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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/19 in all areas

  1. Age of Wonders 3 is free for a limited time on Steam
    2 points
  2. Reminding people of the factions we are looking forward to: Amazon: Assembly: Dvar: Kir'Ko: Syndicate: Vanguard: What will you choose?
    2 points
  3. I think it's time to rename this thread. Who's with me? Are Obsidian forum users publicly undercutting needlessly-speculative The Outer Worlds drama?
    2 points
  4. Sorry if this has already been posted, but I spotted a small text-related bug/oversight in the current patch: the sabre modal Windmill Slash tooltip still says "gain penetration at the cost of recovery time" rather than "at the cost of deflection." Thanks as always for your continued work on this
    2 points
  5. After Bill Clinton possible implicated in Epstein case:
    2 points
  6. The more she says the more I like her: https://reason.com/2019/07/10/gabbard-sympathizes-with-amash-says-political-parties-have-too-much-power/ and https://www.marijuanamoment.net/tulsi-gabbard-files-bill-to-study-hemps-uses-for-just-about-everything/ I know I swore I'd never vote for any Democrat but if she somehow gets nominated I would make an exception. But she won't. The nomination process is designed to offer up the biggest turd, not the best candidate.
    2 points
  7. Entering the thread I assumed it will be about realistic scope of the game, and was about to make a joke about realistic weapons scopes, only to find that the thread is about weapons scopes.
    2 points
  8. Cute and funny animal pics... because there's too much hate in the world these days.
    1 point
  9. The closest I can think of is https://futurism.com/
    1 point
  10. I'll feel bad sending e-dinos to their e-deaths
    1 point
  11. Here you mix races with "secret technologies" instead of classes. I'll be playing from day 1 though, so I'll let you know impressions asap.
    1 point
  12. I like wordplay and Ion Fury stands out as on obvious band-aid name in comparison for me.
    1 point
  13. I kinda like Ion Fury more, though.
    1 point
  14. I can't express how idiotic the whole iron maiden situation is.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. I just learned that Lethandria's Devotion does an instant healing tick as soon as you switch to it. Black Jacket/something for instant 0-recovery switching, healing you and Vela up in no time? Sounds nice...
    1 point
  17. Sucks they had to change the name, but that's better than going through a lengthy lawsuit, I guess. As long as the gameplay is good, they can call it Grapefruit Waterslide Rainbow Extravaganza, for all I care.
    1 point
  18. Political porn... now that's hot!
    1 point
  19. It's the internet. You can find whatever you're into in a few clicks with no politics attached, unless you're into that.
    1 point
  20. Bruce don't feed the trolls.
    1 point
  21. I'm on Chapter 12 of Judgment. This feels like I'm near the end of the game, since then identity of killer has already been revealed. I'm proud to say I had the killer figured out since that character was introduced the first time... well, I wasn't sure whether they were the killer or the person that hired the killer, but I was confident they were one of the two.
    1 point
  22. I think it's genuinely just bad. BTW, a word of warning, when you get to chapter 2, don't put mercs as advisors. This can lead to a common game-ending bug in the current version.
    1 point
  23. STEVE BANNON - i.e., that Steve Bannon - and Guo Wengui are behind the Hong Kong protest/riot. Below are video evidences, hit cc for translation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoyGc41wcwc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bu-cmKxJtI Personally, I think China should have grabbed him while he was in Hong Kong and charged him as a foreign intelligence agent, and used him to exchange for Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou. Do you guys know what kind of system Honk Kong have before 1997? Hong Kong was a COLONY. Hong Kong was a colony without democracy or voting rights before the British handed over Hong Kong to China. British ruled Hong Kong for 156 years, yet never once did British gave the locals democracy or the right to vote during all those years. Only JUST BEFORE British handed Hong Kong back to China, did British tried to impose "democracy" and "freedom" on Hong Kong - just as the West imposed democracy and freedom on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and so many other places. In the 1967, Hong Kong people staged a protest against British rule. Do you guys know what the British did? British went all out. 51 people were killed, of whom 15 died in bomb attacks, with 832 people sustaining injuries, while 4979 people were arrested and 1936 convicted. Now compared how British responded to the 1967 protest to how China has (not) responded to the current situation. Which is why I find it an upmost hypocrisy for the West - ESPECIALLY BRITISH - to criticize China over the current protest in Hong Kong. Frankly, China should immediately shut down Hong Kong universities and other universities in Hong Kong, as America and the West are using universities as the platforms to undermine China in Hong Kong. That was what the British did immediately after 1967, shut down the schools and then never reopened some of them; and that was what Lee Kuan Yew - the legendary founding father of Singapore - did, shut down universities in the 1970s (some of them permanently) to root out foreign interference. The fact was Lee Kuan Yew built Singapore with an iron fist, not democracy or freedom.
    1 point
  24. It depends on the character, but I felt comfortable setting Dex to 8 - 10 for Druids and Priests and 3 for everyone else. I still look more at the special abilities (and style ), but for the most part, yes, the heavier the better. I would max PER, MIG, and INT, and then equalize DEX, CON, and RES. I feel safe setting Wizards' DEX to 3 in turn based because you cast Fleet Feet as a free action to get more DEX and you can use Escape as a free action for getting around the battlefield. You may also want to consider Beguiler/Debonaire, Skald/Debonaire, and/or Tactician/Debonaire. I ran Tactician/Priest of Magran for most of my PotD run, and I could basically nuke every turn. Blood Mage or Blood Mage/Berserker would also be good options. I'm generally not a huge fan of the specialist mages because I don't like being locked out of useful spells. Dump it, homie. I generally want to go after the enemies, because I want them to gather around my tank so I can more efficiently AOE the crap out of them .
    1 point
  25. I was flip-flopping on whether to try 8.2 today since it marks the actual proper launch of the new content, and idly started the launcher so I could at least have the game up to date. Noticed I had a gift of 3 days gametime, which was super convenient (and clever of them I guess, I've only been away for about a month and a half) so I decided to check in and see if my guild was up to anything these days. The answer was not really, and I couldn't be bothered checking out the new solo content, so I just idled and socialised a bit. Ended up going to the new dungeon later on though - fortunately there were no unlock requirements - and it was pretty fun actually. Okay the trash is just random stuff scattered over the map and the landscape is just whatever, but the bosses were interesting. Cut the night short halfway through but it's probably enough to get me subbed for a month at least. And no, I still haven't even unlocked Nazjatar. I don't really care all that much about unlocking flying at the moment. P.S. I'm still active in FF14 at the same time, so the comparisons between them will be interesting. Still only level 60 there though, so I can't really compare like-for-like in terms of new content. I really did miss the feel of WoW mechanically though, it's just so much crisper in terms of engaging in combat. Part of it is obviously the latency difference: I'm connecting to WoW servers in Sydney at about 12ms, and to FF14 servers in Japan at about 120ms, but it's also the simple and to-the-point attack animations so you know exactly when your attack has hit, as opposed to seeing your character perform a series of pirhouettes and having to guess at which point of the animation your damage actually lands. The other thing that leaps out at me is that the sound design that's so, so much better compared to FF14 bosses which are almost all mutes. I could play an encounter in FF14 with the sound turned completely off and it wouldn't make a lick of difference to how I perform. Now to be fair, WoW mods means there's a lot of additional explicit feedback that you don't get with the game natively, but even without any mods, the bosses yelling cheesy taunts at you corresponding to whatever's happening makes a huge difference. On the flipside, I am swiftly reminded how obscure and indistinct WoW ground effect abilities are, especially since bossmods still have to catch up with the mechanics somewhat. It's like they're intentionally trolling you with where the edge of the 'fire' is, which may vary between two identical looking fires in different encounters..
    1 point
  26. Photos from history we don't always see.
    1 point
  27. As a Contra fan, I must admit, I am blown away by this trailer:
    1 point
  28. Oh boy. Pretty sure we don't need more YT nontroversy/he-said-she-said Twitter ballyhoo. Especially when it pertains to other games. It's bad enough that the general gaming news is already chock full of that kind of "content". Echoing them elsewhere only increases their exposition.
    1 point
  29. That's a pretty badass fortress you built , marelooke, great job. I like the design on the floor/ceiling tiles of the Aquilonian set. With the set being heavily white colored, you could potentially build Minas Tirith out of it.
    1 point
  30. Yeah, I was playing around January this year, never had a problem with the Kingdom aspect, I think I had it on easy - but strangely by instinct I always did a lot of questing first and when I really needed to upgrade my kingdom to be able to pass the skill checks I had enough time. It is definitely a tough balance - I think I should have spent a little more time upgrading in the beginning but was able to squeak through. I came to this conclusion after I played through the Pitax portion of the game though So many hours spent on the way there.
    1 point
  31. Man, texting used to be such a pita.
    1 point
  32. Might Shady have another new addition to the family?
    0 points
  33. She really is hot Gorthfuscious, you must watch it
    0 points
  34. If the US gave a **** about humanitarian issues then Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US itself would have been invaded or bombed to hell by now.
    0 points
  35. "I guess the belief in Democratic rights and the ability of people to mobilize and protest can have positive outcomes even when it comes to challenging an undemocratic juggernaut like China " China didn't last as long as they have by being "democratic"
    0 points
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