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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/20 in all areas

  1. Insomnia is a frequent problem for me. Especially since I gave up booze. Sometimes the only way to shut my brain down was to drown it in bourbon. I wish Crusader Kings 3 was out. At least then I'd be playing that rather than googling Chernobyl critters.
    4 points
  2. Interesting short read: 8 Facts About the Animals of Chernobyl
    4 points
  3. Been a while since I've had time to visit and now I come begging for money! :sheepish grin: Anyhow, I'm running this 5th edition campaign and one of my friends created an Extra Life page for it. Trust me, I did *not* come up with the name of the group. However, my buddy, Devenandar put it up. I figured, since I'm always donating to CHOC on the Obsidian thing I'd hit up folks. However, two things. One, I never want to try to shake people down for donations. If you have the cash, it's for a good cause. ...And CHOC and CH Los Angeles take low income cases too, so it's worthy. Second, I'm unsure if this pitch violates rules, so feel free to delete or edit this thread into conformity with board rules. Meanwhile, what did I do today? I was off work and no school until I start with my NP courses next semester, so I worked on my Fantasy Grounds Campaign. Simply awesome! I had hopes, but they were exceeded! Huzzah! EDIT: FG is good enough I'll probably keep using somewhat even after the accursed lockdown ends and we can properly play on tabletop again. https://www.extra-life.org/participant/414875
    4 points
  4. i wish i had my phone to film it. a cat in my yard has 2 kittens and one of them decided to ignore the hissing and growling of another cat who was telling it to stay away, so that cat gave it a slap on the face... and all hell broke loose as the mother went into a frenzy and rushed the other cat.
    3 points
  5. This might have been mentioned already but my quick search turned up nothing. If like to see the ability to move placed items without recycling them. Like the water container, when empty it should be able to be moved after placed. Plank and stem pallets, jerky rack, smoothie stand, etc. All need a move option. Aggravating when I build an item and then days later want to move it closer to where my base is but lose materials from having to destroy and rebuild it. Not everything should be moveable, I don't want to drag my house around, just utility and food prep items.
    2 points
  6. I am afraid that “vows” might be an alien concept in today’s world.
    2 points
  7. New plan, once I buy a house in the mountains, I need to find a badger whisperer. Then I will journey to Chernobyl with said badger whisperer to befriend a male and a female radiated super badger. I'll bring them back home (I'll have to grease a lot of palms) and have them mate. I'll have my own squadron of super badgers to protect the property.
    2 points
  8. Avowed is an awesome name. It's short, phonetically pleasing and hints what the game's storyline is about (Woedica stuff) but is still mysterious. And it starts with an "A" which makes sure it always is among the first in the list - once that's sorted alphabetically. For example when people look up "list of Skyrim clones" on Wikipedia. Having no "Pillars" in it also makes sure there's not too much confusion whether the game is connected to PoE & Deadfire with more than the IP. "Pillars of Creation" on the other hand sounds like the name of a homebrew D&D campaign or a self-pulished novel on Kindle. But it's not corny enough... yet. "Pillars of Creation: Oathbinder" - now that would give the perfect would-be huckster vibes. Nothing beats the pregnant colon.
    2 points
  9. such an awesome idea with lots of time and thought put into it. Fingers crossed they see this and adapt your idea to the game.
    2 points
  10. Oh the juggle of putting it under politics or funny things... Let's settle and just call it Weird..
    2 points
  11. While the game is installed, Right Click > Properties > Updates > Uncheck 'Steam Cloud' Uninstall the game. Steam > Settings > Cloud > Uncheck 'Steam Cloud' Open File Explorer > Navigate to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local Delete the entire folder entitled 'Maine' (if a cache file can't be deleted, that's okay.) Go to Steam install folder and delete Grounded folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common normally Re-install and start the game.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. We do have this issue currently logged and investigating. We don't have a firm answer yet, but we hope to have the cause soon!
    1 point
  14. It's not that the savegame is corrupt or something. It just seems that sometimes the game doesn't get the activation of Turning Wheel right and the save/reload cycle just helps to somehow set the game object state correctly. No idea how or why honestly.
    1 point
  15. know v. know how to google the definition of a word not the same. lord knows we do not claim to know the definition o' every word. is no shame in being ignorant. what is surprising is that given how easy the internet makes it to quickly dispel ignorance o' new words, functional vocabularies would appear to be shrinking rather than growing, at least as is represented to by national trends in scores from those standardized tests which is designed to do little more than reveal mundane knowledge. is also shocking to see so many misinterpret dictionary definitions. am suspecting many o' us have had an inigo montoya moment when perusing internet message boards. is more than a few people who appear convinced that dictionary definitions is kinda/sorta generalized suggestions. will have persons argue a word could mean something it does not 'cause o' their reading o' a dictionary entry is no less valid than professor bloom's or noah webster or... kids these days. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  16. ^ You make it sound so appealing.
    1 point
  17. Dear Obsidian In response to your fantastic game, please consider my priority list for The Outer World 2. Please please include; Customisation of the SHIP! or possibly the ability to build a ship from scratch!? A Player Home: How about we can terraform a moon and build a settlement/moon base? Implement some of the 'build' software from Grounded? More of ADA! And generally more of everything! More planets, moons, stations - a new star system maybe? Awesome work! Love this game! Everyone boycott Bethesda and all hail Obsidian!! P.S. - Please join forces with CD Project Red and make an epic open-world high fantasy game to rival the burnt out franchise that is The Elder Scrolls? Further suggestions encouraged in the comments..
    1 point
  18. ... am hesitating to mention, 'cause am sure it will fuel a misconception, but the woman who were the caretaker o' our property in idaho (we sold her the house and a couple acres for $501 last year, but she still looks after our remaining land outta a sense o' misplaced obligation,) told us 'bout the badger which befriended her poodle. we had difficulty believing her. thought perhaps she were misinterpreting and not realizing what kinda danger her pooch were facing as the snarling mass o' fury and rage were likely being territorial and somehow this older woman saw the growling and digging as playfulness. on a visit to the property not too long past, we saw the old miniature poodle, who musta been near 20 years, sleeping beneath an old pine in a little nest o' fallen fronds. if not for the slow rise and fall o' its stomach to prove it were still breathing, we mighta' thought it were dead, particular given how the pooch paid no attention whatsoever to the +25lb badger which were invading the dog's personal space. the badger would get within six inches o' the dog and then begin rolling around on the ground, occasionally reaching out to touch the poodle and then scampering away only to return a few seconds later. clear playful and non threatening... at least non threatening to the dog. wtf? HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  19. If by first Hitman, you mean Codename 47, then yes, they are far far better now. Even 2-4 are much better, although still clunky. The new Hitman reboots are really smooth to play. Almost too smooth was my initial “hardcore” reaction. “Wut? I can reliably sneak behind enemies and with decent speed? What is this mainstream trash!”. this seperate buttons for different walk speeds were the thing back in the day. Unfortunately Thief1&2 work the same way.
    1 point
  20. How can something this adorable completely wreck your ****? I mean, it will absolutely wreck your ****, but look how cute it is!
    1 point
  21. I'm pretty surprised that native speakers don't know what "Avowed" means. I mean didn't we have that Madonna hit "Take a Vow" in 1994?
    1 point
  22. Shadowrun Dragonfall? Can't remember how long it is.
    1 point
  23. I mean, I will also have a naginata, a pistol, a hunting rifle, and a shotgun. So, if you are looking to invade my house, first you have to get past 6.5mm Creedmoor shells, them 10mm auto, then super badgers, then 12 gauge buckshot, then a naginata. If you are still alive at this point then you have earned everything in my house.
    1 point
  24. I wanted to suggest that seeing that the characters all use backpacks with a carrying limit. Why not add in larger packs in game that can be found or crafted. For starters I was thinking about at least 5 different bags the player could stumble across while exploring? This also to along with the idea of allowing players the ability to take off and pick up/swap backpacks. The lab assistant pouch- found in the wreckage of an abandoned lab. Containes a burgl module. Not as big as the standard packpack. But food spoils slower and ants can't pilfer food from it. Field researchers bag- a smaller duffle bag found in a destroyed fort. Wiith a little more carrying capacity than the standard bag. Food spoils slower. Ants can still pilfer from it. But it has a small liquid container for 1 unit of water or juice. Camping backpack- found in a wolf spiders den with the remains of a naturalist who wanted to use the shrinking technology as a means to study the insects close up. But got more than they bargained for. Has double the capacity of a standard bag. Ants cannot pilfer from it. It also allows up to 2 liquids to be stored. Duffle bag- belongs to a lab security guard. Is the same as the standard bag. But has the largest carrying capacity of all. Woven basket- a makeshift basket that can be drafted to use as a suitable replacement to a backpack from woven fiber and a clover. It's acts like a standard backpack. But has less capacity. It's best for crafting to use in place of the standard pack for a short ranged outing.
    1 point
  25. Dear Obsidian! ( In advance, sorry for my English, because I'm Russian) I really hope that you will read my wishes, because your game hit my soul and I think not only for me. I just hope that microsoft will give you a big budget to make The Outer Worlds 2 to realize all your plans and take some ideas from players. The first thing I wanted to see in the sequel was to see Parvati again. She is become something more than just partner in the game to me. And I was so sad when finishhed the game yesterday because I realized that she might not come back in the sequel again. So I want to ask you to add parvati to the future sequel as a partner or add a romantic line with her. I'll be very glad if you listen to me. Still, I don't think I'm the only one who likes her in the game. As for the story, I wanted to see the consequences of my decisions or the canon of history of Halcyon. I wish I could see more depth and gloom in this world. In terms of gameplay, I really want more activity in the open world, like mini-games or something like that. Also develop the idea of scientific weapons, give more abilities to the main character as a tactical slowdown, more weapons, skills. In order not to languish with this, I'll just agree with the wishes of the people above. Maybe, that's all. Briefly, of course, but maybe I'll come up with more ideas and I'll be sure to write. I really hope you're reading this forum and seeing our wishes for the sequel. Thank you for this amazing game and good luck at work!
    1 point
  26. Surprisingly, there's indeed few worries to be found I think it's working and my game hasn't gone up in flames just yet! And if anything does go wrong, I kinda understand what's going on and what to do now. So thank you soooo much once again!
    1 point
  27. Compiled a list of all the people mentioned here: Chris Parker - Game Director Lucien Soulban - Lead Narrative Designer Paul Kirsch - Narrative Designer Jorge Salgado - Lead Area Designer (?) Kayd Hendricks - Senior Area Designer Seth May - Area Designer Maxwell Matzenbacher - Senior Combat Designer Martin Smith - Senior System Designer Kevin M. Lee - Senior System Designer (I'm not completely sure on this one) Kyle Koenig - System Designer Nick Carver - Senior Technical Designer Robert Nesler - Art Director Dimitri Berman - Lead Character Artist James Chea - Senior Character Artist Can Etiskol - Senior Character Artist Zoe Nicole-Aprodite Smith - Junior Character Artist Daniel Platt - Senior 3D Artist Bobby Hernandez - Lead Concept Artist Schwinn Masavisut - Concept Artist Hoya Lee - Senior Lighting Artist MaKayla Hensley - Junior VFX Artist Jason Diaz - Animation Director (?) Derek Zivolich - Character Animator Eric Feinberg - Character Animator Amor Santos - Senior Animator Paul Burg - Senior Programmer (He developed the system for world interactions and population management in RDR2) Gabriel Paramo - Senior Gameplay Programmer Jeff Chung - Senior Software Engineer Joseph L. Rubino - Cinematic Director Scott V. Gilmore - Senior Audio Designer Pearl Ko - UX Designer Kimie Kim-Mizutani - UI Artist
    1 point
  28. For each playthrough, I like to make a custom set of armor for the character I'm playing. I usually just replace a piece of clothing or armor that's seldom seen in-game for that. For example, last time I made a Kratos-esque set of armor for my fire godlike using a mix of plate armor, Aloth's armor, and scale armor. But the time has come for a new playthrough, and thusly a new set of armor. The way I go about it is similar to what's described in this thread: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/105849-tutorial-how-to-edit-assets-and-assetbundles/ But I'm running into problems finding a texture. The process I use for that is -open items.unity3d with AssetbundleExtractor -search for the texture I need (for example, if I want the texture for M_HUM_CL20_Sash I search for 'CL20' and scroll down to the sash) -Copy the SInt64 m_PathID of the item, then go to it in UABE -Write down the SInt64 m_PathID from that, then again go to that in UABE Then bang, I've got the texture. Problem is, I need the texture for M_HUM_SC01_L3_Body_Shoulders... and I absolutely cannot figure out how to find it. Using AssetBundleExtractor to search for SC01 in items.unity3d, shoulders don't show up in any of it. I've also searched for SC01L3, SC01_L3, just 'SC', and even individually searched the MonoAsset for every piece of armor. Still nowhere to be found. So... anyone have any pointers on how I could find this dern texture?
    1 point
  29. Speaking of cheese... the proper way to break a Parmesan, As the maestro says in his accented English, this cheese will be broken! (I was all yeah, uh huh and why? until I saw what happened once he was done instructing the cheese in its fate)
    1 point
  30. It adds a burning lash to all your weapon attacks (fists also count as weapons). The lash is 5% per wound you carry. That means it's 0% (no wounds) to 50% (10 wounds). Most likely the reason you don't see it on the animat is the mechanic of lashes: Lashes are multiplicative dmg bonuses which are based on your weapon damage roll (which is great) but there is a hurdle: any (non-raw) lash has to overcome the respective armor's damage reduction - or DR - of the target separately. Here it's the burn DR of the animat. Not the whole DR though but only 25% (or 1/4th). Again: all lashes (except raw) must overcome 1/4 of the enemy's DR. Animats usually have very high DR. If you roll 20 crush dmg to the animat and you have 5 wounds: the burning lash of Turning Wheel would be 25% (5*5%) of 20 which is 5 burn damage. That 5 burn damage has to overcome 1/4th of the animat's burn DR. If the animat's burn DR is 20 or higher... Unlike direct damage which has a MIN value (some damage always gets through even if DR is higher than the dmg roll) lashes work not that way: they can get completely eliminated by DR. So if 1/4th of the animat's burn DR is roughly about the same as the burn damage you would cause with your lash... it will get eaten up completely - gone. In the example above: if the burn DR of the ainmat is 20 or higher you get nothing from the lash. This is less likely to happen with Lightning Strikes (same mechanics) because animats are usually more vulnerable to shock damage (have low shock DR). Of course this is even more likely to happen if you have less wounds (smaller lash) and less likely if you have more wounds (lash is bigger). Also the direct crush damage you do can help: if you deal more crush damage then the lash dmg is higher (because it's based on the weapon dmg roll). The higher the dmg you roll with the weapon the easier it is for the lash to be higher than enemies' 1/4DR. You can also pick Scion of Flame (talent): it gives your Turning Wheel lash a 25% bonus. Meaning it would rise from 5% per wound to 6.25% per wound. So at 10 wounds instead of a 50% lash you would have a 75% one - which is very good. BUT! There's also a small glitch that sometimes happens when you activate Turning Wheel during a session: it doesn't really apply. Best is to save with Turning Wheel active and then reload. That should fix it. Same with Blood Testament gloves (2% raw dmg lash per wound) by the way. They are very good but suffer from the same occasional glitch. To;dr: most likely your lash was too small for the animat's high burn DR. To be safe try another target and save/reload with Turning Wheel activated.
    1 point
  31. I killed the Fallen Priestess! I don’t know what happened, I think maybe one of dispels thrown by Jubilost and Tristan actually hit and Amari smashed her to bits in two hits. No casulities. Well, not until Tristran walked into the Rift of Ruin like a little **** he is. Luckily his body didn’t disappear in the pit, which I am pretty sure that happened before. Lvl up as a reward. You get blind fight and you get blind fight. Everyone gets blind fight.
    1 point
  32. Sounds like a good idea, sometimes the simple things in life can be very rewarding and therapeutic
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Indeed. Combat rolling is a cancer of the combat design these days.
    1 point
  35. i think i was probably like 1 out of 100 who really really liked the speechcraft minigame in oblivion
    1 point
  36. I rewatched Mortal Kombat, the first one, Annihilation is straight garbage and has no redeeming qualities. Anyway, Mortal Kombat is by no stretch of the imagination a good movie, but it is goofy campy fun. What really got me, though, is how derpy Goro looks. He's supposed to be this menacing, intimidating... half-dragon(?), but his face is just so hilariously silly looking, never mind the claymation animations. As an action movie it's half-assed if I'm being generous, a third assed if I'm being real, but as a comedy it delivers the goods.
    1 point
  37. Footwork >>> rolling
    1 point
  38. Avellone seems like such a b I t c h Dude seems angry at everyone. Any time I hear a statement from him, it's so whiney and putting other people down.
    1 point
  39. I just hope that microsof will give them a big budget to make The Outer Worlds 2, so that we can have a much bigger world to explore, more different ways to achieve our quests and to acquire leverage on people, with a deeper karma / reputation / faction system. Also, romance options and different storylines outcomes for our companions would be great. Depending on our actions and way to talk and play with them, we could either seduce them, make them start to hate us, make them your slaves, or even push one to become our enemy etc. Some optional mods for ship could be fun too, like cloaking device for staying undetected, jamming systems for safe comms, personal drug lab to create our own medicines or cultivation room to grow plants, there's a lot of interesting things they could allow us to do with our ships in terms of customization and gameplay. Since we're always known as the Unreliable's Captain everywhere we go, it's hard to do everything we want , say what we want, or just doing anything without everybody else knowing it, and even if it was a convenient thing for the plot, I think a different approach for a second game would open new doors in terms of choices and gameplay. The unreliable shouldn't be as famous as the millenium falcon, the normandy or any other ship, because it's just a ****ty old cargo which doesn't represent any threat. In my opinion we should be able to either change the identification name of the ship by stealing another ship's id or hacking into some specific computer in a spatioport, either find ways to erase all records of our ships travels, either get some special hidden quests with specific characters which would allow us to land the ship somewhere else and visit some locations without people knowing who we are or where we come from. Also, the scientific special weapons were a good idea, but I'd love them to push it further. Maybe add some riddles / puzzle games and side quests to unlock weapons' full potential, and why not even give them additionnal effects and combos depending on our characters abilities and actions, so they could kind of evolve with us. We could even have AI weapons, babies from ADA and our beloved cleaner robot.
    1 point
  40. I think @daven meant the original post.
    1 point
  41. Damn guess I forgot to put those sarcasm tags up again - that happens when you are older than dirt...
    1 point
  42. Heavy confusion. Base building and ship customizetion sounds like post release free pach perks, so the 3d artist do not get bored. For TOW2 i would rather focus on aspect which was working fine and enhance them like: The combat is actually fun, so just more guns mods, maybe pimp power of companions super attacks. Add mid game moddable Infinity Gaunlet for out hero so we can use Jedi Powers on our enemies. Every game is better if you can shoot lighting or push enemies off the cliff. more planets with versalite habitat, like ice planet, lava level, cloud city, water planet(under and above) more enemies types and designed boss fights. more memorable big monsters/robots. more companions to catch them all with loyality quests and fun interaction. keep going with ranks in organization and unlocking benefit for sideing with one or another. There could be something like collecting troophies so you can make your ship interior pretier but it also could be post release Since our ship is our home developing base is redutant. Since moding ship will have no purpose it will be a waste of resources, other than "you need to do 4 planets to collect enought cash to pimp your ride and proceed with plot" (if old sheme works do not change it ) Or... The Groundbreaker ve been destroyed! Only You can help to rebuild it by collecting resources and refugees to unlock shops and questgivers, and make Pavarti happy by all night drinking. That is some plot device.
    1 point
  43. If you want to experience some quality (not only) craft beer, you should pay a visit to Czechia and Slovakia. Without that, any oppinion about any beer is considered invalid
    1 point
  44. TB first person shooter
    1 point
  45. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? (or are we PC only for this list)? Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana?
    1 point
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