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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/19 in all areas

  1. saturday were the first day o' our retirement. no excuses, but our dogs didn't get the memo. for weeks we have stressed to the four pooches how saturday were gonna be retirement day, and we were intending to fully indulge our sloth for at least a weekend. no such luck. turkeys (literal, not metaphorical or figurative) got in the backyard on saturday and the dogs went ape$&%#... at 5:30 am. so we fed 'em 30 minutes earlier than normal and then took 'em for a walk. fixed irrigation lines and then began addressing some dry rot in anticipation o' the house getting a new paint job within the next couple weeks. took the older dogs for their second walk o' the day (15 and 16... the vet says multiple shorter walks is best for their arthritis) and by then it were time to pull our fully cooked pulled pork for dinner. after dinner we caught up on a couple correspondence we have been avoiding. before we knew it, were 11:30pm. sunday has gone similar to saturday, save for the absence o' turkey, so we were able to sleep in 'til 6:00am. retirement weekends, so far, doesn't feel much different than any other weekend. HA! Good Fun!
    5 points
  2. So PC gamer is fluffing about casting actors for video game characters (or their body parts. Like Steve Buscemi's eyes for Sonic ) and this is perfect:
    4 points
  3. Do you guys think that the following wildstrike icons are ok (second row: Greater Wildstrike)?
    3 points
  4. Hmm.... Since I have the Tab A tablet thought I'd try the Pocket Edition. The free chapter anyway. It's actually pretty good as a condensed version of the game. The skill tree is completely different structure/form and doings, combat is even more automated. But, y'know, mobile so it's understandable and makes sense. Now I have to decide if I'm going to get a Google money card at the gas station (I'm not giving Google my CC, nope) to get the rest of the chapters ($20 for all). Hmm...
    3 points
  5. is akin to clinton "sexual relations" lies, but this is the out for Barr: "Reports have emerged recently, general, that members of the Special Counsel's team are frustrated at some level with the limited information included in your March 24th letter. Do you know what they are referencing with that?" Barr spoke with mueller after mueller sent letters. however, Barr wasn't asked 'bout mueller in the question quoted. "members" (plural) o' the team were "frustrated at some level." okie dokie. Barr is gonna say he don't genuine know what is frustrating members o' the team as he never had a chance to speak to 'em and the question is vague and broad enough that "they" could mean just 'bout anybody on mueller's team. he cannot genuine speak for those indefinite members o' the team the question fails to specify. sure, is a lie for any normal thinking person who isn't an attorney... which may be a kinda oxymoron. is still a lie given Barr no doubt knew what the questioner were attempting to divine and he chose to provide an answer which he would know or should know would mislead a reasonable listener. nevertheless, there is wiggle room, and the ag is gonna get benefit o' the doubt particular as any investigation would be handled by the justice department. is a flaw in the system btw, and is the great misunderstanding many have with Barr's seeming presumption o' trump innocence. gotte keep in mind that the AG only exists at the whim o' the chief executive. unlike Congress and the Courts, the entirety o' the executive branch power and authority as described in the Constitution is invested in one person: The President of the United States of America. how does potus obstruct justice if he/she is the entirety o' the justice department? carried to ultimate conclusions, such absolutist thinking results in complete impractical resolutions which the Courts has thankful balked at embracing. in other words, may not be able to pin liar label on Barr particular snug, but is no question he were misleading... which should be just as bad... which is the real tragedy o' the polarization which has sent each party to their fox holes at the lunatic fringe. mueller were never gonna find collusion 'cause collusion ain't a crime. nevertheless, mueller found a whole bunch o' russian entanglements by the trump campaign, not to mention lies by President and others regarding such entanglements. mueller found numerous instances which revealed that the President interfered and attempted to interfere with the russia investigation. is literal dozens o' lies by the President catalogued by mueller and keep in mind mueller only tallied lies which were material to his investigation. ... keep in mind we expressed same frustration with clinton emails. republicans were working so hard to get a crime to pin on clinton when what they shoulda' been doing is exposing how brobdingnagian were her negligence and or stoopidity. comey actual tried to express how singular unique were clinton's mishandling o' the emails, but all republicans wanted to hear were that clinton should be charged. comey threw clinton under the metaphorical bus, but somehow such got complete lost after he observed how no prosecutor would seek to charge clinton given the evidence. having read the muller report entrie at this point, am unable to look at Barr's four-pager and subsequent presser as anything but misleading. questions before Congress also were evasive to the point o' arguable deceit. perjury should be almost immaterial as we are talking 'bout a political appointee. brave new world, eh? HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  6. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/227477-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire/faqs/76599 It seems accurate on so many topics that weren't fully clear for me, such as the Unbending scaling formula or how Interrupts actually worked. I wouldn't be suprised if one of you was involved in it, since there aren't so many place on the web where one can find accurate information about the game mechanics. EDIT : It indeed seems to be Thelee work. In my opinion, this should be pinned.
    2 points
  7. aw shucks, yeah that's mine. i don't pretend to be 100% accurate or claim that it's 100% my work - I hope I credited everyone who helped contribute it to it (there's some more updateds pending phenomenum's contributions, but i'm waiting on 4.2). but if people get good mileage out of it, that's all I can hope for
    2 points
  8. Well, not like saber moves in the movies couldn't get more unnecessary.
    2 points
  9. I am thinking of making each suggestion a separate file. E.g: cl.monk.resonant_touch.gamedatabundle cl.monk.shattered_pillar_wounds_limit.gamedatabundle race.moon_godlike.silver_tide.gamedatabundle and so on This way it is easier to find the needed stuff for both modder and the player (if the later wants to delete some specific change). I am still thinking how to organize localization though. As the game doesn't pick the strings from <modname>/conservative/localized/en/game/.. It seems to look specifically at: <modname>/localized/en/game/ folder, and at specifically named stringtables. That's why atm I use: FineTunedDeadfire - design - conservative - gamedata - cl.cipher.biting_whip.gamedatabundle - cl.cipher.body_attunement.gamedatabundle - ... - cl.monk.resonant_touch.gamedatabundle - cl.monk.shattered_pillar_wounds_limit.gamedatabundle - ... - race.moon_godlike.silver_tide.gamedatabundle - extended - gamedata - - localized - en - text - game - abilities.stringtable - ... - statuseffects.stringtable But I don't really like that stringtables are common for all 'editions'. Because if the player deletes one gamedatabundle, he might get a new text for the vanilla ability; unless I always create new entries, instead of editing existing one. I will think more about it later. @Boeroer, I think the icons are ok. But the colors seem to be a little bit too vivid, unless this is consistent with already existing ones.
    2 points
  10. https://store.steampowered.com/app/605610/Dawn/ 1) it's wonderful 2) I had fun playing singleplayer 3) it's free!
    2 points
  11. Doing a bit of exploring I hit lev 30 and unlocked mid-tier armors, so I went ahead and crafted this Stygian Raider set. I favor medium armor since it gives you the same mobility as light armor, albeit with a higher stamina drain for dodge rolling and sprinting, yet offer decent protection. Heavy armor has great damage reduction, but at the cost of mobility. Also, heavy armor is terrible for exploring because your stamina drains super quick when you climb in it, and there's plenty of climbing in the game.
    2 points
  12. The idea is to make a mod available in two "editions": - Conservative: which would include only suggestions from the poll, with 66+% votes pro. - Extended: which would include only suggestions from the poll, with 50+% votes pro. I'd prefer to focus on these first, since it's better to have one thing finished, rather than two unfinished) After that I'd like to consider: Druid and priest trinkets mod Soulblade revamp mod Custom spinoff from Deadly Deadfire and finally play the game ^^ P.S. Although if you are referring to the typos from the last page only, those are kinda fast to do, so I could include those. Hehe, as for that Huana, I was thinking that it could either be some transgender or a man with a high pitch voice) P.P.S. I'd also like to see the following being implemented: Clear slog zone debuff on rest. Swap all existing ApplyOverTime to ApplyOnTick. (if Obsidian does nothing about ApplyOverTime being affected by INT, and other duration modifiers) Make Wounding Shot DoT stack with itself. Make Maiming DoT (from Effort sword) stack with itself. Nerf Deep Wounds to tick 2 times for 10%, instead of 3 times, at 10MIG/INT. Fix Rot Skulls AoE penetration. (already done by Phenomenum) Make Forbidden Fist to be considered a weapon attack. (already done by Phenomenum) Make Soul Annihilation kills trigger Mob Stance. But these points were not in the poll, so I am not sure were to include them. So far I see two approaches: include them along with few untypos, in the Extended edition. Or, create a new 'edition', let's say "Extra" or "Overhaul"? to Boeroer: Spiritshift: looks awesome Frenzy: good Wildstrike Shock: ok Wildstrike Burn/Corrode: good enough Wildstrike Freeze: ~ it looks like nettle
    2 points
  13. I finished building the staircase up to my Shrine of Set, upgraded the Shrine, and crafted a sweet Setite Ritual garb set. It's tier 2 light armor, so not the strongest protection in the world, but it is does carry the Hallowed effect, which protects against undead and corruption. I also finished building the crafting area. There's a roof overhead to keep everyone dry, but it's very open to let the smoke from the cooking station, furnace, etc. escape. Now I'm building the foundation for the housing for my thralls.
    2 points
  14. 1 point
  15. Post some photos, I love puppies and dogs
    1 point
  16. hey i also faced similar issue earlier.. but then when i reinstalled it, it worked perfectly fine!!
    1 point
  17. Current description: According game's files (statuseffect.gamedatabundle): 10% of boar's attacks damage applied as Raw Damage every 3.0 sec. for 6.0 sec. (ApplyOnTick, affected by Intellect attribute). Effect can be applied to target within Spiritshift duration (30.8 sec. in my case). UPDATE: "Scoring a hit with an attack" strings in gui. stringtable (2128 and 3810) is wrong and confusing. { "EventType": "OnScoringGrazeHitOrCriticalHit", "FormatString": 2128, "StandaloneString": 3810 }, In fact, SE applied not "When Hit", but when Graze / Hit / Crit - any successful attack.
    1 point
  18. Yeah, it's...not perfect, i agree. Let's think about some other variants.
    1 point
  19. Altered some of the criticized "old" icons (from Fighter, Rogue, Paladin) and also Ranger's. So just a quick update. Special subclass passive icons will follow soon.
    1 point
  20. Congrats Gromnir! I've been getting very little sleep with a new puppy in the house
    1 point
  21. Unsound deployment of mobile cavalry. Improper management of air support assets. Knowingly and willfully splitting your smaller force then attacking with one of those two TWO WHOLE WEEKS before the other is in position? It's not just reckless, it's folly. Moving into enemy controlled territory at all with no intelligence of the deployment and disposition of the hostile forces just compounds that folly. Plus you have some legit unconventional/black ops assets at your disposal. Do that before even considering an attack! You know the one that can change their face and is handy with a knife? Jon & Dany would have been better served staying in Winterfell for a few weeks and learned a few things about battle tactics. Maybe read a few books while they were at it. This would have been a good start:
    1 point
  22. Better than the last episode. The politics was good and the deathw as actually meaningful. R00fles!
    1 point
  23. You'll be fine. I've used most of those in endgame content myself and they do well. Plus it's hard to make a "big mistake" in this game with class choices alone, especially for single class characters. The only questionable thing imo is Pallegina, since Herald and Crusader are much more popular than pure Paladin, as the multiclasses add great survivability and/or damage while Paladin PL8/9 don't seem lifechanging to me. Never used a pure Paladin though so maybe I'm missing out. And for Ydwin, Mindstalker is better for straight up weapon damage and quick focus gen because of deathblows, etc., and it has the added utility of Escape and invisibility when in trouble. But SC Cipher has some very powerful utility and doesn't slouch for damage either. I don't think one is strictly better than the other but the difference is significant enough for you to think about.
    1 point
  24. It was indeed. So, going from initial print (of this version): To having sanded the pieces, and whipped up some brass buttons and aluminium collars - Then doing the whole primer-filler thing with it - To final paint and assemble -
    1 point
  25. Yesterday I jumped on the bike and did my last long ride before the Ironman. It was 71.64 miles and it took me 4 hours and 24 minutes. That's an average of 16.3 mph. At that rate it will take me a little less than 7 hours to complete the bike leg. I did do quite a bit of climbing, with 3800 feet total and a couple very steep sections. The Ironman is 112 miles, but it will be 3900 feet climbing total, which means it is more spread out, so hopefully I can keep a faster pace. It's crazy how much time can be gained or lost by 1 or 2 mph difference. I started getting a headache around mile 60. I was on my second bottle of water, so I probably just need to be better about drinking, but I was also struggling with my nutrition. I brought a peanut butter and honey sandwich and that was great. I ate chunks of it and was done by mile 50, so I need to pack a second. I also brought a Clif bar and Clif energy bloks. The energy blocks seemed to make the headache worse. The clif bar was alright, but I always have trouble eating the entire bar. I think I might bring a caffeine version of one of those to give me a bit of a kick, but I'm still worried about digestive issues. I have a pretty sensitive stomach. I also might swap a water bottle out for a vitamin water or gatorade. Right now I am using alkaline water with electrolytes, but it doesn't have the same kick as a sports drink. My butt was sore, but I don't think there is any way around that. I was still getting out of the saddle and feeling good in the legs, so that's nice, but it's crazy to think I need another 40 miles next weekend. I threw on my running gear and ran 20 minutes, or 2.5 miles, after the bike. Crazy, but the headache went away and I felt great. Well, I felt good. It was hard but I was holding a good pace and felt physically better than your would expect after the long ride. So I've got that to look forward to. So yeah, I think this is going to be hard. But I'm excited, and I'm going to try and just enjoy it.
    1 point
  26. Singular subject ("The flow") calls for singular verb ("makes"): Since we're talking about a single creature, it should be "the creature flees":
    1 point
  27. 18:09]draego_:it prob has lots of bug fixes to [22:03]Aarik D (Community Manager):so many bug fixes [22:12]Helmino:@Aarik D (Community Manager) hope is not only bug fix [22:14]Aarik D (Community Manager):Turn that frown upside down my friend, many cool things coming! From the discord chat
    1 point
  28. I never want to play another video game with Divinity's truly awful attribute and skill system ever again. Pillars of Eternity (both of them) has really given me an appreciation for just how much well-designed, fundamental systems like these can impact my enjoyment of a game. I 100% agree. I can't imagine limiting themselves when they've shown they can capably do both would be good for the future of the series. Plus, I'm a stickler for accessibility features, and one of the reasons I love Deadfire so much is the insane extent its gone to in catering to the tastes and needs of so many different players. The ability to tailor the experience to my liking is one of the primary reasons I enjoy it so much. And same! Can't wait to finally try out the turn-based mode with the next patch where it will hopefully be coming out of beta in preparation for the console release.
    1 point
  29. So they have decided to wait till release anniversary) Btw, now we have some sort of time estimation dictionary - "ASAP" in technical forums = up to 100 days - "soon (tm)" on discord =~ 40 days - "almost at the finish line" on discord = ~ 2 weeks - "very soon" by Josh on reddit = 1 week
    1 point
  30. That may be your personal opinion, but general consensus (and I would agree with that consensus personally) is that DOS has excellent turn-based combat. DOS gameplay has a lot of issues, but it's fundamental turn-based mechanics are exceptionally well designed. I would say that's probably why the series has sold so incredibly well despite it's wide swath of design issues. I would also say this is reflective that the future of CRPGs, likely including Pillars of Eternity, will probably be rooted in at the very least an OPTION for turn-based play. Turn-based is quite frankly just more accessible, it lets the developers maintain the depth of mechanics more easily while still catering to a wider audience. We'll see what Obsidian decides, but I think it's rather unlikely that a third-game focuses it's investment on improving the real-time gameplay over either including a turn-based option at launch or making it the focus of the game (even if it's treated like the Pillars of Eternity Tactics spin-off that's been floating around as an idea since the first game). Besides, if that Microsoft money goes anywhere, I'd hope it goes into getting the TTRPG to a place where it can compete with stuff like D&D or Pathfinder in terms of production quality when it launches. I honestly believe that's a better investment for the future of the series, especially as far as expanding its audience is concerned.
    1 point
  31. This is laughable. In the end, I'd rather have more options that increase a game's accessibility to more players (not to mention greatly enhance the game's replay value) than a few less bugs. Not to mention that this "diversion of resources" was not "unnecessary", as the addition of turn-based mode will be of great benefit to the console port of the game. Real-Time is almost impossible to do well on a controller, as it necessitates extremely long pauses due to the incredible need for micromanagement in this type of game. No matter how good your control scheme is, this would make the game feel like a complete slog. Turn-based on the other hand never interrupts the flow of the game, and thus fits much better into the slower pace of gameplay that a controller creates. This drastic increase in the appeal of the console port also has a secondary benefit in that many people who play RPGs prefer turn-based combat, which makes sense since the roots of these games are in a turn-based format and also since the gameplay in RPGs (but particularly in Pillars of Eternity) tends to have many layers of complexity. I'm very glad that more of the wider RPG community will care to experience the game, that turn-based mode will and has exposed Deadfire to a larger audience, as I'd greatly prefer forward-thinking, nuanced games like Deadfire to be leading the genre as opposed to games with shallow worldbuilding and storytelling (like Divinity Original Sin) or games overly obsessed with replicating tabletop mechanics in a format they weren't designed for (like Pathfinder Kingmaker). Regardless, there's very little Obsidian can do to improve the gameplay of real-time combat in Deadfire without a complete overhaul. The few flaws that Deadfire's combat system has (like the Penetration System, for example) are fundamental, the kind of tweaking you can do post-launch can't account for fundamentally broken mechanics that literally every encounter in the game is built around. Even if the development of turn-based has turned away resources from adjusting the real-time gameplay, the fact that it operates differently also gives the developers working on that mode a lot more freedom, allowing them to get a lot more done with it then a focus on real-time ever would've carried. And besides, in the long-term, modders can probably more smartly handle such nuanced mechanical adjustments than the developers anyways. Like, there's already a penetration overhaul up on the Nexus last time I checked, and its really great. So if anything happens to fall through, the modding support this game allows for means that it can be addressed by the community anyways, so it is far more in the game and Obsidian's interest to expand on it's number of features and flexibility as a game. Will turn-based ever be perfectly balanced? Probably not, but who cares? No game is ever perfectly balanced, as all things should be, but it doesn't mean it can't be very enjoyable regardless. I'd rather this community be larger and more influential than for Obsidian to be a few inches closer to a perfectly balanced game. By the way, I think it's very strange to suggest that CRPGs as a genre are in fundamental conflict with a turn-based format, when they were initially built on top of a turn-based game: Dungeons & Dragons. Even POE, which greatly adjusted the format to function a lot better in real-time (which I would agree has caused some of the fundamental issues that TB mode currently has, like action speed), is still greatly influenced by that original material. So, if anything, the format is actually a great fit for these types of games as they get closer to replicating the core tabletop experience.
    1 point
  32. We can always have a Round 2 poll To bad I didn’t participate in the first poll Was afk at that moment.
    0 points
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