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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/20 in all areas

  1. I know a few POE1 backers who didn't want to use Fig and after the game released they were all "I'll wait until the game is finished (aka all the DLCs and patching is done)". As of this moment, they still haven't bought the game, they probably forgot about it. I also know people who didn't like POE1 because they wanted a reskin of BG2 and/or the dour setting and just skipped POE2. They are still complaining that nobody makes "isometric party rpgs" anymore might I add.
    3 points
  2. This would be a neat feature considering it can be tedious to pickup multiple arrows and hard when engaged in combat
    2 points
  3. "It must be nice to have an automatic kinship and brotherhood with other forum members" L0L I'm 90% French Frog. I'm not a big fan of those cowards, and racists, and bigots. Grom is a lawyer. I have no kinship with that ilk. Plus, Grom is right. Native tribes spent centuries mass murdering each other. They have as much kinship as the Brits and French do despite both white - they have spent centuries trying to massacre and destroy the other. There are plenty of whites who are complete trash to me. I don't care about their skin colour. Looking at you, Nazis.
    2 points
  4. So you are against integration in an integration software? Ok then. And I'm Polish not that word, I ask you to not use it as it's offensive.
    2 points
  5. Then don't integrate your GOG? On a side note official integration seems to be slightly weaker then community one. It doesn't seem to record when I played the game last. I for one find it super useful to manage a library spread around on 6 launchers through one. For that very reason GOG became my main platform through which I manage everything else. It's very much in GOG's brand. "Hey, everyone annoys players by forcing them to juggle games on various platforms? Come to GOG and see all your games in one place. And while you are here, buy our games"
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Thank you for playing Grounded! Grounded is currently in Game Preview/Early Access, and as such, unfortunately has a few… bugs, pardon the pun. The team is working hard to update the game often and below are some workarounds that may be helpful. To help make sure we share the most up-to-date information with you regarding current known issues in Grounded, we will utilize our Grounded Issue Tracker. Feel free to bookmark this page as it provides us with more opportunities to share the current status on known issues and when specific fixes have been applied. We appreciate all of these reports, and we will keep you up to date on the progress. Also, at any time please feel free to reach out to us directly at support@obsidian.net.
    1 point
  8. .... that it took Baldur's Gate 3 hype in 2020 for me to find this game. This is literally one of the best CRPGs I've played since the old Infinity engine days.
    1 point
  9. Anyone else having problems finding them? I've went to northern ant Hill, Explored the whole thing, and found nothing. Killed all the ant soilders, Waiting a day, and still nothing. Waited two days and still nothing (Except ants respawning.) Btw thats game days not real life days.
    1 point
  10. i got the bee armor and put it on a dummy after saving the game the dummy was naked even tough it shows its there on save file pic can u guys fix this bug
    1 point
  11. Not sure if this is intentional but at least in multiplayer spiders seem pretty severely broken. They appear from the ground or the air (the wolf spider in the cave under the wooden plank didn't exit the cave. Just jumped through the ground to exit). Their health resets randomly and if they do kill you they stalk your body making resurrecting a teammate impossible. Also in the event you do kill one they seem to drop a wholly unworth it amount of loot. In the demo they were hard but didnt feel cheep or broken. Now they seem like either they are intentionally there to be avoided or over the top cheep. Also, in multiplayer when collecting the glowing green stalks in the cave with the mites (sorry not at home to check the name atm), they show in your inventory but the people not hosting dont see them disappear visually.
    1 point
  12. I have not historically been a fan of the Ranger AL9 power Heart Seeker. It doesn't benefit from Driving Flight, it's not foe-only, which makes the line projecting straight out from the user problematic for a ranged character, and it's reall y expensive in terms of Bond. I found it hard to justify using it over other Ranger powers. But I installed Elric Galad's Balance Polishing Mod and complained about even his version of the power. He pointed out that the Enfeebled affliction from the power has no duration, meaning it won't end naturally. That convinced me to give it another try. So I have been playing around with it. Then I tried it while using Frostseeker: Each projectile gets its own, miniature Heart Seeker (usually the aoe line is thicker). The spread is tighter with Xefa's Empirical Explication, but it's overall wider after a few feet than the default ability: Unfortunately the ability is still limited by Xefa's range, so my character in the situation above would run toward that marauder and spoil the effect of the spread. So doing this with a blunderbuss is less useful than with Frostseeker. Are there other multi-projectile weapons I should try this with?
    1 point
  13. Please add keyboard & mouse Support for Ground on Xbox, if it's not already implanted. With there being Full keyboard & Mouse support on Xbox there really shouldn't be any reason why this game shouldn't have keyboard & mouse support allowing gamers on Xbox to have the option play using a Controller or keyboard & mouse . Gamers such as myself want to see more games taking advantage of the support by Devs adding the feature into there games for Xbox , just as they have support on Xbox Game pass Ultimate on PC every title that's on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate that has keyboard & mouse support on PC should have the same for the game titles on XBOX. OBSIDIAN and every other games studio within Microsoft Studios should make sure to use every feature possible ( if the game allows it ) if the game is able to run on PC & utilize keyboard & mouse then they should do the same on Xbox , Especially when the game title isn't a Online multiplayer title. But that aside keep up the great work OBSIDIAN looking forward to playing Grounded & seeing everything else to come from this studio in the future
    1 point
  14. My dvd arrived from Amazon a few days ago and I got to see "Come and See" (Criterion Collection version) A rather... disturbing movie and a very different take on war. There is nothing pretty, glorious or anything even remotely attractive about war.
    1 point
  15. Yes, let's watch that vi- ...Maybe let's not. Inspire people by clicking on their running hearts really really fast! Atta girl!
    1 point
  16. have you tried with scourge of bezello? that's the only other one i can think of (it's in FS)
    1 point
  17. You see, I don’t buy it. Sequels tend to sell better, not worse. The idea that games sells worse because it has a number attached to it, just doesn’t hold water. PoE2 problem wasn’t that it scared of new audience - its that majority of existing audience didn’t want more PoE. And it wasn’t just IP. Tyranny didn’t do so hot either. PoE2 wouldn’t sell better if it had a different title.
    1 point
  18. AC Odyssey and soon AC Valhalla are RPGs as much as The Witcher 3 is a RPG. Odyssey just doesn't have the writing quality of The Witcher 3. Surprisingly, Jedi Fallen Order has a few dialogue choices (binary) to express how you feel about certain events in the game, but it's more of a Tomb Raider clone.
    1 point
  19. Bases are constantly evolving and having to move items from one storage chest to another is tedious at best. Especially without a transfer stack option. The capability to move an entire storage chest without having to remove everything, destroy it, and then build a new one would be awesome.
    1 point
  20. I read the books in highschool so can't relate. Still that's first time I heard that. I thought Witcher3 did a good job giving an idea of the relationship those characters had together even if I didn't remember them from books (like Keira). Edit: It's doesn't really apply to PoE though. To understand PoE1 you need to read books as well. Getting into PoE3 shouldn't be that much harder then getting into PoE1.
    1 point
  21. I actually have a hatred of Witcher 3... I started with Witcher 3... Then I thought "crap I don't understand who anyone is... I gotta go back". I beat Witcher 1 and 2 and thought... Wtf I guess I gotta read the books before anything makes any damn sense. They are good games but personally I hate playing sequels if I haven't played the previous games. And Witcher needs a ton of work to catch up to Witcher 3... Therefore I will probably never beat it. I read a couple of the books and imo they aren't great.
    1 point
  22. ? The platform GOG Galaxy 2.0, which was from the start an attempt to unify all the launchers, officially supports integration with EGS account. Previously you could integrate your EGS account, but it was unofficial as most integrations on GOG Galaxy 2.0 are. I don't really see the big deal here.
    1 point
  23. Yes, Game Pass is what its all about. Making Game Pass something very attractive to customers was exactly why MS went on that studio-buying spree. They need games to fill out Game Pass and make it worth the money for customers. But it's just not reasonable to expect they can fill out Game Pass quantitatively with huge AAA games. They need filler games. Many, many filler games, but where those (niche) filler games are still of good/high quality. Furthermore, from the pov of Obsidian, Obsidian is the kind of studio that was one weak-sales game away from bankruptcy. But now they are secure. And that means it's only now that they *can* afford to make niche games that don't sell a lot, as long as they're also making big AAA games that do sell a lot. So, if anything, I am willing to go out on a limb and say that MS buying Obsidian is what has actually increased the chances that we will someday see a PoE3, where pre-MS those chances were virtually zero. Now a low-sales niche game like a potential PoE3 is financially feasible for Obsidian so long as they also have games like Avowed (and maybe also a TOW2) that are bringing in plenty of profit for MS.
    1 point
  24. Hello, a friend of mine edited this cool portrait (not enough cool dudes with simple breastplates here if you ask me). Would any kind soul made a watercolor version for my forthcoming Deadfire playthrough, please? Thanks in advance!
    1 point
  25. This isn't a verified solution, but if you still appear as "OfflineUser" after hitting "Let's Play" on the title screen try opening the Xbox Console Companion app and signing in there first. I was having this issue as well, and it seemed that for whatever reason Microsoft wasn't registering my sign-in on the Xbox Gamepass app. However, launching Console Companion showed I was offline, and signing in there let me sign in when I launched Grounded as well. Hope it helps!
    1 point
  26. whenever they do a US focused video, they insist on trying out their American accents. ... might wanna rethink that choice. if am thinking to self while listening that gerard butler does a better American accent, you did something distractingly wrong. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. Thank you, reverting to the 18.11.2 driver worked for my r9 380 as well. Loving the game, like subnautica meets micro machines.
    1 point
  28. You've never had Fosters green can?
    1 point
  29. I can't get them to spawn either, ive cleared out the whole ant hill 3 times and killed literally every ant in the area, i go back the next day and there are loads of ants but no eggs. They should allow us to cancel a quest so we don't have to be stuck with it, also stops us crafting bombs
    1 point
  30. I can confirm that Adrenaline 18.11.2 works with my R9 380
    1 point
  31. Immigration law is a mess and changes with every administration. The idea that people fleeing abject poverty and violence need to be better at understanding immigrarion law is ridiculous. Also where are you dropping them off, exactly? Maybe you can load them into trains as you send them off, Volo. That doesn't sound anything like nazism. I would rather us just be good people and take in everybody. Open borders, decent programs to help transition. It isn't even as selfless or naive as it sounds, as most economist agree that immigration as a whole is a long term plus. Surprisingly, this is a libertarian policy, and easily the one I agree with the most.
    1 point
  32. When adding and removing items between inventory and storage, can we implement a fast transfer of entire stack to storage?
    1 point
  33. great game, really enjoying my time here so far. not found any real bugs yet but i do have a big suggestion. is it possible to make a way to rename the game svae files? i have a single player game im playing and also a multiplayer game. when i go to load game it shows over 10 different save files ( because i have auto save turned on) and it is difficult to see which game file i need to select if i want to go to my last single player save or my last multi player save.
    1 point
  34. To be absolutely fair, one of the key reasons for Jordan's increasing time between books , was that he was suffering a slow terminal disease for the last 4 or 5 he actually wrote himself.
    1 point
  35. Keyboard and Mouse menu's are in the game on xbox and the keys can be remapped and work in game. Mouse sense can be adjusted in keyboard binding menu, but the mouse doesn't actually function. So as they are already there how difficult is it really to activate them?
    1 point
  36. Technically he sends you to destroy the baddies, the loot you pick up just helps further that goal. It's not like you can spend it on martinis and blackjack for yourself.
    1 point
  37. My Herald is usually something like ShieldBearer/Troubadour with 18 might/intelligence and 12 resolve. 18 might is necessary for Ancient memory to heal over 1hp per tick when you first get it, and 18 intelligence allows you to overlap your chants for when you get mercy and kindness, plus high intelligence helps it hit more party members. After that I'll either wear items that further boost might and healing, or that reduce recovery. A low recovery is nice so that your lay on hands is responsive while letting your character cast and/or attack normally. The one Herald is the only custom I'll take. I'd actually been considering how to use Palegina instead because I don't like taking customs, but her stats/sublasses aren't near as good for it, so I hadn't thought it through all the way yet.
    1 point
  38. If you want to support your party with a decent burning lash you'll need Flames of Devotion and then its upgrade Shared Flames - plus Mith Fyr (chant). With high INT Shared Flames' duration is quite good so you won't use too much Zeal on it. I'd also use Zealous Focus then. If you want to go the healing route mostly you don't need it - but Exalted Endurance.
    1 point
  39. People acting like Obsidian Entertainment accepting a business deal that means they don't have to constantly have the fear of bankruptcy and unemployment over their head is a big betrayal need to get a grip and get some perspective.
    1 point
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