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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/22 in all areas

  1. While we're on the topic of peripherals what my tax return has gone to: Retiring my old Logitech X52 I've upgraded to a Winwing Orion 2 HOTAS with finger-lift idle and afterburner detents, with the stick and throttle handles modeled after that from the F/A-18 series (though still rocking Saitek rudder pedals and TrackIR 4 head-tracking).
    8 points
  2. Solasta: Lost Valley. I was waiting because I heard there were some bugs and save files corrupted. Not sure it is still happening, but I got tired of waiting.
    4 points
  3. The Moscow Times is not pro-western media, as its main purpose is to market Russia to foreign people It isn't just enough pro Putin in order to allowed to publish articles in Russia these days.
    4 points
  4. Here's what Kreml spokesman Dmitry Peskov has to say about the Lithuania / Kaliningrad situation, according to Reuters: "The situation is more than serious," Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters. "This decision is really unprecedented. It's a violation of everything." Let us pause for moment to reflect [sic] upon the fact that it is impossible to build a mirror large enough for Russia to see itself. "It's a violation of everything." Hear the indignation of the spokesperson whose country is in the process of raping babies, murdering civilians, destroying buildings, demolishing infrastructure, etc.
    4 points
  5. The Fallout-style RPG teased by New Blood last week features big names in the classic Fallout scene Van Buren developer Adam Lacko, artist Red888guns, and original Fallout composer Mark Morgan are all working on the project. https://www.pcgamer.com/the-fallout-style-rpg-teased-by-new-blood-last-week-features-big-names-in-the-classic-fallout-scene/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=socialflow&fbclid=IwAR3_U_Ms6jVnRpuJyLRuxlrMY1YGMpjs0pwN5TA7PbLIg2TQ9l7O0fCLOUM EDIT: Yeah, this **** deserves its own thread...
    3 points
  6. As far as I'm concerned, way to go little Lithuania!! Way to show the supposedly big and strong countries (Germany, France, Italy) what it means to have even the tiniest bit of a backbone.
    3 points
  7. No, and no. This, of course, does not mean that they might not contain truthful information. But I think it would be quite foolish to regard them as reliable sources. I wonder whether they themselves regard what they do as journalism, or whether they purposefully write adolescent stuff like that(*). It's hard to know. But as I said earlier, the language itself is a total giveaway right from the start: any journalist who knows anything about the craft will not use language like that. (I started my journalistic career in the 1980s.) Now, you would get away with stuff like that in The Sun or the now-defunct News of the World, but that's rubbish, that's not proper journalism. (*) We do know there are troll factories in Russia, but I don't know if this is an example of that kind of work.
    3 points
  8. Last thing I saw Wil Wheaton in was, hmm, Dark Matter; he was actually pretty good in that because he was playing a creepy obsessed weirdo type. Really though, the Picard people should have trolled him by bringing back the actor who played grown up Wesley for 5 seconds instead of Wil. And speaking of Picard, I only found out recently that S2 shared a showrunner with 12 Monkeys (TV). You'd have thought that was near ideal for a time travel story.
    3 points
  9. Hold on there partner, I think we need to wait for all the details to come out. We don't want to jump to conclusions, as always the assumption of innocence must be given. It's too easy to try and make Israel look monstrous when the truth is more complicated. Oh wait this is about Russia? Fry the Orcs alive. It's been reported several places and is almost certainly legit. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to Texas Republicans for any measure of time, but it's getting scary to live here.
    2 points
  10. Hawaii has the great weather and all, but who can afford to eat there! McDonald's menu - Honolulu HI 96815 - (877) 585-1085 (allmenus.com) Ima need UBI to kick in before I can retire there.
    2 points
  11. Well, have you expected anything less from Lithuania, after there was a law presented in Duma, that the declaration of their independence from Soviet Union is invalid?
    2 points
  12. I became king of Sweden in CK3 this morning. I can only imagine what feats I'll accomplish in the real world before the sun sets! BTW, @Azdeus you should refer to me as hans Majestät until further notice!
    2 points
  13. Nah Im not worried about the Baltic states being attacked by Russia because they part of NATO which means it would be an attack on NATO and that means the majority of NATO countries will respond and retaliate. And the US would respond and we can see by the long list of Russian military problems with Putins War that Russia wouldnt last very long against the US Remember in that type of war the Russian military would not be able to do things they demonstrated they good at which includes bombing cities to the ground from miles away using artillery In a war with NATO the Ruskies would have to fight a traditional war and they would fail miserably at that if you consider the lack of training, resources and corruption that we have seen throughout the invasion of Ukraine So Im not worried but not because Putins not capable invading any sovereign country, he is a warmonger and he has shown time and time again he doesnt respect international borders Im not worried because of the reality of NATO...thank goodness for NATO. Imagine how much anxiety would exist if countries couldnt join NATO? @majestic Hopefully we can all buy some NATO cheese to support this important institution ?
    2 points
  14. An article written by a bloke called "Tyler Durden", with the first paragraph containing expressions like "media establishment" and "singular event". It would take some effort to get further away from credible reporting. It's doable, of course, but takes effort.
    2 points
  15. Samurai Champloo 6-8 The trio continues to travel. Food is difficult to get so they enter a food contest.
    2 points
  16. In the EU Russia economic spat https://www.reuters.com/world/moscow-summon-eu-ambassador-russia-over-kaliningrad-transit-kaliningrad-governor-2022-06-20/ Might need to dust off those coal plants, just wonder where they will get the coal from... https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/europe-may-shift-back-coal-russia-turns-down-gas-flows-2022-06-20/ https://www.wsj.com/articles/less-russian-gas-puts-europes-winter-fuel-supply-in-jeopardy-11655725207?mod=mhp https://www.wsj.com/articles/germany-steps-up-measures-to-conserve-gas-as-russia-slows-supply-to-europe-11655642717?mod=mhp
    1 point
  17. gotta embrace us v. them. when china and russia do autocracy bit and pervert the rule of law it is bad. when the US does so it is also bad... but not if the US is trying to stop bad people? that said, have seen this same thing from boardies who vilify cops, conservatives and politicians collective and regardless o' the specific facts o' a situation; is not only a bruce fail. however, we will note dallas cowboys fandom is a special exception to our recognition o' the unforgivable and insidious nature o' bigotry. thou shalt not suffer jerry jones or a cowboys fan... unrelated (maybe) and in anticipation o' hearings tomorrow, brookings did a rather comprehensive review o' the georgia situation. is 'bout 110 pages if you wanna read the full report. am suspicious many save Gromnir has/will read, but is worth the effort if one is wanting a more nuanced perspective from folks who understand the relevant legal and political issues. is plenty to unpack, but for those with short attention spans, the shortest version o' the conclusions reached is as follows: even with only public available facts available to drive an analysis, trump and numerous members o' his administration is facing real and serious jeopardy o' criminal prosecution for their interventions in Georgia's efforts related to the 2020 Presidential Election. however, it cannot be ignored that those who would be bringing charges is democrats and it will be difficult to overcome the public perception o' a prosecution which amounts to political vendetta. but again, the reason am offering is for those curious 'bout possible trump crimes and defenses, which is a bit more nuanced than is gonna fit in a twitter length response. as such the short version is not offering much value. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  18. Which is why you found it from every hotel lobby, air plane, train coffee house etc. aimed for tourists for decades so that tourists get anti Russian news when they were in Russia, so that they would not think that things they see are too good.
    1 point
  19. I recently became King of Bohemia (starting from Austria in the 867 start)!
    1 point
  20. Patreon - The Spaceshipper: Mass Effect 2 Interview with Mac Walters, Lead Writer
    1 point
  21. Hahaha, you are so silly! Those of us living out here in the northeast already know what it feels like to have our last drop of blood squeezed out of us! Those prices are pretty close to what they charge out here. Besides, I'll have that Massachusetts-level pension going for me (50% of my annual income).
    1 point
  22. Ok some interesting news I have found today: Russia already in recession. "To summarise, the recession in April has already impacted two-thirds of the regions. At the same time, there are no grounds to believe that the lower point of decline has already been reached". This one is still unconfirmed, please take it with a grain of salt. Although the Harpoon hit against their supply tug boat few days ago might have been the start of something bigger around Snake Island. And the confirmed losses of Russian officers have already surpassed 750 bodies... Also Kazakh president on St. Petersburgh economic forum has made a statement, that Kazakhstan will never recognize the DNR and LNR independence. Right after that, Putin already issued threats to all CSE countries, that they are either with them, or they will end up as Ukraine as well... Pretty strong words for a leader of an Army which is struggling in a small area in Luhansk so much that there are increased reports, that the Russian servicemen are attacking their officers
    1 point
  23. Spent the weekend pitting CDF and Russian troops against each other in Arma 2 while monitoring some servers. AI really needs to realize that one BMP doesn't need 4 AT13s. Nothing like being a human cron job. Didn't realize today was an NYSE holiday, I thought it was just federal workers and such - so at least no clients badgering me today.
    1 point
  24. I would rather recommend you to go little bit more south to Costa Rica or Panama. To much risk of lead poisoning in Mexico as well
    1 point
  25. You just described how Game "journalism" works nowadays. Congratulations
    1 point
  26. Picked up and finished Starship Troopers: Terran Command. It looked like a low budget - low effort kind of game from the first few trailers I've seen but I like the franchise so I waited and.... it's pretty good. You can tell it doesn't have the budget of Starcraft 2 but they put the money where it mattered imo. The story is a typical ST flavoured war story with a small cast of named characters hitting on familiar story beats, framed by the tongue-in-cheek propaganda news between missions. It won't blow your socks off, but it's a decently told story. The main part of gameplay is holding the line. A lot. Even when you're attacking you're holding the line. Figuratively and literally endless waves of bugs descend on your troops as you juggle positioning, (lack of) line-of-sight between squads, special abilities and a bit of rock-paper-scissors to inch closer to the next hive. It's probably not for everyone but I enjoyed my time with it and I recommend playing it.
    1 point
  27. I dont blame you. Everything West of Colorado is going to dry up and die, anything South of Kentucky is full of rednecks, the East coast will experience 1000 YEAR HURRICANES every year and the Midwest will give you lead poisoning (get shot). I think Ill retire to Mexico.
    1 point
  28. Most people I know, including myself, who have had high\elevated blood pressure (BP) do one of 2 things make lifestyle changes particularly around diet and then monitor your BP after 6 weeks or so to see if its dropped. Exercise is important because this is not about weight loss so diet isnt everything they take daily BP medication and dont change their lifestyle that much but they still monitor Sometimes if you sick or stressed that can artificially inflate your BP. Thats normally why many doctors will suggest the BP monitor device so they can understand your overall BP But you should use it when you better and not sick. And its very " normal " to go on BP medication but a lifestyle change is better. I haven't used medication yet but I will if I have to
    1 point
  29. The results from those automatics ones shouldn't be taken as gospel. You should use them 3 time a day (after you wake up, before lunch and before dinner) and average the results over the week. We played around with those at work (friend had genetic heart issues) and would measure our bp all the time. I had a very stressful day once and measured something like 160 over a 100.
    1 point
  30. @Kvellen Hey ! Thank you for your reply I'm not into PoE lately and not working on my mod since then, but when I feel like it again, I'll try what you suggested
    1 point
  31. ^ That eating contest episode of Champloo is so funny.... ...I watched about 20 minutes of the first episode of Spriggan on Netflix and felt like I had no clue what was going on. But in that way where I'm not sure if it's simply my sluggish brain and maybe if I can get past a hurdle I'll find it interesting. I like the style enough so I'll keep watching and will hopefully stop scratching my head.
    1 point
  32. Pre-ordered Steelrising on Steam. While the games Spiders make are neither excellent RPG nor excellent action games, they are reasonably engaging, interesting, and sometimes unintentionally ridiculous without anything too WTF in terms of story and the PC controls usually are perfect. Also got Shores Unknown on GOG from the Summer Sale.
    1 point
  33. @Gorth: download the Duolingo app and refresh your French. This is not in French, but some of the stress placements are decidedly not English. "Mystic mistakes are neVER made" and so on. Superb prog-metal from (French) Canada!
    1 point
  34. This feels same as Wyatt Cheng claiming you can't buy gear with real money in Diablo Immoral.
    1 point
  35. New official video from Rammstein from the new album... Dicke Titten ("Big ****"). About... yeah. Edit: It's Rammstein. Watch at your own risk
    1 point
  36. Star Trek Away Team on GOG. It's a Commandos-like game that has you in controlling the away missions for the USS Incursion.
    1 point
  37. That's one good looking merchandise, but the red thing with CDs on the right thwarts the view. You should post another picture without it.
    1 point
  38. Dreamland Chronicles was the real cancelled Xcom game. Blizzard had another MMO in development that became Overwatch. I would have liked to see that. This whole crowdfunding age has really given me one more crack at the favorites. Lori and Corey Cole got to make a decent Quest for Glory type game and Julian Gollop got to make a decent Xcom type game. Now I just need Ian Currie to make a decent Jagged Alliance type game.
    1 point
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