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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/20 in all areas

  1. One of the author, Maxquest, is not active anymore. And he is the one with the Nexus account, so no one can upload a new version of the CP now. Other authors are still a bit active, so there's a Community Patch Add On, but I think it only addresses Shattered Pillar + Lesser Wound bug. I will include any fixes from the base Game, CP or and course my own stuff. But I have to be aware of those problems first. I have quickly read the Nexus Comments about CP specific bugs, so in addition with the issues I've found myself, I plan to correct : - Shattered Pillar + Lesser Wound bug and Shattered Pillar updated subclass description. - Toughened fury generating only discipline in 20% of crits instead of 25% written in patch notes. - Deep Wounds only adding 15% damages instead of 20% - Lasting Empower applying to everyting including incoming effects (but for this one, I will simply revert the changes to Base Game) - Defensive Mindweb not working (to investigate first) - Carnage missing string (to investigate first) EDIT : also Sacred Immolation AoE increased didn't work on SI's Upgrades in the CP. But that doesn't matter because I overrode this change anyway (as I said, nothing personal just class design consistency purpose) For other bugs, I have to find them first. "There's missing string" as I have heard, is not enough for me. I need the ability and preferably the language one is playing with. The next version of my mod (the 1.0) is planned to include these fixes as well as fixes from the original game.. Yes, that's the plan, but I wanted the mod to be complete first.
    4 points
  2. Well, I recently started rewatching the old Trek films in lieu of new stuff. I've been surprised at how much I enjoyed The Shat's portrayal of older Kirk. He came a long way as an actor since TOS. Complaints of bad writing in old Trek, while valid, do not detract from similar criticism being leveled at new stuff. Sadly, an often overlooked side effect of bad writing is acting chops going to waste and actors' careers suffering as a result. Exhibit A:
    3 points
  3. I just commited a completely untested hotfix to our production system that touches two seperate processes, one of them business critical and happening over night, meaning quite frankly right now during night shift. I'm thinking about ordering this:
    3 points
  4. I can't put a finger to it, but there is something about Bloodlines promotionals that makes me less interested in playing the game.
    2 points
  5. Most police departments that I am aware of have rigorous screening processes to screen out hotheads or people who want a license to be a thug. The bigger problem (IMO) with police is the increasing fetishistic militarization going on in police departments combined with the traditional institutionalizing that the workforce endures (and also creates and fosters in itself in some cases) that develops an "us vs them" perception of police work. This is furthered by the fact that most police don't live where they police, which helps to dehumanize the population where they do police. And indeed it is also furthered by the fact that the collective common sense of humanity is lower than ever, as are critical thinking skills, which combine to make bad judgement de rigueur instead of anomalistic.
    2 points
  6. Make that 1.13 (thanks @Bartimaeus) I bought Borderlands 3 on a 50% off sale on Steam, but the story and the characters are so dull and uninpiring, I can't even muster indignation about how dull and uninspiring it is Tried to level up a few characters. Like at least past level 1, but it's... dull and uninspiring. I think I'll just write it off as an expensive giving in to curiosity and forget about it. Now off to kill some red shirts, green shirts and blue shirts in JA2!
    2 points
  7. Pete Buttigieg is like if the Bank of America pride float became a person.
    2 points
  8. I've just updated the database in production to get an issue resolved as I've done, several times now. Found out later I am supposed to get approval for that but...eh. SaaS sucks ass, good for the client I guess but means I have to deal with pointless change approval boards, several dozen KeePass stores (THAT MUST NOT BE SHARED WITH ANYONE), etc.
    2 points
  9. This thread pleases Slaanesh
    2 points
  10. Ashes of Singularity Escalation on Humble Bundle for free to redeem on Steam. The game is some form of Fireworks Simulator RTS in SPACE.
    2 points
  11. Starts at 7 minute mark and ends at around 53 minutes. Rest of the time is spent on Q&A.
    1 point
  12. How bad of an idea is this? What stats/ability picks/gear would you suggest? I know generally how AA works, I've fixed the scaling of bues with a mod. I was thinking of using priest for AOE dmg situations and AA for big hard targets. Berath is for flavor and the end game choices of the playthrough more than anything else. I'd probably use spearcaster or dragons dowry.... This is for turn based. I'm worried about running out of bond fairly quickly, just using it on imbues and takedown combo. The alternate is the obvious paladin. Thanks in advance for any help, references, pointers, or waive-offs!
    1 point
  13. That sounds like it's been a long road, getting from there to here...
    1 point
  14. Up to the end of the first investigation it at least has been more challenging and felt more involved. District Unrest rises faster, causing Anarchy to rise (I reached Anarchy 5 while trying to minimize unrest). You get swarmed by opponents so have to plan moves far more. Just finished the first investigation (Gray Phoenix) and now I am at Anarchy 1 again, with agents at fairly good level, so things may calm down.
    1 point
  15. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but I will look at that particular spell and try to figure something out.
    1 point
  16. Look deep into those cold dead eyes and see into the abyss itself.
    1 point
  17. Went. Completely. Nuts.
    1 point
  18. I would not know. New World of Darkness was not something I would have touched with a barge pole.
    1 point
  19. For PC you can choose to play it on lesser hardware and accept the loss in performance for better graphics. That's one of the things that's not allowed for console games. And xbox and playstation have really poor hardware imo. My 2015 pc is more than twice as powerful. Most of all it's the lack of any type of SSD though in these consoles. And the thing is that console built games aren't big on HDD requirements as a result. This is why you don't really see a big increase in performance for true console games. Ported games will benefit more from an SSD though. So that includes games like Deadfire. You cannot really judge ported games from PC to console. Some will perform well, others will not and there's really nothing you can do about it.
    1 point
  20. It's funny. I hear a lot of people putting down Oblivion, but I actually enjoyed it way more than Skyrim.
    1 point
  21. for anyone who's not aware, one of the reasons why i think this spell absolute rocks is that--contrary to what the tooltip says--the actual little projectiles that hit the enemy interrupt on hit, not crit. in addition to doing some nice damage and stripping away buffs (in a way that can't be reflected), you are essentially stunlocking the enemy the entire time - only enemies immune to interrupts will be able to do anything while being hit with this (and there are only three off the top of my head: memory hoarder, oracle, and dorudugan). in this way it's much better than an actual hard cc effect like paralyze or stun (and ironically, it's the slower pace of the projectiles versus e.g. minoletta's spell that really makes this work so well) agree on this. afflictions are kind of a dime a dozen (even though they're nice), but +15 all defenses [which stacks with deflection-only bonuses] really makes your front-line characters tanky. edit: but also agree that eothas as SC isn't great. the eothas symbol is more of an argument for single-classing xoti as a priest of gaun and bringing her along, who gets a symbol of eothas and a bunch of other useful spells.
    1 point
  22. Yeah -- more to the point, the fact that there's a focus on the weird, while plot, world-building and characters all take a back seat. There's probably nothing wrong with the game, it's just the way some trailers are done, I guess? More Dragon Age "tHiS iS tHe NeW ****" and less DOS2. After the demo a few months ago, they may simply be attempting to address impressions that the gameplay is clunky and unsophisticated, while taking for granted that the game will be great narratively. We'll see.
    1 point
  23. Well... EDIT: Never mind, I decided to edit the table out. I may have lost a SAN check.
    1 point
  24. One thing to note about SC Priest is that Symbols spells are among the best AoE Damage spells of the whole game, are incredibly easy to use and also bring some utility. But Hand of Weal and Woe isn't half bad bad for Woedica. Magran's Might is a good Tier IX, single target complement to Symbols most Incarnate are either bad (Wael's) or broken (Eothas, one of the trio does not even act). Eothas is meh for SC cause it does not bring much new spells and you'll have enough Ability point to pick this if you need. For a pure powergaming perspective, I would pick Wael cause it bring new stuff to the class which are useful for a caster (contrary to Skaen, which is as good, but bring stuff more useful for spellsword hybrids). But you're going to be a very powerful caster anyway, so feel free to pick what you want.
    1 point
  25. I'm playing four different Trails games. Trails in the Sky FC which I started awhile back. I'm half way through and taking my time. Trails from Zero with the geofront fan translation. I'm only about 6-7 hours into the game, just barely past the prologue. Trails of Cold Steel 2 which I'm speedrunning to set up a NG+ save file for next year when CS4 comes to PC. And finally CS3 NG+ where I'm mostly just watching the bonding scenes I couldn't get in the first game. I can quit whenever I want.
    1 point
  26. the only thing i'd add to boeroer's note is that if you don't pick your spells in a complementary way, you may find that in late game you'll have so many spells that you won't really be doing much attacking, kind of wasting your weapon choice/investment. though wael (and skaen) are a bit more resistant to martial/caster action economy because so many of their bonus spells either have no recovery and/or are very fast cast (arcane veil, mirror image, llengrath's, escape, finishing blow, shadowing beyond). though for any weapon-based "dps" priest, i'd try hard to do something that relies on a summoned/spiritual weapon. the lash is very very strong (up to +31%), and if you roleplay your character correctly you could arguably one of the strongest weapons in the game at your disposal (woedica arguably has the best weapons in the game! at level 16-20 you get legendary monk fists and with a +31% raw lash is extremely hard to beat) edit: for chromoprismatic staff you may do better with e.g. magran, because the +1 fire PL gives them huge benefit across the board.
    1 point
  27. BG grogs went completely nuts because of TB combat in BG3.
    1 point
  28. Yeah, the US is baffling at times. I really like Bahnhof. The Swedish Security Service had a meeting with the CEO of Bahnhof about getting direct automatic access to all ISP's and phone companies telephone and emails in secret, he recorded the entire conversation and after saying no to the agreement he gave the recording to the media which ended up in the department head of SSS being called to the justice department for a hearing. Good ****.
    1 point
  29. I hope my English is good enough to convey what I mean. Let's try. Best comparison I can make is people being salty at Bethesda because instead of developing what everyones wants (TES6) they develope and put time and resources into things nobody ever asked for like Fallout76 (or did, they're back to the Scrolls now, it seems). So it's not just a question of not buying a product, it's more complicated. Sorry if I can't quite make sense of what I'm trying to say XD
    1 point
  30. I did see that tumblr post of his where he basically says he'd only direct Pillars 3 if he certainly knew what went wrong with Deadfire. Just unlikely he'll ever know for sure. Even just a release date at the wrong time could break an otherwise great game's neck. Let's see if Microdoft feels like jumping on the bandwaggon again after BG3 comes out (...or into early access even). Random thought in addition to this. Would releasing an "Eora Skyrim" or tactics game or whatever not alienate more Pillars fans? It would drive me away, I think.
    1 point
  31. To be fair there hasn't been a study to disprove that anal sex makes you better at politics. We could be looking at an untapped resource here, what if gay people are better at politics? Just like sex perverts seem to be great at making movies.
    1 point
  32. I voted for like in 1 & 2, because I don't want those systems compromised by TB necessities, though in theory I'd be fine with both. Generally it seems that TB folks are adamantly against RTwP while RTwP people will play games of both systems. The nature of these games being developed with feedback of the community makes me worry how design by committee will work when trying to please two very different camps.
    1 point
  33. This thread is really going places.
    1 point
  34. This is the only one with 3 Ds
    1 point
  35. Sim Golf was awesome I'm downloading it now Just finished Shadowrun Hong Kong and got the best ending. Now to finish KOTOR2 and start Kingmaker and Sim Golf.
    1 point
  36. I wonder if it's just a single slider or multiple sliders or select from a few options It hurts my immersion if me and my character aren't dong twins
    1 point
  37. They absolutely did, and very successfully judging by the many millions of people who quite happily joined the Witcher franchise at TW3 with no prior exposure. Each game stands alone quite comfortably.
    1 point
  38. I am watching The Last Dance. The interviews with Michael Jordan, other Bulls players, and opponents makes this an insightful documentary to watch.
    1 point
  39. How come he has such a mighty beard on his avatar picture but is clean shaven in the interview? Heathen, I tell you what.
    1 point
  40. This thread's missing a little something, something... The sandstorm stays impressive... Been mostly just hammering away at the pyramid, of and on. Now that thralls level up I should probably start training some and take on that new dungeon...
    1 point
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