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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/20 in all areas

  1. So they didn't add the first game's Mako resource gathering and the elevator rides to the other two games? Missed opportunity to create a truly legendary edition.
    5 points
  2. A subtle trap for people who refuse to wear masks...
    4 points
  3. Takedown Combo puts a "hostile" effect with a duration on the enemy. The next damaging attack roll that hits the enemy then gets +100% dmg. The effect gets removed immediately after. BUT: it only gets removed by direct dmg attacks (including pulsing stuff like Chillfog or Venombloom), NOT pure DoTs That means that while Takedown Combo is active you can hit the enemy with any pure DoT that does no initial direct dmg (so stuff like Touch of Rot or Necrotic Lance are out - Soul Ignition, Concelhaut's Corrosive Skin and Disintegration or even Plague of Insects etc. are in) the DoT-ticks will all get +100% dmg because Takedown Combo will NOT get removed by them. Disintegrate-ticks with +100% dmg are impressive. You can stack multiple DoTs like Disintegrate + Soul Ingnition, they all get +100% per tick. You DON'T want to hit the enemy with any direct dmg after you applied the DoT because that would remove Takedown Combo at once. You certainly don't need that. Once the duration of Takedown Combo runs out the effect vanishes and leaves the DoT ticks with the usual dmg. You can also cast Disintegrate first and then use Takedown Combo. The remaining ticks will profit. This also means you could use Necrotic Lance if you apply Takedown Combo AFTER the initial direct dmg was rolled and only the DoT part remains. Hard to time but possible. On top of that: Charmed enemies usually flip back if you damage them. But if you hit them with a pure DoT like Disintegration they will not flip back. And you can cast Disintegr. on a friendly (Charmed) target. So my Stalker/Beguiler routine was: 1. cast Secret Horrors on lots of enemies to gain focus for Disintegration and to lower fortitude and will. 2. hit with Morning Star to lower fortitude. 3. hit with Takedown Combo (targets fortitude), 4. hit with Disintegrate (often crits because low fort. and high ACC) 5. hit with Whisper of Treason oreven Ring Leader. It was then a Charmed enemy that had a build-in self destruct. You can totally leave out 1, 2 and 5 and you can flip 3 and 4. Sometimes it's better to leave out Whisper of Treason or Ring Leader because hits from the enemies on the charmed dude result in Takedown Combo's removal. Meh. However, I still used WoT frequently because I also had a Debonaire/Wizard in the party (100% hit to crit with spells on a "Ring" yo! )
    3 points
  4. Whelp, looks like I was wrong and Trump will be gone in a few months. Biden is better than Trump if only because he won't try to accelerate the climate collapse, but he's far from good and I hope his victory doesn't neutralize organizing for labor, environmental sustainability, and liberation. We will probably never go back to pre-Trump and the cult of brain dead dipsticks he's generated are the future of right-wing politics so that will be fun.
    3 points
  5. I don't get what you're saying, I see new microtransactions all the time
    3 points
  6. Ehm, are you aware, you are speaking here about EA? Because that's pretty high expectations from them
    3 points
  7. I was actually hoping for some new and different content
    3 points
  8. I'm at least partially relieved, and I can go back to my hobbit-hole, mostly ignoring the news again for a while. I'm not as optimistic as Hurlshot tho, even if I sort of still agree with him. It's not my nature, especially re: human politics.
    3 points
  9. Speaking of hyperbole... It was never about communism (or socialism), that's just scare tactics and a propaganda shtick from the 1950's McCarthy era. The US has two right wing parties. Both are corporate stooges, doing the bidding of their corporate masters and what their respective lobbyists tells them to do. No, I'm not American, so I can only see if from the outside, but seen from the outside, the only visible difference between the two parties is: One is a bunch of religious nutcases that wants to turn the US into a theocracy (Khamenei says hello fellow believers) and the other side a bunch of secular nutcases that wants to turn the US into atheist oligarchy (Nietzsche says hello fellow nihilists). Paranoia in society runs so deep now, that only few individuals can see what is outside the cave (if not already done, I would recommend reading Plato's Cave allegory in 'The Republic' (around 500bc), it's a bloody brilliant story). The US is not divided in left and right, but in the have and have nots. Eventually the inequality in society will tear the fabric of society apart. Rinse and repeat a 5000 year old cyclic tradition. It's will get worse and worse as time goes by. Will the collapse happen in my lifetime? Maybe even, who knows/
    3 points
  10. Basically me standing by the door of hubby's office every day.
    3 points
  11. We also learn that millennia is both the singular and plural of millennium, and the sphere data has finally merged with the Discovery computer to form the Andromeda AI.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. It's a real and delicious thing
    2 points
  14. Discovery S3E4 in a nutshell: it doesn't matter who is more capable for the mission. Burnham will go.
    2 points
  15. And just for that mental disturbance...
    2 points
  16. Just heard on the radio the race has been called. Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States. So, let’s look at what he’s getting here. We’re still in the middle of a deadly pandemic. Half of the country literally hates the other half. A half of one of those halves thinks he was not even legitimately elected. The former president is going to go kicking and screaming and looks like he will make trouble for years to come. The country is $27 trillion in debt. There is a genuine risk of a currency implosion, banking failure, and its most important entitlement systems have about three years of solvency remaining. In other words this man is inheriting a real dogs dinner. I hope he has some hot sauce. Well, good luck Joe and beware what you wish for. As for Trump, hey America let’s not do that again. You guys of been wanting a celebrity president for years. Now you’ve had one you got it out of your system so just let it go. If you want to kill bugs you hire an exterminator. If you want your pipes fixed you hire a plumber. If you want to house you hire a builder. If you want a complex system designed in a timely manner and under budget you hire a good engineer. The moral of the story here is don’t rely on amateurs to do important s—t. anyway, that’s all I have to say I’ll go back into my electronic semi-exile.
    2 points
  17. The whole Trump presidency has been like a movie, and no way the movie ends with Biden clearly winning and Trump walking away gracefully, that's a boring as **** movie. Deep down we all knew it would go down some kind of crazy way like this.
    2 points
  18. Sorry all for the delay! My alpha release of Eternity Keeper with Windows>Steam conversion functionality is now available for download from https://github.com/ktully/eternity-keeper/releases/tag/0-20.a Instructions are at https://github.com/ktully/eternity-keeper#converting-windows-store-save-files-to-steamgog Let me know how you get on with it.
    2 points
  19. I no longer play games. Reading Steam reviews is more entertaining and cheaper: killing them in one shot is immersion breaking (ed: when you put a gun to their face) Because we all know, in real life people have so many hit points, a point blank headshot can't realistically kill people.
    2 points
  20. Maybe fans will finally get the Quantum AI they want that wipes the floor with their party ....
    2 points
  21. The entire thing is a bad faith argument from people trying to ensure they can speak without being challenged and have listening to them be mandatory. They don't care about free speech, integrity of the press, far and balanced coverage, or whatever else, they just want to force their views down your throat without being talked back to. Engaging with it like that instead of trying to apply logic to the spurious claims like censorship of the president of the us will save you a lot of time and headache. Oh and in terms of popular vote Biden now has 4 million more votes than Trump with close to a 3% lead.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. Well folks I am officially sick and tired of election business. This damn thing is like a houseguest that overstayed their welcome and just won’t leave. That kind of describes one of the candidates too now that I think of it. I just got home from the grocery store. I stopped in the library on the way and checked out four new books and now I think I’m going to turn off the Internet and all my electronic devices off and just decompress for the remainder of the weekend. Problably spend the weekend reading, playing Stellaris and drinking coffee while watching the sun set. See you guys next week
    2 points
  24. Ahh, I imagine a glorious future where kids will feel the pain of online gaming DSL gaming every time their quantum computer connection goes down because their sister made a tweet.
    1 point
  25. Now I want a Modelo, but Negra
    1 point
  26. Heh, the old thread is locked. Probably a decent amount of traffic in political threads. I've no doubt Biden won and I would assume he won fairly until any real evidence of widespread wrongdoing is found. It's not that I doubt the possibility for corruption, malfeasance, and fraud. It's just that those are irrelevant unless they can both be proved and also result in overturning the election. Court cases might impact things I suppose, but recounts don't overturn tens of thousands of votes. That said, I think the mail-in ballot debacle should be rectified. If it results in Biden getting the edge this time, we'll have to live with it, but every state should tighten things next time around. Nevertheless, I don't want to waste time on corruption. I'll give you advice. I know, no one wants to hear it. Fair enough. Ignore me. Hate me. Laugh at me. Good chance I won't read it this time around now that things are behind us, so why bother? Anyhow, here goes: It will be an increasingly losing proposition to continue using the "Republicans are racists" tag line. Seriously, it's going to hurt your cause over time. This election is a sign that using that particular stick is starting to hurt leftist causes. Throwing everything at Trump, including the kitchen sink, barely squeezed out a win *this* time around. I don't want to take away from people's joy at Biden getting elected. I'm a Republican who believes in the right of people to vote their conscience, even if I think they're wrong. Even if it's to my disadvantage. Even when it's clearly to their own detriment. I would just say, as I did a couple of days ago, the Democrat establishment are not happy with the way this election turned. If anything, they are less happy now. I guess, if I wanted to harsh your buzz, I would simply remind you we could see Trump return in 2024. No, to *really* harsh your buzz, I would suggest he might win. Yep. I know. It's laughable. Remember you are mortal.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Interesting how it is mark of dictature when opposition candidate is winning and private companies don't broadcast government's message
    1 point
  29. I heard Trumps comments from last night. A President leaving office has two ways to go. They can walk away with dignity, with head held high. Or they can go kicking and screaming. Looks like Trump has chosen the latter. But... of course he would!
    1 point
  30. Without that law I doubt that article gets published, even by Murdoch. Putin is notoriously leak proof, and Murdoch media has had, for example, Kim Jong Un dead or in a coma half a dozen times over the last year or so. Last year Putin was going to be God Emperor for life after changing the constitution. If they're ever right about something you'll never hear the end of it- but nobody remembers them being wrong because nobody expects them to ever be right anyway. They'll be right about something someday, that's the beauty of making infinite immaterial guesses. [edit: should also say, Russian Presidents have had immunity since Yeltsin, as that was a prereq for him stepping down]
    1 point
  31. I remember that I disliked Killjoys because it felt like your typical cheap SyFy show - stronk female main character who is badass in everything and dominates everyone and who has one geeky male (prettyboy) sidekick and one non-geeky (also usually male) sidekick. Guess what, Dark Matter has a stronk female main character who is badass in everything and dominates everyone. Granted, the main cast is bigger this time, and the characters have a little more depth indeed, so yes, Dark Matter is better than Killjoys, but still feels like just your usual SyFy show to me. It's a bit of a miracle that they made The Expanse for 3 seasons, tbh.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
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