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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/22 in all areas

  1. Great, now I'll have Creedence Clearwater Revival stuck in my head for the next week. At least it's a great song (and pretty relevant too). Guess I should be glad the tooth collecting clan wasn't called 'Barbie Girl' instead.
    4 points
  2. Oh stop trying to radicalize our youth to your fascist ideologies, save the nationalist preaching for the political thread
    3 points
  3. TL;DW: Intel really needs to let a competent company design cards. Better design and better drivers, and it would actually be one hell of a debut. Could argue that it was one, regardless of the state of the drivers. Edit: For the love of sweet Baby Jesus, can we also please stop making components glow in all sorts of colors? Intel wasted time, effort and money on custom single layer RGB PCBs to make their cards glow blue. Seriously. What the hell?
    2 points
  4. After 30 years and not far off a dozen appeals New Zealand's most infamous case of satanic child abuse/ Moral Panic has been quashed. That case alone remains responsible for the dearth of male teachers here even three decades later. I was at school in Christchurch at that time and the two things that I remember vividly were how few people- even those you'd expect to, like the stereotypical anti gay rugger buggers- believed the accusations and how extremely badly regarded the parents of the 'victims', the experts and police were. While the evidence was never presented to the jury the highly bizarre allegations of things like blood orgies in the (physically and literally non existent) basement and babies being microwaved leaked extensively. The jury, of course, only heard the parts of the children's interviews that were plausible. I'd also note that despite what that article says the parents were actually mostly 'liberals' rather than conservatives of either big or little C type, though the police were deeply conservative. Including, ironically, the lead detective who bonked multiple mothers of victims- not a joke, he had relationships with two and Police Emergency Retirement Funded when a third complained about him propositioning her while drunk; and years later was still talking about how the case came about because of people ignoring christian values. Nothing says Christian like using accusations of sexual abuse and your job position to get your end away, I guess. Peter Ellis, the guy convicted, died three years ago. In an uncharacteristically sensible move the appeal was still allowed to be heard despite that. Sadly, while many of the 'victims' recanted (or were "in denial", according to most of the prior appeals' findings) some are still convinced they were abused thanks to incompetent experts and, to be charitable, overly protective and gullible parents. To be uncharitable, around 500,000$ was paid out in compensation to the victims' families, while those who refused to take part in the witch hunt got nothing.
    2 points
  5. It's a bit more than that. Erdogan is a big fan of neo Ottoman irredentism/ revanchism and its antecedents/ precedents (eg Misaki Milli). That's a claim on big chunks of Iraq including Kirkuk and Mosul, big chunks of Syria including Aleppo, a lot of Greek islands, a big chunk of Armenia and Georgia and Bulgarian Thrace that he sees as perfectly legitimate. Turkey has already invaded Syria (twice, and outright annexed Iskanderun after a bogus referendum predicated on Misaki Milli), Iraq and Cyprus; two off those under Erdogan's leadership. It's very unlikely any of them are getting the Turks out any time soon. Turkey is always threatening Greece though, and nothing ever comes of it. Erdogan is a lot more shouty than normal because his economy is imploding as he counters runaway inflation (a mere 83%) by, uh, continually cutting interest rates. That has also resulted in the Lira losing 80% of its value vs the USD in the past 4 years. He's lost control of the three largest cities in Turkey and needs to appeal to nationalism to not lose the upcoming general election.
    2 points
  6. I’m the Villainess, So I’m Taming the Final Boss Didn't watch it for five whole minutes before I decided I ain't watching this ****.
    2 points
  7. Probably part of the Bad Moon clan: The Bad Moons are a powerful and very wealthy Ork "klan." The Bad Moons are the richest of all the Ork klanz. This is because their teeth grow faster than anyone else's, meaning that even the lowliest Bad Moon Ork has a steady supply of the standard form of Ork wealth. This is not regarded as an unfair advantage, as any Ork who is big and ferocious enough can simply smash the teeth out of a Bad Moons' head. ... They are always continuously buying, selling, swapping, and conning to get teeth.
    2 points
  8. Mom, can I get Space Witcher? No honey, we have Space Witcher at home.
    2 points
  9. Today I discovered this inside a fortune cookie: Fortune cookies now have advertising inside them... The meteor can't come soon enough.
    2 points
  10. Ok, got it. The vanilla Dragon Summon has a buggy Frightening aura. It is supposed to proc every 3s for Infinite duration, 3s based duration and 15m radius. But the pulse duration is strangely written 1000E9 so it only procs once when the dragon is initially summoned. So I've just added a couple of goodies to Dragon special attacks without increasing their number (you'll see Overbearing Knockdown...), fixed the Frightening aura (reduced the AoE to 2.5m radius), added Fire Immunity (so can feel safe summoning the dragon Vs fire based foes) and I think it will be fine. Still won't beat the 4 weapons gangbang at dealing auto attack damages, but now has a good amount of utility. The drake will have 5 uses of its abilities, but I think it's good this way due to increased duration.
    2 points
  11. Anyone else having issues with their pets getting stuck in the map in random places? Mine will randomly end up in unreachable places of the map to where I cannot pet it and it will become unhappy. The only way I have noticed that will fix it is completely shutting down and relaunching the game. I tried to use the debug feature and reloading a previous save, but neither worked. When I went to my pet house, it would still show my pet on the map, but it was under a rock or something weird. The little icon also shows its location on the screen, but you cannot interact at all when approaching.
    1 point
  12. Hi there, 1st basic information: 1. Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam). PC 1: Windows 11 Grounded PC Windows Store Version > hosting the game PC 2: Windows 10 Grounded PC Windows Store Version > joining the game 2. Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you tell us how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if known) Mulitplayer, 2 Players, LAN 1 Gbit/s at the same table 3. Description of issue. Me as I am hosting the game experience no issues. But my daughter loses connection very often with the error that the connection has been lost and she should check her internet connection (which of course is a joke because everything with our internet connection is just right). Then it happens all the time that she can't pick up things or place building parts at all. Sometimes she stands in front of me but on her PC she is 10 feet away. The issue where she isn't able to pick up or place anything happens mostly right a minute after we restarted the game and it stay without any change. 4. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable. All these issues happen randomly but often and the pick-up-bug stays at it is. After release the game is in a much worser shape than before 2 years. Because multiplayer is the main part of the game one can call this release an absolute desaster. Please fix this asap. Thank you very much.
    1 point
  13. This is the complete list of weapon's enchantments that work with other things : Crossbow : hit-to-crit bonus is universal Kitchen Stove : Hurried (-15% reload time) for every weapon in other hand with a reload time Kitchen Stove : Wild Shot and Barrage (reload time and damage bonus) for every weapon in other hand with a reload time, damage bonus is universal Pukestabber : Mean Drunk (speed and damage) work on every Dagger Scordeo Edge : Double Strike (5% chance to recover instantly on scoring hit) is universal Sungrazer : Return Orbit (10% chance to recover instantly on scoring hit) is universal Sungrazer : Blunt Rock (-1 Crush AR on scoring crit) is universal The best Defense : Sickening to Watch (50% chance to sicken nearby ennemies on scoring kill) work with other weapon equipped The best Defense : Terrifying to Face (50% chance to terrify nearby ennemies on scoring kill) work with other weapon equipped Effort : Hemorrhaging (Hobble or Sicken ennemy on scoring crit) is universal Blightheart : Hymn of Decay (1 phrase per kill) is universal Engoliero do Espirs : Soul Devorer (and upgrades) (on kill) is universal Engoliero do Espirs : Cruel Blade and Blade Feast (cast Ghost Blade on kill) is universal The Twin Eels : Breath of Life ( Health restored to nearby allies on kill) is universal Azure Blade : Wrong Place, Wrong Time (25% chance to Interrupt on Hit against lone enemies with 3 or more allies within 2m) is universal Lover's Embrace : Lover's Quarrel (33% chance to apply Frenzy to self on scoring Crit) is universal Sun and Moon : Lunar and Solar Excellence (5% chance to repeat Frost or Fire attack) is universal Sanguine Greatsword : Thirsty Blade and Parched Blade (20% and 30% miss-to-graze) is universal Oathbreaker's End : Found Guilty (and Innocent) (Raw damage to nearby ennemies on scoring kill on ennemy under the Scale of Justice effect) is universal Frostfall : Dispersed Suffering (+20% duration of hostile effects on nearby enemies on scoring Kill) work with other equipped weapon (and his abilities) Dire Talon : Tooth and Claw ( +10 cc and damage against beast) is universal Aamiina Legacy : Slayer of Beasts (+10 Accuracy and damage against Beasts) is universal The Spine of Thicket Green : Purge Decay (+5 acc against Vessels) is universal Wicked Beast : Wild Heart (+15% damage against Beasts) is universal Amaliorra : Ash and Dust (+10 acc against Vessels) is universal Amaliorra : Innevitable Decay (+20% damage against Vessels) is universal Whispers of Yenwood : Soul Cutter (+20% Damage and +15 Acc against Spirits) is universal Xoti's Sickle : Soul Reaper (+5% sickle Damage until combat end on scoring Kill (stacks 4 times) (increases with Religion skill) on any kill The link to the original thread : I said "complete" but it is possible I missed something else.
    1 point
  14. Here are some things I’ve noticed that would make the game smoother 1. player character location indicators (where other players are located in game) and player character marked locations (locations marked by other players) need to be different colors or symbols to indicate the difference between the player and the players marked location. Ive ran across map so many times to find out I’m running towards a marker instead of another player. 2. hold button presses for different functions. attacking- held button instead of repetition of presses during battle. Players stops attacking upon button release or stamina drain/critical hit on player depositing- when depositing stems or planks onto storage should have deposit all button press Baking/grinding/spinning- there is a take all function but not a craft all function. 3. When using cooked food in hot bar use oldest/closest to spoiling food first. when using food on a hot bar it doesn’t automatically eat the oldest food first. With food being the best health option during battle you don’t want to eat your fresh food first when using the hot bar function. I find myself quickly going to the whole inventory to choose the oldest food first during combat. Not efficient during a large battle like the black widows 4. Floating raisin Wendell needs to be able to move through players. he has knocked me off of tall heights when following. Remove collision with players to prevent accidental death from tall heights. that’s all I got for now 25+ years of gaming and 5+ years of game design you start to notice things
    1 point
  15. Shared worlds is a great idea in concept, but a terrible idea for playing in a non-creative game mode. Constant ruber banding band disconnects, doors being "open" but launching you all the way back because it was actually closed, inability to interact with items or hot bar unless you quit the game, Not being able to find or join your friend's host world, instead you have to go to start it yourself for it to tell you a friend is already hosting the world so you can join. And the worst part is the huge Latency issues especially when it comes to fighting any tier 2 or higher enemy. Currently in its state, Antlions or spiders or pretty much a coin flip. You either get good latency and you are able to parry or the game registers your hit late or not at all and you die immediately. Now you pair this with the death damage you take to ALL of your armor and this game puts you loops of constantly dying and breaking your armor. So now you have to constantly reload the world to recover back packs and that reintroduces all the aforementioned issues. I appreciate shared world but in its current state it's NEARLY impossible to play because of lag and other issues. I hope you are coming with a patch to fix this because if I knew it would take a huge nosedive in quality I would have rather started on a normal multiplayer file rather than this laggy issue riddled mess.
    1 point
  16. Kotaro Lives Alone (Netflix version) ---one of those shows where I was initially not all that into it - and it requires a certain level of simply accepting that a 4-5 year old could actually live "alone" and be that self sufficient, maybe it's possible, what do I know about kids - but there are elements that I was curious about so I kept watching. Mostly comedy, slice of life, sometimes more than one mini-story within each short episode (often connected eventually) with some poignant moments here and there. Overall I'd say I ended up liking it.
    1 point
  17. Because all active bonus and malus never stack together, things like Duality of Mortal Presence (+10 int) and Enlightened Agony (smart) dont give +15 int but +10. Miasma of Dual-Mindedness (-10 int, per and res) and correspondant affliction give also -10 for the stat. But equipment and weapon's bonus and malus are passives (like Echoing Horror as pointed by @Elric Galad) and stack with active bonus (but not with the same active bonus). For example, Blind an enemy with Chilling Grave (grave calling) while he is Miasmed make him loose -15 Per (-15acc and -30 reflex). In other hand, Chill Fog instead of Chilling Grave and Miasma make him loose -10 Per (actives dont stack). Tenacious from Resounding Call and Helwalker +10 might give +15 might, but only +10 might with Thunderous Blows.( see in first comment) Chanter's invocation Each Kill Fed His Fury stack in the same way Duality of Mortal Presence etc since it is not Inspiration but only +5stats. In picture, with a hired druid with every tiers 3 inspirations from the Least Unstable Coil, under the Each Kill... effect, and with Engoliero do Espirs (Ravenous Soul Devourer): so +13 might, +13con, +8dex, +5per, +5int, +10res + other bonus from equipment (out of fight : Each Kill and Least Unstable Coil prolonged, Soul Devourer have no limit of time). Here, the 75 fortitude of Birta is reduced by The Long Night (chant are not passive) for -10 (weakened) and -4 (-2might), and by Daze from Spearcaster (-10). With regular Daze (I mean by spell or ability) instead of from forceful Impact, the -2might would have been overrided by the affliction. That work also with, for example, the Keeper of the Flame aroma (-8will from weapon) and Arkemyr's Dazzling Lights (-10will). Combined with Barb of Condemnation (-10 all defenses*), Miasma (-10int, -10res>> -40will), Ryngrim's Enervating Terror from the Whitewitch's Mask (Terrified, -10will) , Sweep you off (Street Sweeper, confused >-10will) and on top Ngati's Tusk aura (Hunter of Hunter, -4 all defenses, up to max at -12 or -13, so env.10), the enemy Will is now decreased by 98. It is more with Retentless (The willbreaker, -3will on hit with 5 stack/weapon). *-10 all defense is not the same effect than -10 will, they stack. Same for bonus (Circle of Protection +15 all defenses stack with Shields for the Faithful +30deflection). This topic is made because stacking rules are not really explicit in-game, and otherwise they are easy to understand with some practice.
    1 point
  18. It is also worth noting that non-food clear-on-rest bonuses always stack. So Prostitute bonuses, Amira's Boon, bonuses from drinking from the mystery pool in Bipara's cave, etc. all stack with everything.
    1 point
  19. That is buggy/unreliable, so BPM simply changed it to always stack.
    1 point
  20. Helwalker's MIG bonus is a passive. So Thunderous Blows + Helwalker's MIG bonus should result in +15 MIG as well. If you have two Willbreakers (for example by using an Essential Phantom or Watery Double) you can even apply the stacking Will debuff of Willbreaker twice as high. Also important to say that weapon modals are not passives (unfortunately) - and chants aren't either (you said that) althoug they stand on the passive side of the ability tree (which is very misleading imo).
    1 point
  21. At one of our news, I have found an article, that Chinese media are slowly starting to criticize Russian war in Ukraine. I tried to find some other source, but with no luck. Have any of you found anything, which might support this statement?
    1 point
  22. Well, I already modded BDD anyway The point of modding it would be to be able to use Maelstorm quite often without winning intsantly (while still doing a fair amount of damages) Not being able to use your signature SC Druid damages spell because it is so strong that it makes the game uninteresting is quite sad. It's weird to say, but the point of a nerf is to make an ability usable (and enjoyable). Anyway, I do like to understand exactly how things work, independantly from the fact they require modding or not. Now I am at this step.
    1 point
  23. Well, are you suggesting Wizards are fragile ????? Maybe @patronkusdont know about Temporal Cocoon About GM, the thing is there is 2 pulse effects : the first is Freeze/Crush and the second is Fire/Shock. Like for Storm Rune (thundercrack Pistol pulse ability), the first (freeze/crush) pulse per3s for 6s, with one attack per target in the AoE. This attack proc (or : is completed, I dont really know) the second attack (Fire/Shock), also pulse for 6s, but with 6 attacks at random per 3s. My guess is every proc from the first pulse could proc the second pulse? Storm of Holy Fire, Meteor Shower etc proc only a pulse like the second one : only the duration and the number of random hit per pulse change (Meteor Shower trigger a burn DoT on hit on top, and have 16 hit at random per pulse).
    1 point
  24. did you guys seen mannor lords? Someone here was playing that new city builder from Crate devs but man, does mannor lords looks soo much better... just the fact there is no grid and and you can create some very dynamic plots for buildings is amazing
    1 point
  25. Judge (Magistrate's Cudgel) +10 accuracy bonus applied by Magistrate's Cudgel hit work on any attack (spells ect) at the condition to have the weapon equipped. Dont need to Soulbound however.
    1 point
  26. I actually do think there is a bit of a difference between Maelstrom and those spells you listed. Not sure about Salvo but Symbols and Meteor Shower have a very short range making them very risky to use. Maelstrom doesn't, it can be cast from super far away making it safe and convenient opener. That safety is being able to consistently open a fight from stealth with Maelstrom and basically win it before it starts. You can't really do that with Meteor Shower or Symbol (in some cases you can but its nowhere near as consistent or safe). Furthermore it feels like the DPS of Maelstrom is a lot higher. Symbol of Rymrgand (just using this example as I play mostly with Vatnir) has a duration of 20 seconds, Maelstrom has a duration of 6 seconds. That means even if the damage they do is the same in total, you are getting that damage so much faster with Maelstrom and its wiping fights before it can even start. I can't comment with as much certainty for Shower or Salvo because I typically bring Fassina (Conjurer gets no Evocation so no Salvo or Shower) but to me, on paper, the range of Shower makes it so much less appealing. Your wizard has to be basically in Melee with your foe to get the effect to go off and by that point your wizard could easily be dead. Maelstrom is easily fired off before combat from deep in the backline. Moreover it makes Shower so much harder to start a fight with, unlike Maelstrom which is so easily cast from Stealth for massive damage it clears so much chaff. That said, I think you are correct in pointing out that the PL 8/9 spells are quite strong and overshadow other options probably by design as they are meant to entice you to SC but IDK something about Maelstrom just turns me off. It's a bit like Monk and Whispers of the Wind. While a super powerful combo that makes SC the way to go, it just isn't interesting and overshadows everything else by being so domineeringly powerful.
    1 point
  27. Energy load shedding is normal in SA, you get use to it. At the moment we have had 2-4 hours a day for the last 2 months Businesses invest in generators or inverters so your business continues during load shedding And if it happens in the EU\UK its because of Putin using energy blackmail and the gas slowdown, so you blame him. I dont see it leading to political change because what political change would you expect, a UK\EU political party that supports Russia and not the EU? Thats highly unlikely, even the new " fascist " Italian party still supports Ukraine https://www.barrons.com/news/ukraine-can-count-on-italy-meloni-says-01664348106
    1 point
  28. Okay Wormie you win, you hate CDPR and you dont care its a Polish company. I tried
    1 point
  29. This content cannot be displayed until agreeing to our use of Social Media cookies. Learn more. Manage cookies skyrim anniversary edition again
    1 point
  30. the hand does more than set up a nice camp. he will act as a literal unseen guardian angel if you face near-death, but more important, when he heals you he also restores all per day uses o' spells and abilities. we kinda played with the mechanic and never saw a limit to the number o' times he would free heal/restore you. is potential for exploitation as time does not pass when the hand heals. HA! Good Fun! ps (edit) am mentioning 'cause the result o' the hand's heal is unintuitive. is quite possible you don't realize how the mechanic functions until you spend considerable time in the abyss and then finally ask the hand to heal you instead o' camping.
    1 point
  31. check to see if you got a logistics decree which has been overlooked, otherwise, build stuff and upgrade outposts. dunno. as long as you add structures and have completed crinukh's letters as well as similar crusade projects, gaining logistics should not be stalled. HA! Good Fun! ps am recalling you were delaying ivory sanctum, but am thinking you got a post sanctum decree which you need to advance logistics.
    1 point
  32. Is Consciousness Really a Memory System For Our Interactions With Reality? New Research Says Maybe. - The Debrief
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Biden pardons thousands of people convicted with marijuana charges...but possibly more importantly, if anything comes of it:
    1 point
  35. I've only seen it once myself, but it's been a long time so I'll probably give it another watch soon whenever I make my way through the watch list.
    1 point
  36. This would be really cool. I also think we should be able to tame more things than just Weevil and Aphids. An option to tame many of the neutral bugs would be so awesome. (Ants, Lady Bugs, Firefly, Bee, Moth , Rolly Polly,) Then you could ride any of them, and use them as mules/storage carts. Or in your case, fast/air travel (Bee, Moth, Firefly)
    1 point
  37. In Portugal the current far right party has a bunch of members who are former members of PNR an openly neonazi party. One of their preferred slogans was the slogan of the Portuguese dictatorship. They swear they are neither fascists nor nazis. In Brazil, Bolsonaro's supporters also like to use the same fascist slogan I mentioned above. They also swear they aren't fascists. In Sweden the current far right party was the neonazi party. They still count among their number a bunch of original neonazis. They swear they are neither fascists nor nazis. As you can read above, analogous things are true of the far right parties in Austria and Italy. So not that casually, unfortunately.
    1 point
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