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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/20 in all areas

  1. I expected a sex flight I did not get a sex flight
    3 points
  2. The PISA tests are near meaningless. I don't think you'll find many educators who value them. Each country has different practises, and the countries that "teach to the test" will always score better. I know parts of my country even send away the "weak students" to look better when the results come in. Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if practises like this are common in other countries as well. http://theconversation.com/pisa-global-education-rankings-are-the-road-to-ruin-heres-why-70291 (Also: I really, really hate multiple choice tests). Smaller classes is the way to go. It's the same in kindergartens. The quality of the days when we are 14-15 kids as opposed to 22 of them is worlds apart. The kids have it better, and so do the teachers. More time to build good relations with your pupils/students, and more time to actually teach, is the key here. You gotta have the guts to throw money at the sector for this to happen though. A county in Norway did an experiment where increased the ratio of grownups to kids by hiring in more people in every kindergarten. Instead of losing money due to increased wage payouts, the county actually saved millions due to the sick leave percentage being halfed, and them not having to call in temporary staff anymore. Sometimes you gotta spend money to save money. I'll never not disagree with someone who thinks cutting costs in the Education sector is a good idea. From buildings, school materials, people....it's something actually worth spending a lot of money on (as long as it isn't thrown blindly which has a tendency to happen).
    2 points
  3. tactical nukes launched from stealthy submarines. am feeling safer already. perhaps not the most creative response to the growing list o' asymmetric threats the US faces, but at least it's worse than nothing. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  4. Mod Name: The Funnening - Improved Monk https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/380 Quick Description (Not the Full Description of Abilities) (Full description is in the images on the mod page) The punch attack skills count as new "monk combo" attacks meaning that their recovery is 0. As always, I tried to add the most I could to the way the abilities warp and expand the style of play for the class, without removing the core ideas. Here I experimented a lot with sacrificing movement/time/attacking for bonuses, bonuses based on tranquility, pacifism including reflecting attacks, silencing attacks, and then....I just had to throw omnislash in there even though there's already Whispers in the Wind. Just couldn't help myself. 1 - Equanimity - Passive - -20% Hostile effect durations, -10% Beneficial effect durations 1 - Accumulate - spend a turn, +dmg bonus for 60s, at -1 accuracy to avoid exploitation. 1 - Kala - By attuning to the echo effects of time, the monk converts most of his damage into an amplified 12 second slashing damage effect. 2 - Amkala - 2x damage received, 100% of damage received is healed over 100s 2 - Aiki - Reflect all attacks for 1 second 2 - Taijitu - Deal damage based on wounds, clear all wounds. 2 - Expanse - passive - Max wounds 10-->20, and wounds are generated by receiving 10 damage. 3 - Stillness - passive - +1 all defenses per sec until next attack or movement, max 25 stacks 4 - Serenity - Passive - While not under duration-based beneficial or harmful effects, +10% miss to hit, graze to hit 4 - Ansara - Fullattack with 90% as magic damage in 1/3 burn, 1/3 shock, 1/3 freeze. • 10 point damage shield for 8s. 4 - Yuan-qi - Damage dealt converted to 10% bonus Deflection 5 - khanti - Vow - +5% attack speed per 3 seconds until you move 5 - Ahimsa - Vow - +5% damage per 3 seconds for 20s until you launch a new attack 5 - Tranquility - Passive - While not under duration-based beneficial or harmful effects, +10 Accuracy and +10% negate all attacks 5 - Shi Tai - passive - 2 sec after a hit by a spell or ability, -2s duration on all effects (only applies again if the 2sec is over) 6 - Eversion - Channel yourself, counterattack with ranged bouncing raw damage 6 - Alethic - passive - Attacks vs fortitude also target Reflex if lower 6 - Spear-hand Punch - You jab the target, interrupting their spell cast and preventing further spell casting. • +25 defense against spell attacks for 8 seconds 7 - Humble - Melee strike removes all foe's inspirations, makes them immune to inspirations for 30s. • +25 defense against affliction attacks for 8 seconds 7 - Go No Sen - modal - Pre-emptively counter-attack at the cost of 3 wounds 8 - Ingression - Channel yourself (stun), while channeling you reflect all hits 8 - Death and Rebirth - Rapid damage of amounts up to your maximum health (slash/burn vs. Fortitude), revive to full HP with all injuries, afflictions, and duration effects removed 9 - Transcendance - Become an unatargetable astral projection that permanently reduces opponenents' defenses when touched by your slow, non-damaging attack 9 - Omnislash - +900% attack speed for 6 seconds, untargetable, randomly attack an opponent every 2 seconds in addition to your weapon attacks
    2 points
  5. Yeah, same as Boeroer. No opinion on the balance aspect of the stuff, but there's a huge amount of creativity in this one.
    2 points
  6. The icons look very nice nice. I personally would've chosen a more plain style for the passives* so that they match the existing ones (or redo all passive icons so that they all fit together because yours are nicer than the original ones, ha), but generally they all look very nice. I also like the overall vibe and the ideas you put into it. It seems you put a lot of work and thought into the mechanics of most abilites. So this mods looks impressive. For Deadfire the abilites are totally overpowered in most cases (if anything, Monk already is too strong). At least judging by description. I didn't test them in the game. But if that's fun for you (and others) why not? I mean having fun is the whole point, right? --- )* something like this (shameless self promotion incoming):
    2 points
  7. Sioux City. I spent a week there one night.
    2 points
  8. Seas of water, Seas of time, Both isolate Ardania.
    2 points
  9. "Were I to ignore the evidence that has been presented and disregard what I believe my oath and the Constitution demands of me for the sake of a partisan end, it would - I fear - expose my character to history’s rebuke and the censure of my own conscience."
    1 point
  10. Wow at Romney voting to convict. Knew he supported witnesses, but I figured it was gamesmanship - being the first senator from the same party to vote to convict a president, even if purely a symbolic gesture, is a bit more grand than that. I know he's been slighted many times by Trump before, but still.
    1 point
  11. Re-watching Wolf Hall these days. I still think it's one of the most criminally overlooked shows of the last decade.
    1 point
  12. I am all for major educational reform. Yes, a good start would be not throwing 30+ kids in with one teacher and expect they are all going to thrive.
    1 point
  13. Ranking went up though, so if the US education system is stagnating others' systems are actually stagnating worse, and the US system is improving, relatively speaking. Guess that doesn't drive as many clicks as running around shouting about the educational sky falling though, and definitely won't get Betsy and pals all those potential privatisation dollars. (We got exactly the same thing here, except our scores actually did go down- disaster, educational system imploding, will no one think of the children?- but wait a second, our ranking went up? Because others around us had scores drop more so... celebration?)
    1 point
  14. Yes, clearly the best way to improve our public education system is to send more people to private schools.
    1 point
  15. Allow me to introduce you to the Board's Early Retirement Program.
    1 point
  16. Ah, yeah, that's really too bad, ShadySands. I'll pray for your Mother-in-law and the rest of your family. healthcare issues are scary enough for their effects on your body, let alone fearing for your finances. Also, good luck on your business venture, GD.
    1 point
  17. She has travel insurance and it doesn't really cover any diagnostics unless she gets admitted to the hospital as it's meant for emergencies. She went to urgent care for her back pain and they really scared her with what they thought is the likely issue and they recommended that she go to an ER to get a MRI which would likely be out of pocket unless she got admitted.
    1 point
  18. Meeting with a potential business partner for lunch. We have been discussing a small business venture for a few weeks now. Real estate and property restoration and flood damage remediation. And other similar services.
    1 point
  19. Trump criticizes 'failing government schools' as he pushes school choice. Rat bastards.
    1 point
  20. so did you pony up 10k? am seeing the "party with the devs in moscow" reward at the 10k tier. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  21. Boeroer: you are writing in the wrong thread This thread's OP has indeed selected PotD upscaled
    1 point
  22. Not really... The duration/damage/number of projectiles doesn't scale either. The less affected by all this is Pull of Eora, but it comes late and is pretty expensive. The only thing that makes all these drawbacks feel less painful is the ability to trigger a spell 2-3 times using Driving Flight or/and weapons with bouncing attacks. But, if I remember well, every bounce reduces the damage not only for the arrow, but also for the spell... PS. I'm not sure if the Imbues get the hidden accuracy bonus/lvl like casters spells, because if it's not the case then you're forced to invest in Arcana just to keep their accuracy viable at higher levels...
    1 point
  23. Congrats and well done I guess was part of the story behind the user name
    1 point
  24. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/owlcatgames/pathfinder-wrath-of-the-righteous kickstarter for pathfinder wrath of the righteous have started looks like it will still use first edition pathfinder and added that confusing mythic rule
    1 point
  25. Russians again? xD Geez you people will never learn
    1 point
  26. 1 - Equanimity - Passive - -20% Hostile effect durations, -10% Beneficial effect durations 2 - Amkala - 2x damage received, 100% of damage received is healed over 100s 2 - Taijitu - Deal damage based on wounds, clear all wounds. 4 - Ansara - Fullattack with 90% as magic damage in 1/3 burn, 1/3 shock, 1/3 freeze. 4 - Serenity - Passive - While not under duration-based beneficial or harmful effects, +10% miss to hit, graze to hit 5 - Ahimsa - Vow - +5% damage per 3 seconds for 20s until you launch a new attack 5 - khanti - Vow - +5% attack speed per 3 seconds until you move 5 - Shi Tai - passive - 2 sec after a hit by a spell or ability, -2s duration on all effects (only applies again if the 2sec is over) 5 - Tranquility - Passive - While not under duration-based beneficial or harmful effects, +10 Accuracy and +10% negate all attacks 6 - Eversion - Channel yourself, counterattack with ranged bouncing raw damage 6 - Spear-hand Punch - You jab the target, interrupting their spell cast and preventing further spell casting. 9 - Transcendance - Become an unatargetable astral projection that permanently reduces opponenents' defenses when touched by your slow, non-damaging attack I absolutely love the sound of these. 9 - Omnislash - +900% attack speed for 6 seconds, untargetable, randomly attack an opponent every 2 seconds in addition to your weapon attacks 8 - Death and Rebirth - Rapid damage of amounts up to your maximum health (slash/burn vs. Fortitude), revive to full HP with all injuries, afflictions, and duration effects removed Cool concepts but sound broken in practice? 7 - Humble - Melee strike removes all foe's inspirations, makes them immune to inspirations for 30s. Full Attack that not just suspends, but removes Inspirations, blocks new ones for 30s and gives the Monk a 25 Defense bonus vs Afflictions is too good for just 1 Mortification, imo. I'd keep it to a Full Attack that simply removes Inspirations, which still is potent. 2 - Aiki - Reflect all attacks for 1 second Increase the Wound cost, imo. A high-Int Monk would probably be able to sustain it indefinitely in combination with Dance of Death, and a Shattered Pillar would be straight up immortal with this ability. Maybe change the cost to Mortification to completely prevent spam abuse. 3 - Stillness - passive - +1 all defenses per sec until next attack or movement, max 25 stacks I imagine someone disabling auto-attacks, equipping Whispers of the Endless Paths w/ Offensive Parry and just afk
    1 point
  27. Reminds me of the time our management sent out an email praising the fact our customers hate us less. Well ok, that was last week.
    1 point
  28. Story is pretty linear as far as I recall, though Winter Wolves always tried to work in some branching. Loren has some choices of who joins your party etc. You choose between two predetermined characters (Saren male/ Elenor female), and choose their class.
    1 point
  29. You sir are an inspiration. Congratulations, good luck, and hats off to you. Not just for turning your life around but using it to help other folks.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. So, a while back, I was a real dead ender. I'd pretty much thrown in the towel. Weighed 400 pounds. Rarely left the house. Was just a complete loser. I decided to do a few things. I've lost over a hundred pounds and kept my weight down. I decided that I needed to do something more for my community and entered an ELM program and became an RN. I just got my license at the end of December and sent out resumes a week ago. This morning, I got a phone call with a job offer. Luckily, my previous history of management really helped. What's best is that it's acute rehab. I literally got my first choice for a job offer. I might be a schmuck, but I interview well. I've only got a couple of years left for my MSN, and then I plan, if I have the stamina and smarts left, to get my DNP (I think that's probably more appropriate for my goals than a PhD). I know I'm just some random internet guy who apparently is off-putting to at least some of you glorious bastards, but I thought I'd share a milestone with you anyway. Huzzah!
    1 point
  32. i just only want to fix the shutting down of this game. the problem of load times can be taken into account later.
    1 point
  33. Well, I'm not sure if Obsidian devs are really responsible for these bugs, because the console port was done by another company grip-digital. But I really wonder how this game go through Sonys certification process... They used to be pretty strict on bugs like crashes, etc.
    1 point
  34. Please, fix the game, its always CE-34878-0 crash error. Most often it happens then you are at fight. Im playin in turn based mode. And i did reinstall the game, then i reinstall it to external hard drive, and then i made initialization for my ps4 pro deliting all data, but nothing helps! And i dont have the same crash in other games for my ps. I just dont want to tell about the longest loading screans on my console like im loading The Witcher 3 huge 3d map, instead of 2d map with minimal graphics and its loading even then i enter in the smallest area in it. Its a shame guys, like its your first game.
    1 point
  35. My sweet old girl Bela making the most of a cold and rainy afternoon.
    1 point
  36. Here's one of my dogs living her best life Alternate angle
    1 point
  37. I had a cousin who went to a Christian private school through to the 8th grade and he showed me one of the civics text-book they used, and having skimmed through it perhaps I shouldn't be surprised by the xenophobia expressed by Trump supporters.
    0 points
  38. SpaceX is planning a miles-high Starship flight as early as March.
    0 points
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