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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/23 in all areas

  1. He did indeed say "very profitable". Well, Obsidian, where is my PoE3? No excuses now.
    8 points
  2. Some leading devs of Deadfire stated on Twitter that they would be up for it - about a year ago or so. I guess if Microsoft gives a thumbs up we might actually see something like PoE3 (maybe a bit smaller) - Xbox Gamepass needs games!
    7 points
  3. Or maybe Baldur’s Gate3 will do very well, and Microsoft will say: “Oi Obsidian, could you do for us a top down AAA Pillars of Eternity game?” ah, one can dream.
    4 points
  4. Actually the game broke even after 18 months. It seems the game kept selling after that. Great. For all its faults PoE2 deserved better than it initially got.
    4 points
  5. Oh, PC Gamer show was such a slog I somehow missed that Shadow Gambit got a release date and demo coming next week!
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. It's supposedly in the east part of Pacifica, looking at the video you have this huge circular building around 1 minute, you can see that on the Pacifica map.
    4 points
  8. I remember playing Gothic and the first time I walked into somebody's house and they drew their weapon and told me to get the **** out was an eye opening experience because I had been so used to just looting people's homes with zero reactivity up to that point.
    4 points
  9. Lots to unpack with all of this. I will start with the easiest one. Cyberpunk: Escape from Dogtown - I look forward to meeting Snake Plissken. Avowed - It looks like Outer Worlds with swords. Gameplay is always 2nd to story with Obsidian, so I'm not worried. Fable - Looks fun. I wish more of the Fable games were playable on the PC. Star Wars - It would be cool if this was basically Privateer in the SW universe. But that is probably not happening. I have no idea what it will be based on that trailer.
    3 points
  10. Will he become an admin at loverslab after he leaves Bethesda
    3 points
  11. there is intelligent people who still believe mueller exonerated trump? possible. unlikely. mueller's report were extreme damning for trump on multiple levels. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/ap-fact-check-trump-falsely-claims-mueller-exonerated-him Bipartisan Senate Report Offers Strongest Evidence Yet that Trump Lied to Mueller Judge sharply rebukes Barr’s handling of Mueller report the trump campaign met with russians expecting to get dirt on hillary but there weren't enough evidence for a conspiracy charge in part 'cause trump and his campaign lied or witheld information necessary for mueller and with trump as President it were not possible to compel compliance or to prosecute the lies. were also a whole lotta evidence o' trump obstruction but again, with trump being President, meuller literal could not charge or accuse him o' a crime. barr (successful) gaslit before the mueller report and multiple federal judges admonished him for lying to the public and the Courts regarding the report. worse, Congressional democrats, instead o' focusing on how damning were the report to trump even w/o a recommendation o' criminal prosecution, a prosecution which were never on the table btw, kept trying to get mueller to say trump had done illegal. wasted effort. mueller's report painted trump as bumbling and mendacious actor. mueller cautioned that if Congress did not pay attention and take serious the very real efforts o' a US political campaign to solicit and foreign interference in a US election, future elections would be endangered. and so it goes. jack smith's indictment is arguable less damning than were the mueller report. is actual less evidence o' obstruction in the current indictment than were memorialized in the mueller report and again, the corruption o' trump as it relates to the "russia hoax" *snort* established a terrible precedent which makes it possible for future US Presidential candidates to utilize foreign influence to interfere with national elections. and am sick to death o' hearing 'bout "hillary's emails." takes more willful stoopid to invoke the hillary email situation when speaking o' trump's current problems. after considerable investigation, there were never any evidence o' willful obstruction by hillary. is the reason why @Wrath of Dagon and others were trying to convince themselves that hillary shoulda' been prosecuted under the gross negligence aspect o' the relevant statutes. however, comey, for all his faults, did a fair job o' illustrating the law regarding mishandling and retention o' government intelligence. "In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice." a subsequent ig report during the trump admin found comey screwed the pooch in his public handling o' the hillary emails but that he were correct about the law and that hillary should not have been prosecuted. ironic, saw this on cnn a few days past: for those who likely do not recall, gonzalez were the bush administration's version o' hillary's emails. from the aforementioned ig report: c. Previous Section 793(f)(1) Declinations The Midyear prosecutors also reviewed at least two previous investigations where prosecution was declined under the gross negligence provision in Section 793(f)(1). The Midyear prosecutors told us that these declinations informed their understanding of the Department’s historical approach to Section 793(f)(1). We discuss these previous declinations below. Gonzales Declination Decision One of these previous cases involved an OIG investigation into the mishandling of documents containing highly classified, compartmented information about a National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance program by former White House Counsel and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. In 2004, while Gonzales was the White House Counsel, he took handwritten notes memorializing a meeting about the legality of the NSA program. The notes included operational details about the program, including its compartmented codeword. Although Gonzales did not mark the notes as classified, he said that he used two envelopes to doublewrap the notes and may have written an abbreviation for the codeword on the inner envelope. On the outer envelope, Gonzales said that he wrote “AG – EYES ONLY – TOP SECRET.” He stored these notes in a safe in the West Wing of the White House and said that he took them with him when he became the Attorney General in February 2005. Gonzales said that he did not recall where he stored the notes after removing them from the White House, but that he may have taken them home. Gonzales also stored the notes and several other documents containing TS//SCI classification markings in a safe in the Attorney General’s office that was not approved to hold such materials. The OIG referred investigative findings to NSD for a prosecutive decision. According to information reviewed by the OIG, on August 19, 2008, NSD analyzed Gonzales’ handling of the notes under the gross negligence provision in section 793(f)(1). NSD concluded that prosecutors likely could show that the documents were removed from their proper place of custody, but that the question was whether that removal constituted “gross negligence.” After discussing the legislative history of Section 793(f)(1), NSD stated that the government likely would have to prove that Gonzales’ conduct was “criminally reckless” to establish that he acted with gross negligence under Section 793(f)(1). NSD concluded that Gonzales’ inability to recall precisely where he stored the notes detracted from prosecutors’ ability to “show a state of mind approaching ‘deliberate intention’ to remove classified documents from a secure location.” there were no prosecution o' gonzales and that earlier declination decision were one o' a couple similar declination conclusions which guided the doj in their ultimate conclusion to not pursue criminal charges against clinton. nobody mentions gonzalez, bush's attorney general and a widely recognized republican, serious undermines the suggestion hillary were treated different, special or in some way benefited from a partisan doj process. witch hunt? trump were given more than a year to return documents which regardless o' the classification red herring were documents which did not belong to trump. when the national archives finally lost patience with trump and referred the matter o' document retrieval to the fbi, not only did trump lie, but he attempted to have his attorney lie on his behalf. is audio recordings o' trump discussing the mishandling o' documents and is video o' him physical going through boxes with national secrets. refer back to the earlier comey comments in this post for the kinda documents cases which result in fed prosecutions. in the trump case there is considerable evidence o' both obstruction as well as intentional mishandling. oh, and... etc. am not knowing what the affirmative defenses o' trump may be, but nothing mentioned public by trump as yet would constitute a meaningful defense or an excuse for his actions. the clinton AND gonzales situations were fundamental different, lacking the brazen willfulness and p00p storm o' evidence provided in the jack smith indictment, so those invoking hillary's emails is either ignorant o' truth or intentional mischaracterizing the facts regarding the former secretary of state's admitted Colossal and mind boggling stoopid handling of state secrets on her private server. tell us hillary's brobdinagian stoopid and cavalier handling o' sensitive US info should have excluded her from consideration as a legit candidate for the Presidency o' the US and we would have a difficult time coming up with a decent rebuttal. even so, hillary emails so ≠ trump mar-a-lago documents. oh, and do we need mention how not a defense is the Presidential records act for trump? the act says that trump, as a former President, had a duty to return documents to the US. am not sure how such helps trump. the so-called sock drawer case is also a red herring. the state secrets trump were hoarding in his public accessibly resort were not personal recordings or the result o' trump's individual work product. is not possible to legitimate argue that somehow an unholy alchemy o' the Presidential records act and the sock drawer case result in state secrets being transformed into trump's personal property when he left office. sorry, but that argument is utter nonsense although am having seen it made a few times by republican figures who know better. did we miss anything? all o' which ignores the very real possibility trump will be found not guilty. we keep reminding folks all trump needs is one florida juror who believes the feds were indeed involved in a witch hunt, manufacturing evidence... oh and what about hillary's emails? am warning in advance a not guilty verdict is more than just possible. aside am thinking @Agiel deserves credit as before trump were elected he voiced concerns 'bout trump handling nuclear secrets. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  12. I was surprised when I read it too lol. Since the narrative for so long was that it wasn’t. Let’s go POE 3!!
    3 points
  13. Something definitely looks off in the trailer. The opening shots look fine, but something about the areas with the mushrooms and the purple sky. I suspect that there's something going on with the mushrooms and plants all acting as a light source, but it makes everything look completely flat. Those still images from the xbox site look MUCH better, but every single shot looks to be at twilight. I wouldn't say that it looks "cartoony" as some people say, but it does look oversaturated and lacking depth. I will remain optimistic about the game itself and I hope to see the aesthetic getting some more attention before we see more.
    3 points
  14. According to a very recent Sawyer interview Deadfire was very profitable over the long run it just started slow. https://www.originstory.show/episodes/josh-sawyer That said with Outer Worlds success I understand the way they are going. I prefer CRPG style with different races and classes but I get the race thing is probably a mechanical thing and understand that maybe for a 1st person game classes is harder to do….I’ll definitely play cause I love the setting and want to see the Living Lands…I just hope I can play a Paladin it’s my fav thing of PoE and it not look samey as other rolls like in Skyrim. A melee healer uses the same magic as a wizard healing himself in elder scrolls, it’s very samey.
    3 points
  15. For what it's worth: Josh Sawyer's own Pillars of Eternity Table Top/Pen and Paper rules also have no classes. No classes doesn't mean you didn't have to study your craft in-universe. Multiclassing is nothing else than softening the borders between classes and a step towards a classless system. And it's just mechanics. It doesn't necessarily define what your life looks like and how you learn your craft. There is always an explanation why an "official" Wizard might have the determination and discipline of a fighter but also some skullduggery and guild of a rogue and so on.
    3 points
  16. When you begin digging at the spot where the skeleton appears, nothing looks like it has been unearthed (though that’s normal with most dig-able objects), on the second swipe with the black ant shovel a bit of the skeleton is revealed, and the final swipe brings the entire skeleton in view.. for about half a second until it disappears. Lol hope this gets patched soon.
    2 points
  17. Absolutely terrible plots, **** writing and 16 times the detail. He'd fit in to a T.
    2 points
  18. I never go by viability. Just what looks cool.
    2 points
  19. I talked my wife off the ledge with the painting and we hung that bad boy yesterday. w00t! We had to rearrange the entire bedroom to accommodate the position of the tv but its freaking glorious. We got this one on sale for $398.00: Philips 65" Class 4K Ultra HD (2160p) Android Smart LED TV with Google Assistant (65PFL5766/F7) - Walmart.com. Interestingly, the tv wall mount was delivered the same day I ordered it so we must have an Amazon warehouse nearby. Also, I can turn it on/off by talking to my Google hub so now I dont have to press the power button like a caveman.
    2 points
  20. In Larian games stealing is a thing, and you can get caught - than bribe the guard, fight, or go to jail (and escape). Those systems tend to not be... hmm... elegant but are there.
    2 points
  21. didn't poe table top classless it seems to be what obsidian want to make lack of playable orlan is alarming
    2 points
  22. Have they not already justified it in the trailer voice-over? The aumaua doing the exposition dump explicitly calls us out on being a weird kind of OP monster for being able to do what we do. That would be, I assume, our knack for learning various ways to kill people. I myself do agree that class based combat mechanics tend to be more distinct and more fun, but let's be honest, finding a justification in lore is always easy.
    2 points
  23. I probably wouldn't engage them. Either they are wilfully dishonest, or they are so far down the rabbit hole that I'd have less of a chance of changing their mind than of changing the mind of a flat earther.
    2 points
  24. There are also some extremely interesting separatist movements either budding or gaining more foothold inside Russia. Of course it is impossible to tell whether these will ever amount to anything, but I find these processes very heartening: ethnic Russians appear to exist, politically speaking, at a level of inactivity somewhere between Stoicism and catatonia, but non-ethnic Russians seem to be recognizing in ever-increasing numbers that they are used as cannon fodder and that Russia really has and never had any respect for them whatsoever, as human beings. (There is a saying in Finland that the imperialist Russia is nothing but a huge "prison of the peoples", but that may be an international saying and everyone else may well know it, too; I just haven't heard it in international contexts.) Potentially, areas like the rich Sakha, maybe, and definitely whole hosts of various peoples are looking at themselves and Russia(ns) and thinking that we want to get out of here ASAP. This is part of the same process that you describe in relation to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Of course it poses huge geopolitical problems, too (nukes), but it is also one of the best things ever to happen inside Russia... should it ever amount to anything serious. We shall see. As for your question related to "what did they do with the country after Saddam was toppled?", that's the classic problem that all revolutionaries also have to face. It's much, much easier to bring the reigning regime down than to create something stable afterwards. Interestingly, by the way, from a psychological point of view it does appear that the people who are particularly good at bringing about revolutionary measures and processes are most definitely not the people you should trust with the construction of a stable new nation. Which makes sense, when you think about the characteristics required. Of course it's different with multinational entities like Nato or the coalition that invaded Iraq, but the problem still remains -- as was amply demonstrated.
    2 points
  25. Looks like the CP goodies giveaway is already gone But the Summer Sale on GOG started and another freebie is for grabs. Sunblaze. https://www.gog.com/game/sunblaze
    2 points
  26. oj makes a couple valid observations 'bout the current nfl rb situation, but seeing as this is the politics thread... should be one o' those too obvious to need be said bits o' pith, but is true that it is in a criminal defendant's best interest to stfu and never speak 'bout the case save when communicating with the defendant's lawyers. whatever your feels 'bout oj, his observations 'bout dalvin cook appear reasonable... and the stfu advice for trump is also money. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  27. Time for you to put on a helmet. Aedyr is inhabited and ruled by humans and wood elves. Your char is an official envoy from Aedyr. You will be either human or wood elf, I'll bet on it.
    2 points
  28. As of right now, from what has been shown recently, I'm I need to change my drawers level hyped for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, very hyped for Phantom Liberty, rather hyped for Dread Pilots, Persona 3 Remake (Persona 2 is the one that would most benefit from a remake but I'll take what I can get), and Persona 5 Tactics (even if I don't like the chibi art style), cautiously hyped for Starfield, lukewarm on Avowed and UbiStarWars (until I learn more about it), and everything else is whatever. Speaking of Phantom Liberty:
    2 points
  29. I'll stack every oil barrel in the game in the middle of the marketplace and literally nuke the entire city
    2 points
  30. I'm usually not too fussed about achievements (a lot of games have really obscure achievements that aren't worth the hassle), but Deadfire's are pretty easy to hoover up. I just have Making Waves (the Huana ending) and Archivist of Kazuwari (the optional artefact hunts in SSS) left to collect, and I'm currently finishing off the Archivist one (some of the optional SSS fights from hunting the artefacts are good fun). Thanks for this. Those rating are really useful as I don't want to make my next run too too difficult. Just looking for a nice challenge on top of vanilla POTD upscale. The Eothas one sounds good from a roleplay perspective. The Magran one sounds like a nightmare for someone like me (I pause A LOT, use minimal scripting, and micro-manage fights intensively). Your suggestion of berath, eothas, and galawain sounds sensible. I like the idea of doing Hylea's Challenge, but I think it might be a nightmare. Maybe I'll do a berath+eothas+galawain challenge run, and then a hylea-only challenge run. You are right. Camellia telegraphed her disturbed personality a lot more obviously though from the start. Yeah, 6 does seem like the perfect number (probably because of playing BG1/2, IWD1/2 and PoE1), though after hundreds of hours playing Deadfire I've got used to 5. I had a similar experience and I wasn't even playing on unfair difficulty. I nearly abandoned the game because I got fed up manually re-applying all the buffs until I found a mod that allowed me to automate the buffing (one button to get all the buff spells cast). I come from a D&D background originally (pen and paper though not for a long time, and the IWD/BG games, but I was never a huge fan of the AC system (heavy armour making you harder "to hit" is a bit silly), or the limited number of casts per rest (i.e., resting every 5 minutes to re-memorise spells). The latter is okay in pen and paper sessions, but not so fun in a computer game (IMO). Shame Yeah, I just watched a YT for it, and it looks like the combat is TB. Not a deal-breaker for me (I enjoyed Wasteland 3 recently, and have played a lot of TB RPGs), but I do have a huge soft spot for RTwP. Yeah, I have several games over 175 hours (PoE 1 and 2 and PF: KM and WoTR among them), but just a couple of 1000+ hour games (got 1,500 hours in Stellaris - a great game I strongly recommend). I couldn't quite get into the Divinity OS games, and I don't quite know why TBH. Maybe it's just the setting, and hopefully I'll be fine when its in the Forgotten Realms (big fan of the FR setting). I've held off playing it at all because I may only end up playing it once, and if that's the case, I want my playthrough to be as complete as possible. I suspect I'll bounce back to Deadfire after BG 3. TB is fine. RtwP somehow feels more "realistic" - if that make sense for this type of game - but I like me some turn-based strategy as well. It's probably also nostalgia because BG1 and 2 will always have a special place in my heart. And there are actually a LOT of TB RPGs out there, but very few RtwP RPGs.
    2 points
  31. That sounds like a positive rather than a negative to me, assuming that by "scale" they mean the size of the game world. I've been a vocal proponent of smaller worlds. This ties in to your concern with Starfield's size and the potential for a lot of it to be empty and/or filled with dull and generic "content". I've written this before, some of the best open worlds ever created are some of the smallest. Ryu Ga Gotoku is the gold standard for making open worlds IMHO and they make some of the smallest. Not much to go on for South of Midnight, but I love the art style, so there's that:
    2 points
  32. I don't think class system makes much sense for a single player game. A starting kit yes, but classes mostly work well in party settings. Limited races are a shame - while it would be tricky to properly represent Aumaua or Orlan, that also could be very fun. I do look at the trailer and feel PoE3 would be so so much more exciting, but at the same time it is not PoE3. It is Avowed, and while it is in the same universe it is a different game. I am more worried by the tone of the trailer. It feels like a very generic power fantasy and to me it lacked character. Original teaser had a neat tone, very PoE-like. This one could be anything
    2 points
  33. If it is like the D:OS 2 system, then you can pickpocket npcs while other party members distract them in a conversation, but they will want to check what you are carrying after they stop talking. The solution was to drop a bag or the stolen items before being asked to show your belongings. If they improve this system, then I'd expect people to get suspicious after too many npcs are robbed and they should at least search the surrounding area to see if you dropped the stolen goods somewhere.
    1 point
  34. This build looks fun @Boeroer You have the best builds as always my friend. Im always too focused on Paladins haha
    1 point
  35. I was hoping NPCs would finally react to your look
    1 point
  36. Yeah, nothing about those Avowed info sounds bad to me. Races, I don't mind, I can understand some would. Classes, don't need them in a more single character game, PoE had too many in any case. The whole thing about oath and employment is just setup, every game forces you a main plot anyway.
    1 point
  37. The problem as I see it is that Obsidian's best stories are those told by the player. There's a lot of impinging on role-playing opportunities in that you have to play human or elf, there are no classes, your employment status is set, apparently you took an oath, and you have to have two party members with you at all times.
    1 point
  38. I liked the visual tone of PoE best, Deadfire is lighter and colorful but still nice and appropriate for the setting. I know that the Living Lands are supposed to be colorful and thriving with all sorts of wildlife and flowers and so on - and medieval times weren't as drab and dirty, muddy and gritty as Hollywood would like us to think... but still the overall visual style presented in the Gameplay trailer is not my cup of tea. This will not stop me from buying, but it's also not something I'm excited about.
    1 point
  39. The graphics are the least of my concern.
    1 point
  40. Using Wahai Poraga on the Corpse Eater works quite well if another character provides the wurms (I used a Berserker/Helwalker in the test). Send the wurms into the AoE of Wahai Poraga. While the Corpse Eater can still attack actual enemies the friendly fire AoE wll make sure he will kill some nearby wurms soon enough. This is also good because it not only leaves bodies for the Corpse Eater to consume but also triggers Blood Thirst and so on. Wahai Poraga is also an excellent weapon for Swift Flurry... My Berserker could also help to kill wurms with his confused Carnage - which then helped with his Changeling's Mantle (Primal Carnage) - giving him action speed when he hit those wurms with this friendly fire Carnage.
    1 point
  41. Relentlessly indeed. I had to have a lil' surgery last weekend (hernia) and before getting shipped to the anesthetist's table the nurse asked me some questions. When she came to the point "regular medication" she said: "Ah well, you are young, I guess you don't have to pop pills regularly?" Me:
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Holy thread necro batman!
    1 point
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