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I got my booster shot yesterday, another nothingburger. I wish they would have given me the 10ml instead of the 5ml dose.4 points
Yeah but I think we already established that you are weirdo Bruce4 points
My jobs in this community: 1) Post about weird, obscure, niche games that few, if any, other forum members will care about 2) Also specifically dislike Larian and Bioware writing 3) Hate on Bethesda developed games 4) Post as many screenies as possible to keep the Pictures of Your Games threads from getting overwhelmed by Mordheim Troubleshooter screenies 5) Attempt to convert as many lost souls to the Church of the Eurojank RPG as possible so that they may also share in the glory. Have you heard the great news?4 points
SC Monk with Effort stack very quickly Resonances, from scrolls (binding Web's pulses, Great Maelstrom's Pulses, Storm of Holy Fire's Pulses etc) or Raised Torment, or WotW, or Mortars, etc It is a little bit OP and everybody know that you like OP stuffs that's right Since I find the Least Unstable Coil multi-proc with Her revenge one or two years ago, my game turn into a Build-Testing game however in regular path, I never use the OP stuff like Temporal cocoon on myself (but on ennemies) : Effort combined with Brillant Departure and Ajaamut's Cloak for perma-stun is more my taste than "killing everyone at the combat start" with Avenging Storm but it is exactely like than Slayer's Claw for me : the Seeker's Prize !3 points
We don't go bald in my family, our hairlines are just losing the war against the evil forehead.3 points
The USS Abraham Lincoln is deploying with the first female captain to command a aircraft carrier: In a historic first, aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln deploys under command of female captain I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened yet. I looked on Wikipedia and it seems most other ship categories (not by class but function) have had women commanders. The only other type of ship that has not had a female captain are Gator Freighters.3 points
3 points
so i guess this gives me a better hook into your line of thinking. if it were me, i think i'd focus less on direct equivalences with abilities as they are costed now, and go with my "intuitive" sense of 1-common [and basically very few abilities past tier 3 should be a 1 just on a power-level sense], 2-powerful, 3-encounterchanging. for me this gives an immediate sense of what abilities are too expensive or too weak without resorting to cross-class equivalencies. the only pickle is with phrases, wounds, and focus, because they're unique. i honestly have no idea. with wounds you could probably actually try to quantify it based on dance with death, which gives you 1/wound per 3s with a major caveat to work around, so you could frame it as "how often should a vanilla monk be able to do X ability if you're optimized for it" which is still extremely intuitive, but that's what i got. focus a similar logic but based on expected damage output at various points in the game with vanilla weapons (hypothetically scaling similarly to in-game summoned weapons). phrases no idea, i just have an intuitive sense that some invocations are way too expensive for the benefit (like that high-tier dazing shout).* * complete side note, i thought the invocation "his heart did fill with the light of dawn" (+1 class resource in an area) was hopelessly overcosted for its effect, but it wasn't until a recent run where i realized what this really means is that your tier 9 casters can cast 2x (or 3x with empower point) their game-ending tier 9 spells at the start of a fight. in practice it's almost certainly an ability that's only ever meant to be used once, and not in the middle of a fight, so in that sense there's actually no fair cost for it because you automatically have enough phrases to use it instantly.2 points
2 points
I didn't know that, however I didn't mean chanter for energized, but for the perma passive interrupt from chants with effort also proccing Avenging scroll. It is nice to know there is a pre SSS completion source of energised for everyone, but at the same time completing SSS doesn't take that long, getting there definitely takes longer Yes, I was thinking about resonance too, but it doesn't "tickle" me enough compared to what single class monk already does without it, druid seems way more interesting, since its not that great without effort.2 points
2 points
As I understand it, most of the stories of Cobb's antics derive from the same source, a bio written by Al Stump who Cobb had initially worked with on an official biography, before they had a falling out. Modern research hasn't been able to verify all of the claims against Cobb. For example while he did fight a groundskeeper (i think that's the right position) and beat them up, it doesn't seem to be racially motivated like Stump claimed as digging into the historical newspaper accounts and the employment records, the reported race of the groundskeeper is wrong; additionally Cobb advocated for the integration of Baseball long before it happened. He did go into the stands and beat up a heckler, but Babe Ruth attempted the same thing. He was an aggressive competitor, and had a temper and held grudges, but some of the modern scholarship seems to indicate that he wasn't as bad as has long been thought (even uncovering good things he did, like making sure his teams didn't strand batboys in away cities if they didn't make enough money on the trip to cover the cost of getting the batboy home). Still might qualify as the most contempt worthy mvp, but I was really surprised to read about some of the new information about him that's come out.2 points
I think there is a difference of enjoying someone company, and enjoyment coming from interacting with other players only. I also disagree with the latter half. I would say most of my fav games would be worse with a company. Backseat or otherwise.2 points
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2 points
I've been thinking about this post more and I think that to be able to truly compare the value of non-renewable martial/caster resources vs. renewable ressources classes, you should factor in some kind of cost per second scale because the supply and demand isn't always the same. Where it gets dicey is that value is dynamic for non-renewables (it goes up the more the fight goes on) while it is more or less stable for renewables with a steady flow of resources. Let me take an example: in a party, we have a Trickster/Devoted and a Helwalker/Troubadour (2 popular classes): Let's consider a short encounter lasting 20s: Our Swashbuckler will have 9 Guile and 9 Discipline available at start. Our Cantor will have 6 Phrases at start, build up about 6 Phrases over the course of the encounter, have 9 Mortifications at start, 5 Wounds, and build another 6+ Wounds depending on what they does (dance of death, MotS, getting hit...). The Swashbuckler can decide to spend all their resources however they want right from the beginning, and this is important as many fights are front-loaded and you want to turn the tide in your favor quickly before the enemy does - by having the flexibility to use high-impact abilities at the right moment. The Cantor will have a starting pool and build up resources over time so they will have less flexibility on when and how they can spend their resources, which might result in wasted time and/or resources. However, they also Chant from start to finish on top of "doing stuff", and each Wound they possess gives them a buff. => All in all, they seem relatively on an equal footing in terms of resources value vs. cost. Now let's consider a 60s fight: The Swashbuckler will have the same 9/9 pool so they will have to be a lot more considerate in how they spend resources, probably use them more sparingly on truly critical abilities i.e. each resource's value will comparatively go up. The Cantor will have the same starting pool as before, the same Chanting lasting the entire fight and they can steadily generate about 20 Phrases and 20+ Wounds, going on with their routine and adapting their spending as the fight goes on. Overall they won't have to use more or less sparingly their resources, just arbitrate on what is the most effective usage. => The more a fight goes on, the higher the value per resource goes up for the Swashbuckler and the value is stable for the Cantor. Of course trying to figure out the conversion rates between resources for each fight duration would be insanely complicated. But it poses the question of: on what average fight duration/difficulty should the game be based on for balancing out resource value between classes? I feel like this was balanced based on short/easy fights, while the harder/longer fights that truly matter give a clear edge to renewable resource classes. It should be noted that Tactician, Blood Mage and Cipher are a bit more complex cases in terms of resource value linearity, Cipher being the most complex/interesting case: because of Scion vs. Soulblade vs. Ascendant vs. Beguiler each have an interesting quirk and because of Ancestor's Memory. In particular Ascendant might have a weird U-shaped value curve with multiple U's over the course of a long fight. But overall I think Cipher is more balanced and closest to non-renewable classes in terms of average value/cost of abilities. Monks and Chanters got a really, really sweet deal on fights that truly matter, especially when you start factoring in special equipment (Sasha's, Weyc stuff, Least Unstable Coil, Blightheart / Ajamuut, Hylea's talons, Mortars...).2 points
Sarevok is never convinced and I think she is dead no matter what by BG2, so that whole interaction is a bit underwhelming. Oh well, on the slim chance I ever play BG again I'll think of the market show @majestic is watching.2 points
GioGio’s Bizarre Adventure, Golden Wind 33-39: Rekuiemu Everyone finally meet, mystery identities are revealed and the fate of many is decided. This one's end was better in my opinion. As usual, this season was ingenious with Standos and how they were used. Still, some powers could have been shown more, especially Now onto Stone Ocean and Jolyne's adventures in Gurin Dorufin Sutorito Prison.2 points
@Keyrock I am actually waiting for your opinion on Steelrising once it releases and you play it.2 points
So, everyone has their role in a community, right? My jobs are: 1) Post Mordheim screenshots 2) Rant about the lie that is the theory of two extremes, as best illustrated in "moral dilemmas" such as the choice between NCR and Caesar's Legion 3) Generally dislike writing in games as well as tedious design choices 4) Specifically dislike Larian and Bioware writing 5) Post Mordheim screenshots. Admittedly, I have not been posting too many Mordheim screenshots. Mainly because I have not really found much that I haven't screenshotted before.2 points
2 points
These abilities are in some points similares : the target is hit with a powerful blow, while enemies in a cone behind the target take some damage. The differences are in first view the bonus damage (+25% for Raised Torment, +200% for Power Strike) against the primary target, the afflictions involved, the pen bonus for Power Strike, the Interrupt on hit for Raised Torment, the coast in ressources, and the level reach for learning. Both are available for multiclass, in this case with a Wizard. But there is an "hired" difference : the source that triggering the cone. It is the weapon for Power Strike, and nothing for Raised Torment. That can seems obscur but the area of effect from WotEP or Citzal's Spirit Lance are not treated as weapon but only the hit on the principale target. That mean while Power Strike with the lance apply the first effect (stun and bonus) to everyone in the Aoe but trigger only one cone, Raised Torment proc a cone for each target in the AoE. That also mean when empowered with the Least Unstable Coil, Raised Torment give one inspiration per ennemy in the Lance's Aoe. Power Strike give only 2 ( for the primary target hit and the proc).1 point
I sometimes wonder if I already caught it but just never noticed. Amen. Although I have put on about 10lb from my lackadaisical lifestyle. I cant even go for my daily walk because its winter.1 point
1 point
Well to be very literal I’m thinking Barbarian (because leap) and someone that deals in plants and other tubercules. So probably a Mage Slayer / Ancient. Sounds like a winning combination.1 point
as @xzar_monty said, we've had this discussion a lot, but if you're really interested in opening this up again one thing i urge all participants in the discussion to do is simple: Any theory that applies to Deadfire should be consistent with other games. For example: Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous are ridiculously un-optimized and buggy games, upon release and even now. However buggy people may have thought PoE or Deadfire are/were, they are nothing compared to P:K or WOTR. This is not fanboy-ism, the game for P:K was fundamentally broken against completion for a while, half a year in and major critical class functionality in WOTR is just completely missing, broken, or non-functional (and still you see advice on reddit/forums to make a hard save before proceeding into the last act because of bugs). They are ridiculously poorly balanced (though this is not totally Owlcat's fault, Pathfinder 1st ed is based on a now-decades-old system and pathfinder 1st ed did not do much to really fix all its shortcomings [in fact, added to it]). This has not stopped P:K/WOTR from being commercial successes. To resurface some old data - JES mentioned that pre-sales for Deadfire exceeded PoE presales, but their general marketing study of consumer sentiment suggested overall less awareness of the product. Sales basically bottomed out after release. One of my pet theories is that Urquhart forcing Deadfire to be funded on Fig was a major business error. To me, a lot of factors point to a failure of marketing. Small indie studies do not have the ability to dominate airwaves like AAA games can. Kickstarter gives you some level of "free" advertisement (in addition to having better mindshare with journalists who want to pay attention to things). Fig - what's that? P:K and WOTR were both Kickstarter projects (on top of being based on a relatively familiar IP, which also probably helps games like them and hurts Deadfire with a less known IP). PoE was a kickstarter project and basically bankrolled Deadfire development. Yet there have been people who've come to these forums who loved PoE and had no idea that Deadfire was a thing that existed. I don't think this singlehandedly explains the drop in sales, but probably contributes to a significant part of it. (The fig funding mechanism also encourages people to be "investors" [lol], which means a significant fraction of people end up having no actual buy-in to the game itself and are just there gambling, which I also suspect hurts emotional investment/word-of-mouth.) edit: maybe also publisher choice. Tyranny had no pre-existing IP, no kickstarter, and yet at similar points in their run Tyranny had outsold Deadfire 2x. Apparently to Paradox it was still a disappointment (I think they were expecting 1m+ sales, not 500k), but it seems to me that maybe Paradox might have carried Tyranny better than Versus Evil carried Deadfire. I mean, frankly, I've heard of Paradox outside of Tyranny. I've never heard of Versus Evil. Allegedly (according to some Chris Avellone-related gossip), Urquhart also burned some bridges with Paradox, which may have contributed to going with a different, possibly-weaker publisher.1 point
tbf, there are probably tons more easier ways for a tactician to restore discipline with spells (e.g. slicken)1 point
The thread tackles a complicated topic because we are basically comparing potatoes and kangaroos. My own problem is that I try to balance abilities between classes and I need to understand how powerful an ability that costs 3 wounds should be. Should it be as strong as a 1 discipline ? 2 disciplines ? etc... outside of this question, it is not very useful to compare them because of very different system indeed. The true question is more : how strong an ability costing X potatoes or Y kangaroos should be so you are unsatisfied/satisfied/feel it is a bit broken for its cost. And to give a number to the "how strong", I use the "martial ressource" currency. (Which may be flawed because high-cost martial abilities are often over-costed ...). So : An ability costing X potatoes should be as strong as a martial ability costing n ressources. An ability costing Y kangaroos should be as strong as a martial ability costing m ressources. By the way kangaroo meat is delicious with potatoes (and kangaroos release less CO2).1 point
Yeah, no, that's just wrong. It's not hard to see why (sort of, still requires a bit of knowledge) but... yeah. It's not bad at all. There's nothing that offended me except that nosebleed*, and that was really short. Other than that it really looks a bit like K-On! after applying a LSD-induced color filter. It shows that it was made by the same team, the first two episodes didn't truly grab me. The thing is, K-On! for some reason did, even though the first few episodes were clearly worse than the first few episodes of Tamako Market, and that's... something I can't describe**. I'll know more pretty soon. Not many episodes. It really depends on how much of a drag the Romeo and Juliet subplot is. Sakura and Shaoran earned their silly 26 episode plus a movie romance. I'm not sure this anime can pull that off. If it only takes up a bit of screentime that's fine, if it's like the focus of half of the episodes, then thanks, but no thanks. That's true, but also the reason I "parked" Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles for the time being. It wasn't offensive, but it also didn't really make me interested in watching more. To be honest, that first episode of Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran did pretty much the same thing (it looks a bit better than Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles). Obviously that's not much of an issue once I begin, but yeah, others don't have that particular problem. *Of course there's the art. I mean, we can sit and talk about this for the next ten years, the problem is this was made post 2004 and looks appropriately modern, and no matter how much I complain about it, nothing's going to change. It also has the 16 year old girls looking semi-chibified, just like in K-On!, but the animation quality is fine, and the shot compositions aren't bad. That's pretty much all one can hope for in this day and age. **It's probably the character archetypes. I think I have a thing for Sailor Moonish characters, I mean... Yui is like the worst Usagi, after all. Tamako Market's main character isn't that interesting for me right now. Maybe that'll change.1 point
Hmm, well, I still wouldn't want Tarvage, the plant creature that likes to put his seed in your brain so he can control you (oh and you die after it destroys your nervous system) to show up behind me in a dark alley. Or anywhere else. I like my brain un-seeded. I think Cobra does too. And yeah, Crystal Bowie's name led to all sorts of speculation that didn't pan out. Mind you JoJo gets a bit of that too with all the characters with band/singer names.1 point
In a lot of cases, translators go for something more creative that sounds more like something a native English speaker would actually write rather than a difficult literal translation...but in this particular case, I don't think you can really make that excuse, . It helps when nothing in particular is bothering you right off the bat - it's not like a number of other more modern shows I've tried where I immediately disliked the art style, character direction, voice direction, tone, et cetera. If there's nothing to immediately hate, that helps make watching additional episodes a lot easier, . Your premise doesn't sound too bad of a starting point...and it's pretty short at 12 episodes. Guess you'll see how it goes. That's pretty racist. ...I kept imagining some sort of monstrous David Bowie as the villain courtesy of that villain's name, but sadly, the truth is pretty far away from that, .1 point
It needs to be kept in mind that in an extended fight that the Swashbuckler hits considerably harder and therefore remains useful even with no resources whatsoever, as Sneak Attack/Deathblows/Devoted +2 pen etc. are all very significant increases to damage. Rogues have extremely powerful passive abilities, and Fighters have very cheap Intuitive inspirations. The Cantor, on the other hand, would be complete garbage if they didn't have renewable resources.1 point
Watching other people play on the map, it looked very interesting. Guess it's a different pair of shoes when you play it yourself.1 point
It's not fun at all. It works once you get the hang of it, but it's frustrating to wait a minute for the map to adjust. And God forbid you want to use the rotating camera to get a better look. Anyways I think I'm almost done with the demon city. I hope the flying island is still there when I get back.1 point
Victor I don't know if you saw or already knew, but Constentin recently posted that Slayer's Claw STR inspiration upgrade can work every time you switch to it... so if you get Strong with Slayer's Claw > it's upgraded to Tenacious > switch to another weapon set and switch back > upgraded to Energized. And of course it doesn't need to bind soul or anything, anyone can wield the unbinded claw... so if you can rush it, everyone and their mother can be Energized super easily.1 point
I read it, because its a diary it wasn't as easy to get into as I hoped, but it was a great companion to the Rose Red miniseries (which is a pretty good haunted house tale, IMO).1 point
Tactician/chanter sounds like fun. I was also trying to think of good ff multiclasses (with hylea's), but single class monk is so good and effort is a lot less good on them.1 point
1 point
It has its benefits but I would much rather be permanently employed and have a boss but get a monthly salary. This is the first I have been a contractor in my life and its only because I moved to CPT and the work I do primarily in the financial sector is much less because all the banks in SA have their head offices in JHB so their are much less customers But its a beautiful and vibrant city CPT and I have been able to see my family lots so its worth it despite my revenue stream being less1 point
Yeah, sure, not saying that should be changed or anything, it's just odd, who translated that if all it takes is a wee bit of learning to realize that's wrong? The entire set of interactions between Myao, Ran and the baby could just as well have been Usagi, Rei and a baby. It's even the same pee joke. But yeah, of course, outside of a few moments they're not entirely interchangeable, and Usagi is probably not that... challenged, but yeah. I can also begin to see why you liked the show after that episode. Not entirely sure what made you watch past the first or second one though. Heh. It's realy hard to describe what the hell Tamako Market is, or isn't. It's like K-On! with shop owners instead of band members, and it isn't. It looks like K-On! at time, but doesn't. It's... about a talking bird looking for a princess and Tamako's sort-of-maybe romance with her neighbor. In between they go to school or do silly things, and there's the talking bird. It's... a talking bird eating so much rice cake he can't fly properly no more. I'm honestly unsure what to think about it, or how to describe it. It's certainly something. There's something about Tamoko's story in one of the item descriptions, and Sarevok buries her in Kara-Tur at the end of the game. She's Yoshimo's sister, according to some never fully implemented game files, and there's some dialogue for Yoshimo in Hell at the end of Baldur's Gate 2, so it's not unreasonable to deduce that BioWare at least planned to make it possible for Yoshimo to survive or be resurrected and for his quest to go somewhere. Why that was abandoned is something else. Either BioWare realized they can't properly import the state of Tamoko from BG1 or they ran out of time. Anyways... it's Tamoko, not Tamako. Sorry to burst that bubble. Heh. Get it? Because bubbly... never mind, I'll show myself out.1 point
Im fortunate, I still love Bioware and play all their games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age I cant wait for DA41 point
I miss Bioware's* writing. Larian, though, should return monkeys to the zoo, sell the typewriters and use that budget to finally hire a writer. * Except Andromeda and Inquisition, these suck too much.1 point
I thought New Vegas did it alright, they were all bad choices, which I liked. Same with Deadfire, I didn't like any of the factions... Maybe I just don't like groups. Mass effect 2 is maybe the worst offender for 2 extremes... because any diversion from good or bad, will have bad results, no mix and matching... basically you should just choose whether to be good or bad at the start, and not have to decide anything. Edit: I might not know what theory of two extremes is1 point
My brothers and my dad are... not quite bald, but very, very thin haired by now. I seem to have inherited all the hair in the family Leaving it uncut for 3 months makes me look like a 70's hippie with "microphone hair" (it's also very curly)1 point
Consider what happens when you go SC Skald, cast Upgraded Eld Nary + Sasha Empowered Eld Nary + Eld Nary + Eld Nary all 4 in a row. And then reflection happens.1 point
Welcome to this forum.1 point