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The wild untameable and very dangerous living lands, seem very safe with no enemy respawns, maybe this should be a feature for easy mode and regular enemy respawns for normal and higher difficulty?
I'm playing avowed and the head movement are almost inexistent even maxed out and I think It could add a bit of realism so it would be great to boost head movement
Pets are an amazing part of this game that are extremely underutilized. They act as a storage unit, provide buffs, and travel with you as an adorable companion. These are great features for a pet to have but they dont do them well. The buffs they provide range from pretty great, to outright useless buffs. The storage is useful, but one minute your collecting things off the ground and the next your accidentally throwing gear into its inventory cause it walked into your crosshair. Speaking of their pathing, they constantly push you off whatever your building and can easily, accidentally kill you. Finally, the lack of variety for this little travel companion. There are 6 pets, and 4 helmets. FOUR!!! All the helmets do is increase their healthpool so why not add variety. As for the pets, why no pet spiders? What if to tame a spider you had to get a spider egg as a lucky drop from an egg sack and/or a special spider miniboss that summons through waft invasions. Then to tame the spider you had to feed it another pet. The ability to pick up and move your pets, along with the ability to set them to stay mode or wander mode, would be a great QOL change. The customization aspect of both the pet house and the pet should exist. Maybe an upgradable size for the pethouse using higher level materials. How about different types of pethouses to match the pets that is purely cosmetic. The accidental accessing of inventory could be easily fixed using a toggle button in your own inventory next to the pet inventory button. The issue of pathing could be fixed by turning of its collision. Then no matter where it moves, it won't be interfering with the player in a negative way. Finally buffs, please just make them usefull. They can be for extremely niche situations, and that would be amazing. The gnat is literally useless as of now, except for being extremely cute, because of the change to dandelion tufts. The hauling strength is good and in combination with red ant armor is perfect for building. In fact, all of the ant babies have very useful buffs. That is why I wish that same usefulness was seen with the other pets in the game. If all pets are unlocked, then why not reward the players with mutation that allows for your pet to have your armor and/or mutation bonuses. If balancing is a concern, then make a way for players to upgrade their pets using a renewable, or limited, high tier materials and/or a leveling system for each individual pet. The leveling could involve experience points, a friendship score, certain items to be fed to them, or a combination of the sorts. Maybe if maxed out on friendship and fed fungus snacks, it could become an infected variant. Pets that take weirdly specific requirements to obtain, almost like easter eggs, would be both engaging and rewarding to many players. Overall, pets were one of my favorite parts of the game when i started but quickly took a backseat after obtaining them. With some changes to the quality of what players are rewarded with for interacting with the mechanic, pets would easily move to my, and many other players', number one spot. People love small little critters that remind them of their pets in real life and, if done right, could easily draw in many new players to this already intricate and engaging game.
It is very annoying to be fighting an insect with my friends and that the ability of the helmet, poison nova, damages my friends a lot.
Harvesting bug parts is a big part of the game but some bugs often times never give you what you need. This is not really a fix to an issue, It’s more of a change to a mechanic. So with so much time spent collecting big parts I think it would be fun to be able to choose which part of the bug you get to harvest. For instance: You just killed a wolf spider and you are given the option to harvest (essentially pick) which parts of the arachnid that you want to keep before the rest of the body is ruined. So let’s say you’re given 5 picks, you could choose to slice 3 legs off that count as spider chunk, and then slice the fangs off which count as 2 parts. Or slice the body and grab the venom inside (which counts as a harvest) You could then grab 3 venoms an then get 1 fang and one spider chunk for a total of 5 harvested items. We could go in-depth and make the tier of the weapon dictate how much could be collected from the bug. (More effective weapon > cleaner kill > less ruined body ala. RDR2 hunting mechanic) Some body parts could be accessible by certain type of weapons like daggers to avoid puncturing boiling glands/venom sacs, hammers to squish spider sacs to extract spider web etc.
I've really been enjoying Pillars of Eternity. But one thing that's a little strange is the various ways the game insensitivizes you to run back to the inn/stronghold to rest. As far as I can tell, there's no downside, and it allows upgrades at the stronghold to be built. In addition, camping supplies cost a suprisingly high amount at the beginning, further insentivizing you to run back to town for the free rest instead of wasting 80 copper. Insentivizing players to waste real-life time to avoid in-game expenditures doesn't really make sense. I would suggest that camping supplies just be made free and automatically refill whenever at town. I've only played on hard where you only get 2 supplies at a time, so I don't know how well this would work on other difficulties.
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Game is lagging on the title screen and game is unplayable after the update. The lag during play is crippling. Unable to play now.
The Outer Worlds 2
DanielPaul89 posted a topic in The Outer Worlds: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Dear Obsidian In response to your fantastic game, please consider my priority list for The Outer World 2. Please please include; Customisation of the SHIP! or possibly the ability to build a ship from scratch!? A Player Home: How about we can terraform a moon and build a settlement/moon base? Implement some of the 'build' software from Grounded? More of ADA! And generally more of everything! More planets, moons, stations - a new star system maybe? Awesome work! Love this game! Everyone boycott Bethesda and all hail Obsidian!! P.S. - Please join forces with CD Project Red and make an epic open-world high fantasy game to rival the burnt out franchise that is The Elder Scrolls? Further suggestions encouraged in the comments..- 6 replies
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List of Bugs identified (following recent patch) Dew Collector - Spawns water once but then never again. Insect Spawning inside Solid Objects - The longer I play, the more bugs I notice are 'stuck' inside objects, such as rocks, or tree branches, it's starting to become an issue.. A bug respawn upon sleeping would be good to resolve this? Insects Teleporting through Walls (Note: I have not noticed this since the Larvae spawning on base fix, but I suspect it is still an issue just now less frequent) Spiders and the Lab - Frequent for spiders to get stuck in the entrance to the lab, or just sit and wait outside the lab, making it impossible for newer players to get out. Think this should be made a safe zone somehow. Plant Fibre is Obtrusive - When I've been cutting grass, and there's a lot of plant fibre rolls on the floor, my character struggles to walk because they block your path and you find yourself fighting against them all. Plank Huck sometimes hurts the thrower - Not sure why this happens, but when you huck you sometimes take a lot of damage from it. (Base Building) Walls are... Unpredictable - I can spend almost an hour setting down blueprints, to then find where I wanted to put a wall is impossible, ruining my entire plan. Sometimes the walls can be 50% under the ground, which is good, other times, they can't be 1% under the ground - this is particularly noticeable on rocks. (Base Building) Wall Height - Sometimes my walls will look fine, then I'll come back to my base, and the wall behind my stair case has the jagged top, meaning it comes through the floor, blocking the path to get up. UI Improvement Suggestions (Xbox Controller) 'Back' (change view) button does WAY too much - It takes way too long to scroll through all the menus just to get to my inventory, to then have to move through my items, and then enter the RT menu to do something with an item. Allow option for left and right on d-pad to scroll through select items, rather than just being able to assign each button to 1 item. Add a quick button for 'drop', for example Press X, inside the inventory screen, especially useful for multiplayer when sharing items quickly with friends. Add a "hold button", for example Hold X, for destroy item inside the inventory screen (then a pop up asking to how many to destroy in the stack, or all). Make it so that we need to Hold 'Back' button (change view button) to access the crafting screens, and just Tap 'Back' button (change view button) to open the inventory which is by far the most used. Save Menu Layout - Separate screen for auto saves, and ability to name manual saves. Equipped Gear - Please please please, make it so that equipped gear does not stay in inventory, and introduce the normal RPG gear screen! Balance Improvements Multiplayer Balancing - On 4 player multiplayer, water is extremely difficult to manage - spawn rates should be balanced depending on number of players. Dehydration and Starvation isn't punishing enough - As a survival game, and these being the only 2 resources that need managing, I'd expect the game to punish you more for not maintaining them properly. A good example is Fallout 4 Survival mode, whereby, the more dehydrated or hungry you get, the more punishing the effects become. (I understand this would be bad to introduce as of now due to balancing issues and water spawning issues, but something for the future?) Sleeping (Hunger and Thirst Bars) - Hunger and Thirst when sleeping makes no sense, they always go to a fixed value and can even increase over night? The fall should be dependant on number of hours and starting levels of the hunger and thirst metres before bed. As of now, I find myself letting my characters bar just drop to zero because eating or drinking before bed is completely pointless. Sleeping Need - This should be introduced imo. As well as more sleeping furniture which reap better results, i.e. well rested. Additional Content Suggestions A Weather System Rain Water easier to find on grass Water collector fills up if unsheltered Different insects appear (e.g. worms as they do irl) Potential movement penalty inside puddles? A clover leaf 'floating boat' to compensate for the increase height of water in areas of the garden? (and to avoid water insects from below). Raindrops can hurt if gets very heavy - clover umbrella for protection? Sun Water need falls quicker Water more scarce (Evaporation) Different insects appear (or more frequently, i.e. bees, wasps, mosquitoes) Damp areas of the map start to dry out somewhat Map Expansions More dungeons to explore (like the hedge branch system and also underground), with puzzles and unique rewards at the centre (Not just raw science, it's a great idea and all, but it's not that exciting after a while). Hidden entrances around the map with mysteries/clues inside (and more unique enemies). Quests Not just 'collect this' or 'kill that', but something meaningful... e.g. we need to build this device, collect these parts so we can construct this or further out research etc. similar tasks but with more purpose and have it lead somewhere. BURGL Rewards Selection is currently limited, feel like this could be fleshed out a lot more. As of now, Raw Science feels extremely pointless and I have very little motivation to try and find more. Backpack Upgrades - A rare upgrade, potentially obtained via BURGL after a series of quests? (following research mentioned in my 'quests' section?) - Adding additional inventory slots. Level Up! Some form of levelling system, even if just for combat... Rewards for higher levels such as for Archery, increased bow draw speed, or arrow recovery chance. And for Melee, less weapon degrading, critical hit chance, stun change, evasion chance or damage reduction chance. etc. Would make it more worthwhile taking on more bugs in combat rather than purely for gathering purposes. (Base Building) Wall Height Options - Options to remove the jagged top from walls would be nice, it causes big problems as they tops come through floors a lot of the time when the bottom floor of a structure doesn't have the same skeleton as the floor above. The same can also be said for doors - the top of which peeks through the floor above. (Base Building) Use Furniture - The ability to use chairs etc. in the future would be nice. (Base Building) Colour Options - The ability to use items from around the garden to dye walls etc. or add painted décor to them. New Insects (I know, obviously! - But here's my ideas) Ant Queen (ant nest boss) Flying Ants *Shudders* Wasps Worms Water Skeeters Diving Beetles
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Ok, I’ll make this a straightforward feedback and opinion post... Played now for 40+ hours between the demo and this pre-release. I’m a veteran of larger survival games, so my views are based on that experience. This game has so much potential, but it seems even in it’s early state, there are core design decisions that lend itself to a entry level (easy) survival game and that’s all. - There isn’t much here. The story literally takes you 15 minutes to complete if you follow the queues. Then you do dailies to waste your time on building components that shouldn’t require this much effort to get. You don’t get grass floors by default? Cmon... Even as early access, I would have expected at least a full quest line that takes you through the Initial story, at least 10 hours of content for the $30 price tag. You don’t need community feedback from early access to tell the story YOU want to tell. - Where is the threat? Playing on Whoa difficulty, the only pressing thing is the annoying eat/drink cycle. You can outrun or dodge most insects, and spiders path the same routes if you watch them from high up, easily avoided if farming resources. Tunnels and caves? What do I need there to enhance my base or self after one visit? And even if I make my own dangers...I can just Load a prior Save and be fine again....what? (Covered more below) - Bases have zero risk if you place them anywhere above the ground. It doesn’t even need to be high up, a root of the oak tree or on the soda cans is good enough to avoid all danger. What’s the point of the game past the story if your bases have no threat? Why build re-enforced walls? The game has no longevity if it’s not about protecting your base and your possessions. - Retrieving your dead body backpack is far too easy. If you even die In the hardest difficulty, I would expect your backpack to be guarded or even looted by territorial insects. Why did they care to confront or kill you in the first place if they didn’t find you a threat to their territory? And wouldn’t they be interested in your stuff? Food, drink, components for their own nests/homes...all in your backpack. - A survival game with a manual save system? Again...where is the danger or consequences of your survival decisions if you can just load up a past save? The Save option in the menu should be removed and Auto- Save should trigger internally off system events, including death. That way you can’t go back to avoid a bad result or decision. Save and Load = no threat or consequences for your actions. - The enemies. How is it that with all the great AI you have for these insects, all I have to do to avoid their attack is jump on a rock and watch them leave or spear them to death at the right angles? And how is it that I can kill a Spider by spearing them through my partially completed grass wall and yet the spider doesn’t damage the wall at all? Simply build a small hut, 2x2 and leave some of the walls partially done. Then spear through the translucent blue parts...dead spider. Again, I thought these insects were supposed to pose a threat to your base? If there is no threat in a survival game, there is no longevity and it turns into a creative base building lego game. - Dev, please play with a controller and tell me what the purpose of the hotbar is at the bottom of the screen? You can’t quick swap or interact with any of the slots on the fly. The action bar should be removed imo. Also, control flow in the menus and crafting is just off. I spent a lot of time remapping most my controller buttons through the options to try and get to something close to other survival crafting game interfaces that do it correctly. Managing inventory by moving single items(No stack move or pull), no split stacks, armor that stays in your backpack even when its equipped, tools mixed in with weapons in crafting, crafting station that has no storage of it’s own or that can pull from a chest connected to it, etc etc. - Great looking game, nice visuals...until you look into the distance...well, i guess it’s distant. Why is the house and any structure over 20yds away fuzzy and blurry on console? Are we saying we can’t render these assets on Xbox One X? Find that hard to believe given there are plenty of larger survival games on the Unreal Engine render far more. - The HUD needs options to turn off elements. Too much clutter with constant ‘hand popups’ on every environment item. But I already posted A full detail on that In a separate thread. Harsh post somewhat, sure. But all too often game preview or ‘early access’ often becomes an excuse to deliver subpar, inferior games and still charge a significant price for a game that isn’t worth in it’s current state. Early access seems to somehow give a ‘pass’ for developers to deliver no story, broken systems, and bad design....all with the excuse of ‘it’s still early access’. I wouldn’t say Grounded falls in most these categories, but first impressions mean alot. We play early access games, and most the time we play the game through the early access development cycle, become bored or frustrated and never come back to the actual release of the game because of the bad taste the game left us during early access. Just hope a MS 1st party, AAA dev like Obsidian doesn’t end up with the same result.
So love the game so far. But im abit of a crazy person that loves the ide of eating sleeping ect in games. I was happy to see it was a thing in OW but was sad to see it locked behind its hardest difficulty. And the harsh nature about not being able to save or rest anywhere but you're ship made the game abit to dull and boring having to run back to my ship all the time. Is there anyway to enable the "survival" part of the game in the other difficulty modes? Sorry if my english is abit on the bad side.
Hey guys, my friends and I have a big issue with playing coop together. At release date, everyone played solo to get the game better known. Yesterday we started a multiplayer session to play together. We realised that its not possible to play with your character you played already solo or even go on at the saved game, if you are not the host. It would be great, if there is the possibility to configurate server based games. 1. - Server based Multiplayer. Host can change the settings, like how dangerous the enemys will be, how hard hunger and hydration will affect you, etc. 2. - Host can set permission to people how join the server. If they can do everything from beginning, if they can build building structures or if they have access to use the storage boxes. 3. - Add the four seasons. One season should at least last for 20-25 ingame days. Different weather options should pop up, when a new season starts and some resources will be only possible to collect in a specific season. Spring: The temperature is normal. Hunger und hydration reduce like normal. Much more plants and flowers are available. Summer: The temperature is higher. Hunger - normal / Hydration - reduces faster. Some water areas loose water and access to new areas is possible/new areas are visible. Autumn: Everything turns into red. Hunger und hydration reduce like normal. Rain appears and overflood some areas, and grants access to new areas, which are reachable per leaf-ships. Much more nuts appear and grants new receipes for clothing, tools or building structures. Winter: Everything turns white, snow appears. Hunger - reduces faster because of the cold temperature and because you consume more energy. You need warm clothing to keep you warm. Its much more easy to collect water and safe it for summertime. 4. - Add more bugs and worms. Woodlouse; book scorpion; rose chafer; stag beetle (smth. like a boss ); earthworms; more snails (alive) ; frogs; etc. 5. - Add a skilltree and vital parameters. Skilltree not to get immortal or to learn fighting skills, but to learn resistances and survive the harder seasons easier. 6. - Would love to get later into the house. For example into the cellar. Thought about something like Counter Strike 1.6 map de_rats . 7. - Add a Labyrinth at a stone garden or at the stone stairs which go up to the house. The stones have to be high and unreachable to go at the top. There is no map to see the arrangement of the stone. Some receipes or items should only be available in the labyrinth. 8. - Of course more story content, but i did not expect something bad from a great studio like Obsidian :) Ps.: Hope you guys understand my bad english... Greets, Rem Karolus
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Please add keyboard & mouse Support for Ground on Xbox, if it's not already implanted. With there being Full keyboard & Mouse support on Xbox there really shouldn't be any reason why this game shouldn't have keyboard & mouse support allowing gamers on Xbox to have the option play using a Controller or keyboard & mouse . Gamers such as myself want to see more games taking advantage of the support by Devs adding the feature into there games for Xbox , just as they have support on Xbox Game pass Ultimate on PC every title that's on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate that has keyboard & mouse support on PC should have the same for the game titles on XBOX. OBSIDIAN and every other games studio within Microsoft Studios should make sure to use every feature possible ( if the game allows it ) if the game is able to run on PC & utilize keyboard & mouse then they should do the same on Xbox , Especially when the game title isn't a Online multiplayer title. But that aside keep up the great work OBSIDIAN looking forward to playing Grounded & seeing everything else to come from this studio in the future
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My steam account cannot get access for your game's forum so I come here to offer my advise for your masterpiece, hopefully it will be of some help. 1. Mite's action: they can sometimes bypass objects like grass and attack players, which seems unreasonable for me. 2. Spiders' action: I was spawn camped by a wolf spider for many times when I first try this game, could u plz add a safe zone for players, or limit these noob players' super predator's playground. It feels terrible for me to be spawn killed by a GIANT SPIDER times after times. 3. Add camera lock for controller users: noobs like me can hardly hit a fly with controller (and with out a camera lock) 4. More guide, or split game mode into "free discover" and "story mode": currently when I get into games, it asks me to "find more evidence" then I wander around -> see a spider and run off -> see many mites -> see many Larvae -> I dead. I wonder if it is a good idea to shrink players' exploring range before they reach a certain equipment or story level ? Or would you add more way point for "story mode" players or new players to help them avoid facing with too powerful enemy? P.S. about insects' name: what is larva and what is gnat? If you wanna make it more educative, you can give them a more specific name, otherwise don't mind this P.S. P.P.S. I recommend myself to help you with Chinese localization work - if you don't have a team to do this job. If you need a team, plz count me in! OMGGGGGG I never expect Obsidian can make such a different game, is so cooooooool! looking forward to see its success, then you can buy Fallout back and teach Bethesda how to make fallout more fallout-like Your sincerely, Jack Lyu
Just a couple Quality of Life suggestions, I know I've seen a master thread trying to do this, but all it devolved into was "i agree" not a clean thread at all. 1. When equipping armor, the armor takes up an inventory slot still, this should not be the case. 2. When transferring items from inventory to storage, a move stack option would be nice. Bugs/unintended exploits 1. When on top of the mysterious machine, you can stand in the middle and range attack larva and other ground based mobs and have no threat of being attacked by them. 2. Gotten stuck in grass blades and Clovers a few times. Seemed like a geography glitch more than anything.
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If this already exists please merge. - When ship is docked, and you enter ship, looking outside shows you in space. But you are technically docked. Add a way to go from orbit, to dock, and vice versa. Would be really amazing to sit in the captains chair and see through windows traveling from orbit to dock and vice versa. Would make it feel like we have more control of the ship. - Add a way for us to control the ship and fly around in space, between locations. I know this is a big ask, but it's the only thing this game is missing. You could even add a few hidden easter eggs uncharted through space, with quality loot or side quests. - Add space ports on some of the larger planets with other ships, parked, and ability to purchase travel with NPC owners of ships. Then remove the dependency on owning our own ship - allow us to sell it if we want to, and buy other ships, or upgrade our ship. If I'm rolling the game solo, I should be able to downgrade my ship to a smaller one, or just not even own a ship and purchase travel instead.
Since initially talking to Junlei Tennyson in the Groundbreaker, Parvati will no longer engage in any combat. She just continues to walk around whilst in combat, doing the barks of "that's the last of them" etc, but not fighting. I've returned to the ship, reloaded a previous save, taken just Felix on a mission then rotating Parvati again all with no luck. I really like her as a companion and want to keep using her, but she's useless currently - What can I do? Playing on PS4.
Any chance to add a way to active level scalling and change up difficulty in middle of playthrough??? Both seems to be locked for now, only startting new game is possible to change.
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If you put a character in stealth mode and move to the shelf or npc you want to steal from, regardless if spotted, you'll easily pickpocket without much effort. How? Just pick another character and start a dialogue with any character in the map. Upon starting a dialogue, the cone of view / range of alertness is reset for any character, not only for the interlocutor, so you can just wait the alertness to drop, end conversation, pause the game, steal. Make sense if this work only on the interlocutor: you distract him/her so the lose of alertness can be a thing, but distracting someone from the other side of the map and steal between 3+ cone of view without points in stealth (you just need to be fast to pause the game at the end of dialogues) is a bit too much Edit. Sorry, already reported in this topic:
I was one of the folks who waited until patch 3.05 to start playing this game. That being said, I would like to share my thoughts about it now that I finished my first complete playthrough (I skipped White March... will save that for another time). NARRATIVE DESIGN - VERY POSITIVE: I loved the variety of it. There was a wide range of themes (some of them rarely addressed in cRPG's), people with different points of view about the same issues and A LOT of roleplaying options. This variety is very important to keep the player interested, mainly in the second half. Can you imagine if Twin Elms was another urban-type city or village? I would definetly get bored. The developers talked about how they aimed for a "realistic fantasy" style (kinda like Game of Thrones) and for me they simply nailed it. Every quest, even the smaller ones, felt somehow morally ambiguous. ISSUES: Maybe the cities could have felt more organic and alive, with NPC schedules (that's planned for PoE2 already). Also, after reaching Twin Elms, Actually, I felt there was lost potential regarding the impact of background, skill, reputation and disposition on reactivity overall. It was competently done in some places, like I understand why there is less impactful reactivity in the main questline, as branching stories are costly, but regarding sidequests and small tasks I think the developers should go completely nuts with reactivity! Make more class-exclusive tasks, disposition-exclusive quests, background-exclusive rewards, maybe just for some class or disposition the sidequest could give a hint for the main story line, go nuts!... By the end of the game, where the player is usually less patient for solving mere tasks, this is also where he has most dispositions and reputations, so making the quests more reactive to those would be perfect! Again, they did a decent job at this, but for me, they should just go crazy in tasks and small quests' reactivity design... ART AND GAMEPLAY (NON-COMBAT) - VERY POSITIVE: I won't repeat what has being praised to death since the game's launch: how it improved upon the IE style in almost every aspect. I remember being blown away in the first hours of gameplay about how near perfect it was, from the environment and UI art to the freedom I had while building my characters. The one thing though, that I would like to highlight as a big positive for me is the policy of avoiding classic IE games exploits on gameplay, mainly supported by Josh Sawyer. Some of this implementations were very criticized here, but I got nothing but love for them since the beggining. The disencouragement of dumping stats, rest-spam and grinding exp. by killing monster mobs, the lack of an overpowered-weapon-to-rule-them-all... this all favors immersion and roleplaying instead of powergaming, which should be left for hack-'n'-slash and MMO's realm. ISSUES: Definetly leveling up. Again this has been addressed to death, and high-level content scalling seem to have fixed some of it. But all of Act 3 was frustratingly easy for me, playing on hard (and I didn't do any of White March). I think high level content scalling is not the right solution for this, but maybe changing the way leveling up works. The main reason for the game becoming too easy in high levels is the rising of defenses and accuracy, some high level abilities, and the lack of challenging encounter design (addressed in the next session). To solve this, I would propose a non-linear rise of defenses and accuracy (maybe a rising curve with a plateau). This makes more sense realistically, as experience in countless combats won't make you stronger and stronger until you reach god-like levels of killing a xaurip with a single punch. Maybe leveling up could be represented more by the widening of the abilitiy options available. Another obvious solution is simply limit the exp. rewards and slowing down the leveling up (I might think more about this for a new topic). COMBAT - DECENT/MILDLY POSITIVE: Again, I didn't disapprove of Josh's policy against IE's gameplay exploits and his implementation of the engagement system. I think it was a cool addition, and it actually presented a new challenge, as you had to find a way to break engagement if trying to get away from a fight. Also, the amount of abilities available is huge! This made every combat at least entertaining for the beggining of the game. There were some hard counters here-and-there, immunities and monster abilities that I had to think how to avoid and some challenging fights that felt somewhat rewarding when I was able to beat them, however... ISSUES: I feel like the implementation of a combat mode limited the options for encounter design a lot. With this current system, we are not able to do stuff like scout a group of enemies while invisible, throw a potion or explosive at a clueless mob of monsters, charm an enemy and send him in the front line of an encounter etc. Overall, the whole encounter design for PoE1 was very lackluster, and I don't understand why the developers allowed this, since Sawyer worked on IwD2 which has great encounter design. Using the different abilities available was cool at the beggining, some of them were a little different, like swapping the mage with another character, the fire wall and rolling flame, but man, I would love to see encounters where the party started with a disadvantage, with variations on terrain, boulders, obstacles, exploding kegs (or shooting at some oil kegs so they would cast slicken nearby), maybe some interactable objects (hell, why not even scripted interactions mid-combat, the possibilities would be numerous!). This went longer than I expected. Any thoughts on the issues/positives I mentioned are welcomed!
Working my way through a tactical battle in the first game, and I noticed something: The auto-pause options in PoE I don't cover every situation where characters are twiddling their thumbs. For instance, when you're done quaffing a potion. Rather than set lots of options for specific things that tend to leave your character idle, why not auto-pause on the idle state itself? As soon as your character has the [...] over their heads, auto-pause. Then I can rest assured Aloth isn't lollygagging after nipping from his purple flask. It also covers "xaurip gibbed" and "finished moving out of the way of a flaming dragon belch".
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Hey guys, Would anyone else like the ability to make discovered traps incorporate into the path finding, so that your characters can't accidentally set off traps they've already been discovered? (Or make this a setting we could turn on at least?) This seems like it shouldn't be too hard to implement, and it would be quite helpful imo.
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Hi Guys, Wasn't this feature already in the original Pillars of Eternity ? If not, it was in Tyranny right ? Where you could tell any of your 3 companions (Verse, Lantry, KIS, for ex.), how to react in combat in certain circumstances. (Like : Protect, Full Aggro, etc) If not... what is this Player AI Scripting for Companions ? What does it bring to Obsidian for Pillars II ? Thank you