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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/22 in all areas

  1. I think I've done pretty good overall with the interview interally. Sounds like something I'd be good at so here's hoping. Below is the new cat.
    7 points
  2. My opinion is that the one scene of Miranda in ME was ridiculous. It was subtle like a jackhammer. I would have changed that scene as well if I could. Not because of self-censoring, but because it was really stupid.
    5 points
  3. I would have gone in the other direction. Have the game zoom in on the ass of every character talking: Miranda, Jacob, Jack, Grunt, Thane, Harkin, Dr. Chakwas... ESPECIALLY Dr. Chakwas.
    4 points
  4. Stalker 2 is up for preorder at GOG. Apart from the obviously placeholder release date of Dec31 2023 it means it's gone from being a DRM infested NFT delivery system to not having DRM at all in... 6 months?
    4 points
  5. They can focus the camera anywhere they want on Miranda as long as it's not on her weirdly scanned face.
    3 points
  6. I want to do this/have a car set-up like this. Hubby can just sit in the back.
    2 points
  7. As the number of Ammunition Depots and Command Centers of Russian army is growing thinner, someone made a thread of pretty much confirmed kabooms deep in occupied territories.
    2 points
  8. I don't know if it was like this everywhere else, but in 2020 aka Year of the Covid, for literally about two months after July 4th people were lighting up fireworks late at night...every night without fail. Death to fireworks and those who light them.
    2 points
  9. looks likes it's not exactly post apocalyptic, but has the retrofuturism feel. I am going off of just one screenshot
    2 points
  10. i think these days games are like music. If you make good art people will pay for it, if you make subpar product, people may see it for free but you would not made money anyway. I understand that big corps don't want to lose money, but it might be smarter to make good games, instead of being scared that someone will enjoy them for free.
    2 points
  11. The Fallout-style RPG teased by New Blood last week features big names in the classic Fallout scene Van Buren developer Adam Lacko, artist Red888guns, and original Fallout composer Mark Morgan are all working on the project. https://www.pcgamer.com/the-fallout-style-rpg-teased-by-new-blood-last-week-features-big-names-in-the-classic-fallout-scene/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=socialflow&fbclid=IwAR3_U_Ms6jVnRpuJyLRuxlrMY1YGMpjs0pwN5TA7PbLIg2TQ9l7O0fCLOUM EDIT: Yeah, this **** deserves its own thread...
    1 point
  12. ehm, when did post last time anything about censorship? One would assume, if I put some emoticons at the end of my statements, that people in here would assume, that I am trying to poke a fun at something I think, I have clearly expressed myself on this board, as one of "dem woke libtards" already, but I still think people should be allowed to have fun with about anything... Even in the Ukraine thread, when people are joking, there is less "outrage" generated, than when making fun out of some stuff, which I consider over the top, even if it is done by group of people, which have similar political view than I do...
    1 point
  13. Because everything is connected. And flooding every discussion with cries of censorship does function as a distraction from the other things. Don't want this thread to turn political? Maybe get the cute comments crying about censorship every other post to back off. Then this won't be about politics. Or have them do it in an honest way. Because you know very well, censorship is not new or woke.
    1 point
  14. I'm saying that those who didn't vote for BoJo aren't expecting a competent government, they expect the Tories (who are most likely to win) to be absolute ****-ups.
    1 point
  15. Why are you bringing Roe v Wade into this? SJWs and the Woke movement, while often overstated and used as a sort of Boogeyman, are at the very least tangentially related to potential censorship in vidya games. What does Roe v Wade have to do with anything in this thread? If you want to vent about that there's probably a thread in Way Off-Topic for that.
    1 point
  16. i actually think wael's challenge is much more deadly aspect--in conjunction with ondra's--since you have almost no indication of how things are going. you only have vague clues about the *other* ship, based on the art you see and how large it is. for that reason i only did as many ship bounties as necessary to get to the level i needed to get to and no more, it's way too much of a risk IMO, you just need a bit of mysterious bad luck and you die.
    1 point
  17. Or he is just being overly pessimistic for Russia. He's not a truth teller because his slant is appealing, after all. Seems mostly the retreat went well though, pro-RU social media saying mostly gear lost rather than people killed.
    1 point
  18. Well. The very big losses ratio is approximated even by that **** Girkin. He explicitly said, that even if Russia have artillery advantage, the Russian officers are still engaging all the fights on the terms set by Ukrainian army and sending "unfortunate" Russian soldiers to die in the urban areas, which are much better in shielding UA soldiers from the most dangerous artillery strikes compared to open fields around cities. And yes, we all already know how big of a **** he is, but he is unfortunately, the only source from Russia side, who is not spewing **** all around the place... Because he want to turn the common Russian folk opinion into supporting general mobilization, and uses the truth of costly is for Russian army the incompetence of current military leadership. And the situation of the draft age men in Ukraine, from day or two ago, according to our media, is that GRU has released order to not allow people to move between military districts inside UA, without permission of local conscription centers. It looks like, this move was made without the approval of the UA leadership, as Zelenskyi has as a reaction to this released a statement, that all such orders must be consulted with him/leadership. The real causes for both of these orders can be interpreted in many ways, and would be pure speculation, although it is very easy to slip, into the Russian troll narrative, that it is definitely because of high desertion on UA side. Fact is, there is no chance to completely stop the desertion and conscription avoidance, but compared to situation in LNR and DNR, where big numbers of men are hiding for few months from hidden conscription already, it is much more in favour to Ukraine to get new conscripts, who are willing to fight. This is underscored by that fact, that Russia has passed this week new legislation about forced conscription in Crimea, which was up until now for some reason more or less excluded from most of the RU mobilization efforts...
    1 point
  19. I mean self censoring of western devs/publishers. Yes Steam and even GOG have a lot of explicit games. What I meant, is the equivalent of "Case Miranda" from ME
    1 point
  20. @BruceVC you are needed! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-62001426 Across most of the surveyed countries, more than half of respondents, on average, agree with the statement that the economy is weak under a democratic system. In every country surveyed, more than half also say they either agree or strongly agree that they are more concerned about the effectiveness of their government's policies, than they are about the type of government. -- People are fed up with democracy
    1 point
  21. Got busy with my screwdrivers today... a few weeks ago I bought replacement batteries for my old UPS. Dang those old batteries were just stuck inside With patience and disassembling it a lot more than it was designed for, I managed to get the old batteries out and the new ones in and lo and behold, I have an as good as new UPS to hook all my hardware up to (the batteries were less than half the cost of a new, same model UPS, so a few hundred dollars saved by an hour of work ) Edit: The batteries are only guaranteed to last for 3 years and mine were 7 years old, they stopped working a long a time ago
    1 point
  22. Today's day and age is way less censored, so I'm not sure what you mean. Steam is loaded with explicit games.
    1 point
  23. Not gonna lie, had they had Ultimate Edition as "Slava Ukraini Edition" I'd have bought in.
    1 point
  24. The rona years have been bad in many ways, but encouraging this **** is one of the worst.
    1 point
  25. I reached another full ending in AI: The Somnium Files, this one much much happier than the other. I found the killer and brought them to justice (read: shot them in the head) and there were warm feels. There are still loose ends to tie up, though, and that is likely not the true ending. While I did solve the specific case I was investigating, there's more to this...
    1 point
  26. Same We've had fireworks going off in our neighborhood all week long and probably for a few days more despite the fact that they're illegal. I really hate these fireworks because they drive my dogs crazy, keep us up at night, and make my PTSD itch. Firework shows don't bother me at all because I know to expect it but the random pops and booms going off in random directions gets to me more often than I'd like to admit.
    1 point
  27. This was an entertaining breakdown of all the events that needed to happen to ensure that no one was in the stands when a plane crashed after buzzing the field at a Colts-Steelers playoff game.
    1 point
  28. It could be that Ikorno knew the spell. When you steal spells from a companion like Aloth or a hireling, you can steal either spells that they know inherently (from leveling up) or spells in the grimoire they have equipped. If you steal spells from the weather mages on slaver ships, for example, you can get several spells from them that aren't in their grimoires. As soon as I hit lvl 7 or 10 when playing a mage, I head toward Crookspur to battle slaver ships to steal spells from the mages on them. Thanks for the hotkey tip; I didn't know that.
    1 point
  29. Totally normal. Other users are still telling me things about Deadfire here which I didn't know before.
    1 point
  30. I am curious how much of the original will be censored to not offend Twitch in today's day and age
    1 point
  31. I don't know why, but I just had 2 mages both get the unique Ninagauth's Death Ray from Ikorno (bounty), who obviously shouldn't and doesn't have that spell. I think I also stole some spell that wasn't in the grimoire from low level enemies, notably that guy who attacks you after you trade with Dunnage's tavern owner. Can somebody explain it technically? also if a mage steals a spell he knows/has in grimoire, after save/load the spell will be hidden, only the normal version can be cast. A workaround is to assign a hotkey to the stolen spell before any s/l, while it's still next to other unlimited ones, then after s/l the unlimited version will be in the hotkeys row. Useful to allow Aloth to cast minor missles,since it's not bad but Aloth has it at lv1.
    1 point
  32. the end. time for the next char ^^
    1 point
  33. Hi, english is not my native language so please feel free to correct me. This is a simple build, everyone know these 2 subclasses very powerful, but i didnt see any build shared except the one with spirit lance. This build uses community patch for improved riposte so make sure you install it before try. It starts powerful level 1 so even if you re new to the game you can enjoy this build. For experienced players i also recommend to go no rest run. Difficulty: PoTD with upscaled, i also solo the game with this build PoTD with no upscale Class: Streetfighter-Blood Mage I didn't like to play streetfighter before because trying to get flank or stay below %50 health was hard to handle, but with blood mage you can manually go below half health and regenerate your spells. And with your buffs you re safe to do so. Race: Human We ll be below %50 health most of the time so + accuracy and damage always nice. Stats: Might: 4 Constitution: 18 Dexterity: 10 Perception: 10 Intelligence: 16 Resolve: 20 We have nice damage bonuses so we don't really need might at all. Constitution is important even we have crazy defences better safe to be sorry. I would like to have more Perception but maxing resolve is better way to go with this build. Skills: Athletics is nice for emergency healings, rest is up to you. I'll list the abilities you need to make this build run, rest ip up to you: Level 1: Crippling Strike, Chill Fog, Spirit shield(early game, dump it when you get Llengraths safeguard) Eldritch Aim(it has low duration early game but it will get better, %50 graze to hit very important) Level 2: Weapon and shield style, Infuse with vital essence, Arcane Veil Level 3: Riposte, Bear's fortitude, DAoM, Llengraths displaced image, Ryngrims repulsive image( this makes riposte kinda useless to be honest, but there are many creautres immune to terrify. Thing is if you don't know, terrified creatures most of the time breaks engagemant and give us free disengage attacks, very powerful spell) Level 4: Adept evasion, Persistent distraction, Withering strike, Essential Phantom(surprisingly tanky and we dont have much to cast level 4 spell slot) Level 5: Deep wounds, Tough, Llengraths safeguard, rapid casting Level 6: Toxic strike(very good for bosses but make sure they dont immune poison and lower their fortitude), Slippery mind(immune to 3 afflication most of the time), Level 7: Deathblows, Zandethus Draconic fury(basicly %30 lash, crazy damage buff) https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_grimoires We wil use grimoire eventually so make sure you dont take the speel it already have. Rest bonus: Shark Soup. With this and slippery mind we ll immune to ALL the afflications which is crazy. Items: Armor: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Blackened_Plate_Armor Blackened Plate armor, it looks incredibly cool and -1 armor for enemies stacks with everything. What more you want? Ah and also %50 damage taken from poison attacks is awesome because our kinda lowish fortitude. You dont wanna get hit with druids plague for example. Use the heaviest armor you can get till you have this. Shield: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Akola's_Apex_Ward It's tricky to get but this is the perfect shield for us. If you don't wanna mess with Huana's this to works too, and they look cooler https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Cadhu_Scalth since we invent to athletics its deflection bonus get better, also -damage taken better than you think. https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Bronlar's_Phalanx this is the highest deflection bonus shield in the game. You can use escape to move around especially if you use the heavy shield modal. Weapons: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Magran's_Favor We ll use this with battle axe modal, and with our recovery bonuses we ll be still fast. Riposte and terrify disengagement attacks gives us free attacks. Battle axe modal is very good against bosses. You may not wanna use it in easy fights though. Back up weapons for slash immune foes https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Stalker's_Patience My favorite weapon in the game, i have a Monk/Cipher build with this weapon which i ll hopefully share. https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Rust's_Poignard This little bast''' also very good agains bosses. Helmet: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Thaos'_Headdress +5 accuracy and + Intelligence very nice https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Blackened_Plate_Helm Combine this with the armor for epic coolness Amulet: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Token_of_Faith This game has like no good accessoires sadly. Belt: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/The_Undying_Burden We'll not get hit much but damage reduction is nice and +2 cons is also good. Rings: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Chameleon's_Touch https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Kuaru's_Prize Boring but what can you do? Cloak: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Cloak_of_Greater_Deflection Bracer: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Bracers_of_Greater_Deflection you'll get this very late, use whatever you want till get it, maybe +3 accuracy one. Boots: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Boots_of_the_Stone You ll get this start at the game, and won't find anything better. Seriously we need more items. Pet: Cutthroat Cosmo for lower recovery We ll start the fight with buffing, amount of buffs you need is parallel with how hard is the battle. Start with infuse the vital essence for more duration. After buffing use blood sacriface to go below %50 health and go start killing things. With Arcane veil, llengrtahs displaced image and Llengraths safeguard you ll have +70 deflection melee which is perfect for riposte. You can also terrify them and watch your enemies begging for their life at the ground whlie you cut them down. Feel free to experiment things. You can also go with Two handed weapons build if you don't like shield concept. Which is better with terrify disengage strategy since you cant use riposte while doing it. You don't even need to change the abilities and there are cool Two handed weapons like this: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Voidwheel
    1 point
  34. Forbidden Fist wants high Resolve in order to keept the duration of any hostile effects extremely short. RES also contributes to deflection which the Wizard has an enormous potential for. And since stacking defenses gives increasing returns this is a nice synergy already. Use Tuotilo's Palm and you'll be tanky as hell. And if you mostly use Forbidden Fist attacks or other primary attacks (Force of Anguish, Torment's Reach, Skyward Kick) you won't lose any dps from the use of the shield but still get get dual wielding recovery speed. Then Sages are very potent in general. Mostly because the combination of either AoE weapon such as Spirit Lance + Stunning Surge, Efficient Anguish etc. is very good, but also because Wall of Draining prolongs all buffs on you, including Swift Flurry, Thunderous Blows, Clarity of Agony (great for a Forbidden Fist), Crucicle of Suffering (also great for a forbidden fist) and whatnot. Also the Wizard has some spells which have friendly fire - which usually are bad to step into, but as Forbidden Fist can give you wounds and healing galore. For example be resistant to DEX affclictions (like from being a wood elf or wearng an item with DEX resistance) and step into your own Binding Webs. You will get hobbled for very short amount of times and every time a hobble wears off you will get healing and a wound. Finally the Forbidden Fist attack enfeebles, which causes +50% duration of hostile effects on the enemy. This includes stuff like Fetid Caress (very strong single target disable in combination with Turning Wheel's +10 INT, which is +30% duration, and enfeebling with +50%). Add some power levels and land a crit - and the enemy might be paralyzed for over half a minute.
    1 point
  35. You're making me want to pick up deadfire again, every time I visit this forum.
    1 point
  36. When you are building a Priest for Damage, Berath is one of the best picks imo. I would absolutely support Kaylon's suggestion that Helwalker/Berath would be a good pick - maybe the best - if you are looking for both good melee dmg AND good casting damage at the same time. Helwalker gets +10 MIG at 10 wounds (absurdly high MIG was a key feature of the St. Gangrene build you played); gets +10 INT, too which is great with nearly all spells (AoE and durations) and both high MIG and INT are especially good with DoT spells like Touch of Rot etc. Also thematically Helwalker and Berath will fit beautifully: Death rites + Berath - what more do you want? Monks also get Thunderous Blows which will grant them universal +2 PEN for weapon AND spell dmg. That's better than Devoted who can only use the PEN for his weapon of choice. The St. Gangrene build of PoE used Tidefall's wounding and beefed it up with absurd MIG (because wounding scaled with it). Unfortunately an identical scaling wounding mechanic is not present in Deadfire, but there are some cool Great Swords and Estocs in the game. One even has a wounding enchantment again (Effort). There's also the Spiritual Great Sword that a Priest of Berath can summon - and it's really good if you get your dispositions right because then its corrosive lash scales up. There are three unique weapons that fit very well thematically imo: Voidwheel: This is great fun if you crit a lot. A Monk can also use Swift Flurry and Heartbeat Drumming to proc crit chains - so the special Necrotic Lance enchantment of Voidwheel might proc more often as one might anticipate. It's one of the most damaging weapons against single targets. The Twin Eels: It's a Berath themed weapon so it fits beautifully. It's not the all-time-best for damage (but still solid) - but it can be a nice support weapon if you kill frenquently because it has an AOE heal on kill. For inspiration how to use this weapon you can have a look here: Valkyrie of Gaun Engoliero do Espirs: It's an estoc and no a great sword but it fits lovely. There's a whole Berath-related quest in order to get this. It's supergood for casting as well because the enchantment "Blade Harvest" procs off of all kills you do, spells or melee. And it can proc itself when it kills, leading to a wild cascade of Ghost Blades killing everything. Imo it's the best pick here - but you have to work for it (quest). They all don't come early though. I would propose that you use the summoned Great Sword most of times until you can get your hands on one of the above (or whatever you like best). I personally would aim for Engoliero do Espirs and then use the summoned GS as backup weapon. The summoned GS stacks its lash with the ones from Turning Wheel and Lightning Strikes (only if you don't use Swift Flurry istead of LS of course) so you will do plenty of single target dmg with that, too.
    1 point
  37. Helwalker/priest of Berath is probably the best choice if you want a hybrid melee/caster.
    1 point
  38. During the early days of the rona when the UK was on lockdown, Sunak was the face of "Eat Out To Help Out" (lmao) which was giving people 50% off on in-person meals from restaurants in August 2020. This double entendre plan caused a spike in rona infections that triggered another batch of lockdowns. So yeah, this is pure cope from Sunak. If you hang out at the circuis you can't expect people to not think you're a clown.
    0 points
  39. Yeah, because evil sjw are taking away women's reproductive rights. Good thing you have such a clear moral compass.
    0 points
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