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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/20 in all areas

  1. Guys really, be a little empathic with Donald J. Trump here. He caught COVID-19, lost his job and is about to be evicted from his home... a tragic story if I ever heard one!
    4 points
  2. Sunday. Hubby's cocoon-wrapped in a sleeping bag at his desk, watching some seemingly endless M365 (I think) video training courses. eg, he's busy, I'm not in a gaming mood and am thus restless. But not this restless. It's still really windy and about 55F mid-day - but at least we don't have giant hail. Still loving my super long legwarmers - don't need no sleeping bag! (eyeballs her extra-wimpy husband).
    3 points
  3. 2 sticks was indeed better than 4 for Zen 2. Whatever AMD did under the hood, the pipeline changes, have flipped the behavior for Zen 3. Here is the GN video on it: tl;dw version: * 4 sticks > 2 sticks * Tighter timings are more important than raw speed This is why I like GN. They go deeper in testing than a lot of other outlets and they are very clear, detailed, and meticulous with their methodology. Edit: I guess I have 2 more sticks of ludicrously expensive RAM to buy. Actually, I haven't even opened the package yet. I might just sell it on ebay and get a 4x8 GB kit. I doubt I will ever need 64 GB RAM. Edit 2: AMD has said that they are working on an update to increase IF speed. Right now, many people can only get stable IF OC to 1.9 GHz, same as Zen 2. In theory 2.0, maybe even 2.1 will be possible post-update, whenever that happens.
    3 points
  4. Take the words of an expert in democracy, the election was rigged! Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko: "The bastion of democracy... Look at what's going on with this election. It is a shame, a mockery of the democracy"
    3 points
  5. Not true, Eric Trump is actually three possums in a trench coat.
    3 points
  6. this one speaks to us for some peculiar reason... HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  7. Yup, it's already doing the meme...
    3 points
  8. Finished Pathfinder Kingmaker. Enjoyable and a good game overall, suspect it will be a better Baldur's Gate 3 than the Larian offering. Finished on whatever the 2nd to top difficulty was since I got most of the way through during lockdown back in April/ May then stalled out, and it was far easier 2nd time through. Monk protagonist, got most of the 'secret' content except Tenebrous Depths, because I zoomed through it so didn't get all the trigger pieces before killing the bosses. Think I mentioned it at the time but my major criticism is how random the combat is, tactics tend to be the same most of the time- buff and swarm plus some crowd control- and who wins is determined by saving throws and occasionally crits, most often against your main character since that can be an instant game ender. At least this time the enemy annoying ability spam was manageable. Plot and characters weren't really anything special or memorable, but equally weren't bad or a detriment. The kingdom mechanics were fine, again since it was a replay I knew some of the more annoying quirks like the Bald Mountain curses triggering earlier than the journal said they would so could work around the old staple of having the protag stuck upgrading someone's abilities while things turned to crap for a week or so. Only had one outright bug too, with one of the crafters never turning up, and a handful of crashes. OTOH, the save game size meant initial loads were pretty long even with a NVMe SSD. Definitely good enough and enough room for improvement that I'm looking forwards to the next game.
    2 points
  9. video not available in this country. which speech? while am waiting, am gonna offer an alternative. is a speech from george w. bush delivered 'bout a week after 9/11. George W. Bush congratulates Joe Biden on winning White House, sending message to GOP about election’s outcome aside: @Hurlshot we watched snl last night for the first time in years, by accident. we were looking for a football game and happened to see the snl opening credits (missed the cold open.) we watched the dave chappelle monologue, and am glad we did. folks who stopped listening to your clip before they got to 14:31 did selves a genuine diservice. one more quick aside, am knowing we said young voters cannot be counted on for the next election. truth. however, am thinking with all the applause being showered on various groups for their effort to make the historic change in georgia and elsewhere possible, am seeing far less credit being given to young people. as much as Gromnir personal pokes fun at young people over a laundry list o' what we perceive as faults, regardless o' party affiliation, they came out and voted and as it turns out, their contribution to American democracy were pivotal. congratulations to young voters. you have our genuine and profound thanks.
    2 points
  10. What do you call someone with inferior RAM A dipstick Ahahahohoho
    2 points
  11. Well, people were adamant for few years now about listening to the experts. And who is a better expert on mockery of democracy then good old Alex? If he says there was something wrong with US election I believe him wholeheartly @Gromnir care to explain what the ruling of judge Alito about votes in PA means?
    2 points
  12. So can reach very high Accuracy with Ghost Heart / Ascendant: Accuracy: 20 Start 57 Level 25 Perception 10 Nature's Resolve 2 Sagani 5 Helm 5 Amulet (vessels) 3 Gloves 5 Potion/Drugs 10 Marked Prey 10 Stalker's Link 10 Survival of the Fittest (only <50% health targets) 20 Borrowed Instinct 20 Hunter's Fang (vessels) 10 Accurate Empower 10 The Empty Soul (vs Will) 5 Pet --- 172(vs all) to 227 Accuracy (max) Debuffs: Deflection: -10 Recall Agony -5 Secret Horrors (Frightened) -10 Eyestrike (Flanked) -10 Silent Scream (stunned) -10 Pikes Modal (not worth) --- -45 Fortitude: -10 Secret Horrors/Fractured Volition -10 Mind Plague -25 Morningstars --- -45 Reflex: -16 Borrowed Instinct -10 Eyestrike (Blinded) -10 Mental Binding (Paralyzed) -10 Silent Scream (Stunned, only with Community Patch) -25 Flails modal --- -71 Reflex Will: -16 Borrowed Instinct -20 Recall Agony -10 Secret Horrors (Frightened) -10 Mind Plague (Confused) -25 Club modal -15 The Willbreaker (5 stacks) --- -96 Will So you can reach an accuracy about: 217-272 vs Fortitude 243-298 vs Reflex 278-323 vs Will So 100% Crit vs all enemies including Megabosses.
    2 points
  13. I don't understand how there's so little YouTube content on Zen 3. I think this year might have broken YouTubers, what a schedule. GN has just released a video on a performance increase from only doubling RAM sticks. I remember when the advice was 2 sticks for dual channel, 4 sticks for quad channel. Not anymore apparently.
    2 points
  14. I would give both higher base dmg if that's possible. I liked the summoned weapons in PoE a lot because they had such high base dmg. Also give them both their respecitve modal effect (Rending Cuts = +30% dmg and Body Blows = -25 Fortitude) without the need for the proficiency and without drawback (no ACC loss and no reduced dmg). Maybe?
    1 point
  15. If you plan to build around RNG items, I suggest giving them to you via Unity Console. If that's too on the nose, you can always crate an NPC, give them the items via Unity Console, export them, and hire them in your next playthrough. That way you'd have to at least pay a cost in gold pieces to get them, thus appeasing your conscience. I do that with items that come late in the game too, so I can enjoy them for longer.
    1 point
  16. I don't want nor need high INT on a melee Seer; MIG, DEX, and PER is where it's at. I always have the Briliant + SoT combo at the ready in my every party, so I don't need INT to extend my buffs—and since my Seer is primarily designed for melee weapon attacks, I don't need high INT to extend debuffs either (besides, in Ascended state—which can be made to last for an entire fight with Brilliant + SoT—you can dish out debuffs like they were raining from the sky.)
    1 point
  17. Soul Annihilation is a primary attack that does normal physical damage but also dumps all focus you have into additional raw damage. The raw dmg part also profits from Sneak Attack, Deathblows, crit etc. and can reach very high numbers. The higher your focus the better of course. Extinction Event will trigger every time you kill a foe with a crit from Sungrazer (the ability you use doesn't matter).
    1 point
  18. Finished Subnautica. Great game, still buggy even after all this time. Really like this concept of games. Can't wait for Breathedge to be finised, as it's turning out to be a much tighter and less buggy of a game (I encountered zero bugs). I'm half way through Pathfinder Kingmaker (Playing a Paladin) and so far I agree with Zoraptor on most points. The biggest letdown in the game for me, compared to the Infinity Engine games, is the audio. Especially the background audio, which is really lacking. It would have done so much to make the world feel alive and it feels like they didn't even make an effort. The rest of the audio experience is not much better when comparing to IE games. I would have also liked to see the kingdom events being reflected in the world, but outside major quest, the environment is pretty static. Gameplay is pretty much on par with the IE games for better and worse. The worst bug I got so far is the game not saving, but I found a workaround for that. I think this is the best Baldur's Gate successor we got so far. edit: oh, yeah not being able to alt-tab the game in 2020, wtf.
    1 point
  19. It took me a couple days to pin it down, but I kept think femriker looked super familiar. Laura Prepon from that 70's Show and Orange is the New Black. Also Wesley is clearly Winona Ryder.
    1 point
  20. The thing is that Citzal is a very "straightforward brawns" archmage. It's hard to think about something very straightforward and unique at the same time. I think I have a nice idea fluff-wise and game-mechanic-wise but unsure about the balance. Anyway, it's a Tier 9 25s combat buff so it has to be strong somehow : - Both weapons would get 100% Miss to Graze (significant vs normal foes but very convenient for the strongest ones) - "unfailing weapon" - Armor would get 100% Crit to Hit (so if your Armor Rating is above foe's PEN, not even crits would break it) - "unfailing armor". - Set all of them to Mythical (instead of scaling up to legendary equivalent) to reflect the unique power of Citzal Armory (and maybe compare better with Endgame weapons...) As I said, I like the feeling of it. It is quite very strong but I don't think it could go out of control. Even Citzal Lance has better Combo potential... PS : there is no coded effect that extend hostile effects by a flat duration
    1 point
  21. No, because Extinction Event is foe-only. And if it had firendly fire I would get no focus because you don't get focus from hitting/critting allies. I charm the enemy with Whisper of Treason and then use Soul Annihilation (which not only gets the bonus from Sneak Attack and Deathblows but also the crit) which will often kill an enemy right away. Since you don't get focus from hitting charmed enemies but Soul Annihilaion doesn't generate focus anyway but instead dumps it this is no loss. As alternative you can of course use stuff like Devastatig Blow and such to end foes with a crit. If the foe is surrounded by other enemies and Extinction Event triggers you'll get pretty good focus from it.
    1 point
  22. The base kit was 3200-14 and it traded "wins" (the difference was negligible) with 3600-16. 3800-18 had consistently the lowest gaming performance, all other things bring equal.
    1 point
  23. All I know is the industry standard for remasters is an EMB and a few textures and EA only ever bucks the industry standards in anti-consumer ways.
    1 point
  24. You realize that it probably going to be a color filter and some minor texture updates, right? Bet I can find a group of mods to make ME1 look better than what they put out for this.
    1 point
  25. This probably belongs here more than the Funny Thread
    1 point
  26. Another topic : Llengrath's Warding staff states about a Deflection bonus that does not exist (except with the staff modal). Should I add one ? It was +25 Def in PoE1 (feels a bit huge of added to the modal) Also Citzal Enchanted Armory does not offer much for a Tier 9 spell. Using 2-hander in one hand is the equivalent of a good lash and no recovery breastplate is... an action speed or stacking AR bonus ? Sort of lack an unique effect...
    1 point
  27. One thing to consider is pistol modal. It's already a bit OP with 1-handed style. I should consider nerfing it in addition to buffing 1-handed. I should also consider nerfing hunters bow modal. Both are a bit OP...
    1 point
  28. Its been rainy and gloomy in CPT this weekend but there is only one proven remedy for much melancholic weather ...a cheese fondue never disappoints which is what I will be making for late lunch\dinner
    1 point
  29. Im about 7 hours into D:OS 2 and Im really starting to appreciate the game, I nearly stopped playing it because I wasnt use to or enjoying the jovial way its written and how characters seem to interact .....it seemed unusually and uncomfortably light-hearted for normal RPG I play But I got over that and I am getting use to combat and Im enjoying it
    1 point
  30. Likewise in my current playthrough. I also haven’t gotten the Neketaka SI where you help the girl and get the sword.
    1 point
  31. By the way: Debonaire/Soulblade is a char that can almost guarantee a crit-kill with Sungrazer, triggering Extinction Event reliably which is very potent and will fill the focus up right after.
    1 point
  32. The good thing is that Takedown Combo and Disintegrate can be cast nearly simultaneously because they don't come from the same caster. Else I would recommend using a Ranger for TDC and another Cipher for Disintegrate - but since TDC is done by the Animal Companion there is no problem with action economy. Speaking of Disintegrate: Debonaire/Wizard is cool if you have somebody else to charm crowds for AoE-crits - but he can't charm himself besides kith. If the char should be more self-contained (the char himself can charm) then Debonaire/Cipher also works very well: you charm an enemy and then cast Disintegrate. 100% crit conversion for Disintegrate is also very good because of the +50% duration. Basically the same outcome as Forbidden Fist/Cipher with Enfeeble+Disintegrate. Very devastating combo and total overkill in most cases: Forbidden Fist enfeebles, AC does Takedown Combo, Cipher casts Whisper of Treason (or some Chanter uses the charming invocation), another Debonaire/Cipher casts Disintegrate. All timed to hit nearly simultaneously. You'll get a Disintegrate with +100% duration and +100% dmg. Not worth the hassle imo but quite hilarious. I didn't try but I suspect that a Debonaire/Druid could cast a Plague of Insects or Insect Swarm on a bunch of charmed enemies without flipping them back to hostile but getting +50% duration from the crits.
    1 point
  33. When he said bad people would go to the suburbs if he lost, he was talking about himself.
    1 point
  34. am thinking with a President who does not appear to wanna concede, a global pandemic and widespread economic turmoil, the media will be able to find a few stories 'pon which to report. recall that no new stimulus were agreed 'pon by Congress before the election and fed money is running out and eviction moratoriums is ending. for +1/3 o' america, your observation will not be universal embraced as a sign o' hope. should be universal applause that what woulda' been deemed impossible 40 years past has come to pass. we are making progress. however, some will see as a thin veiled accusation o' white privilege. some will indeed see more as a condemnation o' +200 years o' US racism and oppression. polarized. your shared image will be an opportunity to dislike them more. biden has a tough job ahead o' him. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  35. **** Donald J. Trump, **** Melania Trump, **** Donald Trump Jr., **** Eric Trump, **** Jared Kushner, **** Ivanka Trump, **** Mike Pence, **** William Barr, **** Louis DeJoy, **** Betsy Devos, **** Rudy Giuliani, **** Mike Pompeo, **** KellyAnne Conway, **** Steven Mnuchin, **** Stephen Miller, **** Mike Meadows, **** Andrew Wheeler, **** Gina Haspel, **** Kayleigh McEnany, **** Wilbur Ross, and every other piece of ****, past and present, from this corrupt, incompetent, racist, sexist, fascist, or otherwise generically horrid basket of deplorables of an administration. Place yourselves directly into your nearest dumpster and go straight to hell.
    1 point
  36. I don't get what you're saying, I see new microtransactions all the time
    1 point
  37. I think I'll dust off my Zardoz dvd and watch it again
    1 point
  38. Howdy all! I'm a long time survival player and recently picked up Grounded. What an awesome game! I love the style and feel and atmosphere. Very happy to be playtesting this awesome game. I recently unlocked the ability to build and have started to lay out my first base. One thing that immediately jumped out at me is the choice of basic building materials (square and triangle). I noticed that Obsidian chose to go with a 90°-45°-45° triangle piece rather than a 60°-60°-60° which unfortunately limits our building shapes, especially circular building. I've created a little graphic that shows the most basic implication of this choice of triangle. alternate link: https://i.imgur.com/Kt0TOcV.png As you can see, a 90°-45°-45° triangle has sides: 1, 1, sqrt(2) = 1.414 instead of 1, 1, 1 in a 60°-60°-60° triangle. This means that one of the sides cannot connect to the square piece. The outcome of this in the most basic sense is that we can't use triangles to make a closed shape other than a rotated and slightly larger (~ +.414) square. With an equilateral triangle, you can make a hexagon which allows you to make much more rounded structures. For a strong demonstration of the power of this system see Conan Exiles which uses these triangles. This game is so charming, and the aesthetic of the grass/sticks is so awesome that I'm really hoping the building system is adjusted to unlock some great building flexibility. Thanks for reading, I can't wait to see what comes next! -Tooltip
    1 point
  39. Sleeping is an in-game time skip, which makes it an excellent opportunity to refresh things in the world. Dandelion and Grass stumps can regrow, arthropods can be reset, loose spoiled meat can despawn, etc. This would be a nice band-aid for arthropods getting stuck in world geometry, as well as aid multiplayer games where one player spends most of their time near the base crafting and organizing inventory. Another thing that can happen is to have there be more dewdrops in the morning. The player is always hungry and thirsty after sleeping, so making dew more accessible would be greatly appreciated, especially in multiplayer where the juice box you built your base next to doesn't give enough drops for everyone to get a drink.
    1 point
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