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3 points
I wanted to explain this further. Good (and possibly evil, I haven't tested it and I only make a few evil choices) actions move you toward neutral on the law/chaos axis as well as the good/evil axis. So if you pick only good options then you'll turn neutral good since it shifts you both neutral and good... and to make that worse is that most lawful options come off as lawful neutral or lawful evil even though they only move you the law/chaos axis. So to remain LG you have to be careful of where you are on the alignment wheel because you may have to avoid good choices and make lawful ones instead to avoid falling to the horribleness of neutral good. Or invest in scrolls of atonement. Or use a mod.3 points
Speaking of targets of RU missiles, here is a pretty nice summary, what has been hit in last 9 months. In other news, we will probably never know, what is going on inside Russia politics, but there is something definitely brewing, and someone is starting to be afraid of Prigozhin’s rising influence. The follow up in the tweet thread explains, what such accusation means in Russia…3 points
Orion flies far beyond the Moon, returns an instantly iconic photo | Ars Technica2 points
@HoonDing: Thanks for that! Nena had some pretty good melodies, it has to be said. Some of the 80s pop was ridiculously good... This one's a great karaoke song for train wrecks if the guy singing it doesn't realize his limitations. Like, he can maybe do a few of the steps in the chorus but can he go all the way. (Living on a Prayer is another that just destroys people. For the record: I can't sing either, no way.)2 points
I've confirmed it to work without mods (Toybox the exception, but with nothing enabled that should touch equipment). So not only dog but your raptors, centipedes, Aivus, horses, mammoths, and silly little cats can now embrace the power of the belly band.2 points
Implying 4 shots at close range and no single vital organ of the target hit in 4 attempts... making up for it with the sheer amount of ammunition (and lives) spent sounds like the Russian army alright2 points
Also, if I may recommend you one more game to your wishlist, you should probably check Operencia: Stolen Sun as well. I think this might be up to your alley as well. I would say, that this might be something in between Grimrock and IwD.2 points
This content cannot be displayed until agreeing to our use of Social Media cookies. Learn more. Manage cookies2 points
Free and Open Source (AGPL v3), source code on Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis Windows Download: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis/-/jobs/artifacts/main/download?job=publish_win-x64 Linux Download: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis/-/jobs/artifacts/main/download?job=publish_linux-x641 point
The original anime started in 2004 and stopped in 2012 after 366 episodes. A new anime has started this year. Yes, that is definitely a thing maj "I Have to Watch All Episodes of a Series Even If I Utterly Loathe It" estic would do, and certainly something you should confidently tell him when he's considering a show, . Not that there was any real possibility of him starting a several hundred episode shonen anyways, but...1 point
a multitude o' sports games also have role-play elements. am gonna suggest you are being a smidge disingenuous. which is exact why we had (bad) multi-player tacked onto near every crpg after the original diablo were released. again, am not seeing a mmorpg solution in your considerable response. sure, is possible to add what is effective a new game or mini-game onto a crpg to give it life beyond the level cap. mindless and repetitive farming o' mobs so the player could afford a personal house they may decorate in drezen is exact the kinda thing we would expect to see in a mmorpg. *groan* apologies, but am having difficulty imagining a mmorpg which eschews the loot grind after hitting max level, and such is exact the kinda thing a game such as wotr or poe cannot indulge for reasons already stated... 'cause y'know, balance. is not practical or realistic to create a new and alternative ending for completionists where after sooper grinding they join a raid to face the real boss. and am pretty sure many mmorpg players feel stuck in progression once they exhaust the grinds, which is no different than the level grind in a single-player crpg... save that it is even more mind-numbing and repetitively grindy. example: am knowing more than a few obsidian board posters who only play swtor when there is a new story expansion release. so thanks, but no thanks on the mmorpg schemes for fixing the level cap issue. pour gasoline on a fire why don't you? see, this is exact what drove the obsidian developer nuts. some vague and ill-formed, but very real, sense o' nostalgia were the ultimate obstacle to pillars success. were no way to overcome warm fuzzies which even fans couldn't express in a meaningful way. punishing your bg2 paladin if it weren't built as a two-handed weapon haver made the holy avenger and the game more memorable... 'cause. obsidian tried to be reasonable and rational-- first mistake. this is not a major issue for a well known sequel. whatever name recognition obsidian enjoyed for pillars were unlikely to spillover to the sequel. those folks unaware o' pillars but recognizing the obsidian name contributed to deadfire in any event? how many such backers? deadfire were not a new and unknown ip meant to appeal to people who liked the ie games. deadfire were purposeful sold to fans o' pillars. is kinda similar for owlcat and wotr as the russian developer is hardly an unknown quantity, for better or worse, following kingmaker. you are also preaching to the choir regarding numbers o' purchasers contributing to crowdfunding as we has made this exact point many times. the deadfire numbers is highly misleading but last we looked, in 2017, if you added all non investor contributions (buy game were curious separated from buy all the add-ons in their totals), the backer contribution for deadfire were $2.1 million, which were ever so slight ahead o' wotr kickstarter. the problem which shoulda' been obvious to obsidian were the number o' backers were far less than pillars and less than wotr. obsidian had developed a hardcore fanbase for pillars but that fanbase were smaller than those number o' persons initial interested in pillars. major warning sign which went unheeded. but again, smaller numbers o' deadfire backers were willing to spend considerable money to get the game made. less people, but more enthusiastic. what an incredible resource wasted 'cause obsidian were chasing fantasies o' d:os2. as to writing efforts, am not gonna try and convince you that somehow our opinions regarding bg2 writing efforts is more astute than yours, 'cause they ain't. for most players, irenicus were the cliché wizard gone mad with power and the fans were more than ok with such. we don't get the appeal o' the wotr romances either, so... HA! Good Fun! ps the silly buy a house and decorate it, while not our notion o' meaningful gameplay post level-cap, is the kinda harmless addition we actual do see as useful for dealing with the considerable money glut which is as much a result o' completionist gameplay as is early hitting o' the level cap. make better gear available via stores only makes balance problems worse, but the trivial aesthetic options, with a big in-game price tag, could makes players feel as if there is something to do with all their useless loot. quality o' life or token aesthetic improvements is exact the kinda thing which could alleviate the excess money issue.1 point
I guess its not "metal" but Free Bird has a great guitar ensemble. I wish I could have seen these guys live. Well, I saw them live at NAS Jacksonville in the early 90's but all the good ones died in the plane crash: 1) Ignore the Confederate battle flag. 2) Skip to 6:47 if you just want the guitars. 3) Wow, 1977 California girls! Not an uggo in the stadium.1 point
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I don't like James Hetfield's singing - or Metallica's guitar work, and while his drumming is okay, I generally dislike Lars the Danish Dwarf.1 point
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Senegal is a fun team, here's hoping they can beat England. Well we've seen your taste in music.1 point
BURG.L being stuck in an unreachable area should be resolved in patch 1.1. Pach 1.1 will release sometime this week as a public test, and then release to everyone in a week or so. Please feel free so submit a support ticket if BURG.L still hasn't returned once the patch becomes available. Obsidian Support Thanks!1 point
To be fair, before 2016 I hadn't been to the doctor since 1995 when I was ten, though that was a 6 week stay at hospital. Now it's one ****ing thing after another, got diagnosed with psoriasis a month or so ago, basically full body. -.-1 point
In an interesting twist NATO reaffirms that Ukraine can join at some unspecified point. The subject was entirely avoided on the last NATO summit and the matter seemed to be settled.1 point
The developers of MMORPGs solved the issue of progress beyond the level cap over twenty years ago, and I am not just talking about the treadmill of grinding for better gear to fight encounters that yield even better gear, even though this is a big part of why playing Pillars of Eternity beyond the level cap was extremely frustrating. The design of the loot and crafting system lead to your party not being able to look forward to any meaningful upgrades at a time even before Twin Elms, and there was nothing remarkable about the items you could gather from exploration or combat, which was designed to not yield rewards in the first place, a decision that could have been decent, had the game not focused on battles as much as it did. The expansion and soulbound items were too late, and arguably too little to make any real difference. It probably takes more resources than a company like Owlcat would have, and probably more resources than could justifiably be spent on games like the Pathfinder games, but there could be any number of options. From adding additional ways to make encounters more difficult for those who did all the optional content and have powerful items. This can be accomplished by interacting with the game world in some natural way. Feel overpowered? Then do not deactivate the machine of elemental summoning, have an achievement for that, or some improved piece of equipment, or maybe just a new skin or some other cosmetic option that simply looks 'kewl'. People spend literal truckloads on silly hats for Team Fortress, something I will never understand, but certainly a silly extra hat could be something worth going through some extra pain for a lot of people. All it takes is some care in encounter design, and some good ideas. It is something that is present in Wrath of the Righteous too, like with the dragon encounter mentioned earlier. There is a way to make it easier, although it is arguably necessary to do so, depending on the time one tackles the quest, and the game does impress on you that it should be handled early enough. After all, the mercenary who accompanies you make it clear, in no uncertain terms and to the point of almost breaking the fourth wall, that he will not sit around and wait for you to finish every sidequest before tackling his. For a sufficiently powerful party of a completist or someone who went the extra mile to get more levels out of the early game, maybe add a meaningful way to tackle it head on. Done. Oh, sure, add any number of elements from the dreaded multiplayer games out there, and you will have purists running up the walls, but what has listening to them ever yielded? In the days of yore, if Bioware had listened to Karzak and made rogues the best at dual wielding and never created Ixil's Spike +6 ("There is no such thing as a +6 spear!"), would the game have been better? What happens when you listen to the vocal minority of your fanbase is Pillars of Eternity, or rather, the Deadfire sales fiasco. I see these threads and talks about what went wrong all the time, and there is a whole lot of speculation, but here's an idea: Pillars of Eternity just was not a fun game to play. It has no +6 spear, but it was not fun. Was the loot that eventually cropped up in Baldur's Gate 2 a litle on the ludicrous side? Why, yes. Were +6 weapons against AD&D 2nd Edition rules? Yes, of course they were. Heh. I still remember the sentiment on the forums when Troika announced that they were working on a 3rd edition Temple of Elemental Evil game. What was the sentiment by some of our posters? "When this comes out, people will go Baulder's (sic!) What?" Baulder's What, indeed. ToEE is a fine 3rd edition combat simulator, a right buggy mess and a game where the writing quality makes Owlcat's Pathfinder games appear well written. Begin the game with the neutral evil vignette for a good laugh: "You arrive at a church, which you want to burn down because you're evil and evil people burn down churches." Why, what a wonderful way to start out. Was Pillars of Eternity better written than Baldur's Gate 2? Maybe. Arguably. Probably. Still, even twenty years after completing Baldur's Gate 2, I still can quote Irenicus' hammy, scenery chewing dialogue, I remember fighting Firkraag, Kangaxx, even the relatively pathetic Shadow Dragon. Upgrading items in both the base game and the expansion, the Cloak of Reflection (boo, boo, nerf the optional item, it makes Beholders too easy, boo boo). The companions are memorable, even if not all of them are worthwhile in combat. Even on topic, we're talking about the dragon quest. Is it frustrating? It certainly can be, especially for a first time player. Are we taking about it? Sure, you bet. Are we still talking about playing Baldur's Gate 2 fondly? Well: You know what we're not talking about? Yeah, how awesome the Blunderbuss of something or another was, or what a great battle the Adra dragon was, or how memorable Thaos was while chewing the scenery in David Warner's perfectly fitting voice.1 point
Every once in a while is underselling it. I'm in Kenabres right now (2nd playthrough), so far the only reasonable Lawful option has been to show the angel sword to the mongrels. Everything else has been Evil or stupid, often both.1 point
In a cruel irony, the type of case with funky PCI-E risers and funky GPU placement tend to be mini-ITX cases, meaning there are no slots to block in the first place.1 point
Thanks for noticing, this was my error and it should not display as percentage. It's now fixed in the latest version! Great, I've given it its own category now. 2022-11-29 Fix StatusEffectLevelScaling display text Move ModScriptHookGameData to its own category ("ModScriptHooks")1 point
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I don't usually play Lawful to begin with, but Owlfinder Lawful is one of the worst implementations I've seen. The Lawful options are almost always either evil, stupid, or just a plain buzz kill. Some folks have said Lawful feels like what Regill would do, I think it's like what would Hulrun do, though I suppose the difference between the two is thinner than Elon Musk's real hair. It's either no fun allowed, throwing someone in prison for public intoxication in the middle of an invasion, or "You broke the Law. Die!". Anyways I've finally got further than the Maze without rerolling and have taken Wenduag instead of Lann. She may be a groveling man eater, but at least she doesn't make terrible jokes or sexually harass any of the ladies.1 point
In other amusing news, had a pitch invader yesterday, LGBT flag, pro-Ukraine and pro-Iranian protesters statements on his tshirt. Not a big surprise that.1 point
This is an issue on which I see and appreciate both sides of it. On the one hand, I too hate when I'm maxed out on level advancement and can no longer look forward to anymore advancing on my characters. But I also agree that gaining that final level, along with its benefits, just before the end of the game leaves me dissatisfied about not being able to use those benefits much in the game. But I don't see a way this problem can be fixed. Btw, in WotR, I've already kept myself from bothering with optional fights. Just couldn't be bothered with that painful optional fight in the Prologue dungeon (although my sneaky character was able to successfully claim all the loot in the room without triggering the fight).1 point
"The point's been made, now let's ignore it", is kind of what you're saying, isn't it?1 point
1 point
Haramaki on a critter IMO is kinda less funny than, say, a diadem, cape and gloves (but boots and rings are verboten for some reason). Spontaneous Lich nerf fortunately is countered in spellbook merge mod. And @kanisatha, if you're playing Paladin, do some evil from time to time lest you cross to Neutral Good for being too, well, good and therefore fail as a Paladin.1 point
generating events is highly dependent on how many ranks your cannoneers have in cannoneering. there is a 0% chance at 1 rank, and a tiny chance at rank 2. you really need rank 3 or 4. being really close doesn't seem to hurt enemy ships nearly as much as being far away does. anything in between is so marginal that i hardly can tell. and even then, you should be sailing at full speed (parallel to the enemy ship of course) to maximize the accuracy penalty when they fire (the AI even sometimes tries to wait for you to stop moving before it fires). i'm assuming you're talking about the flame cannon that has 0-75m range (the 0-400m pretty much sucks IMO). it's frankly bonkers good, but you really do need cannoneers at rank 2 for it to really shine; plus you should either be in your starting ship or the voyager, basically a ship that can turn on a dime. voyager's the best, since you don't even need to turn to get into firing position. you won't be able to strafe the enemy ship in between shots with a voyager, but i just hold position in between shots anyway to maximize the accuracy at ~100m (any closer and the AI is likely to try to ram and board you) and i quickly overwhelm the enemy ship with events before it even matters that you're not strafing them. another one that works well for me is to get the cannons that have up 600m range (i prefer the higher fire rate one to maximize events), and sail to pretty much >550m. strafe the enemy in between shots and fire when you can. manyenemy ships don't have that cannons that cover the 500-600m range, and even ones that do, the AI is silly enough that sometimes it'll turn to its short-range cannons and then never switch over once you sail out of optimal range. and yeah, ondra's challenge does buff enemy ships quite a lot.1 point
I'm not sure this is a display bug, but it seems that the PowerLevelScaling Value is actual number that increases, instead of % rate. For example, as shown in the attached file, the UI shows "+20% Value per Power Level" since I set ValueAdjustment to 20, and the Base Value is 200, so the 200-pt All Damage Shield of Beetle Sheel should scale with +40-pt per Power Level. However, I've tested the change and I noticed that the Shield effect increased by 20 per PL, which is the actual number I've input into the ValueAdjustment. I'm not sure whether this is just an exceptional case; Does this happen only in case of Damage Shield effect?...1 point
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Huh, apparently animal companions can wear haramakis. Not sure if this is a bug or strange mod behavior, but either way the thought of a dog wearing a belly band is funny.1 point
I have been playing a bit of Spider-Man - it’s sort of really good? Spider-Man is doing very well a type of game I don’t care much for. All of it is decent - swinging, combat, stealth, open world activities. However, it is just an open world collectathon. I wish it had some more substantial narratively driven dungeons like Arkham Games. As it is, Spidey is heavily skewed toward open world box ticking, but at the same time it’s doing it very well. It’s like Pringles. One I start it up, I struggle to stop playing but after a gaming session I feel empty and a little bit sick. there is a something very disturbing about facial animation - Peter’s and MJ creepy smiles freak me out. I am also distracted by Thaos voicing Dr. Oc and many Edérs of the New York City.1 point
I have spent 120 hours on Exanima and I've basically completed most of the maps and defeated most of the main enemies like the Golem president and now I have the effective and superlative Golem Armor, ostensibly the best armor in the game. The game is technically unfinished but I have completed as much as I can My views on this game are the same as my previous posts, its very positive for several reasons that include it has the most realistic and exciting combat in any action RPG I have ever played its the most difficult but worthwhile game I have ever played. You really celebrate when you find level maps and green health crystals which are extremely rare I did use save scumming and I recommend that to newbies or most people unless you master combat which I still havent done but my combat skills are vastly improved. I am not sure if Sui Generis, the main game, will ever be released but I hope it is because this game has unique and "hardcore " action RPG mechanics and the full version will be a grand and worthwhile gaming experience But well done to the indie developers for this gem I cant give it the normal and globally respected " BruceVC game rating score" because its not complete1 point
Yeah, that might be it. The game feels too big right from the start, while the first game is much more straight forward. Maybe I like these kind of games, but I don't really like them all that much, thus I never had the motivation to get back into it.1 point
Finished my business In Iz. Grabbed a key and a drop of crystallized demon blood (using midnight bolts) along the way. Not sure if either really serves a purpose when playing Legend path. Still, they were sort of up for easy grabs. Not that the demon boss wanted to part with his blood voluntarily Luckily my level 40 Barbarian/Warrior managed to stay somewhat out of mind affecting stuff (even if all mounts ended up as horse d'euvres early on). Did take several tries before succeeding, so ransacking Areelu's old haunt afterwards felt like poor package holiday by comparison. This is where I left off yesterday, busy learning a lot about what went on before Sarkoris and led to The Worldwound.1 point
Yeah that'll make it a lot easier to find. Additionally, now that I think about it, having it being under its own section in the "Game Data" tab make it less likely to be confused with "Global Scripts". And if Modscripts default to being saved in "modscripthooks.gamedatabundle" that will be potentially clearer for those without access to the editor.1 point
I went to my doctor for a general checkup and everything is green across the board. HUZZAH! But being male, and of a certain age, for the first time I had to undergo an uncomfortable procedure.1 point
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A Succubus, An Aasimar and a Kitsune walk into a brothel. In the Abyss. What happens in the Ten Thousand Delights, stays in the Ten Thousand Delights. For Science!1 point
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Lvl 20? Variant 1: The Pulverizer Put on the Tricorn. Pick Blood Storm, Bloodlust, Blood Thirst, Blood Surge and Driving Roar. Try to target groups of foes. Once fight starts just roar enemies to pieces. Bonus points if they stand near a wall. It's foe-only and doesn't care for INT (Konstanten has only 10). Proof: We those dmg numbers? Yeah... that's a totally unoptimized Serafen doing it. Konstanten would do equally well. Variant 2: Knocks Fort Willbreaker, Body Blows, Ring of Ov + Ring of Ov., +INT gear, Aloth's armor, Spirit Tornado, Bloodlust, Blood Storm Thirst, Blood Surge, Heart of Fury, Panther's Leap. Leap into crowd, do Spirit Tornado, do HoF with Body Blows, leave for your nuker to target crowd with whatever fort spell suits you. Enemies will be Dazed, Terrified, then Staggered and under the effect of Body Blows which results in -45 -35 Fortitude and -20 -10 Will (and more because Willbreaker does lower Will as well per hit). Very good at debuffing while dealing damage. You can also use Blood Storm and Barbaric Shout instead of Spirit Tornado. But the latter is safer. Variant 3: Heart of Lightning Dual mortars and same procedure as Knocks Fort. But Blood Storm. Put on Heaven's Cacophony, cast Avenging Storm. Cast Blood Storm. Jump in and do HoF with Mortars (Powder Burns). Bonus points if somebody did cast Combusting Wounds first. Variant 4: Bloody Backlash Patinated Plate (Juggernaut), Thick Skinned, Blunting Belt, Blood Storm, Blood Thirst, HoF, Bloodlust,Blood Surge, Barbaric Retaliation, Panther's Leap. Dual Battle Axes (Oathbreakers also works) or Willbreaker or Saru-Sichr, Sanguine Sword. Cast Blood Storm, jump in and let them hit you while you hit them. Dual Battle Axes are best. Recovery will not matter with retaliation. Will not matter with HoF. If somebody dies: Blood Thirst. And so on. Whirlwind of Bleeding Cuts. Nice Variant: Grave Calling + Scordeo's Edge with Blade Cascade. The Pulverizer works like a super easy AI bot, too. Needs no special gear. Not much works with Driving Roar. But the hat is nice since it gives +5 ACC.1 point