London-Beer-Flood-of-1814/
    2 points
  13. Solasta coming to Steam EA in fall
    2 points
  14. Hey, you don't pee on in flight bird every day, i would remember it as well
    2 points
  15. White House Building ‘Dossier’ On Journalist Reporting On Trump Private Businesses trump ain't a big fan of mr. fahrenthold. excerpt: As it rose again, the Trump Foundation continued to be used to benefit its namesake. The best illustration of that was the charity to which the foundation gave its two largest gifts of the 1990s. The Trump Foundation gave $50,000 in 1995, and another $50,000 in 1999, to a nonprofit called the National Museum of Catholic Art and History. Those gifts, not previously reported, seemed like an odd choice for big charitable dollars. The museum was housed for much of the 1990s in a former headquarters for “Fat Tony” Salerno of the Genovese crime family in East Harlem. It had few visitors and little art. A Village Voice reporter, visiting in 2001, said the collection included a photo of the pope, some nun dolls bought from the Home Shopping Network, and — just off the dining room — “a black Jacuzzi decorated with simmering candles, gold-plated soap dishes, and kitsch angel figurines.” Trump is not Catholic. But he and the museum had a mutual friend. Ed Malloy, who was then the chairman of the museum’s board, was the head of the powerful labor group, the Building and Construction Trades Council. News reports from the time indicate that he was a business ally of Trump’s: Union members worked on Trump buildings, and Malloy helped Trump line up vital financing from a union pension fund. “Contributing to this museum — you know, it only made sense in the context of relationships,” said Wayne Barrett, the Village Voice reporter, in a recent interview. The Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment about these donations. Malloy died in 2012. The Catholic museum shut down in 2010. “I cannot give you a comment. I don’t want to be quoted on anything,” said Christina Cox, the museum’s former director, when The Post reached her by phone. At times, Trump seemed to make light of others’ expectations about his generosity. In 1997, for instance, he was “principal for a day” at a public school in an impoverished area of the Bronx. The chess team was holding a bake sale, Hot & Crusty danishes and croissants. They were $5,000 short of what they needed to travel to a tournament. Trump had brought something to wow them. “He handed them a fake million-dollar bill,” said David MacEnulty, a teacher and the chess team’s coach. The team’s parent volunteers were thrilled. Then disappointment. Trump then gave them $200 in real money and drove away in a limousine. Why just $200? “I have no idea,” MacEnulty said. “He was about the most clueless person I’ve ever seen in that regard.” The happy ending, he said, was that a woman read about Trump’s gift in the New York Times, called the school and donated the $5,000. “I am ashamed to be the same species as this man,” MacEnulty recalled her saying. end excerpt Room rentals, resort fees and furniture removal: How Trump’s company charged the U.S. government more than $900,000 ... of course am disgusted by the white supremacists who support the President. that said, every national public figure will attract followers who is more worthy o' contempt than admiration... though trump has done less to distance himself from such folks than good conscience would demand. however, am most disappointed in the genuine devout christians who advocate for trump in spite o' what is known 'bout him. you folks are aware trump is a petty, faithless (at least to his wives if not God) mendacious and selfish man who possess almost no qualities you would describe as christian. nevertheless, he is your Chosen One candidate. purely a mercenary relationship? a deal with the proverbial devil? we will say, "good day to you sir." HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  16. Avowed Obsidian Entertainment's next epic, first-person RPG set in the fantasy world of Eora.
    1 point
  17. Pun intended On Xbox when I set my respawn to the simple bed, I get stuck in it and can't get out. Restarting didn't help, I had to recycle the bed to be able to play again.
    1 point
  18. Hi, I ask you for help because I have my French friends who can no longer play. Since the patch 0.1.2 update, the game is stuck on the "Press any button" page. Running the game Offline does not work, running the game as an administrator does not work. The August update did not resolve the issue. It plays on windows 10, geforce 1080 ti up to date. Do you have a solution please? Thank you. Nicolas
    1 point
  19. Oh no, I meant the reward patches for completing the Ultimate. Might be a dumb question but I didn't see anything about it on a quick search.
    1 point
  20. There is that "never argue with an idiot" quote. If I was Biden I'd avoid debating Trump too. Trump is great at debates because he takes it down to that idiot level he thrives in.
    1 point
  21. I completed a university degree in The Sims 4 for the first time. And also probably the last time. Getting a degree involves completing twelve units, at the rate of 1-4 (your choice) per "semester". Each semester is one week, resulting in an overall duration of 3-12 weeks. After going for a maximal four units first up and getting overwhelmed, I scaled back to three, and even then it was a scramble. The issue as I see it is that for anything but the lightest workloads essentially for each of those weeks you're either: a) waiting for the Sim to complete the progress bar while they attend a lecture b) waiting for the Sim to complete the progress bar while they do their homework c) waiting for the Sim to complete the progress bar while they they write their term paper Actually that last one is a lie. I had to wait for them to complete it just like all the other tasks, except the progress bar was invisible. I also tried joining a sports club, this led to: d) waiting for the Sim to complete the progress bar while they attend soccer training So yes, attending university involves simply initiating each of the above activities then putting the game on fast forward for a few hours. Between all those activities (I quit the sports team after a few days), there's really no time to do anything else but attend to your most simple biological needs. At the end, the reward is that you get to start your normal career several ranks up instead of at the very bottom of the ladder. Consider the fact, however, that if you had simply joined at the bottom of the career ladder instead of busying yourself with university, you'd probably have been promoted up to at least that point anyway, and earned money while doing so, instead of ending up in debt. Well, at least the student loans are easily paid off within a couple weeks of graduating, which I gather is not realistic in real life. I suppose this is standard fare for the level of interactivity the entire mediocre history of The Sims 4 has already established, but disappointing all the same. Even the task of simply eating each day involved waiting for one of your roommates to magically conjure a roast chicken or lobster out of thin air because that's the only way to get decent food into the dorms.
    1 point
  22. Since the update I have all my weeds come back. They spawn fairly quickly too. Prior to the update I wasn't getting weed II respawning but now they are. I have plenty of stems now. My clay always spawned too so I don't know why some people experience this differently..
    1 point
  23. At least they got a launcher/storefront named after them
    1 point
  24. They want them to come undone. Then you step on them, they get frayed and you buy more shoelaces! Why do you think the dentist gave you a lollipop when you were a kid???? BTW: If someone had a time machine and wanted to stop hitler they shouldn't go back and kill him. Go back and stop Teddy Roosevelt from running for President in 1912. But for him Taft would have been re-elected. The US stays out of WWI. The Central Powers still lose but the Treaty of Versailles is completely different. It is very likely the peace is more equitable. The Weimar Republic never exists, so it can't collapse. Hitler would have lived out his life as a architect and artist of middling ability in Vienna with a wife and a couple of kids.
    1 point
  25. That Dragon Age (4) video told me essentially nothing. It was a bunch of bog standard, catch-all statements that can describe virtually any fantasy RPG ever. In Dragon Age you can go to different places and do things, you will like some characters and dislike others. I guess they're in early development and this video was mainly a "We still exist, EA didn't ****can us yet. We swear we're working on a game." video. Fair enough. Honestly, while I no longer have any faith, I hope DA4 turns out great and sells a billion copies. I'd much rather have BioWare make great games again than get schadenfreude from anothe Bio bomb.
    1 point
  26. My folks live in southern FL, not even on the coast, but technically off the coast on an island. In the 3 1/2 years they've been there they have gone through several major hurricanes, including multiple cat 5s. They've gotten through it fine, save for losing power for several days once, but I'm glad I live some 250 miles inland. I'm going to move further inland to the NC/Tennessee mountains. I'll take my chances with black bears rather than hurricanes, tornadoes, or earthquakes.
    1 point
  27. ^ That's not just Canada, geese are terrifying everywhere. If I'm on foot and I see geese, I give them a wide berth. Birds are just ***holes in general.
    1 point
  28. Your basic premise is wrong though. Since everyone is Eldar, Eldar also is of course SonicMage117 and ComradeMaster.
    1 point
  29. When playing in Third person mode on PC going near or through a doorway of anytype will force your camera inside your head forcing you to come out to see where you are going
    1 point
  30. kinda following this. face paint was historically used to intimidate enemies, so you'd get like an attack buff? maybe quicker stun time or longer stun?
    1 point
  31. obama's failure to respond 'til things were well and complete out of hand, particular to the ferguson situation, garnered him considerable criticism from mainstream media. part o' the problem is, and am suspecting it will take another hundred or so attempts to drive the point home, but the President and the federal government have extreme limited authority to deal with matters related to state and local law enforcement. the Constitution explicit reserves police power to the states and sheriffs departments, in particular, are near complete autonomous and insulated from any sorta federal interference. you wanna fix what happened in kenosha? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_law_enforcement_agencies_in_Wisconsin this is one issue where people crying out for a national solution is complete and utter misguided. is literal not possible to fix nationally. should be focusing local as 'posed to national. but yeah, obama coulda' been a voice o' reason and leadership but he didn't wanna alienate anybody by choosing a side. ... the following ain't directed at hurl as we know he ain't engaging in whataboutism, but others are. say what you will 'bout obama shortcomings insofar as ferguson or baltimore or wherever. lord know Gromnir ain't condoning or absolving obama. the thing is, compare trump and obama and see as similar is just so transparent flawed. obama didn't respond to protests by sending in masked federal stormtroopers in complete violation o' the Constitution where those militarized troops routine violated the civil rights o' protesters, whisking people away in unmarked vans and detained, w/o charges or lawyers for unspecific 'mounts o' time... all in an effort to make trump appear tough on crime for his base. is not a matter o' degree or a spectrum when compare trump and obama. obama failed to lead. trump, on the other hand, directed by means unconstitutional, immoral and unfreakingamerican the trampling o' civil rights and constitutional protections o' US citizens and he did it for no reason than to solidify his base. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  32. Why did you leave us, where we not worthy? Here is a video in Oby's honor. Seemed like something he would post.
    1 point
  33. a couple times, but yeah, am recognizing Americans is less concerned 'bout character than they is a good commercial spot... which is ok seeing as how well the lincoln project and republicans for the rule of law has been doing on that front recent. weird how the best biden commercials is from conservatives. that is the point: trump is selling/lying as 'posed to doing anything. and singular anecdotal evidence about journalists don't help you at all. most professions require constant education. an IT guy who were educated in the 90s would be complete useless today but for upgrading o' skills and knowledge. same goes for many/most other professions. trump is lying about the problems (which ain't immigrants flooding in from southern border for chrissakes) and the solutions. worse, he hadn't actual improved quality of life for his base even before covid-19 while his bungling o' that test has hurt his constituency more than those elitists with their fancy educations. is salesmanship and lying as 'posed to doing, and yet, the faithful are loyal to trump. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  34. Lmao. I added a floor so it looks alright now but I was in for a shock when I logged into the new patch.
    1 point
  35. wonder if the long load times were based on what was all on your map, like some said lose materials and items. I've never seen a loading screen longer than a minute or so. awesome it sped up for you! that = more play time
    1 point
  36. I re-post my quide. Try it by yourself, it's easy. (will do all the watercolors as soon as i will have some free time anyway)
    1 point
  37. Drinking a Dark and Stormy, I'm quite enjoying it, though the ice is melting quite fast, the dilution on the end made it quite alot less tasty. I really enjoy the spicy kick that ginger beer brings!
    1 point
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