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I have the most advanced rig for American Truck Simulator ever. The force feedback is amazing.4 points
A chunk of the day wearing respirator gear and spray painting various things... Then the mass delivery of things that needed to be sorted out. When I was querying my friend in San Diego whether a Quinceneara is a formal event and do I need a suit and tie along... I got a reply of "Eh, think wedding. The important thing is the kids want you to bring Cadbury flake." - So I've just taken delivery of 1kg of appropriate chocolatey goodness to whisk over in the luggage. Also, the new addition to the household I've just finished setting up: With a couple of slapmats in place to help with any future spillages.3 points
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3 points
Saaaaame. Jesus, this game makes me feel things due to how easy it is to screw up and just have to deal with the consequences right after. I managed to implicate someone, and my immediate reaction is, I was wrong and I want to follow new leads and see who else I can uncover. But I also think all of my reactions, my emotions and so on in response to the consequence of my decisions are an anxious mess in a really, really good way, like the product of fantastic storytelling. I think we've largely grown used to being fed a power fantasy in games, where we manage to solve the murder, to beat the bad guy, to save the day and so on, without question, that it's hard to fully accept a conclusion (to the first act anyway) like this. And it's interesting because it's opening emotions and sensations that most other games don't dare touch because they don't want to engage their audience in this manner, where there's almost a verdict or accusation about the actions *you* commit as well. Anyway, this is great so far. It's going places...3 points
bloggityblogmoodswingsbloggityblogchocolatebloggityblogsatisfaction bloggityblogwinterbloggityblogagingbloggityblogwarmsnuggles ...and that's all I have to say about that.3 points
Free and Open Source (AGPL v3), source code on Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis Windows Download: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis/-/jobs/artifacts/main/download?job=publish_win-x64 Linux Download: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis/-/jobs/artifacts/main/download?job=publish_linux-x642 points
Well, if you want a steering wheel with forcefeedback powerful enough to yeet your desk out the roof, you're going to need a decent one of those chair rigs, and if you're already going for a chair rig, you might aswell go for one that moves, I mean - you already have forcefeedback in the wheel, but that doesn't really do it, does it? A 6DOF chair is what you need for a good and proper experience. *Nods sagely*2 points
Well, that one guy f-ed up and killed all his fellow soldiers. The surrendering russians weren't yet searched and secured by the ukraine soldiers, and when that one guy started shooting, everyone opened up because that's what you do. This isn't police in a normal city, but soldiers in a war zone. It sucks that it happened, but it's not the same as what we usually consider executing prisoners of war. /Edit: To add to that, the guys on the ground could have pulled out a grenade or pistol and caused more ukraine casualties. The situation would be very different if they were already searched and secured before this happened.2 points
I stopped playing this about a year ago (bought it upon release). Was I think about halfway through chapter 2. Played exclusively TB, mind, which contributed to my experience. If there's one thing I'd change about Owlcat games is that they really really love their combat. None of WOTR was as bad as late-chapter Kingmaker. But I can still picture them going over all of their maps once finished, seeing empty spots, and placing paste© mobs there. Less (but more unique) would be so much more, it's unfunny. If their games had stats like the IE games or POE had, collecting the number of enemies slain, their numbers wouldn't be merely through the roof. They would be through the sky. (Nothing may ever come close to MM6 in that regard though). Will still continue playing at some point, mind. Enjoyed Kingmaker too (and enjoyed its initially more grounded narrative, WOTR is a power fantasy from the very start).2 points
Game is making my degenerate metagaming tendencies itch I went Basel, Hedonist, Law, Occult, and Orator2 points
Hello! First of all, I really appreciate an incredible modding tool developed by @Noqn!!! I'm trying to practice Deadfire modding with this great tool so far. What I'm doing is to enhance several equipments' options including upgrades; currently, I'm modifying CasitĂ Samelia's Legacy, specifically. Scars and Memories' % chance seems quite low for me, so I want to make it more attractive with higher chance and some more improvements. The change list is something like, - Improves the % chance from 25% to 50% - Slash attack enemy when Hit in melee(No Slash damage type restriction and can be occured when being Grazed) - +2 Penetration - Increases its range from 1.5 to 1.75 against several ranged melee weapons, such as Quarterstaffs I attached the file what I changed as described above, but it seems that the % chance change doesn't work correctly... I set the chance to 50%, however, it still activates very infrequently, like under 30%... BaseValue and ChanceToApply should be the value to modify the chance(I tested the value to set 100% and actually it works as intended in this case) imo, right? Am I doing something wrong? Any advice would be really appreciated! items.armors.casita_samelia's_legacy.gamedatabundle1 point
am finding an instapot makes simple and we may make a batch o' steel cut oats large enough to last us a week if we so desire. however, real milk is problematic in the instapot. the thing is, as horrible as is almond milk or soy milk in literal everything else we has ever "cooked," it is our choice when making milk + oats in the pressure cooker... and somehow those milk alternatives is not vile. weird. regardless, instapot is extreme simple and while it takes a bit more time than instant, is kinda a labor= zero situation as you throw everything in the pot, give a stir, close lid and then start the pressure cooking. HA! Good Fun!1 point
Oatmeal is geat, but I prefer rolled oats to instant oats. It takes slightly longer to cook rolled oats, but I like the texture much better. I usually just add butter, salt, and pepper, I don't generally go the sweet route.1 point
After a ~40 year hiatus, I have rediscovered oatmeal: Great Value Instant Oatmeal Variety Pack, 13.7 oz, 10 Packets - Walmart.com Delicious, warm and sticks to me for a while.1 point
For the record I very clearly and strongly agree that shooting prisoners who've surrendered and are unarmed is wrong and a crime. However, there is no moral equivalence between the actions of Russian soldiers who are the aggressors and invaders in Ukraine with no justifications whatsoever for their crimes, and Ukrainian defenders whose country is being destroyed and whose civilians are being raped, tortured and murdered before their eyes.1 point
That's the kind of garbage you would expect Murdoch to push on his media outlets... boohoo, I lost my privileges? I got called out on my fascist leanings? Mandatory book burning ceremony in school at 8:30am on Mondays? What happened to let private companies manage their own business rather than the government running it for them? It sure didn't work for the Soviets.1 point
https://albemarlegop.org/the-new-woke-discrimination-demands-a-new-law/ This proposed law cant be implemented soon enough in the US , it will go a long way to addressing the real examples of bias towards Conservatives and how in some states the consequence of freedom of speech is selectively practised in the private sector. To quote the article "Disney fired actress Gina Carano after she compared the treatment of conservatives on social media to Nazi persecution of Jews. The company called her post “abhorrent and unacceptable,” although co-star Pedro Pascal wasn’t sacked for likening Trump supporters to Nazis. Longtime Sacramento Kings broadcaster Grant Napear lost his job for tweeting “ALL LIVES MATTER.” A Virginia high school teacher was fired for refusing to use a student’s “preferred pronouns.” A software company dismissed an employee for posting a TikTok video complaining about Bronx bodegas. A USA Today editor was demoted for tautologically tweeting: “People who are pregnant are also women.” Also mentioned in the article that Goodyear banned people wearing Blue Lives Matter shirts but allowed people to wear BLM, how can you possibly justify that? Thats why this law makes sense for the private sector1 point
Here is a statement on that incident of Yuri Butusov, a Ukrainian war reporter, who has been critical to some general staff actions in the past, and even pointed at some growing tensions in high command after the fall of Lysychansk. To the contrary of some beliefs, there is at least one case of war crimes committed by Ukrainian soldier/s, which have been already prosecuted and jailed by Ukrainians courts.1 point
PCI-SIG should just adopt UK power plugs to hook up video cards, the 4090 is certainly big enough to fit four of these things side by side. VoilĂ , new 12-pin standard.1 point
compared to most feedback we has seen, am having a slight different pov on combined spellbook angels and lich as well as trickster-- am not a fan. we got issues with story for lich and trickster, and angel is kinda too predictable to be enjoyable, but we got a serious issue with the mechanics o' the aforementioned mythics. from our pov, busted strong is no better than busted weak. choosing merged angel or lich, as well as trickster, is functional shifting the difficulty slider one or more places leftwards. and yeah, all the mythics may be designed to be overwhelming stongk, but angel, lich and trickster gameplay becomes kinda mindless mid-late game, which robs the game o' enjoyment for us. the problem is you cannot move the difficulty slider further to the right and make the game more fun for the angel, lich or trickster. on unfair, regardless o' your mythic path, there is a handful o' exploits and loopholes which you need indulge to progress. is a dreadful sameness to party composition and battles on unfair which we find soul numbing. that said, lich were also tough for us 'cause it were a bit too cackling and cartoony evhul and we were hoping for a pragmatic evhul option. however, is no question a merged spellbook lich is mighty powerful, so if you are looking for a build to roll-stomp all comers with little need to consider exploits or tactics when playing anything less than hard difficulty, then lich is gonna feel appropriately mythic indeed. HA! Good Fun! ps in the spirit o' full disclosure, we wanted to get through the inevitable excess dlc asap, so we did a merged spellbook angel run. we saw that particular dlc as a chore and the merged angel were an appropriate tool to complete the task.1 point
The only way they could have proven there was no corruption was to do the right thing and award the WCs to England and the US! I'm always reminded of the situation when Australia was part of the Oceania Confed and constantly complained about not having the FIFA rep from it, eventually (partly) leading to them leaving for Asia. Oddly enough the non Australian rep corruptly distributed money to the other countries leading to him getting returned as rep all the time instead of honestly giving 90% to Australia as the most important country. Budweiser? What's the fuss about then, they weren't going to sell beer at the stadiums anyway.1 point
1 point
I have a resin printer and an automated washing and uv curing station (the mini "tanning bed" @Raithe mentioned). It's mostly used for creating building parts (modular buildings), ruins, scifi structures etc. as terrain for tabletop wargaming. It takes a bit to learn how to model for and slice the objects you want to print, but once you get the hang of it, it's a nice QoL upgrade for an old wh40k player1 point
My Ender 5 Plus is an FDM printer. It uses a variety of plastics (mostly PLA variants) that are fed into a hot-end and the high temperature melts it as it basically draws an object layer by layer, building upwards. You get bigger build plates and can generally create larger items using that sort of FDM 3D printer (unless you're talking incredibly expensive equipment that straddles the line of uber-hobby / industrial). Which does give you the more traditional 3D printed thing (and the requisite print lines from the layer by layer heat, melt, draw, cool process). Aka: Resin 3D printers work with a liquid resin that gets stored in a vat under the buildplate, and use UV light and lasers to cure the resin, and do it upside down (compared to FDM printers). The build plate is drawn upwards, UV light is applied to cure the resin in the correct pattern for that layer, then it repeats until the object is finished. Note: Technically, this is the oldest form of 3D printing. But it was the FDM printers that really saw it developed as a craft-hobby that you could do at home. Because the resin printer can work in incredibly high definition, you can do a lot more really fine detail work that you don't have to worry about clean-up in the same way you do with FDM printers. You just have to go through additional steps of washing the printed object off of resin, and then set it to cure further under UV (either direct sun or basically a mini Tanning bed). While with the FDM printing, you tend to have a pause for sanding and filling in to smooth out the print lines. FDM is still somewhat cheaper as a hobby, but Resin printers and materials are beginning to match them price-wise. If you want something larger, and aren't too stressed on really fine details? FDM printer tends to be the thing. Smaller and incredibly detailed? That's where you go Resin printer. My plan is to use a combination of both to get what I want. I can slice something up so the bulk is FDM printer, and the detail parts are resin printed, then put it all together.1 point
Juggling some work stuff, setting up plans in motion for some hectic times. Trying to balance a few things out for the San Diego trip following Christmas, and just let myself ease into some retail therapy by taking advantage of the opening black friday sales to pick up a resin 3d Printer... Also, lots of supporting crafting stuff on my Mando. Coming up with some designs for leatherwork on the belts and such, besides painting some of the printed armour pieces.1 point
1 point
Lich ain't overrated, especially if you like playing spellcasters, because Lich spells ignore spell resistance. There's also neat stuff like feat that lets you do attribute damage when the spell hits, so combine, say, rays or selective area damage spell with it and oh my sweet sweet schadenfreude, say, how do you like your own tricks being used against you, game? Not so smug now, eh? And that's the reason I cannot stop making new Liches.1 point
1 point
The Rogue Trader gameplay trailer somehow lacked the actual gameplay (combat system with UI, inventory and party management, conversations, etc.), but the animations look nice. I hope that optimisation will be better than in WotR and it will be a complete game in 1-2 months after the initial release (WotR is still in active development, judging by the bug fixes and paid content updates; at least, GOG protects from the forced updates). I probably expect too much from Owlcat, though.1 point
I'm fine with choices and consequences. I cheated this time for the reasons I stated above. Besides, this quest seems a little random. In other cases I'm trusting my character's personality and accepting what happens. For example, I avoided spoilers for Arue's romance and Azata stuff. Even so I eventually read somewhere that there are different paths for the Azata path, depending on your choices. Not sure if I did anything wrong yet, but I'm happy so far. And for Arue, I saw a minor spoiler thread and discovered that I had to rest in some areas or I'd miss romance interactions. But apart from that, who knows what will happen.1 point
that's the point. chances are many players would replay *add whatever unspecified span of time you deem appropriate* worth o' the game to fix their "mistake" with sosiel. is not a practical solution. choice and consequences has little value if gamers think they got treated unfair by the developers and resort to a mod to fix the perceived problem. yeah, more than a few players will reflexive mod out any bad selection, but for crpgs am suspecting many players is gonna try and attempt to adhere to whatever is their personal notion o' fair, as meaningless as is such a concept in a single-player game. HA! Good Fun!1 point
1 point
I don't know how many hoods they will have. The Hood is a pretty obscure character. Plus hoods are more of a DC gimmick.1 point
I already screwed it with my good character. My Lich will be a dedicated crusader, not really evil, but "the ends justify the means" kind of guy. He will probably paint Trever as a traitor for Sosiel, so it will not end well. And my Trickster will likely say random things...1 point
Why are you going to screw that quest? Soz is harmless and goes along well with Liches and Tricksters both and it won't affect anything much if you give him his brother back. Didn't Smug Mug send you an invitation? She always did for me even before I mopped up all the quests. Maybe it's location sensitive, because she always caught me right before leaving her girlfriend's pad of lava an injustice.1 point
I know it's going to be well researched and seriously well-prepared but I cannot help but recall Joe Richardson's adventure games (highly recommended btw):1 point
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, episode 2. I'm not sure this belongs here, what with it being a live action show, but... man, I don't know what to say. This waffles between being hilariously overacted (Queen Beryl is a joy to behold) and curiously restrained, the costumes are terribly campy and Tuxedo Mask and his mullet are hard to believe without being seen. Skeletor from the Masters of the Universe film has nothing on her. Nothing. The jokes are delivered in such an earnest way it's hard not to burst out laughing, even if they're really old and tired, like Usagi going into the arcade with a faked one year membership pass with a doodle of Luna on it to drive home how ridiculous it is, and Motoki going "since when do we sell one year memberships?" just a second after she goes inside. The special "effects" are terrible, the CGI is hilarious and the acting is, uh... honestly, it's so bad it's... Dunno where this is going as I haven't spoiled myself yet outside of knowhing that we'll get a DARK MERCURY at some point. I wonder how often these 'swords' broke during filming. Anyway. Luna changing between horrible CGI, a plus toy and a plush puppet where you can see the hand of the puppeteer going into it at times round everything out. Make no mistake though, when Luna is the plush toy Luna, Luna actually is a plush toy. Look at this intro: So, anyway, episode two is more or less predictably about Usagi befriending Ami and her awakening. Usagi giving Ami a mini-disc copy of Minako's new album is a really curious sight too. These things never got to be popular here at all, at first I thought she was handing Ami a tape, but... well, a sign of the time when this got made. Too late for tapes, too early for widespread MP3-players. Usagi is as silly as in the anime and Luna is as snarky as in the anime. It feels kinda weird to say this, but if one can deal with the campy side, this is actually - so far - a real joy to watch. If there's a downside, then that it cannot truly stand on its own. Ami's and Usagi's interactions in this episode make sense for someone who has watched the original anime or read certain parts of the manga, but on their own? I don't know. Funny how the transformation sequences begin with the girls already wearing their body suits. I wonder why? Having choreographed fighting scenes in mini-skirts is a lot more revealing than the anime was, obviously, so you win some, you lose some, I guess. Ami has a damaging attack. Cheaper than a fog machine. Heh.0 points
Well, until you inevitably smash it that is, then the motion chassis will seem comparatively cheap. 95000 isn't that bad if you compare it to high level dragracing.0 points