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  1. *Tries not to spam images of Stray .... fails* ==================== Mommeeeee! WTF? ... hmm. A.I. - A.Eye. Ahhh, horror joke. Maybe. That's better.
    3 points
  2. Uncle From Another World 1 I liked how there was a lot more info about his time in the other world than I expected. Oh, come on! Stop pretending you are not interested.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Thanks, there's a few things I'd like to do first: Decide what to do with Soulbounds with special requirements. Add pets, bombs & traps to stores. Tweak gold rewards based on feedback/my own playtesting. Also I won't have access to my Deadfire installation during August, so I'd like to relese it afterwards in case a hotfix is needed Edit: soulbind stuff turned out to be painless. I've added all non-SSS soulbounds (except Modwyr) to stores, requirements like sailing Lord Darryn's Voulge into a storm will now be auto-completed. Will post patch after testing.
    2 points
  5. I've really never understood...I was going to say the third in particular, but really, the second and fourth as well. Looks like @majestic has a new show to watch, .
    2 points
  6. I don't think your playthrough is complete until we've heard your impersonation of Cat from <<Red Dwarf>>:
    2 points
  7. RIP - I can't tell you the number of times Irenicus' dialogue comes back to me due to David Warner's voice acting. "You will suffer. You. will. ALL. suffer." I just saw him on a Midsomer Murders over the weekend, and I watched Time after Time a few months ago. One of those actors who was always a delight to find out he was in a production.
    2 points
  8. It profits from all dmg bonuses that your normal weapon attacks do (Sneak Attack, Weapon Quality and so on) and it can raise the dmg output considerably. If you mix Rushed Reload (and maybe some other speed bonuses) with One Handed Style and the Imbued Ammunition modal the speed is still good while the ACC stays good, too. My preferred pistol with one-handed pistol builds. Also because of Imbued Ammunition.
    2 points
  9. I never used it before because I thought the Imbued Ammunition was as it's displayed: 8-12 dmg plus some bonuses, however it seems that's more like an ability and gets all kinds of bonus to acc, pen and damage (from MIG a second time, and even from being Legendary). On PL8 I got +2.25PEN and +18ACC, totally cancelling out -15ACC from pistol modal. Total damage is comparable to a normal pistol but damage type is vastly superior, and with higher PEN. Benefiting from MIG twice and multiplicatively means it would be crazy for Helwalkers?
    1 point
  10. Iberia was 1000 years ago. Even if you push it as far as you can it's still 500+ years. Most of Africa was still colonised well within living memory.
    1 point
  11. I once watched anime on behest of another, to serve the people of this thread in person. I found only chaos and insane stalker girls. Dead whispers. For twenty-four episodes I was confused. No more. I have gathered the will to watch under no name but my own. To champion the withered trhead and correct this blighted world. Beg that I succeed. For I have seen the future of anime, and it was empty! That said, inorder to stop myself from trying whatever kooky Isekai you guys want to watch, I instead watched: ストライクウィッチーズ (Strike Witches), episode 1 So, basically, this is an alternate reality magical girl show where instead of World War 2, an alien invasion happened in 1939, and the militaries of the world came together to create the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, colloquially known as Strike Witches, to fight the alien invaders. It is set apart from other sci-fi magical girl shows (read that as Nanoha, mostly, because there aren't that many of them, far as I know) by not having transformation sequences with nudity, instead the girls grow cat ears and a tail when using magic. That said, there's... very weird fanservice. Well, some is fairly regular, like girls in swimwear in the first episode (always a good sign, I guess), but uniforms of any sort apparently have neither skirts nor pants. The girls are basically wearing a shirt and some underwear, and as logically follows, there's a heavy focus on awkward crotch shots. Most of the time, I at least 'get' the fanservice. I don't particularily enjoy it, and it's often embarrassing, but at least I understand why it is there. This here? No idea how that's supposed to be appealing. So, for no reason what-so-ever, three quarters of the cast aren't wearing pants or skirts. I have no idea why. At least it doesn't have an super stupid slapstick to accompany it. Yet. Yeah, I basically have no excuse for this. There's any number of things I could have continued to watch but didn't. Not particularily in the mood or able to watch Texhnolyze at the moment. That's going way over my head right now, what with everything being a buzz. Currently alone at the office, my sleeping has been spotty and my weekend was filled with one giant social gathering, i.e. my wife and I invited friends and family to finally celebrate our wedding. That was, funnily enough, three years ago, but with the lockdowns it was more or less impossible until now. It's not all bad, because outside of the silly fanservice stuff this looks like it's the sort of goofy, mindless action shlock I can watch while being brain-afk.
    1 point
  12. I'm rarely logged into my YouTube account. Logged into it some days ago. Tried to go to a YT video link today. Got a page asking me to verify it was really me. I logged back in again. Got a page telling me there was unusual activity on my YT account and to please give them a mobile phone number so they could help me. Closed browser, wiping cookies. Can view YT videos again. Pffft. Looking at my account video page, my avatar is now a blank image with a line through it, maybe because it's on google security lockdown, or who knows. I can't imagine anyone would care about my almost never used, hardly any subscribers, non-monetized YT account and I'm suspicious Google just wants my mobile phone number. Maybe I'm wrong and some hack wants my cat and FO:NV videos. Regardless, whatever.
    1 point
  13. Sherman should actually have been the war criminal Southern trash whine about. Also, I thought the Pyramids being built by paid workers was the prevailing opinion. Other than aliens.
    1 point
  14. its not like killing, mutilating and raping the populace was something new Europeans brought to Africa
    1 point
  15. The Uyghurs might disagree with y'all letting China off so easy. Also if we want to go back in history to colonial times, we can talk about foot binding and eunuchs too.
    1 point
  16. That was it! Thank you Noqn) Now it works for me too!) Gonna capture those headhunter ships now
    1 point
  17. Of course it never was, it was just a Russian scapegoat to move the blame from themselves. As always...
    1 point
  18. Stray - think I'm really close to the end, just a minor bit or two left probably. There's a long stealth type section (nothing serious but...) which might be stressful for those who just wanted a "cat simulator" since such is more than just zig zag running from zurks. At any rate, it's probably the most "gamey" gameplay section of the game, which some might like a bit more. The save system still annoys me, because while I'm playing I'm constantly pausing to see if I triggered a new save point, in order to decide if I want to stop or not, which is disruptive. I did test it, where I found a couple Memories and quit without a new checkpoint save happening - when I reloaded it set me back at the last checkpoint location/moment and I had to locate/click on them again. >.> Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and say I'd give this game a 7/10, but in terms of cats, including the great animation of stuff even down to the ear twitches, a 10/10. I'd have no desire to replay it per se but loading up a mellow chapter just to cat-sim for a few might be something I'd do, since I have no real cat anymore. lol. "Cat roaming around in Bladerunner" ... yeah, sorta felt like that at times.
    1 point
  19. @Lexxlooks like your nukes are not in that bad shape... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-22/scholz-opens-door-for-extending-nuclear-power-in-germany
    1 point
  20. Clarity I guess. E.g. no surprise for the player to not be able to damage fire immune with a pure fire weapon. Also if you change dual damage types for single type, one should add about +2 PEN to compensate (+1 PEN would be a bit mehish). Overall, the weapon would be better at its specialty (doing elemental damages) and not that much worse for versatily since elemental immune couldn't take physical damages from that weapon anyway. Note that I'm not necessarily advocating for this solution, I'm just trying to figure what advantage it could have.
    1 point
  21. She was. You can run across her very early as she is chased by Flaming Fist. She calls out to you for help in BG2 because she knows you.
    1 point
  22. The second one bothers me the most for some reason. It's just wrong. The others, uh, not so much. Where are the shiny spots on the faces?
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. There's an entry in the first loot list that has an invalid GUID string: fecf40c-f616-43bb-9e73-d1c5a2c0aebf (the 'fecf40c' part is missing one character), this is probably the cause. Also I think it's necessary to set the Ship's "NeverDropAsLoot" value from "true" to "false". Now it works for me!
    1 point
  26. The mining mini-game in ME2 brings out my inner child. I just keep wasting probes on Uranus and laugh at EDI's increasingly annoyed replies.
    1 point
  27. They missed the perfect opportunity to make those cat-nap spots a "save progress" feature. >.> So you could at least run back to one of those where available to save your game if you want to exit before going to/triggering next save point. I reached the next section, next town, then next town. The latter of which is larger then the slums, but outside of oodles more vista-overlook climbing spots, feels more devoid of points of interest. I saw someone describe the exploration in the game as virtual tourism ... which I think is pretty apt, at least for some sections. I do like the sense of confusion I get while trying to keep track of large areas/alleys while at a low ground perspective of an animal. Btw, for anyone interested, if you are not interested in total achievements/collectables or wasting hours with "virtual tourism", the main path is definitely feeling short time-wise. There's even an achievement for doing the story under 2 hours - you'd need foreknowledge for that ofc, but I could see it being possible. I think 5-8 hrs. first-run would be average. Of course, I'll probably clock 15-18 hrs. >.>
    1 point
  28. EA released all ME2 DLC for free (can be claimed via Origin, downloaded from https://help.ea.com/en/help/faq/dlc-for-classic-games/#masseffect ). I've started another playthrough with all of them. Reached Omega. So far so good. The dialogue wheel is one of the worst things happen to RPGs, though. On the other hand, the mining mini-game is somehow enjoyable, but likely to turn to grind in a few hours.
    1 point
  29. @Bartimaeus What about Alien Resurrection, you watching that?
    1 point
  30. I don't. But if you run around a lot while shooting it is worth taking it imo. If you are only moving occasionally (for example to get away from enemies or get into firing range) I don't think it's worth it.
    1 point
  31. Reminds me of me jumping onto grocery store shelves.
    1 point
  32. Difference between what? Usually the recovery of ranged weapons is greatly increased while moving. If you carry a bow and run around then your recovery should be much slower/longer as if you stand still. IIrc it's *1.5 while moving. Shot on the Run should make the recovery while runnig as fast as the recovery time when you stand still (but not faster than that). So if you have the same recovery speed while running that you have while standing: it works. If your recovery while running is much slower (and basically the same as before you took the ability): it doesn't work. You can only see a difference (without the ability) with the recovery bar over your char's head. The tooltip numbers won't show the effect of moving around. For testing you can count the seconds after a shot while standing still and then do the same when running. Or you can watch your recovery bar while standing, then move a bit (will decrease more slowly) and stnd again (will pick up speed). This is best seen with a weaon that has very long recovery, for example rod+modal. Or a warbow if you don't have the rod modal. I made a quick in-game test with the console - and for me it works as it should (as I described above). Tl;dr: without "Shot on the Run" recovery will be 1.5 times longer while moving, with Shot on the Run it will be the same as if you stand.
    1 point
  33. This also works with Caedebald's Blackbow (auto-terrify on the weapon attack which unlocks the +10 ACC). You can build a really good Warbow-Wizard double team (with the Phantom) with this.
    1 point
  34. The game is artistically very nice, imo. The environment is very atmospheric/dystopian. ...with occasional almost horror atmosphere. Also, more "zurks", because while they're not cute, I do find them sorta funny. Even moreso when animated and making their weird squeaking noises.
    1 point
  35. If you DON'T have it your recovery bar drops much slower.
    1 point
  36. Have bucket, will travel. Paper bag on head, because of course you can cat. Took me a while to notice that (a tiny robot) B-12's eyes were visible from the backpack on the cat. Which is cute. These things are not cute. They're like a cross between alien ticks and those head crab things in Halo.
    1 point
  37. Fellas, how could you miss out on these two:
    1 point
  38. am playing through the ashes dlc. we typical play on hard and this content represents a serious difficulty boost, due in large part to low levels but not entire. unless you are a serious glutton for punishment, we would not recommend any difficulty beyond core... and make an animal companion heavy party regardless. is our advice to go with leopards and horses as these is the best low level choices for animal companions. leopards in particular are amazing tanks and a couple o' leopards goes a long way towards mitigating difficulty spikes. observations w/o any real organization: is bugs remaining, but so far has been playable w/o having us rage quit. am liking the alternatives to combat but there is no avoiding much o' the combat. writing is owlcat standard and meh at best but chances are if you are bothering to read this and have any intention o' playing the dlc, you already are aware of owlcat writing limits and are ok with their standard fare. there are transitions 'tween areas which is... annoying. recall willodus' mansion in alushinyrra? click on the door and then you gotta choose options and make text-based skill checks to get through the mansion? not nearly as straightforward or rational as were the skill checks to reach the dragon's lair in act 3, yes? the through the ashes dlc takes what were bad 'bout the willodus mansion interaction and multiplies, then repeats the experience many times. am suspecting am halfway through 'cause am a bit beyond level three and am understanding level five is max. quest based xp is kinda nice as 'posed to per kill. in fact, for most o' the cemetery map we used one o' our leopards to draw undead into encounters with bandits and monsters at which point the baddies would kill each other. no lost xp for fail to personal kill baddies avoids the degenerative xp farming gameplay. in fact, based on our run thus far, you ordinarily gain more xp for using alternatives to combat, although a few such alternatives will rely on rope or tools and those items is also having a premium value and may be needed for those annoying text-based map transitions we already mentioned. do you topple a statue to kill a powerful spellcaster or do you keep the tools you need to knock down the statue 'cause you most definite will need at some point in the future? ... overall am enjoying though is only our preternatural obstinance which has us playing on hard difficulty. repeating for emphasis: this dlc is extreme unforgiving. nevertheless, while am only halfway done, we would recommend... save to note the enhanced edition o' wotr is only a few months remote and it might be better to wait... though no doubt the enhanced edition will create new bugs which will bork a few builds and quests and then you will possible need wait a couple more months. well, here is looking forward to the second half o' the dlc wherein we presumably need fight demons sans cold iron weapons. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  39. A very good idea, since I was about to suggest what I hope is the weirdest it can get: Reborn as a Vending Machine, Now I Wander the Dungeon.
    0 points
  40. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/actor-david-warner-baldurs-gate-2s-antagonist-jon-irenicus-has-died-aged-80 David Warner, voice of Jon Irenicus from BG2 has passes away.
    0 points
  41. Unlike KP, I think self-harm is preferable to watching Alien Resurrection. I watched the film at the theater. They had what they called a 'quadruple feature' midnight premiere of the film, showing Alien, Aliens and Alien³ back to back before Alien: Resurrection at midnight. The evening was quite the experience. It's incredible how much your butt will start to hurt even in the most comfortable of seats after nine hours of sitting and staring at a screen. Of course I failed to learn from the experience and repeated the same mistake with Lord of the Rings later. That was one movie less, but even more runtime. Still remember that the cinema chain had a couples' special at the time, two large soft drinks and a bucket of popcorn. I went there with a friend, and he didn't want any popcorn, but the special was cheaper than two regular sized soft drinks and separate popcorn, so we went and bought the special. Priceless look from the clerk lady. Kinda looked like she was afraid of catching the gay. Yeah, maybe not everything was better in the 90ies. That's the sort of thing that would have been hurtful if we had been an actual couple. Anyway, evening came as close to a complete bust as possible. Watching the four films back to back just shows you how much the series became gradually worse for the wear. While I'd agree that Alien³ isn't as bad as it is made out to be, watching it almost directly after Alien is not ideal. I even dozed off in the middle of watching it, which is really odd when I normally can't even sleep with the TV on.
    0 points
  42. The return of the best Yakuza character, The Obatarian: This lady is the greatest.
    0 points
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