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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/19 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. Was in the yard the other day and was amused to notice the hubster had placed "hay" underneath all the low lying, developing cantaloupe melons. He's a caring soul. Also, a couple of the tomatoes. Most of them grew to over six feet. They are all different varieties, from large cherry sized to average/normal color to those dark green/rust colored types that have become popular in stores lately. Always nice to go out and pick one for a sandwich or a salad. There are also (in other garden beds) long green beans (like the Chinese restaurant dishes variety), cilantro/coriander, dill, jalapeno's (three varieties), and, uh ... a few other things, I forget. He sorta went whole hog and experimented a lot this year. The dried grass/hay seems to help with reducing some types of ground pests. The yard sorta looks like we have multiple swingsets from the quickie/temp metal pole/bar supports he erected to help support some of them. He needs to come up with something a bit less fugly next time.
    3 points
  3. Those loli games Asian men play make them grope women on the train.
    2 points
  4. My back porch is my happy place. It's a gray composite deck. Not large. 2m x 4m facing southwest. I bought an oversize wood rocking chair at the Covington flea market a few years ago. I'm sitting in it now watching the sun sink. The back yard falls off pretty quickly. A two meter grade give or take to the garden. The garden is big. Almost five acres. Fallow now but would be in full growth otherwise. Beyond that is a treeline where cold creek ambles it's way to the Hatchee River. The Hatchee twists and turns through the woods to the mighty Mississippi just a two hour walk west of here. I love the dusk. The sounds of the birds changes from day to night. I swear to God I will never tire of listening to them. I was planning on listening to the Braves/Marlins game tonight but the sounds of the late afternoon are just so much more compelling. The world is a beautiful place if you can just turn off the modern conveniences and listen.
    2 points
  5. I say work permits for anyone who wants one. Make them legal, make them pay tax like the rest of us. No more fear of the knock on the door in the middle of the night. However, no path to citizenship from a work permit. THAT is the trade off, Of course, children born here ARE citizens. Here is the thing the anti-immigrant yahoos don't get. The appeal of migrant workers is you can abuse them, under pay them, exploit them and they can't complain. If they all have legal standing now the HAVE to be paid at least the minimum wage and have workman's comp and access to social services like every other legal resident. That will put a damper on demand for their serivices which might even reduce their numbers. No thinks outside the box any more.
    2 points
  6. Since when did we take ktchong seriously? I missed that memo!
    2 points
  7. Not playing this game. Neitehr guns or games choose to kill people. PERIOD. let's ban people and this solves this problem.
    2 points
  8. I went back to the Colombia mission determined to complete the silent assassin, suit only challenge. There are 3 targets, 2 of them are relatively easy to eliminate, but the third is extremely hard without a disguise. I can't even tell you how many times I had to reload the save I made after killing the first target (you only get 1 save on master difficulty), but it was a lot. Eventually, I got the job done. Then, instead of taking an easier exit out of the place, I stole their helicopter to make my escape . That's how I roll.
    2 points
  9. I couldnt get into the streetfighter subclass, it looked so damn good on paper but I hated the micro. I did absolutely love most of Tee Sinners builds. Esp the Gun monk. Top right corner shows all 17? builds. Written guides in descriptions.
    2 points
  10. Obvious subjectivity warning. Also I couldn't see a mod sub forum but it might be a mobile issue so pre apologies. I'd like the ability to shift hotkey an ability into the buffered sequence instead of only being able to shift mouse click. If that makes sense. Would save on apm (actions per minute) and allow me to play with more smoothness and much less pausing. Is it possible to mod this however?
    1 point
  11. I'm not sure about Endgame being garbage. I watched it at home recently, and it was an enjoyable bit of action. I mean, they were tying up a bunch of loose threads from multiple franchises that are all connected, so I think it deserves a fair bit of credit for not being a train wreck.
    1 point
  12. I enjoyed it, I watched to the end and there is definitely something about it that kept me captivated Its not just the alien conspiracy but the other characters themes that are interwoven into the general story. Like the hot Russian blond and what she is up to
    1 point
  13. I started watching thinking it was a different kind of movie. lol
    1 point
  14. Well at least one doesn't fake it. I hope he will change the US constitution and rule forever.
    1 point
  15. Since it's almost exclusively WHITE MALES who commit mass shootings, maybe we should just ban WHITE MALES from playing video games? Asian males spend plenty of time playing video games, but you don't see Asian men go out and shoot up people for it. Yeah, let's do that. Let's just ban white males from playing video games.
    1 point
  16. I have experimented with different ways and the best/most fun AI setup for me is the following: 1) For any melee/ranged dps classes, I have them setup to auto cast their self buffs. Eg, Fighter disciplined strikes, Monk Swift strikes, Barb Rages, etc. I also let them auto cast self heal stuff like Second Wind and Savage Defiance. Then I'll pick one melee ability for them to spam and set the AI to do that. And if it's a Ranger or Paladin I let them do Sworn Enemy/Mark Enemy too. This leaves them not necessarily using their full range of abilities but enough so that I don't have to baby them. I still step in manually if I want to use an ability that requires more care like say Heart of Fury or Charge. 2) For casters, I set them up to use Second Wind, and that's all. I fully micromanage all of their spells. The only exception to this is Wizards. I set all my Wizards to self cast their buffs at the start of combat because I'm not having Aloth click 10 different spells every time when I can have the AI do it. What this leads to is an experience similar to the Infinity Engine games like Baldur's Gate et al which I love and am used to. In those games melees don't have a lot of buttons to click, so it's mostly point them in the right direction and let them fight and it's the casters that require the attention. With my AI setups that's what I do here which means I spend most of the combats carefully targeting my spells while being mostly hands off with my melees beyond pointing them in the right direction. I do still step in and micro as needed (eg casting lay on hands on the right targets, etc). This takes some of the burden off of me of having to click the same buffs all the time while still leaving the important decisions to me. If my PC is a melee or ranged dps char and not a caster I don't usually use AI for them as I prefer to micro my own character. So there you have it. I've tried different setups where the AI controls more decisions and where the AI controls none and this is my preferred way to go about it. It leaves most decisions to me but takes out some of the more burdensome ones like constantly clicking Disciplined Strikes and all that. Why leave that to myself when I know that I just want those abilities up all the time? But with my casters what I want to cast can often change fight to fight (aside from Wiz buffs) so I leave that to me.
    1 point
  17. Lets ban any anti-Western sentiment and we immediately deport anyone who is not a patriot....problem solved
    1 point
  18. Just fill up all the left plaques with multiple runs.
    1 point
  19. I did send it to theultimate@obsidian.net as posted here. I do not even have twitter. You know what ? I'll do another run. A faster one. They'll get a better one. Quitting on my SC monk for now. I have a job to do.
    1 point
  20. I take astroturfing seriously. Get it off my lawn!
    1 point
  21. I have played about six casual hours of Dragon Quest: Builders2, so far. I say casual hours because I wasn't trying very hard to speed through it. I had forgotten how this game/series likes to make you either read or click-through exhaustive tutorial/story texts for the first few major missions, in order to gain basic tools, recipes, etc. which goes on forever and ever. "We need a way to protect the fields, build a scarecrow." "We need a place to sleep, make us a small bedroom." "Building/farming is forbidden! Wait, what tree is that, let it grow, here's a bunch of new missions to help that along." So one might spend 4-8 hours before feeling like one has any freedom at all. I find that annoying but once you get past that it's largely fine, albeit the quests continue but it's not restrictive. Anyway, I do like the graphical changes (nothing super special but looks better than the first game), and (mostly) the constant companion warrior dude, who as you go along breaking/harvesting materials will auto-help out. That said, if you're into micro-managing appearance and what you want to dig up, he might annoy a bit in that sense. Not entirely decided on that yet. But seems just as good as the first one, with some gameplay improvements like not having to start all over each island. I like how the island you wash up on is the actual "sandbox" island this time around, vs. sandbox mode being locked away for a long time, and with the idea being you go to other islands to gather resources and townsfolk to go back and turn/terraform that bare island into whatever you want, so to speak.
    1 point
  22. 'Undocumented'. Follow the laws. I'm a Kanadian citizen and I still need ID to buy booze, drive, smoke (I don't smoke or drive), and do a host of other things. Why are people so against this stuff that actual citizens are expected to follow? Certainly, SA coutnries wouldn't want a bunch of undocumnbeted Kanadians running amok in their countries? Oh, but these 'undocumented' are refugees from hoME horrible conditions.... but, don't dare refer tot heir home countries as '****holes' as that is 'racist' despite them fleeing them. Why would anyone flee awesome countries risking their very lives and freedom to go to a ****hole country like the US that has mass shootings and is full of hateful racists and sexists? MAKES NO LOGICAL SENSE. p.s. Also, of interest, is the rweaction when Amerikans/Kanadians/Westerners end up in legal trouble in non western countries. It is often 'they asked for it', 'gotta follow the laws of the country your in no matter what' but visitors to western countries don't have to? Weird.
    1 point
  23. AFAIK, you'll only get the highest of the 3 AR buffs from those spells. The "all defenses" buff of Safeguard will stack with LDI's DEF & REF buffs, but the DEF buff from LDI is pretty low-- it's worth casting a Mirrored Image or Arcane Veil to get that up to +30 (long duration, but degrading with Hits) or +50 (short duration, adds Concentration, but no help v. guns). LDI is more situational, IMO. Worth casting when you expect REF-targeting attacks. Opening combat with Infuse with Vital Essence is rarely a bad idea-- lets you get away with lower CON at character creation, and boosts to AoE (especially with Citzal's Lance) and durations are always great. Deleterious Alacrity of Motion adds a little risk in its self-damage, but action speed buffs remain worthwhile, and the 100% stride buff and engagement immunity from Swift can be a huge survivability boost. The freedom to flee if things go poorly is very valuable. (Also, as I understand it, the engagement immunity shouldn't stop you from getting flanked.) Otherwise, Flame Shield is nice if there's any threat of Freeze damage. Same goes with Arcane Reflection and enemy casters. Ryngrim's Repulsive Visage is, effectively, a pretty nice survivability boost, too, although that will break enemy flanking, which you might not want to do as a Streetfighter.
    1 point
  24. neither solve the problem so what is the point?
    1 point
  25. Full interview with Brian Heins: https://www.pcgamesn.com/the-outer-worlds/interview
    1 point
  26. The architecture of Orr. Not for the faint hearted (it's a long way down). Yes, I'm "cheating", using a flying mount to get up there. Surreal skies over the land of the undead.
    1 point
  27. Lately I've been hooked on carne asada with scrambled eggs, scallions, green pepper, and mushrooms. It's a solid go-to meal for any time of day.
    1 point
  28. Getting very, very close now... And yes, I did use the Wiki for this one, still took me quite a while, not because I missed so many places (I didn't, unfortunately I also didn't count them but it was well under 20, which isn't bad on a total of 237) but well, finding which markers you missed on such a large map was slow (didn't help that since the last major Windows update the game has started randomly freezing on alt-tabbing...) The ending... So that leaves the new dungeon and Avatar summoning. Since I know the altar gets destroyed in the ritual I'll just build a new one (ooooh, smells like a building project!) and sacrifice some more of those fools that dare stand against my mightthe will of Set. (oh yes, there's still that one achievement, ignoring the multiplayer-only one, to get up really really high, figure that means either building a humongous tower or climbing the volcano)
    1 point
  29. Atomik vodka: First consumer product made in Chernobyl exclusion zone Mmm, taste the fallout.
    1 point
  30. HelWalker/Trickster ( monk/rogue ) is fun... now on my 4th including a ranged bow version
    1 point
  31. Why does it have to be an isometric game? Can't we just assume they're working on a sequel to Pathfinder Adventures?
    1 point
  32. From the same folks that made Tower of Time.
    1 point
  33. OK, just found this funny as hell because I have chickens
    1 point
  34. Considering how hyped Justin Bell was that a tiny snippet of his The Outer Worlds theme was snuck into the Nintendo Switch trailer, I think it is pretty likely there is plenty more orchestral and ambient music yet to be revealed.
    1 point
  35. From a national economic point of view following that rule strictly would be fatal. Even as a private person this is hard to follow - for example if you want to build a house or need to build up private pension. So I wouldn't say "any kind of investment". There's a reason why there are forms of investment that are usually very safe (like government bonds): because people can't affort to lose that money. If we are talking about "playing with money" in order to generate more returns: sound approach. Like with gambling.
    1 point
  36. A quiet afternoon in Vermont. It would be a shame if this old man suddenly gave up the ghost... completely naturally, mind you Another day, another 2 people that died "accidentally". If you're wondering why some things are listed multiple times, it's because I play on master difficulty. For example, the silent assassin challenge is available for casual, professional, and master difficulties separately, and you get all the lower difficulty challenges of the same type if you complete it on a higher difficulty.
    1 point
  37. My drink for the past weekend. It's quite enjoyable.
    1 point
  38. Let say you have to solve the problem, and you have to pick one one.
    0 points
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