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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/20 in all areas

  1. Aaaand he's back! Welcome back @Aarik D! Hope you pick up your old handle.
    5 points
  2. Aberfeldy Highland Single Malt. Starts off nutty, finishes slightly sweet. Very smooth, zero burn.
    4 points
  3. Black friday and the christmas bull**** is coming up so I have to, Jason Schreier QQs about "crunch" all the time, he should try working as a postal worker during this period. From December onwards, I'm working 7 days a week and 10-12 hours, and it's not going to be enough.
    4 points
  4. Thank you friends! I am indeed back and still have my account!!!
    3 points
  5. I don't want to accuse CDPR of dodging the release of 2020 GotY Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but, I mean, when it's THIS blatantly obvious...
    3 points
  6. Hide it from your libraries and pretend you never bought it until you think you never did.
    3 points
  7. I ordered the seeds for next years garden. No more farmers market so I’m only planting for me . So 3/4 of an acre. Sweet Corn Kentucky Blue Pole Beans Lima Beans Butternut Squash Summer Squash Vidalia Onions Strawberries Green Peas Its more diversity over a smaller plot than I usually do. But this time I’m keeping all of it. Canned or frozen.
    3 points
  8. https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/l-p-d-libertarian-police-department Obsidian, hire this guy for Outer Worlds 2?
    3 points
  9. Hi, since Swift Flurry always procs attack rolls that are done with the main hand even if the offhand triggered it (see Sun & Moon in offhand and Battle Axe with Bleeding Cuts in main hand: lots of Bleeding Cuts from Swift Flurry without the recovery malus) I thought I'd give it a shot* and try if that also works with a ranged weapon in the main hand (and a melee weapon in the offhand obviously). And it does! Forget the times when you thought you couldn't use Fire in the Hole with Swift Flurry - you can! It even seems that Swift Flurry/Heartbeat Drumming procs from the ranged weapon can proc additional procs. It's pretty crazy, I can tell you. Other good ranged weapons for this: Current's Rush (High Tide is powerful once it procs) Hand Mortar (with Blinding Smoke + Avenging Storm: ridiculous) Blunderbusses (every pellet seems to be able to trigger another shot) Tried it with SC Monk with Whispers of the Wind (awesome) and also with Monk/Ranger using Driving Flight (higher chance to get proc-chains with Stunning Surge: also great. Especially nice is that you can combine it with Hunter's Claw which also works ranged weapons in the main hand- Using a blunderbuss or mortar lets you get those stacks pretty quickly. Enjoy! *
    2 points
  10. @Keyrock - I like your hat. The pumpkin could use a face, tho.
    2 points
  11. Now, I'm on the way to 0.2333% of the Swedish stock
    2 points
  12. In that case the first 'person' who told would be CDP themselves though, so they'd still potentially be in trouble. For important announcements it has to be need to know, and while there may well have been suspicions of a delay they were just suspicions. It's also complicated because CDPR does not release many games at all so C2077 is expected to be the main money earner for multiple years. (IIRC CDP has been warned for making announcements improperly before, though I cannot remember what it was in respect of, so take with grain of salt)
    2 points
  13. Yeah that seems pretty much certain. It's unfortunate for the employees, but if they informed them first and then the stock price dropped early because an employee told someone CDP would be in potential trouble for insider trading.
    2 points
  14. I would almost believe that these decisions are actually about ethics and/or saving lives if it wasn't fact that for some reasons need to protected these 'lives' seems to end when child is born and after that they become just another leaches that lives on other people's hard earned money
    2 points
  15. I love watermelon too. That's it, that's all I had to say.
    2 points
  16. I harvested about a pound of hops this year from my hop vines, but I have no way to dry them, and all the brewing equipment is in storage, so they will simply be decorative for the time being. Still, it was nice to see them getting more productive. Next year maybe I will have a plan in place to use them.
    2 points
  17. Yeah, I was thinking icepick. That works too and I don't have to go to the hardware store. Thanks!
    2 points
  18. watermelon may be frozen but texture will change drastic. suggestion: puree melon (remove all seeds) and then freeze in ice cube trays. throw the frozen cubes/balls o' watermelon in a ziploc bag and store in the freezer almost indefinite. watermelon rind is underutilized and may be pickled and/or preserved. deep-fried watermelon rind is also surprising tasty, but we would not recommend trying to deep fry watermelon rind which has been previous frozen. HA! Good Fun! ps (edit) forgot to mention seed removal... though one assumes such would be self-evident. bad to assume.
    2 points
  19. Needs more watermelon. I know it cant be canned or frozen but its just so delicious.
    2 points
  20. Found and corrected. Will be included in next release. I don't know. +1AR for an ability point feels okay, albeit powerful. Thick Skinned almost gives that + engagement. But I consider Thick Skinned to be a "beyond balance" passive (every classes has a couple of them, such as Stoic Steel, Deathblow, Deep Wound, Driving Flight, or the various modals). What I see now is a mere conditionnal +1AR, which doesn't seem too great. Plenty of cases where it won't work. - Double types of damages - Alternate foes with different damage type - Single foe with attack speed < 3s+INT modifier How much does it worths now ? Half an AR ? Half an AR is meh. But the old +2AR was too strong in a number of cases especially when one get hit by a single ennemy. OK for this one, unless someone comes and claims it OP. Unfortunately, there is no coded status that provides +1 Max Phrase to chanter. What could be done is an increased phrase generation speed. Honnestly it won't be so bad to help SC Chanters to shine vs MC ones. (got several men down yesterday when Fampyrs somehow reflected the Eld Narys that my SC Skald likes chaining...) Something like +15% speed would fit. What do you think ? For Casters, it's a small boost but +1 level 2 spell isn't going to destroy the balance. For Cipher, it's doable to increase base and max focus. Edit : I don't think I will apply these changes to Luminous Bath cause it would cause powercreeping for Multiclass.
    2 points
  21. has been a long time since we had any exposure to this, so am hopeful somebody more knowledgeable corrects what we assume will be multiple errors. aryan migration/invasion is kinda an explanation for the linguistic commonalities 'tween european, middle-eastern and asian languages, and we are talking 'bout hypothesized events more than 1200 bc. is more o' a semantics issue than anything. if you migrate into places where folks already is having established cultures, then some modern and socially conscious persons, absent any evidence, will wanna call it an invasion. is not a complete unreasonable assumption, but again, is no evidence the migrations o' persons from europe to asia were "invasions." there may even have been bloody conflicts 'tween the foreigners and the indigenous peoples, but labeling such insular conflicts as an invasion is requiring a bit o' a leap 'tween what is known (extreme little) and what some hypothesize. HA! Good Fun! ps am a bit amused by the recognition that ordinary 6th graders in CA should be able to provide a far better explanation than am personal able to offer bruce.
    2 points
  22. Students are tested on Social Science in 8th grade, and the test breakdown was pretty much 4 questions on 6th grade content, 3 questions on 7th, and 4 questions on 8th grade content. It has actually shifted quite a bit in the last few years and is no longer the silly multiple guess format. I also teach in an area with a lot of parent involvement and it is predominately Asian, so I am spoiled by not having to really worry about the test scores. I have taught in lower socio-economic schools and it matches that clip from The Wire to a tee.
    2 points
  23. I voted yesterday. There was a short wait but no biggie. For President I voted for Jorgensen of course. And no it was far from a “wasted” vote. The winner of the electoral votes of my state is an absolute foregone conclusion. A vote for Trump or Biden would’ve been wasted. Not that I would ever cast my vote for either of them. On the other hand every single vote that Jorgensen receives is invaluable. Not because it will make her president. That is mathematically impossible. But every vote the Libertarian candidate receives improves the standing of the Libertarian party, improves their process for getting ballot access in 2024, and move them one vote closer to major party status. So a vote for the third-party candidates that have nationwide access is anything but wasted. And the best of all I don’t have to lose sleep knowing I voted for a scoundrel.
    2 points
  24. Old thread... https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/119010-politics-2020/ So, was it an Aryan invasion or migration???
    1 point
  25. Just a few pet peeves and suggestions. When I heard signs were added in 0.3, I had assumed that they would allow for labeling. Unfortunately, it seems that the signs are instead merely posters and pictures. As someone who likes to organize their items by type (plants, minerals, body parts, crafted resources, tools, weapons, armor, etc.), the ability to label these places would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps sprig and clover leaf signs you write on with sap? I like to explore caves and tunnels, but something I find strange about them is that entering them spontaneously lowers the brightness settings. Now, looking it up it seems like you are doing this to circumvent an issue with UE4's skylight system. That's all well and good, but perhaps you can alter the level design to make the transition less jarring. Or perhaps look into implementing a solution similar to the one this man used for his lighting? Or one of the other suggestions provided by him?
    1 point
  26. Firstly, I hope that all at Obsidian affected by the fires in California are safe and sound. That said, I made a post for the 0.3.0 PTB that as of that version, I was having immediate CTD situations, and could find no workaround. The patch launched and the problem persisted. None of the subsequent hotfixes remedied this problem, but I was very hopeful that after about a month of not even being able to launch the game, this would be resolved. Imagine my sadness upon downloading the current PTB and finding that the situation is, in fact, still present. I've checked all drivers and whatnot, nothing changed on my PC from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 hardware wise, so I'm a little perplexed. I realize the team is small. I realize it's EA and I have been very patient with this, but for it to take this long is kind of ****ting the bed, in my opinion. I know we're on a mad rush for content, and I love this game and it's content, but let's maybe make sure the content works, y'all.
    1 point
  27. It was a migration, there are clear differences between the words " invasion " and " migration" But what a strange way to describe the arrival of white people in the USA when it comes to the actual events of history ...no wonder there is so much misinformation from certain elements within groups like BLM where people literally dont know one historical statue from another and think the history of a country like the USA is founded only on negative developments like slavery and oppression
    1 point
  28. literal the best news we has heard in days. am knowing it weren't too long ago CA were still using multi-choice for high school and middle-school content standards for history. idiotic. congrats to CA for abandoning obvious stoopid. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  29. Definitely. The choice of using bows has been pretty much eradicated as of late (which sucks, as I absolutely LOVE using bows.) I wish they would make bows an actual choice.
    1 point
  30. Autopickup arrows for convenience, items sometimes phase through terrain and become unrecoverable / items dont have markers 100% and are easy to lose
    1 point
  31. Liked that and Psych a lot, they were both on/came out around the same time on USA (the network). Ultimately, they are just silly detective shows of which there are about a billion of, but having good humor and non-totally contemptible characters and writing goes a long way, . Sailor Moon update: I'm halfway through the first season, it's unbelievably dumb, and I'm officially in love with it, . I didn't think the first anime show I loved would be...this, of all things. It's an absolutely hilarious and adorable show.
    1 point
  32. That scene managed something very impressive. It took a joke that always makes me smile because I usually enjoy old, worn out jokes no matter how cliché they have become and made me facepalm. So Stamets is in the Jeffries tube, lying on the floor bleeding out while trying to fix the ship and Dr. Culber comes to them and he's supportive of his husband and says something like: "You need to fix this so I can get you out of there and kill you." Ha ha. Nah, that situation is way too dumb for that Hugh. Sorry. Oh, and cleaning blood. Jesus. Engineering Lady talks about someone cleaning the floor and he says "I'm called Dean by the way" and she looks at him and goes "I already forgot that" and I figured... yeah, I already forgot your name or that you even were on the Discovery. I'll probably remember Dean. Eh, I hope his name is Dean. Otherwise that would make my point fall on its nose a little bit.
    1 point
  33. I think it's less that they heal and more that they simply... forget the damage you inflicted on them. My guess is that the passive state doesn't actually keep track of their HP; likely to reduce processing time, so when an arthropod exits agro and becomes passive again it simply... forgets that it isn't at full health.
    1 point
  34. I liked Minsc when I was younger (ie. when BG and BG2 were released). Nowadays I usually take Kivan or Valygar instead.
    1 point
  35. Baldur’s Gate III: The Black Hound. Icewind Dale and NWN2 + expansions are probably my favorite incarnations of FR, I like how Black Isle and Obsidian, and Sawyer as a game director, approaches the setting and thought BG3 sounding very interesting, even though using the BG name was a bit if a cop out. And even after the game was canceled, I wish Josh had had the time ( / had been allowed?) to finish the NWN2 module he was working on.
    1 point
  36. Binsc and Moo is the real trawling that went down recently ... leave it to the French to create Boo as a space hamster who controls giant rats named Moo ... but considering the French do satire with puppets on TV I shouldn't be surprised. I am leaving this comment vague because not sure I want to admit I played and beat The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: Amulet of Chaos ... [that was my French humor] https://www.programme-tv.net/videos/swip/quand-les-guignols-imaginent-la-suite-des-aveux-de-lance-armstrong_11925
    1 point
  37. Well you can do Watcher's Keep fresh out of Chateau Irenicus (at least up to the Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization, farther if you don't mind cheese and rest spamming), and Kundane/Belm is available fairly early. Even with only the normal haste and prior to the final attack per round bonus you can trounce everything and it only gets better from there, and a party size of three or four characters makes sure you dip into HLA level... well, well before the Underdark. Fighter/Mages are better, sure. Whether it is your old buddy Koveras or a home made Kensai/Mage dual class, or even a plain old F/M MC. But an F/T is in my opinion the only way to play a thief character in BG2 without gimping yourself compared to everything else that's available. Except maybe single class clerics. Ugh. I'd rather waste time laying traps than that. Talking about the game is the only way I play it since Ascension came out. Combat being a chore is why my player characters usually end up having fighter levels and never venturing out with a full party of 6. DC or MC... doesn't matter that much. But that's also true for IWD. Start the game with three fighters that DC into a thief, a mage and a cleric (or druid if you feel lucky but that stat roll needed, whew) at level 9. Liberally rest until healed and just walk over traps until you can DC. The proceed to destroy everything a lot easier than it would have been otherwise. The IWD EE and IWD2 being exceptions of course. Bringing a sorcerer in IWD is just ridiculous enough to merit it's inclusion every time (bring a paladin, sorcerer and fighter/druid playing on Insane. Cheese yourself through the beginning and enjoy) and IWD2 is a whole different can of worms.
    1 point
  38. Hi, I was recently looking into this same behavior while playing the game for the first time, and I thought I would share what I discovered here in the most relevant existing thread. There are also some other online discussions that mentioned how experience gain would be greatly diminished for characters further down in the list of inactive party members. I was looking at the Assembly-CSharp.dll file, according to another post I had found, and I noticed what I believe is a minor error in the code. It seems the game is intended to give inactive party members 90% experience if they are equal to or below the player's level, and 50% if they are above (based on global.gamedatabundle file). However, these adjustments are made to all of the characters in a loop without resetting the initial experience value on each iteration. Therefore, the first inactive member would get 90% xp as intended, the second would only get 90% of 90%, or about 81%, the third would get about 73%, and so on. Depending on the number of inactive members, this can result in severely reduced experience gains for the most recent members not in the active party. The post that shows this code and how to edit it is below. The poster just bypasses the loop and assigns 100% xp every time, but it would be easy to just add a new variable for reassigning a new adjusted xp value on each loop to make the code work as intended. It seems Obsidian is finished making minor patches like this one to the game, but it seems to be a simple fix in case anyone is interested.
    1 point
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