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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/20 in all areas

  1. Mordheim Screenshot of Authenticity:
    2 points
  2. ^ Wait a minute. How do I know this is a genuine melkathi post? I don't see any Majesty screenshots... *suspicion level rising*
    2 points
  3. Hello friends! For the first time, Obsidian will be offering an official summer internship program! There are plenty of positions open, from Audio Design, Concept Art, Community Manager, and more! For more details about the program itself, and to see all of the positions open, visit the Jobs > Internships page today!
    1 point
  4. Howard T. Ackerman is the greatest President the US never had.
    1 point
  5. you are thinking parliamentary perhaps? will o' the President to tax is a secondary issue at best. this misunderstanding is part o' the big problem not being talked 'bout enough. yeah, sixty trillion is not possible by implementing a "modest tax on wall street," or even going after billionaires with pitchforks and torches. $60 trillion w/o a practical plan for how to redistribute necessarily means more debt on a brobdingnagian scale, but this misses a fundamental point exemplified by the mistaken concern with Presidential candidates and their will to tax. the US has big problems it needs face: medical coverage, income inequality, homeless veterans, national debt, infrastructure obsolescence, education, etc. however, the last two administrations has either failed to work with a sympathetic Congress to create meaningful legislation, or it has attempted to bypass constitutional limits by means o' executive orders and other shadier means. meanwhile, abdicating their own responsibilities, Congress has altered norms to make it more likely current and future Presidents will bypass Congress. mitch mcconnell abandoned pretense o' integrity in favor o' a mercenary fixation with preserving party and personal power. nevertheless, mitch were not wrong when he predicted how democrats would regret more than a few o' their actions once republicans were no longer the minority party. self-fulfilling prophecy from mitch doesn't deserve much credit insofar as foresight is concerned, but am hearing same talk from democrats: republicans will rue once democrats take back senate and Presidency. so bass ackwards. is not 'bout will of the President. should not be 'bout will o' the President. understandable from europeans more familiar with parliamentary elections. fact we have americans talking that way is disheartening. HA! Good Fun! ps keep in mind, we believe it is important for a guy like bernie to be part of the national dialogue. bernie is talking 'bout increasing vital issues. medicare for all and green new deal, regardless o' practical issues, is important. college tuition costs and infrastructure overhauls is deserving more attention than they get. tragedy o' vets and people with mental health problems who are homeless. disturbing number o' homeless people... period. bernie issues should be everybody issues. pps bartimaeus kinda beat us to the punch w/o the verbosity.
    1 point
  6. I believe the game being disliked is C&C4, not RA3. RA3 is the pinnacle of over the top comedic lunacy, plus it has Dasha Fedorovich. C&C4 gets a lot of hate because it's the game that officially killed the once proud franchise. An argument could be made that C&C was going to die regardless, as RTS was dead as a doornail as a genre at that time (and still mostly is)
    1 point
  7. Virtually none of his grand domestic policies would pass even a 51-49-controlled Democratic Congress anyways, so does it really matter? Has any president's pre-election plans mattered in recent history? Obama got Obamacare, Trump got his tax breaks...that's about all I can think of. There's probably more, but honestly, I'm really not that concerned. Well, I am concerned about the deficit's growth on a long-term basis, but no president will ever willingly deal with it because it'd be too unpopular to do so...so everyone will go on ignoring it.
    1 point
  8. I got prison architect and I was not able to get into it either, but this is quite fun, try it on sale if you are not sure
    1 point
  9. I've had both done and personally found the endoscopy a lot harder due to an extremely sensitive gag reflex. Good idea I didn't want to become a gay porn star. We've had some threats at work due to a few recent high-profile cases, so decided to pick up one of those smaller crazy prepper bags that can be used as a shield with a body armor panel. Nothing like tax-deductible toys, I guess. Probably going to pick up some type of rudimentary satellite communication device like the Garmin Inreach ones for me and my parents., now that my paranoia levels are suitably elevated.
    1 point
  10. She's a right piss head. I don't really like the term 'sidekick'. Does it really describe what they are properly? Considering the amount of people asking what they are. How about 'Acquaintance'?
    1 point
  11. @Hurlshot: Sorry I called you retarded. All Iraqi's left on the base were most likely completely chunked, which makes a postmortem impossible. We'll probably never get to the bottom of this magical shock wave which precisely targets US service personnel in the brain, whilst completely bypassing every other known structure and bodily system. We really need to get our hands on a Fateh warhead and see whats going on in there. Moving on, whats the think tanks opinion on the "Havana Syndrome" ray that the Cubans have devised?
    1 point
  12. Glad to see Alena making additional content! And performs there nicely, as usual! Maybe Alesia will feel a taste for completionist gameplay someday? As for your question about multiple 'second chance' items - unfortunately I can't comment on that matter since I don't use them trying to go with a zero-knockout approach and is this case it doesn't matter how those items work. But at least I can say that they are a 'double-edge blades'. If, for example, your char will be knocked out having low health as well with a solid blow leading to maimed condition and then granted a second chance by the item with enemies nearby, this could lead to a quick perma-death by those enemies dealing you enough damage to knock out again. I think in this particular case it also doesn't matter much if those multiple items work one after another - it will not help you to survive. For solo run if your char will be knocked out with enemies far enough form him/her this could work since it will de-aggro those enemies, but if enemies are close by the chances are slim.
    1 point
  13. She also gets some lines in BoW, in the beer brewing quest. I guess she drinks everything as long as there is alcohol inside.
    1 point
  14. Alena, Meadow Folk Priest of Wael (Solo)- Entry 5: White March- Part 1 Astrid's run was fun. Alia's was great. I had a good time with both- I learned a lot from both. Their runs were, however, brief: my rogues did very few sidequests- instead focusing on the goal of defeating Thaos. With Alena, my intent is to see and complete additional content- hopefully everything, more or less. That's exciting, but also frightening. I've only soloed White March I once. I've never soloed White March II. That's scary. Despite my fears, Alena did great, at least in White March I. Priests are very well suited to claiming the Battery. Our first trip to Stalwart happened some time ago, before our final quests in Twin Elms. We swung by to claim the Ring of Changing Heart and then headed back to the Dyrwood. Alena was at level 10, I believe. Against Darzir, Alena focused on positioning and distraction. She used summons and charms to keep her enemies at a distance. Alia Braccia, Aru Brekker and Llengrath's potions were used to mitigate canoneer risk. Disablers, noticeably Pillars of Faith, were put in play, too. By now I felt like I was getting the hang of playing a priest. In retrospect I was wrong. I mean, I still -still- keep forgetting to use Interdiction. This battle is virtually over and it's still there, waiting to be clicked. No matter: Darzir is dead and that's what counts. The Ogre Matron was completed with stealth and mechanics. Having taken Artificer Hall and Gjefa bonuses for the traps, Alena's stealth score was a bit lower than I would have liked. She made it through nonetheless. The next time I come through here I may try Hedge Maze + Iqali and Rymgrand's Mantle, wearing the Ring of Wonder in case the traps behaves unexpectedly. (Btw, what happens if you wear two second chance items? Do you get three chances or do both of them trigger on the first knockout? Asking for a friend.) After reaching an agreement with the Matron, we went straight to Galvino's place. We wanted to make as much progress as we could before losing our Artificer Hall and Gjefa bonuses. In my first solo run of the White March, I tried stealthing this. That didn't work out as well as I hoped: it led to reloads. Having learnt my lesson, Alena fought her way through. We did this slowly, systematically with frequent rests. In future runs I hope to rest lest frequently here. I won't comment on every fight. I'll just share a representative battle. Here we see Alena at a choke point, disabling her foes with Pillars of Faith. She's running Shields for the Faithful, Devotions for the Faithful and DAoM. Iconic Projections take down the constructs while our beetle prepares to intercept an unstable construct. In my first solo attempt of Galvino's Workshop I suffered a reload to those things: the AoE on their explosions was larger than I had thought. Alena was more careful. Finished with Divine Marks It felt good to finish Galvino's. It's not terribly difficult. If you know it well I'm sure it's a breeze. But there are ways to die here and I've only passed through this place a couple times. Happily, Alena succeeded. Durgan's Battery is next. Best, A
    1 point
  15. Patents Filed for New Form of Nuclear Fusion Reactor.
    1 point
  16. Given most people on social media act like they are intellectually disabled, that's not that surprise. Happens when kids don't get the edgelord slapped out of them.
    1 point
  17. i wouldn't say it's "more important", it's a parallel source of survivability. i said that defenses have increasing returns, which means that you get rewarded for heavily investing in deflection. (the flip side is that if you have low deflection, a few points extra of deflection will feel notably weak). but you can get even more survivability if you combine high deflection with always forcing your enemy to underpenetrate, it's not necessarily either-or. though typically in my PotD+upscale experience it is rather hard to get enemies to consistently underpenetrate even heavy armor until mid-late to late game. it is different for veteran or lower, with no upscaling. since your character build here is a riposte build that already focuses on maximizing deflection, heavy armor seems redundant because you'll typically have enormously high deflection, especially on difficulties lower than PotD. while i suggested casita samelia's legacy as an alternative choice, you probably don't really even need that for veteran or classic. for example, my current party on PoTD+upscaling, my mainchar is a celebrant 20 resolve, superb small shield (xoti's lantern) with weapon+shieldstyle, cloak of greater deflection setup (no entonia signet ring or ring of deflection) and they can get away with just wearing robe and they typically have much better survivability than my two actual, heavier-armor wearing tankier types (a monk and a skald); if my mainchar is getting way too much attention i can cast arcane veil or mirror image and be basically untouchable for a short while. but they sorta melt if damaging spells are being tossed around, so it's a bit of a trade-off.
    1 point
  18. Well, first and I know this won't be popular, but never was impressed with BG2 writing, but I will say that people love it and the characters, an people definitely rank it as a top RPG so no argument there. I think there were a handful of quests I really loved about in BG2, but something about knowing what really went down in the Time of Troubles, left the ending of BG2 very flat and contrived for me. It setup this amazing storyline that driveled into irrelevance about an angry elf, and then they tried to fix that with the expansion that didn't do a very good job. But in terms of what RPGs it doesn't stack too - well in terms of world-building the Dragon Age series definitely wins, in terms of writing Witcher 3 or Shadowrun might be my favorite, in terms of combat POE, and again I know this won't be a popular answer but you have to give me this one just because the game is so popular - DOS2's combat is way better than anything BG - I would even add with the turn-based mod PK is better combat. As for memorable characters, I actually think PK's characters are better than BG2's, but again I am biased and I always was really annoyed with BG2's characters and yes no one will agree so no real reason to argue about it. In terms of quests individual quest stories I think POE does as good of job if not better. So maybe yes there hasn't really been a game that has combined all the best elements into a single game as BG2 did when it released, but many games have come close, DOS2 for one came very close, Dragon Age 3 came very close, even POE came pretty close, and all three of those games incorporate the best of BG2 so they are if not better, they are as good and way more enjoyable to play as they incorporate so many cool new features, each in there own way. Partly too I just love bucking BG2 because in my heart the Ultima series is still the pinnacle of computer gaming
    1 point
  19. Alas, I was born too early to become a space trucker. Instead, I am a lowly terrestrial trucker.
    1 point
  20. Structures can amplify the effects of forces. For example, the difference in the effect of hitting a metal bucket vs a plastic one with the quality of the sound produced, and then the difference if the bucket is on the ground or in the air. I don't know that happened here, to be fair, but it doesn't seem to be in the realm of impossibility that the structures might have made the problem worse by transmitting the force waves into the bunker through the structure (like the difference between having the metal bucket vs plastic bucket over your head while being hit - you'd most likely want the plastic one as it has less potential to reverberate the sound). I would be curious to know the effect the missile strikes had on Iraqi troops, though.
    1 point
  21. Alena, Meadow Folk Priest of Wael (Solo)- Entry 4: Twin Elms- Part 1 PoE priests are a bit like BG mages. In the early game they're competent but fragile; in the late game they're immensely powerful. Upon arriving in Twin Elms, Alena was on the verge of reaching phase 2 of her development. Playing it safe, she navigated Twin Elms with minimal combat. As you will soon see... First, the Leaden Key ambush. As per usual, we used summons to draw aggro and then unloaded our damage spells, relying on Shining Beacon and Iconic Projection in this case. Note that Alena's Interdiction is undeployed. There's no excuse for that. I just get lazy sometimes. Shades finished the mage. Iconic Projections and Divine Marks took care of the rest. After trading a letter for a shield, getting a merchant killed and poisoning some kid's father (The Sealed Missive, Hard Bargain, Sacrifical Bloodlines) Alena made her way to Teir Evron. She talked to all four god groups, fully intending to complete all four quest. She did Nest Above the Clouds peacefully and then did Into the White Void using stealth. A Servant of Death and The Old King and the New Queen were saved for later. Hunter Brother was next, followed by At the Mercy of the Tribes. Since stelgaers are dangerous, we summon juked the crew over by the giant carcass. And then, taking a tip from Serg, we completed At the Mercy of the Tribes peacefully, using Resolve 17. Alena's base Resolve is pretty low at 6, but she just made it. What a coincidence, huh? The keen eyed among you may have noticed the Ring of Changing Heart and thought: Has Alena even gone to the White March, how'd that happen? Well, the answer is, yes: Alena had gone to White March for that ring exactly. I just decided to include the Darzzir fight in an upcoming White March post. Speaking of which: Guess what's next? The White March. Finally some serious combat! Best, A.
    1 point
  22. Thanks, Serg! (And for the record, Alena is a Waelite, through and through. She'd be thrilled to cast spells with different damage types. Priest book needs more of those.)
    1 point
  23. DARPA’S working on a nuclear powered rocket for easy moon access.
    1 point
  24. Passive. Stuff like deflection bonus from duskfall , mask of weyc, bonuses from magistrate cudgel(deliberations), acute from that FS ring etc all stacks( I didn't test everything). If you don't have to turn it on manually its passive. Maybe there are some that won't stack.
    1 point
  25. As a person who may or may not have worked on a small game once, I pray that Melkathi never discovers it.
    1 point
  26. y'know, 'bout a decade past we went to the dr. 'cause o' a voice problem-- raspy. not ideal to be an attorney who has difficult making himself heard. no doubt hurl would be in a similar situation as a teacher if he sounded as if he had laryngitis all the time. anywho, initial diagnosis were acid reflux/gerd. but there were polyps and other stuff which doctor believed needed to be tested. so they put us through a whole bunch o' procedures to functional confirm we had acid reflux. treatment: take prilosec. literal months o' testing and procedures for "take prilosec." whatever. doctors has made us a terrible patient. for a whole bunch o' stuff, early detection is important/vital. is unlikely we ever get early detection as we avoid doctors until it is functional impossible for us to ignore doctors. regardless, good to hear it were nothing too serious for hurl. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. just tested; can confirm that dagger modal is a standard deflection bonus that is conditional, which means it does not stack with things like arcane veil or mirror image.
    1 point
  28. The Hex Damn, melkathi, I think you were a little harsh in your review of Super Weasel Kid 9. I mean, sure, it's nowhere near as good as SWK2: Radical Road, let alone the original classic, and it's kind of buggy, but there's no season pass, nor any microtransactions, that has to count for something?
    1 point
  29. I'd say a melee Cipher is more interesting as a multiclass. Subclass totally depends (on playstyle, multiclass combo and role in the party). They are all nice in their own ways. Psion is not well-suited for melee though. An often used subclass for melee is Soulblade. This is best paired with rogue in my opinion. For example Soulblade/Streetfighter. Soulblade/Assassin is also nice. If you want to stick to swords then Soulblade/Devoted or Ascendant/Devoted can also be good. Devoted's +2 PEN stacks with the Cipher's +1 PEN passive. Ascendant/Helwalker can also be a great combo. Or Berserker/Beguiler or Berserker/Ascendant. Since Modwyr makes you immune to Intellect afflictions you can counter Berserker's confusion with it. Even Paladin/Soulblade can be great. I personally like Berserker/Ascendant because while ascended you'll have higher attack speed and 0 recovery on kill (Blood Thirst) for your casts (as well as +3 PEN due to Berserker Frenzy + Cipher passive).
    1 point
  30. The best thing on Classic was Dungeon Design, just compare BRD or Dire Maul to anything inHellfire Peninsula or Achenai Crypts or how it is called... a lot of newer dungeons were while I still played were far far away from what i would say quality design.
    1 point
  31. Yep, was fun to troll Classic people pretending the game required anything more than time and endurance rather than any skill. I miss vanilla for the way the world was, but that can never be done by an expansion due to the fact it would be an expansion. I never really raided that much, so class balance and stuff I am not aware of. Not trying to say WoTLK was bad or anything, I liked TBC better by not by much.
    1 point
  32. Good job m8. I like it when people think outside the box, experiment and try goofy stuff, without concern of popular opinion and 'meta'. It's also a great motivator for other people to do the same. Even if I personally hate Xoti's guts, this is a fantastic build.
    1 point
  33. WoTLK was pretty much the best WoW expansion. Class balance (except for the Death Knight at launch) was not as terrible as it was earlier or as bad as it went on to be in later expansions and the game systems were streamlined just enough to have a nice balance between complexity and accessibility. They also removed most of the ridiculousness of the raid roster requirements of Classic and TBC without killing the differences between classes, an issue that seemed to seep into the game with the bring the player not the class approach, something that worked so well in Cataclysm that raid guilds dumped Shamans completely and guilds class stacked worse than ever before. The biggest offender probably being the world first Nefarian kill in Black Wing Descent - half of the raid being made up by druids (and that's literally, Paragon had 12 druids on the kill). That the expansion's got a reputation of being easy is also down to the launch and funnily enough to realizing how easy Classic was when you wouldn't spend most of the game time fighting the game (that includes the logistics of raids being made up of 40 people) instead of the bosses. Blizzard thought they'd give fans Naxx back after it was relevant content only for such a small amount of time and tarnished the reputation of the expansion forever. Oh, on that note, even if you have to fight the game* AND the bosses the raids are demonstrably only a... shadow of veteran memories. BWL classic was clear 42 minutes after it went live. It made for a fun Cataclysm launch though. The same people who wanted a more difficult end game got what they wanted and then didn't stop complaining about it. Heh. *Well with certain differences, what with the game going live with the patch state of 1.12 - MC in particular was a lot easier in Classic because by 1.12 Blizzard fixed some of the more ridiculous talent trees and class problems. But that's minutiae, by far and large. There, I said my piece. Call me a Wrath Baby if you like. I don't give a rat's arse to be honest.
    1 point
  34. You can see him floating to the right, in the Fonferrus's miasma all by his lonesome, thinking of making a break for freedom.
    1 point
  35. Hi, everybody! I want to present you my build of solo roleplay PoTD Skaen priest. It's inspired by @Boeroer's Schemer's Needler Disclaimer: =================================== Savage de Torqmad =================================== Game version: PX1 PX2 PX4 - steam -------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty: PotD -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Priest -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Coastal Aumaua -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: The White That Wends - Drifter -------------------------------------------------------------- Base attributes: -------------------------------------------------------------- Skills: Stealth/Lore/Mechanics -------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities/Talents: Leveling: Items: =================================== It is impossible to start without good story Beware, The Savage Comes! As any good story, we have interlude, then Aumaua young man journey begins. Then 4 key stages of character growth: Low level 1 -4, he is young and weak, shadows and lockpicks his best friends. The best battle is that not happend. Escape foes as much as it possible, gain expirience and items. Pre mid levels (4 - 8 ) Kill Maerwald, get Dial Ewn Dibita and buy war club of the Mataru, solve quests, feel free. At this stage, character ready to take a step out of the shadows and improve social skills. Also, as much as he hates cold as he loves snow walleys. Stalwart calls! The Rise of the Priest (8 - 12) At level 8 You gain Shining Beacon and Scion of flame, you're using divine powers more frequent than brute force. Control and dominate. Scrolls of Paralyze and Confusion, potions. Face your doom (12+) Bounties are very interesting and bring the most experience this time. Prepare to face Skaen and serve his will, but before so much interesting. Dragons, Dungeons, Zealots, You get Hylea's boon to reach Lore 10. Maelstrom is pretty nice sometimes. The much part of the story untold, but everything has its time.
    1 point
  36. GOG asks you to please not abuse its expansive new 30-day refund policy.
    0 points
  37. BBC - Clive Cussler, aged 88
    0 points
  38. Thanks for your answer. I don´t want to get answers NOW and I do not care who gives me an answer as long as its correct. When I read interesting stuff in the forums I realize that there are many other things I do not know. I guess that many other players do not know this as well and it would be helpful for them, so I ask. I am a scientist and thats science: There is a question, somebody finds an answer and this answer produces tons of new questions.
    0 points
  39. Ooooh, am I late to the party?! Aaanyways, here's my contribution: 1. High fantasy setting is dull, boring, derivative and if you played one game, you played them all; 2. Baldur's Gate sucks twice, once as a boring high fantasy genre representative and second time as just being boring by its own merits; 3. Mass Effect 2 is just overly melodramatic soap opera with guns; 4. Undertale has obnoxious writing, piss-ugly art, annoying music and characters so disgusting I'd squash them all like pests they are if I only bothered to git gud at that ghastly "combat". How am I doing?
    0 points
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