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4 points
Got my second Pfizer shot 45 minutes ago. Still alive to tell the tale4 points
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We just got home and he's taking a nap. Thanks to everyone for your support!3 points
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The game gave me this item which when active makes party and enemies do 1 damage. Obviously a way to (inefficiently) work on artes/skills proficiencies. So last night I turned it on, selected only a handful of desired artes for each party member, put AI in full-Auto, entered combat with a large mob, and went to bed. I woke up and they were still going at it.2 points
Thank you very much for your reply. I did not get a notification. I went with Watcher Herald, Eder Swashbuckler, Xoti Monk, Tekehu Druid, Aloth Wizard. So far it's going great and at over 100 hours I'm still having a blast.2 points
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I think a cool feature could be a giant pack of crayons in the garden which could infinitely be harvested to get different coloured dyes to change the colour of building parts etc Also to be able to customise the characters. I'd love to be able to make one similar to myself, which I'm sure a lot of other Grounded fans would as well.2 points
I have been coming up with ideas for Grounded from the moment I began playing it, and when I learned that they had an ideas forum I figured I should upload some of them here. I would really love to see any of my ideas in the game. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1woE82NSoVxtTCWf8bPzDOgMtC6hLEKNyVO1cJiOvQYc/edit?usp=sharing2 points
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LOL you don't need to go to Russia to meet Russian girls, I see ads all the time where they will come to you!2 points
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Right. There are some melee only attack abilies that do allow to circumvent that restriction by using a hybrid weapon setup. Clear Out (ranged main hand), Whirling Strikes (like Heart of Fury but melee only restriction), Cleaving Stance & Riposte (ranged offhand), Hunter's Claw. Some of those will use both weapons (Cleaving, Riposte, Whirling Strikes, Heart of Fury) because they are implemented differently than let's say Flames of Devotion or the Rogue's strike abilities. Clear Out is only a primary attack so naturally only the main hand gets used (but you unlock the use with a ranged weapon by putting a melee weapon into the offhand). In case of Hunter's Claw iirc you put the melee weapon in the offhand like with Clear Out to unlock the use with the ranged main hand. And only the main hand will execute the attack like with others Fill Attacks using hybrid setups. But because using Fire in the Hole/Chain Shot or Hand Mortar/Blinding Smoke with Driving Flight gives you a lot more stacks than 2 - which would be the normal melee DW outcome - it's still better (normal blunderbusses don't work that way).2 points
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Managed to make my Russian friend's mother crack up trying to speak Russian to her. Key part was saying I practice the tongue with her daughter2 points
My group of friends and I play this together. When one player isn't on none of the rest of us have access to the world we all work on. I think dedicated severs with permission settings would be a great addition and increase the amount of time we can all play. Game is looking great and I can't wait for it to finish.2 points
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I like the idea of a SC soulblade wielding Amra. Shared nightmare would significantly increase the riven gore carnage radius. Too bad you can't get focus from this, however.1 point
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I do like that it shortens down to Double D, but for an entirely different reason.1 point
All Grater Lay on Hands variants shared Greater_Lay_On_Hands_SE_Robust so it was enought to edit that, but Hands of Light all had their own variation of Hands_of_Light_SE_Courageous so I had to edit all of them. Oh ****, I didn't know about that parameter. I got curious and looked at the decompiled source code and it seems that it causes the upgrade to use its base ability's PL in combat calculations, which is incredibly useful! In that case it might be best to remove the "AbilityLevel: 1" lines from abilities.gamedatabundle and utilize UpgradedFromID instead...1 point
I have no issue with top Twitch streamers making bank, good for them, this is their job. As an aside, the other day I turned on Twitch and I got logged out for whatever reason, so instead of taking me to my home page with channels I follow and content I tend to watch it instead took me to the main home page. Right there staring me in the face, so obviously bring promoted by Twitch itself, since it was front & center, was a scantily clad woman licking microphones. Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with scantily clad women, I'll go so far as to say I'm pro-scantily clad women, but licking microphones? I mean, if people are into that, more power to them, but is this where we're at? This is what we're doing? Okay.1 point
What is the most disturbing on these data, is that a platform where the underage audience is the highest in numbers, allows streamers to promote gambling... and they get millions per month for that...1 point
Hmm another uses for chalk....... Trail markers. Not like the post but like football field (hand egg for non Americans) that you could leave colored paths to and from locations to easier path making as some people are not as spatially aware as others and run just as much risk going to the hedge as they do the big ant hill1 point
I don't think you should get 100 resources back from dismantling, real life recycling doesn't work like that either. However I do think that you should have a build window in which you can deconstruct and reconstruct without loosing the resources just to help facilitate with error in construction that would be super apparent in real life but not so much with ghost of tile placements1 point
I don't usually watch previews until after I've already seen the episode in question unless I'm kind of brain dead and forget to close it or go to the next one before it starts to show. So most of the time, I only have the name of the episode to work with in terms of expectations. Trailers/previews don't do much for me, so I prefer not to see them, not even when I'm trying to prognosticate whether I'd like a show/movie. ...Yeah, I could see why you wouldn't be too thrilled with that preview, . Lady Devil, episode 4:1 point
I'll see... eventually. So far reality is dangerously close to cease existing, because so far I don't like this film at all. It's problematic in a way, Walter White becomes utterly unlikeable after a while, but Bryan Cranston does a really great job of it. It also doesn't help that his family is so super annoying that you're not really bothered by the way he starts talking to them simply because who cares. At least it was for me, I know a bunch of people who were really unhappy how his personal arc ended (i.e. because he got a "happy" ending in the sense of achieving all of his goals). I mean, it's more fitting for your self-image there. Not my opinion, of coures. *** I had severe misgivings about that Alice in Wonderland episode based on the preview at the end of 54, but the actual episode turned out great. I'll reply to the rest more in-depth once I'm home.1 point
Well for one she's married and secondly she has standards. But mostly learning it as I know a fair amount, so it would be fun to converse with them in their native tongue and for the rest it's fun to learn new languages. Coworker used "based" in a meeting today. Shame I couldn't strangle him and settled for asking him why he's talking like some moron.1 point
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I see you've got good connection atleast!1 point
Watched five more minutes of Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop. Someone called Beaver steals a bunch of stuff and skateboards about. 5 minutes of seizure inducing insanity for the sake of making our two protagonists fall to the ground and not notice that they've picked up each other's stuff. Aight. Imma go back to Steins;Gate now.1 point
My entire knowledge of furry subculture comes from one guy on a forum nearly twenty years ago who loved randomly posting about chakats, fursonas* and the like for the reactions he got- mostly, I think he found the pearl clutching and claims about portents of the imminent doom of the human race hilarious (and I certainly did). *I was going to post a fun "what's your fursona?" quiz, but I'm not sure which is best (and sfw) has nazi rodents as an option.1 point
Yeah, umm... I'm into some weird ****, so I shouldn't judge, but I'm going to give wikifur a hard pass.1 point
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Following that logic, bird furries would be featheries(?) I'm scared to google this stuff. I don't want to end up on a list.1 point
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Now if they let you roll to determine how much you have to pay, that'd be good.1 point
Ho humm. Ho, ho, humm. But yeah, I know. Meiling would be really nice to have around. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by not making logical sense, but okay, then you can be Mr. Heisenberg. Guess it would be nice to just be able to Hurlshot it out, huh (poor Hurlshot always works as a stand-in for these things, heh)? Speaking of Breaking Bad, fun fact. Once per year we have a vote for the "Youth word of the Year" and skylern (German for "to skyler" - to be annoying, like Walter White's wife Skyler White) was a top contender for a while. Sometimes the votes get overruled, because Alpha-Kevin (dumbest person of a group) was struck from the list for being hurtful. Now that perhaps needs some explanation, unlike in the English speaking world, Kevin isn't a very common name here, and it is mostely associated with the underclass/white trash people who name their kids after characters in TV shows. Studies have shown that there is considerable bias against students named Kevin (as long as they're native), going as far as to being unfairly graded at school. What a tangent. Back on topic: I didn't get the chance to watch any Lady Asuka recently. I need to throw my brain an episode or two soon to quiet the noise, but else I don't really miss watching it.1 point
In honor of it being October someone sent me this: I laughed because it is absurd. Then found out it's real and that made it even funnier! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13862974/1 point
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