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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/22 in all areas
you mean Turkey blackmailing Europe? Lets call it what is it5 points
I'm sure that murdering some more Kurds will make that bipedal bellend cheer up. Or maybe some armenians? Decisions, decisions.4 points
little bit more about the failed crossing of the river, from hopefully credible source.4 points
Seriously Bruce... go get yourself a blow up doll that looks like Uncle Sam4 points
Nor surprised about Erdogan, no-one likes Turkey in EU and we just have to accept Turkey position is/was important for NATO - thats why they still keep him around. I am sure he will be 'convinced' sooner or later by other parties this is interesting: https://www.newsweek.com/vladimir-putin-russia-ukraine-war-china-ambassador-17056153 points
Having watched SNW's first episode (because P+ put the first ep on YouTube), I wanted to say re: your spoiler...3 points
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https://www.reuters.com/world/erdogan-says-turkey-not-positive-finland-sweden-joining-nato-2022-05-13/ Some people turning on Turkey over this is funny to see.2 points
I've never heard of Redfall before, and after looking it up, I would have been happy it remained that way.2 points
During weekend Russian destroyed another school with 60 civilians dieing inside in Bilohorivka. One or two days ago, they tried to cross the river close to the city for the first time. One of the Ukrainian engineers responsible for preparing the ambush on them have released some information, on how this operation was performed. The whole operation was performed with almost zero visual possibilities, as there was bad weather, fog and Russian soldiers setting ablaze the surrounding forest... Which is pretty crazy achievement for UA army... Here is how the preparations and following opperation has been almoast flawlessly executed... Rumors says one whole BTG or 1500 Russian soldiers might have died during their failed attempt. and here is video of pictures how if ended up for them. And this is the result of another attempt today2 points
You are never going to get the opportunity to die on Mars with that kind of attitude.2 points
The new feature that was added that made bugs attack your base if you kill to many of them has my base overrun with weevils and aphids. Although they don't attack and the food is plentiful they give a strong roach vibe. Can we maybe make that bug specific?1 point
Nah, it'll just mean you'll fall through the world only half as much as in other releases, and maybe it'll not be as broken as Fallout 76.1 point
Kurds and Yazidis, right at this moment. What you say, it's not being reported? Weird that. Fun thing to remember: Erdogan's and his son made many millions buying oil from ISIS and hence funding them in their fight against... the US supported Kurdish YPG, among others. Indeed, one of the big reasons that Russia suddenly started bombing ISIS oil infrastructure and tankers back in 2016 after everyone had avoided doing it was that it massively hurt Erdogan in his personal finances, and he'd just 'personally' ordered Turkey to shoot down a Russian Su24.1 point
Collaborate with Russia and your worth is as much as worth of trash1 point
Been doing some of the last tweaks to my Mando armour designs. A few bits here and there, then I'll be submitting the designs to the Mando Mercs Q&A team for approval, then I can start to gird myself for the printing. And the priming. And the sanding. And the priming. And the sanding... Also been getting into the basics of leatherworking. Getting to grips with some of the basic cutting, embossing, dying elements of it all. Trying to keep it to the basic toolset before blowing even more budget...1 point
At least change it so we can toggle custom settings and TURN IT OFF if we don't want it!! Or don't make it a "custom setting" at all - make it a regular option, like arachnophobia mode.1 point
I agree, particularly with the new faction update which destroyed hundreds of hours of work on bases in my game which I have been working on for literal years. I want to turn it off. Let us turn stuff off if you're adding new stuff!1 point
At least 2023 is now shaping up to be a potentially blockbuster year for big RPGs: Starfield, BG3, Avowed, DA4, maybe inXile's Project Cobalt, others?1 point
This morning my wife and I ran into a couple olympic athletes when we were getting out of the pool. They had a camera crew with them for GTN, the Global Triathlon Network, and they were getting ready to take over our swim lanes. We geeked out a bit. We got a selfie with the host of the show, Heather Fell, but I totally flailed socially with Sarah True. She asked me a question about swimming in a local reservoir and I awkwardly talked about the pollution levels. Still it was fun to see some celebrities sharing our local community pool. They were in town to work with Specialized.1 point
Not yet, outside in-engine trailers. It had a release date though. From what I understand it is not unusual for Bethesda to keep things underwaps and then shows lengthy game presentations closer to the release - so many expected details in upcoming Microsoft showcase. We will probably still see it there.1 point
My Oblivion gaming experience is going exceptionally well, Im about 110 hours into the game and Im only on level 11 due to the highly recommended Maskars Overhaul Mod. Its addresses basically every issue you can think of with vanilla Oblivion like no level scaling, slower and realistic advancement, monster variations and vastly improved mechanics on every level I also have started modding my single player RDR2 game and I dont know why I didnt do it earlier. I now have realistic survival requirements like eating, washing, urinating and sleep. I have added additional contracts, gangs, bounty hunting and hunting and herbalist skills. Plus some overhaul mods....its hard to believe how much better the game is1 point
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Well, at least they didn't rename it after a weapons company. Amazing to think such marketing works1 point
The talk now is that two battalions got wiped out; over 100 armored vehicles lost, along with the pontoon bridge.1 point
Well that sucks. Starfield was pretty much the only game I was truly looking forward to for the rest of 2022.1 point
The Heat eliminated the Sixers. I feel bad for Embiid but they hitched their wagon to Harden and, you're never going to believe this, but he disappeared in a big high pressure game. Weird, that never happens.1 point
Been stuck at a desk for 2 weeks now and my shoulder is worse than when I'm working as a yard-jockey. My immensly ergonomic workstation might be the reason why... Edit; Really cba to connect my phone to the laptop here at work, so I'll upload the image back home instead1 point
Ah, down the isekai hole you go. That one is good amongst the sea of other isekai's.1 point
The game's fun and pretty expansive but it's lacking some quality of life changes that could make a huge difference. For starters being able to customize your save a bit more would be fantastic, more config settings and being able to adjust an existing save would be great. The new siege mechanic is fun, but again more config settings that we can adjust ourselves to change how reactive some of the factions are would make a huge difference. One thing that has bothered me about the game is that all insects have different weaknesses, which in theory is cool and all but it does crowd your inventory with all the different weapons, having some kind of weapons satchel separate from your inventory with a hot swap key to switch between melee or ranged weapons quickly would be nice. I'd also love to see some intelligence from the insects, if each faction all had a purpose and a goal each day for surviving instead of mindless wandering or food gathering the game would have an entirely different feel, also a leader for some factions would be interesting such as a Queen Bee. More air defenses and being able to reinforce walls is kind of a necessity too with sieges in the game now especially since they're pretty spontaneous and sometimes they happen when you're away from your base. As for insect's there's already a pretty good variety but there's a few essential one's that have been left out. I've seen a lot of insect suggestions but I think the most basic of all would be the best addition, the worm, lots of different variations and they'd definitely have a unique attack pattern, also burrowing would be an interesting new addition as flying insects are currently dominating the game right now. Next i'd say a centipede would be a solid addition, we need an interesting large insect and I think the centipede is about as big as they can go without being silly, there's lots of different variations of centipedes so there's lots of possibilities there. My next choice is the scorpion, another large insect I think could really impact the game in a good way if implemented correctly. Butterfly is another great choice, it'd be great if we could use their wings to glide because mobility is really lacking right now. Hornet, Slug, Mantis are my last three.1 point
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That's the thing - I found Witcher to be more on a Terry Pratchet side, then grim and dark. It's like a parody of a parody of a parody. Fantasy spaghetti western with dark twists on popular fairy tales.1 point
It seems that a general rule is that recovery penalties apply immediately while recovery bonuses only start applying after the current recovery has ended. Very obvious when a Streetfighter walks into Chill Fog or something. So I would not be surprised if yeah, movement penalty for recovery lasted for the remainder of the recovery. I'm not sure if that rule applies to reloading though -- perhaps I will try reloading before and after spamming Time Parasite and/or a Chanter sings Sure-Handed Ila. Not even sure if action speed bonuses follow that rule the same way as recovery time modifiers.1 point
Picking Shot on the run in Deadfire makes a huge difference if you move between shots. However I doubt it affects reloading (that's why we have Gunner) - for me reloading works only if you stand still.1 point
hoo boy, if your googlefu is good someone many years ago commented on it, and had a mod that removed the need for shot on the run. there's definitely a penalty, but sorry no specifics. i tried to find the thread but had no luck. as for reloading progress - AFAICT the progress is saved, but there's a minimum reload time. the character has to animate - that animation can be really sped up to try to match up with the "true" remaining time, but there's a hard minimum threshold that they can't be sped up beyond. so iirc you can indefinitely delay reload by moving your character as they're wrapping up their reload. (there's a gun where one if its enchantments that can eliminate recovery does nothing because of this minimum reload time) edit: i found the original post. actually it was about pillars of eternity 1. there, the recovery penalty was +50%. no indiciation what the number is in deadfire. my best intuition based on the numbers involved is that the ranged recovery penalty in deadfire is +100%: 1. combat is generally intuitively considered/targeted at half speed of poe1 2. in poe1, the known penalty was +50% and the equivalent talent was -25% 3. probably implies they 2x-ed the numbers, +100% penalty given that the ranger talent is now -50% knowing what i know about how (in)consistently the designers tracked inversions, i would not be surprised if the net effect of shot on the run is that it completely eliminates the penalty (since -50% with inversions would cancel out +100% in penalties) edit 2: in poe1, i think it was a matter that the recovery only slowed down while moving, whereas anecdotally in deadfire it feels like the moment i have a ranged character move, their recovery slows down and doesn't go back to normal speed until i do another shot.1 point
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It's always a challenge to know what's true in that corner of the world. There's just too much incentive to lie and make Israeli look monstrous. I'm withholding judgment for that reason; not that I'm not concerned. It's also a dangerous line of work for journalists to travel to conflict zones. The US has also lost journalists in that region.1 point
Behold! Milky Way's monster black hole imaged for the 1st time. | Space1 point
I'm really looking forward to seeing Everything Everywhere All at Once.1 point
For the first time, I was unable to fully scroll down this - edit: or the previous - current page on my phone without the tab crashing. If I let the page load for a couple minutes than very very slowly scrolled, I could get almost to the bottom of the page/images but then it would still crash before all images were viewed by my eyeballs. (desktop it's fine). I blame Bokishi. Glorious.1 point
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Well, the good thing about games is that you can stop them at any time and return to them whenever.1 point
I saw Everything Everywhere All at Once semi recently and I'm making the early call that it's the best movie of the year. Oscillates between absurd, disgusting, hilarious and heartfelt, and somehow makes it work. Great work from all the cast.1 point
Agree.. terribly implemented, not fun, out of place. Literally no reason for it... we have enough games with this.1 point
Absolutely. I'm not sure why there is not one already. My son and I have to constantly go through it to be sure we are not wasting space. Our solution was to make individual chests which is a Pain.1 point
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My only major complaint with Deadfire after sinking 76 hours into it is the presence of enemies with Immunity to Common Damage Types (Piercing/Slashing/Crushing) and its impact on the gameplay experience. Now, before I get into it, I want to say that I can understand and appreciate Elemental Immunities - typically the only sources of pure elemental damage are spells, and usually if you're running into enemies with elemental immunities you can just cast a different spell. But outright resistance to the Common Damage Types sets my teeth on edge because it produces particularly strange logic in several cases. For example, Skeletal Warriors (and other Skeletal [Class] enemies) are immune to Piercing damage. I can see the logic behind it: Skeletons are not known for having a lot of squishy parts. They're entirely bones and empty spaces, so it makes sense that weapons that rely on piercing fleshy parts to damage organs would have a tough time against them. - Figure A: Skeleton Lectures Peasant On Why Gut Stabs Aren't Great Without A Gut To Stab - However, just because a Piercing weapon primarily relies on touching things that shouldn't be touched to deal its damage doesn't mean that it would be useless: there's still significant force being exerted by the impact, even if effective impact locations are harder to come by. In this case, a high resistance to the damage type in question makes sense, but outright immunity doesn't - regardless of how wiggly and wily a Skeleton may be, a bullet or spear in the right place will still shatter bone. - Figure B: Skeleton Politely Requests Peasant Not Move Pitchfork To Avoid Snapping Spine - Things get even weirder when you factor in Bows. For some reason, War Bows and Hunting Bows were changed from Piercing to Best Of Slash/Pierce. As a result, Skeletons are immune to bullets and bolts, but still very much vulnerable to arrows (even though Slashing primarily relies on cutting, which... Skeletons don't have anything to cut!). - Figure C: Skeleton Loudly Disregards Local Constabulary's Firearms, But States Respect And Fear Of Bowmen - Nitpicking the logic behind it aside, the actual gameplay feel behind common damage immunities is just awful. There's no tactical depth to it: solving the problem is as easy as pulling out a backup - a Scepter or a Rod or a Sword or a Hammer - and it's just annoying. There's no huge additional challenge to dealing with enemies with these immunities, I'm just mildly inconvenienced while my characters use a slightly less optimal weapon so they can actually participate instead of complaining about how their weapon isn't working. Elemental or Spell immunities change the tactics you use because the majority of the spells in the game have unique effects and casting times and AOEs and what have you, but Common Damage Immunities just require you to use a different kind of stick. - Figure D: Bored Skeleton Suggests That Poster Find Better, Funnier Gimmick - Now, Skeletons are just an example of enemies with Common Damage Immunities, but they're probably the best indicator of why these immunities are simply annoying instead of challenging. Very rarely, if ever, do enemies with Common Damage Immunities pose a significant threat because of their immunities. I would much rather see enemies with Immunity to Common Damage Types be given high resistance instead (for example, 20 or 30 at least) so that they still retain their logical defenses against such damage types. This would encourage the player to switch damage types to better handle the situation but not require it. Continuing to use the resisted damage type would still be sub-optimal, but not so much that the experience becomes frustrating or immersion-breaking. - Figure E: Local Skeleton Seeks Flaming Sword To Cuddle, Direct Inquires To Old City Caves Under Neketaka - Overall, I've had a blast with Deadfire and have adored my time spent playing it. This whole Common Damage Immunity thing is literally the only thing I see as a flaw and I desperately want to see it changed, but I also understand if Obsidian chooses not to. If they don't, well... there's always modding, and it's not like I'm going to suddenly start hating Deadfire over something minor like this. Anyways, thank you for reading, and I hope you have a nice day.1 point