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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/20 in all areas

  1. Oof. Imagine a bank wanting to disassociate itself from you because you are hurting their image in the post-2008 world.
    3 points
  2. The zipline incident was almost certainly deliberate. He may go out of his way to appear goofy to appeal to the common man, but Alexander Boris de Feffel Johnson (yes, really) is actually so competitive he'll steamroll Japanese children to win.
    3 points
  3. Putting it in Civilization context, it is because USA is constantly culture bombing other countries.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Highly depends on the type of enemy, the weapon etc. (e.g. Monk with Swift Flurry can be extremely potent against low deflection enemies) but generally I would say yes, a Rogue helps you to reach the highest single target damage potential (with weapons). Just because of the scaling Sneak Attack. Lashes are not multiplicative with each other. So a burning lash from Turning Wheel and a lash from Flames of Devotion will not influence each other. So if you are a Monk/Paladin doing 10 slash dmg you'd have two 20% lashes and you would get 10 slash + 2 burn + 2 burn = 14 overall. Would you have a Rogue/Monk with Turning Wheel only who does 12 slash dmg you'd get 12 slash + 2.4 = 14.4 overall. So you see that simply stacking lashes is not the best way if you not also try to raise the initial physical dmg. A mix of both is best. The Monk/Paladin could try to stack additive damage bonuses to "feed" his lashes better, e.g. be a Helwalker with +10 MIG, giving him +30% additive dmg. Upgrading his weapons. Also Power Level Scaling from low-level abilities like Force of Anguish is really good in combination with lashes since it scales the base physical dmg. At some point it's more effective to add a lash than to raise the physical dmg. But at low levels and with low physical dmg output it's better to raise that instead. I didn't try to determine the break-even point though. Just as a rule of thumb a Rogue will want to add lashes because his physical dmg is already high and the Monk wants to raise physical dmg because he has access to up to two lashes already. One reason why Helwalker/Streetfighter does great single target dmg is the combo of physical dmg + lashes. Same with Assassin/Bleak Walker. But as always: dead chars don't do dps.
    3 points
  6. (Apologies if people already knew this, but at least my own guide and the wikis are wrong on this) I was just trying to square some oddities I found with some effects while doing a guide update, and pretty much every major source has been wrong about the spiritshift boar DoT since the beginning. I think it started with MaxQuest's aggregated spiritshift info from the backer beta (not his fault, it was speculation based on some shortly observed data; it may have even been accurate then but it was changed and no one bothered to look closely again). Most everyone (including myself) repeats or understands that the boar spiritshift damage over time is 4 raw damage per tick, and that the tooltip is buggy and shows 0 instead. This is wrong. The reason why the tooltip appears to be 0 is because it actually uses a rarely seen effect, where the base effect is just used for its duration and the "real" effect is triggered by damage done ("ApplyStatusEffectToEnemyByDamageDealt"). It makes sense why OBS wouldn't/couldn't fix this tooltip, because it's conditional on damage done, so it's a little more complicated than plugging in the real number (which many people thought was 4). The boar DoT is actually 10% of actual damage dealt per tick, for 6s (adjusted for intellect). It stacks, too. On the one hand, this means the boar DoT is much much worse for dealing with penetration/immunity issues, because it won't help you (as the original understanding of the boar dot was) in fights where you're not doing much damage with your claws. On the other hand, this means the boar DoT is *extremely* good as an additional damage bonus in normal fights. At base intellect, because it stacks you essentially get a 30% raw lash (over time; 10% lash on initial application, plus two more ticks). Every point of intellect above 10 effectively adds 1.5% to this lash (over time). Because it's based on damage done, it should be inclusive of any wildstrike lashes, making it multiplicative of a multiplicative effect. So as an example, a level 20 spiritshift boar with modest 15 strength and modest 15 intellect and greater wildstrike will do 13-20 +75% base damage, plus a +25% multiplicative elemental lash, plus a further 37.5% raw DoT lash over 7.5s.
    2 points
  7. 110V pump. I thought about using a DC powered pump with a 12V battery connected to the solar array. But it would have to to be connected in parallel with the batteries in the house. That means a long cable run, 75-80 meters or so. Using DC that means at least a 6 AWG wire. Kind of expensive. If I place the tanks close to the house it means pumping water through a 75-80 pvc pipe run which requires more power off the battery when means the house system does not get as much. So placing it close to the house has too many problems. I have a 110V circuit in the barn and it's only 15-20' from the irrigation system for the garden. So I'm using a 1/2 HP pump and an extension cord. I'd LOVE to use a 3 tier down spill system and let Sir Isaac Newton water my garden. But that would require a scaffolding of some kind. A gallon of water weighs 8 lbs give or take. So five 100 gallon tanks when full is in the ballpark of 4k lbs not even counting the weight of the barrels and interconnecting PVC. That would be a pretty beefy structure to support that kind of weight. And I don't have the kind of elevation changes to use the lay of the land. That would be sooo cool though wouldn't it?
    2 points
  8. No serious bias, just stupid funnies. YMMV.
    2 points
  9. ranger tranquilizer shot is probably even better than what a wizard can do, because it takes 30 seconds off (better than temporary arcane suppression most of the time), only targets deflection (arcane suppression targeting will can be annoying because casters tend to have good will defense), and you can spam it since it's only 1 bond (helpful when the enemy just keeps trying to rebuff themselves). it also interrupts. priests have some small effects - cleansing flame takes off -5, and magran's might takes off -2 per projectile (but gets both beneficial effects and also hostile effects e.g. the ones you debuffed the enemy). magran's might also interrupts per hit, so it can be a great way to shut down casters. however, unlike arcane suppression, cleanse, or tranq shot, these are targeted spells, so are pretty much useless against arcane reflection - they'll just bounce back at you street sweeper is a quarterstaff that by default -5 beneficial, -5 hostile and can be upgraded to instead do one of -10 beneficial or -10 hostile. somtimes i don't even upgrade it because being able to take away both is sometimes useful to cleanse enemies but also save my allies from nasty debuffs (charm/dominate, disintegrate, cleansing flame, etc.) edit: i forgot that call of rymrgand also cleanses, and is better than magran's might at this. it's -5 beneficial effects per pulse.
    1 point
  10. Some funny, some sweet, some awww, some meditative, plus nice music bits. Also, just plain *beeping* adorable.
    1 point
  11. Holy moly the Helwalker/Boar shifts for over 30 secs and the raw DoT lash lasts for over 13 secs. Also Heartbeat Drumming was doing some procs (picked Lightning Strikes so lesser chance of crit-chaining). But I totally forgot how good Taste of the Hunt with maxed INT and MIG from Helwalker is. Jeez it applies its forst tick with the attack which already leads to great dmg right away but then ticks for ~30 raw every 3 secs, lasts nearly 30 secs (that's 300 dmg yo!) and naturally stacks with the boar lash. ONE strike with Taste of the Hunt as Boar with 30 INT/MIG almost kills a CRE_Dummy. And it's not even a Full Attack... Streetfighter is pretty crazy, too. But I encountered something weird: Ring the Bell's raw dmg doesn't apply. Toxic Strike and the rest does. I suspect that the claw weapons ar not recognized as "proper" one-handed weapons by Ring the Bell or something?
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. i actually immediately started thinking of a shifter/streetfighter (or shifter/trickster + scordeo's for extra hardiness) build after seeing this in action. deathblows + streefighter dmg + streetfighter -50% recovery should mean a pretty hefty sustained raw dot when in boar form. but yeah, the monk should also be great. monk: never a bad choice.
    1 point
  14. So he will do ~50 dmg? Sweet. Since lashes work extremely well with PL scaling and additive dmg bonuses I guess a Boar/Rogue should be great. But if the raw lash also takes elemental lashes into account then maybe a Helwalker/Boar with Turning Wheel and Lightning Strikes would be even better? Not only because of the dual lashes but also because of the +10 INT which directly translates to higher/longer raw lash?
    1 point
  15. I will admit that gif of what I assume to be "Boris" has piqued my interest.
    1 point
  16. Was a funny situation where client insisted on having a meeting to describe an issue I already fixed. So join the call and ask him why are we having this. He says he booked an hour off for it and needs a break from other meetings
    1 point
  17. I guess we’ll just pop some popcorn and watch it all burn down
    1 point
  18. What happened to option 7? Regardless of the outcome, so much intimidation of voters and dismissal of mail votes takes place that the whole thing becomes contested and Trump refuses to step down? Cue riots like you've never seen before and various local guard units starts to take sides. Whole thing gets messy until some clever general decides to restore order... forcefully?
    1 point
  19. If this is your second run then most likely you are experiencing the immense positive effect of meta-knowledge - not so much the increased power of custom adventurers. Also because your party doesn't seem like overly optimized in terms of party synergies and crazy class combos. Custom adventurers start 1 level below official companions which def. balances out the somewhat unoptimized stats and class choices of the latter. So at least in the early game it doesn't make a lot of difference. At least for me who's not experiencing the effect of increased meta-knowledge anymore. Later in the game there can be big differences of course because the difference in levels is gone and certain multiclass- and party synergies start to really have an impact. One thing that really can make a good impact in the early game is an Assassin who's opening fights from stealth with his +25 ACC. This is a huge increase that early in the game and can tip the battles right at the start.
    1 point
  20. Killed all the pasts in Enter The Gungeon, includig the two unlockable characters. Time to start working on that final stage.
    1 point
  21. No time to respond at length, but I appreciate the list. I have many of the games you suggest already. It's funny, but mel's game was some funny very low budget game that was mostly text with merely a nod at graphics. Terribly clunky, but fun as hell. That was some time ago. Now, along with what I see on Hawke's list, I now need to purchase Stygian reign of the old ones. Damn it! However, in such a terrible year, at least we have games. I think, sometimes, facing crazy assed darkness in games makes us feel better about facing dark realities in real life. Anyhow, thanks, guys. I'll definitely chime in after I've had the chance to try the suggestions. This board is funny in that I've always gotten good pointers here.
    1 point
  22. Oh it's me alright; good times.
    1 point
  23. I heard what sounded like two cannon balls careening down my stairs and my kittens came skidding around the corner to post up at my back sliding door. A squirrel was sitting on one of the patio chairs and the little bastage had torn a hole in a cushion and was filling his cheeks with stuffing, presumably to line his burrow for the winter. So in the garage the cushions went, at least only one was ruined. My wife was pretty miffed but I gave the cats treats for alerting me.
    1 point
  24. Oh, I don't care about raytracing at all yet, I've seen nothing about it that makes me interested they'll have to improve and utilize it a lot more first. And I'm sure you could run in 4k with a lot less vram if you turn some settings down, per usual etc. The main point is AAA and maybe "AA" "recommended requirements" in the next few years are likely to skyrocket in general, even if they're at times a bit exaggerated - vs. the past long period of us being used to hardware requirements going up pretty slowly for a long while.
    1 point
  25. Considering that I don't know what exactly you are looking for in games, here are 2 lists. For RPGs and action-RPGs: For action and adventure: ---- Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. Successfully claimed Gravehal Keep (Dead Kel DLC).
    1 point
  26. Wow, that took me a lot longer than I'd care to admit. Not bad, not bad at all.
    1 point
  27. the splintered reef one you might be thinking of a campsite on the black isles. i think you only get one from the kraken (all of the upgrade mat loot drops from bosses got nerfed). you also get one from FS - either from the mysterious dragon skeleton or somewhere else.
    1 point
  28. My whole life feels like Mamoulian War's Shadowrun HK playthrough: on hold.
    1 point
  29. it’s a book report for “atlas shrugged“
    1 point
  30. I can't believe no one mentioned Sera from Inquisition. Ostensibly an adult, behaving like a five year old. Just a poorly written character all around. A complete disconnect between her personality and what she's supposedly been through.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. It's like 10 arrows to kill a wolf spider and 7 a orb weaver with everything upgraded.
    1 point
  33. Cool. I get to be the one skeptic for this game so all that's left is to be pleasantly surprised rather than bitterly disappointed.
    1 point
  34. The story and characters are the weakest part of the game. And that's despite the fact that DA:I is a glorified single player MMO.
    1 point
  35. Uh, it is an homage to an old pace picante sauce commercial.
    1 point
  36. Ironically, the only games I liked that were companion based were the games that had 108 companions to choose from.
    1 point
  37. Yeah when I saw it was on Netflix we watched it last night. Or rather, I watched half of it and hubby watched all of it (this seems to be becoming a common occurrence for us...). Now I'm glad I stopped. It wasn't terri-bad tho, what I saw. Better than some other films in the Tremor series. Just not good enough for me to not want to do ... something else.
    0 points
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