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He's good... well, he's healthy. Good is another matter. He has to take a steroid twice a day for 6 months but that's all for longish term stuff as thankfully no asthma. In other health related news, my uncle who fell and was about to be sent to hospice is coming home today after a miraculous recovery. Now we just have to see if he falls back into a bottle or decides to do something with his second chance.4 points
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Hi all. I've just launched a Kickstarter for my third game, Prometheus Wept. Some of you may remember Vigilantes, my last game. Prometheus Wept is also a turn based game, but more refined and varied, with more emphasis on role playing and story. It's set in a post digital world, where all computerised technology has been corrupted by a virus. Here's the video, which is likely the best way to convey what Prometheus Wept is about. If you have any questions or feedback, let me know!3 points
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Since the update I have found that none of the thistle plants have any needles to harvest for making arrows. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?2 points
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Aaah, I always took her dialogue for reverence rather than fear towards Berath... "What the goddess of Death has marked, I will leave untouched." She nods solemnly, once, then with a tilt of her skull, steers the ship away." Her being respectfully cautious does make a lot of sense. Lucia motivation is to return the Engoliero to the Darcozzi family. I think this is made more clear in a convo branch that opens up if you supported Furrante: "If he is a Darcozzi paladin, this Furrante should aid my duty to return the sword to the royal line, should he not? How does my ship matter to Grand Vailia?" "If the Principi are truly the closest continuation of the Darcozzi legacy, then I must deliver the sword to them."2 points
Sorry to hear that for both of you. My wife has had an injured pancreas for about 8 years now. She has to take enzymes to keep it working with every bite of food she takes. But that is better than being diabetic and trying to survive without it. Pancreases are so bizarre.2 points
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In Lee's case, it was a squib load in the barrel used for a close-up to make it look like the gun was loaded with real bullets. It wasn't cleared from the barrel when the prop or arms master loaded blanks into the gun, as I recall. In this case, it was the Director (Joel Souza) and the Cinematographer (Halyna Hutchins) who were shot. Souza was wounded and Hutchins was killed. This makes me speculate that they were probably filming a scene where Baldwin was supposed to fire multiple times at the camera for a POV shot. Could have been too short of a range, or could have been the wrong gun used, or an improperly loaded one. I'm sure the investigation will take some time.2 points
There are a few mistakes but it is still pretty awesome says this archaeologist.2 points
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For a sturdier wall, maybe there could be fallen oak twigs around the map that spawn every few days, that are harvestable and give a bit of sap too. The massive fallen oak branch could spawn tiny chunks on top if it too. They could be used for strong tools, maybe a new shield too? Could be used to make a wooden spear, maybe with a chance of giving splinters. Sturdy walls could be made, and a better sap catcher too.1 point
I'm not sure, I would have to watch LoGH. But if it mirrored real life politics, most of them were already rich and can live a better life off residuals than most people could working full time. We could also see class stratification in space (which seems to be pretty common in sci-fi) where some people have to work to keep the ship running while others "work" like the space equivalent of a financial dip**** who makes 250k a year as a senior manager at a hedge fund his dad runs. God damn it Netflix, let me binge my slice of life anime.1 point
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@ShadySandshow has your little guy been doing?1 point
Thanks @dgray62 and @Constentin Lévine It looks like a great build and it should get indeed the attention it deserves .1 point
I recently came across an interesting "wit of entropy" spiritualist interrupter build posted two years ago by Constentin Lévine, which didn't seem to get any attention at the time. It uses Thick Grew Their Tongues and Long Night's drink to continually interrupt foes, Her Revenge and Sasha's to get the Tier 3 inspirations, and food and gear to make one immune to afflictions (and hence keep up Energized without interruption). It has a lot of interesting symmetry in gear choice as well. I'm trying it out now, but instead of Beguiler/Bellower I am going with Soul Blade/Skald. Since the build is melee focused I think Soul Blade will work a bit better, and for the same reason skald has nice synergy as well. So far it is very powerful but not OP in an overly cheesy way. It's a great build for a party. Not sure how well it would work solo.1 point
Cancer sucks. Sorry about your friend Majestic1 point
Death Guards don't need Berath's doing nor blessing to come into existence: In the case of Yseyr he had the determination to serve Berath and retrieve the estoc/kill Lucia Rivan even after he was killed. Lucia Rivan was a Darcozzi - an order which normally isn't known for following Berath (their favored/disfavored dispositions don't really allign) - but she was zealous enough to rise as Death Guard after she was slayn by Yseyr. I don't recalls what she was so zealous about but iirc she was charged with protecting the blade. So when Yseyr wanted to collect that blade for Berath and Lucia wanted to guard it two very strong wills collided, leading to the creation of two Death Guards. Why she laves you alone after sensing Berath's chime? Maybe fear - a priest of Berath is her archenemy and Berath herself wishes her gone? Yseyr/Berath want the blade because it devours souls (or essence) - and that doesn't seem to sit right with Berath. It somwehat imitates what the gods do (feeding on souls to sustain their existence). Maybe it could even be used to gather godlike powers over time - if you'd only slew enough enemies or unlock its greater powers otherwise. Yseyr mentiones that the blade is too powerful to be used by kith/mortals. There isn't necessarily a good/bad side here. It's just two sides wanting something really bad.1 point
Playing Deadfire again. Despite replaying the first game earlier this year to set up my Woedica Templar, I ended up going with another character, a Sorcerer focused on Storm spells. I like the build and theme, but this is a Diplomatic/Benevolent/Honest character and that is not nearly as much fun as the Shady/Clever pirate I played on my first playthrough.1 point
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There are probably many other things it could be used for that i didn't think of, but it could still be really useful1 point
As Amentep said, fair assumption to say this was a POV shot and they were close in. Sounds like the usual situation when it comes to safety, over time it becomes - "It never happens".1 point
I watched two more episodes, and it continues to be really good. Parts of it can be slow, but I haven't seen anything I've outright disliked yet. Now you've jinxed it and will come across some Mari x Nanoha fanart. It depends on how you define it, but yeah, virtually any thing has fans that are just awful. Just look at the Imoen romance or Sarelith mods for BG2.1 point
Is there any fandom that's not eminently hateable? Honestly, the only fandoms I don't already hate are the ones I'm not aware of.1 point
Microsoft engineers are not without humour. An older version of their ERP software had something called Analysis Views. And a table to store the entries that made up the views. Of course they had to name that table AnalViewEntry… hard not to giggle immaturely when working with those objects (the provided functions being plays on AnalView)1 point
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Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Episode 7. Well, I'll say this for Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, you never know what you'll get out of an episode. The atmosphere and mood of the episodes swing so widely that schizophrenic doesn't even properly describe it, but still, to my dismay, I actually quite like the anime. It would be easier if it all was hot garbage so that episode at the hot springs wouldn't be such a detriment to it. I guess at this point I'm hoping that there'll be no more bathing scenes. Made the mistake of googling around to see if there's a made for TV version that drops the iffy parts, but apparently not only there isn't, but the internet is full of debates about Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha where people praise Nanoha and talk about what a good shounen protagonist she would make if she piloted EVA-01 instead of Shinji. Guys, have you missed the part where Nanoha has been trying to talk to Fate instead of punching her silly for the last, oh, I don't know, four episodes? Please go back to ogling Mari. Just go. Go. Away. Well, I might not be able to hate the anime, but I can hate the fandumb all right. That's at least something. Also, not very surpsingly, shippers. Ugh.1 point
*plays a game* "Hm volume is a little low, let me turn that up." *Turn game off, sit in darkened, silent room for a minute* "...maybe I'll watch some TV." ...I swear, even after years, it gets me every single time.1 point
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I know fractions are actually calculated for damage & health, but does having say 10.5 or 10.75 PEN make any difference from having 10 PEN? Also for 'normal' damage over time effects that tick every 3 seconds (ApplyOnTick), does increased duration have an additional effect if it falls between 2 potential ticks, i.e. is there any difference in the damage you'll do between an 18.1, 19.5, or 20.9 second duration for a damage over time like Shining Beacon or Meteor Swarm that hits every 3 seconds? Or do you want to try to hit just over a number of seconds divisible by 3 if you're trying to min-max for a specific damage-over-time effect?1 point
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Jiggle physics didn't exist in the 90s so no. I guess we'll have to wait for the remaster.1 point
something I just discovered--don't know if this is common knowledge--that may be useful here, is azure blade. you can enchant it to have a 25% chance to interrupt if you have enough allies nearby, in addition to +10 accuracy. what I discovered is that this chance to interrupt affects anything, not just the stiletto attack. I actually ended up interrupting some enemies with the debuff portion of Devotions for the Faithful, which is how i discovered this. So if you have summons or can keep some friends close by, this will help your non-crits interrupt as well.1 point
So... I'm not necessarily trying to resurrect this (retrospectively very funny) thread. But, I wanted to say that I've just spent more time than I would want to admit playing with a SC Blood Mage with infinite casts of Skaen Priest's Shadowing Beyond and infinite Concelhaut's Crushing Doom. Zapping around the battlefield under near-constant invisibility to make every enemy being permacrushed by giant flying hammers is a very satisfying way to end an otherwise annoying workday. Infinite Shadowing Beyond is arguably a contender for strongest single spell that you can get with this trick, maybe before SoT/BDD... because it casts instantly without recovery - with a toon that already has low (or no) Recovery, it is close to permanent invisibility. I also have infinite Brilliant Departure for good measure.1 point
Halloween is a holiday where: You don't have to prepare food. You don't have to meet up with family. You don't have to attend a festival. Halloween songs can be catchy, but they're never repetitive or played for months on end. It can allow pretty much anyone to partake in it regardless of religion or background. It's completely voluntary with no peer pressure to do anything or attend specific functions or travel anywhere. Halloween lets you be, however you want to express yourself, and it's the one night pretty much no-one will judge you.1 point
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is the best holiday. yeah, the celebration has religious roots, but as celebrated in us it is almost entire secular---nowhere near the religious baggage that exists for christmas or easter. is not 'bout patriotism or celebrating a cultural icon who likely ain't the hero you were taught to admire in school. on halloween, kids dress up in costumes, pretend to be sooperheroes or monsters or whatever, and then neighbors, many o' whom the kids has never met or spoken to, give the costumed kids candy... or a small box o' raisins if the neighbors is jerks. if it weren't for the fact so many pets is tormented and abused by little psychopaths on halloween... HA! Good Fun! ps a few people getting their house tp'd is a small price to pay for general halloween goodness.1 point
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Sorry, but ... hahahahaha! ...FoV at 10. ...hmm, I wonder if that's how hubby sees me half the time?1 point
Decreasing the FoV to 30-35 (Cheat Engine mod) vs. the default/locked 70, gives you a great chance of getting a combat close-up that is NOT from an always-the-same 3 second Boost Strike or other cutscene bit - vs. the .5% chance of the camera randomly swinging in close as it turns, for a fraction of a second, at just the right moment...my interest in the game just increased a little again. Not that one should play normally this way - 55-60 FoV minimum or it's really wonky trying to run around when not in combat. But for screenies it's great! So instead of combat frequently looking like this boring (to me) distance It's now much easier to get something more like this, without cropping. Aerials were the hardest to get at all, before. It's not a photo-mode, but it's better at least. *happy screenshotter camper* FoV that extremely close up does make you extra aware of the character's height difference tho, since the camera is always pinned to a center spot. So no good for non-combat pics of outfits, lol.1 point
^ I have Cat Quest on PS4. I liked it but then I stopped for some reason. I need to start it again one day. =============================== Does everything on this planet have bunny ears? I was hoping for more outfits (or even just recolors) that would make my team more color co-ordinated, but this isn't exactly what I had in mind. ...what? Is the AI actually lecturing me on being smarter in combat when I have to save them constantly? Pffft. Magic bullet time.1 point
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We all know about the workbench, it is what you use to craft better tools and items. What if there were to be a sturdier workbench? It could be crafted out of quartzite, silk rope, and acorn shells, clay, berry leather, crow feathers, and koi fish scales. It would be used to craft higher tier armor/weapons, and more new items. Also could be used to make normal items cost less to make and repair. The workbench in the pond lab could be replaced by a sturdy workbench too, since it is made of metal, something that we cannot get in the game. I feel like this could actually be something to go into the game.1 point
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Name : Priam Race : Pâle elfe Classes : Beguiler Bellower stats : 10-3-19-19-18-8 (+2 with the Benediction from Berath) Notables abilitys and spells : Chanter' invocations: Her Revenge Swept Across the Land (when coupled with the Least Unstable Coil, you potentially can get every third level inspirations, because each target at lest grazed go to proc another roll) Rejoice, my comrades! Two fingers of daylight ( that can help you for the resolve immunitie without food and drink you need for keeping your inspirations) Shatter Their Shackles, Cast off Their Chains (same as before but for dexterity. Don't take the upgrade, that just clear the dexterity affliction to your allies, but not yourself, and with no duration. Useless when you equip your thaenic shoes, see later) Chanter' phrases : Thick Grew Their Tongues, Stumbling O'er Words The Long Night's Drink Birthed the Revenge of Morning Cipher' spells : Every deceptions spells of course Detonate Screaming souls Stasis Shell The empty Soul other talents: Spell shaping (to hit more ennemies with your lightning) Accurate Empower Equipement: Keeper of the flame (-8 will around you, hit everybody around your target, gain more concentration. Otherwise in a barbarian MageSlayer hand, every ennemies (and himself) in a AoE is spell disrupted! and each hit will carnage (carnage don't disrupt anyway) Frostball (dispersed suffering is awesome, and you can freeze on critical hit, even an dexterity immune ennemie. That is why i use my Mythic Adra Stone on it) Second weapon slot: Sasha singing sabre, to equip before casting lightning attack, give you un empower point to use for each encounter the Horns of the Aurochs Strand of flavor Shroud of phantasm (Living illusions are perfects for casting Screaming souls, and you gain action speed ) Rekvu's Stained Grasps (To keep your Solidity alive) Harmony( Same for the resolve immune but for intellect one, if you don't have the good food) Kurau's Prize (the perfect ring for this build) Sandals of the Water Lily (dexterity immune, and you begin more attractive for ennemies, and you need that) Waidwen's Sundial (entropist' trinket) Effigy's Husk ( Contempt, Armor of Flesh (might immune), and the skaen's resentment is perfect for you, again) Least Unstable Coil ( 15 % action speed when you kill your Illusions, provide you when cast Her Revenge Swept Across the Land: Brilliant (as bellower, you loose your phrases when you have used one, you go to 27 int and extra PL) Intuitive (with your amount of accuracy and the Hit-to-Crit conversion, you crir a lot, so ...) Energized (...each spell is going to interrupt ,also phrases, and ennemies can't refresh their concentration with Thick Grew Their Tongues, Stumbling O'er Words) Swift (you cast quickly, and you move freely, and more freely with your helm) Robust ( to compensate your low constitution, low armor rating, and heal you) Courageous (you can't be interrupt, and you are also at 15 resolve, with your strand of flavor you reduce hostile effect like Arcane dampener if you didnt stop the caster before, or other priest's spells) Food and Drinks : Early in the game you have access to Wael's wind, and you can buy some Luminous Lobster . Both give you Intellect, Resolve and Perception immune, and when you combine this last one with some rhum and oysters, you can craft the Captain's banquet, with same bonus plus damage and rapidity with yous spells. Because of the relativity, it is just like there is a 10 numbers' difference between you and your ennemies, which cant heal themself correctly,who are unable to remove your inspirations, and are constantly interrupted , losoe all their defenses, and damaged by big AoE spells or Near death explode spells. After all, you challenge gods and kill dragons, everyone seem like diminished against you. This is why you are the watcher herald of berath.1 point