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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/19 in all areas

  1. So I went deep into the volcano in Conan Exiles. I wore Lemurian Warrior armor, which provides some heat resistance, and made sure to bring plenty of water and ice to cool down... It was not enough. I died of heatstroke. After a bit of research I found out that
    3 points
  2. Long almost seven years after last post in this thred, but tbh I think, it should be resurrected awesome interview of the CP creator by Young Yea. I love his voice
    2 points
  3. Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate Spoilers for the last part of the campaign.
    1 point
  4. On the positive side, you can be fairly confident that this is honest to goodness genuine gameplay and not a cutscene with someone pretending to "play" it, because no one would make a cutscene with gameplay that incompetent.
    1 point
  5. The phrase will be sung for 6 seconds. If it's a support phrase that means its effects will be up for 6+lingertime seconds. But if it is an offensive phrase it will try to hit enemies within those 6+x seconds. And once it hits it applies an effect to the enemy (e.g. Long Night's Drink applies a weaken affliction) which has a duration of 10 seconds base (I believe). I you use an invocation your chant "pauses". It stops where it was and then it resumes there. @Enoch: Hm sorry, I didn't really understand what you were suggesting.
    1 point
  6. and even the reverse is true at times. you are a non native english speaker but sometimes you know a word in english and struggle to remember what that word is in your native language. my brother for example (as well as many reporters on tv) have the habit of making literal translations of english idioms or word plays to greek. unless you know the original english phrase and its meaning, what they say sounds like gibberish.
    1 point
  7. New japanese extended trailer for ToArise.
    1 point
  8. It depends on the spawnpoint, but if multiple tiers of NPCs spawn there the likelihood of a named being able to spawn there as well is rather high, at least in my experience. Of course, there's a big difference between a spawnpoint that can spawn "any craftsman" vs one that can spawn "any armorer", though in practice I tend to just murder any camp I come across and just nab the T4s when I see them Lemurians are nice in that regard as there's only a very very small area where they appear so anything that's not a Purge-only NPC will spawn there. So I just set up a few Wheels of Pain outside there and raid those camps whenever I feel like it. There being gold in them shipwrecks there is a nice bonus. Btw, can I add Rhinos to the list of enemies that are horrible to fight? I tend to get "stuck" in them (can only dodge backwards, but not sidewards, which due to their charge is...not ideal) From what I've read that armor did get toned down quite a bit (aka. nerfed). It's probably still very good, and might still be the best in the game, but it's no longer as good as older posts would lead you to believe. I'm still not entirely sure how the heat resistance thing works, do the bars on your "Stats" page count? Or do you have to look at the individual armor pieces? In the first case some Flawless Epic versions of other armors should be suitable as well (eg. the normal Light set or Darfari.) So yeah, did some more resource gathering around my base, found a cave filled with crystal pretty much underneath my base that I've managed to miss all this time. That was rather...errr...embarassing... My crafting terrace is getting close to a finished state, so it might be worthy of some screenshots soon. Wonder if I can pull the amount of foundations I've used in this project from the savegame, I'm betting on it being very close to a 1000 T3 foundations (note: it's 1122 according to the magic I worked on my savefile). My smelters have been busy, hehe. That's also where a 2nd character comes in handy, while I'm playing that one, in the same save, time keeps running, so crafting still progresses for my "main" character, it's been especially great to address my Ichor shortage, since traps etc. only progress while your game is running I never had a lot of fish in my fish traps. Now I have loads upon loads. It's great! What was less great is that I ran into the infamous "disappearing shrine" bug. I upgraded my Shrine on my second character (from T1 to T2) only to have it vanish (along with everything that was on it). That was...nasty. Apparently it's common when you build Shrines inside so I guess I better prepare for the upgrade to T3 to go badly as well. Since I wasn't really feeling like tearing down half the building for a bug I just admin spawned a new one. Still lost everything that was on it though, annoying.
    1 point
  9. I would think the connections you make at school would be your best bet for getting your foot in the door, but I could be wrong. This forum doesn't get a lot of developer traffic.
    1 point
  10. My role is killing Difficulty PotD Can you spell out how you got those stats? I'm curious if I can match it. So far you've got +10 MGT from Helwalker and +10 INT from Duality. +1INT and +1 DEX from Chameleon's Touch while I can't place the rest. The other equips don't contribute to it so it's either you got those stats from inspirations (+5 ea.) and other bonus spells or events (If you had a Chanter, that's another +5MGT, +5CON and +5PER(?) from The Brideman Slew... Invocation) Any assistance? Much obliged. ________________________________ As for a WIzard build suggestion, you can't go wrong with the following: A "Pure" WIzard (I prefer Universalist for flavor but Blood Mage would work) Chanter (Bellower) + Wizard (Universalist or Blood Mage). Wizard (Evoker) + Druid (Fury) [Evoker + Life-giver for a more versatile experience] The main difficulty of the first build is resource management (supposing you're not going Blood Mage). Wizard builds can basically divided into three types: Casters, Summoners and Martialists (note that this is not an in-game division, I just grouped them for simplicity). You can focus on hard-hitting single-hit spells (Evocation) field-changing skills like traps, tentacles, and the like (Conjuration and Transmutation) and Weapon Summons and Self-Buffs (Enchantment and Illusions). Building your mage around each of these (admittedly artificial) "archetypes" allows you to get a good idea of what your Wizard will look like without getting lost with the sheer number of skills available to the class. You need not stick too closely to the archetypes (naturally) but they are a good basis for finding synergies with other classes. Say you want to be a Shifter (The Druid subclass that specializes in transformations). Taking all the important buff spells (mostly Enchanting and Illusions) will allow you to build a shifter that can make the most of its melee aptitude while field spells can be of great assistance in keeping enemies in place. Something like that. So, with that out of the way, I can focus on discussing the builds. I'll make this quick just so that we have an overview. Wizard (singleclassed, any subclass) - Compared to other varieties, a singleclass Wizard has more resources than most martial alternatives. 2 resources may seem dinky at first but you'll find that in almost all battles you take your Wizard to, you'll be left with 2 spells in other categories. You will always have more than you need but never enough of what you want so the best way to fight would be to find two good grimoires with spells you really like for each of the PL. For this route, the name of the game is Power Level (abreviated PL) and spell variety. Read up a guide on what PLs are if you're into it, but the most obvious sources are levelling up (the row headers on the Abilities screen tell you what PL you are at, single-class gets you to PL9, multiclass gets you to PL7), Empowering abilities (+5 PL to any Empowered spells). Bellower multiclass (Bellower + any Wizard) - Building on the idea of PLs, the Bellower's special is giving PLs based on the number of stored Phrases from the Chanter class. This makes for a very powerful wizard once you hit a maximum of 7 Phrases, giving a PL bonus of +7 upon using an Invocation. This makes for a very powerful set of endgame spells due to the bonus. Needless to say that this build only really takes off at endgame when you can get the Bellower bonus. Druid multiclass (Fury + Evoker) - If resources were a problem earlier, this will hardly be the case with this multiclass. Of all the caster combinations, this pair takes the cake for sheer casting variety, allowing you to throw around any number of spells while having almost double the resources of a singleclassed Wizard an a wide variety of stuns, holds and burns. Fury makes you give up some healing, but you get more damage instead. There are other alternatives--primarily martial alternatives--but I've listed these three because I find them fun. Hopefully you do as well.
    1 point
  11. That is, indeed, something I didn’t know about.
    1 point
  12. You sing a chant. A chant is composed of one or more phrases (the things you pick on the passive/right side of the ability tree at level up). A chant loops. That means it starts with the first phrase you set in your songbook. Every phrase takes 6 seconds and then it's the next one until the last phrase is sung and the chart starts again. Phrases have a linger time of 3 seconds. That means that the effect of the phrase will keep working for 3 seconds although you stopped singing that phrase. Like an echo basically. Since the linger time is only half as long as the phrase time it's difficult to overlap two phrases so that their effects are always active without any gap. Linger time is influenced by INT. In order to keep two parallel phrase effects active without a gap you would need 6 seconds linger time - or in other words an INT score of 30 (3sec linger base*(1+20*0.05)=6). Chants do get paused: several afflictions like stun, paralyze etc. cause a pause of chanting. Also using an invocation will cause a chanting pause. This pause is not affected by anything (neither stat nor armor etc.). Chanters can compose several chants in their songbook and during encounter switch between those chants. There's a pause when switching chants. A Chanter starts combat with a filled phrase counter. The max phrases you can accumulate is determined by the invocation with the highest cost you have(!). So it can make total sense to pick a very costly invocation even though you don't plan to use it. Example: Skalds pay +1 phrases for non-offensive invocations. If a Skald picks a non-offensive invocation which usually costs 6 phrases to cast - and 7 for the Skald - he will set his max phrase counter to 7. He will then be able to collect up to 7 phrase points during combat and start combat with 7 phrase points(!). Not many players realize this since it's unintuitive and obscure. A Troubadour has the automatic effect that his linger is longer. He can easily have two parallel phrases going without any gap. With investment in INT even more. The downside is that his invocations are more costly (+1 phrases). His modal ability "Brisk Recitation" makes phrase time a lot shorter (3 sec instead of 6) and removes linger time completely. This means no parallel phrase effects whatsoever, but double the phrase point generation. It basically means you can switch the Troubadour from "passive phrase mode" into "active invocation mode" with that modal. A Bellower gets a Power Level bonus for his invocations based on the number of phrases he holds, but his chant radius is halved. A Skald works pretty much like a vanilla Chanter when it comes to chanting - but can get additional phrase points by doing melee crits. A Beckoner's chants/phrases are like vanilla Chanter's (even the skeleton summoning one).
    1 point
  13. No, it's a mobile quest/idle-hero game called Castle Cats. Set quests and go idle or you can tap-combat it out for more loot/shorten time. It's a lot of casual fun. 180+ cats you can get, unique costumes/looks etc. If you love cats/collecting it's too cute/hilarious. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pocapp.castlecats
    1 point
  14. I started wondering how they'll do itemization. Past D&D games (and most CRPG) have been really heavy into lots of and lots of gear, but 5th ED uses a bit of a different rule. For any magic item that's even a bit powerful or complex, you have to "attune" to it, and any character can only attune to 3 items at a time. Works well in PnP, so you don't have to do math to figure out what stacks and what doesn't and all that stuff, but can be quite limiting for a CRPG.
    1 point
  15. It's still out on PC. Does it really matter what you download it on...? You have to roll your eyes at some of the nonsense said about this.
    1 point
  16. Balders Gate, actually, followed closely by Baulders Gate. However, the one people had the most fun with was Thrown of Ball. Seriously.
    1 point
  17. I'm not against it. But the focus atm is on Priest and Druid trinkets since there is need. For other classes I would like to do trinkets that don't necessarily have bonuses but that somehow change some ability mechanics. For example a cipher trinket that lets you cast ally-only spells as self buffs (but you'll lose the ability to cast them on allies). Or a Fighter's healing (Constant Recovery + Unbending) would heal in an AoE but not the Fighter.
    1 point
  18. When you're off the PC so long you feel like you've forgotten how to use it. Makes me wonder what I need it for, too. The big-name game once every couple years I guess. :P Still playing tablet/mobile games, 3 or 4 I bounce around from daily, idle quest/collection ones. I may have "tablet pinky" (the finger I use to support it on the bottom). 1 pound is a bit heavy for an aging pinky I guess. Pfft. Summer means hubby goes from garage to the garden. Lots of tomatoes, jalapeno's, oregano, melons, cilantro this year. When he wears his straw hat I'm still reminded of S. King's story Secret Window, Secret Garden and wonder if he's going to murder me and bury me under the garden. My vision gets steadily worse - not in a blind way, just where the distance where vision is great seems to get both shorter and longer (since I'm bifocal-land). It's really annoying, is all. Reading. computing, cameras, etc. all become more and more of a PITA. But at least I get to sit around with cold drinks/munchies out in the shade and play games on a tablet all day. So there's that. Ha.
    1 point
  19. From one of Swen Vincke's recent interviews it sounds like spell slots/memorization is/could be completely out because it's a mechanic that's not "fun."
    1 point
  20. Soundtrack is pretty essential for this video.
    1 point
  21. I had some time today (out sick) so spent some serious time re-plotting out second part of act 2-3. I'm very, very close to a breakthrough with my practice characters. With my revised plotting I'm like 2k experience away from level 16 and just need to figure out a way to take out Jaderfylas (i'm at ashen maw), which should put me over the top. After that, everything else should fall into place since I'll have Salvation of Time access. Jaderfylas is probably just a matter of patience, but I've been at this all day and didn't feel like putting more time in for now. (Jaderfylas also cheats, even if you keep mule kicking her, she'll still be able to pull off her ability that brings down a meteor swarm and summons magma oozes. This is what made me give up for now.) 8K sounds real good right about now; if i can't figure out Jaderfylas I'll probably load up my practice character before leaving for Ashen Maw and instead cash in some principi quests (hanging sepulchers) and respec so I can do sandswept ruins. I'm a little worried that it'll eat up a lot of time, but a guaranteed level 16 in act 3 with some days burned off is still way better than hitting an absolute deadend. Let me just say though that I'm really curious to know where everyone else is getting their experience. I have to roll the dice on a couple of ship bounties and I have some extremely tricky stealth sections that I'm going to have to practice over and over and over and over again until I can do it in my sleep. And I'd just barely hit level 16 right when I need it (to escape Jade's lair since the stealthing won't work as well). Though sandswept 8k would help quite a bit. By the way, the stealth mechanic is really underrated and way better than in PoE1. The simple yet consistent rules for sound generation and enemy positioning allows for some real emergent gameplay. Hanging sepulchers was my first major stealth headache, and it took probably like 20-30 attempts on my practice character before I pieced together the noises made from traps and scrolls to give me a consistent (if extremely challenging to pull off) way to get one of the eulogies. It was real satisfying to get it to click. For the curious, I recorded my practice character for my own reference since it was really hard to write it all down with specific positioning: edit - astute observers familiar with roman numerals may notice that my practice character is named "practice tinny xxi" but the few videos i posted of my real run is "tinny xxiii." RIP edit 2 - another extremely major headache is on the ashen bridge in ashen maw: https://youtu.be/FRJyeFIzc1o, also originally recorded just for my own reference. as the video description says, even though some of it looks random, every single aspect of it (very specifictrap positioning, where to throw sparkcrackers) was figured out over many many failures and works 100% of the time.
    1 point
  22. There is new full VO standard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzvulqbyssc
    1 point
  23. ^ Some T4s have set locations, most are random, but not anywhere random. What I mean is that they have a chance to spawn in 6 or 7 different camps, not just anywhere. Skeletons are the worst enemies. Not only are they immune to poison and bleeding (possibly all status effects), but they also don't stagger when you hit them with attacks. I hate them so much. Also on the list of enemies I despise is a variety of sand reaper that spits a steady stream of poison and if that hits you it applies an insta-10 stack of poison. Even if you're quick with the Set antidote, it still deals a metric ****ton of damage.
    1 point
  24. I fought the Witch Queen in Conan Exiles. That was a really cool boss fight and I came super close to dying, but in the end I prevailed (through a lot of kiting) and I walked away with the spoils. There's only room form one queen in these lands. I now have I'm pretty sure it only gets harder from here on out. I think I'm going to attempt reaching the volcano soon. I'm going to bring a whole bunch of alcohol and food and hopefully that will be enough to keep me from freezing to death while I cross the frozen tundra. Once I reach the volcano, I suspect freezing will no longer be an issue, though I fully expect to encounter some brutal enemies.
    1 point
  25. Yes, the series is an RPG/RTS hybrid. The first game Order of Dawn came out in 2003. In the aftermath of the Convocation (big, magic ritual through which individual mages of the Circle tried to attain unparalleled power) the world was torn asunder, with people stranded on isolated floating islands. The only surviving Circle mage, Rohen, tries to fix things, building portals to connect the islands etc. In his efforts he gives one of his rune warriors possession of their rune. Rune Warriors were soldiers in the war between mages, their soul bound to runes, giving the bearer of a rune control over the person. The player was that Rune Warrior. You leveled up RPG wise, combat or magic, and stats that govern effectiveness of ability and equipment you could use. You also had a rune board, which allowed you to control your own army of rune bound souls. Some strong souls would become your party members, and the races you could lead in the RTS part were also represented as runes. For the RPG part you had a proper adventuring party of rune warriors. You could also zoom into over the shoulder third person, which was necessary for a handful of quests were you needed to find hidden switches for example. RTS was normal RTS with base building, upgrading units etc. The RTS part could get a bit weak when your party was strong enough, or on maps that started in "RPG Mode" until a trigger turned on the RTS part, allowing you to clear the map before enemies spawned units - of course you had to actually invest in the game to figure that out PC Gamer UK hated the game and found the story confusing, boring or plain bad. I found the person who wrote that article to be an idiot Spellforce 1 had two stand alone expansions. Breath of Winter had you playing a different Rune Warrior, also freed. The story was more mainstream fantasy, catering to the people who had not understood the first game. You tried to find the queen of the elves, who alone with her song could put an ancient dragon back to sleep. Gameplay wise it didn't really differ from the first game, but had new opponents and units. And it had the first non-human party members. Shadow of the Phoenix allowed you to import a previous character, either from Order of Dawn or Breath of Winter, and tied the stories together. For co-op skirmish heroes the game included an extremely high level quest giver who was a teaser for Spellforce 2. Spellforce 2 was a bit of a spin off, the concept of Rune Warriors abandoned for the Shaikan, a human tribe that had entered a pact with an ancient dragon and gained power through its blood, pledging servitude in return. That said, while it changes who the player is, where their powers come from, it still behaved more or less like the original. I keep meaning to finish it and its three expansions, but it came out at the wrong time for me to play it then. Spellforce 3 is the recent game. It is a prequel, playing in a time before the Circle of Mages even existed. You don't need to have played the other games, but it ties directly into the original game and its expansions, so people who have played those will, from a point in the game onward, have a more rewarding experience. edit: Fun fact: when I made a dual wielding rogue in Dragon Age, I was basically returning to my original Spellforce character.
    1 point
  26. Greenmangaming is doing an E3 sale. 25% off with the voucher code E3. I am mentioning this because it works on pre-orders. I just checked and it works on Bloodlines 2 and Age of Wonders Planetfall. The later interests me more, as Bloodlines 2 is a long way off - too far off for me. But it is the biggest discount on those pre-orders so far. (The discount doesn't stack and it doesn't work for Borderlands 3) Also. GOG has a Spellforce 3 + Spellforce 3: Soul Harvest deal. (well, they are giving Spellforce 3 at 60% right now, and owners of the original get the expansion 40% off) I spend 75 hours on Spellforce 3, so not sure if any criticism I have for the game should be seen as a non-recommendation I am having some difficulty with the stand alone expansion, as they changed UI, hotkeys and everything a lot from the main game, and I am too used to it now.
    1 point
  27. Having Admiral Ackbar say "It's a wrap!" is hilarious. It isn't tone deaf at all, the guy needs to take himself less seriously. He is playing a giant squid in space.
    1 point
  28. I'm probably going to just upload this as-is, since I just like having party members available as crew even if it isn't 100% immersively integrated, but I'd like to have one more go at ironing out the issues. Mainly, does anyone know if it's possible to remove crew members from the inventory in any way other than them dying during ship combat? I have a save where I sacrificed Ydwin to the Beast Of Winter, which caused the game to say "Ydwin is dead!" however she still appears on my crew. I tried setting a visibility conditional of "IsCompanionInRoster" for Ydwin, I tried "IsGlobalValue ["b_ydwin_dead"]" and I tried a scripthook to remove the sailor from the inventory if Ydwin is dead, but nothing worked. Also in that save Pallegina left due to my faction choice, and I can't remove her either. Can sailors just not be removed from the inventory at all? Is sailor death in ship combat exposed and moddable somewhere in the exported folder? If I can find how sailors are killed in ship combat maybe I can apply that to the party member sailors.
    1 point
  29. In addition to those, you can also call any script from the command line.
    1 point
  30. As irrefutable as proof that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction
    0 points
  31. Was that a typo ... whoops, thank god someone noticed it .... That won't go over well .... without a rest mechanic its gonna be well, Bladur's Gate ... Fingers crossed and no expectations might be the best lol.
    0 points
  32. So that's like 3 other (confirmed) happy couples and a lot of bad endings. I think we can say Starfleet isn't good for lasting relationships.
    0 points
  33. I'd never seen this before. It's rather brilliant.
    0 points
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