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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/21 in all areas

  1. Thanks. Powers back for me after maybe 22 hours out, I've heard of some people who were out of power for over 36 hours so I got off lucky. More storm tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. Inheritance is one of the most important bootstraps to pull, good life choices begin at conception.
    4 points
  2. Correction coming in 5, 4, 3, ...
    4 points
  3. Reforge the Flesh is considered an unique effect and isn't affected by resistance/immunity to dexterity afflictions.
    3 points
  4. the talk o' home values reminds us how much we don't wanna continue being a landlord. overall, housing prices were flat in our county in 2020, but in our specific area there were marked increases. seems that living in a relative remote bit o' civilization far from the maddening crowd sudden had appeal during the pandemic. go figure. the couple local rental properties we own saw significant increases in value this last year, but as a landlord there is always something to worry 'bout. am tired o' the headaches. am more motivated to sell. if hurl doesn't mind a +1.5 hour commute, we can likely get him into a nice 1-story, 3br/2ba, 1800sqft which backs up to greenbelt in a gated community a bit east o' sacramento. available this may. other than the prohibitive commute, downside is you would be living literal a couple hundred meters away from Gromnir. am always shocked by just how many people in our neighborhood make the commute to the bay area for work. our morning jaunts to the office were only in the +40 minute range depending on traffic. soul sucking. however, the shift to telecommuting is making it much more viable to live somewhere not the bay area even if that is where is your job... though not for hurl we s'pose. 'course the sac valley/foothills summer heat and predictable wildfires is also becoming unbearable. can't get away from it. we know a bunch o' folks who moved from ca to tx the last couple years. tx were just so much cheaper. a couple such persons never quite recovered from the great recession and retirement were gonna be either texas or mexico. other acquaintances moved to tx specific for the tax situation. am recalling one ca ex-pat bragging to us 'bout how much cheaper were their utility costs w/o the rolling summer blackouts. am a smud customer, so we didn't have any blackouts. regardless, am thinking we give it a month or two before we remind our friend o' his utility boast. probable a too soon faux pas if we needle today. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  5. 1. Cheers to all) 2. We waiting for german translation update. Be patient) 3. Elric, i took only few Keywords from your mod. Overall, in Balance mod some (em... most) of your new keywords techically unnecessary (they do nothing), even more - some keywords in wrong places could break some things in game (for example, elemental keywords in contiguous damage proc status effects can cancel opposite kw effects), And some keywords need a deeper investigation. I will PM to you later about this. For example, let's take Minoletta's Minor Missiles. I've read a lot of complains about lackin' Acid KW - seems logical on first sight, because MMM deals Crush/Corrode Damage. But let's go deeper... MMM have an ability and ranged attack with dual damage: Crush and Corrode. If we add Acid KW to ability, then attack (as child) will be useless against Corrode-immune targets. Another example: Spirit Tornado. Ability have an attack with Freeze AOE and 5 status effects on char, lasting for 15 sec. Seems unfare if ST don't have a Frost KW, huh? And you can add it to ability, but then, whey you activate it, your char will be under affliction of status-effects with Frost KW for 15 seconds and this will counter any effects with opposite KW (Fire). That's a bad way. A good way is to add Frost keyword ONLY to AOE attack – so attack will receive all bonuses from Frost KW (if you have one) and you will not break game mechanics.
    3 points
  6. Resistances don't stack unfortunately. So Wild Orlan + that Chant = no further effect (on RES afflictions). If you want to use "Their Champion" and deliver lots of crit-interrupts via chants you should use some chants that do hit rolls - for example "The Long Night" & "Thick Grew their Tongues". It depends a bit on the enemies' defenses which chants are best in a fight. But "Thick Grew" removes concentration which is a great synergy with causing interrupts. If you want an absolut no-brainer chant that you can simply use at any times with no further thinking I'd pick Many Lives Pass by. With a Troub. it pops out an auto-steered Skeleton every 3 secs which stack up to a small army - and that's just very useful in all fights.
    3 points
  7. i always do a lot of ahead-planning with chanters, because it's easy to go "bad" on the chants IMO. if you have too many it's hard to make good use of them all. chant mechanics are also significantly different from poe1, just as a reminder. (everything is a flat 6s on, 3s linger [except for troubadour stuff], whereas in poe1 it varied based on character level and chant level) to your questions: i love all the resistance chants. in order of usefulness, i would go "one dozen" (resolve/con resistance), "fampyr's gaze" (int/perception resistance), and then "hit the deck" (might/dex). one dozen because i always do megabosses so a chanter is an easy way to fight auranic, plus i find frightened and sickened/weakened awful common for how annoying they are. int/perception because charm/dominate is super annoying in fights where it has, and perception resistance is super useful especially in fights where enemies have persistent distraction. because they're so niche, it helps avoid the "too many chants" problem because i create one or two songs that just focus on the resistance chants and switch to them only if needed. i always start with the one dozen chant in any "resistance" song, because especially when sickened/weakened/enfeebled kick in i want to dispel it asap so i can heal. literally every chanter i ever have these days (and in like the past 500-600 hours of gameplay) picks up one dozen, that's how much i love having it around. really punches above its weight for being just a tier-two chant. i used to love thick grew their tongue a lot in the earlier days, but i have a lot more ways to deal with concentration and am more deliberate about interrupts so it's a little bit less important. everything else is more situational on what my party/chanter are like and what my design goal is. i'd say ancient memory is a pretty safe choice for all setups because of its great utility. sometimes ordering can help, especially when you consider that when you use an invocation or you switch songs you immediately jump back to your first chant, so effects that can double up or benefit from being refreshed faster or are offensive and need attack rolls so having multiple checks are good. like the skeleton summoning chant, or the damage shield chant, or the anti-concentration chant. it might not sounds like it comes up a lot, but in practice with the most obvious indication (the skeleton summoning chant) i would end up with a lot of extra skeletons just from having it as the first song. there are also a couple minor synergies, like having mercy mercy (+50% heal) or one dozen before an ancient memory chant, to boost the healing effectiveness. in general though i would argue against having more than three songs in a chant. the math changes a bit with a troubadour's better linger (up to four maybe), but typically beyond three you're not really adding more power and you're just adding more variability: with any choice in a game, there's always a "best" choice, a "second best" choice, etc. when you fill up chants in a song, what you're really doing is selecting a "best" chant, a "second best" chant, etc. after a certain point, each additional chant you add to a song lowers the average quality of that song. ideally you don't exceed two chants in a song, because with proper intellect you have 100% uptime on your two best chants. but in practice i find it a worthwhile to add a third to add a little bit more flexibility (especially if it's adding something like ancient memory where even a little goes a long way) even at the cost of uptime of your other arguably better chants. this is different than in poe1 where the different chant durations and the reduced active chant time as you level up means there's some interesting math and strategizing about mixing in shorter chants with longer chants that have huge linger.
    3 points
  8. Here's a link https://www.newsweek.com/greg-abbott-blames-texas-power-outages-green-energy-state-depends-gas-1569804
    2 points
  9. LOL I have solar and it’s so useful right no I had to turn it off! I’m going to go with this being God‘s punishment. We’re so evil he rotated earth so the northern hemisphere Is further away from the sun. And if we’re not nice he’ll do it again next year! sometimes I feel sorry for God. He catches hell for a lot of stupid things
    2 points
  10. If we're talking keyword interactions I think it's worth reiterating that keywords only counter effects of opposite hostility: So self-casting Flame Shield would not cancel your own Spirit Tornado - only hostile effects can do that (and abilities using the literal Immunity effect, like Wave Walker). To me it makes sense to add keywords to friendly status effects as long as it fits. In the case of Spirit Tornado, I think the Frenzy effect should not be tagged with Frost, only the attack. But buffs like Zandethus' Draconic Fury should absolutely have the Fire keyword, for example.
    2 points
  11. Watched until episode 5. Some hilarious moments, especially with the poor teacher at school. And Tuxedo Mask is not nearly as useless as his meme implies.
    2 points
  12. On the technical side, my understanding is the following : - Different attacks from a single ability may have different KW. Provided the ability does not have KW itself, the attack without the KW won't be resisted. But the attack with the KW won't benefit from any KW PL because it requires the ability to be keyworded (but the Elemental PEN talents do work). That's why putting a KW on the ability can be detrimental. - The ability won't be advertised to "carry the KW" if only subsequent attacks or status carry it but not the ability itself. I think this can be an issue for understandability. - Any attack with a keywords substatus will carry the KW itself. That's why some attacks such as Vile Thorns are fully resisted by poison immune despite only the status being keyworded.
    2 points
  13. True. If you want to know how annoying this can be: try Tekehu (who has a passiv that quenches continuous fire effects on him - I suppose it was meant to make him sort of immune to burn DoTs and debuffs) with the Mith Fyr Chant: it gets removed on him. You won't find out until you notice that he hasn't the effect on him although he's chanting it. Same thing would happen if you had Mith Fyr on you or a flame shield and then cast Spirit Tornado <edit>I guess</edit>?
    2 points
  14. oh yeah, this is great. it used to be a lot better before they broke the chant somewhere along the way between 4.0 -> 5.0 (the skeleton no longer scales with level). before, a lone troubadour could probably attrition out any fight in the game. now, you can't quite do that, but the skeletons help flank, and every spell or melee hit that takes out a skeleton is a wasted enemy action, and ironically because of their low defenses/health now they tend to be extra-favored for targeting. i wonder if it would be extremely effective on turn-based mode: the action economy is so much more constrained so having enemies waste it on garbage that you resummon for free 2x every turn sounds neat.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Indeed. Of course, with a Chanter in your party you can also spawn your own vessels - skeletons - to kill with Grave Calling and create those party friendly aoe paralyzing Chillfogs, that provide Focus with each tick! I like to spawn them in front, soften them - and incoming enemies that engage them - with a fireball or some such and then manually go for the kill.
    2 points
  17. Got power back and can't sleep so of course I'm watching Sailor Moon. So far S seems to be more animated, which I really like, and the bad guy looks like he'll be ****ing crazy which is an improvement over the last few who had no personality to speak of.
    2 points
  18. One final thing I forgot about ordering chants. My play style means that in the opening moments of combat I’m staying back and letting enemies approach while I buff or keep parts of my party hidden. So I don’t put offensive chants first and favor defensive chants first in my all-purpose songs. It might not seem like it matters a lot but on PotD things can snowball and spiral out of control from the opening moments of a fight, so just having the right first chant can be relevant.
    2 points
  19. i have to add that over time i've grown really fond of the chanter in deadfire (i've started bringing one along in some shape or from pretty regularly). i used to stan for priests back in the day and while i'm still pretty big on priests, i think chanters just have a lot of interesting potential especially with how you can complement your party in different ways, and there are enough oddball chants and invocations to give you a lot of fun possibilities for how to take your character. for a psion/troubadour you might want to give extra consideration to "thick grew their tongues" and "long night's" chants. thick will make sure enemies will always be vulnerable to your soul whip interrupts, and long night will soften enemies up for the cipher's fortitude powers, of which the cipher has a lot and sometimes they are very hard hitting (like disintegrate or soul ignition) edit: oops forgot to add that for a troubadour in particular, brisk recitation + the damage shield chant or the skeleton chant are aces. a troubadour with the damage shield chant and brisk recitation can carry a party against Hauane O Whe, for example.
    2 points
  20. You rang? There is a German scrabble variant, obviously, and it is limited to words in the Duden (the most well known and most commonly used German dictionary) and all their inflections. Therefore the depicted word would be not accepted unless you're playing with house rules and e.g. allow for compound words with unlimited components. If it could fit on the board in the first place, which it doesn't. Building compound words with more than three components is considered to be bad form and the word above, by the way, literally translated means floor grinder renting agency. I think that covery all possible objections and information, right? edit: Took a bit longer than five seconds to type though. Sorry.
    2 points
  21. Yeah I've had so many playthroughs where I get pretty far and then reroll to something else. It's so hard to get myself to finish because there's always another fun build to try on the horizon lol.
    2 points
  22. So, today was Fettisdagen here, so I had myself a semla. And like a gift from heaven, Max Miller who hosts the channel Tasting History made this;
    2 points
  23. Forbidden Fist/Ascendent is a great combo, with some great gear that synergies well with the build. Seeker's Fang is amazing but you get it rather late unfortunately. But you can get Grave Calling much earlier, and it's great on a Transcendent. It paralyzes on crits (and you'll crit a lot), and the paralysis will last awhile due to high INT and Linger Echoes, which leads to more crits. You can permanently paralyze foes with it, although most will be dead before the first expires. And when you fight vessels, it can spawn a foe-only Chill Fog which generates focus for you when it ticks, and can paralyze on crits just like the weapon attack. It's crazy good then!
    2 points
  24. Valheim I kinda like the art style. It's not quite low poly... medium poly, if there's such a thing, but all the textures are pixelated up close. There are some really great depth of field effects. The game can look stunning at times. My first real base of operations: This is all very basic stuff. Supposedly the stuff you can craft in this game later on is pretty bonkers. I'm sure it will be quite a while until I get anything fancy looking. Fun fact: I have died 3 times so far, all 3 were death by tree. Unlike in other games, when you chop a tree down it doesn't just burst into particles and disappear, it falls over. It will damage you, or anything else it hits on the way down, including other trees. I had one rather amusing debacle where I was on a hill and the tree trunk fell as such that it began rolling down the hill at me and I was Prometheus running away from it.
    2 points
  25. Sorry to disappoint Didn't know the guy you linked to. Maybe not a big loss not knowing him either. And no, I didn't know any better either when watching the movie, but I know now it's not the German beer ordering technique that stands out, but the British. Most other West European spies would have gotten away with it I suppose
    1 point
  26. I'd do it for a year or so with the explicit intent to scam some dip****s out of their money, and then pay restitutions and live off some money for the rest of my life.
    1 point
  27. Celebrants are amazing. Equip them with Sasha's Singing Scimitar and (eventually) Weyc's Wand in the off hand. Empower Her Revenge and then extend the buffs with SoT. I prefer the skald/priest of magran combo for cheaper offensive invocations and a few extra fire nukes to complement the chanter's electric and cold nukes.
    1 point
  28. Not everyone is built the same, my man. I've already had enough problems with chronic depression (started since I was literally about 12 or 13!) and life in general before you add in becoming someone I utterly abhor. Sure, money is great, but having literally an endless list of mistakes and awful things you've said and done for just money's sake is not something I particularly to commit to in the long run. In direct service of that, I've always been the type that is more content with doing as little as possible to get by for mental health's sake and having more free time to myself. Being a despicable ***hole is a full-time job that would occupy way too much of my brainspace and emotions, so I can't really see being able do it for a long time.
    1 point
  29. Enemies just dread being kissed by a rose.
    1 point
  30. Maybe, maybe not* - but also, yeah, I wouldn't be too upset if the people that I advocated hatred for and personally professed hatred towards also hated me back and were none too quiet when I died. In fact, after I died, I would not care about anything at all, because I'd be dead. *I'd personally think I'd hate myself too much to keep doing what he did for decades, so while I may have initially tried to do it, I would've eventually had to stop after doing enough to secure my financial future. He did not do that - by all appearances, he seemed to love his role.
    1 point
  31. Sorry, just a typo. It's indeed a bit weird for RTwP mode with a full party, but as I understood players like @Haplokwho played such a character that's not quite the case in TB mode since you have to micro every character seperately one after the other anyway.
    1 point
  32. Came here to post this. One of my friends came out as gay in high school and her parents (ardent talk radio fans) kicked her out and disowned her, she spent most of her early adulthood struggling with no support network and was periodically homeless. Maybe Rush wasn't directly or solely responsible, but he sure as **** played a big role in fanning the flames that made a whole lot of folks absolutely miserable. I don't care about speaking ill of the dead, if Rush didn't want his death celebrated he shouldn't have made a career out of being a noxious piece of ****.
    1 point
  33. Unless there is a weird balance change between RTwP and TB, Assassinate gives you +25ACC and indeed +4PEN and +50%Crit DMG. It's a huge boon for a Wizard that can always benefit from extra ACC, PEN and DMG to get the job done (and doesn't have a ton of other ways to increase those besides, oh well, all his buffs/debuffs and Combusting Wounds). It is super fun, but not very party friendly in my opinion at least in RTwP and relies upon a somewhat niche playstyle. You might want to go with something a little more standard - not in a bad way. A SC Wizard is my favorite toon (in RTwP) but if I may, either vanilla Wizard or Bloodmage might be better than Evoker. Bloodmage is outstanding in certain specific situations with his renewable resources (only Xoti in your planned roster has renewable resources). There are just so much outstanding damage spells and combos you're disregarding with an Evoker, to me it's not worth the extra PLs. But again (if it wasn't clear ) I play RTwP, maybe the balance is different in TB. Still, Wizard is all about versatility - Evoker goes against that idea. And I've played my share of Evokers .
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Well...if enemies weren't constantly surprised and distracted by his roses most of the time (as opposed to, you know, just ignoring them because they're freaking roses), he'd be a hell of a lot more ineffective, .
    1 point
  36. Oh my God I thought you were jokingOh my God I thought you were joking
    1 point
  37. -blade cascade on -trigger reforge and extend it, if you knocked yourself out you will stand up and won't be paralyzed, otherwise save/reload and you good -any recovery will be permament (that's why blade cascade should be triggeret first) so no weapon switching or black jacket + quick switch, wizards are f@ckd ? (nothing reduces to 0 grimoire switch recovery ??) all out of combat with cheese
    1 point
  38. That depends on what you want to do with the spear and how you enchant it. It is the only weapon in the game that you can enchant with unique stuff to your liking. For the Counselor Ploi build Cladhaliath is perfect because it can provide "Marking" - which stacks with Paladin's Coordinated Attacks. Both give +10 ACC to the next ally who's attacking the same enemy as you. So +20 - and those +20 stack with every other ACC bonus you might get. For other builds the stunning enchantment might be great (it is awesome if you crit a lot). And so on. Treave's Conquerer Spear is just an exceptional spear. It only has a unique look. Nothing else about it is unique or particularly good. Note that you can improve every weapon exceptional or beyond with crafting. Vile Loner's Lance is great for any interrupt/debuff build (e.g. a Babarian) because it not only causes -5 to all defenses on hit (which is cool) but also causes unusually long interrupts compared to all other spears (1 sec instead of 0.5 secs). Danulya is the best spear in terms of dps because it has speed (which is the best dps enchantment besides wounding). --- Spiritshift Boar is the best form against high DR foes (dps wise). It also provides self healing (like Fighters have or like Veteran's Recovery basically - Vet.'s Recovery and Boar Regeneration do stack). Cat form has the best dps against normal/low DR foes. The rest of the Spiritshift forms are suboptimal. The Stag form isn't good.
    1 point
  39. It works a bit like Withdraw (that "stun" effect also isn't affected by anything).
    1 point
  40. I've never known where to draw the line. I'd celebrate Hitler dying...but Rush Limbaugh isn't Hitler. He ain't Mother Theresa either, though - he's responsible for a lot of hatred and celebration of others' misery. The world is very arguably a tiny bit better place without him, so I can see why people would celebrate. Practically, celebrating his death just stokes even more division and hatred...which does seem like a fitting legacy for him.
    1 point
  41. @thelee Yes, but some of those only work with "party members" and others with "allies". The game even differentiates between steerable summons and auto-piloted in some cases (see cipher spells you need to cast on allies). I don't recall which items work with which conditional. But usually the words "party member" and "ally" give a hint. For example the Woedica Necklace only works with party members (IIRC, may be wrong) and Paladin's Divine Retribution with all allies (like those skellies). Edit: If a Troubadour has that chant going and those skeletons die all the time an SC Paladin in the party has basically unlimited Zeal.
    1 point
  42. I thought it was to use the body parts of your slain enemies while you hear the lamentations of their womenfolk to distract you so you have to find fresh enemies and start again?
    1 point
  43. Honestly I'd love to see all party members be horny bisexuals but all of them are completely uninterested in the player.
    1 point
  44. I bought a mix and a decent bottle of Vodka to make some Moscow Mules for tonight. No copper cup, but still a tasty break from my typical IPA's. Digital learning and instacarting has definitely driven me to more drinking than usual. At least I ran 7 miles before getting drunk.
    1 point
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