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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/20 in all areas

  1. Got back home yesterday. Surgery went well. My arm is in a soft cast but I start physical therapy tomorrow. This time no dating the therapist! Didn’t work out so well last time!
    4 points
  2. This is why I never get anywhere in games. It's been way over an hour and I haven't even gotten past the first few tutorial missions. I left some dude standing by my car and ran off into the sunset. ...the 2nd pic, visually made me think of Tremors (pole-vaulting!) Also, shadows!
    4 points
  3. I'd make a witty comment, but I have the game playing...
    4 points
  4. Should probably repost the pumpkin lest it doesn't get the attention it deserves. @Amentep let me know if that's too spammy then I'll add some other picture I haven't posted yet.
    2 points
  5. "You can't repel fashion of this magnitude!"
    2 points
  6. Besides shock-AR buffs (Tekehu has access to Weather the Storm as Stormspeaker by the way) and spell reflection or resistance (Xoti's Lantern can give a party-wide buff) you can completely protect a party member with Deltro's Cage: Shock Shield lasts for the whole encounter (no duration) and turns all lightning damage into 50% healing which can make sure that one party member is safe (e.g. Xoti who must revive others from time to time - or whoever).
    2 points
  7. Hitman: Blood Money. Love it. My standards are so high that I refuse to beat any mission w/o receiving a "professional" or "Silent Assassin" rating (only kill the targets on the contract and do not get positively identified during the run -no Rambo shootouts-. Hell, I more often than not go into a mission w/o any firearms at all and just use the basic loadout (fiberwire, bombs, sedative poison) so I'm basically aiming for greatness for nothing because all that money you receive goes into weapon upgrades and I haven't even upgraded anything besides the Silverballers and that's just with the low projectile ammunition which is quieter but less powerful, which assassins love. That money should carry over should I decide to go for the higher difficulties so perhaps I'll be glad for upgrades should I decide to replay on insane difficulties.
    2 points
  8. I've only had one small glitch, when I looked in the mirror after putting a hat on I was suddenly bald with no headgear in the reflection. The moment I took the hat off, my reflection was correct hairstyle and all. Starting off as the Street Kid you don't really get to see great views as such, it's very crowded in during that opening. Sure, you have a short ride around in a car and what you do see is really atmospheric, but it's tight streets, reflected neon lights, and a lot of rain. Then it's all inside buildings with that claustrophobia. Plus a certain sense of information overload, especially if you're the type to hit the scan and look around - Suddenly it's all "object on the ground" "vending machine x" "item y" "person D" "dead body"... But it does look pretty. Surprising how much of the trailers of the game turned out to be part of the montage "half a year later" sequence after you meet Jackie. All these clips that people had been analysing as to what they might mean, what potential storyline aspects they could have... And they are just part of a montage.
    2 points
  9. --Using a ps4 controller to drive was janky - as in, I barely touch the stick and it'd veer 90 degrees off the road in a mirco-second. I did turn down the sensitivity which helped a little but turn it down too much and then non-driving camera swing would get too slow. I have the feeling I'm going to utterly suck at any "gun fight while in a car" quests. Other than that controller has worked fine so far. --I like Jackie. I'm not sure why exactly - he's not particularly funny/witty or bright or handsome, but on very short acquaintance for some reason I've became fond of him already. Big soft lug meter alert is high. --I went through the optional combat/encounter tutorial section. It was almost too basic/easy and I don't think it'll help me much by the time I get to real combat because I'll forget what buttons to press by then. --Atmosphere of the game is decent. The bits of dialogue I've heard so far are decent (at least, it didn't make me feel impatient/want to skip). --ran into one UI extra-repeating weapon-text bug, very distracting, reloading a save made it go away. --does have that same issue most open-worldish rpg's have, where everything is prompting you to be quick in urgent voices but you can just "what's over there?" and ignore it while everyone waits for you. --early stealth option use is nice, I wonder how much in the main game you can truly maintain that, vs feeling forced into firefights or something
    2 points
  10. I'm still not in open City proper but maybe I'm getting closer...
    2 points
  11. Man, I'm so weak. I was like, I'll wait until Xmas break! But I still bought it like an hour after release. Downloading now.
    2 points
  12. sooo, i have created my character, clicked on start a game aaaand got a crash xD and now skipping CDPR logo get me crashes xD now its just crashing when to try to launch it xD
    2 points
  13. Congratulations to SpaceX for the successful first Starship test. Yes, it exploded in the end, but they did the "suicide dive" maneuver perfectly and the Starship was going down in the correct position. Excellent for a first test.
    2 points
  14. So GOG is trying to download only 241 MB this time but man is it taking forever
    1 point
  15. Do you eat the pumpkin as well? I would think the skin would not be enjoyable, but I don't see pumpkin served like this often.
    1 point
  16. screen from test run, I think everything exept resoundig call stop counting down, never bother to double check it couse i calculated i need around 200000 sec on lowest duration buff before eothas challange fails
    1 point
  17. I heard you like random gaming news: https://www.gematsu.com/2020/12/atelier-ryza-2-lost-legends-the-secret-fairy-shipments-and-digital-sales-top-150000
    1 point
  18. I mean, it would just be Punk2077 if you didn't get at least a basic implant.
    1 point
  19. No you can't be 100% non-augged. There's a main quest in the first few hours that requires you to get a few basic upgrades. BUT, it doesn't punish you for using augs either unlike Prey.
    1 point
  20. Decided to put spoilers since even though it's pretty as hell, it's also hell like so, game is Vigil the Longest Night
    1 point
  21. I would say with a mix of GTA as the map and free roam is more on that scale (but still less than GTA from what I saw). Don't know why people were expecting anything more.
    1 point
  22. Doesn't really seem like anything exceptional to me, feels like I am playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided so far. I can't wait to get a sore finger holding down the scan key as look over a room for evidence/loot/etc. Was nice to hack people's vision and then shoot them in the head repeatedly. I honestly thought something was wrong when Jackie invites me for lunch and then next thing I see is a montage sequence of us doing all this cool stuff.
    1 point
  23. Druid buffs: Woodskin and Form of the Delemgan offer respectively +5/+6 Shock AR (aoe). If you don't have a druid, maybe you can use a scroll?
    1 point
  24. fed rule 11 every state has an analogous provision... typically identified as "rule 11." so, yes, but... can the lawyers be punished is different than will they be punished. rule 11 is considered an extraordinary measure. ... the thing is, more than a few o' these lawsuits is pushing any reasonable boundary. example is a recent arizona case where the judge identified the factual offerings o' a kraken lawsuit as little more than a mess of "innuendo and gossip," and am actual leaving out some o' the more colorful observations from the ruling. so, why not sanctions? keep in mind more than a few state judges is elected and not for life as with fed appointments, but am not able to give you a good answer. is a few courts contorting themselves into knots avoiding sanctions, as with a detroit case a couple weeks previous where trump campaign lawyers overt lied 'bout affidavits. lies to court 'bout facts is kinda a guarantee o' sanctions and may result in criminal prosecution o' the offending lawyer. a few o' the withdrawn cases by trump and the kraken layers were no doubt withdrawn 'cause o' warnings o' sanctions. meritless is not same as frivolous and insane legal theories is not gonna get the sanction treatment. the texas case getting attention today is meritless as it posits an asinine theory o' standing which would complete unravel the court system as we know it, and am not indulging in hyperbole. however, heretofore "insane" legal theories has been adopted by the Court more than once. is nevertheless a grey area. please keep in mind we has stated previous how rudy's equal protection silliness were insane 'cause o' the relief he were seeking and not necessarily 'cause o' the legal theory itself. underrepresented groups has for decades been trying to change discriminatory election laws based on equal protection theories-- almost universal fails. what made rudy claims preposterous were the relief he sought and as judge ultimate tailors relief, is unlikely gonna result in sanctions. can request relief o' 100 trillion dollars 'cause you claim to have found a partial denture in your wendy's frosty is nuts, but is not rule 11 fodder. absence o' any supporting facts will result in sanctions although absence o' facts at the time the lawsuit is filed ain't even enough to draw a judicial response. if lawyers may show they believed they would eventual have necessary facts to support their theories, they may avoid sanctions. the thing is, the kraken and trump campaign lawsuits has more than once drifted deep into the hunt sic dracones area o' the map. to provide nothing save the mere possibility o' fraud is not legit and should result in sanctions. "innuendo and gossip"? much o' what makes trump campaign lawsuits frivolous from a plain english reading o' rule 11 will be resulting in confusion. ask for stoopid relief or have a wacky legal theory won't necessarily make a lawsuit frivolous. however, attorneys knowing mislead 'bout facts should be a no-brainer for judges considering sanctions, and such has been the situation more than once post november 3. am admitted a bit confused even if am knowing threat o' sanctions no doubt killed more than a couple trump and kraken lawsuits which is why there were so many voluntary dismissals. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  25. Only 7680px? But, but, that's so small! j/k ofc. Looks great.
    1 point
  26. While waiting for download:
    1 point
  27. Mine is like stuck in a loop of failure. At least it's familiar territory
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Not really surprised, but it seems the GOG servers aren't really ready for the load, I keep getting errors trying to download the last patch
    1 point
  31. Hey, I was living in England at the time, remember? Brexit was the main reason for me leaving the country. The antipathy towards EU citizens were tangible, even though most of the ire and rhetoric was directed towards the large numbers of Polish immigrants (there were so many that Polish is the second most spoken language in England today). Having an idea of how messy the whole thing could get, I moved back to Australia 6 months after the referendum. But I did follow all the sometimes heated arguments for and against and a lot of the rhetoric, sometimes up close and personal at the time, being there and being affected by it
    1 point
  32. Started "Prey". So far so good, looks intriguing, gives me vibes of Bioshock, new Deus Ex and SOMA. Met a lone monstrosity whom I stun-and-gunned to see what stuff he was guarding, left his two friends sharing the room alone for now, they probably won't go anywhere. Funny how there's a separate skill tree for the wrench alone, I wonder if it is going to be the only friend you will ever need, like in Bioshock?
    1 point
  33. You're right, that could work. I was originally picturing another little shrunken guy with a merchant cart or something, but it wouldn't have to look like that at all.
    1 point
  34. I love the idea of 'Black Shadow Armor'. Especially if it gives a bonus to sneak. Cause I'm really hoping the Devs will develop the stealth gameplay aspects of Grounded some more. So armor like that would be ideal.
    1 point
  35. It came out well my mini-pork belly
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. @LadyCrimson Once you get used to the Magic remote it's great, your going to start to try doing the movements with regular remotes.
    1 point
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