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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/19 in all areas

  1. Greetings everyone, We would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to report issues and suggestions for the The Outer Worlds. We are working on compiling everything to share with the team for review. At this time I would like to share with you a list of the more common issues and suggestions we are seeing reported. List of common issues and suggestions: Various game crashes Font size increase Center reticle FOV adjustment Multiple quest indicators on map Custom waypoints Ability to disable kill cams Disable companion attack cinematics PC remapping support Item comparison ability while looting Adding inventory filters/sorting abilities Changing the appearance of Pristine equipment Adding weight and limit information in vendors Adding survival meters to the consumables page Stronger outlines for workbenches Auto-run ability Weapon not staying holstered during dialogue Widescreen support Toggle headbob Separate aiming sensitivities Toggle chromatic aberration Companions dying and failing companion quests on modes other than Supernova The team is currently investing these and other reported instances. We will update you once we know more regarding our next steps. Thank you, and please continue to let us know if you have any other issues or suggestions to report. Edit: Thank you for the new posts, we appreciate the additional reports as they are helping us tremendously. I do want to let you know that you may also email our publishing partner, Private Division, at support@privatedivision.com. This will help ensure that your specific issue or suggestion is in their queue which allows us to prioritize requests in order to provide the fastest possible turn around time. We apologize again and thank you all for your patience while we work on these issues.
    3 points
  2. There is no support for 21: 9 format monitors in full screen mode. In full-window mode, the resolution of 2560 × 1080 is set, but freesync requires full-screen mode. Due to the work in the window, the monitor function does not work correctly and the screen flickers during the game. if you enable the game mode in full screen, the screen resolution is set to 1920 × 1080, the picture is stretched and does not look serious, but the screen flickers stop and the freesync function works fine. It seems more than strange to me to ignore modern technologies in 2019, and in this case, it does not care about users with 21: 9 and 32: 9 monitors.
    3 points
  3. No kidding on that one. But for some real excitement take a taxis. Those f-----g guy are NUTS! One guy got me from Naha all the way to Futenma in 20 minutes. I'd have been scared if I wasn't so drunk!
    2 points
  4. Strange as it may seem adding roads etc often does very little to improve traffic. Usually it just moves the bottle neck that was causing problems to a new place, eg new underground parking still has limited in/ out points. By its nature traffic engineering is always trying to fix the problems today that should have been fixed ten years ago because nobody plans anything properly, and there are fundamental problems like everyone having to be at work at more or less the same times rather than being staggered. And unfortunately many of the people running transport networks are far more interested in forcing people to use bad mass transport options than they are actually improving the options so people want to use them. The old adage applies: "you can tell a mass transport system is good not when poor people are forced to use it, but when rich people choose to use it", but most just go for the first part because it's 'easy'. The US has unusually low taxes on petrol. Here and in much of Europe tax can be 2/3 or more of the pump price and that without any other fees. They definitely don't use all the fuel taxes here for road/ transport related stuff, a lot goes straight into the Consolidated Fund for general use. And when the funds are ringfenced that still doesn't mean they get spent on sensible stuff. Example, the local regional fuel tax was introduced last year for a project which has, unsurprisingly, been delayed; so the council is busy spending it on projects of very marginal value because it has to be spent. It's also deeply unpopular in rural areas since it's a per litre tax and the people who mostly pay it are subsidising central city projects they'd never use that were, unsurprisingly, delayed. So, the local rural road which is potholed and has had bend dangerously camber reversed in some cases when they have done botched repairs got new road signs; literally every 20m, which were dangerously positioned, made it impossible to pull over if needed, were distracting, had dangerously high speed advisories on some bends and in some cases reflected headlights directly back at you if driving at night. Locals removed half, they got replaced, then eventually someone from the council actually drove the road and agreed that yes, they were a stupid idea. Company that made and placed the signs still got the money for them and their replacements though...
    2 points
  5. And there's Diablo 4. Going back to its dark roots, apparently. So Maximum Grimderp Cool trailer as well.
    2 points
  6. You should move to Norway. Mass transit here is awesome since we're all too socially awkward to talk to each other.
    2 points
  7. does it? Are not my tax money spend on someone else mass transit? Again don't take it as I am complaining about mass transit but I don't see reason why I could not expect tax money to be spend on infrastructure for cars same way its spend on mass transit. Its not like there is some kind of tax on gas for example...
    2 points
  8. Yes True, come to the dark side xD
    2 points
  9. Some music seems to only play in one place, like the Roseway tune. That would be a nice tune to explore with in the Emerald Vale in general, or maybe at night. Seems wasteful to have it play only in Roseway.
    2 points
  10. I received the quest from Ellie and as soon as I landed on Byzantium it was listed as botched. Any fix?
    1 point
  11. In Sweden up until the 80's the tax on petrol and diesel was properly earmarked and used for road maintainance and expansions, but since then that limit was removed and the money is spent on anything but the roads. Alot of this money does go as tax relief for rich people buying newer cars. For fun, the costs @ the month of august; Petrol 6.03SEK/Litre Value added tax on the petrol, 1.51SEK Energy tax, 3.95SEK/litre Co2 Tax, 2.62SEK/Litre Value added tax on the tax (Becuz Lulz) 1.64SEK Total cost, 15.75SEK/Litre of wich 9.72SEK are taxes, or 62% if you so wish. Oh, and then there's tax on the car itself aswell ofcourse.
    1 point
  12. Playersexual characters (for example DA2) always bothered me. Sexuality isn't important to me, but having it player dependent reduces the npcs to ... not sure what to, but something.
    1 point
  13. I have just had an email from Private Division support about the Parvati bug, reply may be useful: "I'm sorry to hear that you've encountered a bug where your companion has been marked as dead in the quest log, despite them still being alive. From what we've discovered, this bug can happen when your companion is climbing a ladder while you start a conversation with an NPC. This causes the companion to continue climbing the ladder forever, and then meet an untimely death when the conversation with the NPC ends. Make sure that your companions are not climbing any ladders before you enter a conversation and this should hopefully prevent this bug from happening to you again until this bug has been resolved. Please note that we currently do not have an ETA as to when this issue will be fixed, but we are actively looking into it. Sorry for the trouble, and please let me know if you run into any other issues. "
    1 point
  14. lol at 12 hours good grief how pathetic of you its only short if you choose to shorten it go buy call of duty and play multi
    1 point
  15. To be honest I couldn't finish Fallout 4. I played about 25 hours and gave up. It just wasn't the RPG for me. It moved so far away from what I feel and RPG is and had so many mechanics I didn't like that I got bored of the empty open world it had. I actually prefer my RPGs to clock in from around 40-60 hours. I find this length to be almost perfect for great writing with in all quests. Going over that towards the 100 mark 99% of the time means I'll be bored doing repetitive fetch quests with next to no story impact or the writing is so bad because the developer has to much to write for. So far I'm at 30 hours in TOW and have plenty still to do. And I haven't felt at all that any of it is not worth doing. And so fsr all quests are written so well.
    1 point
  16. Yeah. It's rather impressive how far a Star Wars license will get you. They have obviously not spent even half of that $1bn in modernizing the tech or developing content, that's for sure. But hey, we got Andromeda and Anthem, right...?
    1 point
  17. I know. She was a producer on New Vegas and pushes for gay/lesbian companions.
    1 point
  18. The Star Wars MMO, The Old Republic, Has Now Made Almost $1 Billion In Revenue Guess that should put the "game ded lul" comments to rest for a while. Ah, who am I kidding...
    1 point
  19. Mass transit should be a viable alternative for people but here when you have some actively fighting against it . The Koch brothers were particularly egregious in that area and for all I know the remaining brother may still be at it. I'm not sure where Chillout is from but in a lot of places here in the US you don't have many options other than owning a car. Sorry for the repost I don't think billionaires shouldn't exist or anything like that but I don't think they should be able to influence state and local governments to the detriment of millions of people https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/19/climate/koch-brothers-public-transit.html Same type of stuff if you prefer to read it instead of watch it
    1 point
  20. Yeah, me personally, I can play 1st person games, such as call of duty and the like, but given the fact that one of the first things you do is play around in the character creator, I can't justify spending any time in there on cosmetics, beyond male or female. Which is frustrating. I really want to enjoy this game, but without being able to see my character I just don't feel a connection there. That being said, this isn't just a choice or preference thing. Some people can't play 1st person games because it gives them headaches or motion sickness. This is especially frustrating given the fact that third person exists in the game. The game has the capacity for 3rd person. Your character model is rendered in the world, you have 3rd person animations. And with some time spent messing with game files, it is possible to play in 3rd person, just not without going into the games guts. I really wan't to enjoy the game. And the second they add a 3rd person mode (or someone makes a mod to do it) I will absolutely buy the game (i've already played it on the Xbox games service). But right now I can't spend more than an hour in the game without becoming incredibly apathetic.
    1 point
  21. Why a robot janitor is TOW's best companion.
    1 point
  22. I never use mass transit even when it faster and more economical. Too many dirtbags to deal with.
    1 point
  23. This would be nice, I play in first person but I like being able to see my character in the environment for taking pics.
    1 point
  24. Arrived on Roseway for the first time and found no one in the comm tower where the quest markers for The Doom that Came to Roseway and The Distress Signal take you. Have no interacted with Anton at all yet. Tried reloading prior saves back to Groundbreaker and doing other stuff but with the same result that Anton has disappeared.
    1 point
  25. Ironically, 'green' solutions to traffic is making it harder for cars to get through high traffic areas and even harder to park. Which in turn get traffic even more static, and there is nothing worse than cars which have to stop ever 10 meters and start moving again, making pollution even worse. If there was put more money in better road infrastructure and underground parking spots it would make more good to air quality than all those restrictions put on cars so far together.
    1 point
  26. There are multiple threads in the support channel including one of my own- multiple people have responded and Obsidian support haven't responded. its getting pretty pathetic. I've requested a refund.
    1 point
  27. I'll go one at a time here, though I think I only have 4 of 5. Still gotta grab the 5th. Shrink Ray: Okay so, this game did come quite useful for me. Playing on Supernova and wanting my companions to deal more ludicrous damage, I can focus fire on a strong enemy and have them melted in seconds, to which all the weaker foes around are quickly disposed of. I find this gun quite fun and enjoyable, but only under certain circumstances, not a daily use weapon. Prismatic Hammer: I'm a bit mixed by this one because I can not fully see the effects when fighting. I do enjoy the varying damage types it produces, but how combat works in this game, to be honest that makes this hammer quite horrible. Up until science 100 where you can constantly upgrade this without doubling the cost to ludicrous levels of bits (unless you exploit for unlimited bits). Though bits are not too difficulty to come by. I haven't found any differences to any weapons whatsoever. The only thing that matters is how much damage it does outright or the DPS. Nothing else matters, literally. I am saying this by having less than 20 offense skill abilities. For instance, skill 8 in long guns yet I can snipe a lot of enemies easily and do ludicrous amounts of damage flat. This hammer at least adds variety and is fun to use for two-handed. I really like it, but combat is worthless in the game. Mandibular Rearranger: Okay, so this one did help out on certain occasions because it has the odd "freeze enemy" ability. This is valuable as this means you can focus fire and melt any enemy that is frozen, or use TTD to focus fire another enemy as you wale on the frozen enemy until death. Imagine fighting the last boss and this effect happens. You literally reduced the final boss to be utterly useless until you finish it off while your companions can cover you and melt all the useless enemies around. Gloop Gun: I just got this one, but had a little play with it. I say, best used indoors and crowded groups. This gun has a chance to render multiple enemies hit by it to float (it's AoE), rendering less enemies dealing damage to you and companions, increasing your survivability as well as your companions. When playing on Supernova, this is quite nice not needing to spam heal to keep alive. In open areas, however, this is not a weapon of choice. EDIT: Mind Control Ray: I just got this gun yesterday, been a while since I last started up the game. I B-lined for this after finishing up almost all of Monarch. I didn't have time to test in an actual fight, so I slaughtered Fallbrook with it. It was amazing to be able to get anyone dangerous to stop shooting at me and fight his own allies. Since the town was actually weak, relative to me, the mind control ray actually killed them quicker to be useful. I could imagine using this on tankier enemies would be better. Too bad I killed off possibly all the most deadly enemies on Monarch, on accident mind you. If you wanted 'OP', then take this gun and have fun. Note: I have 100 Science, and 1 (of two) perks giving me 50% increased Science weapon damage. Turned level 21 and have 2 flaws, so perks were easier to obtain. Now I am a drug addicted captain afraid of heights... Wait, this sounds bad. In general, anything that will cause enemies to not hurt you is good. The majority of the science weapons do just that. It's a good way to quickly pick off enemies as your companions do all the DPS for you. If you solo though, best to leave these weapons alone. They won't meet up to the standard of a solo-sniper who can kill anything in one hit no matter the difficulty. With maybe anything with 3k health or higher being the exception.
    1 point
  28. You can solo if you want. When you leave your ship, you can decide on zero, one, or two companions. I mainly bring two along because their banter is kind of amusing. Been leaving Parvati on the ship because I ran into a bug that's causing her to be considered "dead" when one of her companion quests starts up, so I don't want anything to do with her until that's patched.
    1 point
  29. I took most of the flaws on my first run, which was also on supernova. Honestly, they make very little difference to the actual combat and you basically get free skill points. I skipped one or two of the more horrible ones like permanent crippling, where you have your movement speed reduced by 30% or something and can't dodge any more. The phobia ones and the resistance ones are a sure bet though. 25% extra damage from some sources isn't particularly noticeable. Especially when in supernova your best tactic is to kill the enemies before they can shoot at you. The phobias are even less noticeable and I don't think they weaken shots from stealth or anything either.
    1 point
  30. Hey, i've seen that some people have this quest bugged. I have the same and i tried to open the console and type QuestStart Passion but it doesn't do anything. I believe it doesn't work because i already got the caffeine object that you need in my inventory, but the quest still saying that need to talk. There's some otherway to restart it? Thanks.
    1 point
  31. Does the game not point you to the corpse with an arrow with the quest focused? IIRC it pointed me at the corpse with a quest marker until I picked up his finger...
    1 point
  32. Hey, Bennett Cohen I'm sorry for the audio issue you have run into. We have our development team looking into it and hope to have a fix for it shortly. In the meantime, to expedite your request, you can send an e-mail to our publisher, Private Division at support@privatedivision.com. This will get your issue into their queue and allow us to prioritize requests to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. We apologize again and thank you for your patience while we work to resolve the issue.
    1 point
  33. Such a shame that such a great game was not appreciated that much in the end. The only negative for me was the ship combat but in the end it was serviceable. It is painful to watch Sawyer desperately trying to find reasons why the sales flopped. It is def not because OBsidian made a bad game. Sawyer is way too much focused on Divinity Original Sin. (I hope he isn't too harsh on himself). Guess most people didn't like the setting. And also keep in mind that there is a huge majority of players just playing 'rpgs' for the story. Gameplay can be **** and all; they don't seem to care. If the story doesn't engage them, they are out.
    1 point
  34. Hey, Zahar I'm sorry for the crash you have run into. We have our development team looking into it and hope to have a fix for it shortly. In the meantime, to expedite your request, you can send an e-mail to our publisher, Private Division at support@privatedivision.com. This will get your issue into their queue and allow us to prioritize requests to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. We apologize again and thank you for your patience while we work to resolve the issue.
    1 point
  35. The Red Dead Redemption 2 PC pre-load is available now on the Rockstar Launcher, by the way. There's 109gb to download, so I'd say doing the pre-load is a good idea.
    1 point
  36. Cause it's part of the Supernova difficulty. It has more survival elements. I find it very strange moaning about a difficulty setting. Basically saying I don't want it to be this hard. Lol.
    1 point
  37. Most common one I come across is when UPS/DHL/Fedex damages their package.
    1 point
  38. I fired up the game the moment it was available in the UK, but yeah, I've only managed a couple of hours each night due to work, family time and sleep. I just reached Monarch last night. Then again, I tend to spend a LOT of time in these games. Pillars of Eternity for example, I've clocked 150 hours so far but I don't believe I'm anywhere near to finishing.
    1 point
  39. The game has been out less than a week. Have you done nothing else in this time? Don't you have a job to go to? People to see? Exercise? Things to do?
    1 point
  40. Just finished the game at a slow pace, clocking in at 50 hours. I was definitely happy with the length of the game - no sense in padding an RPG with an exhaustingly unnecessary length. It also demands at least one replay, if not more.
    1 point
  41. Hey, Encelor I hope you are enjoying the game! If you'd like to see your feature in the game, you can send an e-mail to our publisher, Private Division at support@privatedivision.com. This will get your issue into their queue and allow us to prioritize requests to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. Thanks for playing!
    1 point
  42. I've gotten more than 60 hours out of TOW already. Game has multiple endings as well as different routes you can take.
    1 point
  43. Here's the HLTB scores for each Obsidian game: Star Wars: Nights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords: 30-51 hours Neverwinter Nights 2: 59-114 hours Alpha Protocol: 13-25 hours Fallout: New Vegas: 27-132 hours Dungeon Siege III: 14-26 hours South Park: The Stick of Truth: 11-19 hours Pillars of Eternity: 35-99 hours Tyranny: 20-42 hours Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire: 40-76 hours The Outer Worlds: 10-28 hours Obsidian do seem to alternate between mid-length and long games based on the above, yet it's arguable that the games they're best known for tend to be the longer ones (i.e. Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, Neverwinter Nights 2, with KOTOR 2 being the outlier) so perception tends to skew towards those as the norm for them. In truth, it seems The Outer Worlds is no shorter than other games they've made like The Stick of Truth or Alpha Protocol, though it is quite a ways shorter than the two it's regularly compared to from their catalogue. That said, I reckon I'm about 40% of the way through the game and I've so far player for 22 hours myself. I do recognize I tend to be *very* lax in my playthroughs however. Still, your mileage may vary.
    1 point
  44. lol this game is an rpg not a shallow open world sandbox RolePlay a different character and try again
    1 point
  45. Food and drink do have a use other than selling them in the base game, you can slot them into your inhaler and the game will search for and use others with the same effect (e.g. 200% natural recovery increase or 25% total health increase.) That said, I would like to see the "greater needs" as an option to the base game outside of Supernova mode. Unfortunately the needs themselves are a bit wonky IMO, you get hungry and thirsty about twice a day and then you need to sleep. It's not really very immersive or interesting to have to return to my ship and sleep every time I need a second drink, so honestly many of the people who aren't able to use them and think they would like to would probably not be able to enjoy them. There aren't any real positives to the system as it currently works, being well rested or sated or quenched does nothing at all for you and you can't top up past the point where you're not thirsty no matter what you drink (or... swallow? How does dehydrated water work, I assume there is a team of skilled hydrophobic magicians at work somewhere in Halcyon?). So, you're not missing much as it stands. These systems can be done well, but this one is currently not particularly enjoyable at the moment.
    1 point
  46. As long as they don't kill the modding scene they'll be fine unless a game that is simply better comes around with at least as good modding support. So far nothing like that appears to be on the horizon. I mean, the modding community is arguably what has kept their games relevant in the first place, bit weird that no-one has attempted to capitalize on Bethesda's stumbling yet by providing good modding support...
    1 point
  47. Yeah, I don't really like the idea that one bad game tanks a company anyways, even though I got burned by Fallout 76. I mean, Fallout 4 and Skyrim were both very good games, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for a bit longer than one bad title.
    1 point
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