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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/22 in all areas

  1. Very cool @Va'exna! Impressive and very clever. I have to report you to the animal protection society though what you did to this pet only rivals what @Boeroer has done to legions of skeletons over the years.
    3 points
  2. All extremists do double speak. The problem is the 90% of people in the middle. For the far left, everyone in the middle is far right and for the far right everyone in the middle is far left. Its the "either with us or against us" idea that all populists like to dabble in. And its that 10% at the extreme ends that makes all the noise while the people in the middle are the famous "silent majority"
    3 points
  3. Same mate... same. Assumptions and generalizations are two of humanity's failures. Something about our brains wanting to reduce the workload and stop rethinking things over and over leading to shortcuts based on small sample sizes or some such (too many years since I read up on it). Still, it's such a limitation of the use of human intellect, it's criminal
    3 points
  4. Hello guys how are you doing? I hope everyone is ok. I played a lot some time ago, but for bigger reasons I had to stop and couldn’t complete any run. Now I’m back and I want to finish the game. I always consider first to try a solo run, but I don’t know if it’s the best choice for a first run. My idea was to restart with my Druid/Troubador Lich King, but in a party I think he would be boring. any suggestions for a class build that could be versatile and fun in a party? Not a glass cannon, but someone who can dish some damage and resist by myself at the most fights?
    2 points
  5. The Ciaphas Cain books are at the top of my recommended list for 40K lists, by far and away leaving the Space Marine bolter porn in the dust in my mind. The series is best described as <<Flashman>> to <<Gaunt's Ghosts>> <<Sharpe's Rifles>>.
    2 points
  6. Seems true to me from my memory of all the various 40k games. Inquisitor I guess comes sort of close, but it's an ARPG. Otherwise, most are strategy games.
    2 points
  7. what language do you speak with each other, I assume English? - (Slovak, Ukrainian, Russian, English - Ukrainian is in some way close to Slovak, but she is from Russian speaking family, and me and my wife learned Russian language at secondary school. I use mostly English, my wife mostly Russian) did the student have family who stayed in Ukraine or were her family also refugees - (they family stayed almost two month at home in Dobropillia in Donbas, after Russian Army moved away from Kyiv and started Donbas offensive, they moved to Krivyi Rih. Her brother is "available" for mobilization in Kyiv. So in the end, they are refugees, but they are still in Ukraine) who paid for the food and other costs and if you paid was it expensive - (We have 7 EUR a day reimbursement for 1 person from government, but the girl started to work 1 about 2 weeks after she moved to us, so we were sharing most of the costs, but more of the costs were of course on the side of me and my wife. I would not say that it was expensive, but I think some Slovakians with worse income than our family might consider it expensive) what did she use to do during the day, did she have friends and or other Ukrainians that she associated with - (First two weeks she tried to explore the city, then she started to work, and two weeks, before her leave, we bough her cheap guitar, so she spent a lot of time learning the instrument ) And then did your family get on with her? I know it sounds weird but what was it like, did she use to talk about the war? - (We tried to not talk with her at all about the war. Only very very occasionally when we were all outside and talking about all the stuff. My wife had pretty good relationship with her, but she did not talked much to me. She said that she does not understand my English, but you never know )
    2 points
  8. i mean, patinated plate and the malus are all pretty bad. The streetfighter's recovery time bonus is very very good, but at some point it's just a cope, and not really excelling. it's very important to be precise about what kind of malus and bonuses you're talking about, because they undergo different interactions with inversions and affect different parts of your action. The malus on patinated plate is a recovery time penalty, not action speed malus. the ugly math - i'm converting all numbers to a single, unit-less measure. maluses (the larger the worse) patinated plate baseline heavy armor penalty +.55 patinated plate recovery penalty from "Bronze Juggernuat" + .20 bonuses (the larger the better) streetfighter "heating up" +1.0 (inverted from -50% bonus) dual-wielding baseline +.428 (inverted from -30% bonus) dual-wielding style bonus +.176 (inverted from -15% bonus) mirke's baseline dex +0 (only 10 dex, if the wiki is right) "swift strikes" +.15 total maluses: .75 total bonuses: 1.755 subtract malus from bonus => 1.005 it's positive, so treat it like an action speed bonus, e.g. add one and divide it from the recovery to determine the final number a 4s weapon recovery will become 1.995s (you'll see it as 2.0s in-game), and a 3s weapon recovery will become 1.496s (you'll see it as 1.5s in-game). so yes, you'll still be pretty fast (streetfighter's recovery time bonus can be thought of us "cancel out up to +100% in recovery time penalties"), but if you want to DPS you could be much much much faster by not bothering with patinated plate at all. or related to the topic at-hand, you could try a single-handed mirke with swashbuckler and light armor. combined with the upgrade on swift strikes that lets you get bonus attacks on crits, you could pummel down enemies real fast, if you have a reliable way of triggering heating up.
    2 points
  9. at least we are still consistent with 'in 30 years' ITER, however, isn't designed to generate electricity; but tokamaks based on ITER that will, called DEMO reactors, are now being designed and could be working by 2051.
    2 points
  10. Space Cobra aka Supēsu Kobura Episode XXIII: "The Tomb at the Bottom of the Ocean" aka "Kaitei no Bohyō" Episode XXIV: "Care to Buy a Robot" aka "Robotto wa Ikaga?" They were fun enough episodes, but other than some character information about Lady that's not terribly definitive they don't add much to the overall mythos. Also read Vol 10 of Glepnir... Really enjoyed it. Feels like we're getting to the end of "Part 1" of the story.
    2 points
  11. Neo Tokyo (1989). This, Memories (1995), and Robot Carnival (1987) are all collections of shorts (although Memories' are a bit longer than the others, especially with Magnetic Rose and Stink Bomb being around 40 minutes each - the additional length is a good thing, IMO) and with some overlap in who made them. Neo Tokyo was by far the worst production out of the lot just from a visual and sound standpoint, but all three of its shorts were more engrossing than any of the nine in Robot Carnival. Not as good as Memories, but still a worth a watch.
    2 points
  12. Well, this is expected in the aftermath of every single conflict on earth, not only in Ukraine. The good news is, that Europol and responsible people learned hard lesson from Yugoslavia aftermath.
    2 points
  13. And as everyone gets ready for Vader to re-appear on the Kenobi mini-series... The vital point to remember:
    2 points
  14. As your own links say "Two sources told Reuters that German gas importers have been told by Berlin they can open ruble accounts to pay for Russian gas without violating sanctions, as long as the payments they make to Gazprombank are not in the Russian currency." "In its written guidance, the EU said companies can buy Russian gas without breaching sanctions if they pay in the currency of their existing contracts – and declare that doing so fulfils their contractual obligations." Those companies currently play grey area buying that can cost them billions in fines if they in some point fail to follow "and declare that doing so fulfils their contractual obligations." guidance.
    2 points
  15. gamefaqs is busted so failing a guide update i'll put some of my findings here. Basically, I think it's safe to say that one-handed style is avoided by a bunch of players. I've called it a borderline trap build based on how much of a drop in DPS it is compared to dual-wielding or even 2h (which also is a drop from dual-wielding but makes up for it with extra PEN and/or reach). Basically it only existed in my mind as a setup that desperately wants crits on PotD (where even the much higher number of attacks from 2w might not make up for the fact that you have 0% chance to crit, if you rely on those crits), but there's not really that many builds that care *that* much about crits. But one place where single-weapon style starts competing well with dual-weapon style is on characters that are already very fast. Yes, Action Speed is Linear Returns. But if you have multiple dimensions that feed into damage and a fixed amount you can put into those dimension, you maximize your outcome by balancing those dimensions (the area of a square is larger than the area of a rectangle, if their perimeters are equal). So for very fast characters, you start doing better if you make each of those weapon attacks ''better'' instead of making yourself even faster by dual-wielding. Keep in mind you have to be very fast or effectively very fast for the trade-off to make sense - you just get so much action speed for "free" by dual-wielding. It takes a lot for the single-weapon case to be noticable versus the consistent returns on increasing action speed. You need high dexterity (20+), with action bonuses ('''Deleterious Alacrity of Motion''', '''Frenzy''', '''Swift Strikes''', ''Cat Flurry', or consumables), with minimal armor encumbrance (at most comparable to light armor, even better if it's a piece of light armor with a recovery time bonus, cloth, or light armor with a pet or passive that reduces armor recovery penalty). On top of that, it helps to be a swashbuckler with a -50% recovery time bonus, or a monk that gets a bunch of free attacks from '''Swift Flurry''', or some other class that can abnormally boost your effective attack rate--even the barbarian's barbaric retaliation would help. At that point, the fact that you aren't getting as many attacks as a dual-wielder is made up for the fact that your attacks are doing more damage overall and critting more often. Aside from this, even with "conventionally" fast characters, single-weapon style is great for when you're expected to underpenetrate the enemy. In such a situation, even a more normal single-weapon user can overperform a dual-wielder who has to flip on a weapon modal that grants +2 PEN for +50% recovery time penalty. This is all because of the fact that crits get a 1.5x multiplier to your PEN, so getting more crits from both +12 accuracy and a hit->crit rate is a huge win over time, even if on any given individual hit it seems like the +2 PEN on a dual-wielder with a weapon modal would do better than a single-weapon attacker without a weapon modal. For a martial character with spare weapon slots (like a Blackjacket or someone equipped with Fleshmender) it might even be more worth investing a point into single-weapon style and reserving one weapon slot for single-weapon-wielding, even if that's not your main focus, for precisely these PEN-related reasons. This PEN effect also has the implication that if you like using weapons like daggers, flails, and hatchets, which don't have a +2 PEN modal, you may want to consider a partial single-weapon style setup over pure dual-wielding setup for precisely the underpenetration cases. (This is much more of an issue on Veteran/PotD than on lower difficulties) I ended up making single-weapon style work pretty decently on a SC barbarian wearing basically cloth (actually, the changeling's mantel with the -10% recovery time bonus and Nalvi) and who would get a Quick buff from a chanter. Aside from the calculations, it definitely "felt" ok, too, and it was a huge difference between cloth/fast light armor and even medium armor - with normal medium armor it still "felt" bad compared to dual-wielding. (Though in the end, spamming Driving Roar is what really ended up mattering )
    1 point
  16. I finished Swansong and managed to get a good, but not the best ending, since all 3 protagonists survived but several side characters perished due to failures and choices I made along the way. There are quite a few endings, I'm not going to try to get all of them, but I will try for the best ending. I have a decent idea of builds for all 3 characters, so I'll try to do it without a guide. One thing I learned is that it's beneficial to use your skills and disciplines a lot during the game, especially early on and especially skills, since willpower resets at the start of a new chapter while hunger does not always. Using skills and disciplines a lot boosts their effectiveness and/or makes them cost less, which is a big bonus in late game chapters.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. pam grier? warning: sweary have mentioned physical similarity would make esai morales an obvious choice, but that patton oswalt is more appropriate. that said... daniel day lewis clear is in touch with with his inner Gromnir already. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  19. Well that ought to pay for a few cocaine sessions.
    1 point
  20. Idealized youthful fantasy/tearjerker K-drama version: Kim Go-eun ,,,that's an interesting question tho, really, because as an adopted Korean-American I don't really "relate" to the vast majority of the actresses I see on screen (Hollywood or many East-Asian productions either) in terms of seeing a sort of reflection of myself. I don't mean that in a negative way (eg, it doesn't bother me, it can still entertain), and I don't mean simply racially/looks but also the personality and culture portrayals...and because of that I have zero notion of an actress that would be "good" at playing me. So ... uh ... any adult female under 5 feet who's broody, a little tomboyish, lazy as f*** and verbalizes curse words far too often would work.
    1 point
  21. 2051 is 29 years away, so we've at least improved by a year on the 'in 30 years' estimates! This is the power of positive thinking at work.
    1 point
  22. Also Fatshark teased a Bel'akor addon for Vermintide 2 but it's not much.
    1 point
  23. I assume Malcador would be played by Moss from the IT crowd. I would probably get the 3rd Baldwin brother. Not quite the worst, but a few notches down the ladder.
    1 point
  24. One of the most fun and relatively low micro party runs was with a berserker/devoted wielding Amra. You just need some chanters in your party to summon skellies. @Boeroerrecommended this build in this thread. It's loads of fun and very sturdy. Just make sure that the rest of your party is ranged, because anyone who gets too close in melee will be permanently destroyed with this build. Alternately, any caster is great in a party if you're not in the mood for melee. Also, @Not So Clever Houndposted a SC trickster build that's great in a party, but for some reason I cannot find it.
    1 point
  25. Good to see you back Fred! So you want to finish a first playthrough with a party - fun, versatile, damage-dealer, durable. That leaves a lot of options on the table . Do you have more criteria: are you still looking for mostly a caster? caster/melee? particular classes of interest? Druid/Troubadour (Theurge) is really not boring IMO, but I can't recall how you wanted to build your WoW Lich King impersonator. @thelee is the lord of the Theurge, between the Disruptor Theurge and the more recent Big Game Hunter - I think it's actually a very dynamic class, very party friendly (but doesn't have to be) very versatile, fun, tons of damage and incredible CC which help durability. But of course there are plenty of other strong options too.
    1 point
  26. Yeah, TBH it's not putting any dent in your potential for automated annihilation and yes the constant recovery being constant is nice especially because it's a positive asymmetry for you: enemy fighters will get enfeebled (no healing) and you cannot be CON afflicted basically (35 RES + Solitary Wanderer and 190+ fortitude = the very few CON affliction that land don't last more than 2 sec). Check the wiki, all commands are listed it's quick to get a handle on. https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Console#In_Deadfire
    1 point
  27. Yep, intentional or not it's just not there (checked combat log), must be something about FF being a similar but not exactly fist attack. I'm both mildly frustrated and amused because it performed so well and autopiloted through contents I previously struggled even though I picked human without healing and PL bonus. BPM fighter changes are pretty insane. Thanks for the advice, I'm not familiar with console but will give it a try.
    1 point
  28. As I said some weeks ago, the logistics is currently less in favour for Ukrainians like around Kyiv, so at some point it possible, that the UA soldiers can be some time without enough weapons/ammunition to fight. But I presume, it is not as catastrophic as Russian propaganda is trying to depict it.
    1 point
  29. Movie sound mixers must have seen this video back when and decided to emulate it. eg, this is exactly how I feel trying to watch many movies now - where I know they're speaking English but I can't hear/understand it.
    1 point
  30. Nope, she went back to Ukraine this Saturday. But in the meanwhile, me and my wife "adpoted" one 17-years old dude, who would like to study IT here. And or laws demand, that students under 18 years need to have an "supervisor" in Slovakia, if his parents are abroad. But go ahead, ask your questions.
    1 point
  31. https://thecradle.co/Article/columns/11133 @Darkpriest You will find this link interesting Here is a good read that discusses one of the attempts to create a non-aligned Western new world economic order but it also highlights its greatest failure because without a meaningful and powerful economy like China to support this type of initiative it will have limited success. To quote from the link " "Russia-China, though, is a much more complex matter. Extremely fearful of provoking US sanctions, Chinese banks are refraining – at least for the moment – to increase their deals with Russian banks, which brings us to the case of UnionPay: The Chinese bank card provider – increasingly popular, especially across Asia – declined from partnering with Sberbank even before Russia’s largest bank was excluded by the EU and the US from the global bank messaging platform SWIFT. UnionPay also canceled plans with other Russian banks to issue UnionPay cards linked with the Russian Mir payment system, profiting from the exit of Visa and Mastercard from the Russian market. This is still a careful balancing act for China. Earlier this year at the Boao Forum in Asia, President Xi Jinping was adamant in opposing the “wanton use of unilateral sanctions.” And over 80 percent of Chinese companies already established in Russia appeared to continue their business as usual. Yet in practical terms, there are serious problems. The Bank of China and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) have restricted financing for Russian commodities. Even the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), absolutely essential for sustainable development projects, linked or not with BRI, decided to freeze all lending to Russia and Belarus in early March to “safeguard” its “financial integrity.” On the financial front, cautious Chinese banks, with enormous western exposure, are always balancing the fact that nearly 80 percent of global cross-border transactions are still in dollars and euros, and only two percent in yuan. So the Russian market is not exactly a priority "
    1 point
  32. I actually miss different spells having their own distinct accuracies from the first game, it's just that in this case it's implemented in a bad way. It would be nice to have some options that are more reliable than others without having it be auto-hit like Thrust of Tattered Veils. Right now we only have the Chanter's stunning invocation, and some hidden negative modifiers in Binding Web/Pull of Eora and these PL bonuses. An accuracy bonus would also go a long way towards making certain extremely situational spells feel better, for example Concelhaut's Corrosive Skin. A single dice roll that you go all in on for a tier 9 spell feels bad.
    1 point
  33. i was finally able to get someone at gamefaqs to fix a spam filtering bug on their end, so thankfully i was "only" locked out for a week
    1 point
  34. Well, in my experience, +1 or +2 Acc per PL is really spell dependant. Interestingly, in the gamedata files, every time they had to manually set a PL scaling, the put a +2 Acc / PL, which explains why it could happen to various spells. I believe that they did not remember the actual +1 Acc per PL rule when they did that, and/or it changed at some point during the design. Or whatever. Honnestly, I classified this in the minor obscure stuff that I don't want to dig. Not getting any Acc bonus per PL is annoying and I corrected a lot of abilities which had this issue (by putting a +1/PL, with few exception such as Fire Godlike racial fire shield which I put to +2 so it scales well). But getting a little too much isn't concerning. I would consider it as a minor advantage for certain spells that get a little more benefit from PL this way. So basically, there are no exact rules. Most abilities get +1, a few get +2.
    1 point
  35. Greyhawk was the original default setting of DnD so that might explain why it feels interchangeable with Forgotten Realms.
    1 point
  36. I hope its Greyhawk....I really do
    1 point
  37. Not gonna lie, I'm hoping for a proper Dark Heresy or maybe Rogue Trader game.
    1 point
  38. I decided on a whim, what if I keep avoiding Furrante? It seems this wasn't expected behavior, and I can see why, considering how he homes in on you at first opportunity. Anyway... I killed Benweth without the quest, but the quest completed, and it said Furrante had given it to me, even though I'd never met him. Out on the world map, his ship is still stalking mine and if I let him catch me, he asks me to kill Ben. I reported to him in Dunnage just now, but his boat is still haunting mine. So anyway, grats Fireballs, you confused the game, woohoo. Yeah no, I didn't make this post only because of that. It's because Maia actually reacts to something Serafen says about Benweth in that first meeting with Furrante. And we all know we have to get to Neketaka to get Maia, so even though you're not supposed to be able to avoid that immediate post-Maje meeting with Furrante, there's at least one interaction that assumes you do so. I intend to let Furrante chase me across the Deadfire and eventually bring him to Ukaizo with me. Update: Furrante has now been hanged, but that's not stopping him. Maybe if I let him catch up, he'll ask me to reload and reconsider my decision? P.S. How I keep avoiding him:
    1 point
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