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Everything posted by Tauron

  1. I acually thought high lvl items made lot of sense. Past lvl 20 and you are playing at 'demigod' lvl.
  2. But why just not neverEver save a game (except autosave) and whn your character dies you just start a new game? There are also another variables to account for, first come to mind is dreaded CTD!
  3. I have been superficialy going through this thread and mention of how healing works picked my intrest. I wasnt aware that only through rest one could heal. I think there are several layers of injured and than incapacited. Some sort of treating wounds is nescessery...whatever you have heared people, time does not heal all wounds. Death heals all wounds hehe. So some sort of either potion to speed ones recovery or characters should have some sort of healing abilities.(with a twist yes) I am currently on my third book of A Tale of The Malazan Book of the Fallen. In this world/universe, certain mages depending on their "warren" , a place where they draw magical energies from and aspect of that warren can heal. The best of these is Denul warren. So these mages who's focus is Denul can 'force heal'. In the setting it is very traumatic and painfull experience. Not many even want it unless their life depends on it. So while characters can be saved from certain death inbeatwean combat or during combat it comes with a cost and certain penelties. And acually only rest (time) can kind of heal that.
  4. happy days! *rubbing his hands* nice nice, "soon" certain beta will be upon us, hehe...
  5. I really like current artstyle direction and illustrations! Very nice, keep up the good work... On that list were some awsome artitists...picures really says more than a thousand words. Just to add one of my fav illustrators : http://www.komarckart.com/
  6. "It stands at the forefront of experimentation in soul magic and exemplifies the age of discovery." So while there is obviously focus on soul magic, does it means that there is another way also? Magic is magic, whatever that is, but constantly underlining soul magic, just made me curious if there is another form? Does this imply that there might be another sort of magic in the world?
  7. I think it's not as easy as you think to give up a tool which may in the end help your sales. Because for all of the vitriol, social media does have a strong impact. I don't think it's as easy to avoid, especially once you've started using it. From the Article: 'Someone on Twitter told Jonathan Blow that you can just ignore these messages. “This is false,” he replied. “We can't choose to ignore it. As soon as the words are read, they have already hit emotionally.”' That is victim blaming. Phil Fish acting outside of social mores doesn't give people the right to send abuse his way. Nor do we know if it's cause or consequence. I've seen it happen before recently that someone blew up after suffering abuse for hours on end, and then got seen as the ****. It's important to know the context. You don't get to see all the feedback, so it's not possible to get an accurate image for us, but I hope you're right.And yes, of course we should be able to field criticism. I'm reminded of a quote by Patrick Stewart, fairly recently, about victim blaming: I think it can be applied broader. Just because Phil Fish isn't very good at dealing with the pressure, doesn't give people the right to send hate filled messages his way under the pretence of "he had it coming" I repeat:Someone on Twitter told Jonathan Blow that you can just ignore these messages. “This is false,” he replied. “We can't choose to ignore it. As soon as the words are read, they have already hit emotionally.” You simply can't not take it to heart. I don't know the context in which that happened, but two wrongs still don't make a right. I hope this doesnt come off insensitive but it is to regard to Patrick Stwart quote, it is just hilarious : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlvvCYUDHrQ
  8. Fireball...get it.(no holy granade) Research conjuring a fireball and translate that into the game version, hehe. No but seriously, there was something about BG approach to it that no other game has really captured later and I played a lot PC RPG. Or I was FR virgin and no other setting has satisfied me the way Bg forgotten realms did haha. Had hopes for shadowrun, but paying for spell upgrades didnt sit well with me. Spell strength should increase with skill or lvl. Sawyer has good points, but magic, the one we are used in high fantasy can best be approached through other fantasy settings. Although I would like if they are mostly influenced by DnD setting.
  9. Well, as long as we have decent options to deal with situation. Disturbing news character : I am pregnant, you were the only man i have been with! Depending on class, Wizard; Dont move! ...Potentis Abortus Paro! Fighter; I think this is gonna hurt you more than me! Much more... Thief; Now you see me, now you dont...you still se me, oh well, this is a lock i cant pick...um, ever had a taste of Black Lotus powder? Priest; GOD HELP ME! GOD... GOD...GOOOOOD...
  10. The good thing, depending on your kickstarter involment is that you will get to be beta tester, I intend to beta test as much as possible, without revealing too much of main story line.
  11. Show us the concept art! Pretty plz! C'mon, Tauron doesnt like to beg, it is not a pretty sight,
  12. Illogical? Unproductive? That was absurd remark. Have you ever seen what people are just willing to do for profit, seemingly good people? Have you taken look at what we as global society do to our homeworld. Call it juvenile, but illogical and unproductive, far from it...whatevr you do, you gain something from it, question is what? From your statment, I only can assume that you simplfy evil nature = juvenile is a "bully kid" type of person. Who goes around kicking other kids sand castles, breaking their toys, takes their lunch money, etc. You are simplifing evil nature in man and calling it evil-juvenile and as such it should be represented as only such. That is most often how it is being represented and has gotten boring. No my friend, argument here is for more sophisticated evil. Even if you think evil is inherently juvenile, i wont argue that, but how it should be represented in the game? Whn one say juvenile, than certain mechanics of human behaviour pop in peoples mind. Usually most mundane things pop to our mind. So far, RP evil char has been like being an evil henchman, will do evrything for certain sum vs risk. Or just essential psycopath, supposedly addicted to feeling whn hurting someone/something and thats it, that is all depth to it. Games has managed to present more sphisticated villains, than we realise their schemes at the end. Their methodolgy is cruel, selfish and violent, yet under clever guise and rarly obvious. If we ingame are obvious evil, than in my mind we are doing something wrong, unless we RP tug character. It would be nice to have alternative. It is this kind of RP experience that would be good for a change.
  13. Evryone can swing a sword, but few know to really use it. Instead of not be able to use item, complete restriction one cant use special abilities that come with it maybe.
  14. So...Orlans are hairy elves hehe. C'mon, did no one mention that before! Some kind offshot species, that mix of dwarfs, elves and orangutans hahaha fluffy they are hahaha, nice render tho... I would really like to know more lore about them. I bet they have some kinship with Elf kind, ears are give away. They remind me of elves from cartoons in 80's.
  15. just reading this article and might be people already posted but still very interesting http://io9.com/the-weirdest-and-fiercest-helmets-from-the-age-of-armor-510686611
  16. Nice info and awsome concept art! That was one hot Baphomet chic! Dont mess with her daddy tho!
  17. I would not like this. It kills some mistery for me. I would acually like for us to know servants names or what we percive as gods, but not real thing that trancsends all demensions. Nah, let it be like ultimate mistery that slightly guide or misguide us. Or those pantheons we percive as gods just might be highly developed multidemensional beings that pretend sort of or we simply give them worship attention they never really imposed on us, but maybe some like the attention, as we humans like to react to supernatural in different ways sometimes.
  18. "Tauron's walking stick" *Aura of Elements - extra damage for elemental magic + protection from elements (active on equip) - 15% chance of Spontaneous Combustion/Freeze/Shock at casting (random elemntal spell...possibility to attract lightning during storms) Elemental focus reduces chance down to 5% and Elemental Mastery removes it completly. *Concentration/Focus + (number) *Improved Channeling - less mana consuption (%), reduces casting time /if no mana/ recall of used memorised spells (how many and what lvl, depnds on char lvl and skills maybe), halves casting time of non memorised spells? (active on equip) *Instant *Phasing/demension door/teleport - enters narrow mirage archway as it instantly closes glimmering. - Tauron always has quick exit if needed be :D (I like more idea of bending/curving spacetime to make wormhole like portal through another demension or something, than teleportation...which supposedly means ripping all atoms apart and putting them all together somewhere else...Gross! *shudders*) - Once per day, must be charged? Was that too much? What enchantments or improvments would you like to see on equipment and how much?
  19. Ability to use spells or forceopen on locked items. I dont care about game mechanics, i dont want thief class with me. I have stolen and killed enough as wiz and fighter class, so I am a thief. If there is a chest with a lock. If I can conjure a fireball, but cant channel none of that energy into melting a lock, that would serously kill my ego. Here I am, slaying a dragon but a lock on a chest is depriving me of all selfesteem in my abilites. WHO AM I, I cant forceopen a lock, BUT CAN RAIN FIRE ON MY ENEMIES and CLEAVE THEM IN HALF WITH MY BARBARIAN SWORD OF...DESTRUCTION, WHY GOD!? It seriously damages ones selfesteem and entires perspective on further adventures.
  20. If you say Wizard, for some reason I dont picture a woman. Is Wizardess correct for female in english? It kind of makes sense to have gender specifics or better yet unisex title like Mage. As for barbarian and fighters, I agree. There was discussion about that before. It is supposed to be difference in fighting style. But than, fighter should be called soldier. It is not fair calling barabrians, barbarians in context the word has, knowing today how those cultures were acually. But lets stick to predefined stereotypes we know, it will be just easier. So whn we say barbarian we think of Conan. Fighting bit less armored, huge weapons, more wild fighter.
  21. I loved BG style, you opened spell book and it looks like a book. Hated NW ui btw. There should be some balance betwean style and userfriendly obviously. At least option to switch betwean two or make ui very moddable or even better, more customised. Like Editor. So people can choose their own style.
  22. Yes, exactly. In HBO ROME series, this is exactly what Julius Cesar did. I would like us see being able to use the same methods or for roleplaying purposes, resist temptation to use those services.
  23. About the word guild : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guild So Thiefs Guild would kinda of work,but it is pretty much straight forward. It works for some settings, but the more one plays these games and reads fantasy you want things to be more complicated/sophisticated? Me being below avarage intelligence gets his inetellgence offended. A smart thief wont brag that he is a thief and Thiefs Guild wouldnt simply go by that name. They would be an organisation, under different name, they would oparate just enough beyond the law to reach their goals and close enough to never be taken and names should be smart, to trick people thinking it is legit, like "Federal Reserve Bank". Name would imply it is goverment run, yet it is privat organisation, that lends it services to the goverment, that in turn enslaves evryone through artificialy created debt. Now that is SMART thiefs guild. Not like Robin Hoods gang we are accustomed to belive is supposed to portray good old robber gang. I would like to see some of smart thiefs. Not all hooded, shady characters standing at the corner flipping his knife or something like that, or quite rich nobleman doing it for adrenaline kick, thrill of it. While I appreciate good cliche (magetower FTW!) I would like rest of you really like to see some smart moves made by devs on guild subject. So yes,
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