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Found 4 results

  1. That started as an answer to "the best girl tank" thread here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104752-the-best-tank-in-the-game-herald-vs-crusader/, but grew in size to deserve its own topic. I'd go as far as to say, that adding Goldpact Paladin class to your multi-class provides highest possible damage avoidance and mitigation combo from one class compared to absolutely anything else. +8 free all defenses (up to +15 with 1 point investment)? Yes please! +4 armor on demand? Sure thanks! Oh, here's another +1 armor on demand (aura) just in case you need it when you run out of zeal. And just in case something vicious on PotD has enough ArPen to do more than 25% damage with their attacks late game, we give you infinite armor edit:+3 Armor as long as you don't move. Please go ahead and pull enemies to you, using corners to gather them all together. Now, if you play solo, you'd probably want to do damage: Now that you got deflection and infinite armor, why not get some infinite resource pool to outlive your enemies while they wither: Sir Sit-a-Lot Oh, standing still for long periods of time bores you? Don't worry, you can stand still for less and do more damage with: The Faceless Dancer But what if I like Streetfighter more than Trickster? Answer is simple: Stop-N-Go Want to have powerful ranged dps, tank hybrid monstrosity? With Paladin you can: The Holy Hand Grenadier In conclusion I'd like to say that paladin class is severely broken compared to others. Of course it doesn't hand out insane buffs at zero cost (looking at your Streetfighter+Blunderbuss), but the fact that Paladins can do anything at least well (tank, heal, dps), leaves them with no almost downsides and hence severely ahead of other classes imho. Downsides that are exclusive to this class are: -RP attributable to sub-classes is a mess sometimes -Weird stacking with priest deities -Not an infinite resource pool (because they are not Cipher or Chanter) -Small selection of de-buffs -Not very mobile (not so noticeable and easily fixable with investment in +deflection on disengage) Hel, who knows maybe after I'm done with my Solo+Berath's Challenge play-through, I'll go for Triple Crown+ Magran's Challenge with Sir Sit-a-Lot (summons, buffs, "everybody died? no problem, I'll clean up"), The Faceless Dancer (damage off tank), The Holy Hand Grenadier(main dps), Paladin/Druid(meaty healz), Paladin/Priest(more buffs) dream team. And just to make sure they don't accidentally die make them all Moon Godlike #teamBlueberries
  2. It's been a while since I was on forums and played the game. I currently own poe, white march i and ii, 3.04 edition. I played this game way back, before the expansion came out (white march i, I believe). What did change? Is druid still the best class? Are damage spells still useless? What is most op and underpowered class?
  3. Hey all! Just wondered if anyone has happened to stumble on any extremely powerful wizard builds. There's so many spells I'm not exactly sure what to focus on. For stats I maxed out int and might to the best of my ability. Think they're 18 each. For skills I'm not too sure, focusing on lore right now. Thanks a bunch!
  4. Hey all! Stopped playing a short while after release due to bugs and general incompatibility with my crappy computer. I'm coming back into the fray and loving the game! I'm currently in act 2 with a level 8 solo wizard. I have a fully upgraded fortress and my gear is as follows: - Sanguine Plate (Resistances) - Rotfinger Gloves (2 amazing foe debuffs) - Belt of Blunting (Resistance) - Gaun's Share (leeching) - Some turban looking hat that gives constitution - Lilith's Shawl (stealth and perception) Haven't found boots yet. I've done every task in defiance bay and every quest except cinders. Haven't touched the main quest and haven't left The Bay. I've been relatively successful in all encounters so far. The hardest thus far has been the forgotten. They essentially just plop you in the middle of a bridge with like 7 decently geared enemies with nowhere to bottleneck. It was a pain but I finally downed them after loading like 15 times. I'm also having trouble with the cinders drake. I found an awesome spot where him and all of his minions are trapped in a straight line at which point I pelt them with everything I have including summons. Problem is all of his drake and kobold minions will die and by the time he comes around I only have enough spells to get him down to badly injured. He hits like a truck and I would have no defences left at this point. The spells I'm using are pretty much chill fog, fan of flames, concelhaut's ciphon, bulward vs elements, hardened arcane veil, mirror image, essential phantom, rotfiner debuffs, expose vulnerabilities and my 3 figurines. If theres an amazing piece of gear I'm missing out on or possibly a good strategy or spell I'm not using, some advice would be great. Thank you so much!
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