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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/20 in all areas

  1. Liked that and Psych a lot, they were both on/came out around the same time on USA (the network). Ultimately, they are just silly detective shows of which there are about a billion of, but having good humor and non-totally contemptible characters and writing goes a long way, . Sailor Moon update: I'm halfway through the first season, it's unbelievably dumb, and I'm officially in love with it, . I didn't think the first anime show I loved would be...this, of all things. It's an absolutely hilarious and adorable show.
    3 points
  2. One Life to Live ... and marking the anniversary of nuptials with Ms. Green Dragon by hanging at a spa for the weekend!
    3 points
  3. Can you freaking BELIEVE this game! They heard me shouting a mile away!
    2 points
  4. Likely no one is surprised as I am that I'm playing Pillars of Eternity. I don't like RTwP, I don't like party management, I don't like inventory management, and I've only really ever tried to play the game briefly when it first launched. And yet despite all that, here I am playing it. The situation came about mostly because of my irritation at BG3 - not the unpolished state it's in but rather some of the fundamental DnD-oriented design decisions. Reading up on some feedback about the game I happened to be reminded that PoE2 now has a turn-based mode, something that has completely slipped my mind. I didn't know whether such a thing would also be in PoE1 so I fired it up and had a poke around. My save was dated 2017 but I suspect it was just an aborted attempt at resuming the game that might have lasted half-an-hour at best. Anyway, continuing my old save finds me still in Gilded Vale - yes that's as far as I've ever gotten - having apparently just begun the small dungeon in town. I am a rogue, as is my custom, and I remember not particularly enjoying it because the game isn't built for sneak killing enemies one by one like say, a Thief, Deus Ex or Dishonored. Hell, I remember Valygar being a hell of a lot more effective in BG2, though that might be his high level plus 20 years of dead brain cells talking. At any rate, the resulting feeling that it was barely worth using stealth is probably a big reason I ended up dropping out pretty fast the first time around. I don't want to restart though, I'm comfortable with the character in a roleplaying sense - and have just been living with the fact that all I'm doing with stealth for now is to open fights with a sneak crossbow shot. I had hoped that I could be completely hands-off with controlling the companions in combat, but regrettably this has not been the case and they tend to just twiddle their thumbs until I at least order them to get closer. Without micro-managing further than that, the combat is proving to be plenty challenging especially since the early companions seem to be of the squishy variety, one aside. Only after a full day of playing and getting to the point of claiming the player stronghold did I realise that the difficulty was set to Normal, instead of the Easy that I assumed it was on. I guess 2015 me was a bit less of a wuss than 2020 me. I don't think I'd get near to finishing the game in Normal so I think I'll be toggling it down next session. Aaaanyway, the game is playing okay for now. I won't say I'm having a great time but it's passable. I might decide to drop it at any moment to try out the turn-based mode in the sequel but I figure I'll give it at least the weekend to see if I can get into a groove.
    2 points
  5. misplaced hope. there is many reasons epidemiologists such as fauci, who is cautiously optimistic there will be multiple safe and effective vaccines by the end o' the year, has said we will need to keep basic covid-19 protocols in place for much o' 2021. the US may have as many as 100 million doses o' vaccine available by the end o' this year. maybe. 100 mil is assuming all vaccine candidates is successes. even if there is 100 million doses, that don't mean 100 million is inoculated. multiple vaccine candidates require a second dose administered ~ one month after the initial injection. so 100 million actual means somewhere indefinite 'tween 50 million and 100 million... which ignores fact there will be production fails and distribution fails and unpredictable but nevertheless inevitable everyday human error fails which will further reduce real numbers o' possible vaccinations also, has taken 8 months to administer 129 million covid tests in the US, and the testing efforts has been fraught with innumerable logistical issues. is not analogous situations for various reasons. tests need be administered, sent to a lab where they is processed and then results is needing be communicated back to individual tested. more complex than administering a vaccine, no? well, not so much as you will likely need go to a dr. office to get injection and the vaccines themselves is needing be stored cold... a few candidates need be stored extreme cold. is a whole host o' logistical hurdles which need be addressed by states and fed and so far the fed has not been communicating with states 'bout vaccine delivery efforts. initial vaccine efforts is gonna be a mess unless drastic changes occur... yesterday. additional, we won't know the initial efficacy o' the vaccines save for whether they reach some kinda basement effectiveness. one candidate will be measured at minimum 50% efficacy. another will be set at 60% minimum. have explained previous, and am knowing such attempts has been fruitless, but a 50-60% effective vaccine is more than sufficient for stopping the pandemic, but only if everybody takes the vaccine (current near 50% o' people will not volunteer to take initial) and just so long as people continue to follow basic mask behaviours for months and months and months. social distance is best, but social distance is not possible for every and all. masks and other covid-19 behaviours should continue to be routine everyday aspects o' life for the better part o' 2021, regardless o' vaccine. even if we have multiple viable vaccine candidates by the end o' this year, is a misplaced hope to see a return to anything approaching normal life before late summer or early fall o' 2021, and that is only if people actual follow guidelines. timeline will be stretched if science-challenged yahoos reuse to take vaccine or converse, take vaccine and pretend as if they no longer need follow basic covid-19 protocols 'cause they has been innoculated. in places such as the US and europe, something approaching normal will return w/i the next year or so but is worth recognizing the world population is in the ballpark range o' 7.8 billion. if you genuine wanna stop pandemic, you need get a significant % o' that population inoculated or everytime there is an outbreak in bangladesh or malawi, the threat o' a worldwide surge will be real. a whole lotta inoculations need occur before real normal happens. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  6. Yes, I they're loot from the battle with the other group of fanatics on the glacier in BoW DLC. As for comparing them, they might be better than Boots of Stone for some builds. They give you +1 RES, +2 freeze AR and resistance to DEX afflictions.
    2 points
  7. Uh, it is an homage to an old pace picante sauce commercial.
    1 point
  8. A non-Soulblade Cipher can cast Ring Leader from stealth and out of combat at lvl 18. Level 17 if he takes the passive Greater Focus. An Ascendant can reach that point at lvl 14 due to his increased maximum focus. Picking Keen Mind doesn't help in this special case (in RTwP at least) because the +10 "starting" focus only gets added once combat starts. So if your Cipher is supposed to cast opening CC from stealth in order to initiate combat he should be an Ascendant I think.
    1 point
  9. https://www.comicsands.com/spencer-cox-chris-peterson-ad-2648426431.html?
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Usually all offensive spells (usually spells that require a hit roll but also auto-hits like Minor Missiles or Sworn Enemy) that don't rely on resources you won't have to out of combat (wounds, focus, phrases) can be cast from stealth. The second point is kind of obvious (can't cast an invocation that costs 5 phrases if you don't have any phrase for example) but maybe that's what causes a bit of confusion when it comes to seeing a general rule. I personally think that for example Whisper of Treason is an excellent spell to use from stealth in RTwP. You basically place a summon (kind of) right into the ranks of the enemy. It has rel. short range so you need decent stealth in RTwP. Later Ring Leader is just superb for the same reasons.
    1 point
  12. Obviously sent by Vladimir Putin or the Ayatollah Khamenei. You should do the exact opposite of what it suggests, if you're a true patriot. Thing is, the actual answer to the question once he got the clarification was fine. Not particularly enlightening or anything, but you don't go to US politicians for nuanced and balanced views of the ME anyway unless you're a raging neocon/ neolib. Ironically- or not- that is of course what philosophy most US media subscribe to, cue Trump only becoming a 'true President' after bombing Shayrat from otherwise noted Trump fan Bryan Williams... The main reason the Johnson/ Aleppo incident happened was not because of ignorance- though inexperience with interviewer technique was definitely a factor- but because it was clearly intended as a gotcha question; supplied by the interviewer with no context out of the blue. Like asking a series of questions about car mechanics then asking someone what a 'microbe' is. Of course someone might be baffled by that question, the previous ones were about tire pressures and which oil grade to use in an older engine and they're naturally going to be thinking that a 'microbe' is something to do with a car. For Johnson the footage was also, consistently, edited maliciously to omit the (lack of) context to the question and his response after he got the clarification.
    1 point
  13. I think I like the night (?) better. Also, can you imagine having a moon that huge in the sky all the time? Us on-Earth humans get all "oooo" when our moon is just a little bit bigger than normal/low in the sky. If we were on this planet we'd all faint or something. I have to move faster in the game tho ... you don't get very far when you have the game on for 10-15 minutes at a time and spend most of it looking at the sky.
    1 point
  14. The tears of Dodgers fans will sustain me throughout the day.
    1 point
  15. This is not exactly an "OP" character!
    1 point
  16. Cowardice fits him great, thanks for the idea!
    1 point
  17. You mean a cc opener from stealth? Druid can get tanglefoot, wicked briars, overwhelming wave, wall of throrns or embrace of the earth talon. Charm beast and hold beasts too; these two are more situational, but they can completely trivialize fights with 'beast' type enemies. Cipher could open with mental binding and later with ringleader. Could be that one can't cast these from stealth. To me the game's rather inconsistent with what spells can and can't be used before combat. Dunno about chanter spells, but since they're also your druid I reckon it doesn't matter. The rest could just throw stunning bombs I suppose. Later you can get that one cloak (ajamut's stalking cloak?) that makes succesful attacks from stun the opponent. If memory serves, it's in the hoard of the magma dragon. In general, I've found that one needs to be very precise with the timing of the opener; at times it looks like the game only registers only the very first effect and the rest just go to waste. Again, this could just be another bug on the console version, dunno for sure.
    1 point
  18. The Mage Slayer's passive that prevents the usage of potions and scrolls? Fits "picky eater" and "illiterate". Don't know if one can separate this from the arcane resistance though. Cowardice from Debonaire Tactical Dilemma from Tactician
    1 point
  19. obama, as tactful as possible, tried to discuss possible retirement o' rbg in a meeting with the Justice in earlyish 2014. the meeting shoulda' come as no surprise as she were an octogenarian cancer survivor (multiple) at the time. statistically, rbg were having a remaining life expectancy o' negative numbers o' weeks, months and years. rbg made it clear she were not planning to retire and were reported she told obama something to the effect o', "who would you rather have on the Court than me?" "men placed in this situation will generally soon feel themselves independent of heaven itself." applies equal to women? even extreme smart people may be a bit obtuse. video is from march 2018. in 2014, rbg believed in her own invincibility and at the time she were no doubt as certain as many others that democrats would retain control o' the wh. with scalia dying in february o' 2016 and mcconnell making clear there would be no senate consideration o' an obama nominee to the Court until after the election... too many democrats didn't vote in 2016. they didn't like clinton but they didn't believe trump had any chance o' winning neither. perfect storm o' apathy. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  20. Watching Monk with my partner. Currently at Season 6. Totally missed this when it first aired as we had cut able ties and were ordering DVDs to watch show prior to Streaming!
    1 point
  21. lifetime appointments were actual kinda common in england in 1787 when the US were creating its Constitution. keep in mind Constitution don't say "lifetime" for Justices, but precise 'cause such were common, the language, "shall hold their offices during good behaviour," were read by all as to mean a Justice had a lifetime appointment save for impeachment or scire facias. *shrug* furthermore, hamilton in federalist 78 recognized how a lifetime appointment may result in a kinda arrogance: "men placed in this situation will generally soon feel themselves independent of heaven itself." did not see such arrogance as a shortcoming but rather as necessary. hamilton clear believed the security o' a lifetime term were warranted as the judiciary, while s'posed a co-equal branch o' government, were powerless save for the willingness o' the legislature and executive to acquiesce to SCOTUS decisions. lifetime appointment, freeing Justices from not only the whims o' the mob but also the executive branch, would have a tendency to lead to greater judicial independence and the wherewithal to act in protection o' the Constitution. such were the reasoning o' the founders in defense o' lifetime appointments for Justices, although hamilton's views were hardly the unanimous held belief o' the founders. the anti-federalists were more than a little unnerved by the notion o' lifetime appointments. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  22. Logged in today and none of my recent saves are showing. My last save is from Sept. 30. All the manual saves auto saves and log out saves gone. Only 4 saves in my list. Time to take a break until the saves are fixed. I'm tired of having to redo everything I just completed.
    1 point
  23. Ha! Stupid me posting before doing research on what 'Anthem' is, I've never even heard of it because I pay literally zero attention to EA trends. I guess it's time to revisit Heroes 3 then, it's been *looks at watch* 15+ years or so since I've played it...
    1 point
  24. Anchovy paste on Columbus dry salami I don't know why but now I can't stop. Send help and maybe some sardines and crackers.
    1 point
  25. when we get the "munchies," am more likely to turn to meat than chips or sweets. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  26. ...I guess this game looks all right. May turn off that chromatic aberration or whatchamacallit tho.
    1 point
  27. I have no idea what you're talking about. Well, I know that one. But why is everyone quoting stuff from that now? Then again, nvm, I'm just perpetually lost these days.
    1 point
  28. ^ Last few/several posts - I'm lost. Unless ... Cyberpunk, that game everyone in the world but me seems to be waiting for? Is that it? ...Still feeling bleh. ...I bought new super-long (top of thigh) leg warmers. 10 pairs. They're thick, cozy, don't fall down and keep me warm while still letting me not to have to wear pants. And they're black, so it matches my kitty pillow when I snuggle it on the couch. I feel better now. ...maybe I need to visit the humane society just to look at cute kitties.
    1 point
  29. Y'all ever heard of a reverse exorcism? It's when the devil tells the priest to exit the childs body.
    1 point
  30. Hey Rohan, Even though there has been a lot of improvement in every area, the game is still buggy. If your friends are ok playing with some bugs, I would give a shot.
    1 point
  31. We used to get a Round Table personal pizza whenever the Sharks scored 4 goals (you had to show a ticket for the game.) But then the Sharks becaame a decent team and they killed that promotion. No way am I taking a free taco from anyone wearing Dodger blue!
    1 point
  32. Rangers are fine if you don't forget to use the Animal Companion which can be build to hit like a truck in PoE (not so much in Deadfire). So the Ranger char himself won't do as much damage as a Rogue, but if you add the Animal Companion it's another story. Rangers get access to Swift Aim which also works with melee weapons (unlike Vicious Aim). With it and dual wielding it is rel. easy to achieve a 0-recovery build which is not dependent on active speed buffs which can be effective and really fun. In order to get the most dmg out of your Animal Companion you need Vicious Companion, Merciless Companion, Predator's Sense and Brutal Takedown. Brutal Takedown seems meh but is actually not because it only has to overcome 1/4th of enemies' DR (for reasons unknown) which makes it awesome against all fat-armored foes. Animal Companions' base damage scales with character level which leads to pretty brutal dmg numbers at higher levels. It's important to unlock Predator's Sense as often as possible in order to gain the most from that high base damage. You can unlock Predator's Sense with any damage-over-time effect like Wounding Shot for example, but it's most easy to use a wounding weapon. Unfortunately the only one-handed melee wounding weapon is the dagger Drawn in Spring. While that's one of the highest dps weapons of the game and therefore great to have, it also comes too late to spin a while build idea around it. But maybe one can just substitute that with some other sources of raw dmg in the party until you get it - or just use another weapon like sabres entirely and leave the DoT-part to the druid of the party for example. As I said you'll also have Wounding Shots which will unlock Predator's Sense in melee as well. When in doubt you can use Envenomed Strike (talent), too. If you use Brutal Takedown on a target and then keep hacking/biting on it with Ranger + Animal Companion it's done very quickly. The initial prone from Brutal Takedown also helps. For optimizing your attack speed and reaching 0 recovery with dual wielding and Swift Aim you can play with this online tool: https://naijaro.github.io/poe-speed-calculator/
    1 point
  33. Amnesia: Rebirth. Right now I'm not playing because it is still daytime and it is better to play when it is dark I'm working but I can't wait to get back to it. No spoilers here.
    1 point
  34. Well, estocs would be the best in both categories. Specifically BotEP. Then again, if you crit all the time, PEN becomes less of an issue, as you get a +50% Pen bonus.
    1 point
  35. The real question is—what's the best possible stacking of Accuracy and Penetration? You can't fully max out both, as maxing Accuracy requires a Cipher/Ranger build with weapons that don't necessarily have the best Penetration; similarly, stacking Penetration requires the Devoted subclass and, possibly, wielding estocs. So what's the best combined result that can be achieved?
    1 point
  36. i was gonna jump on this and say no stop being lazy But seriously this is a good idea now that i think about it. Of course the planks and stems won't be added to your pack but it would make it nice to recover some of the smaller items that get lost, like when recycling a spike trap and a thorn falls into a mound of dirt and is lost for good. Not much of a big deal to go get more thorns, but it would be easier and more efficient if they just went into the backpack, if there's space.
    1 point
  37. Somebody reported that Riposte and Offensive Parry trigger at the same numerical attack roll values, even if the miss/graze range is different. Cannot confirm but have no reason to doubt the report. Since two handers are on par with dual wielding in terms of dps in RTwP I see no problems with focus generation. Especially because Turn Based mode isn't as rewarding for attack speed boosts such as dual wielding and two weapon style. And also because a Fighter/Cipher has no full attacks besides Penetrating Strike (which you don't really need to pick with a Devoted/Cipher who can already get +3 PEN, even +4 PEN with two handed compared to dual damage single handed weapons. A fighter/Cipher could easily play with Offensive Parry IF Borrowed Instincts and Vigorous Defense would stack - which they unfortunately don't (at least they didn't when I last tested that - which admittedly was quite some time ago). But a RES inspiration + Borrowed Instincts OR Vigorous Defense is already not that bad. But WotEP is good with Soulblades anyways since the cone applies Soul Annihilation damage to all enemies (height of raw damage varies). And also stuff like Mule Kick is pretty hilarious with the cone. Clear Out with WotEP is a superb focus generator against groups of enemies because cone*cone AoEs generate a ton of attack rolls. Also WotEP has another +1 PEN compared to normal great swords. Against singular foes "Run Through" is a great enchantment in order to gain good focus and then follow up with Soul Annihilation. Iirc the special procs of twohanders such as Voidwheel (Necrotic Lance) do generate focus when they hit. Necrotic Lance will only generate focus with the initial damage, not the damage over time I would assume...?
    1 point
  38. I'd love to see Obs' take on the Alien universe. However, I doubt they will work with anything that isn't original IP or Microsoft-owned... such as Shadowrun. The paragraph quoted above is a journalist's synthesis, btw. Not what Disney said. They did say they were happy with EA, and that was even before the success of Fallen Order.
    1 point
  39. What if Obsidian continues their cancelled Aliens RPG? The game was said to be a horror version of Mass Effect. Source: https://www.gameinformer.com/2019/04/16/obsidians-cancelled-aliens-rpg-was-aiming-to-be-a-horror-mass-effect This isn't the only time Obsidian decided to continue one of their cancelled projects. They were once working on a RPG called Stormlands for Microsoft back in 2013. But in the end, Microsoft decided to pull the plug and Stormlands was cancelled. Source: https://mspoweruser.com/stormlands-obsidians-cancelled-xbox-one-exclusive/ Obsidian then decided to develop a new game using Stormlands' scrapped assets and Paradox's funding, and they were able to create a fantastic little RPG called Tyranny. If they choose to follow the same pattern, I think Obsidian may be able to develop a fantastic Aliens RPG.
    1 point
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