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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/21 in all areas

  1. What's the difference between the US Capitol and Mordor? One does not simply walk into Mordor.
    6 points
  2. He looks like the "my face is tired" woman from Mass Effect Andromeda. Edit:
    4 points
  3. If I ever get tried by a jury of my peers: "We the jury find the defendant not guilty as no Mordheim screenshots were found at the scene of the crime."
    3 points
  4. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/07/capitol-hill-riots-doj-456178 I guess the old line "Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses" is still true.
    3 points
  5. it would be sad if it weren't so illustrative that the people who were pushing the trump derangement syndrome narrative for the past four years would indulge extreme cognitive dissonance to maintain their initial belief. what did they convince themselves they were seeing on january 6, 2021? terrible reality is that january 6 trump wasn't different than the trump o' the past four years. bad luck. antifa infiltrators. nowhere near as bad as the media makes it look. etc. pile on the excuses to maintain the increasing unsupportable narrative. henceforth, TDS only makes sense when used ironic, intentional or otherwise, 'cause trump keeps managing to do the improbable, the unthinkable and the impossible and yet there is people who act as if each o' these events is isolated and insular. most o' us expected some degree o' trump inspired nonsense on january 6, but too few in power planned for the worst and so the unlikely and improbable somehow becomes inevitable in retrospect? the President is ignorant, erratic, and narcissistic and he is not gonna somehow get less ignorant, erratic and narcissistic in the next eleven days. assume he is gonna get worse is the prudent course of action. mattis was sleeping in his uniform when trump was demanding action against north korea early in his Presidency, and recent every living former secretary o' defense joined an opinion piece article which recognized the serious threat trump posed to the republic in this the last month of his term in office. shoulda' been a wake up call. wasn't. same trump at start as end, but with criminal charges looming as soon as he leaves office, trump is more desperate than at anytime previous in his Presidency. you cannot full prepare for what trump will do, but is prudent to assume that whatever you might imagine, the reality will be worse.. and more stoopid. no, am not expecting trump will successful start a war or sacrifice 10,000 of his followers to baphomet as part o' an infernal pact to retain power. am not knowing what to expect but am hopeful those in the white house, pentagon and Congress are prepared for something terrible, 'cause even if terrible never happens, with trump the improbable, unthinkable and impossible is... not. we expected chaos on january 6. we warned o' chaos. we didn't imagine what actual happened, not by a long shot.
    3 points
  6. Nothing exotic, not really my jam, but here is a basic recipe. Mine has a few tweaks because I always like to experiment. Cook it then wrap it in dough and bake it. I also put a half a slice of provolone because my lactose intolerance demands tribute. https://www.southernliving.com/dish/classic-mississippi-roast
    2 points
  7. Corporations having influence in politics? What brave dangerous new world is this? Surely it is the first time that has happened, and now some sort of floodgates have been opened.
    2 points
  8. Do you wanna hear something funny? The closing days of the Trump administration is probably the first time in history that everyone who posts on this board generally agrees about something.
    2 points
  9. You haven't posted the paper here, how can we, your obsidian peers review it?
    2 points
  10. I signed up to receive the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine within the next few weeks. My team is going to figure out the exact order on Monday, since we don't want to take it all at once in case of any negative side effects, and I suspect I'll be towards the end since I'm able to work remotely (although also glad to be on the list and able to receive it given that, in the case of an emergency, I could go back on-site with some modicum of protection). I'll still be taking weekly COVID tests, even though I'm working from home we're all required to get tested at least once every seven days, but the more protection the better - particularly since I think this is going to get much, much worse. I also submitted a paper examining the 2019 Measles Outbreak in New York City and State to be published in a minor journal, so ideally it will pass peer review and withstand the editor's pen. But even if that doesn't happen it was still exciting to have been asked to submit something in the first place.
    2 points
  11. Having been on the ground for a similar violent event, when Neo-Nazi **** invaded my town and killed an innocent woman in a deliberate act of terrorism, I can safely say this isn't an isolated incident in any way, shape, or form.
    2 points
  12. Don't miss Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury shine in a triple-conjunction this weekend.
    2 points
  13. Queen's Gambit was a lot more interesting than I expected it to be.
    2 points
  14. For Parler? It's global, so far as I'm aware. Probably get the same ban on Apple too within a day. Telegram is better anyway. Alphabet/ Facebook/ Apple etc desperately need to be broken up, if Trump had done it- even for the wrong reasons- it would have been one thing to genuinely be very proud of.
    2 points
  15. Obsidian doing Shadowrun
    2 points
  16. He can still use @POTUS presumably if he wanted to, might be amusing seeing his tweets archived as official communications. And no forum software, that isn't a username. It wouldn't matter in the slightest. Thinking Trump was ever going to nuke someone randomly on the way out is a clear indicator of Trump Derangement Syndrome at work. Conventional strikes on Iran, sure, considered and rejected by Trump a few weeks ago but could still happen and is being actively promoted by Israel and KSA. Randomly nuking someone though? Ludicrous. Has to be said, if you think now is 'scary times' you should be very very glad that those protesters weren't met with a 'hail of bullets'. Because that would have had far worse consequences.
    2 points
  17. Well, you are a prime candidate for the Battle Brothers fan re-education camp
    2 points
  18. Tell Paradox, they'll make you CEO.
    1 point
  19. World of Darkness Crusader Kings 4 DLC 45
    1 point
  20. Trump didn't just make the Obama presidency look amazing in contrast, he rehabilitated the image of every President before him. Nixon's preserved head probably has a big smile on it, as he is now off the hook.
    1 point
  21. Little interest in the subject matter and setting.
    1 point
  22. Oh! Yeah, totally missed it. Thanks man, good to know you really CAN all-out customize it.
    1 point
  23. You missed that in custom history (I did too first time I made one). After selecting an option you get like little tabs of further options, gift for the machine for example is in Heritage Hill, and there is another for Effigis.
    1 point
  24. Fremdschämen is something you do when someone else does or says something so incredibly stupid or embarassing that you feel ashamed by mere association.
    1 point
  25. The people will do what they're told. Trust in government and in experts is very high in Scandinavia. So the problem starts when the "expert" is wrong, like what happened in Sweden. When he tells people masks aren't necessary, people will listen to that. And when no one wears masks, no one wants to stand out in a crowd as one of the few who does so. As soon as masks became mandatory here in Norway (also too late, but way way quicker than in Sweden), everyone started wearing them immediately. Edit: I believe his reasoning was that there wasn't any science that indicates masks helps (there is), and that masks would give people a false sense of security. That they then wouldn't care about social distancing.
    1 point
  26. Herd immunity, the issue is, this virus does not create a permanent immunity. People get sick second time and some even third by now. That's why I'm a bit skeptical whenit comes to the vaccine as the solution, unless it is some really good one. The virus adapds quickly, as the new more infectious form proves. It's not more leathal, although each infection leaves you permanently 'injured' in some extent. From changes in the heart tissue, lungs to changes in the brain. Effects and their severity can vary, but i think we can kiss goodbye to the permanent immunity. It's now a matter if we can keep winning a race with the mutations and the spread of the virus, so it will not be more of an issie than a regular flu. For that, we need effective medicine, that will not require people to be plced in hospitals en masse.
    1 point
  27. Before Star Trek, they all just wore red hats.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. I'm not sure how I feel about the subject material (I like Chess well enough, but I don't care about it at all in a competitive sense), but Anya Taylor-Joy has been great in everything I've seen her in, and everybody loves the show, so it's difficult not to be interested.
    1 point
  30. Thanks guys! I think I'll try path of the damned without upscaling for now. I see the appeal of upscaling but I am just not sure how I feel about lvl-adjusted xaurips and thugs. I'll try a new build (Barbarian/Transmuter) for this one so wish me luck P.S: I am slightly amazed that I got three helpful comments right away. Thanks again!
    1 point
  31. Yes. As long as there is almost unlimited contractual freedom then company can but almost any stipulation in their ToS they want and those stipulations must be followed if they don't break specific laws. And there is almost no laws when it comes to service contracts between two companies. Which means that it is usually for small companies take or leave situation. EU has tried to create directives that would put some rules that big companies need to follow, but almost all of those have been blocked by member countries. And US has even less restrictions and EU and as Parler is US company it would need win their case there. And good luck with that. You can just look how well it has went for musicians who have tried to get their abusive contracts nullified even in cases where other party is actually physically abused them.
    1 point
  32. Yeah, tbf I overdid the lash quite a bit and in a real playthrough would never go that far for lack of resources. You'd definitely use sawbones and adra potions before starting to sacrifice hirelings, because you have to create them anew every time (I tried export but once a hireling is dead "recruit" gets greyed out), that's another reason why I only took level 1 hirelings. Getting to a realistic lash is really fast tho, 700% took almost no resources and is already insanely op if you use it with stuff like freezing pillar or chanter invocations.
    1 point
  33. Yet to watch it, but knowing his critiques it’s gonna be good. Edit: manages to give voice to many problems I wasn’t able to properly articulate.
    1 point
  34. No one in the picture has legs or arms. Is it just all snakes?
    1 point
  35. Ganked at 10? Jeez. I thought 6 was bad. All I have to say is: Someday, "Drunk Orlan", someday I'll be back. In the Immortal words of Ahnuld. I was having a *REALLY* hard time in Cragholdt Bluff at level 11. I got through into the place, but it was a real, absolute bastard.
    1 point
  36. If Crag*whatever was intended for highest levels it should've been described better. By the given wording of quests it seems to me that I should do this first and White March later. Weird.
    1 point
  37. White March is from 6. At Cragholldt Bluff I got ganked at 10 so this is probably a high lvl area.
    1 point
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