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  1. Hello, guys Have not played Deadfire for long time, and if there is anybody still here, could you say please is this intended that Arcane Archer pen does not scale with his PL?
  2. Dear developers, Firstly thank you for helping make such a wonderful game which I have had so much fun with! But I just wanted to make all aware of a bug with the Suppress Affliction spell. My understanding is that this spell should suppress any affliction in an AoE for its duration. However, in my case this does not seem to work at all. In fact, what happens is that the suppress affliction LENGTHENS the duration of any preexisting CC. Luckily I managed to record this on a recent stream: https://clips.twitch.tv/RealGleamingSalmonJonCarnage Here is a link to my savegame for testing: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x5j86SRQdYqVbrwR2mOwY25f2QbpPPKF/view?usp=sharing Steps to reproduce the bug: 1. Cast any affliction on a party member 2. Cast suppress affliction. 3. Observe that the affliction isnt removed and duration of affliction is extended. I hope this can be addressed soon! Thanking you in advance! Best Wishes Viggy
  3. While fighting Jungle Lurkers in the Hohina Ravine on Tehiwai Islands I encountered a soft lock. My best guess is that Mage Slayer is successfully interrupting a spellcast but this is causing turn based combat to break. Unfortunately the combat log does not offer an indication of a spell being interrupted here, though it would if I was using the pet boar and still it would soft lock so long as there are spell disruption stacks. I have not encountered this problem before this point due to either luck or bursting down an enemy before or after their spells had been cast. This is on Veteran difficulty (solo, Eothas and Berath challenge) and can happen even with the pwgra if they attempt to cast something while there are spell disruption stacks. A screenshot
  4. https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Garden+of+Life This spell has a 6 sec tic timer and 3 sec duration. Tooltip reads 0 when I hover over the total heal calculator. Reaching +100% duration is a little difficult but I believe the tooltip still read 0 when I previously achieved this.
  5. I noticed during the last boss fight of the dev stream, one of the librarian casted Deep Learning spell : Brilliant + Intuitive. Potential new unique spell for a grimoire or just unique NPC spell?
  6. As you can see on the screenshot taken prior to combat Xoti's Dismissal targets every undead in AoE except for Fampyr (same thing happened minutes ago during first encounter with local inhabitants, pointing out that this Fampyr named Zulka is not some kind of boss that should not be affected by spell, diary says that Fampyrs are lvl 8 creatures therefore lvl 18 Xoti should pop em in industrial scales with that spell). Even if we assume that upscaled Fampyrs are equal or higher lvl than Xoti they still have to take true damage on cast. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eKsdraCyVicvBdj63TRfUN5YykekXPxY ^^ Save link However on this next screenshot in combat log there is no entry for DIsmissal hittin (or missing => no entry of spell targeting that Fampyr) Zulka In russian Zulkas name will look like Зулка written in blood red, as you can see there is no entry of Xoti performing anything against her.
  7. Is the Familiar a Conjurer/Wizard summons still random? I can't make a character to find out till tomorrow (darn mandatoryupdates and limited internet data ;o; ) If yes, does anyone have any idea how I can mod/change this? I want to only have the wyrm/dragon thing.
  8. I noticed that a lot of useful spells take 6 sec to cast and has 3 sec recovry time. My wizard companion can only cast one spell before combat ends, sometimes he gets interrupted or CC and the spell never goes off. The spell casting is so slow that it makes some spell useless, why would I spend 6 sec cast time + 3 sec recovery X armor multiplier to cast a spell that paralyzed enemy for 6 sec ( cipher's mental blinding ) / 10 sec (wizard's fetid caress) ? It seems an offensive/CC caster is useless without heavy investment in Dex, but that's 8 attribute gone and there's not much left for Might and Int. And the weapon attack build just seems much better, 6 sec is enough for my Lv6 psyblade to swing his great sword twice dealing 100+ damage while my caster just finish an average spell. This needs to be fixed by either reduce cast time or greatly increase spell power to make spell casting more efficient. Right now the spell is good, but it isn't worth the time. Here is an incomplete list of 6 sec cast time spells, most of them are only "average cast time" spells in POE1 Wizard: Slicken, Parasitic staff (used to be instant in POE1), Curse of blackened sight, Fetid caress, Rolling flames, Necrotic lance, Chill fog, Ray of fire, Delay of motion, Noxious burst, Kalakoth's minor blights, Crackling bolt, Fireball (fast in POE1), Confusion, Wondrous torment, Torrent of flame (fast in POE1), Bitter mooring, Form of helpless beast, Spirit lance ...... Cipher: Whisper of Treason, Eyestrike, Recall Agony, Mental Blinding, Soul ignition, Puppet Master ......
  9. PS4 user here, thank you so much for bringing Pillars of Eternity to console! :D I've been playing a wizard for awhile and just started getting mastered spells, they don't seem to be working correctly or if they are I would really like some added functionality. The first thing that disappointed me was that the AI behavior seems to completely ignore the fact that these per encounter abilities exist, now this might be as intended... but another check box for mastered spells being used would be great in the AI behavior window. it would really be awesome if Spellsword Aloth would use his per encounter Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff in combat automatically. But that was ok I figured I would just put my mastered spells in the combat radial menu's custom slots. But that doesn't work either, when i attempt to slot the mastered spell it just slots the normal spell version and tells you it isn't in the grimoire if you don't. So to use mastered spells you have to dig through the radial menu every fight. I would really like to know if this is something that could be addressed in a future update or if y'all aren't making changes like this anymore. Also anyone else? Opinions?
  10. The idea of this thread is to start a discussion about the direction of spell mechanics people would like the game to go in. As the host i'll start by sharing up some of my thougts around the topic. I will not discuss the obvious major mechanical change with the removal of vancian(spelling?) casting in the opening post since it seems to have been discussed quite rigorously already. The introduction of the new token mechanic to change target during casting coupled with the introduction of spell interuption greatly expands the possible range of spells and their impact since it allows for spells with far longer casting times that requires more planning. With the current token and interuption mechanics in the game it might be possible to justify a combine spell feature if the resulting casting time is long enough in relation to its power. Why do i want this? For one it would grant players a far greater flexibility and experimentation for players like me who love that sort of thing. More importantly perhaps is that it is the closest we're ever going to be able to create a spell of our own. I mean by the end of PoE my character was one of the most powerful wizards in the world who literally had the archmage Concelhaut as his pet, yet he had never done any spell experimentation or been able to create any spell of his own. What's up with that? I mean other than resource issues for obsidian . It would be even cooler (although admittingly possibly a nightmare to balance) if it was possible to combine different class spells with one another such as wizard/cleric or druid/cleric spells. What are your thoughts about the new mechanics that has been introduced? Any ideas of your own?
  11. I hope we'll have a great Spell System, similar to what was done in Tyranny. Also from Tyranny, the whole "Cooldown Ability" thing was good aswell. & what about this :
  12. 13 months after release? Really? Check out the description of the 4th level spell Confusion. The duration of the Confused affliction is shown in black and has no tooltip showing the base value, even though it's shown the way it's modified. I'd have thought such tings have been fixed long ago. I noticed this while working on the wiki actually. Please check all abilities' descriptions. I'm sure you have much faster ways to do it than I have. Edit: Wrong forum, please move to "Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support"
  13. Wall of Force http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Wall_Of_Force In fact it damaging allies.
  14. Male spell chanting/casting voice is too low... it's there, but the volume is too low almost to the point that you can't hear it. Female's voice is loud and clear also for some reason, I recruited Aloth and his spell chanting volume is ok. Tested with a priest and wizard for both male and female and the chanting voice is too low on males.
  15. It seems Garden of Life spell (level six druid spell) is not working. Is it only me or is it a general bug? This is one of the most important spells (according to description because I can't use it) so please tell me what is happening. Thanks!
  16. Hey all! Stopped playing a short while after release due to bugs and general incompatibility with my crappy computer. I'm coming back into the fray and loving the game! I'm currently in act 2 with a level 8 solo wizard. I have a fully upgraded fortress and my gear is as follows: - Sanguine Plate (Resistances) - Rotfinger Gloves (2 amazing foe debuffs) - Belt of Blunting (Resistance) - Gaun's Share (leeching) - Some turban looking hat that gives constitution - Lilith's Shawl (stealth and perception) Haven't found boots yet. I've done every task in defiance bay and every quest except cinders. Haven't touched the main quest and haven't left The Bay. I've been relatively successful in all encounters so far. The hardest thus far has been the forgotten. They essentially just plop you in the middle of a bridge with like 7 decently geared enemies with nowhere to bottleneck. It was a pain but I finally downed them after loading like 15 times. I'm also having trouble with the cinders drake. I found an awesome spot where him and all of his minions are trapped in a straight line at which point I pelt them with everything I have including summons. Problem is all of his drake and kobold minions will die and by the time he comes around I only have enough spells to get him down to badly injured. He hits like a truck and I would have no defences left at this point. The spells I'm using are pretty much chill fog, fan of flames, concelhaut's ciphon, bulward vs elements, hardened arcane veil, mirror image, essential phantom, rotfiner debuffs, expose vulnerabilities and my 3 figurines. If theres an amazing piece of gear I'm missing out on or possibly a good strategy or spell I'm not using, some advice would be great. Thank you so much!
  17. Hi guys. Have any of you found any lvl 8 wizard spells? My wizard (Aloth) is now max level (14) and have gotten access to 8th lvl spells in his grimoire...however he doesn't know any and didn't get to choose any on levelup. Are there any in the game?
  18. The new Druid spell Natures Bounty increases might and perception permanent by incredible high amounts.
  19. Description: Wall of flame spell does no damage either to foes or allies. It just doesn't work and is completely useless. It used to work properly before. I cannot give you the specific patch number though because I had a long break. When I came back it just stopped working after updating the client. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Launch the attached saved game, move down the corridor to encounter enemies and start fighting. Choose any mage (Isandrod or Aloth) and cast the Wall of flame. There is no any damage dealt from the Wall of flame source. Important Files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wywktws9l0nel5q/wall-of-flame-bug.zip?dl=0
  20. With to lollop I mean he je will jump forward feet by feet with no animation. Please compare screenshot and savegame.
  21. Sometimes Rolling Flame is not reflected at a wall or object but goes through it. In my recent case that was not only weired thing which happend: Rolling Flame went through the closed door north to me where it hit enemies. It got reflected, but not only one Rolling Flame came back but two. At the same time enemies south to me got magically hit by another invisible rolling flame. It's magic! Please compare screenshot and savegame. P.S. it's not the only bug related to this very particular spell, there are two other bugs too: one and another one.
  22. And I think the Magic Missile spell is a good example of what I don't like about magic in Eternity. (For those who don't know, Magic Missile is a D&D level 1 spell that most wizards or sorcerers start out with). The Magic Missile spell was awesome in the old IE games because it scaled with your level--the higher your level, the more missiles you could shoot, the more missiles you could shoot the more damage you could do. It was great. That made the Magic Missile spell useful even at high-levels. It was also a great visual indicator of character growth. When I hit level 2 in Baldur's Gate, for example, I don't feel like I'm getting stronger because I can do slightly more damage and have slightly better stats--I feel stronger because instead of shooting out one dinky missile, I shoot two. And then hours later when my wizard is blasting 10 missiles from each fingertip--that feels truly badass. Which brings me to Pillars of Eternity. None of the magic (that I've seen so far) scales with the player, so low-level spells very quickly lose relevance. There are also no visual or mechanical changes to the spells... and that's really disappointing to me. I love Pillars of Eternity, don't get me wrong: it's almost everything I'd hoped it would be. But I always play a wizard/sorcerer character in games like this, so it's disappointing to see that Pillars of Eternity is yet another in a long list of CRPGs that simply fails to (even try to) reach the same level as the old IE games.
  23. -Essential Phantom will have the Spellbind item uses fully charged. For example, if you have a restore light glove and used 2 of the 3 uses, your Phantom will also have 3 uses when summoned. Otherwise, far as I can tell, there's nothing else usable, figurines in quick slots won't work for example. -To use the above, simply click on the phantom and the spellbind item use should appear above the character portraits toward the left side. -Weapons with spellbind on them will not work as well, only worn items. -It does get effected by group buffs, but individual ones like Eldritch Aim even cast before it has no effect. Additionally, talents Weapon Focus: Adventurer, Dangerous Implements, Heart of Storm, don't seem to effect it. -The Essential Phantom seems to have a +3 accuracy spell in effect on it, so Priest and Paladin spells (auras) will only override it. Otherwise, I was testing a Moon God-like PC and Aloth Wood elf, but the gap was 3 accuracy not 5, and dropped the paladin zealous focus to do this testing. -It seems to have a much higher accuracy and always targets reflex/shock. Additionally it has more Health and defenses. The health pool is roughly x4. I suspect it has a super modifier for health/endurance but can't do math too well. Defenses are a little wonky, I can't figure out any patterns besides it has more. -The damage of the summon is unaffected by might it seems. Aloth or my PC dealt the same with the summons in play. -It has the same damage reduction as the caster. (Kinda funny to use plate for example and have it block a doorway). -Couldn't tell if recovery time of its attacks was effected by the heavier armor though. -Racials like Moon God like do not seem to work off it.
  24. As much as I love my cipher, it would appear that amplified wave is bugged. The prone effect caused by the spell lasts indefinitely, as can be seen by these two screenshots showing an hour of game time in between them. This unfortunately makes the spell incredibly overpowered. This occurs on v 1.03.530 from GOG. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
  25. Like the title says really, when casting the spell Call to Slumber, the enemies affected by it become prone for the entire fight, instead just the 14 seconds
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