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7 points
OK, I know I told Gromnir no more memes.... that pledge lasted just 17 hours5 points
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2 points
So I built a base by the pond next to the juice box and I finally expanded to 2 dew collectors but now neither collector works at all. Normally they spawn dew every morning. I also noticed the dew that spawns inside of soda cans no longer spawns? I've also noticed acorns not respawning the next day again.2 points
Went on a 15 minute hike with my son, up to the nearby Stave Church. My (soon-to-be) 2 year old son loves to yell "KIRKE!" (church) whenever he sees one, and can stare at them for minutes. Fun fact: The stave church is a reconstruction, after previously being burnt to the grown by the infamous Varg Vikernes. For the curious: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stave_church https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantoft_Stave_Church2 points
2 points
Some of the camera angles are unflattering for them, like the top left corner profile shots, but otherwise they're fine. The black corruption? growing across their faces is unsettling in a good way though. Not sure what to say about the gameplay. Roguelikes have some amazing concepts sometimes but I rarely enjoy playing them in practice, plus I'm still early in. All in all, it's fun and polished, but I have issues. Every enemy type has unique AI and you have to memorize their combat patterns before the fight cause you can't check during missions. Not that they always adhere to them in my experience. Some enemies get to attack after using all their AP to move, others don't. I want to look into what's up with that but my play sessions have been short. Earn Memories by doing SomethingTM, equip them on your daughters, lose them if when they die, good luck replacing them. Restarting the timeline kills all your daughters and so far I can resurrect 1 per run, which might be okay with some people but I'm getting the Darkest Dungeon sociopath CEO bad vibes again. (The daughters dying like flies is intended tragedy, but this part of it doesn't have much emotional weight, especially since they don't really have personalities.) Having 1 overpowered daughter is useful So far I haven't seen the combo potential the game is trying to advertise, like knocking an enemy into your ally who has their Attack Enemies After They Stop Moving stance active. These combos have been too niche so far because they're fiddly to set up, or not worth the action/HP investment. Voice acting is a bit inconsistent, some lines convey the Mother's angst well, others sound like emo poetry excerpts. That said, again, the gameplay is fun so far and I'm still at the first in-game week and the atmosphere is good. Or were you asking what the gameplay is like? It's XCOM, you take 3 daughters on a mission, usually one of each class (haven't checked if taking more from one is even allowed), equip them with Memories to modify their skills and activate Remembrances to give them passive benefits and earn Traits during missions for slight modifications. Levels aren't procedurally generated, there's a small pool of them where you fight similarly to XCOM, but instead of turns, everything moves on a timeline. If you spend less than 50 AP out of 100, you get to move sooner on the timeline again, at the cost of getting less done RIGHT NOW. Blademasters are squishy but bring the hurt, gunslingers buff or run interference and shieldbearers.... nominally tank, but you're trying to minimize damage, so I have them stuck on disruption duty. Normally each daughter can only undertake one mission per day and if they get hurt you have to sacrifice another, equivalent level daughter to heal them. So yeah, you're going to restart the timeline a lot, by design. And uh, I must say, the daughter death cries? They've nailed them so well the first time I heard it I felt miserable.2 points
I can't make heads or tails of what you guys are talking about, and couldn't see anything on the GOG front page either. Only figured it out after diving into their forums and now I'm offended that their official post has broken BBtext and they never bothered to fix it. Disgraceful.2 points
Not a vidya game, but the absolute worst example of uncanny valley is Alita Battle Angel. HARDCORE nightmare fuel.2 points
My take on this is you don't want to then don't. Hardly an intrusion of privacy when it's voluntarily.2 points
2 points
Wow, my brain hurts from reading that thread on the GOG forums. Seems like there are two issues: First that this is a giveaway where Linux users miss out on wallpaper artwork (!) due to not having the Galaxy client even as an option. I'm sure Keyrock and the other guy on the planet who is exclusively playing on Linux will be fine with that. And if not, they can voice their protest by not buying from GOG. I'm suspecting building and maintaining a Linux version of Galaxy might cost more than the expected increase in sales or usage will rake in. The other one is sharing your stats on social media. Which I get, and is the reason why I am not participating. If nobody participates then promotions like those will go away on their own. I'm sure a hell not sharing my GOG stats with the world, then everyone would see the thousands of hours I've put into Master of Orion 3. Talk about embarrassing. There's a third ridiculous complaint that I see all the time when it comes to development. People who say that they should not spend their time making silly promotions but rather finish Cyberpunk. Yeah, sure. Because CDPR's game developers double as marketing team, right? Sigh. edit: And before someone from PETL (People for the Ethical Treatment of Linux :p) comes around and berate me for passive-agressive penguin hate - I've been an avid Linux user for longer than most. It's kind of a requirement in my line of work, although it's been a while now, I just never bothered playing games on it. Except Tux Racer.2 points
It is not by accident your name was shares the first three letters with one of the best games of all time after all.2 points
Yep, and I theoretically agree with you. I think things like the 'Burqa ban' in France- albeit that's the reverse of forcing people to wear something- is utterly moronic doctrinaire stupidity for example, and almost as bad as the state compelling people to wear religious iconography. But, face masks do have a good public health justification instead of a philosophical 'mais muh secularité'; and the 'freedom' argument holds a lot less water when that freedom is potentially harming others instead of yourself. If it were easy to avoid people exercising their freedom I'd also agree, but practically it isn't. People can quite genuinely think they don't need to wear a mask because they aren't sick, yet be infectious, people can intend to maintain distance but not etc. Any one of those situations can result in death or sickness, for others. Essentially, it's the clash of theory vs practice, and in this case the practice side wins out over the theory side. I'd suspect there are a lot of places where masks cannot be legally mandated and laws would have to be changed if they were, like here. But they'd be able to get around it pretty easily even if they didn't change the law because private entities would mandate them, and public transport, buildings etc already have rights to refuse access to protect public safety. (I'd actually argue that there is a 'right' to drive- and there is here (and by a quick duckduckgo in the US too) the right to drive unlicensed on your own land. The state should not be able to deprive you of being able to drive for any factor, except you not being safe to others when exercising that right)2 points
There is Necromancy in Eora. Helig von Thein in PoE practiced (arcane) necromancy (nekrós, greek=death) to keep his body from decaying after death (which causes normal vessels to go crazy for essence) and combined it with (scientific) animancy (animus, latin=soul) to attach his soul to his dead body. Concelhaut did something similar, but with other techniques apparently. He is a known Necromancer. I believe (don't know if that's "official" lore) that only arcane dabblings with the dead/undead/spirits is called necromancy - so necromantic wizardry basically. While Chanters have quite some abilities that also deal with those themes I believe (?) that this would not be called necromancy - at least officially. But that last part is only guesswork.2 points
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2 points
The existing insects seem to interact with the world and all play a part in the ecosystem (ants gathering food). I’d love to hear how others have experienced the ecosystem that is advertised and how exactly the incects interact with each other. How the environment changes to the interaction of the player. It has been mentioned exterminating ant colonies could invoke the attraction of other insects to that area. Is this true? What did you experience and what happend? How advanced is this ecosystem and AI behavior i wonder. Personally; Working ants gathering food around the backyard Working ants fighting other insects Guard ants attacking my settlement because food was stored there. Insect territitorium areas. living environments Wolv spiders patrolling at night time/ sleeping day time. ladybugs destroying grass. No reason found yet* 2d night/3d night attack of 1 wolv spider. No reason found yet (difficulty?)*1 point
I dont need to say what this patch has done that has made the game unplayable. Grounded was a great game. But I would rather avoid larva, than spend an entire day looking for mushrooms & drinking lake water. The whole incentive of every survival game is that the further you get, resources become easier to come by aka dew collector/mushroom farm. That way most of your day can be spent collecting resources or building or exploring instead of spending most of the day just trying to keep your thirst/hunger up. This needs to be patched. I dont know how this isnt priority. Imagine if Sea of Thieves made a patch that all skeletons spawned in smaller numbers but all the steering wheels stopped working on ships. Kinda the same premise. It's like thanks for killing the spider in my house, but you did so by burning my house down.1 point
After the update, neither my mushroom farm or dew collector was working, fortunately, I moved next to the pond, next to the Spiders + Flowers, and Nectar its still spawning there for me (anywhere that have flowers, it does have nectar sprinkled around the ground), which its helping me to manage my thirst and hunger, I still see a lot of mushroom spawning outside of my mushroom farms (sometimes I think way too much mushrooms, which i kinda feel like its related to as why they're not growing in the mushroom farm), but yeah, this is what I do: Gather Nectar in 2 different spawns each day, because I think nectar did not stopped spawning (for me at least) Drink dirty water + Roasting Spit (Weevil, Aphids, etc) I've been playing with no mushroom farm + dew collector for about 20 days in game, and its how i have been managing to survive. I'm just saying this here so players like me that loved this game, who wants to keep playing even though it got its resources messed up after this last update, so I hope this helps.1 point
Because we were just that damned good at it. Mad dogs and Englishmen, wot?1 point
Despite its ability, Drunkard's Regret doesn't prevent the 'hangover' debuff (at least not when consuming rum).1 point
My friend and I noticed the ants are able to go through our stuff even if there are floors, door and walls in the way. We had our storage on the second floor but had to move it to the third floor to stop them but they still were able to go through it. Has anyone else seen this or just us and Is it a part of the game? Its mildly annoying as they steal all our stored food.1 point
Whispers of a Machine is dirt cheap on Steam. If you want a Nordic Noir What-If-Deus-Ex-Were-An-Adventure-Game, it's pretty good.1 point
They should allow us to delete Grass planks not being used and on the ground like this. Maby give 3 or 5 ingame day decay timer on all items laying on the ground like this. If it isn't being used or stored it should decay over time. But allow 3 days minimum in game. Which will allow us time to make Grass plank storage bins to place them proper. And any unwanted ones laying on the ground just decays. Or allow insects to eat them up.1 point
I'm a few days into a juice cleanse. I've been feeling lousy the last couple months and doing a bad job avoiding bread and stuff on my intolerance list. So I decided to reset a bit. Right now its protein shake for breakfast, juice or smoothie for lunch, and then a regular solid dinner. Day 1 was miserable. Day 2 and 3, I was tired. Today is day 4 and I just had a fantastic 45 mile bike ride. I felt very good throughout. So hopefully I can remember that feeling when I start craving break again in a week.1 point
My solution to backlogs is not to develop a backlog. You don't save money, so to speak, if you never actually play/use those things you bought on sale. Such always reminds me (in an offhand/parallel way) of those old folks who would spend a dollar+ in gas to drive across town/city to save 25 cents with a coupon. That said, I'm kinda the same way these days regarding often installing a newly purchase game that I think I might be interested in (since there is rarely a "new" game I'm truly interested in), but then by the time it downloads/installs, I'm doing something else or don't want to play, and it'll sit on the PC untouched for ages. At some point you just have to either: --admit you're not going to play it any time "soon" and just uninstall it --force yourself to play it for at least two hours, or maybe two sessions of 2 hours. If, after that, you still never go back to it for weeks/months, uninstall it and consider it off the backlog.1 point
When it comes to privacy there's as much separation between the Chinese State and their companies and the US State and its; excepting maybe Apple. The main, indeed in most cases only, evidence that Chinese apps and Chinese hardware is phoning home with everything is that US apps and US hardware definitely do, so the presumption is that China does too. People really ought to complain equally about both, including those in the US. After all, outside war or extraordinary personal circumstances you're always at greater risk from your own government than from a foreign one. But yes, hard to complain about the US reciprocally banning Chinese apps without seeming like a hypocritical CCP tool.1 point
Sorry Huge List Continued- Smoke from sconce clips through flooring (when used as ceiling/second floor flooring). Because of curved nature of planks for flooring, anything sitting on the flooring clips through and is visible below. Stun/knockdown from ladybug seems to be too long to me. If hit by a lady bug you’re stunned/knocked down for a couple seconds where you cannot do anything. When the stun wears off you have almost no time at all before the lady bug hits and stuns again. Stun time should not be almost equal to ladybug attack delay. There currently is no way to grab things out of or while in water. If you fall in water carrying a stack of planks or logs, those planks will float and the logs will be laying in the water. Forever. Speaking of swimming, there should really be buttons to go up and down without having to map them. Pushing forward while looking up shouldn’t be the only means of movement available. Speaking of mapping, mapping with a controller currently doesn’t work for “B”. Select something to map, such as swim up. Press “B”, menu goes back one as if I had it B to close. When mapping controller actions, assigning a currently assigned item does not remove previous. Example, assign left D-pad to inventory. Apply changes, escape from pause menu and go back to game. Now press left on D-pad. Your inventory will open and when it closes the emote window will then pop up. In the mapping controller section, having button tip text at the bottom and button tip text on the right is awkward. I only just now am realizing I can unbind using X because I was reading the tips at the bottom. Is there currently no mechanic for forcing grass to not respawn? There should be. Though it should also be reversable too. I have 6 stalks of grass that every few days needs to be cut down as they're RIGHT in front of my house (almost against my stairs, even). I can delete things from the game in my inventory. Except anything that is carried on my shoulder (Planks & logs). I should be able to remove those from the game somehow too. Tier 2 weeds not respawning. I don't think tier 1 are in my game either. Or they're taking a VERY long time. Why am I supposed to analyze everything, but mint chunks and pollen are invalid objects for analyzing? Running over a dandelion tuft should not punt it into the neighbor’s yard. (ok it isn’t *that* far, but I’ve seen one fly 40cm away (was measured) after running over it.) Why do I need tier 2 materials to fix some tier 1 tools? An axe made of a pebble and grass absolutely should not need quartzite to repair it. Repairing bows with spider silk seems perfectly cool. Do mints not respawn? If not, they totally should. Why is the mint package closed for days and then suddenly it’s open? Did I miss a trigger or something for that or was it based on some other factor? If it is some other factor (such as it opening when you have a tier 2 hammer or X number of days) then that doesn’t make sense unless the mint package is actually somehow omniscient. Please change the color pallet slightly for either honeydew or nectar. If you look closely enough there is a slight variation in look, but they should just be different enough at a glance without study to see which is which. Same as above for Acid Gland and Spider Chunk. I shouldn’t have to highlight each in a chest to see which is which. If same model is used, at least change the color. Bug parts are: Ant – labeled as “part”; Ladybug – “shell”; Bombardier – “leg”; Stinkbug – “Feelers”. Why all the variation when every crafting recipe calls for “parts” and when selected, each item’s pop up text on the right says “Part” as well. If it’s a “part” then label it as a “part” in the inventory list. The variation can be confusing. Or, alternatively, change the recipes (and pop up text on right in inventory) to have the correct words used. Either call it ladybug shell with a pop up hint text labeled as ladybug shell and have armor recipe call for five ladybug shells. Don’t mix and match “parts” and specific parts since specific pieces actually do exist for each insect (head, gland, etc.) for a reason. As a separate item but possibly(?) part of above is that parts from an infected weevil are shown in inventory with a weevil picture and label as “parts” yet when selected the popup help text on the right says “fungal growth”. This doesn’t make sense. When making button mapping changes, LS will apply. If you click LS to apply then B to exit the menu it still pops up saying “you’ve made changes, press A to apply?” Sometimes.. Sometimes it works correctly. I’ve not found what causes the difference here. In button mapping menu if you enter the same selection twice, nothing will ‘take’. Go to options->controller and scroll down to Swim Up. Select Primary mapping slot on left. In new screen press A to make A swim up. On same selection press A to change from the A we just set to, say, X. No matter what you press (except B) nothing will change the A we set. When manually saving the game it pops up text saying "Cannot Save: Another save in progress". But, this pops up and goes away so quickly that the only thing we have time to read is "Cannot Save" which makes you think it didn't save because there was an error for some reason. It's not easily visible that a new save was added to the menu because the box for a save slot touches the box below it, this means that inserting a save isn't very visible in the menu when it happens unless you look at the time and date, which I shouldn't have to do for confirmation because of the "error" message I just read. How about just saying "Saving..." at the top instead? I think we all know that we can't save more than one thing at a time by now in any game. In the Quests tab, when moving selection down from Incomplete to Complete, the highlight does not move. There is the "selection triangle" at left side but when moving down to Complete selection it disappears. Note that I currently only have one Incomplete quest (Hunter - Larva).1 point
Sorry, I've got a huge list. I know some of these are dupes and for that I apologize, but left in case a different perspective on any of them helps. Also please note that I have over 20 years Software QA Management specializing in usability and process flows under my belt so some are nit-picky, but I'll leave it up to your Product Owner to prioritize ;). If you need further clarification for any of these I am more than happy to discuss further, please email, zoom, or call. I am enjoying many of the things you have implemented so please do not take this list as an "OMG this game needs SO much work". For example, I love the construction radial with "Chopping menu". Please note that all of the following is from XBOX One X using Main menu -> Single Player -> Continue should be at top, above New Game, as it is what will be selected most often. This is one of my biggest irks in games because it's such a simple, simple thing to not do. Put what users do most often at the top or as default selection. From a usability perspective please remove the LB radial hotpouch selection or present another option for its usage. I see why the radial is great as it’s click-direction-click, but other game’s usage of LB RB to select (MC) really sets a standard here. Perhaps use RB and LB cycle through them instead of popping up the radial while I am still moving around in the game world. The problem with current implementation is that when the radial is up, I lose half of my ability for movement (right stick direction facing) and it blocks most of my current visibility. If I’m in battle and need to heal? That’s a horrible thing to have happen, especially as I’m backing up and end up being blocked by a piece of grass. Since we just used up the RB button, now set Y to throw as default. Having RT for use and RB for throw at times causes confusion and items are accidentally thrown. Do I really want to throw my bow at an orb spider? Separate the buttons so there's less risk of tools being flung about accidentally. Having Y as default be “turn off/on trail markers?” when there are way more important, gameplay-wise, needs for a prominent button? It doesn’t make sense (again from usability). Make "turn off trail markers" a configurable option (already is) and leave it at that. I have been thinking about having an option to cycle by my own means (button mapping, use Y perhaps), but only having one direction of cycle would be pretty painful in a battle so really haven't settled on whether or not one direction of cycling would prove useful. I don't think that it would. Rotating blueprints is backwards currently WHEN SNAPPING. I expect the LT and RT buttons to do exactly what is shown in the tips popup. But, using the “outward facing” arrow as a guide, watch which direction the point of the arrow moves with LT and RT buttons. It’s opposite from what the tool tip says. And, personally, I feel that they *should* move in the direction of the tool tip and not their current direction. (as in, please fix the turning, don’t just swap the tool tips). Rotation works correctly when it’s free-form floating and not snapping. When the blueprint is trying to snap to something (such as placing a wall on top of flooring) the triggers are now reversed from the non-snapping direction. There should be a way to move entire stacks into and out of storage without drag and drop. This may be simple with a mouse, it’s not with a controller. Perhaps hold x to move stack or Y to move stack? Having "customize marker" as a prominent action, when I have to press X individually 10 times to move one stack of sprigs? That's just mean. Button to move stack should work either moving into storage from backpack or into backpack from storage. Alternatively? LB take all as currently set. RB take/deposit stack. Other Alternative? Hold X to take/deposit stack. I'm not as much of a fan of this one as it takes more time to press and hold than it does to press. So putting 20 stacks of items into storage just ends up wasting time. Juice from Armed Raspberry often spawns and drops through the ground. It seems to be that the juice is there as I approach and it is then rendered and during the rendering process to make it appear on my screen it renders partially underground and ends up just clipping through the ground completely. I’ve seen an orb spider send a flower petal through the ground just by stepping on it. Ants (any insect) walking through planks or logs should not send them flying. Record kick I’ve seen so far is an ant walking through a pile of 5 logs I had, and one log ended up 25cm away. (Pile was right next to marker) Broken items need space in repair menu label after the word “broken”. Use item until broken. In inventory menu select repair on item. Look at top left label “REPAIR BROKENANT CLUB”. “REPAIR DAMAGED ” is fine, FYI. As is mentioned by others, dew not found anywhere in game. Two days worth of dew spawns on a dew spawner and it stops working. Acorns seem to either now take a very long time to respawn or they’re not respawning either. Which is horrible on my current need for chests. Grubs dig over roots and leaves as I think I've seen reported elsewhere. Ants are not the only ones to steal from chests from a distance. Weevils will also do it by being under the flooring the chest is on. Even if said flooring is at its maximum height for build. Door frames clip through flooring of second floor. Relatively speaking, it's about a "foot" high even though a "foot" is probably closer to 1 mm in game ;). When adding walls to wood scaffolding, the walls will be higher than the scaffold. It will not line up with the top where the flooring is. So when making a porch, it’s not possible to wall off the side of the porch and still be able to run off of it as the wall now comes up to the player's midsection and blocks them. Note that window sections can be added that line up perfectly at the top, but this looks weird. Speaking of scaffolding. Why is it called scaffolding instead of foundation? We have a clay foundation, which makes sense. But wood is scaffolding? Scaffolding is something that’s built up to allow builders to reach heights to work from as ladders are unsafe. Calling these pieces you build and attach flooring to doesn’t make sense to be called scaffolding. It’s a foundation. Attacking insects that attack my structures seems a bit too ‘structure destroying’ of an event than it should be (due to MY attacks). I end up doing more damage to the structure than the insects do as I am swinging to get rid of them. I recognize one can stand back a little bit to help avoid that, but if it’s happening under wooden foundations (such as under a house), there’s not any room to move back. It’s just a little clumsy right now. Weed Killer Peak. Once to the top of the cannister there seems to be no way to jump back onto the sprayer to walk back down. Attempting to jump back onto the sprayer causes you to slide off and fall to your death. (One shouldn’t be forced to have a glider in hand when exploring this location.) Why do worn items take precious backpack space? If something is strapped to my legs, how is it taking space in the backpack? This also applies to the hotpouch. If I have items in a ‘pouch’ why do they also take up space in the backpack? With armor, glider, tools, multiple stacks of arrows, food, canteen.. that’s easily two rows of the backpack taken up with just things needed for going out. Arrows should be more than 20 to a stack. Seriously. Inventory management is already a bit painful as is. Why does raw/spoiled meat take up one per inventory slot, but cooked meat can stack? I don't say this to remove the stacking at all, but to clarify why raw and spoiled do not stack. Having them take up one slot per piece of meat seems to start heading down the road of "let's make this an inventory management game!" and that's absolutely not what should be done here. We've all seen how well that works (doesn't) in other games. It just creates tedium. (cont. in next post)1 point
So...more diet stuff. Sorry, it's become my life (eventually I'll have it all worked out and I'll stop thinking about it). I can eat some starchy carbs, right, just very limited amounts per meal/day, because starchy carbs = high Glycemic Load (how much/high blood sugar may spike). According to the 'net (and we all know the 'net is never wrong), a baked russet potato would/could have a higher GL than ... a doughnut (not that I care, I almost never ate potatoes anyway). Thus diet is now high veggies/high fiber and low starch and sugar carb foods (I learned too much fruit isn't great...). "Starchy beans" tho, are supposedly good or at least a lot better so that would be a filler most would use. My personal problem: I hate starchy beans. Hence one reason why I don't like/don't eat typical burritos, chilis, etc. Hearty soups and casseroles - 99% of recipes call for one or more of the following (seemingly making up about 90% of the meal): --lots of potatoes --lots of beans --tons of white/egg pasta --lots of rice (often white rice) --lots of meat/sausage/bacon etc. (I want min. protein and low-med. fat, at least in shorter term) So...hm. Use lean hamburger or white chicken (and less of it) vs. other meats. Use mushrooms and eggplant (I love eggplant) instead of beans. Try brown rice (not fond of that either but...). On the bright side, I treated myself to a pizza - eggplant, sausage (they never put tons of it on anyway), artichoke hearts, tomato. Ate one piece. Scraped the topping off a 2nd piece (too much "white bread") and put it on whole grain bread. 90 minutes later, blood sugar was still "reasonable." Cool. I can still eat pizza (just can't have meat-junk pizzas...). Huzzah!1 point
I should also note that it isn't feasible or desirable to have a kid re-take a quiz ad nauseam either. At some point it should be obvious that there is something that needs to be adjusted with the test or the student. As I've said before, the number one goal of an educator should not be to push content, it should be to help develop skills and strategies for long term success. I know I've linked bloom's taxonomy before and it is still a basic tenet of any teaching credentialing program: So back to content, it is true that I have way too much to cover in 7th grade Social Science, but it also isn't like I teach each unit in a vacuum. The protestant reformation isn't just a 1-week unit. it is an underlying element in the fall of Rome, the rise of the church, the crusades, etc. If I am good at my job, then hopefully students are making connections throughout and relating it to the world they currently live in. I made a terrible comic about this one time when I had to take an adobe photoshop class for professional development. Standardized tests are stupid and have been overhauled quite a bit over the last couple years.1 point
This happened to me the first time I logged in, and it was because I didnt logged in my microsoft account a long time, after I logged in my outlook/microsoft account, it fixed for me, at least, if this doesn't help, I hope someone else can help you1 point
Post Update, mushrooms don’t grow in gardens. Water (by the Oak Tree), Acorns (by the Oak Tree) and Weeds aren’t respawning. I guess we have to wait for another update before we can do anything.1 point
I hit level 20 in LotRO and lost the will to continue. I downloaded SW:TOR, played it for about 2 hours and I came to the conclusion that I don't want to play a MMO. I go through this every couple years where I talk myself into trying MMOs again then I realize MMOs are just not for me. I'm currently downloading Dishonored.1 point
Found these recent articles about the intersection of MS, Game Pass, Xbox, and the studios MS has recently bought (including of course Obsidian). Very interesting reads, including in the context of recent comments by Sawyer re. the prospects for a PoE3: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-07-09-how-minecraft-and-mojang-taught-xbox-how-to-buy-studios https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-07-09-developing-for-xbox-game-pass-i-could-never-pitch-these-ideas-to-a-publisher https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-07-10-are-xbox-series-x-developers-being-held-back-by-xbox-one1 point
1 point
Adding my name to the list. - dew not spawning across map - dew collectors not spawning few each morning - mushroom farm not spawning mushrooms - acorns not respawning across map (by far the most significant as I cannot create new storage chests and resources are capped)1 point
Triple “Ugh” lol Well it looks like I got myself an assignment, find that post. When I get a chance I’ll comb through his post records to see if I can find that specific one. Give me a couple days, but I should hopefully find it. Like I mentioned earlier I’m not a modder. I have no experience in it. But if I were to find his post, would you know any modder(s) who might be willing to implement this? When I do find it I’ll give you an “@“. Also once again thank you for replying, it’s nice to see such a friendly & helpful community here. *Side note* apologies if this ends up being a double post.1 point
1 point
The point isn't that these apps aren't intrusive, the point is that there is no separation between Chinese business and the CCP. Also this false equivalency is bull since if we compare China to the US every US app is banned in China or is required to comply with their totalitarian censorious nature. But if you want to keep giving a foreign hostile entity your data, why don't you call them every once in a while with your WhatsApp1 point
1 point
I've started NG+ of Dark Souls 2 today... I am dieing much less than in first game, but still I have issues with some of the mobs The encounter of The Last Giant with Mild-mannered Pate was like a breeze Less than 2 minutes1 point
It's happening to just about anything that should be respawning. Report this bug so that they can hopefully release a hot fix for it.1 point
I answer my own question buying the game on Steam too. Without doing any manual manipulation, the savegame on the windows store version of the game will not appear in your Steam game. I have been able to transfer my savegame. The windows store savegame are stored here : C:\Users\{USER}\Saved Games\Grounded Windows 10 The Steam savegame are stored here : C:\Users\{USER}\Saved Games\Grounded The structure of the folder and the naming of the folder are different. How it is how I have succeed to go from windows store savegame to Steam one: Open the steam version start a game, then save it. Then leave the game. In the Windows store savegame folder, I look for the most recent folder (last save made). There normally one folder, so go in the first folder, then go to the most recent server ( or the savegame you want if you know which one you want. Open that folder In the windows store folder, you should see many files, some of them filename ending with ".sav". Copy all the files. Then, go in the Steam savegame folder, if there is multiple folder, delete all folder except the most recent one ( that will deletre all savegame except the last one on Steam) Open the folder in steam savegame, and delete the content of the folder, and paste the files that you copied at the step #3. Open the game in steam. When you start a game and choose Continue, you should be able to load your savegame that you had in the windows store version and that you copied in Steam. Some advice : Keep backup of both folder (Grounded Windows 10 & Grounded), like this is any mistake are made, you can revert the change Assure that both your game are on the save version / both up-to-date. using savegame coming from a different game version may cause some issue. I hope my personal experience can help the one who would want to do the same thing Have a good day in your backyard ! Lirnak1 point
I can confirm my team has been experiencing this as well. Several days in game and not a single mushroom farm, dew drop collector, or indeed dew drops on grass stems was respawning. I went from literally one end of the map to the other looking for dew drops on grass and couldn't find a single one. ADDITIONALLY, and perhaps more troubling: in multiplayer, non-host players were seeing dew-drops on grass which just weren't there at all. This is a host syncing issue similar to the problem experienced with berries: client connections can 'see' dew drops (and berries) that aren't there in the host's game, and which are therefore non-interactable.1 point
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