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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/19 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. Nestlé are comically evil. Everything from Child Slavery- but not really because they don't know about it, honest, it's just a supplier issue- to sending out generous sample packs of baby milk formula to new mothers that coincidentally last just long enough that the mother will stop expressing milk herself. This, amazingly, means that the mother has to buy baby formula from then on. They also stack the literature with tame articles extolling the benefits of their formula over natural milk (there actually aren't any, for most people). But wait there's more, but at least it's more typical corporate shenanigans. While I certainly do understand that trivial proximal concerns tend to get attention- not like I'm storming Nestlè's corporate HQ in Auckland or anything rather than taking two minutes to write on the internet either- that sort of thing is why people laugh at gamers when they stack the voting to make EA the worst company in the US because of Origin or the ME3 ending or women in WW1 or whatever instead of the Bank of Americas/ Nestlès and Monsanto (now, technically, Bayer IIRC) of the world.
    4 points
  3. The Mind Captain A party leader that jumps into the fray being an offtank (and main tank later) and inflicting a lot of debuffs and cc, as well as dishing out decent melee damage when needed. Cipher (Beguiler) / Fighter (Tactician) Difficulty: 5.0 PotD (level scaling up) Solo: not tested, most likely not possible in high difficulties Introduction: It has been a while (and a lot of different watchers) since I wrote a full character guide, but I had so much fun with this one that I wanted to share the experience. As always, I try to balance efficiency with fun and roleplaying. There will be no min-maxing here. That being said, the character is still very efficient. This build was all about finding synergies and solutions to undermine the weaknesses of classes. I wanted to play melee multiclass cipher, but soulblade never really attracted me (too straightforward), and I like my watcher to be able to hold his own in melee combat and be at least offtank. However, tanking as a Cipher is, in most cases, not the greatest idea, as the core feature of the class, aka focus generation, gets better the more damage you deal. The beguiler pick was obvious for the non-damage tied focus generation, and mind deception spells was a playstyle I wanted anyways. Fighter would provide some durability and nice passives. The tactician subclass can be very powerful, and it is known that cipher has, from the very beginning, efficient ways to enable flanked on a lot of ennemies (eyestrike and phantom foes). There are quite a lt of tactician psyblades guides out there, but they are mostly ranged, to avoid the pesky tactical dilemma debuff. I found it was not too hard to work around it. The character got fine tuned during the playthrough. Every new level brought more options and interesting synergies. I felt definitely starved in terms of ability points (as are most multiclass characters), respec came handy in keeping every level relevant. In the end (I take PotD Forgotten Sanctum as a reference), the character flawlessely achieved what I wanted in the premise: Sufficient survivability to tank late game, plenty of CC/debuffs, and decent melee damage when required. Race: Human was picked for RP preferences. Pick the one you enjoy the most. Origin: None of the stats are min-max. Pick what you like and adjust. Stats : 10 Might 10 Con 10 Dex 16 Per 18 Intelligence 14 Resolve (I got Blessing of Berath for M12 CON12 DEX12 PER18 INT20 RES16 but it is not critical). I like having high mental stats for roleplay purposes. He is a captain after all, so it is normal that his intelligence and resolve are high. Per is incredibly valuable to land cipher spells, and intelligence is a must to sustain the afflictions and nice self buffs. You don’t need more than 10 con for survivability thanks to decent resolve, party buffs, defensive passives, and the very long duration on your constant recovery. Might is additive so left at 10(12 with BoB), dex could benefit from being higher, but a lot of cipher spells are quick cast, and the character will have a low recovery anyways. Skills: I chose my passive skills for roleplay purposes: diplomacy/bluff/metaphysics, but get the ones you want, it has no impact on the build. Intimidation and Insight are good candidates. In terms of actives, I went for athletics and alchemy. Proficiency/Fighting style: Weapon and shield. You can consider other options if you are playing on normal/veteran, in which case I would recommend two-handed Gear: The most important for the gear in this build is to offset the tactical dilemma debuff. There are two ways to do it: - Getting immunity to flanked: This is the most straightforward, but locks your weapon options to Squid's Grasp and Kapana Taga (club modal debuffs will which can help us a lot). Although they are decent weapons (especially kapana, squid having the often resisted pierce damage), there are plethora of great weapons, and you might want to vary things a bit - Getting resistance to mind and intellect affliction: This is the alternative, instead of not triggering the effect, you cancel the consequences. You can get the fearless ability so that you do not have to worry about Shaken, and any mind immunity/resistance, via food, chanter, or Modwyr. DoC breastplate is an option as well, but I do not like the +35% recovery, even with armored grace (see below). This solution is less ideal, as you would still get the flanked debuff and therefore be unable to trigger Brilliant, but it has the advantage of opening the weapon slot to whatever you fancy, and protects from other sources of these afflictions as well. Note that later in the game, it matters much less as a lot of ennemies will have cc or debuffs preventing them from flanking you. Then you just have to worry about perception afflictions that will get you flanked (looking at you, persistent distraction principi rogues). Armor: As the levels increase, so does your survivability through debuff/cc and self buff. I started with a medium armor for the early parts of the game, then switched to Miscreant Leathers, which with armored grace actually deacreases recovery time. Later on, I switched to robes for the affliction immunities (Effigy's Husk and Spider Silk robe), respecing armored grace and saving me a precious ability point. 7 armor (9 with body attunement, 10 if you burnt a Mythic Adra Stone on it) will not mitigate any damage but will most of the time prevent overpen, and you get missed/grazed a lot, so I found it very sufficient. Main drawback is that robes look ugly, an issue that can be solved by mods (I modded Effigy's Husk and Spider Silk to look like the Valian Frock Coat ) Other equipement: Fair Favor if you are using a compatible weapon, otherwise any good helmet. Mask of the Weyc is nice, pearlescent rombstone etc. For the rest I swapped things around often, prioritizing survivability, per and int, as well as dialogue stats. Ability Choices: This is where the synergies really start to kick in. Cipher: Eyestrike Lvl 1 pick, usefull through the whole game. Blind is a great debuff in itself, and it triggers flanked which is amazing for tactician. Phantom Foes Eyestrike's only drawback is the small aoe. 1 cast of Phantom Foes with our high int is likely to flank the whole battlefield, triggering Brilliant, and generating tons of focus. Secret Horrors Fast debuff, decent aoe ususally refunds itself. Borrowed Instinct Excellent offensive and defensive self buff + debuff. Have it constantly on Body Attunement Situational but i like to have it handy for heavy armored ennemies Whispers of Treason>Ringleader Take whispers first, then respec when you get ringleader. Charm/Dominate is the most powerfull CC in the game, and ennemies have their will destroyed by all the previous spells, coupled with our sky high accuracy and various cipher passive bonus to will targeting spells to almost guarantee hits/crits. Honestly, Ringleader trivializes most of the encounters, no matter the difficulty. (Except mind/intellect immune obviously) Mind Plague Very valuable for us, as it lowers ennemies will (confused) preparing for more cipher spells, lowers their damage output by a lot (Dazed). And dazed ennemies cannot flank you, which is great for tactician. Also, mind plague is a great beguiler spell as it will still jump to already affected targets, generating more hits and therefore more focus as long as there are two ennemies left. (As opposed to aoe deception spells that can only hit once per ennemy). Any Cipher Damage Spell Get one you like (I recommend amplified thrust , but any can work. Ectopsychic Echo if you do not mind the micromanagement) until you get amplified wave, then respec it. Amplified Wave Get it and spam it. It will affect a huge aoe interrupt, multiplying our chances at getting some discipline back through tactician passive, even without brilliant. Damage is not too bad either on trash mobs. Passives: Are not a priority, but whenever you have spare points get: Draining Whip, Lingering Echoes, Empty Souls, Hammering Thoughts, The Complete Self, Rapid Casting, Psychic Backlash, and any you like. Fighter: Disciplined Strikes Acute is very strong with our cipher spells. Have it constantly on. Can also be recast to get rid of a per affliction (getting you flanked). Always useful Mule Kick/Penetrating strike Pick one. Mule Kick does more damage, accuracy and CC, refunds itself on interrupt and is a primary attack which is relatively better for 1 hand users, but costs 2 ability points. Penetrating strike is good against most bosses, but looses a lot of it's value as a full attack. I played most of the game with penetrating strike but would actually recommend mule kick now. Fighter Stances We want to be in conqueror stance for that +acc +def Unbending>Unbending Shield Improves survivability a lot, lasts long thanks to our high int, can be spammed thanks to brilliant, and gets you resolute, solutionning the problem of getting your cast interrupted (that you only have on mind plage and amplified wave, all the other abilities are quick casts). I would take this over more healing. Vigorous/Refreshing defense I didn't use it because I was starved for points and never felt the need for it (I have a very defensive party), but I see it being very good, combined with already high defenses and borrowed instinct being always on. It might be an even better defensive tool than unbending, I just really liked the perma Resolute. Power strike Expensive, especially as a multiclass when you cannot upgrade it to inspiring strike, But since you can proc Brilliant very easily by the time you get it, as well as multiple interrupts with amplified wave restoring your discipline, the cost is not that steep. Getting this is the reason why I prefer mule kick over penetrating strike now, Power Strike taking the role of that armor penetrating heavy melee attack. Passive Armored grace if you are not using robes, weapon and shield style, fearless if you have no other way of mitigating tactical dilemma Shaken (otherwise unbending Shield will take care of your resolve afflictions), Uncanny luck. Strategy and gameplay : Cast Disciplined Strike and Borrowed instinct (always have both on), run into melee, then cast debuffs/dominate. You should have all your ennemies afflicted by plethora of debuffs in no time, letting your party wreak them . When focus piles up from your deception spell casts, use amplified wave liberally. Use mule kick for quick damage (and focus regen)/interrupt. Have unbending shield on when you start taking a bit of damage. When you trigger brilliant, feel free to, use your discipline more offensively (Power Strike!). Conclusion: There it is, my fantasy of a watcher running in the fray, hacking and slashing, and messing up ennemies minds is finally fulfilled.
    2 points
  4. Found in my portraits
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Obsidian has always sucked at marketing/advertising. This is nothing new. You'd think Private Division would do a decent job at it, but I guess that since they already got their money, whether the game succeeds or flops is inconsequential to them so they just no-assed it, too.
    2 points
  7. EA isn't even on the same order of magnitude of evil of Monsanto. That corporation is on some James Bond villain ****.
    2 points
  8. Weren't attributes supposed to have an acronym like S.P.E.C.I.A.L.? S.D.I.P.C.T. doesn't have a ring to it.
    1 point
  9. Your security settings are nuking facebook*? I get the same for twitter embeds, just filename.jpg *Very sensible if so. I'm presuming fbcdn is facebook's content delivery at least. Shouldn't have anything to do with the site change. Well, if the pictures of Tank Man in the politics thread didn't get the forum blocked in China I think this image probably did.
    1 point
  10. Sugar daughters are finally getting the upper hand. Is the sugar daddy industry the latest thing millennials have killed?
    1 point
  11. Pretty sure that the only reason why the usual suspects don't employ child labor is that there aren't many child programmers to hire.
    1 point
  12. Also, very good video on addiction mechanics, which are put deliberately into games, to make people spending more and more and more. Also including excerpts of the Let’s go Whaling presentation, which was on some developer conference and was about the various kinds of manipulative exploitations, which get’s the money from your pockets the easiest way (including social bullying...) maybe it will show you some reasons, while these companies should be considered as evil corporations as well, even if they are not on the level of Monsanto and Nestlè... Even if you do not like Jim Sterling, this one is worth watching...
    1 point
  13. Oh my God! MST3K is on NetFlix???? Why the heck didn't you all tell me this??? What good are you people? It's not all of it... but they are making new ones! Suddenly life has meaning again!
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. I was upset there for a moment... until I saw it was Jim Beam.
    1 point
  16. And last but not least!!! Happy 4th of USA ...
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Did this one, went a little artistic with it
    1 point
  19. I don't know much about Nestle. The thing about hobbies, is that it is something people get attached to, and are very protective about. Funny thing about things like music, movies or games, is that while they are objectively less important then more basic things, I am more emotionally attached to them as I consume them volountary. I recharge my batteries that way, I look forward to playing a good game, watch a movie or go to a good concert. While, for example food, is just a chore. I have to eat to keep going. So I eat stuff. So yeah, if someone poops into my happy time it does upset me. More so, then someone pooping into my chore. I am at the stage of not caring anymore, and finding it more and more difficult to find something to play, and am spending more and more of my free time on other things. If they can't figure out why their public perception is so bad, then maybe a change in management is needed.
    1 point
  20. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-07-02-ea-i-struggle-with-the-perception-that-were-just-a-bunch-of-bad-guys# "25 years at EA and I still struggle with the external perception that we're just a bunch of bad guys," says Matt Bilbey, EVP of strategic growth at EA. "We love making and playing games. Unfortunately, when we make mistakes on games, the world knows about it because it's of a size and scale." Is funny to have people view EA as a truly evil corporation, as opposed to something like Nestle or something that has more serious effects
    1 point
  21. People have been shooting off fireworks everyday for over a week. I don't know how much more my dogs can take. Considering calling the cops as fireworks are illegal here but since I also shot off illegal fireworks when I was a kid I'm hesitant. Though back then I only did it on July 4th because I had more consideration than to start shooting them off in June.
    1 point
  22. That would be better than the reality shows that they seem to only have these days.
    1 point
  23. That's the one. They held a 'we are not going out of business after all' reception three days ago.
    1 point
  24. I remember years ago, going to Copenhagen and browse through the comics at Fantask was awesome. Wonder if it still exists...
    1 point
  25. It's hilarious how much more the two noticed than I did. I wonder if they binged the episodes, because between the weekly release and not paying attention while watching I missed a lot of the dumb. I also had completely forgotten about lines like "That's the power of math people!" and "I like science".
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. I used the source image; I think yours was sharpened.
    1 point
  28. Would someone be able to edit and water color these two portraits? Thank you!!!
    1 point
  29. No kidding. I started to do some teaching in a primary school, and I was a bit shocked when I found out that all the kids are talking about is Fortnight and skins. I started to really look differently at lootboxes since then, especially knowing how impulsive and impatient those little chumps are. While lootboxes don't effect me, personally, unless they mess with gameplay, and therefore interfere with my enjoyment, but I am not the target audience/victim. I am quite far from having an addictive personality, and "pulling the lever" had never had any appeal to me. Opening lootbox irritates me, not excites. I would put myself very firmly in "if you fall for it you are dumb", but I simply don't understand the appeal/addiction.
    0 points
  30. Now I just wish, that Morgoth would be still around... Video is NSFW - when you are so ****, than the developers rather ask people to pirate their games, than to buy from you...
    0 points
  31. Ok, now you’re just showing off!
    0 points
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