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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/20 in all areas

  1. Y'all ever heard of a reverse exorcism? It's when the devil tells the priest to exit the childs body.
    4 points
  2. when we get the "munchies," am more likely to turn to meat than chips or sweets. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  3. If they then bought it on GOG, nothing. If they then bought it on Steam, their Lord and Saviour? A lot
    3 points
  4. I don't know about any instability issues with the Community Patch.
    2 points
  5. Yes, it works the same if you pick the "Fight Another Day" enchantment.
    2 points
  6. The idea is legit. As you tested it won't work with Heart of the Storm (it would have required attacks to be Lightning tagged, but this would cause Lightning Immune to be immune to monk attack, so it won't be that great). But it will work with Deltro's Cage and Chromoprismatic staff (will only increase duration, but still a nice interaction. Draconic Fury will have to be Fire tagged for consistency (it provides a Fire lash). I think about Fire and Ice tagging Dichotomous Soul. Still only provides increase spell duration but I feel it would be a nice touch too. I'm not favorable about tagging a summon just because it does a certain type of damages, but the twins are literally made of the said elements. Fire Stag is fire tagged so the twins shall be tagged too. I'm going to wait a bit, gather a couple of ideas and (bug) feedbacks before releasing a new version though.
    2 points
  7. Did you already heard about Grim Dawn sister?
    2 points
  8. I am hoping it will open the floodgates to; UBI, UHC and UFE (Universal Free Education).
    2 points
  9. He said that because with dumped DEX and heavy armor you will most likely be the last one in the turn order - and then it's hard to interrupt/CC before casters let loose Arcane Dampener etc.. Although I don't completely understand why that's a general problem when 90% of fights can be initiated from stealth (with interrupts/CCs like Slicken for example) where your initiative doesn't matter. Of course you should avoid boarding fights then. Maybe I miss something though.
    2 points
  10. I dreamed there was a XCOM3 trailer and tried to post it here. But for some reason my PC wouldn't let me copy the URL to the trailer. Damn dreams. Not that you missed much. The trailer kinda sucked. At least the game, when it comes, promises to be better than what I dreamed last night.
    2 points
  11. Discovery S03E02. Well that was... hum. The entire episode was so forgettable I have nothing much to say about the plot, but there are some points that drove me nuts - again. I am however willing to concede that I can no longer be objective about this and that no matter what this show would do I'd start nitpicking and not liking it. So take the griping with a grain of salt. Also, unmarked spoilers ahead. Not that it makes much of a difference. Some parts of the alpha quadrant have apparently devolved into a wild west style setting with extremely inefficient energy weapons (Georgiou takes multiple phaser blasts and can still literally kick ass afterwards). More talk about how dilithium is necessary for warp drives and that there's no warp without dilithium. I mean it's pointless to point out that dilithium in 'Trek is used as the matter/antimatter reaction equivalent of nuclear reaction control rods, not directly for the warp drive, because who cares at this point. They also keep talking about warp drives even though Courier Book blabbed something about the quantum slipstream drive in the first episode. But whatever, really. Oh, and a thousand years into the future nature has provided the 'Trek universe with an entirely new periodic table because Tilly scans for metals necessary to complete repairs and find many that she doesn't even know. It's also pointless to point out that 'Trek had at least in part a tradition of sticking with accepted real life scientific principles beyond what was necessary to make the setting work (i.e. FTL, artificial gravity and polarity Treknobabble). Who cares at this point that the only way you'd get really new and astonishing stable elements on the periodic table is to entirely rearrange the laws of physics. Well maybe that's what happened to the dilithium. Bet the hippies didn't expect the Age of Aquarius to look like that, ey? Honestly how hard is it to say that you've found compound materials or alloys you had no clue existed? Your high school physics so bad that the only thing you remember is the periodic table? Had a fun reaction to seeing the Discovery bridge crew as well. "Oh, yeah... huh, who's that? Oh, right. Oh, look, it's Lt. Barclay's really terrible replacement. Cyborg lady with the artificial brain. Who the hell is that guy, was he here before? Oh right and there's the weirdo engineer lady from the crashed ship from last time. Whatever her name is." In contrast I've been rewatching DS9 lately and I just saw Crossfire, which is an episode that's largely about Odo and Kira and Odo's feelings for her and how he gets friendzoned really bad. Nothing much happens in the epsiode (other than an attempt at the First Minister of Bajor's life) but it was still better than every episode of Picard and Discovery combined. It's 99% character interaction and 1% action, not the other way around. "For a minute there, I thought you were talking to me as a friend." The lost art of character development in action. A single scene in a regular episode that is somewhat unspectacular otherwise with heartfelt delivery between two actors that are mimically limited by their make up is so much better than anything nu Trek has come up with so far. Since this is a wild west episode it had to end with a traditional standoff when the bad guy shows up and tries to shake down the poor miners because they were trying to help the Discovery crew. They kill one of the miners with their super weird inefficient laser guns and want to rob Discovery's dilithium supply. Zareh is clearly attempting to impress Tilly with his aged Billy the Kid spiel. Saru immediately cows to Zareh (great name by the way), the assigned courier to this trade route and negotiates for... well their repaired communications thingie and maybe a hostage release. But there's no plan, no idea how to stop them, nothing. He's just really negotiating in earnest with a character he should by all means know will never stick to their deal. Then Georgiou shows up and kicks everyone's ass (after getting shot repeatedly with the really bad weapons). They then proceed to execute Zareh by exposure to the elements. I mean Saru doesn't kill him immediately like Georgiou wants to but then they kind of agree to let him leave during night time on foot on a planet where the ice comes alive at night and destroys everything on the surface. Sure, why not. They're even nice enogh to give him some supplies. Finally when the Discovery repairs kind of fail and the living ice threatens to crush everyone on board Michael shows up and tells them she's been waiting for them for a year. Uh, okay. Also the cyborg navigator keeps hearing telepathic interference after she's hit her head. Oh, right, you only know it is supposed to be telepathic interference when you turn on the closed captions, because they really say [Telepathic interference] in front of the subdued Audio the cyborg navigator (oh right, they got names last season, hers is Detmer) hears. Oh, right, lest I forget, there's this wonderful scene where Doctor Culbert makes wakes up Stamets and puts him in a regeneration thingy. Then Stamets leaves to help with repairs. He and weird crash engineering lady with spinal disc herniation sit next to a Jeffries tube. Engineering lady tells Stamets how to repair a broken whatever in the tube. Stamets argues that she should crawl in the tube and she says nah, back's damaged she can't move. They then talk about getting some help from someone else and Stamets flies into a testosterone filled stupidity where he can't have asking for help in front of a woman (or whatever) and crawls up the tube himself. What the hell guys. This is a repair job that's crucial to Discovery escaping the parasitic living ice that wants to cover everything at night (except for the mining outposts apparently), both people there are in no physical condition to do it and yet they don't call for help that is clearly available and able? This isn't Spock fixing the warp drive of the Enterprise and sacrificing himself to save the ship and the people on it. This is just unbelievable stupid. Unbelievably stupid like the entire show. Gah.
    2 points
  12. Blunting Belt is always in Fort Deadlight.
    2 points
  13. The most notable are the Dragon Pendant, the Blunting Belt, the Boots of the White...
    2 points
  14. Installed Outer Worlds. Made a character. Had no idea what to do with stats, it's been a while since I've played something with all those chr. choices at the very start. Certainly feels Fallout-ish in that regard. Ran around a bit, shot some bandits or something, went ooh and ahh at the colorful scenery. NPC faces are a bit, uh, less scenic, but that's fine. Not sure I'll use that Tactical Time Dilation combat thing (kind of VATS like in a way, I guess, which I never used either). Anyway ... seems ok at the start, typical rpg very-beginnings.
    2 points
  15. I was going to play Amnesia: Rebirth, but the game's a mess on Linux right now. It's surprising, since Frictional Games has a history of great Linux support, but oh well, I'll wait until it's sorted. For now it's Yakuza Kiwami and The Outer Worlds soon.
    2 points
  16. i'm playing deadfire for ps4 and i want to create an archer build. What is the best bow user in the game for single target dmg? Ranger single class, Rogue singe class? Scout? And which sub class would be better for this dps role? Initially I thought of creating a AA and multiclass with assassin and open combat with stealth fire ball. But it seems that AA still has the problem of spell penetration. Perhaps Sharpshooter with assassin is better? Or just Sharpshooter? Any tip is welcome
    1 point
  17. Some multiclasses are very frontloaded (e.g. Rogue/Paladin) while others have their peak later. Monk's really good stuff starts at mid levels, Fighter's even later.
    1 point
  18. Don't remember if I shared this one or not: OK, ya'll may resume serious discussion now.
    1 point
  19. Yeah, the first round is usually the most critical in most fights involving a horde of enemies - like you said it can lead to a death by a thousand cuts even to an otherwise deathless tank if they can't put up their defenses. Also, dunno if you've realized this yet, but escape is a really effective tanking ability in TB - that 50 deflect is really something; and once your priest can cast salvation of time... Swift flurry, I'm happy to say, is definitely not bugged (again, I'm playing on the ps4, so hopefully riposte works for you) and that is works in tandem with heartbeat drumming as intended. In my playthrough, once Xoti got whispers of the wind (SC monk), she became my uncontested top damage dealer - 6 full attacks with one ability (meaning 12 attack rolls when dual wielding) and swift flurry + heartbeat drumming proccing off all of those, I'd say she does around 15 attacks per one use! Assuming there's enough enemies to bounce between, of course. Also, I'd go with lightning strikes on your monks 'till you can pick heartbeat drumming and then respec into swift flurry, cuz the lighting lash is better on lower levels. Finally, I'd say that 2 out the 3 I mentioned - cc, buffer and tank need to go as early as possible, but three is always better. The tank can be in heavy armor and go (among) the last, if they get some armor/defence buff or the crowd-controller can prevent some of the enemies from rushing your meat wall. Sometimes the simplest things can also help - make a custom formation where you put your tank in the very front (in this instance the heavy armor is a must, at least on lower levels) and everyone else in a line all the way back. I've found that sometimes that wee bit of extra distance is all that is takes for the AI to go for the tank instead of going for one's squishies.
    1 point
  20. Blunting Belt is both iirc: fixed in some places AND random in other places (Boots of Speed also have this).
    1 point
  21. The cone of Clear Out is much bigger than the cone of WotEP. I can't say how big the cone of Karabörü is (like Clear Out it has no AoE indicator and cannot be triggered 100% reliably during testing). Yes, high INT (or even max) is kind of mandatory for AoE weapons. Brawler shouldn't have a hard time to gain high INT though? Unless you picked Iron over Turning Wheel that is. And even then you can still use Enlightened Agony to get +5 INT at least - no need to pick Tactical Barrage if one likes Disciplined Strikes too much. Even as 14 INT-Brawler you could get a helmet with +2 (for example Heaven's Cacophony) and an amulet with +2 (Charm of Bones) and then put +10 on top with Turning Wheel --> 28 INT. Ot let's assume your Turning Wheel bonus is +5 on avagerage: still 23 INT.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. I'd just keep at it, if I were you. You're almost through the worst of it, since the game has an inverted difficulty* curve. Plus you're struggling more, because your party is all multiclassed, and most multiclasses start coming into their own around level 11 or 13. I can't remember whether it was lvl 13 or 16, but after that enemies started to really miss Eder (build him as a basic swashbuckler tank), but it was also then that I found out, that the ability Riposted is bugged (just doesn't trigger), but that could just be another bug in the console version. I literally tallied over 100 misses on a notebook, but Eder's riposte never activated, not even once, but that's besides the point I guess. What I'm saying, your custom Unbroken/trickster will eventually start working as intended. Just don't tank his dex completely and don't put the heaviest armor ever on him. Also, if you turtle up everyone, it's very unlikely that you'll be able to interrupt Wizards from casting Arcane dampener or boss-level enemies (like Neri in BoW and I'd imagine it's even more critical with the megabosses) from buffing themselves immortal. From my one (almost complete) playthrough in TB, I feel that it's important for buffers, crowd-controllers and tanks to go as soon as possible. Still, turtling is a valid choice all the way to around level 11 or 13, but after that I'd start trying out lighter armor.
    1 point
  24. What is fishy about not wanting to touch Epic Store even with a 10-foot pole
    1 point
  25. Touch of Rot is a good dmg spell in RTwP. Insect Plague + Infestation of Maggots, too. Don't know how they behave in TB mode though.
    1 point
  26. I love adding different ingredients with my cooked English Breakfast, I dont deviate from the normal " bacon, eggs, toast and fried tomato " but I also add additional things to my breakfast. Today I am including chicken livers
    1 point
  27. ...I guess this game looks all right. May turn off that chromatic aberration or whatchamacallit tho.
    1 point
  28. Igor had a pretty accurate estimate for the power consumption for the 3080 before others. The graphic has to be wrong, or everyone else posting results is wrong, because they're labelling it as the 72CU part. I wish I knew more about GPU architecture and the 3DMark benchmarks to know why the 6800XT loves Firestrike and the 2080 Ti hates it. It would be nice to get some 1080 Ti comparisons in there. It's only through lack of benchmarks this is even being discussed, I didn't care about 3DMark scores for the 5700XT or 3080 launches, especially not Firestrike. This seems like an Ashes of the Singularity situation. It would be interesting if AMD dominates Nvidia on old games and whether that would be a big enough market to compete with Nvidia on.
    1 point
  29. Igor is out of line with most other estimates there, though not massively so. Around 280W seems to be the general consensus, and the PCB shot that leaked supports that since the VRM set up is robust, but less robust than a 3080. Though as with below that may be for a 6800XT rather than putative Biggest Navi. That graphic is likely wrong. Not the data itself, but the assumption that the benchmarks are for a 80CU unit. The leaks are from AIBs, and the consensus is that AIBs have only got Biggish Navi 6800XT (72CUs and down, most likely) with Biggest Navi(s) being 1st party AMD only, and AMD v2020 in comparison to Intel or nVidia leaks less than someone wearing half a dozen Depends. Guess we find out for sure in 100 odd hours anyway.
    1 point
  30. Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. Became a Truesworn (completed the Warsworn quest line), reached Rathir (the largest city in the game, spent there 2-3 days), defeated Balor, the Niskaru Lord (why the game uses "Niskaru" for "a demon" and "Alfar" for "an elf" I don't understand, the definitions seem to match 1:1, though the Alfar have beards and elves usually don't). I guess, doing a completionist PT was not the best idea, this way the pacing of the main quest line is very uneven (obvious, but still unpleasant). But it has picked up speed, as I have reached the second-to-last area, the swamps of Klurikon.
    1 point
  31. Thanks for the advice, Kaylon. I didn't even realize that Torc of the Falcon's Eyes is available in Deadfire. I don't think I've ever received it as random loot. Guess it's truly random!
    1 point
  32. I just started a LotR partytoo ... I made legolas a sharpshooter fighter with a boar as a pet (Gimli the Bore). I decide to go with paladin fighter for aragorn so as not to have too many rangers and I see him more like a paladin anyway. I also gave him sword and shield as contary to the film, in the book he seems to use a one-handed sword and shield instead of two-handed
    1 point
  33. It's random treasure...
    1 point
  34. Where do you find the Torc of the Falcon's Eyes in Deadfire?
    1 point
  35. Well, yes, but... As KP said, Brooks is retired, from TV at least. Has been for like 20 years. Not sure if he does theater anymore. His Rutgers profile still lists him as a professor, but that's likely out of date. I don't see him going back to a role that he saw as well closed at the time. Fingers crossed, they can bastardize other characters like Fleet Grand Marshal Wesley or whatever.
    1 point
  36. So, Version 1.3.2 is released : Boil their flesh and upgrade :0,5s/4s cast time24-27 -> 48 - 54 corrode on near death kills Magran's Priest version of Torrent of Flames (which they get at Tier 7 instead of 5) : Cast with +15 accuracy and foe-onlyPurge of Toxin :30s -> 60s0,5s/3s Cast time (aligned with the priest single target "prayer" line of spell ; it was too weak for a single target situational Tier 3)Beetle Shell :0,5s/4,5s Cast time (aligned with Withdraw)Fox & Farmer chantAdded -15 Reflex penalty to foes Carnage (also for Community Patch Stag Spritishift) : Added +1 Accuracy per PL as for other abilities Pet Stag Carnage : Added +1Acc, +0.25 PEN and +5% Multiplicative damages as for other abilities EDIT : White Wurms & upgrades : Corrected the "bug" that required to hit the corpse to trigger the explosion Added a bunch of Acid/Decay/Poison/Disease Keyword that were missing (see the mod for details, also apply to priest and scrolls equivalent of these spells) https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/438
    1 point
  37. It seems you made some great choices, Lampros. Priest/paladin is great for a fire nuker/buffer/healer, and theurge is a classic combo that works very well. Hope you enjoy your run!
    1 point
  38. Amnesia: Rebirth. In a related story, I just did laundry to make sure I have plenty of clean underwear on hand.
    1 point
  39. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/19/opinion/coronavirus-herd-immunity.html
    1 point
  40. I used to start from tomato paste but since I'm pretty sensitive to acidity I'd simmer it for 6+ hours. Too lazy to go that long anymore, I'd forget about it and it'd burn or something. We've bought Classico as the quickie starter for ages. jars are small tho so I add the stewed tomatoes or more tomato sauce. I still find them too acidic but a couple hours and a tiny bit of sugar is fine (hubby hates sweet so I can't use much). Plus I'm the sort who makes a full box of noodles and dumps all the sauce in, so sauce gets absorbed sitting in the fridge etc. Or sometimes I put it in a casserole dish and bake it 30 min. w/cheese on top. I don't tend to like spaghetti sauce on noodles just poured immediately direct, it doesn't flavor noodles enough and pasta noodle flavor is meh. To be honest, even tho it can taste good, I largely make it because hubby likes it. If I was single I'd probably never make.
    1 point
  41. .... that it took Baldur's Gate 3 hype in 2020 for me to find this game. This is literally one of the best CRPGs I've played since the old Infinity engine days.
    1 point
  42. I'm trying to start a list of unmarked and/or sandbox side quests you might end up doing outside of the MQ and other side quests like companion/NPC etc. I finally got to Groundbreaker which has LABYRINTHINE scale interior dimensions. Even for a generation style spaceship! Was exploring the immense promenade area when I came across these 2 apparently unmarked quests. These do not appear linked to any of the MQ or side quests. And greatly reward the player for exploration and taking the incentive to track down information they encounter on terminals, notes and other info sources in the world. Starting a list here for anyone who doesn't mind such SPOILERS, Please feel free to add to this when you can! Unmarked Sandbox Quests at Groundbreaker Station (Time for some station sleuthing) Saving Pvt Taylor. This NPC is one of JunLei's Engineers who managed to get himself locked in a deserted corridor bathroom for quite a few days. This unofficial, sandbox quest can be started if you hack the Admin Access link at the public terminal beside the Halcyon board office. First entry is a Board rep email from J Tennyson to the Engineering dept. Bureaucrat rep asks for a status update on the toilet clog. And asks the engineering staff if anyone has seen Pvt Taylor (who appears to have been missing for several days). Please find it in your heart to help out this poor guy when you finally stumble across him. He's located in the in one of the upper most corridors of the ship in Waste Disposal across from Medical Bay. If you encounter several manticores hanging out in an unlocked room down the same hallway, then you're in the right spot! Greasy and a deadly case of heart burn at Auntie Cleo's Kitchen -- You might completely miss out on solving this very SUBTLE mini quest if you fail to read Capt JunLei's terminal. In her daily security logs of denizen and visitor comings and goings at Groundbreaker, she logged something worth investigating. She mentioned seeing an Auntie Cleo auto mechanical tech arrive with a food chef robot at Auntie Cleo's diner. But doesn't recall him ever leaving the station. If you visit Auntie Cleo's Kitchen, you'll meet Greasy the company's robot chef. But there isn't a sign of the human NPC worker anywhere. If you pick the door lock for the restricted storage backroom behind the kitchen, you'll find the bloody corpse of the missing worker on the floor. The body is slumped against the wall beside the fridge. Checkout the bloody company repair manual on the food counter just above his head which describes how he met his untimely, gory demise. Questioning Greasy at the food counter gives you an Engineering option to repair its damaged shock simulator sub routine. While unrelated to the unfortunate demise of the Auntie Cleo NPC in the back room, performing this mini quest will boost your Engineering stat & XP. 3. The Case of Check on the Trap---Er...Unload Another Case of Farm Fed Sprats. Ethel Gaibler is the Spratwurst vendor on the promenade. Captain JunLei's daily log on the promenade status has an interesting and funny entry about the Sprat infestation at the Rest N Go motel. Chat up Ethel at her diner to investigate whether there is any truth to the speculation in Junlei's potential health advisory. Ethel claims her sprats are organically sourced fresh from Sprat farms (possibly Spacer's Choice Edgewater colony). Spoke with Ethel before reading the terminal entry. So unfortunately was unable to verify if there were any dialogue choices for Ethel's enterprising indiscretions. Regardless, your PC should proceed eating with caution whenever at this diner..... 4. Cpl Leonard Wheeler terminal entry lists a "dead beat" at the Rest N Go who tried to pass himself off as one of the freighter crew on a Freelancer vessel. But the crew called his bluff and left him still stranded at the station. It's possible this dead beat is Ephraim Maywood? 5. Public Terminal Billboards If you access the public terminal beside the Halcyon board office, you'll notice 3 entries made by station personnel and denizens. It at lest 2 different NPCs made 2/3 of these public terminal entries The 1st entry is called "Looking for Work". NPC states they were stranded at the station for a year after being accidentally abandoned by their freighter ship (Update: this NPC could be possibly Felix). The 2nd entry is called "Down on my Luck". NPC claims his damaged ship had to dock at the station. But he was too broke to afford the repairs, fines and O&M. So station admin ended up confiscating his ship/cargo and sold it off as scrap. NPC was unable to find employment with any other ship since. Entry indicates this NPC was spamming the public terminals for the last 2 years ever since. (Update: This NPC is confirmed as MacReddy after a lengthy conversation). If you hack the Admin Access link at a public terminal, you'll see a entry from an NPC called Iceman. Message was sent to the IS Conveyor's Collective on "Conveyer's Rights". NPC states they had a similar cryogenic experience like your PC. They were suspended on ice for a 4 yr round trip to Dashkova for some corporate work contract. NPC complained bureaucracy politicking by station authorities delayed their ability to dock at the station for a week. Which the crew had to endure without pay. Towards the end of the message, NPC tone sounds as though they were trying to organize some sort of worker's union for Collector's Rights. They apparently left the station for GenSan and said they would follow up with anyone who posted a reply when they returned after 3 years. If you attempt to re-access this terminal entry a 2nd time or later, it ends up being immediately and permanently deleted by the network admin (possibly because of Board censorship due to the inflammatory union like nature of the message). Repeated attempts to re-access this entry gives you a message that your activity has been "logged" by the network security. If you investigate the refuse filled alley in Rest N Go that's right beside Glady's office, you'll find a small crawl space opening. Follow this crawl space to a dingy, sprat infested room with 2 filthy mattresses. A squatter's journal is right beside the closest mattress. This provides support for the identity for one the two NPCs who left messages at the public terminal. i.e. the stranded crew member. If this NPC is Felix, then it seems this is his home before you take him on as crew member. If you exit this homeless hobo room, the crawl space will take you to a water logged machinery room. This is a secret back door entrance to a restricted space that leads to a medical bay area. This area appears to be part of a side quest, so I won't make any more speculations due to possible spoilers here. But the proximity of this secret back door entrance is somewhat coincidental. Based on the number of mattresses in that crawlspace, it seems these entries were made by at least 2 homeless and unemployed station NPCs (at least one stranded freighter crew member and a ship's captain). The freighter captain who posted the series of "Down on my Luck" terminal entries, is most likely MacCreddy. Who likely left the Squatter's journal in that homeless hobo crawlspace. Events which MacCreddy apparently confirms if you use persuasion to speak with him in Back Bay. 6. MacCreddy the Accidental Inventor Mixologist. There's much more to MacCreddy than meets the eye. Next to appearing to be the unfortunate freighter captain who lost his ship, the station security log (in the restricted area) indicate MacCreddy was spotted lurking around the Rest N Go. Checking out the terminal in the Rest N Go in the upper room on the right has some interesting correspondence between Rizzo PR and MacCreddy. This makes for an interesting conversation piece if you finally meet this NPC in the Back Bay.... 7. The terminal located beside the Spratwurst cafe has a special job recruitment ad placed by Lilya. If you didn't speak with security about getting station work, then following this lead would take you to Lilya's office. And an alternate way to start her Stellar Bay salvage quest. 8. Salvage Space Race on Groundbreaker. This one is a murky semi sandbox salvage race between Gladys and Lilya. One of the public terminal messages mention an engineer's entry about a possible mutant infestation. Enter the Waste Disposal from the promenade level and walk to end of hallway that leads to the giant station garbage chute. Climb down the ladder to the right on to the grating below and you'll find the headless corpse of a dead Salvager. Read the note next to his body. It indicates Lilya directed these employees to scout a lead on some hot high value salvage on the station. Note indicates a hidden entrance exists behind a panel located in the Stevedore workers quarters. Use the detailed hints on where to find the well hidden entrance to the salvage area. This secret entrance most likely leads to the same hidden/restricted area that is the station's repair hangar. So be careful if sand box exploring the station with this mini quest. Best to pursue this as a sandbox scouting mission (as the note suggested). Because the area (restricted repair workshop) is guarded by several hostile, well armored NPCs. This restricted repair hangar appears to overlap with one of the main objectives of the science weapon side quest (where the quest log suggests you'll have to poke around Glady's office to get hints on where the science weapon is). If you kill these NPCs, taking note of a certain item in the leader NPC inventory provides a hint to why those NPCs were there in the first place. 9. Moon man Callahan and his Most Cumbersome Hat. Snooping on Cpl Leonard Wheeler's customs terminal indicates a Spacer's Choice freighter ship recently docked at Groundbreaker. It delivered Moon man Callahan's long awaited Spacer's Choice mask. A public terminal next to SubLight indicates Callahan used the terminal for professional and personal reasons. But forgot to sign out. Exploiting this security breach to spy on his email, his work related note to his Spacer's Choice employers confirms receipt of the Spacer's Choice shipment in Cpl docking log. Reading this gives the impression MacCallahan isn't happy with his mandatory new work costume. This gives you an lead to have an extensive and entertaining chat with Moon man on the subject at his vendor stall. Now you know the source of where all his hilarious Moon man costumes are coming from! Callahan has additional dialogue if you snoop in his terminal entries after having that long revealing chat. 10. The Lost Hope Toilet Woes. An engineering terminal note indicates mutant larvae may have been accidentally introduced to the station with cargo. While exploring the station (from the same level you freed PvT Taylor in Waste Disposal), check out the hostile NPC icons in the other closed room down the hall way. After validating the mantipillars infestation from the dead Engineer bodies in the room, check out JunLei's maintenance order beside the headless corpse. Her work order for the Lost Hope indicates a key is behind a locked door in the bar's bathroom. Exiting this room on the far side goes to a ladder. This leads down into the Lost Hope's storage backroom which contains some good loot and the locked door. It's a level 60 locked door which can be also opened with a Lost Hope id card. The inaccessible back store room for Belle's Shells can also be directly accessed from Waste Disposal. It's at the end of the first deserted hallway conduit on the right from the promenade level entrance.
    1 point
  43. Can't think of any that do, but I don't have the list in front of me.
    1 point
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