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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/20 in all areas

  1. I wonder how much of that alleged 100+ gameplay will be spent resolving encounters that would otherwise last under a minute in RTwP. The demo already felt really stilted and frustrating, and isn't it meant to be one of the tutorial fights as well?
    4 points
  2. I don't think it's good practice to arbitrarily limit abilities just because Brilliant exists.
    4 points
  3. While I would think that a not-so-far-in-the-future third part should stick to the mechanics of Deadfire I also don't care that much about RTwP or TB. Players who want to turn this into a confession of faith behave kind of silly. There are games that are great and use TB and there are games that are great who use RTwP. Don't understand why one has to chose to only like one. I love PoE/Deadfire and Battle Brothers because they are fun to play for me, not because I celebrated some kind of communion with RTwP or TB evangelists. But still: if a PoE3 is made in the next few years I would like it to continue the mechanics of Deadfire as I said. It's quite some work to learn a whole new system and I would like to avoid it if possible. Deadfire's rule system is in a good state (not talking about bugs and oversights especially on consoles). Some minor tweaks like simplifying the stacking rules should suffice. And there already is TB and RTwP - so it's not too far fetched to expect to see both in a PoE3 again (one as main mode, the other as additional I would presume). By the way: a recent poll came to the conclusion that a slight majority welcomes the switch from RTwP to TB for BG3. You wouldn't guess if you read the Larian forums (lots of "true" BG fans flooding the place while acting like broken records). There you would get the impression that BG3 is doomed to fail - while Larian (or Vincke) reported that they got overwhelmingly good responses on PAX and social media (other than their forums). Bubbles...
    3 points
  4. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/112610-armchair-theories-on-why-poe2-didnt-sell-super-well/ Here you get 13 pages of speculation what other people think about it.
    3 points
  5. I don't understand how anyone looks at our medical insurance system and thinks it works in any way. Companies are raking in huge profits while everyone struggles with medical debt. We managed to create an education system that is open and free to everyone without turning into a communist dystopia, so I'm pretty sure we can find a way to cover healthcare costs. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucejapsen/2019/08/04/as-sanders-and-warren-attack-private-health-insurer-profits-soar/#7aa7e83c532b
    2 points
  6. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/bear-attack-allena-hansen-face-bernie-sanders-healthcare-insurance-2020-election-super-tuesday-a9370156.html "Literally, as I was being eaten by a wild beast, I wasn't thinking about Jesus or my family or my son. I was thinking my insurance was not going to pay for this,"
    2 points
  7. No. Though every class has specializations that you choose at level 2 or 3. Unlike Kits in 2nd ED and the BG games, they don't take stuff away from you, just slightly change what you get.
    2 points
  8. South Carolina is notable because it's the first primary Biden has won in 3 decades of running for president.
    2 points
  9. I also thought Sagani was very good, but she's generally overlooked as a dwarf companion because she isn't another Gimli clone.
    2 points
  10. Klobuchar and Buttigieg appear ready to back Biden. Is the party deciding?
    1 point
  11. No you aren't. Non taxpayers pay for healthcare in most countries with a universal system- though most normal treatments are considerably less expensive than in the US even at 'market' rates. Visitors are supposed to have either travel or medical insurance to protect them from medical costs.
    1 point
  12. Pathfinder Kingmaker still, and no real feeling of slowing down at all. Definitely a worthy successor to the Baldur's Gates in terms of boss fights, you either get your party wiped or wipe the floor with them. Fought some dudette that spammed destruction spells and I'm sure the AI scripting told her to target the PC preferentially just because a failed saving throw instantly meant she 'won' the fight via game over. So you hide the main character and she gets chunked in about twenty seconds after a couple of lucky criticals instead...
    1 point
  13. Insurance is such a strange concept. I mean, I guess it works for things that you are hopefully not going to ever need. Hopefully I will never need my life insurance policy, but for $37 a month, it is nice to know my family is covered if I die during a 25-year period of time. Auto insurance is a bit more pricey, but my odds of being in a fender bender are decent enough given the miles I drive, so it's comforting. But again, that is firmly in the hopefully not going to need category. Insurance doesn't cover general maintenance for a good reason. With medical, we all need it on a regular basis. We are healthier when we do so. We pay a tremendous amount into this system that is an absolute mess.
    1 point
  14. I'd argue the opposite myself. Maybe weapon speed allowed for such a tactic that wasn't an issue with TB mode but in that case rules of engagement for the videogame adaptation ought to be revised, instead of reverting to an even more literal translation of the system into a new medium. The way I see it, the TT system as is doesn't work in a CRPG so I'd look how to tweak and adapt it so as to provide an experience that better uses the medium it's in from a systems, narrative and mimetic degree whilst also evoking the feel or idea of the source material at the same time. In this sense I think Pillars does a very good job at polishing and improving the IE systems and at evoking some of the D&D feel, but could also do more to make combat even more flexible so as to open to more roleplay or strategy options within it and so on. It's a contrivance or artifice, I agree, but I do think it's less jarring with the diegesis than TB is because it's much easier to abstract the "pause" plane from the "real" plane as it's a literal pause in action or time, where all characters interact with one another simultaneously, opposite to seeing every character acting individually at a time whilst everyone else stands in place in what seems like a continuous, linear timeline. It also doesn't help from a narrative perspective to see what should allegedly be a battle, i.e. a moment that normally should be frantic and chaotic, be chopped up to fine bits of individual actions in what seems like a vacuum of idleness - yes, you would be chopping up a sequence using the pause button in RTwP, but I do think that a lot of the chaotic or frantic effect remains in seeing all characters act simultaneously and so on. To make a comparison, if you pause a battle sequence in a film, the image will be a still one but in the frame you'll still see a dynamism or tension that even in that still image captures a sense of chaos or disarray. I do think immersion, feel and storytelling is affected differently in both cases, though again I also feel pacing is the biggest concern for me.
    1 point
  15. Read what we wrote in the previous page.
    1 point
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_tradition Again, you're ignoring the context. A game like chess or like table football do not have the same objectives or intentions to an RPG, let alone a *videogame* form of RPG. They do not operate remotely alike. Likewise we're giving arguments regarding the application of TB in videogames as a direct and oft incorrect translation of the PnP experience - which is turn-based by default. Tradition or "fidelity" on its own isn't a very compelling argument in favour of any decision, let alone one about adapting a particular experience or genre to an entirely different medium. You're relying on far-fetched comparisons and strawmans and not actually addressing the specific criticisms we brought up.
    1 point
  17. There are many reasons why it's not a one-on-one comparison, though. Videogames are by definition an audiovisual medium as much as they are an interactive one, and the mimetic quality in videogames is far different to that of board games. Also as Xzar and Zoraptor point out, there's a narrative and immersive intention to RPGs that chess doesn't possess at all, and the pieces on a chess board aren't characters in any fashion beyond distinguishing some basic mechanical difference between it and other pieces. Furthermore, you're basing your qualms over something no one actually said or implied either: no one said TB was stupid or lazy, just that it's tedious and clunky in the context of a CRPG - to use another example you gave, a horse might act as a replacement for a car in certain contexts or even be advised in a rural environment for example, but in an urban one or in long distance travel a car would be far more advantageous, because again, context matters. You can argue that you'd love to ride a horse in town because you find it more fun than driving a car, but the disadvantages and inconveniences it'd bring would be pretty undeniable, and a perfectly understandable reason why the majority would probably prefer not doing that.
    1 point
  18. One of the best grimoires (if you are not a Bloodmage) is the Grimoire of Vaporous Wizardry. It gives you 3 spell uses per tier instead of 2 - which is a significat upgrade. However, it also interrupts you every time you receive damage from an attack roll (self damage and DoT ticks don't count). In order to circumvent that nasty drawback you need to pick up Rekvu's Fractured Casque and get an inury. One of the best ways to get a fairly insignificant injury is to cast Necrotic Lance on yourself until you go down (best done outside of combat). Then you'll have an Acute Rash injury which isn't too bad - and you are completely immue to interrupts (includes stuff like Slicken etc.). You can combine this with Rekvu's Scorched Cloak (makes you immune to all fire damage - it heals you as long as you have an injury) and Rekvu's Stained Grasps (immune to sickened, weakened & enfeebled while injured).
    1 point
  19. Frictional Games being enigmatic as ever.
    1 point
  20. You are the only one talking about idiots here, did you notice? It's not very kind, in my view. And you're still not making any kind of argument.
    1 point
  21. Pete Davidson Alive From New York. About 20 minutes in a see my wifes head slowly turn towards me..."hes not very funny". Couldnt argue with that.
    1 point
  22. You can reset, choose carefully which unique grimoire you want to use mostly, equip it, and then learn spells to complete it carefullly... there is several Unique grimoire (with spells you will not found in any other grimoire) in the game, you will found them here : Depending what you want to do, Ninagauth and Concelhaut grimoire are good choices in any case... i regret grimoire mechanic in Deadfire is not like in POE. In POE you could learn any spells a grimoire contain with some money, and then choose which spells to put in your grimoire...
    1 point
  23. Klobuchar has bowed out. Only one sane candidate left... Bloomberg.
    1 point
  24. Paladin/Shifter? Maybe Steel Garotte? For a druid it's easy to afflict enemies and the draining + Exalthed Endurance is nice. Goldpact is another good pick because of Gilded Enmity. Bleak Walker for additional FoD damage. Eternal Devotion stacks with Wildstrike. Edit: @thelee you old ninja!
    1 point
  25. The other massive difference between TTRPGs and CRPGs I feel is also that TB in the former isn't just fulfilling a strategic or comprehensive role, it's also aiding the game's performative component. If a player fails a roll, that fail can still act as a catalyst for a scene or situation or change - typical example is how often a failed roll can so often produce a humorous outcome and so on. I think this sort of performative value in CRPGs is lost because for the most part a game - which in some level is an automated DM - can't improvise or account for such events the way a human DM can. In a way, failing in TTRPGs is part of the fun - far less so in most CRPGs. Disco Elysium is the odd one out as a game that actually tapped into the performative side of CRPGs really well, but its approach to "combat" - if you can call it that - is completely different to what more traditional DnD-based/inspired CRPGs do. In most CRPGs a fail is a fail, and in TB mode especially the end result is frustration and a lot of wasted time before you can attempt an action again. RTwP doesn't add the performative element at all but it at least mitigates these frustrations a lot more.
    1 point
  26. I'm expecting a September/October window. To capitalize on Halloween. Though being an immersive sim, they might want to get out of the gates before 2077, and not so close to the Holiday window. They need to not make the same mistake of releasing on top of another bigger release. They clearly realized release when a Half-Life is launching is a death kiss.
    1 point
  27. Personally, I find TB utterly baffling in CRPGs. RTwP is obviously impossible in tabletop RPGs, which is why turn-based combat exists in the first place. But as actual combat is never turn-based, I can't for the life of me understand why developers want to implement that system in computer games.
    1 point
  28. I understand of course, just wanted to show someone else's approach which might inspire you
    1 point
  29. 15% Speed up isn't exactly cheating, especially for 2 Zeal and 6s duration. It is roughly equivalent to Quick inspiration and DEX isn't even the most prioritarized stat. How many absurd stuff can be done with 2 spell restorations using brillant ? 2 Zeals is also more or less equivalent to a Tier IV - VII Spells (based on what I call the "Trickster ressource equivalence table", which can be various stuff from a party-wide Aware (this one is even Tier III) to DftF or +20 party Wide deflection.
    1 point
  30. That was a mistake I thought PoE1 already made, and that wasn't even turn-based. If you're going to slow down combat and make each fight more meaningful through increased difficulty and required strategic consideration (which are fine goals in of themselves), you have to reduce the amount of fighting in order not to bog down the game with random trash fights that take way too much time and effort to get through. I can only imagine the problem will be amplified manyfold with turn-based combat.
    1 point
  31. OK, picking up where I left off with Pitching. H = Hits again. Only this time it's the number of hits the pitcher allowed to the opposing team's batters. Runs = Runs given up to the opposing team ER = Earned runs. This is where errors become important. If the batter gets a hit despite the best efforts of the pitcher and the defense and that batter scores it counts as an "earned run" on the pitcher. However, if the batter reaches base because of a defensive error and eventually scores then it's an unearned run and does not count against the pitcher. BB = Base on balls again. How many batters did the pitcher walk in that game. K = Number of batters the pitcher struck out in that game ERA = Earned Run Average. This used to be the #1 stat for a pitcher but it's fallen out of favor these days. It is the (#earned runs/ # innings pitched) x 9. The lower that number is the better. Anything below 3.0 is really good.
    1 point
  32. @Skazz next lesson, scoring. This is a box score. At the top is the score line that we went over before. Below that is the line up of each team in the order they batted. To the right of their names is the outcome of their day. AB = At Bat, how many times that player batted. R = Runs. If they scored a run themselves Hits = How many hits they made in the game RBI = Runs Batted In. If there is a runner on base and you get a hit that enables that runner to score you are credited with a RBI. BB = Base on Balls. A batter has to hit the ball into play to get a hit. But the pitcher has to throw a fair ball to the batter. Meaning the pitch has to be hittable. If the pitch is too high, low, inside, outside, etc and the batter chooses not to swing it's called a ball. If the hitter gets four balls in an AB they are awarded a BB or a "Walk" and advance to 1st Base. If there is already a runner on 1st that runner advances to 2nd. K = Strike outs. In any at bat there are seven possible outcomes: Batter gets a hit Batter flies out which means the defense catches the ball before it hits the ground Batter grounds out in which case the ball in on the ground but the defense throws him out at the base. The batter reaches on an error. More on this in a bit. The batter is hit by a pitch (scored as HBP) which is the same as a BB The batter is walked, gets a Base on Balls after four balls. The batter strikes out. If they swing and miss, or fail to swing at a fairly pitched ball, or tip a ball "foul" meaning outside the 1st & 3rd baselines, it's called a "strike". Get three strikes in an AB and you are out. AVG = The player's batting average for that game. The batting average is Hits divided by AB. So the lead off hitter on the left, Saylor, had 3 AB in this game. He got two hits and struck out once. So 2/3 = .667. He also got a BB but a walk does not count towards a players AVG. It does count on something else called OBP or On Base Percentage. More on that later. Now below the line up is the hit breakdown of the game. 2B = Double. It means the batter got a hit and reached 2nd Base on it. 3B = Triple. That means the batter scored a hit and reached 3rd base HR = Home Run. The batter hit the ball over the fence so it left the field altogether. The batter and any runners on base automatically advance to home and score. RBI = Runs Batted In. We covered that already. The last lines are the pitchers scores. I'll get to those in a minute. I've got to leave for work now.
    1 point
  33. Oof, Id rather watch golf. @Skazz: Baseball isnt terribly complicated. Heres a link to the basic rules.
    1 point
  34. I'm wondering just how bad it will go if Sanders gets a plurality of votes but the candidacy is given to someone else. I get the feeling a lot of Sanders fans are Vote Blue No Matter Who types this time around but between the demoralization of such folks and the effects of the DNC showing its whole ass I think a lot of the people will stay home and we'll see low turnout. The Dems seem to be banking on VBNMW sentiment about Trump and a calculated risk the Orange Man will be better for their donors their future electoral politics than if Bernie gets elected but given how absolutely wrong the galaxy brain centrists have been this past decade has me thinking something is going to go spectacularly wrong for them.
    1 point
  35. UPD. Oh, it's not Resolve. Community Patch Lasting Empower currently bugged and applies +20% duration bonus even for incoming non-Empowered effects. Crap... I've tested it only for outcoming effects and never imagine it have that kind of side effects. I suggest to delete "gn.lasting_empower" file , until i fix it (if i fix it).
    1 point
  36. On the plus side, if you get tired of the "mandatory Cipher" shtick, with this build you can finally ditch it and still get the SoT spam thing going. You could also export a character with all the necessary gear, then hire them as a mercenary to give Aloth the stuff right away. As soon as he unlocks the Missile Salvo, ka-boom: No more "mandatory Cipher"
    1 point
  37. This too. It's a well known fact that a dwarf isn't a dwarf unless they (a) wield an axe or, at a push, a hammer, (b) wear heavy armour, (c) have a great big bushy beard, (c2) are male or at least appear male and (d) are always drunk. Bonus points if they hate/are scared of trees for some reason.
    1 point
  38. I'll bet Captain Picard can't throw a curveball!
    1 point
  39. This series should remain as a RTwP/Turn Based combat system with a isometric view, beautiful art and interesting setting. The devs should work more in the main plot though.
    1 point
  40. Obviously, Joshua Eric Sawyer is their president.
    1 point
  41. Yoooo, that Tonya Harding pic is too real.
    1 point
  42. Even tho I haven't tested it with ticks I'm quite certain least unstablke coil won't work with those. I used it quite a bit with chanter and it doesn't work with Eld Nary for example, it appears the hits have to be in very short succession and any kind of delay in damage stops the coils effect. The build you made for Aloth is quite nice but for a lot of endgame requirements it doesn't do much more than simply casting brilliant on a priest (with a cipher). Still very nice find for sure.
    1 point
  43. Oi! Watch how you talk about Fallout!
    1 point
  44. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/pillars-of-eternity-dev-says-deadfire-sales-were-l/1100-6471333/ Well ain't that a kick in the coconuts. This is why we can't have nice things, people. There is no excuse for Deadfire to not sell as well as the original.
    1 point
  45. If you can read Cyrillic, then that probably summoned Cthulhu
    1 point
  46. If Turn Based PoE3 is the price to pay to get PoE3, I'm willing to pay it. Provided that the game is balanced for Turn Based of course. Anyway, I need a backup plan for when I'll be old and without reflex.
    1 point
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