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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/20 in all areas

  1. Greetings all I would just like to begin by saying how much I've enjoyed this game. Base-building games are some of my favourites and I'm glad Obsidian has given us their take on this genre. On to the matter of discussion, I would like to suggest some ideas for improvement and bugs(haha) that I've picked up on during my sessions. I'll try my best not to repeat suggestions that I may have already seen on this forum. Fixes Items like grass planks and weed stems tend to disappear into the ground upon placing them down. Certain enemies like stinkbugs and bombardier beetles get frozen in place during combat, which leads to a rather dull, one-sided fight. Suggestions A method to purify water would be very useful since there seem to be more dirty water deposits readily available than clean water. The inventory system needs some adjusting. There should be dedicated slots for tools/gear that the player wishes to equip, that do not take up space in the backpack. If players wish to build multiple bases then they should have the option to copy the design of a structure that's already been built and paste it elsewhere. This will save some time since players will only need to find resources instead of placing another design, if they do not wish to do so. Tough enemies need balancing, this is not to say they should necessarily be made easy, but fair. Currently, the arachnids/insects that deal status effect damage on top of physical damage, like the wolf spider and bombardier beetle, are a pain to fight. This could be addressed by allowing the player to craft things that can counter them, like an antidote for venom or armor-piercing arrows for the spongey ladybug. It also feels a little unfair that enemies retreat when you start shooting arrows at them, and like a second later they retaliate with full HP. This makes ranged battles against tough insects very tedious because the only way to win is to hope that the enemy glitches and you can then unleash a one-sided beat down. There needs to be a longer window between the moment they retreat and the moment they start recovering HP, allowing the player to finish the job. We need more armour/weapon types that can combat tough enemies and just an overall increased effectiveness of the types that are available. Wolf spiders and ladybugs just feel so overpowered. Even when using the best armour/weapons currently in the game, you go down in two hits if you do a 1v1 against them. There should also be a means of upgrading tools/weapons/structures which will add to the only option that's currently available of having to find resources and craft a whole new set of items. The bow could be more effective. There should be separate keys for aiming it and shooting it, rather than a single action button. Seems kind of pointless that you can throw a bow at your enemy but have to use a single button to aim and shoot. It needs to have more range and perhaps deplete your stamina if aimed for long, but will allow for more precise and weighty shots.
    3 points
  2. The sad part there is that you know 3 people whose insurance refused to pay for their care. We all pay a bunch of money to insurance companies hoping they will cover our medical bills when it is in their best interest to cover as little as possible. Then we hope the hospital will cut us a deal if the insurance refuses to pay. It's a stupid system.
    3 points
  3. This is a very interesting take on why military members seldom "look the other way" on bad acts but police sometimes do. I can tell you from my own experience personal integrity and respect for the Marine Corps, your unit, and the chain of command being paramount to every thing else, even faith with your fellow Marines is drilled into you starting in boot camp. Why the US Military Usually Punishes Misconduct but Police Often Close Ranks
    3 points
  4. It would be awesome if an upgrade to the blocking system was a thing. Considering the substantial damage to your armor and HP when you dont get a perfect block it would be nice to have a shield that took most of the damage if not all of the damage when not blocking perfectly.
    2 points
  5. Ok, I’ll make this a straightforward feedback and opinion post... Played now for 40+ hours between the demo and this pre-release. I’m a veteran of larger survival games, so my views are based on that experience. This game has so much potential, but it seems even in it’s early state, there are core design decisions that lend itself to a entry level (easy) survival game and that’s all. - There isn’t much here. The story literally takes you 15 minutes to complete if you follow the queues. Then you do dailies to waste your time on building components that shouldn’t require this much effort to get. You don’t get grass floors by default? Cmon... Even as early access, I would have expected at least a full quest line that takes you through the Initial story, at least 10 hours of content for the $30 price tag. You don’t need community feedback from early access to tell the story YOU want to tell. - Where is the threat? Playing on Whoa difficulty, the only pressing thing is the annoying eat/drink cycle. You can outrun or dodge most insects, and spiders path the same routes if you watch them from high up, easily avoided if farming resources. Tunnels and caves? What do I need there to enhance my base or self after one visit? And even if I make my own dangers...I can just Load a prior Save and be fine again....what? (Covered more below) - Bases have zero risk if you place them anywhere above the ground. It doesn’t even need to be high up, a root of the oak tree or on the soda cans is good enough to avoid all danger. What’s the point of the game past the story if your bases have no threat? Why build re-enforced walls? The game has no longevity if it’s not about protecting your base and your possessions. - Retrieving your dead body backpack is far too easy. If you even die In the hardest difficulty, I would expect your backpack to be guarded or even looted by territorial insects. Why did they care to confront or kill you in the first place if they didn’t find you a threat to their territory? And wouldn’t they be interested in your stuff? Food, drink, components for their own nests/homes...all in your backpack. - A survival game with a manual save system? Again...where is the danger or consequences of your survival decisions if you can just load up a past save? The Save option in the menu should be removed and Auto- Save should trigger internally off system events, including death. That way you can’t go back to avoid a bad result or decision. Save and Load = no threat or consequences for your actions. - The enemies. How is it that with all the great AI you have for these insects, all I have to do to avoid their attack is jump on a rock and watch them leave or spear them to death at the right angles? And how is it that I can kill a Spider by spearing them through my partially completed grass wall and yet the spider doesn’t damage the wall at all? Simply build a small hut, 2x2 and leave some of the walls partially done. Then spear through the translucent blue parts...dead spider. Again, I thought these insects were supposed to pose a threat to your base? If there is no threat in a survival game, there is no longevity and it turns into a creative base building lego game. - Dev, please play with a controller and tell me what the purpose of the hotbar is at the bottom of the screen? You can’t quick swap or interact with any of the slots on the fly. The action bar should be removed imo. Also, control flow in the menus and crafting is just off. I spent a lot of time remapping most my controller buttons through the options to try and get to something close to other survival crafting game interfaces that do it correctly. Managing inventory by moving single items(No stack move or pull), no split stacks, armor that stays in your backpack even when its equipped, tools mixed in with weapons in crafting, crafting station that has no storage of it’s own or that can pull from a chest connected to it, etc etc. - Great looking game, nice visuals...until you look into the distance...well, i guess it’s distant. Why is the house and any structure over 20yds away fuzzy and blurry on console? Are we saying we can’t render these assets on Xbox One X? Find that hard to believe given there are plenty of larger survival games on the Unreal Engine render far more. - The HUD needs options to turn off elements. Too much clutter with constant ‘hand popups’ on every environment item. But I already posted A full detail on that In a separate thread. Harsh post somewhat, sure. But all too often game preview or ‘early access’ often becomes an excuse to deliver subpar, inferior games and still charge a significant price for a game that isn’t worth in it’s current state. Early access seems to somehow give a ‘pass’ for developers to deliver no story, broken systems, and bad design....all with the excuse of ‘it’s still early access’. I wouldn’t say Grounded falls in most these categories, but first impressions mean alot. We play early access games, and most the time we play the game through the early access development cycle, become bored or frustrated and never come back to the actual release of the game because of the bad taste the game left us during early access. Just hope a MS 1st party, AAA dev like Obsidian doesn’t end up with the same result.
    2 points
  6. I don't know if anyone feels this way, but the health reset feels really unfair sometimes. I was hiding in a can fighting three spiders, popping in and out shooting them with my bow. I eventually realized they were resetting every time I went back into the can. I even got one stuck in the can after it followed me in. I unloaded about 50 arrows, then started stabbing it. It's health reset after I moved around the can to try and stab it's legs which were protruding through. I understand that the enemy bug are supposed to be difficult, but they become near impossible when they require so much damage to kill AND reset their health if you try to recuperate. I was really looking forward to this game and enjoy a lot of the other aspects, but right now the combat is just way too punishing and my attacks feel ridiculously weak.
    2 points
  7. It's early access. I don't even think you could call this a alpha build. Game is not released until some time in 2021. Just report bugs/glitches. I understand how you feel. This game is really fun. It's frustrating, but keep in mind it's up to use to mold this game.
    2 points
  8. Once I buy a house, hopefully in the not too distant future, I plan to adorn some of its walls with weapons, shields, etc. There is a 100% chance that there will be a naginata in said house, on account of naginatas being awesome, There is a 98% chance that, at some point, likely after I've had a couple schlongtails too many, I will do damage to the house and/or its furnishings while trying to look like a badass (and failing) with said naginata. This is a thing that is going to happen, I have already accepted that. So with that said, I can't really fault Olivia Munn here.
    2 points
  9. Now there was a semi-viral tweet from Olivia Munn where she found her Psylocke sword at home and was practicing with it and went wrong... Someone decided to turn it into a lightsaber.
    2 points
  10. Not gonna lie, I have a serious case of cat shirt envy.
    2 points
  11. There are some pretty good restaurants and/or food trucks at or near some truck stops. Unfortunately, they are the exception, rather than the norm these days. The vast majority of the time, your options are limited to whatever fast food restaurant is at the truck stop, typically McDonalds, Wendys, Subway, etc. and the roller hotdogs, sitting under heat lamps for hours burritos and burgers, and whatever other junk they have. You can usually at the very least find a supermarket-level premade salad, so there are usually some "healthy" options, but you are definitely very limited in that area. California has some good Indian food at some truck stops, and there's a halfway decent chance of getting some good BBQ or Mexican in Texas. In my experiences, those are the 2 best states for finding good food at or near truck stops. There is good food in other states near truck stops, but far more sparsely scattered.
    2 points
  12. At the moment everything is just speculation, so here are my thoughts: I really like Gothic 1+2. So when you gain a level you get points and you need to find a trainer to get better. There are some trainers who teach some basic stuff but for the advanced stuff you need to join a faction or find well hidden Trainers. Joining a faction or being accepted by a trainer takes lots of efford, so you will meet several of them before you make the final choice. This way you kind of have several different classes, but you select them through your actions in the game, not at the start. Depending on how well defined your character is ( are you a specific person with fixed name and background or can you be anything?) you may select a "class" at the start similar to Tyranny or D:OS2: You select your race, gender, background and starting stats and abilities, but it does not prevent you from learning anything else later.
    2 points
  13. Grass Floor shouldn't require multi-floor building knowledge. If you know how to build a wall, a windowed wall and a door I think you also should be able to build a floor.
    2 points
  14. Absolutely agreed about armor being in 2 spots at the same time, totally should not!
    2 points
  15. I know there are going to be more wildlife added to the game, and honestly it gives me anxiety. Everytime I enter a clearing I wonder if a bird is going to swoop down and grab me and every time I see a dark hole I wonder if there is a snake in there. Oh, what about frogs with sticky tongues or venus fly traps. My daughter walked by and asked if the homeowner has a cat and now I'm worried about that too! There are so many great ideas for this game I am excited to see what comes next.
    1 point
  16. Alternating between a game in progress on Master of Orion 2 and War in Russia. Dosbox ftw. Edit: Playing the Soviet side in WiR this time. Waiting desperately for the first rain (or snow) to slow down the German panzer divisions before I get steam rolled.
    1 point
  17. YouTuber TBCkoma found another way into Haze Lab via Lean-To, you place it inside a nearby wall and menu select "Give Up" to respawn on the other side. So proud of this merciless glitch-exploiting community. XD
    1 point
  18. I'd like to see a dual classing system, even if it was just a couple of factions from various classes, e.g. Kind Wayfarers and Bleak Walkers for Paladins. I'd like to see it be like the Guilds from Elder Scrolls titles, just limited to joining two. The way I see that working is through a classless advancement system, as well as a way to advance in the classes to unlock skills and spells possibly through money so XP lets you get classless advancement. I've seen someone say they'd like to see Tyranny style rune based magic, I think that would be an interesting way to handle spells. Learning basic runes for things like elements and power level classless and then more advanced runes for Class based magics. This could make things that were OP not stack between classes because they were the same type of rune, or let you learn entirely new rune types from your class. The rune we see used in the reveal could require being drawn every time you cast a spell as a reload animation sort of so more advanced sigils require more time. Then you could have other ways to cast based on class of course, Barbarians shouts, Paladin auras, Chants and so on. Rogue skills and Fighter skills would probably not exactly count as magic, but I'm not the one handling game balance in those regards. I don't think it will be handled that way, but if I could have it be any way at all I feel like that would be pretty awesome.
    1 point
  19. I love Fantasy Flights games, especially Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy. I miss my Rogue Trader/augmenticist with his Loki class Q-ship with torpedoes and plasma cannons. *_* My character has more augmentations than the Enginseer Prime and they're ALL Best craftmanship or in some cases archeotech. And with his best craftmanship Lathe-pattern(Halves all incoming PEN from attacks) enforcer carapace armor he had something like 11 or 12 armor all over his body, limbs having an extra 2 Toughness bonus aswell! We had such high profit rating that we went bananas on purchases though, we never bought anything that was less than Best craftmanship or Best craftmanship Archeotech, or you'd be considered a pauper
    1 point
  20. Wish I had known this before I restarted the game! Does this work for the Xbox Gaming app, btw?
    1 point
  21. That comparison seems harsh to disingenuous dog****ters tbh. I'd argue that mandatory minimum sentences is one of many problems with the carceral system and is something that should be done away with along with the whole tough on crime bull****. And the Settle for Biden is a hoot, it's pretty much saying Biden isn't going to satisfy the bernouts but they better vote for him anyways. That's enough politics for now, I've got a bottle of bourbon and it's stay the **** inside weather so I'm going to watch a movie.
    1 point
  22. When arguing (especially to people of opposite bends), it very often helps to actually come across as a person with empathizable points of view and experiences. Which is why, even though I rarely agree with him on many of the hot-button issues that have come up here, I've nary even entertained the thought of putting Guard Dog on the famed and oft-mentioned Bartimaeus Ignore List, while I've instantly put other obvious disingenuous dog****ters (of which we've had a number of over the years, including a few whom, if I took them at face value, I would often agree with) on it after reading literally one post by them. Thumbs up for actual people who post from their unique perspectives based on their life experiences, thumbs down for the other kind. (e): empathizable, not emphasizable
    1 point
  23. there is that. admitted, if we see linked story is one o' vol's gateway pundit bits, we ignore 'cause is vol... and 'cause is gateway pundit. is more than a few reddit cellar warriors who misuse selective quotes from otherwise reputable sources, but such is not gd's problem. gd, unlike the reddit folks, is not dishonest. he also ain't hopeless as is vol and similar persons. gd can be the wild-eyed hermit with his lantern and his dogs. we believe in gd. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  24. Another fun fact : if you're a cipher, the Grave Calling Chill Fogs, as weapon attacks, also fill your Focus. I've played most of my Transcendant playtrough with Grave Calling / Kitchen Stove combo.
    1 point
  25. The best thing is that a vessel-kill by Chillfog will trigger another Chillfog (as if you had used the sabre itself for the killing blow). As a Berserker/Beckoner you can clear whole encounters with a few blows (because Chilling Grave also works on your 6 summoned skeletons which will split into 12 skeletons - and the confusions takes away the foe-only part which makes sure all your skeletons die very quickly from the first Chillfog, creating countless more). It's so powerful that it becomes quite boring after a while and it's also not good for the game's performance because VFX overload.
    1 point
  26. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Completed the game. It holds very well despite the age (used the Unofficial Patch). I am going to replay it soon and look forward to VtMB2. Code Vein. Completed the game. For what it's worth, it was well optimized, the PC controls were comfortable and customizable, the AI companions were adequate (i.e. could play about 70% of the game by themselves), the combat was pretty decent (Souls-like, but I could not feel the impact of the weapon), build variety was impressive. The level design, story, lore and everything role-play related were plainly terrible or non-existent. How this got "Very Positive" rating on Steam I fail to understand. Some of the achievements did not trigger, so now I am running solo with my OP PC (same NG) cycle to collect them and skipping all cut-scenes. About Dark Souls 2 DLC. They must be experienced. Also some sections are meant to be played in coop. They are solo-able and there are summons, though.
    1 point
  27. No need to worry about that. We pretty much know that first generation of fusion power will be ruinously expensive and inefficient. That's the reasons why ITER had to be done internationally.
    1 point
  28. hey guys, I've been base building for the last 8 hours solid and I've left most creatures alone, except larvae, they appeared in small numbers around my camp to start with so I cleared them, and now there are 20+ and they've destroyed 80% of my base, any ideas? I cant kill that many with getting killed and they just chew through everything, even my spike traps, I'm loving the game but this is ruining it for me, 8 hours work for nothing
    1 point
  29. My dvd arrived from Amazon a few days ago and I got to see "Come and See" (Criterion Collection version) A rather... disturbing movie and a very different take on war. There is nothing pretty, glorious or anything even remotely attractive about war.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I still don't. Seems a funny place to plant your butt.
    1 point
  32. on this link here friend https://support.obsidian.net/article/63-how-do-i-get-help-with-grounded
    1 point
  33. One of the main problems that I've had has to do with walls. First of all, they are glitchy to construct, as they don't always want to sit above ground and will sometimes be half under the ground. But I think a bigger issue is how walls don't seem to matter at all. Insects, I assume because of their hitboxes, can almost ignore walls or glitch through them. Ants will steal things from containers inside of my house from the outside, spiders (when they spawn in the starter area) will be able to reach and attack through walls, and most insects can glitch their way THROUGH the walls to get to me and my stuff. In all, there are a lot of issues with walls that make them almost useless until scaffolding/foundations, but those are both farther in the game unless you know what you're doing already. Insect AI is also a bit off. Spiders and other aggressive insects will gravitate towards the player, even if they cannot see them. Like when I walk outside my house in the starter area and there is a spider, so I retreat back into my house. The problem is the spider will then walk towards the house and stick it's head and legs inside the house. If you attack it, then it will aggro to you and kill you through the walls. If you leave, there's a good chance the spider will aggro to you and chase you down. If you do nothing, the spider will just sit there trying to get into the house forever. I understand that mobs will migrate, and I think larvae coming to the starter area is ok, if not annoying at times, but spiders are almost impossible to deal with in the early-mid game, and your only solution is to die and hope they leave before you respawn. I don't want to leave this on a negative note, so I want to say I'm really enjoying the game. It's visually appealing, has an awesome, unique premise that is engaging for a survival game, and is a blast to play, both solo and with friends. I can't wait for future patches and expansions to add more to see and do.
    1 point
  34. Same for me. Even played on mild and built in the starting area. Never saw a larva alone. After a bunch of ingame days: 5 larvas at once. Ok. I reached higher ground, grabbed a bow and shot them. Thought this would work quite well. Then the game crashed because of too many arrows I guess But 20+ larvas are reaaally nasty
    1 point
  35. First of all I’d like to thank you for creating such an amazing game! This is such a neat idea and I’m enjoying it thoroughly. The issues you’ve listed above, I’ve experienced them a little bit but nothing to complain or report about. But seeing as your team needs feedback to make this game the best it can be, I figured I’d share the few bugs/glitches I have come across (which are only 2 so far). The first one. When chopping blades of grass, I noticed the very first time I did this that I got around 4-8 pieces (I could be very wrong about that) and then on others I would get like 2 or 3. When I chopped them, I’d watched them hit the ground and they would glitch or something and most of them would disappear. At first I was laughing because I thought the ants were stealing them but then I realized they weren’t. The second and last one. It’s about the grass blades, as well. When I have finally cut the grass down and go to collect them and ‘Unload’ them, the first few started to disappear into the ground. That’s really all I have to say about this one. I unloaded the grass. They disappeared and I think that’s not supposed to happen? So yeah, that’s all the glitches/bugs (no pun intended sorry I had to lol) that I have come across so far. Keep up the amazing work!
    1 point
  36. And here is the answer of Obsidian. They will increase sales of POE 1/2 by announcing and creating a first person RPG in the same setting, which will be their answer to Skyrim and as a result of this all the hardcore Avowed fans will play POE 1/2 and will be calling the other Avowed fans noobs if they don't.
    1 point
  37. Found the tweet (sorry sent it to myself from a screenshot on my phone, so no direct link)
    1 point
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