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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/20 in all areas

  1. When arguing (especially to people of opposite bends), it very often helps to actually come across as a person with empathizable points of view and experiences. Which is why, even though I rarely agree with him on many of the hot-button issues that have come up here, I've nary even entertained the thought of putting Guard Dog on the famed and oft-mentioned Bartimaeus Ignore List, while I've instantly put other obvious disingenuous dog****ters (of which we've had a number of over the years, including a few whom, if I took them at face value, I would often agree with) on it after reading literally one post by them. Thumbs up for actual people who post from their unique perspectives based on their life experiences, thumbs down for the other kind. (e): empathizable, not emphasizable
    3 points
  2. I agree with the armor statement that this should not be taking up a backpack slot when being worn.
    3 points
  3. New Vegas. Again. With INT 2 (initially 1, but couldn't resist "the plant") and CHA 1 character (and yet who somehow resembles an actual not too hideous human being instead of potato head, got really lucky here). The hoops NPCs make you jump through when you can't schmooze your way past speech checks. Met some new people this way though. Discovered an annoying double cursor bug that got solved by getting a new mousepad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also, playing on that hardcore mode and Arcade died to snakepuppies, so instead of reloading I decided to double down and sacrificed Cass to the Van Graffs, also thinking of serving someone to the fellow cannibals White Gloves. I wonder if they'd prefer Boone or Veronica? And yet, with all the dickery, long pig cuisine and stupiding, I still cannot force myself to do the Legion run. Wish I could understand how to play that bloody Caravan too.
    2 points
  4. That comparison seems harsh to disingenuous dog****ters tbh. I'd argue that mandatory minimum sentences is one of many problems with the carceral system and is something that should be done away with along with the whole tough on crime bull****. And the Settle for Biden is a hoot, it's pretty much saying Biden isn't going to satisfy the bernouts but they better vote for him anyways. That's enough politics for now, I've got a bottle of bourbon and it's stay the **** inside weather so I'm going to watch a movie.
    2 points
  5. there is that. admitted, if we see linked story is one o' vol's gateway pundit bits, we ignore 'cause is vol... and 'cause is gateway pundit. is more than a few reddit cellar warriors who misuse selective quotes from otherwise reputable sources, but such is not gd's problem. gd, unlike the reddit folks, is not dishonest. he also ain't hopeless as is vol and similar persons. gd can be the wild-eyed hermit with his lantern and his dogs. we believe in gd. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  6. "Even if that's true, it makes no sense for country A to allow country B to do something in their own country just because they do it. Afterall, China locks up people who protest China but if a bunch of Chinese citizens were protesting the US in China I doubt China would care. L0L" I'm not Amerikkkan though*. The chances of anyone being effected by NZ apps or hardware with backdoors in them from the SIS is... not substantial. Probably the better argument at least for Tik Tok and software is that China happily 'bans' (technically makes it too hard for them to operate, in most cases) US software companies that have strong relations with the NSA such as Alphabet/ Google or Facebook. *I'd prefer neither country to be trying to backdoor every device I own. And the one that definitely is is the US; for all the looking that has gone on neither Huawei nor Tik Tok has had the allegations against them substantiated in any respect.
    2 points
  7. The watching and metaphysic-ing was always the most fun part for me. I really have no desire for a dumb action "RPG".
    2 points
  8. I'm feeling you, though I battle it in different ways. Music and ginger beer for me. I've taken a liking to it, and I don't know why. :S
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. This would be a neat feature considering it can be tedious to pickup multiple arrows and hard when engaged in combat
    1 point
  11. Ok, I’ll make this a straightforward feedback and opinion post... Played now for 40+ hours between the demo and this pre-release. I’m a veteran of larger survival games, so my views are based on that experience. This game has so much potential, but it seems even in it’s early state, there are core design decisions that lend itself to a entry level (easy) survival game and that’s all. - There isn’t much here. The story literally takes you 15 minutes to complete if you follow the queues. Then you do dailies to waste your time on building components that shouldn’t require this much effort to get. You don’t get grass floors by default? Cmon... Even as early access, I would have expected at least a full quest line that takes you through the Initial story, at least 10 hours of content for the $30 price tag. You don’t need community feedback from early access to tell the story YOU want to tell. - Where is the threat? Playing on Whoa difficulty, the only pressing thing is the annoying eat/drink cycle. You can outrun or dodge most insects, and spiders path the same routes if you watch them from high up, easily avoided if farming resources. Tunnels and caves? What do I need there to enhance my base or self after one visit? And even if I make my own dangers...I can just Load a prior Save and be fine again....what? (Covered more below) - Bases have zero risk if you place them anywhere above the ground. It doesn’t even need to be high up, a root of the oak tree or on the soda cans is good enough to avoid all danger. What’s the point of the game past the story if your bases have no threat? Why build re-enforced walls? The game has no longevity if it’s not about protecting your base and your possessions. - Retrieving your dead body backpack is far too easy. If you even die In the hardest difficulty, I would expect your backpack to be guarded or even looted by territorial insects. Why did they care to confront or kill you in the first place if they didn’t find you a threat to their territory? And wouldn’t they be interested in your stuff? Food, drink, components for their own nests/homes...all in your backpack. - A survival game with a manual save system? Again...where is the danger or consequences of your survival decisions if you can just load up a past save? The Save option in the menu should be removed and Auto- Save should trigger internally off system events, including death. That way you can’t go back to avoid a bad result or decision. Save and Load = no threat or consequences for your actions. - The enemies. How is it that with all the great AI you have for these insects, all I have to do to avoid their attack is jump on a rock and watch them leave or spear them to death at the right angles? And how is it that I can kill a Spider by spearing them through my partially completed grass wall and yet the spider doesn’t damage the wall at all? Simply build a small hut, 2x2 and leave some of the walls partially done. Then spear through the translucent blue parts...dead spider. Again, I thought these insects were supposed to pose a threat to your base? If there is no threat in a survival game, there is no longevity and it turns into a creative base building lego game. - Dev, please play with a controller and tell me what the purpose of the hotbar is at the bottom of the screen? You can’t quick swap or interact with any of the slots on the fly. The action bar should be removed imo. Also, control flow in the menus and crafting is just off. I spent a lot of time remapping most my controller buttons through the options to try and get to something close to other survival crafting game interfaces that do it correctly. Managing inventory by moving single items(No stack move or pull), no split stacks, armor that stays in your backpack even when its equipped, tools mixed in with weapons in crafting, crafting station that has no storage of it’s own or that can pull from a chest connected to it, etc etc. - Great looking game, nice visuals...until you look into the distance...well, i guess it’s distant. Why is the house and any structure over 20yds away fuzzy and blurry on console? Are we saying we can’t render these assets on Xbox One X? Find that hard to believe given there are plenty of larger survival games on the Unreal Engine render far more. - The HUD needs options to turn off elements. Too much clutter with constant ‘hand popups’ on every environment item. But I already posted A full detail on that In a separate thread. Harsh post somewhat, sure. But all too often game preview or ‘early access’ often becomes an excuse to deliver subpar, inferior games and still charge a significant price for a game that isn’t worth in it’s current state. Early access seems to somehow give a ‘pass’ for developers to deliver no story, broken systems, and bad design....all with the excuse of ‘it’s still early access’. I wouldn’t say Grounded falls in most these categories, but first impressions mean alot. We play early access games, and most the time we play the game through the early access development cycle, become bored or frustrated and never come back to the actual release of the game because of the bad taste the game left us during early access. Just hope a MS 1st party, AAA dev like Obsidian doesn’t end up with the same result.
    1 point
  12. Only way I’ve known to fix this is relaunch. I don’t know if there’s anyway around this or if it’s just a bug.
    1 point
  13. Hello everyone, I am facing an issue with the multiplayer in Grounded game. Actually, it is showing High Ping icon on the right top side and the game is lagging in moving/fighting/damaging. Well, everyone will say it is the internet connection. But, I have 100 Mbps fiber internet connection and I am already playing other games with 20-60 ms ping depending on the game. Also, this issue is not just for me. All my friends are facing the same issue. We are 4 friends and we tried to change the host and the same issue is happening. Is anyone facing the same issue?
    1 point
  14. just to add - it's totally not clear from the description, but the DoT this applies does not stack, so you're best off intermixing attacks with rot skulls and spellcasting, or switching up targets. also, i semi-remember the attack being keyworded as disease, so won't work on disease-immune enemies. i could be misremembering. if you plan on actually takin advantage of your death godlike's +3 PL when near death, you will pretty much need to use Barring Death's Door + casts of Salvation of Time. personally i think berath's symbol is extremely baller, probably second-best after eothas. all the symbols can wreck house (especially if you empower) but adding weakened to the mix makes it easier for many of the other stuff in berath's kit to hit (-10 fortitude) and also effectively amplifies how much damage you do. i highly recommend supplementing your berathian priest with a morningstar somewhere in your party. so much of what you want to land is fortitude-based and a morningstar or two can really help. willbreaker is probably best choice, because it also debuffs will, synergizes with berathian's free tier 4 resolve affliction, and has +10% action speed. i multiclassed a fighter/berathian and really enjoyed it. there were some action economy issues, but Tactical barrage (for +1 PL and 50% miss to graze), mule kick (synergy with fortitude debuffs), armored grace, and confident aim for my morningstar was a nice package, with fallback on the spiritual weapon for slash-vulnerable or low-deflection foes. didn't really optimize rot skulls, it was just there in case there was a doorway or tight hallway that i couldn't squeeze next to enemies and needed a ranged weapon. i also did a single-classed berathian at range and also enjoyed it quite a bit. used a lot of perception just to help debuffs land, and rot skulls is a nice ranged attack. and again, once you get the symbol and pick up empower talents you can basically single-handedly clear most trash fights with just that. regardless of what you do, helm of the white void seems like it'd be of particular use. +10 acc to mind/body afflictions potentially covers a bunch of stuff that you'd want to cast for a damage+debuff oriented priest. just be sure it's a spell that actually has an affliction (and isn't just a random debuff).
    1 point
  15. Let's start with the inventory. 1. Once put on, armor shouldn't take up space in your inventory. 2. Items moved to the quickbar should also not take up space in your inventory. A few bugs. 1. After constructing the traps, a sudden attack of the larvae begins which destroys the base very quickly. 2. Same situation with ants when you build from wood. Suggestion The game is great, both single player and multi, but it would be great to add a split-screen to it, although in the console version. I personally would love to own the game if there was a split-screen option. My wife thinks the same, because she likes the game very much and she complains about the fact that we cannot play together. Game sales would certainly increase if this mode appeared. I talked to many people who said it was a great opportunity to play with a child, and many people for this reason bought this game only. I know that it would reduce the quality of the game, but for sure many people were able to skip it if they had the opportunity to play split-screen with a child or partner.
    1 point
  16. 1) It is too accidentally recycle base parts that have been built at one point I was planting the design parts and wanted to move one the the blue outlines when I hit (B) the base wall behind it was recycled as well. 2) Ants can steal supplies from boxes through walls if a box is with in a couple feet from the wall. 3) I know they are placed with the base builder but I think a storage basket or chest so long as it is empty you should be able to pick it up and move it to another location without having to break it. maybe some of the other smaller items as well like a work bench.
    1 point
  17. To me tik tok is still a song by Kesha. Or Ke$ha, but I feel like my IQ drops every time I type that. If tik tok goes my nieces will be devastated and have to rely on the wholly non data harvesting Youtube/ Google/ Alphabet instead. Well yes, but the existing ones are fronts for the NSA and corporates. Tik Tok is (supposedly, of course) a front for the CCP instead which is bad. Kind of funny really, the rumour that [chinese entity] is doing something is bad, [US entity] definitely doing the same thing on the other hand...
    1 point
  18. hey hey... thats the only positive side of those things!
    1 point
  19. Hey Dev buds. Would really love a remedy for being able to rebind the "G" key. I cant freely use my ideal key bind set up because there is no way to stop dropping the planks.
    1 point
  20. after changing an option, the escape key stops working to close the current options screen. I can still click the button on screen and it does what it's supposed to do. It appears to be acting as tho the wrong thing has the focus and doesn't recognize the escape key. the 'G' unload key(to unload grass blades or weed stems) isn't listed in the options to rebind to something else
    1 point
  21. Yeah. i want to rebind my keys, but having G for unload the grass messes that up for me.
    1 point
  22. I dunno. It's perfectly reasonable to be anti-democrat no matter how f----d the Republican candidate is. And vice versa. Of course if you were voting purely for Not Democrat or Not Republican I can't imagine you'd feel compelled to loyally defend your alternative. As you already know, for me a choice between a Democrat or a Republican is no choice at all.
    1 point
  23. Hey! Loving the game, can't wait for updates.. But.. Last night I swagged out my base with armor dummies and weapon racks. Before logging off, I put my bee armor on the dummy, and places my mint mallet on the weapon racks. Today I log in, I gathered up my armor, strapped them on, and went to fetch my mint mallet. Unfortunately, the mint mallet is no where to he found. The weapon rack it was assigned to is empty, and when interacting with it, there is nothing assigned to its inventory. My mint mallet is gone now. RIP This is definitely a problem, and I would advise that no one uses them until they are fixed. Thank you.
    1 point
  24. @Elric Galad: Yes, my pistol ranger uses whirling strikes with Lover's Embrace and Scordeo's Trophy as a fight opener to get big DoTs on everybody in the range of the power (which is longer than the range of the dagger), and then get speed buffs from everybody in pistol range. It's a nice way to start the fight killing or nearly killing some people outright and hurting a few others and with -20% or -25% recovery time. It's a strong power with a lot of weird, hidden facets. @thelee: Oh, good catch. Here's Scourge of Bezzello: A much tighter spread than Frostseeker! Here's Frostseeker in the same situation: So I'm guessing that what determines the angle of the rays is just the animation. Frostseeker shows the three arrows emerging from from the bow on autoattacks at about that wide angle before they turn and converge on the target. It seems weird that something so relatively important would be left to something as unbound by balance concerns as animations, but there it is.
    1 point
  25. I was feeling slightly depressive, so I pulled out the whimsy to battle it. Which resulted in ordering a batch of fairy light leds, some cotton rope, and clamps. Now I plan to build an adult blanket fort to hide in and read for the weekend....
    1 point
  26. So I've Played about 24 hours Or more. besides exploration gearing up and besting the enemies already available in the game. Opting to Building a base with a nice View in Lieu of a courtyard made around a can and a research centre. I was allowed to place my storage in said can, but ants would still poke their head through and steal my precious aphid honeydew. And spiders still finding ways to bite me through the can and my poorly constructed fence. So I had to move. Now I live under the oak tree. Blinded by the light of a solar powered lamp. Upon occasion the wolf spiders that lives there likes to get inside my foundation and break it from the inside out. But only sometimes! So it's not that bad But enough with setting the story. This game isnt without its kinks what without. Sometimes Spiders can be lurking inside logs (Solid ones) so one has to watch out for that. Spiders though extremely large have found there way into the smallest of places. Often yielding rewards. A bit to easy... Acorns explode incessantly to the point they break time itself. Only to find the remains respawn there from the follow day this isn't guaranteed daily. But eventually missing items reappear in follow days. Most issues have been deftly spotted by the community thus far I've have seen Larva do incredible things.. But it's a Glitch love. There is nothing more terrifying than the alien like cave of 40 horrible creatures of indescribable origin. They have there own mind often attacking the abandoned ant hive.. just what do they do when they roam around in packs of 40 . It's like the larvae have A hive mind Ai. more so than the ants do Ants Don't Act as much as a group unit as I would have expected. They do respond to your aggression and send a soilder unit to your base eventually. But I've yet to see anything of an actual raid. Of sorts. So I hope that's coming. Lack of raw research as collectable. I saw that in the demo access this was in the fame but has since been taken out or reworked. I hope they return as the current research grind is lacking. I do understand at full release there will be many more items to learn from. Bees. Please make bees work when you can I'm sure everyone would love that I also see there is wasps in the cover art. So having a more aggressive flying insect would he awesome not to mention two possible hives to visit. Perhaps a few passive. Imagine a handful of butterflies. The pond. The pond is a great biome that needs lot of love and live. I can imagine Dragonflies at the pond. Water skates, beetles. A few Koi to make swimming challenging. More water based resources to force player to go to depths.. Perhaps a craftable diving suit might be in order. Maybe a big old boss bulltoad sat on the edge. Birds would also be a good addition being a random event where if your too high they may swoop in and attack. even better take you up to their nest. Feathers could be another form of glider. Or be used to make a more refined sort of paraglider People want to go in the house and if you can do that I'd be impressed. But I won't hold you to it. Maybe one room? Or the shed. The story build up so far has a little hint to some sort of story already there. What with the various little skeletons around the map. And the mysterious Doctor that surely can't be father to all four children right? Wonder if we will see this doctor or did he too succumb to the backyard. Also I may or may not have seen that behind a locked door, there may or may not have been some weird experiments with berries too. Anyway just a couple of bugs and suggestions I have. Don't normally even write bug reports or just general feedback and suggestions. What the heck is it even a larvae of anyway. No really
    1 point
  27. For real? oh my ladybugs are not so majestic when they are young are they
    1 point
  28. To me this is a good thing, though. AAA games that I actually like are a huge breath of fresh air. I'd rather be on board with a large consensus that's worthy than a large consensus that's idiot-approved. However, as soon as they release a title that deliberately feels stupid and artificially handicapped, I will jump off the train and go back to being a niche-game hunting douche.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Looks like a pair of hands holding the earth to me.
    1 point
  31. Agreed, the steps to learn floors, is a bit silly. And right now, scaffolding, without floors are fairly useless.
    1 point
  32. If I could choose one thing to fix, this one would be it, I even built stairs very high up, and place them in the middle of that level, and they still hit it. Kinda defeats the purpose of having a base (and logtraps since they dont work as well)
    1 point
  33. I think a lot of good points are made—weather like early morning fog, rain and it’s consequences should be added. If a character dies at the very least ants would totally dig around and take some things if it took too long to recover the backpack. While I personally like the fuzzy house and surroundings in the distance(my character’s eye strength is proportionate to their size) I understand how that could mess with other people’s eyes and there should be a feature to unblur them. Armor shouldn’t remain in backpack when equipped. But I don’t think we should assume this is supposed to be a hardcore or even a heavy survival game like Ark or Subnautica. It feels like an interesting survival game through the filter of a story rpg-lite game. A game that falls between Genres in a niche that hasn’t really been explored yet by developers. I could be wrong but that’s the vibe given off to me and my friends. Also the OP must be a lot better than me cus I still haven’t managed to kill enemies from high ground with a spear, gnats being the lone exception
    1 point
  34. I have never read something more accurate and telling. This person thoroughly understands the genre you've entered into as a developer and has hit every nail on the head. I sincerely hope this post is taken seriously because it has advice in it that could make this game infinitely more successful.
    1 point
  35. I am trying to button map my controller on Xbox but you can not button map B. It cancels your action rather than mapping the button
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Finished Dark S3. All those people who say that quantum mechanics doesn't have a practical use for general people proved wrong, it definitely helps you understand what's going on in semi obscure German time travel and alternative world shows where you can't remember half the characters' names. Might have been a touch confusing without knowing about the Trousers of Time. Has to be said: best casting I've seen in any show.
    1 point
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