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Everything posted by Tauron

  1. Tolkien did base much of his lore on norse myths, with his own twist. Yet norse do not have copyright on all things elven. Many other cultures have elves. Germanic version prevails. We call him "Vilenyak" and term is not generic one, as it typically differs per story today from original mythology. Today vilenjak prevails as any sentient being that is magical, mystical and not really human, at least that is my observation. Seems we do know how elfs will look like in PE. Judging from concept art of elven/elf character in concept art, PE seems to stick to more traditional tolkien fantasy design. Tall, slender, magical affinity High Elf kind. Now, what interest evryone is what mentality these elf are going to be?
  2. Well, the greatest mages are bankers, they create money out of "nothing" :D
  3. I think it was a brilliant approach to the problem, well explained in the game and the awesome manual (kudos to the author!) Oh i dont mind idea, but personally I found non of explanations was plausable as to why it occures as it does, it just does and thas it. Like gravity, it just does. For some reason magic is this chaotic magnetic force making all devices go ballistic, but has no to little effects on some other more traditional stuff yet contraptions none the less. Does it just affects mettalic devices, what if same devices is made entirly out of hemp lets say, will it stil be affected? Magic there was explained as not really belonging in nature and natural evolution, yet it was integral part of the world, found in oldest lore. But science of that world still depict it as outside interferance, It is presented as if scientificallilly, but that twisted duality was more annoying as I felt forced gamemechanic, with little explanation. Just didnt find it plausable in the very setting it was trying to depict it plausable, so it held little appeal to me. Beside that "little" annoyance, it was great game.
  4. Let me explain, as beasts yes, failed orr successfull magical experiment, yes. As evolution of a rat and became ratman. No. Some diety did something and side effect or effect "ratman", yes again. If it is going to be on same lvl as humans, elves, etc, than i hope it is more original, mystical and non playable. On par with call of chuthulu thingie sentient being. With twist, we accually look extremly disfigured and frightnenig to them, etc.
  5. Always thought of Orcs being a species that devolved over a time, which happened to be true whn you read in Silmarilion that Orcs are "twisted" Elves. I would like to see that connection in the PE world. If all species originate in that world they should have some connection betwean them, especially if there are half of evrything. In witcher one finds out that at some point in time more "parallel dimensions" kind of clashed. Acually it appears that humans seem to be "otherwordly" presance in the world as well, next to most monsters one is hunting. So that is nice twist.
  6. It might be problem if, lets say, someone founds notes on how to conjure Melfs flaming ball of awsomness, but Melf has been dead for over millenia.
  7. that sounds good, but it might be too complicated...will use of magic have "side effects" on user and fire created by magic might have other "magical" (bending reality and interdemensional planes might have some undesireble effects) components that if not used correctly might corrupt the process of foundry lets say. It really depends how magic will work in PE and what effect id does in the world. I was really annoyed in Arcanum, magic vs complicated tech. But maybe that could work if use of magic creates temporary EM field that disturbs electric devices. Right now we can speculate, but your post makes sense, in world of such power, it would be matter of time before someone would cash it in and that it could change how market works.
  8. Delterius made a fair (if pendantic) point. the game is meant to be like late renaissance era or something, at a time when they would have had guns. You might not like them, but they will most likely be presented as period accurate given the technological progression evident in the world. I don;t think they are just going to toss a bunch of guns into the dark ages, because, yeah, that wouldn't go well. I find myself really dislike debate about magic vs tech. I dont even want to get into that arcanum thingie of one vs another! One main reason i could not make a technomage... I really dont see why you'd assume people prefer one vs another? Also reason why magic interfers with tech was never really explained...for some reason more complicated constructed stuff just starts falling apart. And that is why magic is less present or outlawed in the world. That was poor. It would be more plausable if the more complicated tech was more available, more practical and lets say, user friendly. Sure if you study for a mage after 15 years of study , meditatting etc you can summon fire by snapping fingertips. Or you can buy granate from your next neighbour friendly weapon dealer. Sword is NOT TECH? Thats like magic, swords and all weapons beside guns just magiclly are spawned from what appears the thin air? Plate? Crossbow, Bow etc. What is gun..nothing but slightly more complicated to comprehend weapon. Making swords and many other weapons is TECHNOLOGY and is more complicated than melting some metals. What people did dislike whn they heared about it first time they were unsure what genre game falls in. Is it highfantasy, only like medivial era or is it steampunk, etc. Magic vs Tech is just stupid. Period. Why...well...becouse I say so! So...thats the end of that
  9. Very hard to win, yes. Coming back later at harder lvls, yes (like Firkraag). Unwinnable serves no other purpose than irritate player and has nothing to do with humility ingame. If uwinnable means I encounter scripted confrontation and my party makes it barly alive, than okej. But having an encounter that is impossible to win, with every scenario ending in death serves no puropse to a player if it is not linked storywise. Humility in game,plz....it is really hard to play power hungry mage and have humility. Unless player is fighting a character that turns out to be a "GOD" and HE/SHE let US alive to show us some point or something than okej. Becouse it is scripted in a sense. But playing game and unable to win it, serves no purpose. Humility, go play BG series and be unable to defeat antagonist, see how much it will teach you humility.
  10. Let mana potions or stamina or health potions have druglike side effects. They can be temporary or just subtle at start. While it does help you in that particular moment, if one heavily rely on such it might wreac havoc on ones physique or mental or soul in PE context.
  11. Since we are tolling..would there be a MageTower in MMO? Like, for any or all mages? Towers for evryone! MAgeTowers!
  12. There is number of ways devs can adress this. Most simple is have an option that some spells can instant kill or not, either under difficulty setting or just somewhere under gameplay option. If play on hard lets say, spell may or may not kill a character, on normal it just deals a lot of damage. I dont see why this could not be a compromise of sorts? Those who want can have it, those who doesnt, dont. If someone else hasnt thought of such feature before I would call myself genius!
  13. If you can enchant a sword, armor, why not a bullet or the gun barrel.
  14. It sounds good building your own city. Start with Fortified castle and further develop it as you wish. This is illustration of Kings Landing from GoT. Basically you start more or less with Red Keep structure, develop that and settlement starts sprawling around that. But something like that might take years. Maybe we can have option of conquering the second city? Have a puppet ruler do our bidding and continue developing our stronghold. Maybe quick stronghold growth can be explained by migrations, etc.
  15. Those types of spells should be in. As much as they are annoying to PC, they feel rewarding whn your character reaches appropriate lvl to have them. Sometimes they are not smart to have, but I dont RP always what agrees with numbers. Becouse they were always and will always be awsome! I dont know about enemies, who and how and whn, what lvl of power they should be, but I want them for my self at least. I want to petrify my enemies and return same road to see statue that I made, I want to see them burn and turn to dust! I want to use spells like death spell, whn attacked by some stupid random low lvl mob and just keep on walking hollywood style, while their spirits wail to no avail as they are pulled to the other side! Yes, I want awesomness back! It might be juventile, less sophisticated, but it screams pure raw power. Some would use more guile, but I like my character to be a typical Bond villain type of character. It is funny also. So I just dont want imaginary power, I want to play it in the game. Playing Kotor 2, what was not awsome about Force Crush! There should ofcourse be some sort protection, I am not immunity fan, but in these instances immunity against instant death, if right protection but it still may hurts. Depending on lvl and how they make magic work. Remeber spellturning high lvl. Let magelings kill themself plz. One of good reasons why player would contemplate having someone dabbling in arcane arts to be part of your party. Just as much armor mitigates damage from conventional weapons, so one has to rely on magical against magical. To me it makes perfect sense. Hmm, Maybe, maybe, combo spells. You cast one, you cast the other and third migh result in instant death. Either desintigration, petrify, etc. I want powerfull to be powerfull again. I want our character to reach lvl it can do stuff you read about characters in lore books you find around laying. I want that to be one reasons for adventuring. aquisition of Power! To me it felt that game was unfullfilling whn reading about Elminsetr, Khelben Blackstaff, Jon Irencus and no matter how much we progress, we are not near their lvl of power! Now either make magic subtle so I can reason with that, but if it is near high magic world like Forgotten Realms, it always feels that yo just didnt reach high enough in the realms. At least not to the lvl other characters are portrayed. And to me if I am RP an evilish power hungry chracter, than that just feels lame. I want to go around look for spells, kill for them if needed be, Aquire secrets long forgotten and have them visualise through gameplay. This is mage character for me. Well that was my rant,
  16. Many great Ideas! But mostly becouse you have addition to have Mage Tower I hope that we can build or rebuild Stronghold around our perferd gameplay style. That can also visually reflect on person living in it and his choices as Stronghold is rebuildt. To visualise what I mean, think of Isengard if you are a Mage play type. Or if you are more pure military warrior, than Helms Deep comes to mind. Maybe this is asking too much of the devs, I dont know. Anyway I am glad stronghold is in. You propose good things. Let us hope that some Visuals will be moddable.
  17. What is there to think about? Nothing says be aware, like some heads on pikes. Exept big sign held by trained Ogre that says BE AWARE, but in this day and age, you can never rely on common folk's reading ability. People take you more serously whn you are more, eh graphic I guess that's what we should expect from red-robed wizards I do like the idea that the aesthetic you choose also has an effect. So building a gallows, or heads on spikes mean npc dialogue changes a little. think big! Why just a tower when you can make it a university for wizardry? So you picked on that haha, I thought i was being subtle, but nothing is ever subtle about redwizards. Yes, they are quite an inspiration. But there are others, many others, classics, like Saruman. Dare I say he had mighty fine Tower , an isnpiration through out the ages and all magical realms. Aesthatic in that context should matter as you say. I like sound off that, Acolytes of Tauron, only female aplicants, hehe I am not kidding, with my hedonistic traits It would be death of me. Hmm, School of wizadry, with a Magetower being the tallest Tower ofcourse! Image is evrything! Mage Tower FTW What is there to think about? Nothing says be aware, like some heads on pikes. Exept big sign held by trained Ogre that says BE AWARE, but in this day and age, you can never rely on common folk's reading ability. People take you more serously whn you are more, eh graphic You would also have to assume that the ogre would hold the sign facing the right direction. Or that he won't eat the sign. It's hard to find good Ogre help these days. The ability to enhance the stronghold as a reflection of your character could really help make it feel like a home away from (player) home. I have a lot of questions about what we will be able to do with our land. Will you accept farmers to work the surrounding lands? Will you animate skeletons to work the fields? Do you recruit hunters for guards, Orcs or death-cultists? Should you train militia archers, Barbarian knaves or Monks? What Gods will be honored in the Keep's temple? Will there be a temple at all? How expansive will your dungeon be? Will it be a basic jail, torture chamber or gladiatorial pit? Can you build a moat and fill it with aquatic horrors or Weresharks? Are the fields around your keep used for farming or left to grow? If they farm what do they farm? Are there bees? Can you make mead? Exactly who is allowed to settle in the community around your keep? Who gets to decide that? Will your keep be decorated with a particular religion's iconography? Art and relics pillaged from lost tombs? The skeletal remains of they who hath crossed you? How often does it get harassed by monsters or vandals? What can I do to stop the attacks? Can I decide where my keep is located or is it in a fixed location? Do you breed goats and cows or goblins and worgs? Will there be 'ye olde magike shoppe' for all my potion and magical item needs? Is my keep going to provide money or require money? I think the ability to build a tall tower as a study is necessary. Where else would the Mage/psion/priest/druid ponder the universe? Ogre com made lol, literally! All good and valid questions. Devs will have to adress this issue. That we can modify Stronghold to our gameplay. Oh Xcom base comes to my mind. I am not thinking of ant farm thingie, but if we can get the feel and design of Strongold, that reflects on our character gameplay, personality. That would be great. I am not sure how much of that is acually possible..so I am going for something feasible, Mage Tower in the Stronghold! The harem. Or maybe that's just me. Opium dens, cathouses, gambling halls, bars...I'd like to be able to turn my stronghold into the city of vice if I wanted to. I like how you think, ah the harem. But Harem in my language also can mean graveyard, so that is bit disturbing, but tastes should not be discussed...there are few dead chicks I would like to reanimate *rawr* As matter of other stuff, good, good, but takes away focus from what really matters, aquisition of raw magical power...so best to have a companion tend to 'monetary issues'. One should also inflict him/her with a Geas like spell, just in case. You know, cant buy me love, but what you cant buy, you can enchant. Which brings me to Mage Tower
  18. Well, just in case I suggest you mention it again. Did I say Flying Fortress of Doom? If I didn't...Flying Fortress of Doom! With a sauna. Mage Tower! Let's be sincere here, all the greats had one. Maybe it is hackneyed, passe or maybe they were compensating for something with these towers and big explosions now and than, I dont know. It is a weird world. But I am tradisionalist like that, perhaps a conservative some would say. Anyway a Tower plz, for the Love of our Power Hungry Souls. There is this void within, that can only be filled by boiling our enemies from within or have them burst in flames and ice or petrify them by speaking ancient words followed by a handgesture. It is magical poetry in motion and sometimes I dream to do it from my balcony, with a view of VICTORY! Ahm.. PS! Who doesnt want to have a garden filled with petryfied enemies!? C'mon, their faces in agony forever preserved in stone! Now, doesnt that just make your heart feel all warm and fuzzy!? Doesnt that say awsome to you. Some prefer heads on spikes, screams of mutilated enemies from the dungeon. Yes, yes, I can understand all that, but that is for the young. Now I feel more sophisticated. To have a morning walk or afternoon tea and cookies with my friends and enjoying Art. Having some trouble expressing myself in english, but i hope you understand how i feel. Mage Tower!
  19. What is there to think about? Nothing says be aware, like some heads on pikes. Exept big sign held by trained Ogre that says BE AWARE, but in this day and age, you can never rely on common folk's reading ability. People take you more serously whn you are more, eh graphic
  20. Evryone is looking for Magetower...I will point you in right direction, it is that tall, awe inspiring tower in the middle of compound evryone keeps callng stronghold. Dont worry about Ogres, whn trained, they are mans best friend...cant say same about the Orcs, for them you'd need a whip.
  21. hmmm it did sound intriguing, maybe having some sort of favor system and consequence of those
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