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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/20 in all areas

  1. william barr has chosen to not quarantine in spite of having been in close contact with numerous other folks who has tested positive for covid-19. this choice by the ag is curious 'cause while baatezu is immune to fire and poison, as well as having cold and acid resistance o' 10, they is not having a noteworthy defense to disease. HA! Good Fun!
    5 points
  2. As the Visigoths later became the Spanish and the Spanish would later beget the Hispanics, and as a Hispanic I find your reference to Visigoths and walls racist sir.
    4 points
  3. I suppose pic-wise it doesn't look that different but it sure is a lot more desk room for "stuff" and I no longer need a KB/M switch, both PC's can have own KB. One minus is I can't walk behind desk anymore making hookup access more of a PITA but oh well. Sadly no new TV yet since all the 49" and 50" have been sold out lately. But see that back wall? An 75" could fit up there too (barely - door has to open). Or at least a 65" (I'd keep the 43" desk TV then). I am...tempted. MOAH SCREENS. LateEdit: Corrected screen sizes, typos. Wall-tv would be for the playstation only, most likely, which serves as my tv streaming device + console games. Maybe I should wall mount a couple more 27" monitors on the right wall, too.
    4 points
  4. I think they have the Biden/Trump assignees backwards... but close enough.
    3 points
  5. I finished Paradise Killer, great game. That was one of the best, quite possibly the best, detective games I've ever played. It's really refreshing to play a detective game where you legitimately have to do detective work. The trial at the end was such a terrific climax too. Watching people turn on each other once the jig was up was magnifique!
    3 points
  6. Virtual meetings are basically modern seances. "Elizabeth are you here?" "Make a sound if you can here us." "Is anyone else with you?" "We can't see you, can you hear us?"
    3 points
  7. Probably GD or someone else. I think there's propaganda from both sides and the reality lies somewhere in the middle. I wouldn't go as far as to say that the Cuban government is good but I also don't think its as bad as the Khmer Rouge or some more genocidal regimes. But that's cause by the time I was born a lot of the killings of dissidents had stopped. Is a lot of these well meaning ideals that are exploited by foreign disinformation/subversion campaigns. It matters not that they don't follow the movements just that their ideals align with the movement. To follow with one of your examples, climate change. The science around climate change has been politicized, I've seen interviews with climate scientist that rightly called the movement an end of days cult. I'd dare say that a lot of environmentalists have regressive Luddite ideas when it comes to industrialization, ignoring the fact that it is technological advancement which will give us climate control. My point is that countries that have no climate considerations can rapidly industrialize and become technological superpowers (e.g: China) vs how climate considerations has slowed progress in the US and raised the cost of entry into tech industries. You can see the benefit of promoting certain ideas that will influence the development of your opponents, coincidentally I'm currently playing Endless space and I'm turning everyone into a pacifist so that they will be crushed by my warmongering Hisso.
    2 points
  8. Everyone's reaction to the expansion is "But I thought I knew how to play this game..."
    2 points
  9. Why is it, when I read a news article that mentioned Trump had a fever, the first thing that popped into my head was "I've got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell?" I do hope he gets better, tho. Such weird times, these, all around.
    2 points
  10. After save&reload most food behaves like passive and stone will stack.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Fire godlike uses a hidden untypped PL that does not depend on your single class/multiclass. Basically Multiclasses have also untyped PL9 at level 20. Therefore, the only benefit Single Classes get is through Prestige (which is legit IMHO).
    1 point
  13. Please find below the description Version 1.3 that I'm going to upload on Nexus : https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/438 Changes on the Nerf (and complete rework) Package are in red. Passive damage ability scaling : There is a couple of passive abilities that deal damages, but contrary to Active ones, they don't scale which make them supbar on endgame. I added standard scaling to these abilities (+1 Acc, +0.25PEN and +5% multiplicative damages per PL) Rooting Pain : Added scaling (+0.25 PEN per PL was already implemented in version 1.2 of the mod) Wildstrikes Frenzy : Added scaling Brutal Backlash : Added scaling Base damages : 20 raw -> 40 raw (conditional 20 raw damages once per encounter wasn't worth an ability point) Racial Tweaks : Beware that the racial tweak might only apply to newly created characters. Island Aumaua : Added +10 vs Ground Based attack (small buff to a race with a very situationnal passive, suggested by @SArgentus ) Godlikes : The general idea is to give all Godlikes something worth of losing the helmet slot. I gave all of them 2 abilities, at least one being not (too) conditional, and one of them shall also scale (to match the progression of headgear). Moon Godlike : Silver Tide : set to 10 + 1/level (to avoid weirdness of non class PL scaling Ă  la monastic unarmed training from version 1.2 of the mod) Added passive Crescent Purity : 25% resistance to raw damages +4 Corrode AR The general idea is to give Moon Godlike good interaction with self-damaging abilities. Even without using such abilities, Corrode AR is there to give a critical edge against a certain Megaboss. Death Godlike : Death Usher : set to 20% + 2% level. +60% in late game feels nice enough to consider the rae oustide of Barring Death Door combo, but considering that there are insta Death effects when a foe is near Death, I don't think it would be too strong. It would have good synergy with On Kill effects though. Nature Godlike : Added passive Evergreen Vigor : 10% + 0,5% per level healing received while ABOVE 50% health. This will mostly help regeneration abilities, not critical healing. Their +1PL is very strong but felt a bit dry compared to what a helmet can provide. Fire Godlike : (I kept the +4 fire AR and +2 AR under 50% health from version 1.2) Their Fire shield is now unconditional and has 2-4 damages, +20% damages per PL, 7 PEN + 0,5 per PL and +2 Acc per PL. Fire Godlike getting all their bonus under 50% health felt too narrow. With this new tweak, their fire shield damages is comparable to Darcozzi fire shield at high level (but with more reliable PEN). Miscellanous Change : Their Companion Braved the Horde Alone : Cast time/Recovery : 4,5s/3s -> 0,5s/3s Far from Defeated, His Heart Filled with Joy : Cast time/Recovery : 3s/4s -> 0,5s/3s This invocation has a huge cost for a single self-target Inspiration. It has its niches but I think reduced cast time would make it more competitive compared to other high Tier Invocation. Corrected a mod display bug that caused Their Companion Braved the Horde Alone to be displayed with the upgrade description. Unbending (and upgrades) : PL Scaling as a Tier IV ability -> PL Scaling as a Tier V ability This is a small bug that caused it to get +1 PL. Nature's Terror : Set to foe only. Boeroer suggested to buff this spell. Previously, I only decreased its casting time because I was unaware it wasn't foe-only. I think it will be more balanced (compared to relentless storm) without friendly fire. Dragon Trashed : 7 PEN -> 9 PEN Cancelled part of Community Patch buff to 5+5 damages per tick (set back to 4+4 damages per tick) Due to weird scaling mechanics for chants, Dragon Trashed doesn't get the +2 PEN it should get as a Tier V spells. That's why I buffed its PEN but tuned done CP bonus to its damages. I think it's fine now (it also gets +0.25 PEN per PL as if it was a PL 1 ability). Soft Winds of Death : 2 damages and healing per tick -> 3 Buffed to be more in line with CP buff to Dragon Trashed. It deals 3 damages instead of 8, but this damage is raw and comes with self regen. Constant Recovery (And Rapid Recovery) : 45s Duration -> Infinite 3s ticks -> 6s I found annoying that this ability auto-trigger at the beginning of a battle, and not when one needs it. It is also annoying that Fighters defenses are so sensitive to dispell. 45s limitation comes from a PoE1 nerf when infinite healing was far more rare than in PoE2. I think this limitation is obsolete when one sees all that infinite healing that Paladins and Chanters get. The healing rate is halved to compensate. Dorudugan : 35 RES -> 30 RES -15 Base Deflection -1000 Base HP Base AR -> 14 Slash AR -> 16 Due to the nerf of most cheese of the game, Dorudugan has become harder to beat with my mod. It was anyway to tedious to beat based on most people feedback. It still hits as hard as before, but should be a bit quicker to deal with. See discussion thread : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/115388-should-megabosses-be-tweaked-if-yes-how/ (This change is include in the nerf package because it is meant to compensate for the removal of most cheesy combos from this package) Shadowed Hunters : Corrected a bug that caused the pet raw damages to be applied on each attacks until end of battle.
    1 point
  14. I've never been there so I don't have much credibility on the matter, but this is the conclusion I've come to as well after carefully studying propaganda and political agendas from all spheres of influence and not confining myself strictly to Western sources. Propaganda and narrative control is a well honed art at this point and every state is ready to spend big money on hiring experts on the matter. I will say this though, U.S. economic sanctions against Cuba for many many decades certainly does not help there internal conditions at all -in fact it hurts the population- but fans of neoliberalism are not hesitant to blame it on the Cuban government and the 'socialist' boogyman. It's beyond ridiculous what the U.S. government has been doing since 1945.
    1 point
  15. Its not an uncommon occurrence in Democracies through out the world for political parties to be brought together in times of crisis or significant other event
    1 point
  16. (sorry about the language, my editing abilities are atrocious and I couldn't find a "cleaner" version )
    1 point
  17. That's the 2020 pen and paper game. @ComradeMaster https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Weapons_in_Cyberpunk_2077
    1 point
  18. Celebrity Jeopardy used to make me cackle pretty good. Seems like ancient history now though.
    1 point
  19. It should stack with nature godlike, because that is passive. The issue is that it (stone of power) is treated like an active buff now when before it was a passive buff. So it wouldn’t stack with e.g. Litany for the Spirit or Potion of Ascension (Having tested and verified the stone of power stacking myself before upon a suggestion by boeroer I will swear that it was indeed some stealth nerf.)
    1 point
  20. Indeed. You could even say it's... ... ...majestic.
    1 point
  21. Our sun is too small to supernova. Instead, in 4-5 billion years the sun will turn into a red giant, its outer layer will swell up and either engulf the Earth, destroying it, or stop a bit short burning off the atmosphere and vaporizing everything on the surface.
    1 point
  22. You also forgot to mention low income as a risk factor.
    1 point
  23. It was both I think, just not on the level of other Forsaken who fell/failed after him. Also I think it was Moridins decision to do that, as I recall he made most of the decision for what happens to Forsaken who fell/failed. I don't think that Jordan spent much time thinking about having LGBT++ characters in his book.
    1 point
  24. Did you know that (in the US) it's apparently (unofficial?) National Pizza Month? America, the land of everything is an excuse to celebrate/party or holiday. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Pizza_Month Now excuse me while I order some pizza.
    1 point
  25. I'd love a sled too. Perhaps the way you carry stems could be 2 rows of 5 instead of 1 big row of 10. Wouldn't quite work for grass but that's thinner anyway so wouldn't look so odd. Maybe the mutant one could increase how much you can pull.
    1 point
  26. I like them but the ant, i'd rather have a sled or something to carry that many items, looks kinda silly to have 10 weed stems on your shoulder running through the grass forest.
    1 point
  27. Hmm, personally I have an opinion you may not agree with, these are children surviving in a backyard. I think the combat should be according to the ability of an every day child and not an experienced martial arts fighter. No offense to anyone, I personally love MMA and I used to do judo and karate. However, I think the beauty of this game is the originality in that these are kids fighting and they are trying their best with what they have at hand. You need to approach the fighting objective from the perspective of how would a kid go about it. They have way different thought processes. And I think they should be involved with creating this game more. Personally, I think placed in this situation the defense and fighting is exactly what it would look like, you struggle blocking, you reach out way too far while attacking, and do not hold the objects perfectly. Maybe a compromise could be that the kids can upgrade their fighting ability as they become more experienced or learn from BURGL. Or maybe the kids could have different abilities from the start up and one of them is a little MMA specialist. Kindly, MoniTheMelon.
    1 point
  28. Apparently he had been battling colon cancer for 4 years. Mad lad still did Black Panther. I can't even think how hard it was to get into super hero shape while battling cancer.
    1 point
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