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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/20 in all areas

  1. This negative buzz is weird from my perspective because if you set aside the bugs and performance issues, it really is an impressive game. Huge world, great characters, decent gameplay and solid character progression. Of course, I didn't really pay much attention to the hype ahead of time. Were people expecting to really plug into cyberspace or something? What other game compares to it in terms of a fully realized city?
    6 points
  2. I just bought that for my son for Christmas, so I will tell him I need to play it for a bit. You know, for "research".
    4 points
  3. Sad little console peasants. Cry your tears, I feast on them. Almost makes me want to buy the game right away even though I probably can't run it properly with my second generation i5 and the GTX 970, never mind having enough free space on the hard disk (and no SSD to reduce loading times).
    3 points
  4. It shows for me. Anyway, it's a picture of a Voodoo 3 3000. Hopefully this one works: Edit: Here's a bonus All In Wonder for your troubles:
    2 points
  5. Text reads: "If you EVER think Anthony Head is anything less than an angel then you’d best remember that I have always been a huge fan of his and we’ve always had a little contact over the years and he heard I’d come out as Trans and was having a hard time and that I was kind of sad that the photos I had from conventions with him were of me with long hair and no binder and they were all signed to “Sarah” and so he invited me to spend the day with him at his farm and he picked me up from the station and we just hung out and had lunch and he insisted on paying and took loads of photos and had them printed on photo paper the same day so he could sign them to Jay, along with other photos of him as Giles and Uther and he literally spent five hours chatting with me and got all of the pronoun stuff right every time and then he dropped me off at the station, gave me a final massive hug, waved me through the ticket barrier and insisted I message him when I got home so he knew I got back safe."
    2 points
  6. You think antivirus software is good?
    2 points
  7. Well, they always fall back to goddamn GTA V. As if the two are anywhere remotely comparable except them both having vehicles and a city.
    2 points
  8. Nope, but I have a Wildstrike Frenzy bug to investigate for next version, so maybe I'll find something.
    2 points
  9. The Mandalorian S2 finale. That was the best Star Wars that Ive seen in years.
    2 points
  10. Bethesda games are boring and the writing is awful. Morrowind had some good lore but that was about the highlight of any Bethesda game made in their studio.
    2 points
  11. Well I don't agree with that statement at all. : >
    2 points
  12. The thing is it wasn't even illegal. The head of a control instance like BAFIN (federal control instance for the financial industry) is allowed to trade whatever he wants. The problem was that BAFIN and several high-ranking politicians didn't do anything against Wirecard although everybody was screaming "FRAUD"! Now thousands of "normal" people lost their pensions etc. And you might wonder what the motivation behind this inactivity was *surprise-surprise*. But it wasn't illegal. Might become illegal now (I hope so). It's also not illegal for our former Minister of Environmental Affairs to become consultant for a gas pipeline project afterwards - or for a former German Chancellor to become board member of Gazprom. Or for a former Minister of Transportation to become CEO of Deutsche Bahn. I mean hello? What is this? Some kind of reverse undercover organized crime movie? People are like "What the eff?" - but nothing is done because the people who profit from this are the same making the rules. It should not be allowed that politicians trade in stocks or otherwise hold shares of companies they influence (unless non-profit maybe). It should also not be allowed that they take jobs with companies they had influence over after they quit politics. There has to be a looong moratorium at least. Because... corruption. In exchange just pay them very well and give them a high, livelong rent after their service. Oh wait, we're already doing this here... oh well... By the way my wife is working for the German government and thinks the same. But we don't want her to get into trouble so please hush! Edit: of course this isn't the US so please excuse the excursion to German politics. I just thought it was a good example that might work universally. Look at that Senator Perdue maybe.
    2 points
  13. Bethsoft releases buggy games constantly and the sales don't care.
    2 points
  14. This garbage will cost so much money which then won't be invested into fixing the game. This hate-train is hilarious and kinda really sad.
    2 points
  15. From my personalized experience, FO:NV release day was buggier (on PC) than Cyberpunk. I recall religiously and manually saving the game every 5 minutes because of the risk of crashing and losing progress, something like that. Although, I never had this one:
    2 points
  16. Conan Exiles is getting some big changed to their expansion: https://www.conanexiles.com/blog/isle-of-siptah-producer-letter/ I'm impressed. Funcom is pretty hit or miss on some stuff, but they definitely have shown a ton of commitment to Conan Exiles and really seem to take player feedback into account. The addition of NPC factions and camps makes me very happy. The Isle of Siptah is beautiful and I've enjoyed exploring it lately. The weather effects are extremely well done. It will really improve the experience to have some more NPC's around to tangle with. Regardless, it is pretty crazy how this game has gone from one I was pretty meh about at release to possibly my favorite game of all time. It is definitely ahead of all of the RPG's and MMO's I've played.
    2 points
  17. Lol, with my testchar I just killed Jadaferlas with level 10 and never even went to Neketaka, Assassin slippers + strand is very op in getting to him (and ofc gouging)
    1 point
  18. Is there room for Karen Metal in this thread?
    1 point
  19. Those were the days...
    1 point
  20. members o' congress are not a suspect class, and as we keep trying to tell @Guard Dog, money is not a fundamental right. as such, there only need be a rational basis for a law which would preclude members o' Congress, or other politicians, from benefiting from sales o' stock or other identifiable investments. the government need pay you if they take your property, but prevent you from making stock trades if you want to be a Congressman is gonna need overcome an exceeding low bar to pass legal muster. politicians, by the nature o' their jobs, is privy to information not available to the public. public trust in legislators or politicians is arguable diminished when stories 'bout folks such as loeffler and perdue arise in the press. a law which prevents such skeevy transactions from being possible would arguable diminish public distrust in the motives o' elected officials by eliminating an incentive to exploit information unavailable to the public. "arguable" is enough. is nothing in the constitution which precludes such limits... is no right to free trade o' stocks, which is precise why insider trading is legal prohibited. however, if one were to pass such legislation, is likely it would only affect elected officials up for reelection current or in future. apply retroactive would be problematic 'cause voting for Congressmen is a right in the Constitution. lindsey graham were recent reelected to the senate. didn't give him or his voters a chance to decide regarding the stock trade prohibition when he were elected. so, six years? yup. is a similar issue with term limits btw. can create term limits, but for incumbents is only gonna apply following the current term in office. as for consulate closing, am amused by the suggestion this were on the to-do list for the trump administration and they is just getting 'round to it now a couple years after the fact... or the more silly suggestion o' this being a preemptive action. sure, the announced explanation were that the closings were related to staffing parity issues resulting from previous closings which occurred in freaking 2017. been so busy with other things like deregulating shower heads and toilets that it just slipped the mind o' administration officials until the month before a new President is set to take office? alternative: US punched selves in the face so russia can't get satisfaction o' doing so? neener neener? HA! lord knows trump ain't proactive eliminating a future headache for biden by addressing this little administrative oversight. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  21. https://www.gamesradar.com/cyberpunk-2077-secret-ending/ The video gives you the details you need, without spoiling too much.
    1 point
  22. Finished Dishonored. Pretty good for a Thief like, and has some decent departures from the direct Thief formula like dialogue. Ran into quite a few bugs for a GOTY type release though and it had similar weaknesses to Prey despite the 5 years of separation in release date. Plot was kind of meh, and pretty derivative structurally- not exactly a surprise that you got double crossed, and unlike System Shock 2 it wasn't by a classic villain either nor was it like Thief (1) where the double cross was just about perfectly executed. None of the antagonists had anywhere near the personality and impact of Viktoria/ Trickster or SHODAN, albeit that is a very high bar to cross. Haven't finished Knife of Dunwall yet, but the first mission was a definite step up. It would be nice if the levels were a bit more continuous/ bigger, but at least they're not Thief 3 sized bijou/ toy sized morsels. Overall, not quite as good as it was made out to be but still more than merely worthwhile.
    1 point
  23. I don't see what the big deal is. There are already jobs that have prohibitions on otherwise legal actions. Just the price of having the job.
    1 point
  24. That just depends on the dialog choices when you visit Johnny's grave. People have done it with 50% sync.
    1 point
  25. It's not a BDD but it's possible to trigger reforge the flesh(belt) and darkest before dawn(necklace) for -85% and -25% dmg with a lot of healing on top of that, I was able tu sustain Dorudugan with it. But it's kinda wonky, it looks like (from my limited testing) any recovery will be permament so blade cascade is obligatory and no weapon switching (or picking blackjacket multiclass maybe?). Soul blade bonus is out of combat too, looks like sky is the limit for dmg of soul annihilation. Can be gained outside of combat on barrels etc.
    1 point
  26. Blackadder - Encouraging a socially distanced Christmas since 1843...
    1 point
  27. Well, they gathered some "evidence". But I don't remember everything. If you are curious, this is where I found out about it:
    1 point
  28. Just for the hell of it, once I got my ol Vega 64 out of the rig I laid it side by side with the 3080 replacement. Goddamn was the Nitro one big.
    1 point
  29. Or alternatively you can spare the tax payer money and instead of trying to prove whether said politician used his inside knowledge for his personal gain, just declare that politicians are not allowed to trade stocks.
    1 point
  30. Nah, I havent even played Cyberpunk yet and I already forgive CDPR Games sometimes get released with bugs, its not the end of the world and historical evidence definitely supports the view that the gaming company still survives and can even thrive
    1 point
  31. My knee-jerk reaction is who the hell does the government think it is trying to tell a citizen of the United States they cannot make a legal transaction with their own money.
    1 point
  32. People might be overstating the backlash a bit, though. It still sold like gangbusters and is likely going to turn a massive profit. I'm just not sure what the long term effect of this is going to be for them. Will they struggle to recover in the console market? Maybe. The PC market is still going to be a strength for them. If it takes another 5-6 years to release the next game, I'd say there is a decent chance that this will all be water under the bridge. Particularly if they can address the major issues.
    1 point
  33. My wife told me she thought we'd have less arguments if I wasn't so pedantic. I told her 'I think you mean fewer'.
    1 point
  34. That's a fair question. "Indirectly" elected isn't the same as just plain elected and while perhaps technically correct, the devil is in the details. Neither commissioners nor the president have to be MEPs. Parliament doesn't actually propose a candidate for the presidency, that's up to the Council, which is itself not "directly" elected either, even though Parliament has to confirm the nomination. Parliament cannot veto individual commissioners, only threaten to vote out the whole Commission. Which would be a fine check to the legislative power if there was such a thing as EU presidential elections, but there aren't. It's all backroom dealing. So yeah, all in all, I think democracy is rather diluted in the workings of the EU, an issue further compounded by the issue you brought up about the weird way national parties sometimes align with EP formations. From the point of view of this anti-EU populist, the EU tries hard to sell the idea that it is democratic while being designed to be strongly insulated from the bedlam that is the European people's voting habits, political sensibilities and mood swings.
    1 point
  35. I doubt most politicians back then would agree that 'ever closer union' was the EUs objective. As for Maastricht - this has always been a top-down project, seeing it pushed by hook and crook shouldn't surprise anyone.
    1 point
  36. Inet Edit; My colleagues at work outdid themselves, and got the card to me today instead. I changded the delivery from door to pickup aswell to save more time, so here is the RTX 3080 in my ****-compensating case. Sorry about the dust, my back is killing me enough that I didn't bother to properly clean the inside of the case for now. That's for a time when I can actually bend and lift. Not pictured is the extra sag support curtesy of my Vega 64 Nitro that was there before. Surprisingly, it's a smidge bigger than the 3080, and I'm glad to only have 2x4 pin powercables! And worried at the same time. The Sapphire did have the same power draw, but over three rails, so we'll see if the EVGA 750 Supernove can keep up with it, or if it'll go supernova and poof on me. IT'S SO TINY!!
    1 point
  37. I think it's adorable that people think when a digit on the calendar changes everything's just magically going to be better.
    1 point
  38. First person with voiced protagonist don't work that much for me. It's not even a question of RPG/dialogue choices, it's because of the perspective. I hear the voice but it doesn't feel like it comes from the character I'm playing. It sound like its something beside my character that is talking and pretending to be them. In shorter words, it breaks my immersion.
    1 point
  39. I think I've figured what is happening. What remains true : A) Each tick heals for 15% of received damages (20% for unbending trunk). B) Each time damages are received, an Unbending charge is added, for base 5s increased by INT and PL. What I've found : 1) All Unbending charges tick simultanneously. 2) Each time damages are received, a tick happens. (If no additional attack is received, the next tick will happen 3s after) Because of 1) + 2), each time damages are received ALL ACTIVE UNBENDING CHARGES HEAL FOR 15% OF THEIR CORRESPONDING DAMAGES. That's why when one take of lots of attacks with Unbending active : each attack that doesn't do more damages than 15% of the sum of previous attacks with an active charge (including itself) will heal the Fighter. As an example, if Unbending charges last 9s, they will heal 15% from original attack + 3x15% for each 3s tick = 60%. But if the Fighter is attacked every 1s, the Unbending charges will heal 15% from original attack + 9x15% = 150%. (multiple attacks such as Blunderbuss only count as 1 attack because they are simultaneous and don't proc multiple ticks) Yeah ! I suspect similar mechanics happen for other DoT / HoT with multiple charges. For example Bleeding Cuts, Spiritshift boar attacks, or maybe even deep wounds. I guess it is the reason why the Bleeding Cuts + Blade Cascade combo managed to kill Dorudugan that fast in a video published on this forum.
    1 point
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