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  1. I know nothing about Burisma! Those emails were fabricated!
    4 points
  2. I did an 80-mile ride for Diabetes. Our team raised $30k for the ADA. It was a good day.
    3 points
  3. Spaghetti sauce day again. (edit - yes I'm too lazy to go totally only from tomato paste, these days) (I was going to make/post an actual short video but I decided I fail miserably at cooking videos, especially in this tiny old kitchen).
    3 points
  4. eggplant HA! Good Fun! ps am nonplussed by the admission that the following store bought marinara is actual, well, good: rao that being said, marinara made at home is not complicated, may be customized infinite to suit personal tastes, and is so much cheaper than rao's that am giving a highly qualified recommendation o' the store bought product. pps in our previous marinara observations we mentioned 'bout adding a bit o' sugar to your sauce if there is a noticeable acid taste. am knowing some folks will not under any circumstances add sugar to a recipe, so an alternative to the sugar is to chop a medium carrot into three large pieces and simmer along with your sauce-- add with the tomatoes. the carrot won't impart much flavor, particular after a nice long simmer, and the natural sugars from the carrot should take care o' the anticipated acids from other ingredients. 'course you need fish out the carrot before serving.
    2 points
  5. I'm doing Deadfire. Some days I feel like I'm the only RPG fan who isn't a fan of pirate stuff. Mostly because I find shipbattles dull in the (admittedly few) games I've played with them. This is no exception. I just don't want to deal with all the extra resource management.
    2 points
  6. I've never seen @Guard Dogand @the_dog_daystogether at the same time in Naughty Dog studios. Something to think about.
    2 points
  7. Back to the Halloween carnival this afternoon. There are four of us there representing the VFW. Our role is general handyman, refrigeration mechanic, lifter of heavy things, and of course object lessons to children to study harder in school
    2 points
  8. Yes I do have very comprehensive Medical Aid and I have a Medical savings account which pays for over the counter and GP visits So the reason I didnt go to the doctor was not because of money it was because I have some reservations around the virus at the doctors rooms and also I was just lazy but more I felt I could ignore the symptoms and I would get better
    2 points
  9. I think Cuba got a rotten deal, because they never were off to to a good start. Not sure how you would remove a general from power other than revolution? Unfortunately he was owned and paid by the US tobacco industry, so the only ones who wanted to help were the Soviets. Fast forward half a century and between Cubans in exile and half a century old US dogma, there is no way the Cuban story can be allowed to be a success story, so it has to be crushed in any which way possible, humanitarian costs being acceptable collateral. They could have fair and free elections between multiple parties tomorrow and Cuba would still be screwed. Scandinavian countries were somewhat better off. At least we only lived next door to Germany. When they aren't busy invading us (us as in Denmark), they are happy to trade with us. We usually sell stuff to them at outrageous overprices too while laughing behind their backs. I mentioned in the past, that I'm more than anything an "anarchist". I believe any institution that becomes too big is a danger to us. Whether it's a bank, a corporation, a church or a government. They serve their own inhuman ideals first and foremost and individuals will inevitable become crushed by the grinding gears of such institutions. I say, break them up, tear them down, bring power and decision making closer to the individual. Unregulated capitalist systems inevitably leads to monopolies where you get to pay everything you have for nothing, given enough time. It's probably not a coincidence that eh EU Commissioner for Competition (basically a watchdog keeping large monopolies in check) is from Denmark. You need governments by the people for the people and a transparency that would make many governments shiver in fear for people to feel as happy about their governments as the Scandinavians.
    2 points
  10. Mm...it's always just "yellow squash" in the store/common usage from where I'm from. They're in the large and varied summer squash family, basically kind of like zucchini except a lot less bitter and more neutral (and have a curved neck/fatter bottom vs. straight), hence I like them more.
    2 points
  11. *My pc suddenly starts making these constant wounded, weird, low-pitched beeps* ---check temps, check other stats, all seems fine, but a warning sound of some kind? ---restart PC. Keeps beeping. Fully shut down. Beep is still going. Ok... ---unplug the PSU power cable. Still beeping. wtf? ---roam around the desk looking at other potentials and finally ... ...it was the little portable alarm clock I have on my desk. I must've hit the top button accidentally at some point (making the alarm functional) and a low battery was making the beep really sound weird/unrecognizable.
    2 points
  12. The 10th and final guardian: This is a really well designed battle. It's difficult and grueling, but not unfair. It's the final boss, so it's supposed to be difficult. Phase 2 has some RNG, but bad RNG doesn't completely screw you, like it does in the Surtr battle, it just draws things out a bit. This took me more times than I can remember to complete, but eventually I did it. After the battle is an escape sequence. Great game. 72 hours well spent.
    2 points
  13. Near room temperature superconductor found
    2 points
  14. My mod Faster Deadfire no longer works with version 5.0 of the game even though I can find no fault in my files. Could someone please have a look and let me know if they can see what's wrong? Tagging @Elric Galad as I know he's an active modder, but anyone's welcome to chime in.
    1 point
  15. Lampros, to my knowledge only stalker's link is conditional on the ranger and pet targeting the same enemy. Marked Prey and Survival of the Fittest grant the bonus to both ranger and pet, but as far as I know the pet isn't required. So you could still get these bonuses if you chose the ghost heart subclass and don't summon your pet. I'm not 100% certain, however, as I started playing rangers only recently, when I switched from veteran to PotD, as a way to boost accuracy. As I prefer melee builds with the stalker subclass, I usually pick the bear pet (for its higher AR) as it is tankier and seems to very rarely go down, even on PotD. So I'm used to playing with the pet. If you want to spam ancestor's memory or any other power, you might consider an ascendant/helwalker with maxed DEX and INT and dumped RES. With very high INT (from turning wheel) and high DEX (from lightning flurry and gear, since you're playing ranged), you can spam many powers while in the ascended state. By "best weapons in the game" I meant monks' fists, which start out very strong and just get better and better as you level up. They lack the nice effects of the cooler unique melee weapons, but end up with high damage, PEN and accuracy, while being extremely fast weapons.
    1 point
  16. Well if those covers count...
    1 point
  17. Got it done with Brno Freaking barely too
    1 point
  18. Multiclass Miscibility Guide This guide is intended to help people navigate the multiclass system in PoEII and give insight on what makes a strong multiclass character. If you’ve exhausted the builds created by other users stickied at the top of the forum, this guide should give you some fresh ideas on how to create the perfect character for your playstyle. This guide was last updated for patch 2.0. Why Multiclass? How to use this guide: There are two general approaches to creating a strong multiclass character. One approach is to focus on maximizing the strengths of one class with another. A good example would be the Arcane Knight (Paladin/Wizard). The Paladin class has sky-high defenses that can be boosted to astronomical levels by Wizard spells like Mirrored Image and Llengrath’s Displaced Image. The other approach is to try and round out a character by eliminating or minimizing its weaknesses. As an example, the Berserker subclass is a super powerful melee combatant, but is vulnerable due to the lower deflection during Frenzy, lack of healing and the Confusion debuff making her hit friend and foe alike. Make the Barbarian a Fanatic (Barb/Paladin), and Faith and Conviction, Lay on Hands, and Mental Fortress remove all the downsides of playing a Berserker. With that in mind, for each class I’m going to focus on four subjects: 1) Why would you want to multiclass into this class? What are the best things the class brings to a character? 2) What is this class missing? What weaknesses could the other half of your multiclass character shore up? 3) What do the subclasses add to a multiclass character? 4) Does this class have anti-synergy with anything? I have put each of the classes in spoiler tags below to make this post more manageable. Barbarian Chanter Cipher Druid Fighter Monk Paladin Priest Ranger Rogue Wizard I hope this guide can be a community resource that people can look at to find inspiration. What else should I add in here? I'm considering a brief section on build-defining items. Did I make any mistakes? Let me know!
    1 point
  19. Plus Netflix used to be a lot more inclined to experiment a little in the past, a sign of the times, and massively increased market pressure. I generally don't mind slower plot pacing, I very much liked e.g. the BSG remake until it became clear the writers had no idea what to do with the show somewhere in the middle of season 3. Not everything needs to have the break neck pace of Dark Matter or Agents of SHIELD. But the first season of The Man in the High Castle really just... drags on. You'll see soon enough. Once you're done admiring the impressive production values, the aesthetics and the generally good acting you'll probably notice that the first season is simply a few episodes too long. Things happen at a snails pace, sometimes nothing happens at all. There's this whole subplot with Karl Tanner (I'm sure he has a real name but he's just Mr. Drinks From A Skull from GoT ) as bounty hunter that goes nowhere, for instance - and he shows up in three episodes. In a way this is the inverse of what happened in Game of Thrones where characters teleported themselves over vast distances because the show didn't have enough episodes to show their travels. Here Juliana needs way, way longer to go to the place she needs to be for the final episode because the showrunners had to get to ten episodes per season. Heh. Well at least that's my impression.
    1 point
  20. Lampros, you don't need to multiclass as a fighter to boost accuracy. Ranger is probably the class that brings the most to accuracy table, with marked prey (+10), stalkers link (+10) and Survival of the fittest (+10 on targets below 50% health) and Marksman for ranged (+5) and Hunter's claw/fang for melee (+1 accuracy/+1% damage per hit, stackable to 20, against a specific species). Taken together this is a huge bonus. Stalker, I think, is an under-appreciated subclass that is great for melee multi-class builds, especially on PotD, and can give you an alternative to the fighter. Then there's cipher, which shines accuracy wise once you hit PL 5, where you can get borrowed instinct (+20 accuracy and all defences) and tactical meld (aware and +3 engagements for 30 seconds). I believe that the seer can achieve the highest possible accuracy in the game. But you can add ranger and cipher to your multiclass mix to get a bit more variety into your party. While fighters are great, rangers and ciphers also bring useful abilities to the table. Then there's monk. Monks don't bring much to the accuracy table, except for Dance with Death and Enduring Dance, which gives you increasing accuracy and wounds over time, but can be dispelled by hits, which makes it better for ranged builds and caster multi-classes. But monks, in melee, have one of the best weapons in the game, that scale in accuracy, damage and PEN to post-mythic levels if you stack power levels, making them very strong in this area too.
    1 point
  21. The Man in the High Castle is a special case. The first season is, let's say "mixed", the middle parts really drag on. It pays off to keep watching. If only to experience the strangeness of rooting for SS Obergruppenführer John Smith (played magnificently by Josh E. Sawyer Rufus Sewell) as he uncovers - and tries to foil - a conspiracy with the goal of assassinating Hitler. Makes more sense in context. edit: And John Smith's Japanese secret police counterpart Kido (played by Lt. Wang from Space Above and Beyond) is pretty good as well. They're terrible people doing terrible things, yet you can't help hoping they'll succeed. The show's pretty good at painting the alternative as even worse. Well at least that was my impression. There's also the rebel movement but they're all boring in addition to being terrible people.
    1 point
  22. Lucca Act III, White March II Things go fast in Act III, and again I do not scale up the difficulty to keep it quick. I like to do all of the god quests. This time we let the elves go through the frost hewn breach and convince Rymrgand that he's cool with it. The Sky Dragon goes down very quickly to our level 12 party. We clear down to the bottom level of the Endless Paths, including a peaceful resolution with Od Nua, but I decide to wait to talk with the dragon until I have an actual chance at beating it if I click the wrong dialogue options. I'm not sure I need the loot from her, either, but I hate to leave it undone. We take care of Raedric again, and Kana snags some new armor. We also complete a few of the other Twin Elms quests (Hunter, Brother; Sagani's quest; collecting the 3 birds (don't worry, we didn't let him eat them)). Next, we head back to Stalwart for the fastest WM2 run I've ever done. We head straight to the fort and bust through the front door. I didn't look up what options were needed to peacefully negotiate with Adaryc, so we end up killing him. C'est la vie. From there off to the Monastery. We get in peacefully and drown the sad people in the basement. High Abbot goes down pretty easily, though I still convince a few of his people to change sides for the fight. From here we reforge the Hammer and give it to Kana. Onward to Cayron's Scar. The Kraken goes down faster than I expected. Thanks Pallegina! Pallegina with Caed Nua resting bonus and the +4 CON ring hits the crystal and survives. We return Abydon's memories to him. Take that Ondra! Now to finish with Thaos.
    1 point
  23. You're probably right. This spell isn't so broken. So I will only patch the auto hit and add a visible Disease KW. I will also add Decay KW. Small touch, since the other Disease based spells have it.
    1 point
  24. Probably, though at least it's not Naruto. Really just like what you like, we're on a videogame forum with big fans of PS:T so liking some shonen anime isn't the worst thing you can do around these parts.
    1 point
  25. That was a good idea but unfortunately doesn't work (even by adding the proficient ability ID in the summoned item property). I tried with Rot Skull and Spritshift claws but failed.
    1 point
  26. I mean, yeah, but why the hell do I need a coffee maker app on my phone? Maybe it's just me, but I loath it so hard how much apps are spamming me with messages already now. I had to disable everything on my phone, because I felt like there won't be 10 minutes of peace without anything trying to notify me about whatever unimportant stuff. Just waiting for my toilet seat to get its own app as well.
    1 point
  27. Eh, dont worry about it unless you see blood.
    1 point
  28. Here is what I wonder: WHY is it necessary to connect the coffee maker to the internet in the first place? It's like ... you can't buy anything anymore without having to register it somewhere and give it wifi access. It's crazy, and highly annoying.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. @Fionavarstill isn't fixed smh
    1 point
  31. I second this. I could save my progress all the way up until I completed the hedge lab quest "jungle temple." I posted about this few days ago. Now whenever I load an old save that still loads and try to save the game and attempt to load that new save, the game just crashes before it loads the save. I did get one of them to load one time but then realized all my progress was reset to day 0... I still have a good save up until this started so hopefully they'll fix this soon. Haven't been able to play since Tuesday this week because of this.
    1 point
  32. Nah, forgot to remove the ".json" extension from the files so the game couldn't read them
    1 point
  33. Figured it out. It's so silly I'd rather not say what it was!
    1 point
  34. Hey @Elric Galad- thanks so much for the suggestions I'm kind of nervous because it's my first time modding POE2... I had actually intended to add the additional priest subclasses as you suggest. Was gonna be a surprise Very kindly, @NocturnalTrance agreed to let me use the content and assets of his/her excellent 'More Priest Subclasses' mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/159) as a basis for Abydon, Hylea and Ondra. I've made quite a few changes to them to fit my interpretation, but some (e.g. Abydon) remain similar. I should hopefully have a first version of everything out reasonably soon. Got most of the progression table changes in place now. For reference - I made a few additional changes to the vanilla subclasses as well. Elric, I managed to make your original suggestion work of having none of the automatic subclass spells be priest spells - which I much prefer. This is what I decided on in the end: Berath Eothas Gaun Magran Rymrgand Skaen Wael Woedica Lv1 Touch of Rot Sunbeam Blessed Harvest Fan of Flames Touch of Rot Antipathetic Field Arcame Veil Writ of Engagement Lv2 Necrotic Lance Light of the Dawnstar Vile Thorns Combusting Wounds Blizzard Escape Curse of Blackened Sight Recall Agony Lv3 Infestation of Maggots Pain Block Autumn's Decay Ray of Fire Spreading Plague Pain Link Mirrored Image Writ of Consumption Lv4 Noxious Burst Rejoice Comrades! Wicked Briars Ironskin Blast of Frost Finishing Blow Llengrath’s Displaced Image Fealty Lv5 Plague of Insects Inspired Beacon Wall of Thorns Flame Shield Death Ring Shadowing Beyond Confusion Writ of War Lv6 Rot skulls Sunlance Garden of Life Torrent of Flame Disintegration Prisoners Turned on their Captors Arkemyr’s Wondrous Torment Gavel Lv7 Rusted Armor Weather the Storm Lashing Vine Godhammers' Shards Entropy Rebellion! Gaze of the Adragan Writ of Sorcery Lv8 Symbol of Berath Symbol of Eothas Symbol of Eothas Symbol of Magran Symbol of Rymrgand Symbol of Skaen Synbol of Wael Haunting Chains Lv9 Hand of Berath Light of Eothas Pollen Patch Magran’s Might Call of Rymrgand Revenge of Skaen Blessing of Wael Writ of Mending Abydon Galawain Hylea Ondra Druid Renamed Abilities Lv1 Flames of the White Forge Charm Beasts Talon's Reach Ondra's Whip Wizard Light of the Dawnstar The Moon's Light Lv2 Blade of the White Forge Taste of the Hunt Winter Wind The Moon's Light Priest Godhammers' Shards Minoletta's Piercing Burst Lv3 Twin Stones Stag's Horn Avian Familiars Shard of Ionni Brathr Chanter Rebellion! They Slew Forth a River of Red Lv4 Ironskin Wild Sprint Deleterious Alacrity Returning Storm Cipher Fealty Dominate Mind Lv5 Calling the World's Maw Marked for the Hunt Cleansing Wind Overwhelming Wave Paladin Gavel Concelhaut's Crushing Doom Lv6 Embrace the Earth Talon Hunter's Claw Discordant Melody Moonwell Rogue Flames of the White Forge Flames of Devotion Lv7 Abydon's Hammer Bow of Galawain Avenging Storm Relentless Storm Fighter Abydon's Hammer Concelhaut's Crushing Doom Lv8 Unbending Trunk With Furious Vengeance! Tornado Symbol of Ondra Barbarian Bow of Galawain Caedebald's Blackbow Lv9 Enchanted Armoury Panther's Leap Eld Nary's Curse Avenging Storm Ranger Discordant Melody Amplified Wave Unique Some important notes: Every subclasses' auto spells are now 'non-priest' spells We have missed out on 'Holy Meditation' and 'Salvation of Time' for Berath as a consequence (but they can always be picked during level-up). I wanted to try giving one class in the game access to 'Avenging Storm' at PL7 - since it opens up a lot of fun multiclassing. This is the Priest of Hylea. If people don't like - happy to change Same as the above for 'Bow of Galawain' at PL7 (Caedewald's Blackbow). This should open some fun multiclass options for Priests of Galawain. Incarnates: Berath: Usher, Pallid Knight Eothas: 3 Dawnbringers Gaun: 3 Dawnbringers (Added this) Magran: Magran Rymrgand: Scourge Skaen: Effigy Wael: Eyes Woedica: Effigy (will add as a Placeholder) - any ideas for the Strangler? Abydon: 'Ancient Instruments of Death' Galawain: Aspect of Galawain Hylea: 'Great Wyrm Flew O'er the Mountains' (Sky Dragon) Ondra: 2 High Tide Monks + 1 Crest Knight Spiritual Weapons: Ondra: Low Tide Fists Hylea: Harp of Hylea (Warbow) Abydon: Blade of the White Forge (may change this to a Hammer of the White Forge) Galawain: TBD, probably a spear [I'd like to change Magran's to an Arquebus at some point as well if possible] Additional Changes: All Priests can choose 'Secrets of Rime' at level up. (Rymrgand can choose 'Scion of Flame' for symmetry) All Priests lose access to PL9 abilities other than those specific to their deity. Each priest now only has 2 level XI abilities - a 'deity specific' spell and an incarnate summon. Cheers again for all the support
    1 point
  35. I'm still not sure if Galawain has any Priests in the first place. Every time you discover some place sacred to Galawain it's always Druids hanging around and acting like Priests of Galawain. Maybe a more "modern" interpretation of Galawain could bring forth a fitting Priest subclass? His aspects are: Seeker God Clever Hound Lord of the Hunt Father of Monsters The Changeling and his portfolio: Pursuit Discovery Perseverance The Hunt Assassins Wilderness Predatory Beasts I marked the ones green of which I think they could be focused on in a more modern worship of Galawain which doesn't include or does not focus on tribal/archaic/beat/plant stuff. It sounds a lot like a Bounty Hunter Priest then. Which would quite nice given that bounties are an integral part of PoE and Deadfire. But maybe also something that is more like an Explorer Priest, seeking lost secrets and knowledge, discovering mysteries, hunting for artefacts - the opposite to aspects of Wael and Ondra and no friend of the Hand Occult and Lead Key I would assume. Or even a spy! The spell/ability portfolio could simply cover all of those three aspects and add a bit of beast and traditioal hunting stuff for good measure - it's Galawain after all. Taste of the Hunt seems to be a sure thing...? Most obvious Spiritual Weapon still might be the Hunting Bow, right? Too bad it's alswys only one of those. The rest of the missing priest subclasses are more straightforward I think.
    1 point
  36. Sunny is a sweet dog. But she is dumber than a box of crayons. She has lived here for seven years now. And after all that time she still does not know that the front door and back door lead to the same house. If she goes out the back door and ends up in the front yard she will walk all the way around the house to come back in through the back door. If I stand in the front door with it open and call her she will run all the way around to the back door to come in.
    1 point
  37. Now an additional suggestion : If you want a mod to shine, it requires having a bit more content, especially when it comes to Priest subclasses which have been already modded a lot (but with an usual power-creeping tendancy). What is described in this thread are the most "reasonable" changes I've seen so far. The purpose is clear but may fall under the radar. My idea for (balanced) new content would be to add the 4 missing God subclasses : Galawain, Abydon, Hylea and Ondra. For consistency, it should also make Rymrgand playable. I'm not advocating for new subclasses in general, but for priest it would make so much sense ! (And to be honnest, a similar package would be great for Godlikes too, but that requires graphical models so it might be more complicated)
    1 point
  38. I'm loving Contender's Armor with stacked Athletics for smacking stuff fast. You could add that to the mix. edit: It also has a bit of a tribal Huana look, which might be an aesthetic fit for your marauder. And, shameless promotion: The mod in my signature will help filter your buffs so it's easier to see Blade Cascade. I don't actually look for it myself, but since there's no Salvation of Time in my party, it's not nearly as important for me to react to it. Might be easier to simply see yourself swinging like mad.
    1 point
  39. I've had to make some house rules to have fun again. Some builds are just so OP, it takes away the fun because fights last all of 5 seconds. Yet, I can't bring myself to intentionally gimp any character I make. So far my favoriie custom party was based on these rules: 1. No damage from spells unless it's part of a weapon attack (e.g. FoD or Soul Annihilation) 2. No debuffs or CC unless its part of a weapon attack (e.g. Stunning Surge) 3. No AoE unless its part of a melee weapon attack (e.g. Clean Sweep or Lord Darryn's Voulge) 4. No mortars or other AoE ranged weapons 5. No summons 6. No tanks 7. No dedicated healers 8. No single class monks (good gawd) 9. No duplicating the same class in the party The theme of this party is the "Four Godlikes of the Apocolypse" concept by sin tee, but with totally different class compositions. There are only 4 party members, each of them a Godlike. I find the flavor very fun with Godlikes using the portraits in that video. Even with all of the self-imposed restrictions, this party is very strong from start to finish. 1. Moon Godlike Votary (Helwalker/Kind Wayfayer) dual wielding fists. Inspired by this build with modifications. 2. Fire Godlike Brute (Berserker/Devoted) wielding Lord Darryn's Voulge. Inspired by discussion here. 3. Death Godlike Mindstalker (Soul Blade/Trickster). Inspired by discussion here. 4. Nature Godlike Wildrhymer (Troubador/Ghost Heart) wielding The Red Hand. Inspired by this build but heavily modified so as to not duplicate the monk class in my party.
    1 point
  40. Posting this from my other thread. I got a build that can 2v1 Dorudugan easily. It can also solo Dorudugan for a respectably long time but it will still die in the end. The most success I've had to facetanking Dorudugan is bloodmage/nalpazca monk (sage). 205 deflection + blade turning (redirects Dordugan's attacks back to him) + enduring dance (even blood sacrifice and dordugan's attacks are not enough to refill the wounds to reliably keep using blade turning) The problem with this is you will last LOOOONG and deal 1 bar of dordugan's HP (just off of the redirected attacks) but you will still die in the end. His cleave attack goes through 205 deflection like butter as well as his cleave attack for some stupid reason does not get redirected to him. His cleave attack does ALOT too even with 20 armor. However, if you have a herald as a 2nd character it is able to heal all the damage sustained by my blood mage deflection monk build. So you can 2v1 Dorudugan but not solo.
    1 point
  41. Hey guys, So, after reading about a lot of the Cipher buffs on these here forums, I kind of wanted to give it another try. I had a lot of fun with a Ranged Cipher back in PoE1, for the lore, and thought it might be worth reviving that character in this game, especially considering it has the most dialogue options available to it of any class. It would probably be another approach to the Rauatai Spymaster character I've played around with. I had a few quick questions before I commit to trying to plan anything. 1. Is it worth it to try to play a DPS Ranged Cipher? My character in the first game heavily focused on what would be called "Shreds" in this game - things like Mind Wave, Amplified Wave, Disintegrate, and so on. Now, either I was playing a poorly designed character from the start, or those skills were never all that great to begin with, because no one seems to talk about them anymore. Would it be possible/viable to play a character that focuses on offensive Cipher spells, with a few CC spells worked in? 2. Multiclass Options: Multiclassing offers a lot of opportunities for the Cipher, especially because T8 and T9 don't really offer much that isn't already covered in the other tiers. I'd like to hear your thoughts on multiclass options in this most recent patch. Here are the ones I'm considering. - Witch (Cipher/Berserker): Uses Barbarian's Frenzy and a few other abilities to deal high Weapon damage at range. Barbaric Blow can be used as a ranged attack, to build up a fairly massive chunk of Focus, and the bonus Penetration from Frenzy should help the damage of my abilities. - Transcendent (Cipher/Helwalker): Uses Dance of Death to gain wounds and, in the case of certain Ranged weapons, counteract the Accuracy penalty. Holds onto those wounds for high Might and Intellect, as well as a Burn damage lash, and uses Swift Strikes/Swift Flurry to boost cast time/reload speed. - Mindstalker (Cipher/Rogue): Another thematically appropriate option for the Spymaster character I've been considering. Ranged Damage with powerful Rogue attack powers to build up focus, and then unload Cipher spells on them. Honestly, the only issue really preventing me from going all in with this is that I hate the name. "Mindstalker" doesn't really fit with things like "Witch" or "Inquisitor." - Inquisitor (Cipher/Bleak Walker): Uses Black Flames at range for a powerful strike with added Corrode and Fire damage, as well as Paladin passives to help stay alive. Definitely the most thematically appropriate of the builds so far, considering the character type I'm considering playing with it. Right now, I'm heavily leaning towards the Inquisitor, followed by the Mindstalker, followed by the Witch, followed by the Transcendent, in terms of roleplay, but that's for another forum. I'd like to hear about how each of those would play, mechanically.
    1 point
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