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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/19 in all areas

  1. Big Macs also sell better than Canard à l'orange, so...
    5 points
  2. Like skrelk said, I don't see how "having a non-straight person in a game" is a political agenda and not just a reality of life. Maybe we can consider it social progress that people are "only" complaining about gay companions (or the perception of there being gay companions) instead of complaining that there exist black people (do people remember Diablo 2's black paladin outrage? Pepperidge Farm remembers) By the by, very nearly every action game or aRPG is a pro-gun perspective. Most lefty gamers I know of (myself included) don't care. Also, in my most favorite cRPG ever, Deadfire: but keep being a victim about it, sure.
    4 points
  3. "Gay people exist" is not a political agenda. It's reality.
    3 points
  4. I wonder if people would have been happier if it was a "straight love story". Something tells me that it is as much "I can't romance companions" as "the companions are gay". Also it would have been super awkward if they had said "we are going to have a gay companion love story". In summary. This is obviously a troll. Why would the obsidian forums be the place to get a refund. If you bought a movie you wouldn't go to Paramount studios to ask for a refund.
    3 points
  5. "I'm not racist, look, I have a black friend!" yeah; how people react to media says a lot more about them than the media imo
    3 points
  6. Wall of Colors is a bit big help. I liked mind controlling minions and using them as beam sponges. Landing petrify with the wall and casting withdraw was crucial for me to break the beams and void being outdamaged.
    3 points
  7. For me no offline mode is a 100% deal breaker because I drive a truck for a living. Sometimes I park for the night in an area where I get a weak connection or no connection at all. Any always online game becomes unplayable at that point and it's just 60 gigs or whatever of wasted space on my SSD.
    3 points
  8. Obsididan and Private Division first made a deal with Epic because Epic offers them more money than other game selling platforms. After that, Microsfot bought Obsidian, and probably managed to offer a new deal to Private Division in order to get it on their store and game pass. Steam prefers to take all the money for themselves and give little to developers, and this need to change. That's why going with epic was the best move. Also, it's a way for them to be free from steam's control over the market, and this can only be good.
    3 points
  9. This was the reason, why I skipped D3 as well, I did not care about the cartoon graphics, but always online killed it for me completely.
    3 points
  10. I had been looking forward to this game for quite a while... but I feel lied to. In none of the promotional materials does it mention a strong bias toward promoting lgbt stuff. I am ok with a little here and there because that is life especially considering my biological mom IS a lesbian... but this was over the top. The Captain you replaced: strongly hinted to be gay. Your first and third companions: gay Your first companion's personal quest: entire gay lovestory quest line. Seriously, after new vegas I was expecting more from Obsidian. I loved Veronica and Arcade... but they didnt feel forced upon you. You could let them join you or not and still have a large pool of companions to choose from. I would take the game back to Gamestop but they wont refund it since its open. (Edited for typos)
    2 points
  11. Well you know, it is kind of cruel to not be supportive towards a friend's love life because you don't accept their sexuality. Are you against the game being realistic in that regard?
    2 points
  12. Joking aside your discomfort towards this is a thing you can get over. I'm not going to tell you what to do but RPGs tend to contain some lgbt+ representation these days. It's a good genre for exploring stuff like sexuality and gender. I feel like you'd be happier if you just got over it rather than not participating in anything that has too much gay in it.
    2 points
  13. Those are some big people, reminds me strongly of Caesar 3 too
    2 points
  14. 1. "sold ok" "not a commercial failure" pretty sure this is just putting positive spin on bleak news. The payout on fig shares was/is extremely poor. Not just taking a small haircut poor, but never in the realm of possibility of even close to getting within a football field of even getting half your money back (I think so far like 40% money paid out after more than a year). I think at best this means that Deadfire sales wasn't the reason why they sold to Microsoft (sounds like they were banking PoE sales pretty well). 2. I understand JE Sawyer's perspective though. If he doesn't know why Deadfire did poorly, and we on the forum don't know it did poorly, then we're obviously very bad people to decide what direction a hypothetical PoE3 should go. Though I do agree with Boeroer's pet theory - there was a lot of complaint on these forums early on about two things: 1) the setting, 2) per-encounter mechanics. A shame, because I loved both decisions. I have to imagine that if they get a competent marketing person on staff/contract, and then put PoE3 in a vaguely European medieval/renaissance setting and restored per-rest mechanics (except with multiclassing) they'll get gangbusters sales again (pitch it as a "return to its roots" or whatever). Maybe not PoE1-level sales (due to higher crpg competition now), but definitely more than Deadfire. Also: don't waste time on a silly minigame like ship combat, and limit the voiced characters for budget's sake. Though then again, Tyranny had a wild setting (roman-era tech in a crazy world basically) with per-encounter mechanics and sold better than Deadfire. So I dunno...
    2 points
  15. I honestly roll my eyes every time a straight person praises Arcade now. It just means I'm about to hear about how gay characters in other Games are "too much", "steroitypical" or "forced down my throat". Also who is this third companion? Felix? There's an interaction he has with a character on Monarch which implied to me that he is not gay. I haven't finished the game yet though.
    2 points
  16. I share your theory. You know that "Cat proximity" thing of XKCD? Like, the closer a human gets to a cat the stupider things they say? There has to be this "Baldur's Gate 2 proximity" that works on grogs, where the more the game apes BG2, the bigger the chance of blind day 0 purchase and flowery praises regardless of poor writing, obtuse system that offers bupkis help to newbies, designed-by-axe UI, having more bugs than a garbage truck stop in a tropical forest and being impossible to bloody finish for months after release, and I'm saying this as someone as who liked P:K quite a bit. Personally I blame Tolkien. Dude made his elves-dwarves-Brits-and-tea fantasyland so alive nobody ever dares to stray away from it, neither creators nor consumers.
    2 points
  17. I am of a like mind Socrates. It annoyed me as well, and took me out of my mood. I am sitting down to play a game. I don't need a game designer to push their political agenda in my face. All those who are happy/OK about it would sing a different tune the next time a different designer pushed agenda that they did not agree with. (would you like some Right-to-life, gun rights or Born-again NPC in your next game?) Just let me play me game the way I want. If I wanted 21st century SJW shoved in my face, I would not be playing an escapist game, I'd go to a political forum. Meanwhile there are many who feel like we do, but we are silent. BS like this is what forces people to elect **** we don't even like to office because the alternative is more PC bull.
    2 points
  18. I still blame it on the setting (mostly) - although I personally like it. But a lot of RPGamers are a bit conservative when it comes to settings. No idea if that's really the reason though. To me it also felt like Deadfire's marketing was nearly non-existent.
    2 points
  19. I just wanted to say thank you, Obsidian. Video game players have seen several disappointing AAA games in the last two years. This game is not one of them. This game delivers. It's exactly what I wanted. I can't wait to get in front of my pc and xbox and lose myself in the world you created. I sit down and start up the game and before I know it several hours have passed. I have not had this much fun with a game in a long time. The RPG elements are deep enough to be interesting but not difficult to grasp. My crew mates are fun and interesting. The gun-play is solid and the game mechanics work well together. I can't wait to see (and buy) what you do next in the Outer Worlds.
    2 points
  20. Decided to make sloppy joes for lunch. My wife and MiL had never heard of them so I tried to make the best first impression for them that I could and made them from scratch instead of out of a can. Big sloppy joe smiles all around I don't really have an exact recipe but I use lean ground beef (90/10 or better) with tomatoes I dice myself and also a diced red bell pepper and a diced sweet onion. Other ingredients include ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, tomato paste, a stout beer, salt and pepper, Lawry's seasoning salt, garlic powder, ground mustard seed, and brown sugar. I used brioche buns this time around because that's my wife's favorite For her seconds my MiL cooked some cabbage with a few other veggies and just mixed them with the beef in a bowl but she always does weird things. I tried to explain to her that my beef sauce is not anything close to what she normally puts in her beef and cabbage dish but she really loved it even though any spice is usually too much spice for her. I don't think I could live that that. I told my wife if I can't taste delicious flavors then just pull the plug on me and if that doesn't work I pointed at a pillow on the couch and told her that she knows what to do
    2 points
  21. I have been enjoying the game a lot but i hit a soft lock on one of the main quests. The quest is called "Radio Free Monarch", the step i'm on is "Speak with Nyoka at Stellar Bay". The issue that I'm having is that I talked to her and went through her dialogue and she told me to get her some Caffenoid. So I got all the way through the dialogue and i told her i'd get it for her but the quest step didn't change and even figuring out where the caffenoid was and stealing it didn't progress the quest either. I also only have one option now when i speak with her. "Actually - nevermind. I'll catch you later. (Leave Conversation) Is there any way someone could help me out or possibly fix this issue. I am enjoying this game so much and would hate for people to not like it because of a game breaking bug like this. Thanks in advance. Edit 1: I think i figured out the problem. When you go through Nyokas dialogue, at the end you get two options. One is to agree with her request and get the Caffenoid. The other is to say that you'll consider it. Both options make you leave the conversation immediately after choosing the option. If you choose the second option where you say you'll consider it, the quest doesn't progress obviously because you didn't agree to help her. But when you try to talk with her again there is no dialogue option to say that you've changed you're mind and have decided to help her. So in order to fix this they would just need to add an option that lets you agree to help her after you choose the "I'll consider it" option the first time you talk to her. So if anyone from the dev team sees this please fix this. Thanks in advance, again.
    1 point
  22. I think Science weapons are generally pretty fun but the fact that they are positioned as "reward weapons" jars with the fact that their effects are mostly gimmicks/status effects and they require a heavy Science investment to work effectively. In New Vegas, the uniques generally were just... very good weapons that would compliment a build that was built to use the base version of the weapon generally quite well. Technically there are uniques in The Outer Worlds too but, not having looked at the stats in depth, they just... don't seem like a huge upgrade to me, especially considering that you often find them while you already have a Tinkered weapon that can deal more DPS by default. I feel like this is all part of an itemization system that needed some more fine-tuning, to be honest, there are a lot of good ideas in The Outer Worlds concerning character progression, build variety and combat flow, but it's also kind of a victim of being a smaller game that didn't perhaps have the iteration time it needed to nail really rewarding balance. I dunno how Private Division and the team will approach patching compared to the Pillars of Eternity, but I hope to see a bunch of tuning in the future, concerning both items and perks. Was a very fun little game, though.
    1 point
  23. I've never complained about the amount of reading required in computer games, believe you me. It just so happened, by the way, that I never got to the end of the Grieving Mother quest, because it was (was it?) rest-related or something like that, and I didn't get all the triggers. But what I did see was too ethereal and lavishly descriptive for my liking.
    1 point
  24. Yes, the thing is that sales are not an indication of anything other than sales. Commercial success and quality exist on two totally different continuums and they don't need to have anything to do with each other. Of course it's quite natural to regard sales as a mark of quality if you happen to live in a strictly commercial culture like the US, but it's still erroneous. I suppose it's pretty easy for anyone to come up with examples for a) rubbish that sold amazingly, b) rubbish that didn't sell, c) high quality that sold amazingly, and d) high quality that didn't sell. Whether it be literature, music, computer games, anything.
    1 point
  25. The new players freak out if they are offline, or if they leave their phones at home. Some people actually resent and begrudge the lost hours away from their social media account—due to needing sleep; and of what postings they might miss until reading it later. It's comically sad IMO.
    1 point
  26. Ditto. I only played Diablo III on consoles because I wasn't forced to be online only. Skipped PC entirely. Online only for Diablo iv on PC and consoles is confirmed, so that's that. I won't play it.
    1 point
  27. No need for that. You only have to make sure you got a 16:9 resolution available in your system settings. And then you can set your GPU scaling to "centered". This shouldn't even change anything about daily Windows. But if for some reason you positively need another GPU scaling for another application, you can always set scaling on a per-app basis in your GPU settings.
    1 point
  28. Hmmmm... I will need to look into single handed weapons that have stat bonuses. Thanks. They truly need to have a Boeroer NPC in PoE III.
    1 point
  29. ...but Canadian Bacon with Pineapple is healthier.
    1 point
  30. 1 post above yours are instructions to play pillarboxed. Nvidea card instructions are also in this thread.
    1 point
  31. steak. have a tenant who has been having difficulty making rent, but he is a butcher, so we have more steak than we could possible eat in a year. steak and eggs for breakfast. petite filets for dinner. got mostly the filets and sirloin, but a few boneless and bone-in ribeyes as well. am preferring our ribeyes bone-in, so today we used a nice thick boneless ribeye for steak sandwiches. cut ribeye into thinish strips (cross grain) and liberal dose with our proprietary blend o' salt and spices, which if am being honest is a knock-ff o' lawry's. is actual easier to cut steak proper if is having been frozen and then mostly defrosted. the steak we had were not frozen, so we had to use our good mac knife. whatever. quarter a good sized onion and slice as desired. slice whatever mushroom type you prefer. cook and brown meat in cast iron skillet. have been using coconut oil o' late. not heart healthy though. *shrug* remove meat from pan when is mostly done. now is a good time to toast whatever bread you will choose. is not a sloppy wet sandwich, but there is fluid, so butter or mayo works well as choices for your bread toasting. nice crust will prevent your bread choice from instant soaking up liquid and turning into a gloppy mess. turn down heat a smidge and in same skillet, brown the veggies. should be enough oil in skillet to brown veggies, but a little butter never hurt, eh? when veggies is mostly doneish, return meat to skillet and then pour in worcestershire. have never measured, but pour in a bit more than looks reasonable and you should be fine. deglaze pan and let reduce a fair bit. remove skillet from heat and add a tablespoon (or more) of butter. stir. meat, onions and mushrooms should be covered in a dark and near molasses thick sauce. results is a sandwich to make any cardiologist shudder. so full. we now need a nap. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  32. 15-20 years ago I was super conservative and even advocated that Canada consider privatizing health care. Although most of my research at the time didn't do a good job of supporting me (to the point that I reconsidered my position). Basically I realized that a lot of my applications of free market economics still relied on a lot of the idealized application covered in course work. Assumptions such as perfect markets, no transition time/costs, perfectly rational actors, and perfect competition. As a result, even at some of my most ardent big-C Conservative days, I still felt that health care and primary K-12 education were good things to support similar to roads/infrastructure, emergency services, and so forth. Essentially I felt an educated and healthy populace was a good investment and would be good for the economy. Evidently Obsidian just needs to release games more frequently to keep me coming back <.<
    1 point
  33. Considering Obsidian is known or at least was for *hard choices* this thank you may sound weird. But especially in this time where we often only see each other and people of opposing views as *monsters* I'm glad there is a game where, even though it portrays corporatism to an extreme, everyone is still human. Everyone has their flaws. Everyone has their good sides. Everyone has reasons. It's a hard thing to write from your perspective, it's even harder to get in the mindset and analyze people you disagree with. To find out why they have their beliefs and hold to them. Not everyone that agrees with you is a saint. Not everyone that disagrees is a monster. We'd do well to remember that. And most of all I'm glad to play a game where I'm allowed to be. Well, me.
    1 point
  34. Yeah, it is really good ain't it? Also nothing so far felt forced or artificial to me, which did happen in previos Obs titles from time to time. The only "but" I would say, is that there always seems to be the "ultimate" way of solving major conflicts but: 1) I might just not seen the results of what I consider to be the best case scenario 2) It also might be my personal bias. After all, as Disco Elysium pointed out to me I am boring, sorry, and don't like to commit to any political ideologies, and want for everyone to get along.
    1 point
  35. Please investigate the stutter on PC. You can improve it by capping framerate via Rivatuner (it gets much worse with in-game limiter) but it's still not there. For me it's fairly constant, and this is on a 2080. It even occurs when cappng to 60. This occurs everywhere but is especially bad outside and in towns. It occurs on most if not all configurations - check out the Reset Era PC performance thread for TOW, about 25 pages and most users report stutter.
    1 point
  36. I was actually interested in Diablo 4 for a hot second... then I saw that there would be no offline mode. Interest level immediately plummeted to zero.
    1 point
  37. Why? It's not like I'm saying we should have access too all the companions all the time. I'm just saying there should've been a specific situation, for example being on your ship, where you can bring up a UI that includes everyone. In fact, it is Obsidian that did exactly this, in NwN2, where within your stronghold you can access all your companions at the same time.
    1 point
  38. So every time i open a door, interact with NPC's, ladders, elevators, objects, etc. I also pull out my gun. Who's the genius who mapped both actions to the same button, and when is this getting fixed?
    1 point
  39. That's because every case is the best case with a mortar monk.
    1 point
  40. Hey, JoeBob3939 I'm sorry for the companion issue you have run into. We have our development team looking into it and hope to have a fix for it shortly. In the meantime, to expedite your request, you can send an e-mail to our publisher, Private Division at support@privatedivision.com. This will get your issue into their queue and allow us to prioritize requests to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. We apologize again and thank you for your patience while we work to resolve the issue.
    1 point
  41. Hey, khmrjordan I'm sorry for the crosshair issue you have run into. We have our development team looking into it and hope to have a fix for it shortly. In the meantime, to expedite your request, you can send an e-mail to our publisher, Private Division at support@privatedivision.com. This will get your issue into their queue and allow us to prioritize requests to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. You might also consider turning the HUD off entirely. This will disable the crosshair, but will also come at the cost of disabling the rest of the HUD. We apologize again and thank you for your patience while we work to resolve the issue.
    1 point
  42. Hey, Voronja Unfortunately, we do not currently support mouse/keyboard on Xbox. If this is a feature you'd like to see come to Outer Worlds, you should send an e-mail to our publisher, Private Division at support@privatedivision.com. This will get your issue into their queue and allow us to prioritize requests to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. Thanks for playing!
    1 point
  43. Oh yeah, some of these characters are really complex. Sometimes I have in mind exactly how I'm going to complete a quest, and then all of a sudden I find out more about a character, which makes me re-evaluate everything.
    1 point
  44. Aha, I can think of two that might be related to One of mine was still in the throne room after his untimely demise, and I could still talk to him I'll give it a try again after my current POE binge. Do you recommend the DLC's?
    1 point
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