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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/20 in all areas

  1. saw some rando image on the internet o' liev schreiber walking his dog. kinda an ugly dog. am not meaning that in a bad way neither. too often when celebrities is pictured with their pets the critters is perfect manicured pure breed ________. dog is adorable in that happy mutt way which is underappreciated. Liev Schreiber introduces new dog Scout on Instagram after rescue dog Woody got hit by car and died had to do an internet search for the actress, but another celeb who deserves credit for taking the rescue dog route. HA! Good Fun!
    5 points
  2. That's right...real men program in C and machine code.
    3 points
  3. I don't actually have a full build planned out right now, mostly its just theory crafting. Just off the top of my head I would play a Pale Elf, probably something like 8 Might, 10 Constitution, 10 Dexterity, 19 Perception, 12 Intellect, 18 Resolve. Background White that Wends or Aedyr, and job Mystic or Clergy. Weapon proficiency you will need are Flail, Battle Axe, Sabre (not for the modal but Gauntlets of Greater Reliability might be needed vs certain bosses) Medium Shield, most likely Rapier for early game, maybe Large Shield and maybe Morning Star could be useful. Skills should be Arcana and Religion. Abilities: 0 Swift Strikes, 1 Arms Bearer, 2 Two Weapon Style, Sword and Shield, 3 Clarity of Agony, 4 Swift Flurry, Stunning Blow, 5 Blade Turning, 6 Duality of Mortal Presence, Rooting Pain, 7 Crucible of Suffering, 9 Stunning Surge, Enervating Blows, 10 Thunderous Blows, 11 Turning Wheel, Parting Sorrow, 12 Uncanny Luck, 13 Heartbeat Drumming, Improved Critical, 14 Snake's Reflex, 15 Tough, 16 Resonant Touch, Razors Edge, 17 Soul Mirror?, 18 Long Stride or Bear's Fortitude?, 19 Whisper of the Wind, Imagined Pain, 20 Empowered Strikes. These are probably the skills you would want to have at level 20 but you want to respec once or twice. Dance of Death or Mortification of the Soul are useful early game but later on they don't really help you. Important Equipment: Stalking Cloak, Saint's Armor, Boots of Stone, Ring of Prosperity's Fortune, Ring of the Marksman or Ring of Focused Flame (when using using Keeper of the Flame depending on how much fire armor the enemy has), Hylea's Talons (Very good early could be replaced later), Gauntlets of Greater Reliability (Very useful vs Mega Bosses where you need to get hits off in order to increase your own accuracy), Crimson Panoply, Belt of Magran's Chosen (when fighting single enemies so you can get a 2nd enemy and use WoW), Horns of the Aurochs, Survivor's Tusk. Weapons sets:1 Keeper of the Flame+ Scordeo's Edge, 2 Magran's Favor + Wintertide Bulwark or Magran's Blessing (For Boeroer's Swift Flurry trick depending on the enemy). 3 Weyc's Wand + Tuolito's Palm. Set 1 is for starting fights and when there are multiple enemies. Set 2 is once you have the extra accuracy from Scordeo's Edge and there is only one enemy, 3 is for rapidly finishing single opponents once they have lots of bleeding cuts. I honestly haven't really tried all of this so lots of it is just theory but I hope it helps
    3 points
  4. I've been rewatching this cool new show called Star Trek: The Next Generation. Don't judge me.
    2 points
  5. X4 - I managed to build a dock on my base, which was a bit of a process. The game has me looking up stuff online, but there does seems to be a lot of interesting options. I'm super cash poor and haven't had much luck making money. So far I just wander around fixing satellites and finding lost luggage. Still, my base looks neat now, and I like that you can land on anything. I just need to buckle down and invest in a better ship.
    2 points
  6. double but... Trump suggests people in N.C. vote twice to test mail-in system encouraging what is a felony in north carolina and a federal crime punishable by up to five years. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  7. I'd bet pretty much anything that they link your WhatsApp to a facebook account when they can though, or those obnoxious ghost accounts they set up to monitor people who aren't on FB. Same as Google no doubt links everything they get from doubleclick to google search to youtube etc; MS links xbxox/ windows/ linkedin info etc. It's just in their nature, and for free services it's always you/ your information ultimately being sold for profit. Skarpen most definitely has a point. (Nearly the) last thing anyone should want is being told what you can say by Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey, or one of their underlings who can asterisk around with your account with impunity. I'd disagree with the governmental aspect though, and that's why it's nearly the last thing. The government(s) won't do anything because by and large it suits their purposes not to. In many cases western governments are already influencing SM content including suppression of views they don't like, mostly by threatening to legislate but sometimes by more direct methods. You also have governments weaponising SM content: you don't get Facebook etc banning governmental influence networks from US government entities after all, only from selected 'enemy' countries. That's not because US influence peddling is honest, but because of governmental influence over the companies themselves. It's like wondering why the US doesn't reinstate the requirement for honesty/ fairness in news reporting given the state of their media, and apply that to SM. Doesn't suit either political side to because both sides love shouting at the other, and don't really want fair and balanced. (meta: I'm on a bit of an ignoring facetiousness/ sarcasm bender at the moment)
    2 points
  8. Pretty sure that Amazon IaaS doesn't fall under what most people would consider "social media", and for the most part, VoIP and IM apps, and Google's cloud services aren't either. Zoraptor mentioned that it's hard to completely avoid anything owned by the megacorps and he has a point. However WhatsApp on your phone is not the same as having Facebook profile, and you can have one without the other. And hey, maybe not everyone needs or wants a "high profile well paid job" that entails bull**** such as fake social media posturing in addition to the fake office posturing that is standard fare for 95% of jobs. Shocking, to be sure, but I have no interest in being a S&P 500 CEO. As for "living in bubbles", welcome to, uh... pre-2004 Earth, I guess? I don't know, I may be getting old, but it wasn't so bad. Hell, the world seems closer to imploding now than it did back then.
    2 points
  9. I am thrilled to report that my two furry girls made it through the spaying with flying colors. HUZZAH! They are eating / drinking / potty / playing, but I did keep them in the bedroom with us last night because they were still a little high when they got home and I didnt want them to take a tumble down the stairs.
    2 points
  10. On Xbox, after you have exited the game, if the game isn't fully closed/quit out of from the Xbox UI and you then turn the console off, when you reboot the console and game there is significant audio distortion in the game startup and menu screens. Force-quitting the game and restarted fixes this.
    1 point
  11. not sure what i'm missing. my plank walls still do this. and i find it annoying, like @tecknotot said they're a pain to roof and if you want to use plank walls around your foundation then they stick up like that and are ugly, or if you sink them in so they don't stick up, then you get those gaps, again being ugly. I'd like to see the plank walls squared off, and then a new option created to build your rampart looking walls on top of those if you want. It would make building easier and appealing to the eye when using plank walls. Edit- on that thought, we could then get clay ramparts, and stem ramparts, and whatever other building materials we get as ramparts in the future.
    1 point
  12. i believe the blue flower isa variation fo the yellow daffodil and yes they are they vivid blue...i google it ..... flowers daffodil blue
    1 point
  13. Nvidia's development team were asked about the memory size and they said for 4K AAA games only use 4-6GB. Considering the 16GB shared memory of the consoles, I can't see people needing more than 10GB for AAA gaming at 4K. They said they chose higher speed memory over higher memory size because it's more important for running games. If they turn around and release higher memory cards, they're going to have some explaining to do.
    1 point
  14. If you build up the ground to form a foundation, then it should act like the clay foundation, but more susceptible to damage as it's just dirt, vs clay. If you're just landscaping to flatten out the area to build on, raise it a bit there lower here, etc. then yes, it should be impervious to damage like the ground is. Moat would be cool! hadn't thought of that either. Then we'd need a palisade draw bridge and portcullis
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. "The baker sells cakes. He can't pick and choose who he sells cakes to because of race or religion" he never did. Nor did he refuse to bake cakes for gays. In fact, he had made cakes for the people who sued him. they wanted him to make a specific type of cake which he said he didn't do. He never refused service due to race, religion, or sexual orientation. "Social media has terms of service that you agree to when signing up, something tells me they've got themselves covered from lawsuits based upon that alone. " Terms of service are not full proof. Contracts aren't fool proof. They have to follow the law.
    1 point
  17. Yep there's been posts on this. The search tool is a great feature in forums
    1 point
  18. i had to do similar. i had auto saves going back to July and wouldn't let me do a manual save. removing all the old saves (i left the last 2 just in case) fixed that for me. didn't change the save rate though. i like how that is, just gotta remember to delete old.
    1 point
  19. just destroying the bed 'fixes' that. i put my bed on a clay foundation to test if it happens there, but then i forgot to die to test it out i'll do that at lunch today.
    1 point
  20. I can't see many people crafting any type of potion/smoothie with a negative effect that will just require you to drink a health/regeneration potion, or use a bandage to recover health anyway. It sounds a little bit too much like skyrim (consuming feathers) for burn effects etc. I haven't used tons of smoothies but i'm pretty sure they have the same or similar effects anyway. The symbolism of doves also depends on culture. For example, in paganism, the dove is also seen as a symbol of sexuality and war. In a similiar sense, Crows have also been associated with Life, intelligence and luck. You have to be very careful to consider all meanings of the animal if the idea is to have symbolic animals to represent a specific emotion/ state of mind etc.
    1 point
  21. I agree with @McSquirl Nugget that tier 1 items shouldn't be repair-able because of how easy it is to make new ones. When they break, they are taken out of your inventory, gone forever. Before the 8/26 patch I had only managed to find a single ladybug head because of how rarely they wanted to spawn. So I used it to make a tier 2 axe. I also saved every piece of quarztite I found in order to repair my higher tier stuff. In addition to that, I constantly carried around a tier 1 axe as well to reduce wear on my more expensive one, saving the t2 for weeds. I went through at least 10 pebble axes AFTER having crafted the insect axe. I don't miss that! Now I just repair my stuff whenever it gets down and only carry my highest tier stuff. I've got plenty of Qz to get me through! TLDR; why are you repairing t1 equipment? Just build new. Save Qz for your top tier gear.
    1 point
  22. The way I do combat currently is, depending on the bug, an opening salvo of venom arrows. I can usually get 2 off before the bug is in my face (usually a spider). Then I swap to a 2-handed melee (mint mallet) and circle-strafe up against the bug in 3rd person. Being against your enemy gives you a smaller circle to strafe in, making your movements more time/cost effective. You get less strafe when you are further away. I only block when I see the bug start its attack animation, and even then its only a quick tap to get that perfect block (since it partially stuns the enemy). I guess when you look at it that way, things are working as intended. Its more of a skirmish tactic than "choose your fighting style" ala D&D. It would be cool to be able to use bows in a larger capacity... (I use it more for knocking down berries than fighting) but for the moment I personally think combat is okay. But I still agree bugs should have a longer healing timer. Don't instant-heal, because we as players don't get to instant heal just because we got bored and de-aggro'd. LOL.
    1 point
  23. Jennifer Gray & C Thomas Howell might disagree!
    1 point
  24. maybe clear some old saves? I fixed my save issues by making it take longer (10mins?) between saves, and lowering the number of auto saves (3maybe?) that it creates for each playthrough. That way my list of saves is manageable
    1 point
  25. In Act of Heresy, N.R.A.’s Former No. 2 Calls for Gun Control What a hot mess the NRA is now. Oh well. Trust no one, believe in no one, expect nothing.
    1 point
  26. There is no "crime" being committed here. Social Media can cut anyone off for any reason or none. It's not "free speech". It's a server they own and everyone uses at their pleasure. In this case you care asking the govt sto step in and tell them they must let Mr. X use their server no matter what. That is REALLY intrusive don't you think?
    1 point
  27. Forbidden Fist only gain wounds when negative effects expire and don't get any wounds from damage taken. When Forbidden Curse expires you gain one wound and since the first level of Forbidden Fist costs 0 wounds you can slowly gain wounds this way, but you probably need a better source early game (Dance of Death/Mortification of the Soul). Hylea's Talon is nice because it give a 25% chance of applying a negative effect on yourself for a fairly short duration. If you have high Resolution and or Clarity of Agony the negative effect expires before it can do much damage. Forbidden Fists also gain a small amount of health back when negative effects expire, because of this you actually end up with a decent source of healing (very useful when soloing). A lot of the build idea's I talked about require gear from the DLCs. One of the most OP combos in the game is combining Eder's Armor with Keeper of the Flame. I am not sure you will have enough wounds to constantly spam WoW without DLC Equipment. If you want to solo but only the base game I would recommend Nalpasca. You will have a much easier time most of the game and most of the fights that made me rule out Nalpasca are in the DLCs. Fists are actually great weapons (arguably among the best in the game). I was just taking advantage of some special weapons and using the game mechanics to make some truly OP combos. But honestly you can beat the base game soloing POTD with pretty much any class. Its those pesky Mega Bosses where you need to game the system.
    1 point
  28. Apparently some evil hair saloon owner lured top politician to have her hair done and asked her to not use any safety measures, so they could set her up... I've seen some circus logic by many politicians, but stuff like that, laws for thee but not for me, is something that will grant sure footing to your political adversary...
    1 point
  29. Try that stuff what i explain with traps. I had the same issue, also sometimes house is invisible and error by manual save. After i killed with traps a lot of bugs, saving normal worked again.
    1 point
  30. I find them more of a pest than a challenge to actually fight so I can't say that I've noticed the animation too much. (I tend to either kill them before they notice me or just ignore them ). But yes, I am all for additional combat behaviours to all animals, just like with the addition to spiders which makes them unpredictable or challenging in higher game modes. I like the idea of them being able to attack more frequently after a knockback but would like to see an increase in mite numbers too (within their current zones), so its more like you are being swarmed. (not harmful on their own but can be a problem as a group).
    1 point
  31. The FBI was founded by a megalomanic. I'd soon get rid of it and focus more on regional solutions rather than top-down national ones. Perhaps the U.S. could use a bit more decentralization, not ashamed to admit it.
    1 point
  32. He said he was looking into it. Actually they've been trying to figure that out since launch. Remember peeps, this is a beta so be patient with updates and content drop.
    1 point
  33. Joining the #NoTaming team. I think part of the magic of Grounded's world is that the world itself is alien to us, and the feeling of danger, even of it is just the potential of it is part of the atmosphere. I strongly feel that taming, at least of anything larger than an Aphid or Gnat would subtract from the setting.
    1 point
  34. You didn't ask me this, but I'll answer you anyway. The dialogue system appears really poor, i.e. the manner in which your possible answers are presented differs from the way they are generally given in games like this, and the way it's done just doesn't look good(*). This was a huge downer for me, especially because the writing didn't appear particularly good. The game has no Tab key that highlights stuff in your neighborhood, which, again, was just a bad call in my view. The graphics, although good, are nowhere near as gorgeous and interesting as in Deadfire. But of course the main clincher is the world and the story, and both of them were ordinary enough for me to go "ho hum" in approximately two hours. This was in huge contrast to PoE, whose start was superb, even better than the start of BG2, which is really saying something. (*) You can do a youtube search for "divinity original sin dialogue" and you'll instantly see what I mean.
    1 point
  35. this appears to be a perennial problem with difficulty balancing. they did do a balancing run on PotD with someone on their team who likes to min-max, but I think the problem is that at mid-high levels you just have so many options that it becomes harder for the designers to know exactly where the player is at gear/stat/level-wise in order to good balance. at early levels you have so little options that they are really able to optimize the difficulty to be at a sweet spot of punishing (everyone talks about gorecci st and the digsite). that being said, I think combined with the DLC deadfire does almost best-in-class difficulty scaling - SSS, FS can be quite hard even at close-to-max or max level and on potd+upscaling+challenges can start filtering out suboptimal builds and it does so in a relatively "fair" manner. (megabosses are also extremely hard, but i consider them a little less fair because they're so technical). <meme>Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well</meme> yeah, it makes me sad that Deadfire underperformed sales because the polish on the RTwP is just so exceedingly great. I mean I already thought it was pretty good, but it took playing some other games to truly appreciate all the nice details--mechanically and even from just a UI/UX perspective--that went into Deadfire. A long time ago there was no special night-time music, and then a patch added it in. I was probably one of like a handful of people who hated the change (it sounds wildly different from the rest of Deadfire music to my ears) and how repetitive it was. We lost that battle, alas. I'd be curious to know why. I've never played it, but I have friends who love that game. Is it because it's turn-based vs RtWP? Or other factors?
    1 point
  36. If you feel that a Helwalker is too squishy at the beginning you can take another subclass. The only noticable things the Helwalker does is giving you up to +10 MIG (which is up to +30% additive dmg which isn't that impactful for a weapon user in the first place). The higher starting wound count doesn't matter that much later on as well. Helwalker is superb when combined with casters or anything else that uses damaging abilities that don't rely on weapons - or healing abilites as well. Because there are not many other ways to boost spell damage/healing power besides MIG. But for a SC melee Monk it actually doesn't make a ton of difference in terms of dmg output if you take a Helwalker or something else. The only SC Monk variant where I would recommend Helwalker is a Mortar Monk (or any other ranged monk really). Because you'll get attacked rel. rarely Enduring Dance helps a lot with wounds and then the added MIG is nice (because you won't feel the incresed dmg received a lot). A Nalpasca is better suited for the early game as a melee monk (if you buy a decent amount of drugs at the Kraken's Eye first and search all surroundings for more you won't run out of drugs ever). Because the early game makes it hard to gain a ton of wouds via received damage - since the ratio of "overall health":"dmg needed for one wound" is very high (it drops with every level because you gain more health but the wound threshold stays the same). So in the early game the Nalpasca's drug-infused wound stream is highly useful. It never ceases to be somwhat useful because you'll find better drugs and they will last longer with every point of Alchemy you take. Only problem is if you get hit by Arcane Dampener which might happen several times later in the game... Forbidden Fist is an excellent subclass that can be quite good in the early game because of the way the Forbidden Fist is played best: melee with tons of RES and tanky. Also the Forbidden Fist ability is quite impactful with its tier-3-CON affliction so early in the game. Shattered Pillar can be nice in the early game as well (especially when using the Community Patch since that removes the superfluous max wound cap of 5 and sets it to 10 like all other monks'). No need to get damaged for wounds means it's a lot easier to use abilities like Force of Anguish every now and then without having to take damage at all. For any SC melee Monk I recommend* taking Parting Sorrow (it not only gives wounds on enemies' disengagement but also gives a wound on kill - because the killed enemy somehow counts as disengaged) and also Imagined Pain - and then use Nomad's Brigandine with the immunity to disengamgent attacks enchantment: every disengagement attack you cause is counted as a miss (100%) which will give you a wound. If you are a Shattered Pillar you can even combine this with Whispers of the Endless Paths (Offensive Parry) and trigger a riposte attacks that gives you even more wounds AND adds Resonant Touches. I mean you can use that as any monk but the SP gets additional wounds from this. *I mean besides Resonant Touch and Whispers of the Wind which are must-haves. Once you get Whispers of the Wind you won't get attacked a lot anymore (because you are invisible). So I also recommend Dance of Death / Enduring Dance - even if you don't use it before PL9(!). Else you won't get any wounds between WotW executions. You'd either have to gain wounds the usual way or use Mortification of the Soul - which will slow you down. Nalpascas can still gain wounds from drugs passively in addition to Enduring Dance (almost no downtime between WotW uses) and Forbidden Fists can use short-lived hostile effects (see Hylea's Talons for example) which shortens the downtime. I don't know if Parting Sorrow triggers on kill if the enemy wasn't engaged at all (see Whispers of the Wind's invisibility)??? They all can use Edér's armor (with the reflex-immunity enchnatment) + Keeper of the Flame + Imagined Pain to generate a ton of wounds during WotW (because the AoE of the flail has friendly fire and targets reflex which will miss 100% on Edér's armor - which will trigger Imagined Pain).
    1 point
  37. agreed, all the other games I've tested have made you restart from the beginning when they were "released to retail" as was called back then, not sure if that's the current term now since that one generation liked to change everything Some gave you bonus items for the retail release for helping in alpha and/or beta testing. I'm hoping they might do something like that here, not expecting, just hoping
    1 point
  38. The Mongoose Club crowdfunded a convention and all they got was this lousy ballpit.
    1 point
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