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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/20 in all areas

  1. I'll start with dislikes, then move on to what I liked. DISLIKES: At times, the writing felt like good fan fiction rather than a professional production. Especially during the storybook sections which were overdramatic. The flavor text felt insubstantial. I didn't care about Furrante's dimple, even though I liked him. What he says and the way he says it define him perfectly as a character. The main story was OK. I'm a bit tired of the Eoran Gods. And the first new NPC you meet is religious-themed. It was a novel idea in the first game but feels played out. The adult-themed content seemed awkward/forced. Romances are hard to do right in any game. Almost none do it well so I won't hold it against Deadfire. The best romantic moment in gaming for me is the "phone call" in Disco Elysium. Nothing in Deadfire is at that level, but there is a nice moment when you ask Eder how he feels. Load times. SSD helps but not enough. I saw Josh Sawyer talk about optimization in his post-mortem talk and appreciate that they worked on it, but could still be better. Stacking rules: why don't weapon modals stack? And others like Paladin aura? My preference is that everything should stack. Design around that rule. Not in love with afflictions / inspirations. Wish at least they used terms like "Mild Perception Affliction" instead of the word names which are difficult to remember. Even after finishing the game, I couldn't recite every affliction / inspiration to you from memory. Though it's possible that my memory is worse than average. Thankfully there is an interface mod that adds color coding and suffixes. Leveling up: I don't like that accuracy and defenses automatically increase by a set amount each level up. It removes an element of player choice. You should get stronger by the abilities/perks you pick, your gear, improved game knowledge. Even letting the player increase an attribute by one point each level would be better, because you get to choose how to improve. Deadfire's level up system automatically makes a higher level character stronger than a lower level character, without taking into account the specific situation. It would be more fun, realistic, and allow for more player agency if a level 2 character could beat a level 10 character (say a level 2 fighter is dueling a level 10 diplomat who has invested in purely non-combat skills). Difficulty: I played on POTD with "all" upscaling and felt that the game was hardest in the beginning and gradually got easier. Maybe the first few battles were almost a little too hard, but I can't complain as it's the hardest difficulty. But doesn't it make more sense for a game to start easier and get harder instead of the opposite? The best way to increase difficulty is smarter AI. Something like SCS (Sword Coast Strategems) for BG and BG2. But I understand that may not be realistic for developers to implement as you'd have to bug-test multiple AI scripts, and it can tank performance. The second-best way is by using different enemies. Deadfire does this somewhat by offering harder versions of enemies in some fights. The third-best way is to increase the number of enemies. Deadfire does this a lot. The worst way is global bonuses like increased HP, armor, or dice roll bonuses. This is a staple of POTD, unfortunately. I haven't tried Magran's Fires. Discovered that recently by accidently clicking. The way it's hidden is genius. Some of the challenges seem interesting (keep Vela alive). Item graphics in UI: the item icons are beautifully drawn and obviously done at higher resolutions than visible in game. Why are they shrunk down to tiny squares in the inventory? There is much wasted space in the inventory UI that could be used for larger icons. Perhaps this is inconsequential for some players but it's a big part of an RPG for me. I'll always remember seeing a new suit of armor in Diablo II or the inventory space of Arcanum. Visual zoom range: after learning that this could be modified by the SetZoomRange console command, I set it to the max (3.0) and also turned off the fog-of-war when in Nekatata. What an amazing sight to see a whole city district on screen, alive and bustling! The game is fully playable this way with less-than-expected performance hit. My dream is that, in my lifetime, there will be the technology that allows zooming from character level to overworld map level smoothly, like Google Maps. That would be far more impressive than No Man Sky. It's time for this type of game to follow Disco Elysium's lead and transition to a vertical text panel. Voiceovers: felt like I was hearing the same actors repeatedly with only slightly different accents/deliveries. Some, like Eder and Aloth, were quite good. I was surprised that they were both done by the same person, he is truly a talented actor. But other VO quality was uneven. The Italian accents in particular weren't great. I have to admit to disliking Xoti's VO initially but then having it grow on me. Despite it being very expensive, I still think think full VO is best. I don't like when only the first line or two is spoken and the rest is quiet. I would prefer all or nothing. Grimoires: don't like this at all. Just let me pick my spells. Although having unique spells hidden away in special grimoires was a fun surprise. No AOE indicator for carnage: fixed by mod. There is also a mod that makes every NPC say their "two cents" at certain points instead of the game randomly choosing one. Why wasn't this part of the base game? Typos: there were some, but not many for a game of this size. Deadfire deserves credit for this. Factions: Boring. Every game has them. They impart an artificial rigidity and predictability to the structure of a game. Personality dispositions: not well done. The dispositions match poorly to dialogue options at times. Many of the dialogue options felt silly and forced. Conversation trees: I didn't like the trees in this game. Oftentimes, the option that seemed most in-character was also the option that skipped to the end of a conversation. I found by reloading that much good content was missed, for seemingly no reason. I'm not saying that conversations should be "click every option from top to bottom", but the trees seemed somehow off here. There was some weird looping too. Ship-to-ship combat: not fun. Ship boarding: pretty good actually, I enjoyed this. Maybe allow a bit of conversation with the opposing Captain before battle to add flavor to each encounter. NPCs: Not bad. Eder is cool. Xoti grew on me. Tekehu's character seems to mature through the game and is nicely tied into the story. Not everyone can be Kim Kitsuragi and that's OK. I would like to see more older/stronger/wiser NPCs in games like this. Thinking along the lines of a Keldorn. It would be neat to have someone clearly more powerful/more influential/smarter than your player character join your party. Such a character may choose to leave at a certain point in the story if it doesn't make sense for them to follow you around. I feel the trend is too many tag-along youthful NPCs (in age and personality). I didn't mind Pallegina's seriousness in that regard. Ship: having your new equipment visually show up on the boat was neat. Take this a step further. Get rid of the other ship types and focus development resources on upgrading one ship. Make upgrades have more meaningful impact on gameplay. Open world: in Deadfire, the cost of freedom is less plot cohesion. It's not a worthwhile trade-off in my opinion. I would prefer a semi-open world. Perhaps your ship, due to damage, is only capable of making short journeys at the beginning. So you're restricted to one corner of the map at first. Then as you upgrade your ship, you're able to take on longer journeys to distant ports. I wouldn't mind a bigger overworld map to simulate long sea voyages. You should be able to buy a map late in the game that clears the black areas, to save the tedium of clearing every spot manually. (I know there's a Berath's Blessing that does this.) Backer content: I understand the necessity, but it doesn't do much for immersion. DLCs - well done, but would prefer one bigger package instead of three separate adventures. Now, here's what I liked about the game. LIKES: Party of five is a good size. Four would be fine too. Rather the focus be on quality over quantity. Due to decreasing difficulty ramp on POTD, I restricted my party to four in the second half of the game. Overall combat system: I enjoyed the depth and detail of the combat system. The many available classes and abilities are distinct from one another. Multiclassing is fun. Superlative implementation of real-time with pause. The ability to slow down or speed up combat is amazing. Playing the big battles in slow motion is incredibly, sensationally fun. I can't gush enough about Deadfire's RTWP. Interrupt / Concentration mechanic is intuitive and works well. Engagement is done well too. Keywords are a good idea, though it doesn't seem they are always implemented consistently. I appreciate that there is a dodge animation. I don't mind that some dungeons are small. It's OK to have that variety. Nekataka captures that big city vibe from Athkatla. The names are similar and it must have been an inspiration. The different regions of the city are varied and fun to explore. It'd be great to have the whole city be on one map, with seamless interior/exterior transitions. I wonder what the limiting factor to this is.. CPU? GPU? Development time? Engine? RAM? Hard drive? If Novigrad can exist, why can't a seamless Nekataka? I like how the game tries to be transparent about its mechanics. "Hold shift to view details" is excellent. I want to see the numbers, and I'm glad Deadfire doesn't hold back most of the time. It does still resort to something like "Summoned weapons increase in accuracy, damage, and penetration" occasionally without providing further details. And can more detail please be provided on the character creation screen? Evokers get "increased power level", but how many? I know they don't want to bombard new players with detail, but I'd imagine ambiguity like that is actually worse, even for a new player. Numbers: I like that the numbers are kept fairly low. How annoying is it when you begin the game by doing 79-151 damage? I think the game could even go a bit further by using D20 instead of D100, but it's not the biggest deal. Getting your first 1D8+1 sword feels special. Smaller numbers are more impactful. Items: I generally like the items in Deadfire. They are memorable, and feel unique when you get them. There are maybe too many random exceptional items later in the game, but it could be worse. Deadfire avoids committing the worst itemization sins. There could have been randomly generated item stats. Items could have, god forbid, "item levels" or "level requirements". Oh no, my level 17 sword with 4 randomly generated buffs is now irrelevant, because I'm level 19. I've got to farm for more loot! I appreciate that the yellow-background items in Deadfire have stories behind them. I like that some of the items are truly powerful and have unique abilities. Remember when you picked up Carsomyr +5, or the Staff of the Magi? It was a special moment. They may have been overpowered, but I'd much rather risk that than have a perfectly balanced game with no memorable items. Not a big fan of the enchantment system, but I've complained about enough today, and this is the LIKES section. Beastiary is neat, but oddly hidden away. You should get the entry after just 1 kill (mod fixes this). Also, it seems some of the stats in the beastiary scale by difficulty level, but not all. It'd be nice if they all did. Music: Very good. There is not enough variety, especially at nighttime, where the POE1 theme plays on repeat. But each individual track is top-notch. I've saved the best for last: Graphics: just sublime. The character models look terrific. I was pleasantly surprised how every piece of armor looked different on the different models. The animations are detailed and varied. The art style is not too cartoony but alternately joyful and macabre when appropriate. Pre-rendered backgrounds are done in that slightly-oil painted look that is stylized but not too abstract (though sometimes a bit pixelated). The effects are great. The flora outdoors looks alive and moves in the wind. There is a momentum to the projectile spells that makes them feel wonderful to cast. Trudging around in knee deep water looks awesome. The lighting is superb. Xoti's lantern casts foreboding demonic silhouettes on dungeon walls. Even the parallax isn't so bad. Deadfire is one of the best looking games I've played. To me, it looks as good as modded GTA 5, or Witcher 3 with high resolution texture pack, or Control with RTX, or maxed-out PC Red Dead 2. How many isometric RPGs can you say that about? Deadfire looks the way that I dreamed games would one day look as a teenager playing Baldur's Gate twenty years ago. I remember playing Neverwinter Nights for the first time and feeling utter disappointment at what 3D could look like. I felt the same disappointment about games like Warcraft 3, and even today about Divinity Original Sin 2. But Deadfire absolutely nails it visually. OVERALL SCORE: 9 / 10 When I read a review, I'm usually curious to what that reviewer thought of other games, as a point of comparison, and to see if their preferences align with mine. So here's what I would score the other games I've played this year: AC Odyssey: 5/10 Control: 7/10 Disco Elysium: 9/10 Divinity Original Sin 2: 4/10 Hollow Knight: 9/10 Nier Automata: 3/10 What Remains of Edith Finch: 8/10 CONCLUSION I thoroughly enjoyed the 80 hours or so spent in the world of Deadfire. I hope they make POE3, although from what I read it doesn't seem super likely at the moment. Maybe in a decade when the nostalgia reawakens. I'm skeptical about Avowed, but will at least watch some YT videos of it. I'm bummed about Baldur's Gate 3. Truly bummed. But enough complaining for one day. Thanks for reading!
    6 points
  2. "What's the dumbest thing you ever did as a kid?" "Wished I was an adult."
    5 points
  3. Manu Dibango - died Placedo Domingo - hospitalized Terrance McNally - died Floyd Cardoz - died Mark Blum - died John Prine - died Jan Howard - died Joe Diffie - died Ken Shimura - died Adam Schlesinger - died Wallace Roney - died Ellis Marsalis Jr- died Julie Bennet - died Marianne Faithful- hospitalized Jay Benedict - died Allen Garfield - died Tim Brooke-Taylor - died Nick Codero - died Danny Burstein - hospitalized Ann Sullivan - died Matthew Seligman - died Fred the Godson - died Roy Horne- died Aishwarya Ray - hospitalized Boris Johnson - hospitalized Herman Cain - died Alan Merrill - died Andrew Jack - died Allen Daviau - died
    5 points
  4. Apparently as an Australian I can't install, purchase or even see CK3 in the store, as it's yet to pass the classification board. This could be a pickle, or... Problem solved. Rare thumbs up for the MS Store / XBox app for being so trusting. If only it were that easy on other platforms. (I will, of course, be playing it on Game Pass)
    3 points
  5. Well if he's using the pen name "Tyler Durden", probably an edgelord whose been grifting since the early 2000s and bases most of their politics based on whatever right-wing clique is coughing up cash. Honestly I don't think there's (relatively) many people who will start supporting Trump after the recent riots. From what I've seen the majority of folks clamoring for the feds to assert "Law and Order" were already in the tank for Trump and a significant amount of others have a copypasta of how "BLM made me into a Marxist, I quit and registered Republican, will be giving Twitter a try". Voter suppression, covid, and apathy are likely bigger components of a Biden loss.
    3 points
  6. That's probably what Steve Irwin said too last time he saw a stingray underwater
    3 points
  7. Let's start off this thread like I start each morning, with a steady breakfast of
    3 points
  8. would be nice if we have different animation and mechanic with floating at water surface rather than simply have the diving animation. Currently when we hold space to stay at water surface and then swim, the character frantically flops. and if we can carry planks and stems across water. At reduced capacity like 1 or 2 at a time perhaps. And maybe stems float and not sink
    2 points
  9. Yes, you can have custom portraits but I didn't bothered here is one of mine, I am really bad with editing screens and I dont want to spam it here so maybe later I will post another one
    2 points
  10. This is actually a pretty big thing with me: https://www.sciencealert.com/study-links-ultra-processed-junk-food-to-age-marker-in-chromosomes
    2 points
  11. If you feel that a Helwalker is too squishy at the beginning you can take another subclass. The only noticable things the Helwalker does is giving you up to +10 MIG (which is up to +30% additive dmg which isn't that impactful for a weapon user in the first place). The higher starting wound count doesn't matter that much later on as well. Helwalker is superb when combined with casters or anything else that uses damaging abilities that don't rely on weapons - or healing abilites as well. Because there are not many other ways to boost spell damage/healing power besides MIG. But for a SC melee Monk it actually doesn't make a ton of difference in terms of dmg output if you take a Helwalker or something else. The only SC Monk variant where I would recommend Helwalker is a Mortar Monk (or any other ranged monk really). Because you'll get attacked rel. rarely Enduring Dance helps a lot with wounds and then the added MIG is nice (because you won't feel the incresed dmg received a lot). A Nalpasca is better suited for the early game as a melee monk (if you buy a decent amount of drugs at the Kraken's Eye first and search all surroundings for more you won't run out of drugs ever). Because the early game makes it hard to gain a ton of wouds via received damage - since the ratio of "overall health":"dmg needed for one wound" is very high (it drops with every level because you gain more health but the wound threshold stays the same). So in the early game the Nalpasca's drug-infused wound stream is highly useful. It never ceases to be somwhat useful because you'll find better drugs and they will last longer with every point of Alchemy you take. Only problem is if you get hit by Arcane Dampener which might happen several times later in the game... Forbidden Fist is an excellent subclass that can be quite good in the early game because of the way the Forbidden Fist is played best: melee with tons of RES and tanky. Also the Forbidden Fist ability is quite impactful with its tier-3-CON affliction so early in the game. Shattered Pillar can be nice in the early game as well (especially when using the Community Patch since that removes the superfluous max wound cap of 5 and sets it to 10 like all other monks'). No need to get damaged for wounds means it's a lot easier to use abilities like Force of Anguish every now and then without having to take damage at all. For any SC melee Monk I recommend* taking Parting Sorrow (it not only gives wounds on enemies' disengagement but also gives a wound on kill - because the killed enemy somehow counts as disengaged) and also Imagined Pain - and then use Nomad's Brigandine with the immunity to disengamgent attacks enchantment: every disengagement attack you cause is counted as a miss (100%) which will give you a wound. If you are a Shattered Pillar you can even combine this with Whispers of the Endless Paths (Offensive Parry) and trigger a riposte attacks that gives you even more wounds AND adds Resonant Touches. I mean you can use that as any monk but the SP gets additional wounds from this. *I mean besides Resonant Touch and Whispers of the Wind which are must-haves. Once you get Whispers of the Wind you won't get attacked a lot anymore (because you are invisible). So I also recommend Dance of Death / Enduring Dance - even if you don't use it before PL9(!). Else you won't get any wounds between WotW executions. You'd either have to gain wounds the usual way or use Mortification of the Soul - which will slow you down. Nalpascas can still gain wounds from drugs passively in addition to Enduring Dance (almost no downtime between WotW uses) and Forbidden Fists can use short-lived hostile effects (see Hylea's Talons for example) which shortens the downtime. I don't know if Parting Sorrow triggers on kill if the enemy wasn't engaged at all (see Whispers of the Wind's invisibility)??? They all can use Edér's armor (with the reflex-immunity enchnatment) + Keeper of the Flame + Imagined Pain to generate a ton of wounds during WotW (because the AoE of the flail has friendly fire and targets reflex which will miss 100% on Edér's armor - which will trigger Imagined Pain).
    2 points
  12. YESSSSSSSS. Give me a ladybug backpack for daaaaays!
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon is the first narrative expansion to the critically-acclaimed and award-winning sci-fi RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division. A severed arm and a mysterious message lead the crew of the Unreliable to the Gorgon Asteroid, formerly the site of one of Halcyon’s most ambitious and disastrous scientific undertakings, now a lawless den of monsters and marauders. Wealthy recluse Minnie Ambrose tasks the crew with finding answers about Dr. Olivia Ambrose, her mother and the doomed project’s disgraced director, but they are soon ensnared in an intrigue that will change the colony forever. Key Features: Intrigue and danger: Search an abandoned Spacer’s Choice facility and encounter a cast of new characters as you uncover the mystery behind the sudden cancellation of the Gorgon Project. New locations: Explore the treacherous canyons of the Gorgon Asteroid and encounter enemies that have been warped by science. More science weapons: Discover three outlandish new science weapons, including the P.E.T. (Pest Extermination Tool), an exciting new melee weapon that draws in enemies for close-range attacks. Expanded character customization and lore: An increased level cap, additional perks and flaws, wholly new armor sets, and several variants for existing gear. Plus, dig into the story of the Gorgon Asteroid with new Portable Phonograph audio logs that reveal the salacious secrets of a scientific experiment gone wrong. The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon is the first of two narrative expansions that can be purchased individually or bundled at a discount in The Outer Worlds Expansion Pass. A copy of The Outer Worlds on the same platform is required to play expansion(s).
    1 point
  15. As well as the ability to turn on/off the markers; How about the ability to filter them? For example, if Im only looking for resources, I should be able to see only the leaf marker that I created. Im at a point in the game where there are so many markers when I turn them on.
    1 point
  16. I found that the beds are broken. I can never spawn into a game at a bed without being trapped inside it. The only thing I can do is recycle / destroy the bed so I can move again. Note: my beds are usually standing on clay foundation, from what I can tell it's almost like I spawned at ground level (not clay level), trapping me inside the frame of the bed.
    1 point
  17. One of our generic "mixed ridiculous short quiz/contest shows with a panel of comedians and minor-league celebrities who take no seriousness in any of it" programs... We seem to do a lot of those for some reason...
    1 point
  18. Fights in Wasteland 3 are beginning to be a strange combination of RNGesus hates me. It's entirely possible to have a party wipe, then reload, do the exact same thing (or near as) and come out unscathed. Deployable turrets also seem to be really strong in the beginning of the game. Enemies really hate the things but can barely touch them and they deal some goodly damage as well. Especially with the mechanic perks. Also not sure if it is a bug or intentional, but there's a small arms perk called Draw! that allows for a free shot after reloading, but it's not actually limited to small arms. It also works with rocket launchers, effectively reducing the AP for firing to three per shot. Rocket spam! So go and grab some explosives skill on your small arms characters while it lasts.
    1 point
  19. Brexit must've hit really hard if they can have a gameshow with a single carrot as a price.
    1 point
  20. I'd like to be clear/add that I do think people in the heath worker employment fields it should be mandatory in order to keep working in that field. It's one thing for a lazy arse like me who literally almost never leaves the house even when there is no pandemic, to go "eh, I'll wait a bit first" and another for those who are constantly extra-risk-exposed/dealing with a contagion. imo, of course. I'm also someone who tends to have at least mild (what doctors often call "unusual/unexpected") but uncomfy reactions to a lot of drugs, vaccines, anesthesia, heck even Novocaine, making me rather paranoid about any drugs/medicine if I absolutely don't require them. I don't even like taking stuff for a headache. So that's a just-me pysch. issue.
    1 point
  21. Good that they ended up cheaper than rumoured, though even the cheapest of the cards announced today is still ~25% more than I'm prepared to pay for any video card so I'll sit tight for 3060 news. That said, if it might be competitive for the next ten years and no viable option turns up in my price range, perhaps it would be okay - my current card was originally released almost seven years ago after all. It seems absurd to think of PC hardware potentially aging like that these days, but in no way is that a complaint. It's also admittedly heavily influenced by the type of game I tend to play, with ones truly taxing on graphics hardware coming once every few years at best. I mean, the most graphically intensive game I've seriously played is still The Witcher 3, which is over five years old now. So it's not one or the other, but rather a "fortunate" confluence of relatively slow hardware progression and my disinterest in the majority of graphical heavyweight games over the past decade which together has saved me a ton of cash on PC upgrades. If anything, the majority of my PC-related costs over those years have been for storage, which would have seemed an absurd idea in years past. Hell, I barely keep up with hardware-related news these days and just rely on you guys to give me the skinny on what the current mainstream picks are. (For context, the 3070 RRP is $809AUD apparently, I'm looking at more the $600AUD range which is where the 5700XT currently sits, but that'd be a silly thing to buy right now)
    1 point
  22. Humble 1C bundle has good stuff: Fell Seal + dlc, Deep Sky Derelicts (without dlc I guess), Stygian (without an ending)... Enjoyed all three of those.
    1 point
  23. nope, but call out lies for what they are shouldn't be something we do only with a magistrate forcing us to do so. lie 'bout antifa doesn't sudden become ok 'cause vol sees 'em as bad. state allows pro-life people to put flyers on car windshields at a state fair but not a white supremacist group? why? what is the basis for the difference in treatment? if the chilling behaviour is based on the content o' the message, then is unconstitutional. no guilt for Gromnir. we shouldn't need explain such. late edit: am hopeful is an unnecessary clarification, but strict speaking we didn't defend as we were invariably the plaintiff's attorney and the government were defense. HA! Good Fun! ps the only clients we ever actual regretted defending were purveyors o' adult entertainment 'cause our efforts directly resulted in more exploitation o' women who were statistic vulnerable.
    1 point
  24. So, I did a rare thing, and actually checked this thread (not gonna check every covid/political thread lol). Could not find any post of Grom's that even hinted at the above scenario so I will give him this win and I edited my above post. He is in the clear. My rare apologizes.
    1 point
  25. If voter turn out is low blame both candidates. It means people aren't motivated to vote and that is 100% on the candidates and their parties. PERIOD. Also, the lefft should take personal responsibility. Blaming Trump for the riots when the dems ENCOURAGED the riots. This is what they wanted, but because it seems to be backfiring it's now 'all trump's fault'. No. You encouraged your followers to riot, to kill, to rape, to murder, to pillage, to assault. This is on YOU. Video in point:
    1 point
  26. you are making flawed assumptions. younger and healthier people who refuse to take the vaccine will indeed spread it to old people. the vaccine will not be anywhere near 100% effective and many old people won't be able to take the vaccine regardless. you have reversed. the hardcore vaccine denialists, if they approach 30% or more of the population as is being reported in the US, will severe undercut the mitigation effects o' the vaccine. https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/how-effective-does-a-covid-19-coronavirus-vaccine-need-to-be-to-stop-the "If the COVID-19 pandemic was just beginning and the population infected was close to zero percent, the simulations show that vaccine efficacy would have to be at least 60 percent to stop the coronavirus if the entire population was vaccinated. Given the number of susceptible people who couldn’t be vaccinated because of age or health problems and the number who would refuse to be vaccinated, that’s probably impossible." ... "How Many People Get Vaccinated Is Crucial "Based on these findings, a vaccine with an efficacy as low as 60 percent could still stop the pandemic and allow society to return to normal. However, most if not all of the population would have to be vaccinated. "This seems unlikely, given polls showing that only about three-quarters of Americans say they would get a coronavirus vaccine if assured that it was safe. "With fewer people protected, a vaccine would have to have an efficacy of at least 80 percent to be able to stop the pandemic by itself, meaning social distancing could be completely relaxed. This can provide a target to aim for when developing COVID-19 coronavirus vaccines." bruce has inverted the problem. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. Just a note about Frostseeker. Late-game rangers can do really amazing amounts of damage with it. Frostseeker gives a cold damage AOE on crit and shoots three projectiles per shot. With the Driving Flight passive and two enemies and decent player targeting, you're getting six projectiles per autoattack, with six chances to crit. The more your accuracy goes up, the more crits you're doing. My late game Frostseeker ranger was routinely getting six crits per autoattack, which meant six cold AoEs on top of the (small) damage from the six projectiles. Once you get Twinned Shot, it's 12 projectiles per attack. When firing into tightly-packed groups of enemies with high accuracy, the damage is breathtaking. It's not as powerful out of the box as hand mortars can be, but it's very strong.
    1 point
  28. Umbrella Academy season 2 I liked the first season and I thought this was even better, less angsty more comedic.
    1 point
  29. Named saves Having creatures on creative mode Placing chests and baskets on tables..perhaps feast spreads and candles or art .... Backpack upgrades, even if it's just the appearance, ie. Ladybug or spider backpacks Sitting in chairs
    1 point
  30. Water fleas are wandering outside of the water, are they supposed to be doing this?
    1 point
  31. as this game is still in testing, we're bound to see more glitches and bugs as they update and make changes and work on the final release. so yeah i'd say things like this could and probably will happen again.
    1 point
  32. apparently lol don't tell anyone!
    1 point
  33. Some people are overstating the amount of "violence and anarchy", which is common from the outside of any place.
    1 point
  34. Sure, they float, but unless they are near shore they might as well just sink or delete themselves from the game. Its far too much work to try to push them back out of water.
    1 point
  35. @BushKillFalls I know this may not be super helpful because it sounds like you're already building your base up, but if you're having this much trouble with bugs I'd suggest building your foundation off the ground. Make your "foundation" a bunch of stem scaffolding with a single staircase entry (even better if your stairs are just slightly off the ground). Then build your "real" base on top of the scaffolding. I think you can put a grass floor on top of scaffolding and then clay on top of the grass, but I haven't experimented with clay much, so don't quote me on that. Secondly, I don't think the larvae are attacking your foundation specifically. I suspect you have food stored in a chest nearby. Do you have any food on or near ground level? Even spoiled food. I'm pretty sure all bugs are attracted to food. I had this issue with lawn mites attacking my base from underneath as soon as I would cook food; had to move my kitchen upstairs and viola, no more attacks.
    1 point
  36. check this out. https://www.reddit.com/r/Wasteland/comments/ij9zr8/respec_mod_or_edit_save_file/g3d78vf?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13511&start=90 it actually works.
    1 point
  37. This is how I saw my first Water Flea ..... I thought it was a Ghostbusters reference to Slimer ...
    1 point
  38. the wolf spiders are boss for me lol they smoke me every time.
    1 point
  39. In single character games you have to do everything yourself (weapons and magic, damage+healing+status effects) so usually they are classless and you can learn everything. The downside is that all chars usually feel very similar in the end. In Skyrim you are master of everything in the end. The downside of a class system is that you have to chose a class at the beginning before you know what the game throws at you. In a party based game your companions can do stuff you cannot do well, but in a single character game you have to do everything yourself. Thats why I think a system with limited skill points combined with the need to unlock a specialized trainer to spend them is the best way. First you can explore the world a bit to see what you face and what options you have and then you have to chose which way you want to approach things. For example first you meet the fighting guild, the mage guild and a monk order and then you can chose which of them to join. Of course those choices should be exclusive to some degree. It makes no sense that you are the leader of all groups at once, including opposing groups like the city guards and the assassin guild, like in the TES games.
    1 point
  40. Greetings employees of Halcyon, We have some news to share with you regarding the Nintendo Switch release of The Outer Worlds! Currently, we are looking at a launch date of June 5th, 2020, and are excited to be able to bring a new group of spacers into the Halcyon Colony. This release will be available through either a digital download or with a physical cartridge, whichever you prefer. Visit the official announcement for more details regarding this release! Have fun out there, spacers!
    1 point
  41. Ok, I know I'm late to this, but here's what worked (so far) for me: I simply edited the "NewsArchive.xml" file. In my case it is located at %userprofile%\appdata\locallow\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity II\ I removed the <News> and <Packages> statements, and to be safe, marked the file as a read-only.
    1 point
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