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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/19 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. I finally hit lev 60 in Conan Exiles. I haven't crafted Silent Legion armor yet, since it requires a lot of star metal to craft, and star metal is extremely scarce and difficult to acquire, but I did craft this swanky as **** Flawless Lemurian Royal Garb. The backdrop is the wall I'm building in its current state of completion: Relaxing up in my throne room, atop my tower: Eventually, I want to have enough piles of coins and other valuables littered all over my throne room so that it resembles a dragon hoard.
    5 points
  3. "Is Epic Games behind a coordinated attack on CDPR?" is the sort of title Betteridge's Law was invented for.
    5 points
  4. I heard two peanuts walked into the park. One was a salted. (For @LittleArmadillo0 )
    3 points
  5. Agreed. There's no big conspiracy, it's a case of the usual suspects of the attention whore socjus outrage internet bully squad doing some moral grandstanding. They do this **** all the time, it happens to be Cyberpunk 2077 at this time because it was by far the most prominent game at E3, and thus the biggest target. Any by that same token, you have your usual suspects of anti-socjus attention whores condemning the socjus attention whores and coming up with conspiracy theories. It's the usual cycle of sensationalism surrounding a complete non-issue.
    3 points
  6. The Accidental Invention of the Super Soaker "The invention landed Johnson in the National Toy Hall of Fame. Christopher Bensch, vice president for collections and chief curator, says Johnson’s interstellar credentials give him elite status among inductees. "“He’s probably overqualified as toy inventors go,” he says. “After all, he is a rocket scientist. His invention was a rarified breakthrough because of its success. It ranks up there with the Slinky and Silly Putty. None of them were designed to be toys.”" HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  7. I think you mean satire. I mean, you are correct that it is basically trolling the original content, but I disagree that it makes our world crappy. I think it is great that we can satirize basically everything, and a gung-ho propaganda book pushed out during the Cold War seems to be a perfect subject. If they didn't use the same name, it is arguable that people would really make the satirical connection. Heck, enough people struggle to recognize it for more than a standard action flick.
    2 points
  8. I don't think there is coordinated attack on CDPR, it seem like the usual case of attention seekers loving to be offended on someone else behalf.
    2 points
  9. Death by bicycle: Examining evidence: You friendly neighborhood yakuza boss: Facetiming with my main man Kaito:
    2 points
  10. If you don't hear from me for months or more or something, you'll know where I went.
    2 points
  11. Have you ever tried to eat a clock? It very time consuming, especially if you go back for seconds.
    2 points
  12. EA: "We don't call them loot boxes", they're "surprise mechanics"
    2 points
  13. People making or looking to make money off of YouTube's ad program, just in case that question wasn't entirery rhetorical (it also immediately answers why similar effort isn't put into reporting on local affairs by small channels).
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. "If there was no insanity, it would be necessary to create it" -Catbag
    1 point
  16. I had a dream I was a muffler. I woke up exhausted.
    1 point
  17. Ah, okay then. Must've been selective perception on my part, I guess...
    1 point
  18. BBC - Bear falls asleep in wardrobe after breaking into home in Canada
    1 point
  19. I wrote "not swappable" in my post. Like trinkets currently are basically. That means not switchable/swappable during combat.
    1 point
  20. Sorry but not sorry for the double post: DIO was awesome.
    1 point
  21. I used the source image; I think yours was sharpened.
    1 point
  22. Well its not like they shoot down civilian aircraft with 300 people on board like Ukraine separatists with big help from Russian AA systems...
    1 point
  23. Few puzzlepieces behind the latest outrage? It makes a lot of sense, but yeah, you never know
    1 point
  24. It's just HoonDing being his typical Edgey self.
    1 point
  25. All game settings stored in registry. Use Win+R combination, type "regedit" (withous quotes), then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity II You need to delete "Pillars of Eternity II" folder, then start the game and all settings will reinitialize.
    1 point
  26. You can post your build in your own thread. If our name it accordingly with "[CLASS BUILD] xy" it's easy to find. Usually I then would go and include a link to that thread of yours into the build list (page 1/post 1 of this thread). Unfortunately I am unable to edit that post since the forum update. It introduced a new time limit for edits: if a post is older than 8 days you can't edit it anymore. Thus I am not able to alter the build list. I hope this gets changed. If you want to support this then write a PM to @SChin and explain why you want that limitation to go away. Thank you!
    1 point
  27. Is it though? Seems to me that's exactly how you escalate the situation. One or two dead SAM operators, and next week they are the ones saying that doing nothing is how you encourage further aggression. And so they try a massed missile strike against the destroyer that launched the tomahawks. See where this is going? Do not lose sight of the fact that, even if they broke your expensive toys, no one has been killed yet. Call me crazy, but wouldn't it be more effective to present a clear case with indisputable evidence that Iran is the bad guy here, to try and get broad support before banging the war drums? That's assuming the goal here is to avoid war, of course.
    1 point
  28. The Ranger Class Is Getting Some Changes In D&D (And Baldur's Gate 3) if already linked, then am apologizing for repetition. too lazy to check. ... actual listened to podcast. ... needs to be a new word to describe these guys who interview game developers and publishers, 'cause journalist carries with it undeserved preconceptions. from the podcast we learned more 'bout the interviewer's crpg preferences and opinions than we did 'bout bg3 development. call somebody a journalist is unfair 'cause it carries with it expectations o' minimum competence and professionalism. given what is diminished standards for game journalism in 2019, is perhaps unfair to burden these folks with the baggage Gromnir brings. need a new word which ain't inherent condescending, but am kinda at a loss. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  29. That's only really been a problem since games made it more convenient to level as tank by upping their damage, and adding multispec. That and communities getting bigger, or rather, there not really being much of one anymore on a per server basis. Basically in the pre-multispec WoW days you wouldn't blame the tank unless they were actually really, really bad (and then you'd likely try to get them to get better instead of raging at them). Getting on the blacklist of your servers' active tanks was a bad deal if you wanted to get into dungeon groups on a regular basis. Respeccing was costly and doing questing etc. as tank was horrendous , so tanks were relatively rare (source: leveled a paladin as tank during TBC. Basically ended up living inside of dungeons to do that. I was every leveling person's best friend for some reason, must've been my fabulous personality ;)) and many of the good or well geared ones didn't really deal with PUGs, so finding one of those and staying on their good side was kind of important. Tbh I feel in general people we just more patient/nicer "in those days". I think smaller communities tended to help against toxicity as you were bound to run into the same people over and over again, so being a jerk tended to backfire more often than not (I heard of people moving servers because nobody wanted to deal with them anymore) As to raids/operations being a job, it's more like playing cards with your friends every Thursday. Or playing football, or whatever. There's clans/guilds that make it feel like a job, those are the bad ones. Of course, as with all things in life, finding a guild with a good attitude is hard. As is maintaining such a guild, so they tend to be rather rare.
    1 point
  30. The cave that's almost underneath my main base that I only found like 200hours in... (is supposed to get an overhaul in the next content patch I heard): I started building my first base below a rock arch, now I've started building a palace on top of said arch and it turns out the beam from my Set shrine aligns almost perfectly with the main entryway. It is a sign from Set! Bring more prisoners, sacrifices need to be made! (and no, I really did not plan for this, at all) The epic version of the Royal Lemurian Armor provides enough cold resistance (makes total sense, less clothing = more hotness, so more cold resistance...) to survive in the North, so I've been exploring around there. Explored east side and re-visited the Mounds of the Dead (this time I managed to get an acceptable framerate) and made it all the way North on the West end of the map (did not mess with the Frost giant place though, though I talked philosophy with one), after that I explored the center, ended up in the Black Keep (see Keyrock's screenshots ) that I managed to clear in two goes (first attempt my weapon broke and I didn't have a spare, second time I had to resort to using a sword I looted to fight the boss as my Pike just wasn't working, really needed a shield for this guy) and then moved on exploring East, where I found these beauties, loads of them: Eventually ended up circling all around the edge on the East side and by accident found a way into the Volcano (fell down a ledge into a loading screen, which saved me...), I quickly started overheating (kinda didn't bring a heat resistance armor set as I didn't expect to go to the Volcano) but noticed the entrance I found was right across an obelisk, so I stripped down and made a beeline for it Then decided to mess with some NPCs fighting a boss, the combination of the Heatstroke and fighting tough NPCs kinda did me in so I got an express ticket home
    1 point
  31. I guess now he's really 213374 us...
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. The tables have turned! I look forward to getting my first reprimand from you some day, numbers
    1 point
  34. Congrats! And I, for one, welcome our new mod overlord!
    1 point
  35. Trust me, no one is more surprised than me. But I'm hoping it's less forumcop and more caretaker. And you know the saying. If you can't beat 'em...
    1 point
  36. Congratulations on the upgrade 213347U!
    1 point
  37. Of all people to become forumcop the numbersman is the last I would have expected. Hope the stress doesn't cause him to go crazier than you already have to be to post on a niche videogame forum. KTCHONG for mod.
    1 point
  38. Of course other opinions are available. I know others here have really enjoyed it, just not myself. I'd suggest listening to what they have to say too, to make a decision! And it's not like you can't ever change your mind on it anyways.
    1 point
  39. I wasn't a fan, and it's a massive time-sink, probably twice as long as Deadfire overall and largely because of a lot of trash encounters, artificial timers surrounding the kingdom management system, and a much more extensive main story opposite to optional sidequesting and the likes. However, I would recommend giving it a try at least. It has its worthwhile elements and others have loved it so, who knows? As to how it compares specifically with Deadfire, well... I think it doesn't. I started a second playthrough of Deadfire as soon as I was done with Kingmaker and the more I played, the more the problems in Kingmaker became extremely apparent. Kingmaker is a pulpy high fantasy power trip, your goal is essentially to rise from novice adventurer to king of an entire new nation, and amidst it all there's numerous threats to your realm and pretenders to your throne, plenty of big epic stakes and enemies, but it's all very surface-level, it's all there for spectacle and entertainment's sake. Nothing wrong with that of course, it knows what it is. But Deadfire, as most Obsidian games, thrives a lot more on a solid thematic foundation, and even at its pulpiest there's still a sense of purpose to much of the content therein, if only to describe another facet of this world that is so deeply tied with the undelying discourse the game presents. And whereas the writing in Kingmaker frequently comes across as crude or generic, there's a life and character to the particular cadence of the Huana or the Valians that is unique, lively and very underrated when in contrast to the former. From a sidequest or side content perspective, there's no doubt in my mind that Deadfire's the better game - most of the side content in Kingmaker is lacking, the sidequests tend to be very straight-forward and not plentiful, whilst 80% of what is there to discover in the world map amounts to endlessly rehashed small areas that act as little more than "arenas" to trash encounters. And whilst the game does react to the choices you make, these are almost exclusively dialogue or build-based, and often dialogue options are gutted outright by arbitrary barriers like alignment - in comparison the roleplay in Deadfire seems much freer and more plentiful, as quests and area design allow for a player to resolve the same in multiple ways just by choosing to *play* the sequence differently instead of merely choosing a different dialogue branch. The freedom of exploration and liveliness of the world stand out a lot more in Deadfire when directly compared to Kingmaker, which on the other hand feels generic to a fault, if no doubt appealing on a sheer comfort-food level. All this without touching the worst aspect, which to me is the combat. Kingmaker's combat is absolutely woeful, ubiquitous and inescapable. If the first Pillars had a trash encounter problem, this one has it three times over. And all this without taking into account that the game does everything in its power to worsen and exacerbate every flaw in the IE games' combat system as well. This is the kind of game that follows the same balancing principles as a regular combat/strategy mod for Baldur's Gate II in that even in normal difficulties it requires you to have the prescience of knowing what you'll face when and what scrolls and characters to bring alongside you for which area; and since the game is on a timer all throughout, backtreading to acquire X or Y supply or companion is *very* costly. This is essentially a game where prebuffing isn't just a clever and accidental workaround to combat the way it proved to be in the IE games, it becomes a mandatory element through which all encounters are balanced around - and if you happen to forget to prebuff your party for a single trash mob of spiders (which can also occur as a random encounter on the road), then good luck because you'll likely end with two or three characters sporting a massive -8 STR, DEX and CON permanent debuff at the end of it. If you think this is just a single type of creature, or just a couple who can do this, think again, because basically *everything* here is capable of dealing attribute damage or permanent afflictions (see blindness too) to your party - and that's not even touching on several other baffling enemy designs like the AoE paralize auras on the Wild Hunt which themselves become your usual dungeon filler during the end of the game. Other irritating features, as with the IE games, include crowd control conditions and DoT AoE spells alla Wall of Blades, Web or Cloudkill enduring for minutes after combat ends*, rest interrupts and random road encounters consisting of trash mobs are plentiful to the point you could well have four or five of the former and two or three of the latter occur before you finish either action, enemies having a tendency to be dumb and heavy on spamming single moves or attacks (case in point: alchemist enemies tend to bombard you with a seemingly endless and constant barrage of fireball, regardless of whether it's effective against your party or not (say that we've cast communal protection against fire on ourselves for example), despite also wielding a crossbow for example), and these shortcomings in AI tend to be 'balanced' through inflating base stats and abilities to absurd degrees, to the point that even a regular boar in act 1 can have an STR score of 32. It's compared to games like this that you realize just how much great work has gone into redesigning and improving combat in the Pillars series. All of which also leads me to the bottom line which is... Kingmaker is very likely a game served best by playing with cheats and cheat mods on. Movespeed cheats, difficulty down to a bare minimum, even the removal of random road encounters, anything to not have to deal with the relentless, tedious combat in this game and nevertheless allowing you to experience the story and several companions and companion arcs which are all very decent - I'd likely have enjoyed the game way more had I played it this way and not tried foolhardily to beat the game at the difficulty I did. Anyhow, these are my thoughts on the matter, hope they're worth something. *: On the matter of endless Wall of Blades, I watched a stream on Kingmaker by Lorerunner a month or so ago where upon defeating the final villain and casting three Wall of Blades to do so, the prologue proceeded to play on top of the battlefield with the Wall of Blades still active. All across the prologue you could hear the grinding sound of the blades and see their animation blurred out in the back, absolutely non-stop. It was rather hilarious. Here's the video, jump to 3:20:00:
    1 point
  40. Legendary morningstar with +16 accuracy + modal (-25 Fort) + spirit frenzy (-10 fort from staggering) + chanter's long night (-10 fort) + aware inspiration +30% hit/crit conversion makes choosing PER over MIG a poor choice. Barbarian is one of the few classes that can crit the enemies without needing PER at all. You increase the raw damage you receive from frenzy, that's true. MIG increases the damage from carnage and while it may not seem to be a lot, when you apply 15-20dmg per carnage to everyone around the barbarian it makes a better investment than perception. DEX is not needed at all for SC barbarians. You get 0% recovery at level 13, and a +45% bonus action speed from frenzy + bloodlust.
    1 point
  41. For a 2h build nothing deals more damage than a berserker + sanguine sword with bloodthirst active. It's quite ridiculous 0.4 attack speed/no recovery + berserker dmg modifiers. Max MIG, INT, CON, average per/dex, dump res. The only problem is that this build begins to shine at level 13, so you can use 2h until then or go dualwield then respec. Multi-classes also get acces to bloodthirst but since you get it at level 19 instead of level 13 I don't even consider multiclassing a barb if I plan on using 2h weapons.
    1 point
  42. Yeah, I see that as well. Unicode Inspector says there's some stuff in there, including a "ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE" from the Arabic Presentation Forms-B character set. And Unicode Inspector is never wrong. You thought that if you hid your subversive propaganda under the guise of a massive game giveaway none would be the wiser, didn't you, Mr. Sands?
    1 point
  43. We're confusing a transactional relationship with an emotional one. Obsidian is a business and will make business-centric decisions. We're consumers and are therefore going to make consumer-type decisions. Personally, I've decided *not* to purchase because exclusivity is anti-consumer and a cruddy practice. Always has been. Always will be. (Not ignoring the fact the Epic is a horrendous experience). I won't whine, gnash my teeth or rant about a business decision. There has been no abuse of trust here because it never, really, existed. If you want change, vote with the only thing that matters. Your purchasing decision.
    1 point
  44. Some of this may come of a bit harsh, but it's supposed to be taken as constructive criticism, so before I mention a few things that are really starting to bother me, let me just thank Obsidian for making this amazing game in the first place! Now, I know that many of these things may be low on your priority list to fix, but when you have hundreds of such small issues, your game will die a sad death of a thousand small cuts! Please don't let this happen, because I want to see PoE3. Anyway, bugs, glitches, annoyances... 1. Optimization - I know this has already been discussed to death, but my game is experiencing huge frame spikes every 5-10 seconds, where the otherwise smooth gameplay turns into a stuttering mess. This is especially visible in Neketaka. Btw, I have a GTX 980TI with I7 processor and 32 GB of RAM, so my machine should be more than powerful enough to run this game without any hick ups. Hell, I play Witcher 3 on ultra settings at smooth 60 fps. 2. Floating text that is stuck over the dialogue screen - This is a bug that has existed ever since Beast of Winter came out. Obsidian said they are working to fix it back in august 2018 as you can see here. I know you guys have been working on TB combat, because you want to sell your game better to TB crowd, but these bugs make the game feel rushed, unpolished and unfinished - especially if the bugs have persissted for so long. 3. Text typos, wrong descriptions etc - The game is full with hundreds of small typos where an "is" or an "are" is missing from a sentance! On top of that I remember, when on day 1 I purchased the game, installed it and immediately noticed that the chain mail says it is good against slashing weapons, yet when I put it on I get a defense against crushing damage. Such small errors are present all over the game and have been present since day 1! 4. Floaty combat - I don't know what you did with pathfinding, but it's much worse than it was in PoE1. The enemies and characters float instead of run when engaging. Yes, they don't get stuck as often, but I would much rather have them get stuck once in a while, than to constantly look at horrible floaty animations in every single battle I engage. Please fix this! These 4 things are nothing game breaking, but they leave any newcomer to the game with a very sour taste in their mouth. I havent even finished the game yet, because I keep waiting for patches that will address these issues. Can any dev please tell me if you even plan to fix these things? If so when? I will postpone my playthrough until these issues are resolved. Thanks! oh PS. 5. When I enter sneak mode and select all my party, the sneak mode runs in super fast mode. You actually move faster by sneaking than with running....
    1 point
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