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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/20 in all areas

  1. So a month ago I got a text asking how my wife and I were doing and if we were ready for the school year. I didn't recognize the number, so I just kind of ignored it. Then yesterday I got a picture from that number of a bike and a woman ready to ride the bike. I don't recognize the person. I'm totally at a loss, but I must know them, since they knew my profession, they knew my wife's name, and clearly I have some cycling connection with them. So I decide to play it safe and text "The bike looks great, I will send the pic to *my wife*" Then today I got a text saying we should come over and ride this weekend. We know where they live... I don't even know who the person is! But I'm in too deep at this point, so I can't just text "Who are you?" If I've learned anything from sitcoms, it is when you are in a bad spot, you should just keep digging. Maybe I'll just suggest we meet at a neutral site and see who shows up.
    4 points
  2. I asked for the address, claiming I get lost easily. It was my dentist! The pic was his wife with a different hair color. He has 2 numbers apparently, because I already had him in my phone. Weird. Probably a bit anticlimactic, sorry.
    3 points
  3. Considering how low staffed you folks are I am astonished on how responsive and relevant your updates have been. I want to say thank you Obsidian for putting together and continuing to support this awesome game. You all are doing a hell of a job and should be recognized for it. Thank You Obsidian!
    3 points
  4. all god's children deserve a chance at redemption... unless they are part of blm, or they happen to share the same god/faith as terrorists. if they is radical democrats like biden, then they are heretics and burning at the stake is probable too good for 'em. axiom: dallas cowboy fans are beyond redemption. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  5. Me too. 12 hours in, 100 years of game play. I am the most powerful king in Spain, but not the king OF Spain.... yet. This game is extremely detailed. Much more than Imperator even. Makes Stellaris look like Master of Orion
    2 points
  6. tristan are a deva even though trapped inside a male human body may or may not been human or male
    2 points
  7. the fact that non-fists can be tagged in such a way that they benefit from fist-related things is such a subtle and rare interaction that it doesnt' surprise me that there's a bug here. interesting, though - i had just assumed by default that haymaker had no effect on tuolito's. edit - good research, but if you want to come off as less of a crazy person i suggest using a font other than comic sans
    2 points
  8. Sometimes the algorithm comes through;
    2 points
  9. I doubt that. Just another examples of politics interfering with researchers and science. There are numerous fields you cannot even touch or publish results that are nkt in line with political correctness because you will be fired even though you just want to genuinely conduct a research on a subject without any underlying biases.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Now our game is again desync'd between host and client (default grass growing through clay bases, chopping grass drops grass and leaves a ghost image.) ... the host has 0 issues, but every client does makes it completely unplayable for a group I have sent save games to support without resolution or confirmation of the error.
    2 points
  12. I presume you mean Iran there. While KSA and Turkey are definitely spatting they're physically distanced by the entire length of Iraq, and Turkey's base in Qatar has no offensive capabilities. As for the rest, you're claiming that Trump is withdrawing from the ME when he's actually just moving the troops around- and refusing to withdraw until he's paid to in Iraq. Worse, he's been explicit that troops are in KSA because protection money was being paid to send them, and the troops in Syria are there not to stop defeated ISIS or protect the Kurds, per Trump himself, but to take its oil (which is, of course, an actual war crime which is why every time he says it you get some general waving their arms and shouting about the mission being stopping an ISIS resurgence instead). He's not withdrawing from the ME any more than he's got North Korea to get rid of nuclear weapons, he's just shouting about having done something he hasn't. OTOH I also have a lot of difficulty being overly sympathetic to the Kurds. KRG is personal fiefdoms ruled by the utterly corrupt Talebani/ Barzani clans, and Barzani sr in particular is an utterly despicable figure who fought for Saddam against his own people and who is now completely and utterly in Erdogan's pocket, he literally stole billions from oil sold to Turkey while teachers and the like went unpaid in the KRG. He was also primarily responsible for that utter abortion of an independence referendum that resulted in KRG losing 1/3 of its territory and a lot of oil. Meanwhile the Syrian Kurds are bereft of any semblance of the reality of their situation, and have shown twice that they would rather be ethnicly cleansed by Erdogan's mob of cannibals, murderers, extortionist, rapists- and some, I assume are good people child beheading jihadi nutbars too- instead of dealing with the reality that they're less than 10% of the population and simply aren't going to get massively special treatment. And the US whether it's Obama, Trump or Biden leading is simply not going to go to war with Turkey for a bunch of anarchists no matter how many died fighting ISIS.
    2 points
  13. Yeah, the repetitive tilesets have a lot to do with it. It made everything so drab. But also to go from the hay day of 2d video game art, when it was really being mastered, to the eye sore that was early 3d was jarring. I sort of feel bad for dog piling on NWN; it wasn't any one game, it was the whole industry. But to go from BG2 to that? I was so disappointed
    2 points
  14. I know Obsidian has a lot on their plate with this game. And the issue of performance would be in question. But being able to play with only four people seems a bit small. I think up to eight would be ideal. PvP would be a fun addition to the game I think. But in all honesty keep doing what your doing Obsidian. Having a blast with the game and I eagerly await more content in the future.
    1 point
  15. My kids can pick him out in any role, but that just might be because I raised them on Army of Darkness. Bruce Campbell is just a very memorable guy. I also have his autobiography, If Chins Could Kill, sitting in a place of prominence on our main bookshelf.
    1 point
  16. Well, good that it wasn't some elaborate plan to assassinate/kidnap you
    1 point
  17. Bacon and avocado mac and cheese and a jug of hot sauce
    1 point
  18. LOL!!! So, I guess you kind of answered one of my nube questions, whether or not I'll find more multi-typed weapons at higher levels? Sounds like they are pretty rare then? Also, I thought it was subtle too, as I went through the various stages of testing this unique item's interactions... /Rant On Until.... I tested proposition 5, and realized that the whole thing had NOTHING to do with any fancy modal stacking rules, unique/unusual weapons, special multi-typed weapon interactions. The whole thing is as simplistically obvious as it gets... But only AFTER you realize it's actually global, a core game mechanic that can be reproduced by ANY character build, of ANY level, with ANY weapon, their two fists, and their haymaker modal (right on the starting beach even). I really like this game so far, so it was shocking to realize... That the reason I didn't initially see the Haymaker issue was caused by a core game mechanic, is that It is a very unexpected (to put it kindly) design choice. More bluntly, It's actually the stupidest , most overly-broad, unnecessarily restrictive, ham-fistedly clumsy, blatantly bad implementation in the face of obviously apparent better options, that I've ever seen in any game. It's literally the opposite of subtle! The unarmed/Haymaker problem I investigated is simply a side-effect of the (bad) implementation of the one-handed accuracy bonus!!! A primary-weapon-only bonus shouldn't even be related AT ALL to dual wielding, unarmed weapons/fists/modals, or the secondary slot (except being unused). There are countless easy, low-impact ways to let payers flag their secondary slot as unused,. Give us a clickable little "disable secondary" tab right on top of each set's secondary slot, or make an empty weapon slot be actually empty, and let us toggle to a fist for unarmed. So many easy ways... You know how you DON'T implement disabling the secondary slot? You DON'T do it by taking one of the most popular class's (monk) main weapon type (unarmed/fist) and saying "Ok, anyone that wants to get the 1-handed accuracy bonus, disable your secondary slot by putting a monk secondary weapon in it. We've made it so that monks offhand weapon isn't even a weapon anymore. It's more like a key to lock up your secondary slot so we know to enable you accuracy bonus" . I mean, I couldn't have made this **** up... It's that bizarre. You DON'T take a weapon type, and make it literally do nothing in the secondary slot other than disable it, so when you put that useless thing in there, the game knows you aren't dual-wielding, and turns on your bonus for your primary weapon. I mean at least they said "don't worry monks, we threw you a bone. Your secondary weapon can work again, but ONLY when you put both your dukes up, and have a fist in primary also. If you primary any weapon besides your fist, we turn off your weapon again." Gee thanks guys! How about next week we make Sabres useless in secondary instead of fists, to spread the love you know? One week soon let's make shields be the thing that disables secondary, players will love getting that accuracy bonus to the primary instead of a working shield! /Rant Off Oh well. Screw that shield and haymaker too haha! I think my brute is going to be able to get by with double devoted sabers lol... I bet I can also find tons of other theory crafting type stuff. That's enough Tuotilo's for now. I been thinking about making a duo team of a riposter (stacking atk on miss) and counterattacker (stack atk on damage), and maybe Tuotilo's can get back in the game with them bc of outward strikes... Later Hay Maker! P.S. If I got this wrong please let me know. I',m new so its totally believable that I missed something obvious. I would seriously love to be wrong about this, because I really had a couple cool build ideas for a haymaker Tuotilo's and also it just seems like an out of place stain on an otherwise awesome game.
    1 point
  19. I think it comes down to which group is actively seeking harm. Right now is BLM and the Democrats, back during 9/11 it was radical Islamic. Before that it was your Timothy McVeigh and your Ted Kaczynski. Honestly as usual I don't know what the point of your post is, if you're trying to be funny you're failing. If you're being contrarian congratulations, I would completely disregard your opinion as just that if it wasn't for the occasional gem.
    1 point
  20. At least you have Newegg. I could only wish the prices were anywhere close to that here.
    1 point
  21. it's 3 .... 1, 2, Many
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. It'd be the same as a soccer game that ends tied 0-0 with each coach having to appeal to the court of public opinion that they actually won.
    1 point
  24. Just found this mod, one of the things I was looking for and I thought no one else had this preference!
    1 point
  25. Well, they have been reporting about white supremacists in the cops and military (the Marines that liked using SS imagery for some reason), latter also has issues with gangs. History Channel is to blame for this, all the Nazi crap they showed in the 90s snd 00s
    1 point
  26. Playing Crusader Kings 3 since 9 PM last night. Really like this game. But... can't stay awake
    1 point
  27. Since the latest hotfix my game is completely unplayable. I play on xbox via gamepass. I struggle to load in, sometimes can't even get into the game. On the off chance I do, the game seemingly work okay until I save to quit. When I come back I load the most recent and if I do get in, I've lost everything other than the items in my inventory. Science gone, buildings gone, items in chests gone, everything. You build again, save and quit and it happens all over again. 100+ hours gone. That really sucks.
    1 point
  28. Windows 10 PC. , but that's not it, because now I understand it a lot better, RECAP: The goal is to get to 11 pen on Tuotilo's (7 + 2devoted + 2haymaker) in secondary while wielding your devoted weapon in primary. This bug prevents that (max 9 pen; 7 + 2devoted, but no haymaker), but not in the way I thought when I posted above. SO... --- UPDATE ---> -------------------------------- TLDR; ----------------------------------------------------- The bug isn't really about devoted... it's about haymaker... There are two effects here: 1) The UI display - these Pen bonuses (can) display wrong if you stay in the inventory screen because the game is paused. Easy fix: keep "refreshing" it by leaving inventory to un-pause the game (this was the devoted issue I posted above, no big deal; in combat you always get devoted on the shield) and 2) Tuotilo's modal activation conditions - basically it can benefit from haymaker, but i can't activate haymaker, so unless your primary is also unarmed, haymaker won't activate. ---------------------------- EXPLANATION ----------------------------------------------- THE PAUSED-UI ISSUE (misleading, but not a bug): In combat Tuotilo's will always (seems to always) get the devoted buff, so the devoted portion of this is more or less irrelevant. It's is just a UI quirk (more an oddity than a bug). Because inventory pauses the game, but allows you to still make changes that trigger all sorts of checks about how a newly equipped item interacts with other items, passives, modals, etc. Usually, but not always, instantaneous checks update correctly paused or not (ex. adding might will increase your damage on paused inventory screen instantly), However, some instant checks apparently can fail in some circumstances (which I have no desire to test enough to map out lol). I'm guessing the problematic ones are coded to occur as a sequenced chain of checks that makes sense in normal gameplay/combat, but pause might allow for situations where you can only trigger a portion of the chain, I think the Tuotilo's checks that depend on its weapon type (shield or unarmed) are like this, but a good illustration of checks that ALWAYS fail to update on the inventory screen (which is anything with a cool-down, i.e., all the weapon modals). MODAL STATUSES, TRANSITIONS, TRIGGERS AND PAUSED-UI INTERACTION (working as intended): This is not a bug, but you need to understand weapon modal mechanics to understand the Haymaker/Tuotilo's bug explained below). Weapon modals may SEEM to have two possible statuses (the two that show in the log), A) activated & B) deactivated (based on only one condition: the green button on/off). However, that is not correct, the two things in the log are actually: TWO transitional actions/events, A) Activating, and B) Deactivating, which transition between... THREE possible statuses, 1) Activated, 2) Deactivated, AND 3) Inactive, which aren't all three distinguishable in the log, because... In the log "activated" means only one thing: Event X and Event Y > transition A) > to status 1), however... In the log "deactivated" can mean either of two things: (resulting in different statuses), based on which event(s) triggered it... Event Y and event X (not) > triggered transition B) > to status 2), or it could mean... Event Y(not) > triggered transition B) > to status 3). Two of these statuses (1 & 2) don't rely on ONLY the green button on/off condition (Event Y above), but also a weapon check (event X above). Status 3) deactivated is actually triggered by ONLY the green button, so the status transition trigger conditions are : A) Activating to: 1) Activated (Trigger: green button on + weapon equipped); [X and Y above]. B) Deactivating to 2) Inactive. (Trigger: green button on + weapon NOT equipped); [Y and X(not) above]. 3) Deactivated, (Trigger: green button off); [Y(not) above]. Status 2 & 3 are basically different states of "activation readiness". There are two possible states of activation readiness, one is higher readiness (one trigger condition is already met; a single action activates) and the other is lower readiness (neither trigger condition is met; two actions required to activate). ALWAYS: 2), Inactive, is high readiness, since it requires green button on. The flip-side of that is that ONLY 3), deactivated, can be low readiness (X(not) + Y(not), since no other state allows green button off. However, 3), deactivated, could ALSO be high readiness, because its sole criteria means it could ALSO be weapon equipped/green button off (X + Y(not)). This probably seems laborious, but the two transitions are necessary to distinguish from the three statuses because the transitions are different from each other, and trigger events that interact differently with the Paused-UI. Transition B), Deactivating: occurs instantly updates correctly whether paused or not. Transition A), Activating: does not occur instantly triggers a very short cooldown won't update if the game is paused. Backing out of inventory for a second then back in will refresh everything. THE TUOTILO"S / HAYMAKER MODAL/PRIMARY WEAPON INTERACTION (THE BUG): If you take any two of these things, they interact simply, and consistently, in the expected way. Assuming green modal buttons are on, take, for example, the simple Haymaker-Primary Interaction; if primary is unarmed then haymaker active. Or, leaving primary as unarmed for simplicity Toutilo's-Haymaker interaction; easy - Haymakers modal buffs it , and you can even stack the mall shield modal if you want (this leads to proposition 1 below), see screenshot 1). Uploaded Images Proposition 2: may seem obvious, but its the SIMULTANEOUSLY part that is non-obvious, because it could easily be set up so that its a shield when its doing shieldy things, and an unarmed weapon when it's doing weapony things. Note that we know that a weapon can RECEIVE two modal buffs at once, but we do NOT know if a weapon can ACTIVATE two modal buffs at once (yet). SO... THE BUG.... FINALLY... FIGURE 2 (Below) EXPLAINS.... A NON-MONK CAN GET 11 PEN ON TUOTILO's, BUT... EQUIPPING A WEAPON IN PRIMARY STRIPS HAYMAKER FROM SECONDARY AND DISABLES IT <---- THE BUG ---- POSSIBLE EXPLANATIONS FOR THIS BEHAVIOR (in hopes there is a work-around) {EDIT: THIS VERSION IS FUZZY, SO I POSTED A HIGHER REZ VERSION A COUPLE OF COMMENTS BELOW THIS.}
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. More Dark Souls 2 Because my Soul Memory went really over the top, the option to go into Winter Shrine before defeating Lost Sinner and The Rotten became available to me. After thinking a little bit, about it, I've decided to skip them for now and move forward into Drangleic Castle. I have postponed these two fight until I get one more spell slot available, because especially for The Rotten, I was not able to keep alive Lucatiel for her character quest. My Faith was pretty high for the best AoE healing spell in the game, but I had not enough spell slots to stay viable in DPS against him. Sooo after struggling little bit again with Ruin Guardians, I have arrived very soon at the Dragonriders fight, and again, I was ablr to defeat them on first try and under two minutes
    1 point
  31. QFT, this is a exactly correct around why Im excited despite no real details, your post explains it nicely. I remember when they shutdown the Bioware official forums I started believing it was the end of Bioware and now I can see there is definitely a future in the DA franchise
    1 point
  32. I think the need for that video, as minimal in details as it was, is because so much has been written in recent months and years about how Bioware has lost its way and that even if they make a new DA game it will end up being a completely different game than the first three and be filled with microtransactions and "active" elements and so on. So the video's purpose was to reassure hardcore DA fans like you and me, saying in effect: "Don't fear. Don't listen to the doomsayers. This game will have those RPG elements from the previous games that you love so much and expect in a DA game, only if anything even more iterated and better." And it certainly had that effect on me, and I am now hyped for this game. I'm right there with you.
    1 point
  33. I am 100 % the same as you....and Im very excited about DA 4
    1 point
  34. Guys the video was brilliant for numerous reasons and you also right. I am a huge DA fan and have loved all games in the series and enjoy all there gaming mechanics and RPG narrative parts Also some of the best Romance options, like Isabella, have come from DA games....so this will be a day 1 " most expensive version " buy for me definitely But what is really weird is all the negative comments on this forum about the trailer not revealing any relevant information is also true......you cannot gain much, if anything about narrative or general gaming detail. Everything they mention in the trailer I always get and expect from DA games...like connecting in a RPG way emotionally with your party members which is always a big part of any Romance arc in my RP journey And yet I am definitely buying the game despite not being to able to tell you specifically why
    1 point
  35. You are absolutely correct here, but at least for me (yes, I'm a huge DA franchise fan) it was valuable as a calming and reassuring video.
    1 point
  36. I'm pretty new to this game too, but it is great.
    1 point
  37. had a slight brain hiccup. with exception o' anchovies, you pretty much listed ingredients o' typical tapenade. am admitting we kinda like sardines, and am knowing they is good for us and all, but am certain we would eat far less if our dogs did not get so much enjoyment licking clean our sardine tins. first couple times we worried they might cut their tongue on the cans, but would appear they have a preternatural tongue deftness which makes 'em immune to such dangers. we like sardines ok. the dogs love sardine tins. we have sardines frequent. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
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